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y & OL sL TE ay t & P ERE Th is 115 . 7 shington ‘Btre et 1 ‘ < 
ncaa of Chromos, Stereowopes & Views, Premios Houldinge, Albums, &o, 

beoge O. CARPENTER’S |5 





Life Association of Anscca. | 

ae Een, 0. Carpenter, President. John 8. Duntap, F. Pre dent, 


| renee u. Sam ton, Jerome Jones. Curtis Guild. Charter’. Hi den, 
‘The Jones HW. Freeland, Joho T. Clark. Hoty Sy Le lan 

) ie. Bntgoniery Fluid. deo. ©, Onepenter, Vidward WiKi ste Od alk, 
\ hineas Ileree. 

MACY & MARSH, orgs 

~ J Merchants: ibxchange (State =i) ston. 

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At the lowest eaah rin aE warraniel “Tur % 
P heated BYAM MATCH. Matches pacbed fur. rh 7 

Orders solicited and pune uy wee or 
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Leather Board Manutacturer. 


Pe rw ——_-- ——- —--. =i i =): * <a ”~ \ea 10° is. , 
pe | ptions, | 

3 iy Alber. —_ 
{SON | 
Ms chine, E 

. Agent, . | 


OPP A ee Le Fi dats 

(ap os joston (ate enienm), 


jeir Pre. 4 
“Tf any book shall be lost or injured, or if any notes, gaining |} 
comments, or other matters shall be written, or in any | 
manner inserted therein, the person to whom it stands rine ns 
charged shall replace it by a new volume, or set, if it ay ona 

belongs to a set.” 

OM 11-05 

2 Milk Street, Boston, Sil Broadway, New Vork, 

Miles s Alarm-til Go. Patent 

 Double-Lock Money-Drawer, 

A Complete Protection agalnst Till-'Tapping. 

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No Mera Till Tania 

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Poetic dep so 'UlTtaebs, (AN RATES Ca, Afi, dated 

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WAREHOUSE, 216 BROAD AND 40 vo ek ETS, . 


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(Near the Boston Theatre.) 

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cred snecading tr s Actof Congress, in the year 15%, by SaMraon, DAVAREOES, & Co., in 
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© Office of the Librurian of Congress at Washio 


} Printed by Rann, Avery, & Co.,, 3 Cornhill, Boston, 

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. PRICE $4. oo 

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Advertising Department............1001 | Insurance Companies........4)...958 
Ancieut and Honorable Artillery. . «+992 | Islands. . eee Seek 
py a Oe a me Ty! | Justices of the Peace. . vege D7 
PRS: Zakaria sateataes .-»-953 | Knights of Pythias....,...... 4+ 999 
Bank of Deposit.....4. 005+ eeee 02.952 | Lane ts 6.3 valet cat far, Coe O74 
Blocks and Buildings.........., ..... 46) Lichthouse Establishment. . esl, 982 
Boston and Albany jRailroad.. ..990) Lunatic Hospital.....-.......p.978 
Boston and Lowell Railroad.. ..985 Manufacturing Companies. . .. 879 
Boston and Maine Railroad......,...983| Markets.......0eveeea. e+e te O74 
Boston and N.Y., Fall River Line. ...987 Masonic Societies ...esess seade DIT 
Boston and N, Y.., .» Via, Providence.....989 | Militia.... ....2....- jiacteea S8 
Boston and Providence Railroad... .. 988 Mount Hope Cemetery. . oa. O78 
Boston Board of Trade ............ .951 Nashua and Lowell Railroad.. 985 
Boston Commercial Exchange. . -951 New-England Trust Canad 952 
BenvOw ey ws hae sca uasaeeseaias ..970| Newspapers (see I feiscaed 805 
Business Directory. . .. +817! Northern Railroad. can 1 “991 
Business Directory of Out-of-town Adv.. 13 | Odd Fellows....,..-...-.»» «4.998 
Caution... ...0.....55 - «++ 1000 and f. col. | Old Colony Railroad . Pa i di +, 986 
Cemeteries. .... 66 9sececevar $16 and 973) Order United American Mecha . 1000 
Churches and Ministers . ..814 | Overseers of the Poor........4..974 
City Government.. vedee nace veces 00B69 | PACkOls 5.00 Fee: iasce 1." 3y0 
City Hospital... .c.scdcsvveesensencDIS Phyéicians .s24c6e5 ce eee cee BOE 
City Solicitor. .............+..0+-++975 | Police Department... ......... |. .974 
City Treasurer. ....csssessess .970 | Population of Boston... .......).1294 
Clearing House.......... preWesyitaet ..956 | Post Office. . ere ere, eet 
a) peseaes 835 | Public Baths, esr eee. oe 
Coaches (citizens’ line). Trae ye .992 | Public Buildings............4+-974 
Commissioners for other States........838 | Publie Charitable Institutions. . , 
Constables... cs ccciccesccceccecescc DB | Public Lands. ....,...5 «+++.» .974 
Consuls, &c...... gh ates pekdarn see ee e842) Public Library...4....5...08.4+- 904 
COTONET cer cces sera ba brie en abee 980) | Public Schools erie es: ce 976 
Counting-House ‘Almanac. iéaccda coe 0) Mablad@iascsssceen, nonce a vemO GOD 
County ‘Officers, . seen eeeenees 980 | Removals, Corrections, &e.. 1) O 
Courts in Boston. esses senses seer B80 Savings antets fo 500s cic oe » 956 
Custom House... .. es. eee eee: one OBI Socivties, OR eee sanvaes O90 
Eastern RR... oe... cence ee ee ea ee es 84 | Soldiers’ Messenger Corps. es 48 
Expresses. . od dbi cet yecercuccnrse Bol | BOmMers Relief Committee ....b..974 
LS ay eee ers hori rs -«oe+.970| Sons of Temperance.........4. 998 
Fire Alarm Telegraph. .......-+++++,971 | Streets, Commissioners of. .... $+ +975, 
Fire Apparatus (stationary), 1301 to 1308 Streets, Courts, Places, ae ee 
Fire sana wana s eeeeeeeeeeee es 910| Streets, Superintendent of. ...d: 975 
| ee setae eeeeee ese ee 999 | Strength Doubling Health Prog 1075 
Gas Companies. Seaca ksi esa ....855 | Superintendents, we ee &eg & 976 
RE LEINTAYE p.0\5 ie se nr penne shane .999 | Templars of Honor. . ees ge og 
Gymnasinw arr veeeess +861 and 1075 | Undertakers.........ss0005 ye 927 
ack Fares. ........: seaeseeeees+.992| U.S. Internal Revenue Officers 282 
BES vs 5s duis ahaeepaap ean vce ess. 46] U.S. ekceaerapicaieD aa 9 DBR 
oT eee itekeas RE »+.+s972| Ward Boundaries....-........$+++ 47 
Health De ment. ewevneeees cong eRe) Ward QOGORR, os ils e kates sean e eee 
Horse Railroads........... ........991) Ward Rooms..... yacae hn oo 
“EE SRE Re Pes .....865 | Water Department. . os O79 
Index to Advertisements oe ee re G | Wharves.......6-ccecessue gees 46 
Insurance Avencies,................959 
Names in Directory of 1872.... see ceeded been ese sl pees sneer cn ie Ws Walters I +. 1OZILT 
Names erased in preparing Directory ‘of 1873... ccwimeitake - nl hdl 
Names added in preparing Directory of 1874. i ee ee ee ne oe «ae BOON 
Names in Direetory of —— tesla tb Woate'd oid Hiden We hd syd paddy ek eeersakuletes . + 106.003 
OGG FITS FE DOTS neha genk sipncaesctvcieas sncuadudadcvacedsstuewedshands . 4.576 

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THOMAS J. GARGAN, Treasurer. 
Office, 10 Merrimac St., and 12 Canal St., Haymarket Square, 

Highest Premtums,—A SILVER MEDAL, — By Mechantles' Fair, 1565, 


SE ee 


| | 
Boston eee Un Sia 
Proasent Oflice, 
3415 Washington Street, || 

Will Issue all their Publications as usual 

Frequently as circumstances may require. 

The Massachusetts Register & Business Directory, 

The Boston ANimanac and Buginess Directory, | 
Also the following CITY DIRECTORIES, during the coming Fall and Winter: 

-"?. = ~ 





19 Hxchange Street, ... Joston. 

a ae i 


Importers and Commission Merchants, 

BOSTON, . . . 11Q@NortTH STREET, 
‘ i | zi J car | E 
WROUGHI-IRON BEAMS &c., fer Buildings. 
Exclusive Boston Agents for the sale of the “‘ Burden Best” Tron, 7Zensile Strength 73,000 Ibs. 

Morris, lasker, & Co.'s Lap-Welded Boiler Tubes. Patent Cold Rolled Shafting. The Cele- 
| brated Bessemer Steel. Brown's Original Concord Axles, The Salem Lead Co.'s Lead l'ipe. 

swedish, Norway, English, American, and Scotch Iron. Fussia Sheet [ron. 
FULLER, Dana, & Firz's /rice-List on application, 




SS —eewe—.... arr 


Reed's Kitchener Hot Air Ventilating Range 
‘Reed's Kitchener Hot Air Ventilating Ranges, 
New Era Stoves, Modern and Improved Cook Stoves, and Farmer's Boilers, 

We desire to cnll Pepecinl stlention to this NEW eoukleg arrangement, affording as it doce every ad: 
vVatiage of COURIAG STOVE ANI) TANGE COMBINED. It is adaote dl tu the wants of 41d, CLASH&rs, | 
sod can be used with great economy by uo SMALL FAMILY; While it may be arranged with Tol Wat r fur 
| Mg Boiler, and every facility desired to mect Ube requir ements G. tirst-cluxs house, An assurtiment of | 

AKRAM aod OFFICE STOVES con-tantly on hand. Furnaces set and repaired. 
Abu Tin Plate, Sheet bron, and Copper Work furndiahied and re epamree. 


(134 North Street, . . . Boston.) 


== —— ee = 


"Boston Stoam & Gas Pipe Works. 

- Wrought-lron Steam and Gas Pipe, | 

Of all kinds for Steam, Gas, and Water, 

1-3 & 4 Haymarket Square, Boston. 

————————S Se 

| Contractors for heating all kinds of Buildings with Steam, High or Low Pressure, either 
dfreot or indirect radiation, 

The most reliable and durable in the world. No ground joints, conseqnently no leaks. 



(Sectional View.) " (Finished Kettle.) 

Steam Jacket Hettles. 
For Notels, Rating-Honecs, Prisone, Alma Houser, Asylume, Hoeplials, and all Institutions where a 

§| is done on a lurge scale, Tanners sud Curtiers, Tallow, Oil, Lard. and Soap Manufacturers, they are wel 
| | High indl+peurulle. [lense send for Price-Lists and Circulara.] 

a mm a STE ee ee | 

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Church, Depot, Railway Clocks. 

Fine Regulators for Watchmakers’ Astronomical Clocks. 

Up i it 



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Se ee | 

And we wish to callattention to our NEW PATENT STEEL BARREL, 
| knowledged to be in all respects, the most desirable Watch either of BKuro- 
| peanor American manufacture, 
te For full description send for Circular, a 




[ £M™fAGEE’S 



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WM. E. SMITH, Treas. 
| Salesrooms, 36 & 38 Union and 21 Friend Streets. Foundry at Chelsea, 

% : 


Cast ate! Locomol lve Tires, | 




{ : ans 


| Gun Parts, Cotton and other Mochinery, Chain Holts, &e. 



K. MUSUETS SPECIAL STEEL, for Lathes and Planers, with which neither hardening nor tem- 
pering is required, 

JOHN MARTIN & CO.’S Celebrated Files. 

Sole Agent for the United States, | 

10 Obhver Street, Boston. 



Qak-Tanned Leather Belting, 

Worsted Aprons, Lace Leather, &c.; Supplies for Cotton and 

Woolen Mills; Cover Worsted and Cotton Top Rolls, 
Enwath PAGE commenced the manufacture of Leather Belting In Lowell, In 8%), and has been eatnb- 
lished in Lawrenee since 1h, 
He has not only made the Belts, but has had experience in running them, 
His Lelts are to be obtained ONLY 




This [roo is unequalled for strength and durability, soundness, | 
and uniformity. Tt is capable of receiving the highest finish, which || 
renders it peculiarly adapted to the manufacture of Locomotive and | 



The pullic are cautioned against ever paying | 

money in advance to any persons claiming to be con- 

nected with ws, or owr publications, as our Agents 

| never take any sum, however small, in advance. 


BABENOR; DAVENPORT, & dat Directory Fublishert 


<= ie oe i . — he + = 

ES —— O_O mm 



‘Damask and Plain Linens, 


Table Damask, Linen Lawns, Unehrinking Flannels, Linen Drill, 

Damask Cloths, Linen Hdk'fe. Welsh Flannels, Kurlaps. 

Table Napkins, Window Hollands, Tidies, Crumb Cloth, | 
DV'Oy lies, Turkev- Red Tublings, Shirt Fronts, Stair Linen, 
Damask Towels, Exposition (Quilta, Villow Linens, Linen Cambric, | 
Huck Towels, Marseilles Quilts, L.ineo Shirtings, Embroidered and | 
Bath Towels, German Quilt, Linen Frocking, Printed Table Covers, 
Diapers, American Quilts, Iinck, Slate, und Stand Covers, | 
Bird Eye, Crib ijuilts, Krown Linea, Toilet Covers, | 
Russia Diaper, Berth Quilts, Liow!lns, Table Coveringa, 
Towelings, English Blenkets, Grase Cloth, Tapestry Covers, | 
Huckaback, American Blankets, “panisli Linen, Tilenched and | 
Crashes, Summer Blankets, Linen Duck, Hrown Cottons, : | 

Glens Lines, Seakey wiatuaie _ FURNITURE COVERINGS, 

1483 ‘Tremont Sir est. Boston 



Plated Spoons and Forks, 
ermal Silver, Sheet Brass: Brass, Copper, and German Silver Wire, 

Kerosene Burners, Lamps and Lamp Trimmings, &c., 

i=) BOSTON. E. C, HUXLEY, Agent, 


Patent Self-Adjusting 

‘ Shutter Bolts, | 

Also every description of 

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} L L . = ii 
Physicians’ and Druggists’ Notice. 
It if finally conceded by the prominent physicians thronghout 
the United States, that the Fountain Syringe is superior to 
) ll others. whether need as in DovcHe FoR CATARUH or for any 
itlier purpose where an enema is required, Tt is sell-acting; 
no valves to get out of order; no pumping; noairinjected. Be 
are and send for Circulur before purchasing avy of the BULB 
SVRINGES. Wereter by permission to Chas. E. Buckingham, 
M.D., John &. Reynolds, M D., George Hayward, M.D. Dr, 
Winslow Lewis says. “* During a professional life of pearly ify 
|) ears. he has veed all the various syrluges made here or abroad, 
Allof them are more or less complicated, the valves soon get- 
ting ont of order, and those without valves, Inconvenient. The 
/ . Fountain Syringe sutistactarily accamplishes all desiderats re- 
A | ! juired, It deserves ull success, and undoubtedly will cummand 

: oe FF 
Tae if. 

Manufactured by FAIRBANKS & CO., Sole Proprietors, _ 
121 Court Street, corner Sudbury, BOSTON. 



First-Class Patent Rights and Patent Novelties 


102 Washington Street, Room 6, 







81 Washington St., and 2 Cornhill Court, 

The on-7 Manufactory in the World devoted wholly to the Manufacture of Medicinal Plasters | 

best known: Kid 
Strengthening Plasters, 
— all kinds; White-Fell == 
a \ Cornand Busia lh 
lers, sure cuore, best =} 
stickers known; Iteady of. 
Cut Adherive, conven: > 
lent for Doctors’ -use. 3 
5 Surgeons’ Compe niows @! 
~ #legantarticles for Doc Bere. 
aT ES tors: Surgeons’ Adlit- Set 
ep Se SS sive Plaster, applied by 
moisture, also Isinglass | 
und Rubber Plaster superior to all othere; Belladonna Plaster in 
Rolle fur Doctors’ use, perfectly elegant; Court Plaster m great variety, ond all kinds of Plasters made by the 
Novelty Plaster Works, wlio are constantly issuing something new gnd beneticial to the human race, 

Call tor the celebrated Novelty Plaster Works Plasters before you accept any others, and see thuta cut of the 
Factory is on ench package. Ke not deceived by bogus iniitutions. If you cannot get them of your Druggist, 
cuclose price of any Plaster you desire, and it stall be miniled free of postage to your address. 



_—— Sn — — 0 _—EEE rr — = — 
| Sup mm 


CC eee 




Nell-Glearing Ratlat Alvating Hot Air Furnace. | 

CHUBBUCH’S © od | 



Ab, i - i | 
which, in connection with a Cone ha eareiey ane! ON Be aed 
: = | Ii 

open Top for free exlt of smoke or air, is oa 

g ver rfect protection speeds st the wind. 

” Tatvit CHUBBUCK 


| No. 10 Bedford Street, ... BOSTON. 

Former ly at 336 & 338 Washington Street. 



193 & 195 State St., 4 


” gy, FEATHERS, 



Curled Ha'r,| 

21 Union Street, 

NX oy pega me, poet oy 


Adama Wolter, lawyer, 72 Pemberton aq. houge at 
Framingham | 
Adler Jotn C. bont and shoe maker, 650 Wash. 
Anderson Franklin, sign hanger, 3 Merehants row. 
honse 113 1) | 
Anderson Gréenv lle 0. sterentyper, 10 Spring lane, 
Anderson Jaane H_ printer. 19 Spring lane, b 113.0 
Atherton, Hall. & Co leather, removed fo 9 Rroad 
Atherton. Steteon, & Co, removed to 2700 Aroad 

Atwood William O. boots and shoes, ie Wash. bda. 

al Wliche+ter 
AverC. foagent, car «prince 4 Tremont row 
RKailey Frederick. agent for N. ¥. Independent, office 
16 Portland 
Barnahee & Winch (A. ©. Pernabee and W. oF 
Winch). Weber pinnos, 3 Bedford praee ies 
Rarrows & Preston, produce, 43 Nort) oarket (se 
Barton Samuel M. architect and solicitor of patents, 
23 Pemberton «qnare 
Ray State Flectrotcpe Co, 14 Carnhill | 
Beck Brothers, remore! from 15 to 3 Devonshire 
Beckford I. [). inks, &e,, 120 Tremont, room 10 
Benarl Joseph, boots and eles, 200 Waoehineton 
HMocklinger Fred (TT Prandly ft Co), AT Wash. 
Blaner Michael, 5 Rroad 
Roof Pricking Machine Co.,  Tanevrer 

Borden & Willis, stucco workers, &c., 114 Eliot (see 

page 1X07) | 

Roston Carnet Slipper Co,. 4 Hamilinn 

Rrackett John W. plano fortes, 387 Washington 

Bradt Genjamin SN boots ond «hees, 3 Hanover 

Rrandly V. & Co., hale ewelrv, 24° Washington 

Brown John I, & Sons, bronchial troches, 1% 

Bryant & Stratton College 

Buraitt A.V") ( Leonerd, Aweditt, of Co.J, station- 
er. £5 Washington 

Burnham 'T. i, photograp er, 377 Washingtop 

Buri E. N. note broker, 1 Devonshire : 

Butler Gienrge H. halr goods “Avon 

Cannon Wm. EF. messenger. Fir=t National Rank 

Caverly William L. s cretary India Mutual Ins. Co, 
40 Stato . (ment 

Chickering Geo. TT. ( Chichering & Sone), 701 Tre- 

Chickering & Sone, piano manuals. 7 Tremont 

Clark Randolph M. treas, Hoston Elpatie Fabrice Co,, 
0 Devonshire [and i Aroad 

Clary & Evan, Wyde-Park expreee, & Court equare, 

Olutur Alfred A. leather, (0 High 

Curry, Pree, & Fictoher (7. Corry, T. £. Poe, 
and HP, Fletcher), vila and rouflng materials, 
24 C ntral wharf | [Cunton 

Cortis Wo Mrs, costumer, 80 Tremont, h 159 W. 

Cushing William, clerk, /. O. boards 107] Waeh. 

Damwmere James, and siamp* and ton) presses, 46 
School as, State 

Dene Jotto H, President India Mutual Ins, Co. 40 

Twniele G FL com. mer removed to4 Portland 

Darit FE. W, bonrds 1 Tv 

Day Henry, portrait painter, & Studie hullding 

Tv Horgee, front, (sreey, bowrds 3 Marble eourt 

Dickerman Atherr, house 40 Chee ter park 

Thickerman & Kenny, lock« and knobs. 45 Devonshire 

Dickman Constantine. &7 Trond, b. at Malden 

Tix. Williams. & Co boeokertler<, 0) Woahington 

Dudley Dew & Co... pobli-hers. 41 Eachonce 

Kdmands BR, W. 10 Court, honwee at Hyde Park 

Fodeon Fra: klin FE. moarieen, d) Sonth 

Edson George F. leather, 41 Soanth 

Everton's dining ¢alvon, 16 Premont 

Elsov BF. draoght-man, 10 Pemberton sq. house 
12] Centre [Centre 

Elson George H. watchmaker, 11 Weet, boarde 171 

Bison Julins, watchmaker. 11 Weat, boards 121 

Centre — . 

Fallon A. F. m'inery and fener goods, 170 Tremont. 

Faunce William UW. Court House. bia, 3 Marble et. 

Fellows Oils D. (Robinaon if Fellows), flour. ® 
Canal | ‘ 

Fenno, Son, & Co ff. Froaka, and FE. MN. Fenna, 
and Geo. F. Menning), wool com, mer, 235 

Fernald & Co woollens, 6 Hamilton place 

Fisher William F. Dents and shows, ; I eeuser 

Fletcher Horure FP. (Curry, Page, ¢ Pletcher), 4 
Central whacf . 

(hoards 113 0. 

149 A Tremont, room 14) 

Foster George. hats, caps and fers, 5 Kingston 
Galbraith F, W. lawyer, 72 Pemb, sq. h. at Water- 

Gilet Ozias L. elgarmannfetnrer, 7 State 
Gliman.. WC. & Co (4. Merriman), school-book 
agcener, 14 Tremont 
Hall Joho © weonl grater, 8 Mraad > 
Hamlin & MeBrble (Tm. Homlia and Geo. Me- 
rife), wool, 190 Broad 
Haneock Jomes 8.5 Tremont, hat Auborndale 
Hares Thomease B. com. mer, 107 State, borer at 
Charlestown 3 [Sehonl 
Haves Joseph K, epectal seet, qeeresnr, int, rev, tt 
Herriman Ambroce (7. 1 (. Gilman f Co.), 124 
Tremonl!. hae at Weft 
Hibbard HF principal. Brvant & Stratton College, 
A, Tremont room ts [ Melrose 
Holbrook George, nceoont adjneter, 14 Canal, h. at 
[Molton J. F. Rev, ot“ Boston Daily News" office, 
142 Washington 

| HWowe Abel, bwote end chores, 1 Tsnover 

Indio Motunal (nenrance Ca. 40 State 

| Johneon A. To & Co, stations rs, 40 Washington 

Johnenn Samuel (Rend, Avery, & Co J, honee 418 
Columbus avenie (Cheleea 
Jones Arthor Ko beote and shoes, 2 Hanover, h, at 
Keyes E W "0 Teach, honee at Chaclestawn 
Knoles WS. neinter, TH Wash, b. 14 Grenville pl. 
Lines in Francis HW, broker, 10 Devonshire, hose at 
Tlineham | | 
Liehale A.W Wide broker, 44 Central wharf 
Mallon & Wouglhton, boots and shoes, 45 anil 50 
Todia s7unre 
Marland Obadiah, 47 Sodboarry 
Moree John N & Ce. pione aton! hacks, &e 11 Tem- 
ple place. bo at Levineton («ee nacre 1274) 
Mullen, Ide, & Co, othlers'’and teilor=* trimmings, 
12 Redford chants Exchange 
WNatlonal & Dept, Head Quarters G A. K.. 10 Mer- 
Nichola, Parker, & Donee, wool com, mer, & Trond 

| Nickerson Winfield K. elen palnier, hones 1120 

Norton Thomas KR, carpenter. &7 Village 

erring John, nhiesician, 0 Kendall . 
Plumer 7. 1. hookkeener, Sf road 

Matter Fdward, ir. leather. 4 Hamilton [Temple 
Powers Coestos Clav. Inwyer, 4 Wael, honee 60 

Relcehardt G. KR. prep, International Hotel, 1 Hay- 

ward plare wetll reboill at4lé Waal, 

Rellly Edward FR Rreed 

Rhodes, Ripley & Co. clothing, wholeealo, 17 South, 
After Sent, 1 O) Sommer 

Roberta James WH & Co. mor hinery, 120 Werrimar 

Root's Sufety Mailer Co., J, W. Rockwell, agent, 11 

Rothe Charles, hair work, 313 Washington 

fiowe Alongs EF, bell-bacger, 4 Wash! gion 

Shaw Charles A. neeeident Charter-Oak Sewing- 
Machine Co,, 110 Tremont | 

Sheurds Cherlee F. feather diratora, ke , 1h Marshall 

Simith Joseph Aharn bonse 40 Cheater park 

Spenrer Jolin A. bookkeeper, 10 Oak, house 16 

Stephenson Heaward KR. inventor. 156 State 

Stone Fdwin CL. enlesman, 718 Washington, honse 

— | Rerkeler place, ward 1h 

Story W. F Insuranes agent, 1h State 

Strawn 1). G. salesman, Lk) Washington, hone 
BStonghton ward 16 

Sugars & Pring, tes deeler®, % Leverett 

Tavior Chas, 1 & Co, hookeellers. 1223 Waeh, 
Tetbetts Wm. C, 3 Coort. room 12h. 4 Walnnt 
Tewksbury Irving @. teller, Firet Ward Nationn! 
Bank [Oornhill 
Thampson, Brawn, & Co, baokeellers, 25 and 20 
Tilton 7. E. & Co. bookseller’, 44 Temple place 
‘Tong E. A. howe. Coneord square 
Tvler Edward 1. 12 India, boardé A BRenacon 
Tyler John, avet!oneer 18 Totla, hoose 2 Reacon 
Tyler William FP. iron, 59 Broad, b. 347 Heacon 
Underwood Francis H. physician, 7 Tremont. h, 
in [hoards 60 St. James 
Wolker Homer 8. lawver, § Court. and 128 Dudley, 
Walker & Phlonev, last manufsetorera, 72 Portland 
Weld Wm. TH, eostamer, 3) Tremont, boards 159 
Weat Carton . [re wim + 
White J. W. & Co., dry goods and com., 10 Btate, 


Abbot Downing Co. 32 Broad. 1400 
Abbott a. A. BH. 42 COUFL beans Me 
Abbott & Howard, Oliver 
back cover 
Aborn 5.0. 05 Wash. ... back cover 
Adams Chas_B.F. & Albert W. 
4 Co urt hat ft 2 2 PS i ee at 
Adams (, Henry, 164 Wash... 
Adams G. W. 2 4 Temple place. 1114 
Adame .J. W. ~ Eliot. . 
Htna Mills. . ) 
Alden & Edmands, oN) Stute,, 
Alexander B. D. 5 Jackeon pl. 1247 
Allen Bros. 124 Harri-on ave., 100) 
Allen S. A. 40 Haverhill, ...... 1000 

me Lies | 

Allen & Admins, 205 Wash... oad 2ES | 

Alliger Bros. 104 Wash... nao 
Alles John, 109 Curobridge, , 11S 
American Maguesium Co. 17 
State... cape 
American Oil Cabinet Co, 4,5, 
*, ond 9 odie equare....... 1318 | 

American Powder Co.27 State. Ties 
American Stam LipaRe (Co. a8 
Chardon..... begga 4 LAA 
American Steam Safe Co. um 
American Tablet Manuf, Co. "0 

Brattle. .¢2cccn...peaebe ee J ROR 
American Tool and Machine ee 

MH Kinesfon.... oe 
Ames Plow Co. Quiney Hall. . 127 
Anderson Wim. L. foor of K... 1118 | 
Andren Alban, 4 Liberty aq... 1006 

Andrews Chas. ANS Pechaues. lik 
Angel) Water Wheel Co. Prat) 

dence, H.l.. 2. cccsnscas)«o l278 
Angell & Jennison. 46 Washi... et 
Armetrong & Co. 4) Bristol. , wig 

Ar Showe £ Co, 25 Culon..,,.110) 
Asheroft E. H.55 Sudbury.....11/2 
Ashley O, D tg Ady. Cpe 
Atkina & Small, Charles. 
EOWTD, ccaccsaas ee ed 
Atwood J.N.& Co. 1783 Wash... 114 | 
Austin C.F. & Co. 14 Com’). 1100! 
Aveling Edgar, $5 Eliot. oo... a0 DOO 
Bath & Lund, 130 Harr. ave... 1054 
Babcock Jumes F. 8 Bos lston,.! Md 
Baboock Joti BK. & Co.2] Sum- 
mer. ¥ TUAT | 


Bachelder A. & Co. of Lowell. .128% HKigelow, Kennard, & Co. td! 

Rachelder Wm. H. 20 Purchase. 15 

Backup John, 117 Dudiey......14° Binney John, 122 Broad. 

Bacon E. 'T. 404 Washington... 01 
Bacon John H. 1 Union........ 1/08 
Bacon W. & A. 1830 Wash..... 1120 
Hueon William J. 12 Wintor | 
pares E. 8. 1} Temple place, 
Badger W. F. él Wareham. ... 1270 
Beeder, Adamson, & Co, 145 

ii i rkent peaches gaan ele 
Bailey Amasa W.29) Harr. ave. 12s 
Ralley C. W. 16 Pine. ........., 
Hailey Jas, T. & Co. 17 Court. . 1219 
Bailey & Giibert, 105 Wash... .1179 
Rai i J 1s Bedford, .....a. eee ba 
sie} Charles F on, rayne eae 


pla * i © pep oa ee 
faker Jolin EB. % Co. 150 hkl 
MOTE, »..4% coves LODO 
Baker K. VW, 50 Court. 1232 
Buker Thacher. 14 Studia biaig” lid 
Baker Walter& Co. 201 State , idl 
Baldwin & Emerson, Dedham 
and Plympton. .......ceceue + 
Ballou John, 112 Portlard,. 
Baucrotl! & Kuyden, 10 Tre- 
Ment . 
Hargebualir Wax. 148 Wash... 
Baruabee & Winch, 24 Washi. ah 
Lurnard Bros, 42 Devonshire.. wl 

U8 | 

. 1H 


Savdeda see 

| Rellamy R..7. & Oo. 022 Wash,.1100 

Bennett Oliver, 4 Pemberton 

athan lir. 1170 Trew't, 219 | 

1200 | Bishop Robert, 30 Broad, 

1212 | 

| toweton Botie Works, U7 State. 108! 
Lier | 

| Boston Corrugated Iron Co. 6 

SerepKe John P. & Co. 7 ye a 
tle PPh’ SSS PPP Pee eB hee ee 
Barnes Alexander. 1000 Wash, 1058 
Marnes Walter 5S. 12 West. oa DD06 
Barnes W.H. 42 Union...... 
Harnes & Buck U.S. Hotel, ... 11480 
Barnes & Carter, 50 School .... 1047 
farnes & Smith, 74 Wash......1000 
Curney aly E. & Co, 2 Charles- 
Lown. i ee ee ee 5 
Rarnum & Frye, 21 Salem .. 1004 
horrett Theo. W, 40 Howard,...1171 
Rarrett & Bro. 1440 Waseli...... . 108: 
Barrows & Prestpn, 44 North 
Market.  haeralaeweh «cee eee | 
Rortlett A.G. & Co. 860 Albany. 1083 
Bartlett C. x & Co. 16 Browd.. 1140 | 
Burtlett J. R..& Co. 23 [ndia.. capa 
Batchelder & Lincoln, M F, H. 
Sa il a 2 oy weed 
Batcheller, 3 Moore, & Co, East 
Cambridge. ...4:s ees pase -. 1722 
Bates A. M. 73 and 75 Union.. .1104 
| Bates. Hyde, & Co. 136 Wash- 

ee i ae ee eS. 

Raxter Stacy. 15 Tremont row. 1227 | 
Ray state Color Co. 20 North 

Alu rket. . a ee ee 
Bay State Electrotype Co. 16 
Corn hh ee 1275 

Reach & Copeland, 85 Doane... 128 
Beal. Kendall, & Co. WW Moerrl- 
MONO. ccc cccdaedeiaurasd «ye hhoo 
Bean & Hadwen. 1% ‘Tremont 1is7 
fearee Kk. & Co. 130 Com'l..,..1000 
| Beeching Richard & »(o. ‘60 
Rlacketome@ coed -vececcunues 1148 
Bell James B. 12 Old Btate 
PEQMEE ecacaveqewdekuuusa KU 
Bell James W, 477 Tremont. "1056 

Benedict & Burnham Manuf. 
Co. 44 Sudbury. iececeees ues 

BQOBTO, cccucese bide dieeanss 1316 
Benson F. A. 46 Kilby.. 1148 

Bent. Goodnow, & Ca, a4 Washi 
imetom ..... thar DS FPR are Ss Ee 1230 
Bent & Buch, 273 Washington. . 1221 
Beotley & Richardson, 1) W al. . 
bisvitin es © & I ri 

Beugnies Hi. or Winter. sassnewdiler 

Washington. poser seoeeees JADE 
Pandas bri 
Binns Joseph. 19 Harvard pl... 
Bird ©. G. & Co. 1a Teatsenh 
row. SESE RHR EG tre 
. CA? | 
Black J. W. 173 Washineton,. . 1150 
Hisck wood Alex. 1772 Waal... 1183 
Hlake G. F. & Co,, Causeway, 
 toroer Friend. .,........-..1 
Blaney 1D. H. 4 Winthrop bi'k. . [202 
Blaney D. Walter, 3 W nthrop 
block a a cep RRS FG i 
Blodget A. T. 70 State. . cstseae DT 
Blodgett C. Mra. r. 21) Waeh,. 1051 
Blundell Henry, Providence, 
Boles Levi & Son, Haymarket 
af. Cor. SUADUFY ici isceee  LOTD 
Bolten, Dewar, Ficidhouse, & 
(Co., Heed 

inne & a Prrtkhiata + 

Borden & Willis, 114 Eliot, . week tut | 

HKossorm & Borah, 5? Wareham. tr 

Ruston Car Spring Co, 41 Wear. | 14 
Koston Chair Co 144 North. ...1172 

Pembertou aquare, .......0aps 
Roston Five Cent Savings Bank, 
28 Schou! 


- 1079 | 

| Bray & Hay’ os, 145 Milk. 

on | Britten Thomas, 106 Union... . 

Brooks Henry T. 18 Wert . 

Boston mt Sign Co, 160 Tre- 
Bostou Lland Sinmy I) Co. 48 “ in 

fer. eta 4 
Boston [oe Co. W State, ...... ge 
Kosten Lyiog-In Uozpital 

MeLean. . ue tieat oon 
Boston Machine Co. 8 Oliver. 
Boston Metallic Roofing Co.122 

Hodaon, Then fe a wee a « O87 
Boston Nickel Piating Co, 13 
movil lf Bow ker, ine Pb kee ee 
Boston Penny Savings Bank, 

1170 Washington, ,.... 21.6. 
Boston Stereotype Foundry, 19 

Spring Lane ee ee ee ee 
Boston Type Foundry, 21 

School,« RRS CER EHS 
Boston Wheat & Bread Co. 12 

CINel.|, ewabpsSerasgdidac es i : . 
Boston & Albany H.R.......... 00 
B.&L. and 8. aL EB EA..... 
Boston Baise shen Co, 

mF 1175 

SRG tee ee Fr ee 7 > 

Boston Ye Maine RR.) os 

Htoston & New Yurk, Fal) River 
Line obee 

bi rh rhe 212 be a 

1003 | Boston & Providence RLR...., 989 

Bosworth N. dy ‘Tremont. .... 41 
BKoutel! Lewls of New Medford. 19) 
Bowdlepr W. FH. line Sinte,. a Bee ira 
Rowen i. 5, & Co. 172 Srate... 1219 
Bowker Albert, (0, 5. House. Bl 
Bowker John EF. & Co, 368 
Washington ..,.ccc..sa0-, TD 
Bord James & Sone, 27 Mer- 
chant= row, , 12 
Boyle ae U, & Co, 21 India 
w ir Litenn. avhreaeeeakaie 
Brecker Chas, A. 4 Uanover..1115 
Bradford & Anthony. 178 Waah, 
fool lines uoder B 
Bra‘strect J. en, 10 State... ... 1234 
BKragdon of. 1. 126 Darr, ave... 1071 
Bragdon, Tuvener & Vo. 4 India, 1007 
Braman, Low, & Uo. od and 4 
Haymarket aq. ...front colored 
7 Shuw, ; Co. 27 204 
Brandie v. & Co. ETr, Wash... 
Brandan Seale Co. &4 sudbnry. i216 
Branigan & ‘addy, 10 Harvard 
i *- 7 tin) 
Brett Wm Wao. a4 Wash. 1105 
Brewer Clirk & Sone. 14 Sonih 
Market. Peet Fee ap hea Bebe 2 E . LAF 
Brewer Cyrus, hf Old State Ho, td 
Brewer Gardner & Co. 4! Milk. eny 1 
Brewer & Tileston, 114 Waal... 1251 
Brewster Charlies G. & Co. 138 

W aali. Spe eras whe ieee o Lito F. 27 [lowker..... 1S 
Bricher & Conant, iz Wash.. 1s 
Brdgiham Bros, 14) Waeh.... 4 

1202 | Briggs Oliver L, 720 Wash. pees HA5M 

Briggs Richard. 197 Wash......1252 
| ee & Rabinsea, Af and 33 
attery ii jh a fa aoa i 10 
Brigham tres 1K Brattle ay, 
and wth Sisie PPT P Pe Se FG Pe 1187 
Bright Henry, Jr. & Co. 241 
W ashingtom . sss. yh dade de 
Bromwich Uhwa, M. 613 Enat 
lromdway cee eee ee ee -J115 
so. -LL1S 
brooks Win, i. & Ca, 1i4 
Black tO0e. . occ. cc. aves LDS 
Brooke WA. & Co, 40 Washi 
Browka & Fowler, #) Utica,....104 
Brooks & Veawug. 0) Lolin....,1136 

05d | Brown Urvtlers, 10 Schnoul... 1027 


Chester Wm, F. 18 Harvard pl. 1198 | Crowell Thomae Y. 57 Wash... 1281 
Chickering & Sons, 701 Trem't 1121) Crowley J , Albany, cor Corve.1000 
| aici “ry ed A. & Co. 127 Tre- Cummings J. A. & Co, “agi 
oo Wiashingtom..... pea e . 
On Chilson darduer: 99 Blackstone Cunningham Thomas, g Gene 
back and front cov. and p.. 1310 Wale i ok lite $28 des back colored 
Chipman Geo.W_& Co 98 Court 1100 Corrie C. M Mra. 190 Albany . . 1027 
Chubbuck Levi, 10 Bedford , Currier BF i Havmarket aq . 1031 
front colored Curry P. W, OO Unies ......... 1135 
Chudbuck S$. E. & Sons, 971 |Curry, Page, & Fletcher, 34 

Rrown fh. F. & Co. 149 Fulton. 1149. 
Brown C.F. 172 Washington. . 165 
Rrown E. F. 001 Albany ..,... 1006 
Brown George T. & Co. 6 Bea- 
MiGesi c¢ateus deve = 
Brown H. . Pope, & Co. 42 
pevoushie iadabice ees seen Oe 
Arown I,J. 14 Devonshire, ..., 060. 
Lrown Jo«. T. & Co. Qe Wash. 1022 
Brow ti as Yenetchi, 20 Ex- 

clang ae 3S Pe ee he 144 TReMOD1, . cs: cneeessavisneed Central . - mo oe eo ! 
Rubier & Co. os) Exchange. ...-164| Citizens’ Mutual Ins. Co. é Curry & Parker, 15 Stnte......1242 
Bucking Wool & Leather Co., Traveller boilding..,.,.... 961) Curtis W. A. Mra. 900 Tremont 1207 
wu Hread Peueebh rb bi ta a we . Caps Clapp is W, & Co. 110 ‘aod 1! Cuther A. Ly. fe. Co. 147 Wilk. rT oe 11S 

Buckley W. H. 151 Wash.. 12 | LLMGOM, oc cee ewes ca eeee ee JO? | Cotter, Tower, & Uo, 65 Devon- 
Bork J. B54 Wash... .1206 & 1907 | C lap David ‘& Son, 44 Waals, 1903 i ee ee eee Pree 1024 

Bol & Berger, 0 Prov inee et...10% | Clapp (!. M, & Co. 22 Oliver,...1009) Cutter & Parker, 0 & 10 Chartes- 
Bafford J. H. 400 Waeh.. opp, 9 37 | Clapp John 1D. a1 Winter awanab2i2| fOWTinscucee «, 4 
Kometerd John, lid Wash. eae ott | a Oils & Son, 3 Beacon,.,,/ 12! Daley Wim. A. 619 ‘Washington 113% 
Burdit & Williams, 2 Dock eq. | Clark A, N Co, 88 Sudbury,.,.J251 | Dalton & Ingersoll, 10 Union ., 1103 
foutlines from pige.. 47 00 81% Clark Cyras T. 45 Wareham ...1067/ Dalton & Watson 2 Kilby..... i 
Rurge Lorenzo, 3 Devonshire. O63 | Clark Blow C, . Thornley street, | Dume G. EK. 40 Sudbarg........1 
Rurgess B. F. & Son. 9 West. 1142 ward 10. . .c..cccsceweecess D147) Daromers James, 41 Brattle ... cape 
Burnett Jos, & Co 27 Central, 124 Clark Jol, 113 Washington ..184) Danlele J, F. 17 Harvard plice 1228 
Burnham Louis W 104 Wash., 061) Clark R, M, treas 95 Devonele, 1011 Darling Chas, K. 15 Exchange.1145 
Horr M.S. & Co. 10 Onk...... Midd) Clark & Leatherbee, Albany, Darling H. 4 Devonehire,... O01 
mutrage. Gheplient, & Co,, Cam- opposite Trav... .... eoeeee lO) Davenport & Mason,of Tannton 1300 
bridgeport. .oes 1221 | Clarke Geo. F. & Co. 118 Wash.1216 | Davidson Rubber Co. 121 Wash, 
Button W. T. & J. B. he Tre- ‘Cland J. & Co. 120 Aanover.. hve ington eaaeneee BITS 
Mont. ..... . vee ee 1235 | Clifford Samuel W. 94 Com") ..1158 |) Davia FE enry Vat WN. Bi dford.120 
Butler irown, & Co.Providencel29 | Cliften al. Q. A.. , Border, comer Davis I. A. 19 Federal. _... 1115 
Batler George H. Avon. ....1286, Suimuer. . 1175) Davi« Noah 1 Pitts .. ........1034 
Natman E.G. 21% Wash.,......1250) Clog-ton T, 5. & ‘Co. 60 ‘Sud- | Davis & Farnum, 14 Wash. va L8G 
Datierfield J, 3) school,.,..... 06% bury. veces ee ees ees tok colored | Day Albert, 18 Pemberton sq... 1231 
yam, Carlton, & Co, Friend Coburn James F. i Com'l ....caps | Day Joseph, Howurd, corner 
front caver pac i, Labs, & Co. 100 ides Hnmpden, oe. cceeneneveny s LON 
Byrne, Everett, & Co, 8 Poem- cosler eves! 214] Dean & Co. Tobin, ci... ess = 10 
berton > Mare ($29 44-5¢05 CRT Cochran s i Co, a0 Bristol... 1205) Deane Qa. lL. 7 Proviece cia BS, 1244 
Ayroes [,. 17 Harvard place....100 Cochrane Alexander & Co, oo Dearborn SN. &, 2 Wesl.... 144 
Cwhill M.S. 1 se wharf .... 118? lo i 1083 Dearin GW & Co. 165 Woah. 1272 
Calder & (his, Tremont. cor. 'Codman & Shurtief, 149 and 15 Deland W.L 22 Congress...... wil 
Bovleton. . veri rity freee 4: !. Tremont. TREUETUELTECLELTTIL YT ., Loe Line all. fi. 1123 Wa‘rizon are. . omnis 
Caldwell T. 6 & Co 258 Wash. 1134. Codv Edward. 1] Hawkins ....1140 Demarest.J, M60 Broad.......1046 
Cane gs EK. &. Co. 114 Sud- Coffin & Woodwurd, 24 State..J016 Demorest Mme. 17 Temple pl..1118 
bur ceeeeeees oe 1205) Colburn leane & Co. 9 John....1%0| Dento, Ham, & Co, 158 Portland 104 
Campbeli P. & Sun, Swott, oor. Colby Sarah A. 17 Haneon,....1107 | Dennett, Bliaa, & arse oa 

a Ae ee oe 1034 | Collamore WH, L, 111 Court..... 100 Waslilogion.. ......0.<.00001218 
Cam phe, Whittier, & Co, 1176 Collings James C. 47 Havertiiil08 | Dennison & Co. Sattlk ee 127 
POMOMNE. soc. y oes Detadings | Colliie James & Co, 134 Heaehi44 |) Derry C. 7. & Edwards C + 
Oanfleld FL P96 Uiies. .......1000) Colloid Paint Co. 47 India... .,, 16S | OU decane divas eee 
Carvy Jeremiah, 28 W, W'wov 1194) Colman Moses & Son, 121 wher | Devine P. & M. 189 Dorchester 
Carl & Modiich, 3 Studio bulld- Te Pee eee 007 avenue . oo 
| Pore wes ceee twee e ee AF] Cominva George 7. 154 North, . iva) Dewey Edward, 4H ‘Avon..<.. Me 
Carleton A: . 21 rattle .....1147 Com=tock, Gove, & Co. 39 Canal)i73 | Dewev F. 0, 94 Canal ......,..1170 

Carlton William 30 Beoes,,...1082) Conant A. & Co. 105 Hanover 1064! Dewick C. ty & Co. 360 Doreh. 
Caiponier George O, 1 Merch. Connelly & Power, 10 School,, . oe avenue. ,, ove edb 

Cechauee........6 front cover) Connor CO. A. & Co. 274 and 270 Dewson, Witiinma, & Co, 143 to 

Carpenter, Woodward, & Mor- | Wrest roadway af ee 2 Bee oe LI 147 South PS 2 Reo He eer 
ton, 77 Clinton 41 ssi foot lines | Cook Tense & Co. 25 Central.,.144) Dickerman G, T1. 2 Green,, ., 1051 

Carpenter W. HS? Tremont, .caps | Cook James M. 191 Congress ,. 100 | Dieterich & Bruns, 27 West 

Carr M, W. & Cx, 60 Sudoury..1183 | Cook J, W. 10 Avery......c000 017) Canton. ..ciescacesss 

Carsieln, Anglin, & Co 34 © ‘wok Rotos, 4 Stare,. 114) Mehton Furnace Co, 2 North. IMI 

_ Bromfield and 21 Hawover 1075 | Cooley Daniel, 31 Central whe 100) Dillingham W, C, 3% Sehonwl .., 1106 

Carter tree. & Cn. 4 Wash, .20R2 | c “oolidge George, .... Feet 1257 | Millon DM, & Co, of Fitehburgi278 

Carter C. W. 1 Pemberton Sq. . i | Cooper John, 22 Harvard. .... . 121) Dix M.S, & Co. 481 Tremont. .1091 
Carter Mann, & Co. 27 State... lr | Cooper Thos. C. 1 North Centrel220) Doane & Greenough, 114 State. 
Carter TW. 17 Water, back colored | Copelund Coas, 4 Tremont row 10a .... foot lines under Lb. & OG, 
Carter & Huskell, 20 Bluck- Vorbett A. O, Sayeed 1250 & 1241 Dodge, Collier, & Perkins, 118 
i ee se Cordingley W. S&F. 122 Lincoln tots Waehington, front cover at te 
Carter & Wiley. 186 Waslb.. 1411 | Cormerala Henry & Co. 60 Eliot #4. | Dedge, Gilbert, & Co, 75 Broad) 
Cartwright & Swords, 0 Siate...060 | Cowdrey E. T. & Co. 80 Broad 121! Doherty James. 0 Medford, ...1183 
Cory A. Claxtow, 30 State..... 100) Cox Robert. 10! Doreh. ave... 1180) Doherty M. & Co. 74 Kndicott . Wi 
Cash S W. 1108 Washington... U42) Crabire A. D 37 Tremont ...,.1081|) Dolan M A. & Co Ji Tremont 1067 
Ciehmat.) Dover, cor, Albany 1060 Crafts No Henry, 7 Court square} 28 Donald W. C. & Cu. 20 Spring 
Cate & Nickerson, 2U) Feternl. 1060 | Crane J, H, 2 Kingston .... cops LARP ea be twa Ved Fie eee 
Chisdwick J. 1. & Co, 4 Oliver 114) Crane Moses G. 10 Wael... ee. os Dole Broa 1! Blackstone. Lise ee L062 
Chamberlsin H. Ob. & W. UO. ale Crane, Walte, & Co 14 Central..1250 |) Dorchester Motaal Fire Ine. Co. 
Washington, . -ceee TD1L3 | Crawlord J.) G. 607 Washingtontios Port Norfolk, ward 14),.... 1206 
Cham lborlnin Nathaulel L. 257 Creeeh Florace ©. 462 Wish,,..1112) Dore! eater Savings Bank, Har- 
Washington ....-0c0:eec08s 1219 | Orel gitan & Hall, 14 Chardon,, 1080 rison ajunre, ,......- .» O56 
Chamberlin Ws. 10 Pemb &q.. Wi) Crocker Hrow, & Co, 1) Brand, 100 | Dew Duntel, 1M) Portinnd...... 1277 
Mtapman & Soden, 4 Water. 02) |) Croft & Keyes, 07 Beverly .....1119) Dow, Hunt, & Co, 4 Channoy, 1009 
Chase, Shute, & Uo. fe lise | Cromack J. B. & Co. & Temple Downing & ‘Young. 178 Broad, . 1201 
Chase William FP 54 Wael... 1067 | PINE! cece ct eces cere sese see DID) Draper. Si & (o., Pawtucket. 
Clase & Co. M0 Oiver..........1181) Crompton Geo. of Worcester. W744 Gel aie ofan eks ania k ioe a . 1 1 S06 
i‘linew & Troll, 45 Na. Market ne Cronker & Lewle, 45 Wav......149 | Drew L. Ww “56 Winter....s.c01 183 
Cheney, Myrick, Hobbs, & (Co. | Croome Geo, & Co. 30) Wash 1136) brew & Coffin, 1! Bowker. ....1172 
li Unlon. . .. 107%!) Crosby, Moree, & Foas, hn Driscoll & Frehoh, 10° F-sex . 1152 
Chey pu, Racher, & Mulville, vt ashington. . 1190) Drown & MeQhiarrey, (K00W aah, 1060 
SMEG. seine nae 115) Crosby & tiould, 44. School... 1004 Dudley S$, HW. 20 Court ......6. 1074 
Covsrens Wi, ll. 9 Contral...ildy Cross, Llolt, & Ca. 70 Sudbury... 1045 | Duolam Thos, H. 46 Foundry . Livo 


Dunklee Be W., & Co, 113 Black- | Folanm JJ imes, 2° Commerciall090 | Greenlaw Alex, 1775 Wash. ... 1087 
stone... ceareeeeea JEA5| Folsom John. 15 John ..,.-.1146| Greenleaf GJ. & Anthony, 104 
Dryer S. N. jr. 17 Central wharf.1223 | Forbes & Co, 180 Washington 1085 Cobras sewn. iia eevee FI BD 
Dyer & Gurnev, 202 Border..,,.1003| Ford J. B. & Co. 11 Bromileld.caps | Greenleaf G. & Co 114 Union. 172 
Earle Clothing Co. 460 Waeh- Ford John @ §1 Temple p'ace, 1000 | Grigg Jos. W. 50 Bromfield. anes 

Incton, foot lines under C. & D. | Pord J. (i¢-and 188 Federal ...1114) Griswold D.C. & Co, 30 and # 
Eset Boston Savings Bank, 16 Foss A.M. avert. 2? Kingston, 1% Chaunéy .y..0.0 ane nasties 
Maverick squifre@......20+++ P57) Foas F, 7. 954 W ashingtet. . WOO) Grose Joseph i. li 0 Court... oa TT 
Fastern RK... Comsewar street, 084) Foster, Colburn, & Co. 25 pitt Grover & Baker Sewing Ma- 
Eaton & Aver. of Nashva.W..1*4 mine, ee 1120 chine Co. 149 Tremont. .... 1027 
Eddv Otia & Co, Park.c, Adams.1174 | Foster C. , Liverpool wihart.. 1183 (roses & Sirause, $21 Wel. 2. DUT 
Eddy F. EF, 5 Courf,.....; O04 | Foster & Roby, 17% Cam’l..... 1017 Guild GO. EB. 68 State. .......++6s10% 
Eddy Samuel, jr. 6 Haymarket Foundry Supply Co 4 Kilby.. tie (ruild, Church, & Co. 841 Wash lin 
equare, ... Tage 1157 | Fowle Chas CL. 24 Kreeland...1092) Guild Wm. Henry, 10 Wasli. 1179 
FRdmond ina. & Co 204 Federal.1270 | Fowle Henry 0.71 Prince ....1204) Guild & Delano, 2 Witter, .....1147 
Edson William, 110 Tremont Fowle, Torrey, & Co. 157 Tre- — | Gurney J.T. 4 Taber..........1142 
hack cover mont ..., voeeeeeel 20) Gay & Brother, 33 Bedlord 
Fdwards Dr. H.0C.1%0 Tremont.1166 | Fowle Wm, BR. 43 Darch, ave. .1111 ling front cover 
Elder Geo. G. & Son, 401 AL Fox Charles A. 43 Apmleton...1225 |) Haberstroh L.12 School.......1076 
WF. cs eee eee e cee eee ee OO | Foye G. FL & Co, 195 Wach....1027) Hadley & Costain, Providennse, 
Eldridge John F. & Co. 31 | Franklin EA ChOES Bank, 51 He Ee peered dade iene e LAY 
Bo bGida cs veiy oe eKh wa bas 1028 | CHAUNGY, . cc, sceceeee. esses 957) Hadlock J, BL 56 Cove, eres fy, 
Eliot Five-rents Savings Bank, Freeman & Nye. 20 N. Mrkt....1093| Hudlock & Carter, 75 Hanover, JU 
Li4Tiidley .... eeeoee M47 | Frere man & Vinton, 15 Ser Haperly 7.8 024 Cross........ 1172 
Elleman Jas., Providence, H.T.. 1267 | the ee On es | Hagerty P. FF. 124 Crose.,..... 1056 
Elliot, Blakoxlee, & Noyes, 1237 French Abram & Co. 151 Milk. a8 Hale Alfred & Co, 85 School, .1262 
Tremont... woseeceeel Ory | French as. 40 Wash. lines under A) Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence, ..1209 
Elliott Chis. W. 158 Tremont. CADE | French & Coffin. 1h Merrimac 21134 | | Haley, Morse, & Cu. 411 W nals. 1020 
Ellis Jame«, 44 Utiea..........1026) French & bi glee of Tauwn- Holey, Read, & Co., 14 Milk .. 21172 
Ellison, Hollis. & Co. 41 Devon- ton, siga vad ee oe ee Hall Clas, BE. & Co. We hurles- 
shire fee cececesce M1 | Frost Bros. 68 Cornhill. .,...+- 140 | town pacee ge LAGA 
Elson Tilia, 1] West . ... 188) Froet George. 34+ Traber. , 1257 | Hall Kdwin ‘A. 134 Waall.;..¢.5 960 
Emerecon ‘Thomas's Sons, re | Frost G. W.07 Warren, .......11722|) Hall Henry J. & Co. 16 Mount 
Blacketone . wveeeel 277 | Froet & Adama, 33 Cornhill... 1148 Wishingtonm wve.........5. 1187 
Emerson Wim. Pr. Piano Co. a5 Frothingam Charles H. 16 The. Hal H K.W. 14 W ash. froot cov, 
Washington .......0-00000. 10K yvonehire.. |... 1228 | Hall James & Son, 2) Hawkins, 1000 
Emerson & Fdgett. 470 Trem't.1278 | Fuller. Daa, & Fitz, 110 North | Hall Jolin, 117 Blackstone.....1 22 
Erickaon A 38 North Morket, 1224 | frowt colored | Hall John & Sou, 46 5. Margin. luu6 
Engelhardt M. & Co. 81 Wash- | Fuller Seth W. 24 Devon-hire..1119 | Hall Thomas, 10 Brotmfheld,.. 1070 
ingtom............front colored | Furlong N. 162 W. Broadway. . 1146) Hell Willam & Co. 2 Look 4 10h 
Epicurean Sauce Co, 96 Black- Gale Wm, T.& Co. 221 Woaeh..1065| Hall & Quinby, (2 Sudbury, ., 1040 

atone.... eee ORG) Gallagher Jas, T, Mechanie at 1O4t | Hallett Gi. WL. & Co. Sh Wash, . iis 
Everett & Peiree. 141 Wash, ...1091 | Galligan Perer, Foundry, cor, Hallett & (oa. 17 Duck sjiinre, . 1240 
Exeter Machine Works. 76 Port- Dorchester avenge......-.- 1082) Anlsall W. F.15 5 tte. .,..... 104 
DAW i se sv ee” - oda Fag Pa 1240 | Galvin Bros. 61 Tremont.....+.1110 | Hum Joseph. Northampton St. Lee? 
Fairbanks, Brown. & Ca, “2 Milk Gardner E. 19 Doane... 2100) Hamilton Othe, 25 Friedd,.....0182 

inside front corer 
Fairbanks .T. l..& Ci, 1548 Waah,. 104 
Fairbanks Moses & Co. How- 
ard Athenmum ..,......<++ 12k 
Fairbanks & Co. 121 Court...., 
front colored 
Fallon A. F. Miss,170 Tremont.1904 
Farless & Rovyn'on, 13 Crrnhill 1143 
Farmer? Frank, 18 Exchange 1105 
Farr Warren A. & (Co.27 Eeaex caps 
Farrar, Follett, & Co 128 North1100 
Farrington & Hunnewell, 12 
WHER = aft feces i tiieeies 1/1182 
Faunce S. A. 13 Congreas,..... 065 
Fawectt, Hawkes, & Co 21 Bed- 
oo hee er eae ee Em Age ba 
Fay M 72 Sudbury a was ert ge ea 4 
Fearing James Ho Court. ....1268 
Fearing, Rodman, & Swift. 24 

Garratt A. ©. 47 Roylston,.. »..tand | bHummettd. Gb. 47 Brattle .....)102 
Gates Josiah & Sons, of Lowell 1287 Handeock Z.& Co. 6 Tremont, . 1041 
Gay Aaron R. & Co. 140 Stute, 100 Hanford M.S ee ITI 
Gav C, Mf. a Warren. ..c.-.0. TT Hunlow J. W. hue Albuty..c.. e076 
Gilbert A. & Co. 4% West ...,.1120| Harding Geo. M 60 Beara® blds 1101 
Gillett kK. A. & O. S. & Co. 70 Harkins James, 1054 Waal... .1Nid 
Beverly. ..aca.ccccectuun .. 114 | Harnden S. & Son. 14 Canal.,..1167 
Gillett O L. 72 Wushington. ... 1200) Harney & ad ae Harrison 
Gilley J. BE. M.2Oid State Hse. caps | AVEeENUO. wieeeeee aes 10D 
Gilmore K. 5, & Co. 35 to 38 Harper G. Rt. & ‘Co. 51 Tre 
Wareham .. omereeelOre.| mom. . isauvarcetet , a) 
Glass Jumes, 272 Federal, ...--1125 , Harrigan i. 120 order: ridka beeen 
Gleason Wm. B. & Co. West Harrington & Co 28 Wirh seated 
Camden, n. B, & P. RK, . 1005) Harris Ava. & (o.71 Ringston.1128 
Glines J. W344 N. Marker. .....7140) Harrod &F. U. 448 Tre trieptit. ,.. . LOW? 
Glover & Jones, Com'l. wa. 16.1902 | Hart, Tay lor, & Co. dO Chauney. 104 
Goddard N ©. 80 Washington Hartford fF. 0.4 Friend...e...,k 15d 
foot lines under Bus. Dir, | Hartnett M. ict Province ot.,1071 
Godfrey Jolin, 901 Porthind.. 1081) Hartehorn E. & Son, is Black- 
Commercials...) 1148 & 1147 | Golding & Cn, 14 Kilbv........ 1484 Phone... Jfepeaeae OO4G 
Fellowe J. M.& Co. 270 Wash.1100) Goldsmith F. L.56) Chariton . 1118 Hartshorne C. W. 258 Federal. 1020 
Fennelly John C 110 Sudbury. 1262 | Goldthweit. Snow & Koight, Hartwell J F. iO Studio bldy.. Of) 
Fenno Geo, A. & Co, 492 Wash.1101 45 Wustington.............1184| Harwood Broa, 26 Bromfield. ..1200 
Fera BE. 343 Washington .......10% | Goodman Jas, & Co. 6 Congress 1130 | Harwood J. A. & N60 Mny nur: 
Fernald G 3.47 Wareham....1107)Guodnow & Wightman, ay kel* square... Smal ent 
Field Charles M , Plympton, n. Carnhill...... 1180) Haskell A. Lb, a Son, 4 Hane 
Wareham .., -+ee- IM) Goodridge & Rider, 101 Merri- OVER -a5s ciceee cede n LOGE 
Finkle & Auskell, 2 Wash... .1125 MAO ...k. 1089) Haskell A. k& (0, 80 lew, ... «L087 
Finnigan Michnel A. (il Cornhill l67 | Goodwin Geo. B.R4 Wash |... 1100 oh William 0), & Sou, a 
Fisk, Tomlinaon, & Co. 284 Goodwin Geo. CC. & Co. 3S Han- Cunal.. vf 171 
Woah! nrton ,o.-00 ccc cence 1108 Th oe ae ee ne sehen RAL | Huskins J. W. “& Co, 6 Polton.. 6 
Fitzgerald Thos, 178 Poundry..1082| Gore D. & H. 1 Congress Aq... 1025 Hasse & Pratt, Mavesok, ear 
Fletcher BK. 40 School.......... 942 | Gore. Stanley, & Co..17 Travel- OPANA) oyicidi esse Il 
Fletcher Joe] Wo& Pemb. eq... 967 ler building w..cn0es. wees sTO?21 | Hastings #0, & Co. 540 uwnhill 1105 
Fletcher John W. 2? School.... 060) Gorely G.H 15 Deane.........7250) Hastings Samuel. 85 Ciurhes... 1056 
Fleteher W.G Al Chardon, ++. 1026 | Gorter WR. 14S Wreh......./812| Hatoli Bros. “80 Waahingion .110) 
Flint Bros. 106 Tremont,......1250 Gotthard? A. M AS? Wash ...1791| Hateh & Co. 4 nnd 4 Court Kt. 1207 
Flood Mugh. 19 proviere - qcagiols Gould. Jay, 20 Bromfield headings | Huven B. KA. 19 Tremous row... 1068 
Fober, Havwird, & Co. 0) & Gould & Linenin, 60 Wash... .. LIs?| llawley F. A. & Co. 1 Levon 
Sudbury os: i fob oma Sabah Gralam Rohert Au, (CO,, W eat wliire. PRES PRPS Ree mtavlnre 
Fosr Broa, & Co. 95 Congress capa | Brnndway, cor. )...... 2.11) pastors & Tuuker, 16 L'rev- 
Eure Juliano A. 1141 Wasb,.....104) Grant William Goin‘, opp Ella- Titer we 
fom A. & Sons, Longwood worth, Ward 14, ....:....,..1237 Hayden Frunels, vs Lu irene, 101] 
Avene, ... veeacerees1114| Gravea Cheater H, & Sone, 35 Huiyden George EK. 4254 Wualt- 
Folaom C, E. & Co. 10 India. oo DBS | Huwking ..ciseecees ; ae new eae buigtoll «vs covedevi iG eueceeeclt94 

— Oe 
—————————$——————————————————————— —s 

am em ee 


Harden 0.C, agent, 147 Tremont Boni T. W. & Co. 38 LORE, 

inside [runt cover arf. . ida +a @ & ee | 
Hayden W. B'dway extension, 18 Hoyt Thomas D. 51 Commer. 
Haves Martin A. 17 Court...,. 1225 Bed ono et wens a enna 
Haves Martin & Co.3t07 Hherke- 

Huddleston al, Sa F. 04 Wash caps 
[eye as. 1242 Hef Owen, 300 Alheny......... 1! 
Haynes Geo, & Son, 62 Wash 
ard DR oie sas edt sows pe Oe 

(Howhes A. i. 174i Wash ... 0.1102 
Hughes: John A. & Co, 161 
Harnes jas. ‘G. 24 Harrison | Wraeshtlngton, ....00000.ce05 JO 
GVOWWE poaeces oat teraawee 
Havnes & Tavilor, a} Court sq . 101 

Hoehes Kictuard, a) Itristal. Pe 
Homehrev Hros, 38 Chardon. 1173 
Hehard Chorloa W164 Nroad..1)45 
Hedge Franklin. 34 Winter. INI 

Huonnewell J W. & Co. 7 Com- 
merciol wharf ....., op @ LIA 
Heintz Joon, 114 Tremont....109 Bont, Twitehell,& Cu, #2 Ohaun: 
Helfrich Bros. 4} Wioter,..... 2284 yates ed ob bti hee vs cea ae ioi4 
Hennessey James, 32 Etiot.....10 Huseoy. Wells, eC ‘a. 1 iiand lh 
Hershow Klward, 44 Doane...) 106 Cvnsiom-lwiwee street, .,....)/51 
Herritgs & Farrel), @Sudhury.l02) Huoichines W. H., State, cor. 

Hereche! Clemens, 9 State... 0045 DoewOuelilre cccc cccsaeues 
Hersey Bene, 314 W. Second. ..1140 Hutchings. Platwted, &Co, 
Hewilt*on James fe Sat, LT (te \ Gjrove, cor, Camlir'dee., act 
9 ee er 112 Hotehineon (. 1.10 Broad, ,, Wee4 
Hever liros. Devonshire neur Tiethution for the Blind, 0 
Milk.... sn8 ie SHH SS Bw 1175 Bromfield Sh 8a eo eee ee joo 
Hever (. A. 154 Tremont......2119 Trvine J. E. 4) Utien........., 24 
Hicks & Badgwr, & Pitts...... 1085 Jackson Andrew, 14 Dhwer.. 124 
Hide ard leather Machine Co, Jackson Win. 1) 14 Schent.... a4 
13) Ulackstone,. -L14) Jockson Wm. Tl. & Co N.Y. 0 17 
eee W.R, 14. N, “Mkt. iH «Jaco Brew, 18 Norv Markal.. oo 

Clarke, & Co, 114 Witter 
Hill Withiam ©. 22 Eliot 
Hills. TR & Harinon, 

(ia a G 101 

Juanes Henry BR. vai Wash ., 
Jepson Semnel, sii Wash... 01198 
BINIG. ci er eaecae des frowt elored destop William & Sons. TH 
Hilton 'Benthens & Co. 4 FH. OFIW. wae.) sceeee dn? enlored 
murkrer, cellar, ee ee ee Lis? John Haneock Mutual Lite ite 

.« MT 

Hinkley Locomotive Works, 4 Co, 16 Seora’ buildieg .,...1160 
Alliany seeceeae OT?) Johnaon, Clark, & Co. : 
Hittinger Haeobs, 101 ‘State, : fabs? Washington. . ry 
Sane J, Co (The) 2h Dev Johnson Heury Me 56 India Cape 

UL 1206 Jolnson Theres Monet Wush. Os 
ear Gilbert C. 32 Old State | Johnson & Oo. 4) Brattle ..... 1829 
House, . Jolinson & Whilttemore, Waver- 

Hobarr tor fr 2 5 Harv ard pl lies | ly block, Chiatlestown ...... 7281 
hd, & Steet 48) Tremont. 1251) Johonest & Sauiders, 21 Bock: 
Hodediw .). Wwe A? Central, ... 1140 | OQUAPG pave ieeeceas saneene al 

Hodge EA Co. Liverpool, E.N.1278 Jones F. & Co. oS Devonshire. 1000 

Hodre- Leonard Lis Sudbury.1220 Jones J G. 110 Washington... 05 
Hotges &. W. 14 Bromfield, ..- 1089 Jones Lewis & Son, 50 La 
Holbrook Georve, 14 Canal ..capa | Granve..... _cteb gee ay 
Holbrmwk HW. 268 Washing- — | Jones. MeDuifeo, & Stratton, 
ton....fooilines under C and | oo South Murket.....,..... 1185 
Holbrook & Fox, 8 Kilby..c. 1028 Joslin, Puliner, & Williame, 
Holden Bros, 102 Wash front cot, | Lwomineler ....cccd--ecaee. 12: 

Holden C. W. & Co, te Wash. 1216 Joselyn Alongo, 14 Ruggles, LS4 

Hollauder L.. P. & Co. we ieee! | Keaton A. J. 100? Washington, 11 

ple pilwit@.,..-.--5. 0. 101 Kelth Herbert F. 1! Harr. ave... 40 
Hoalling= 1, & Co. wo Woeh,, 1199 Kelley & Co... W. First, corner 

Bolly ws aX 11 Gustem House | Dorchester avenue. ..... 0007 18 

‘eee RH we oped Lo Kellev & MI. TULL pom Tremo il 2S 

Holli« "0.0. & Co. 4 Dock eq...-141 Kelly & Allon, 1400 Tremont....161 
Hotlis Thomus 23 OUnion......140 Keodall & Rober, of Cam- 

Hallit & Guon. 7) Devonshire, . 106 | bridgv port. sss. .ss5e) 1s 
Holman Joho & Co. ©) Uolow..1076 Kennedy F. A. of Cambridice- 
Holmes, Mout, & Haydeus, 12 mrt .. five awe ie 
ood 1/4 North,...... front col, Kershaw Charles E. 11 Green 
Holmes DD, W. 14 Charlestown. caps back cover 
Holmes KE. T & Co. 20 Devon- | Kilgore I, ML. & Co, 105 Wash. oH 
ahire,.... peeeeeee lO, Kinshall Bro‘ hers. Liz Sudbary.)144 
—— rk. M. « Cc : . ise Tian- | Kimball Lewis, of Na-hug. ... 124 
PPaseeees see ua fe eee as 1111 | | King Db. WRU A Co, ss 
Holmes & Blanchard, ah Hay- Stale. ... ow IANO | 

King FE. & Fo & Co, 26 India... 1010. 
. 10; 7 King & Adama, al, ilk. a » Let 
Holt Jolu & Son, a Sudbury. i Kinsley KE. L., i ‘wmbridgeport, ete 
Holzer U 34) Waeli ngton, .... 1007 | Rhine G. P.O Devonshire. hs 
Home Savings Bank, Tremont, | Kitson K., Larwell....---.5..... 128 

corner Koylstom_.........-- 397 Keoow les L. J of Warren, 01 to 14068 
Homer, Lane, & Co. 2 Union..202 Kohler J, & A, & Un, 718 Waeh, 1234 
Hood Geo, UL. 08 Commercial, 147) Kulimwo Henry, 188 Commer. 
Hood & Tey nolds,5 Jackson pl. caps OL ciive nd seheectareteces ANS 
Hopkins Ac. & Co. al Ware- Kunze Orto, 77 Shawmut ave... 1020 

a eee ee ee leo? Se ies ee eee 
Haran Bray, ‘a 10 Wael. 142! Ladd A -&0o 40 Wash,, in” 
Horton E. M 720 Waehingtan, (106 Laliy Joho. Granite.c. W. First. 1007 | 
Hovey & Wo. 65 North Market. .t06s Lambert Brose. 1 Merchants 
Howard FE. & Co. 114 Tremont oh pein kt anes dae LOLS 

front colored Laming & Drikko, Swett, cor. 

Howard .. E. 1444 Portland, ... 1080 | a 12 trer Wein widest a blee 
Howe L. A. 4! Washington, . pate Damprell & Marble, 357 Com: 
Howe Machine Co. (The), | mercial ..... 

Temple nee dara Late & Co. 9i Lowell. .....++..110 

mirket SQUAPE. . oP ee eee ee 1°04 
Holmer & Ca. 100 Blackstone, 

oa | 

Jume«George ACO 14 State. Tat | 

| Rockwool, 

| Loring & 

Lane & Kendrick, 40 Devon- 
ahire , ueteriee ue 
Langley, Carbee, & Co. a7 Bur- 
der. Kk. 1 t 
' Lanza Carlos, 37.0. ra Hone, 1 oT 
Lapyen 0), & Oo. M0 Pew ke may... TOD 
Larivee Exi-te. 1-4 Felon ...104 
| Latham J. & Co. 202 Wash.... 8 
Lathrop M.A 7 Cowet........ Dee 
Lawrence Wilde, & Hull, 4! 
Cornhill 112 
‘Leach & Greene, 1 Hamilton 
| pluce... M4 
| Leather hee Brow 480 Hare. fv ‘On! 
Leavitt & Brant, 40 Brow fleld. 1145 


2. om ness Se 

| Ledvard A. ful Portiwnd. cass. 1082 
Leed-, Ktobinson, & Co. 75 
Nori). .c0c <0. 180 

. Bl Lelie! FA. & (os. AT ‘Sears? 
tren Ded droge 

: sceses OO 
Leonard, handy, & Co, 4 Tretia 1023 
Leonard John bL.4 Hav ward pl. 1140 
Leonard T. F. 70 Tremor, ... 108 
Letts Chia 7 Shadi . hullding.. (wt 
Lewa odo 7, WH Wa-hingron...1129 
Lineoln A. BK. 147 Tremowt ....0143 
Lineoln Frederick Wm. of Chel. 
Lt) ee eon ee ee er 
Linenin & Hopkinson, is Fan: 
endl Hal) eaqumre® . ca. ue ee 
Lindsay J N & ©o. 1154 Wael 
Inelon....-..0-% «ea ol. 
| Lis-berger A. K. 145 North. ...1280 
Lockhart Gearge, 27 Fourth... .1059 
| Lockliart William L., K page 
rifles , nena ny 


ProeinGtissiee sevens tale 
Logan Ero hers, & Clarke, Au? 
"Rarriaon AT@NUE, wces os eee LOM 
Lomhard N.C. 40 Stale, . ,-eee 1146 

‘Lombard & Co.. Lewle wharf, 
cor, Atantic aveniwe, ,.,... JO'N7 
Long Fd. & Cv. 120 Tremont. Ba 
Loviateliow H. W. 114 Waeh..2i70 

Lord, Jackson, & Co. 173 Lilnck- 

tone , 

inet Gai e = «= 

_ | Lord J. W. 1797 Washington 

Intile (mck curer 

| Lord 5.5. jr. 3'2 Dorchester av 1178 

Loring A. H. & &. Bi RaXharey 

corner Tyler... 

Loring Harrison, E, First, 0 
M. checks 
Loring Jolin PL 12 Tremont rew 10/4 
Wales bros. 35 Ful- 
LON ss teet eens - 100) 
Lothrop George B. & Co, 2 
EXCWMNTO wees ae es » Le 
Lothrop Gi. W, 18 Harvard pl. 1016 

howe street. ... at . or 
Loudon Arosa. 4 & Preeeinee, TW? 

| Lothrop & Co. 1410 WO Curtom- 

443) Lougee G. Ho. & Co, 100) Wash- 

gtOM, 2 ese eee 1184 
| Power J. & Sons, 178 and 170 
Tremnt,. csaeserssuswanne UTS 
Lovejoy William S$. 2) Court. 140 
Lovell John Ff. & Sons, 2T 
Dock equare.......-....0..20K4 

Lovet ti, WL Co. ‘ Winter, L188 
Lowell Curd Co. of Lowell, .... 186 
Lowell John A. & Co, Tremont 

eor. Hoylston.....cieseee.. 
Low: |] Sanmel J. 4 Stoddard. 1054 
Lyoch Jd. Aogusta-. &) Oliver. i270 
Landehord’ Glres t'o. 40 hades 165 
Lyon D & Co, 480 Waell....., 1100 
| Lyon George &s ‘oO, 12 Weet,...1)44 
Mace & Reyes, 7 to 1 Marrett., 160 
Mack 8.G & Co. Lowell,.,.... 1286 

Mackeviele & Campbell, 47 
Wareham ee Lt 

MacLoiinn E.G. 6) Shawmut 
avenue, sviawew lel? 

Mucombr, Bigelow & Dow-e, 
42 to 4s Batterymaren, ... caps 
Macullar, Willlawe, & Vurker, 

| OS Washington. sss. ys. ---. 1204 
PRB RSE ee 1105, & Marsh. I M 

er. Ex- 
change, [rout cover 

10 ° 

Magee Furndce Co. 36 Union, Moody & Burnett, 12 and 4 
front colored Bowke@fiairietsgatccakaiaes dlee| 
Maine W. HH. 0) Haverhill... 1:61) Moore K. W. 1 Bioy rene cise LS 
Malden Dye Hou-e, 45 Court...1008| Moore James A. & Co. Ful- 
Manunicg William, 519 Albany.1132 ton. . ene OK 
Manning W. E. & Co. 26 Cen- 

SMmeieainene narra 2m a 

Manetield S. W.. Hayward pl. 

ne | 

1155 Moore W. F. 3 Merchants How 1125 
Moore & Weyman 457 Foundry. 1008 
cor, Washlogtow........... 141) Morandi F, 102 Uninn,.....,.,. 1272 
Manson & Petersun, 101 Border.1170 | Morey & Smith, 49 Haverhill, ..1028 
Margot Brothers, 23 Water....1100) Morrell Geo, (, 77 Waali........ 080 
Miarjuram Jolin W, W. 63 Ha- Morrill George H. I4, Wash, ., 1006 
a a a ae » 2047 | Morriil, Whittemore, & Co. 37 
Markham & Hawley. Marginal eat Lincoln..... ee eer 
Marshall... C V2 Hibpant 078 | Morris & Ireland, 64 Sudbury. Tie 
Martin James & Son, 1i4C om’), Lf Morrison bk. G, 52 Kingston... .1060 
Musou Go. H. 144 Ulacksarone. L246) Morrison F. C. 11 & 13 Esrex. 
Mazon John, Provideuce. KT, .1 1268 foot ines und r KE, 5. k& W 
Mason Volney W. & Co. Provi- Morse A.J, & Son, & Beverly. . 110 
Hence. Bad we eaaeaae ts 1207 | Morse Brov.of Canton. ......... 1261 
natin Jide Hi. & Co. 41 Tre. Morse C, 0, of Newhurypert. oe LSD 
ctdues | Morse E. KR.v4t nod 7A Sodbury. Wi 
Mathews & Davie, ‘Sancta Morse JN. & Co, 11 Temple phn 
Vermoat -_.. 75) Morse L. Fost r, 113 Dudley. . 20) 
May os A & Co.9 ‘Hotel | Pel- | Morse William W. 15 Wash, . 1005 | 

062 Morse Whyte. 75 Cornhill. ... 106) 

May fenaa W, i Sate. . Hines Morton A, M. & Co. 87 Friend. , 1100 
May, Nash, & Winslow, “12 Moseley, Hodgman, & Co, 44 

Mi'k. Saba BH HH & oveeeaaebleg Brod, ...0.0.: ososve. ending a 

May & Co. M4 Oliver, inside back 
eover |) Moulron Henry & Co. of Kaat 
Mayer J. & Co, 4 S8tate ...... Cambridge. .....-.-4.20200, 1225 

eta! rata 
Mt. Pleasant Too] Works. ..... 1071 

Maro Hezekiah, 24) India whf.i020 

McAdams James, 74 State..... 1027 Mowry & Phillips, 2 Cross, 
Metann & Bris, 11 Fulton, ...100) | Mudge Alfred & Sun, 34 Setiool 
mod lenrs Matthew, 20) Tres p. 816 
ont -., 01142) Mulliken John & Co. 15 ° "Tris 
McCormack k ‘Poole, yO Wor- is ee ee Per Trt ts) ae 
es eee eee 1M | Mulrey T. D. a Guild raw, ... 1071 

M'Cready & ‘Stearns, 89 Court... 1265) Munroe A. B. jr. Sudbury... 

McGann T. F Si Portlaud.....1170. headings 
MoGowan Hogh, “i Beverly,...1060 | Munroe & Harrington, 150 Port- 
McIntire J.8 W Chestnut. .... L127 PAM ic aeedcia scene recee ID 

McIntyre & Hogan, W. First, 
hear Durcliester wve...... 

McKenney, Mullaid, & Co. 604 

Washi nglan, ee ee i | 

MoLanghiin Michael = 73 Al- im. 
fedérias 7 

Melaurhlin George 'T. & Co. 

Munson 8. H. TI Kingeten,....1)50 

104) Mordock & Co. 1) Marshall ...1104 
Murphy, Loavens, & Co. 2s Ex - 

change, .....5-.--00,.---1.. 104 
Myers tk. & J. Washing ton 

luside back cover | 

| Nason & Loveridge, 15 Siate., WH | 
1a Fulton, . 1208 | Navlor R, F. 89 Gourt.......... 121! 
McNutt Joho J,, Wareham, c. Needham Christopher, 60s 
Malden ..... BEG Ho ovanuaewhaee Washingt, ..,ccceeeeeeee el i | 

McPherson W, J. 19 and 440 Neff Wo... Mra. 17 Wiuter,. . 
Tremont.......e. l2 and IAN) Neilson George. OO OUrE. coca es LOE 4 
MeQhuesten & Fogg. 170 Border! 72) New Bedfor Copper Co...... 
Meagher T CC. 4 layword pl... 1100) Newell Jas. 5. & Co, 53 Haver- 
Meany Edward F.. ear Dill, cvetissdeeess wwawerce aes LOST 
foot of Wareham......,... 1081 | Newell Luciana 85 Hudson,.....1050 | 
M ding J. 315 Wuseh....... a N04 Sew ane Fill Kooting Co. 

Meisel & Huber, 21 W. First... .1219 PAT Mn es eae een wens [234 
Mellen, Williams, & Co, & New England Linen Hose Ma- 
Sears’ building. ......s0000% nuf, Co, 170 Wash... .. 6.4.4. 1083 
Melvin & Badger, 41 ‘Tomple pl. ted New England Mutual Life us, 
Mercantile Suving [n-titution, | Co. 49 State. . 11 
S87 Washingiou......-..... 07 New England ‘Trust Co. 41 Dev- 
Merchant 3.1... & Co 27 Cen- onshire....... me 
tral wharf ._ ....+........1%71! New Jersey Mut. Life. Ine. Co. 

f4 Sere tru il Jing. Pec ee 

Merrick & Gray, 40 Broad... A182 
Newman & Perrin, ur Wash... 

Merrill Brothers, 215 State. .,..172 | 
Merril) Kafus 1.5 Cuatham row 11s 
Masaliigee V. aA, & Co. 19 Dock “Nichola J. WH. 28 Wert. ......... 
pope ..o Ines | Nichols & Hall, 32 Bromfield... 10:0 
M: «= nee v. J. ‘k Co, 3 Dock Nicholson & Frost, L937 Milk... 10 
aQuare, ..... 1G Nickerson etee W., Aliloon 
Metcalf Theudore & Co. 19'Tre- | Lower Mille. 0082! 
MIE... ccc epee e cee ees ANG | Nickerson d. & Co. 05 Con’). ailoee | 
Meyer Chas. E & Co 7 Holmes *Nonotuck Silk Company, 2 Bed- 
block. Haymarket square. 110+ | ae cnt deed ole 
Miles U. treas. 228 Market ...124| Norris G. L. 25 Merrimac eT 
Miller Heary FB. d44 Wash. ...1007 | Norris G. W. 1 Pemberton s bs 
Miller & Kimball, 205 Hroad,..1180! North Chas, H. & Co. ¥7 FAN. 
Mills Wm. & Co, 110 Water. .,.1001 | Market . ienuhs 
Mitt & Co. Oliver, & Sturgia,, J0)7 Northern Kallroad, et Wash. -» UL | 
srry Wendell, & (Co. 47 Cen. Norwood & Crosby, oie ie 
Taare wales 1140 | cia), ward 1é., nee 147 
Miner Nein & Sone, 1s Milk. 1205 Novelty Plurter Works, Lowell 
Mullit I. & Co, U7 Tremont. .. 1074 
Montgomery H.&. To Sac ston. 114) Novea B, 17 Court..... 
Blantgoinery & Co. 4 Wash Noyes Person, 47 India. .., 
Cl eee eee ree | Fy 


Moore William c. ‘he Harr. ar, . 1051 | 
Old Colony Kallroad. 

| Palmer, 7 eae & Co. al 
1940 | Palmer 

| Patterson i Lavender, qn & i 

ee La 

| Phelps 

-o ee ITO) Phillips E. F. of Provinonan. . 
Noyes Samuel J. Ud Waah,....1085 | Pickens 


O'Arien Jahn, 114 Cabot... betas 44 
O'Brien Miohoel, 40 Kioeland, We4 
(Connor ', 78 South .....00.. 62 
Odiorne F 1. X Co. ai sState,. .1149 
Odiorne, Ryder, & Co. 65 Com- 
mercia!.... Se aee cosneacem an MOT 

Pent nigaee 

Oliver E. B..6 Columbus aq, ,., L346 

‘O'Malley Joho, 72 Weet Broad- 

Wii gh b bhai etaee e Enea GG 1}: 
Orevtt Wwe A, & CornWill,, Patt 
Ortental Powder Mill, 1 Krowd, Lidl 
Osborn A. & Co. 25 Central 

ety ee ee | 
Osborn James I, Cambridye- 
Osbhen Louls & Co. 74 iawis . \ord 
Osborne V. HH. 70 Tremon' veeelld@ 
Ontans a J.0.& Co. of Nashua, 

FH ee 8 ae il 
Owen oper Co., Howsatonie, 
Ceti ty opp 1Onn 
Packard & Burrill | Exchange 1005 
Page Helting Co. 24 Exchange, , cape 
Page Edward, of Lawrenor,,.. 
front colored 
Page Edward & Co. 17 Battery: 
MLATOW Giceidracesaedie’s ian tle 
Page EF, & Co, f8 Friend, ...0M7 

Moulton Beverly S. 13 Hanover. eat Page, Richardson. & C070 State 1050 

Pace & Weston 125 Haverhill 1107 
Temple gl. sccseas cs aueaes 
D.& & iow ln vi: 1M State 197 
Buriditt, 26 Gulld 
Palmer HM. iid Washo 
Palmer, Jacobs, & Co. 144 Tree 
MOE... ee. -seee tren! colored 
Rares A ban & Co. 42 Ilurtery- 

Balser KE. 

reh.. faiths = & low) 
Park. & “atibright.. G pharm cor, 114d 
Parker Harney Db. & Uo oO 
BohOOls. ciwetdceiedecden 1s 
Parker H. & Co. 10 Travers, .., U9! 
Parker & Gannett. 40 N. Mare 
ket se Pee eae 0 ivd 
Parsons & Torrey, ded Wael, LiGa 
Parthelmoller F. 4 Lowell p28 
Partrhlge Horsee & Co Ot Mans 
over, .. T215 
Carnhill...... La 

Pee EEE 

1se Paul George K & Co. 04 Unlon. 1078 

Paul & Oo 20 Tremont, 1H 

1) Payne stephen & Co 14 road 
= linvs under FP 
| Pesibady Hetiry W. & Co, a 
India wise wacsss sat Pe 

Peak Jolin & Son, 146 Friend 
Pear Edward W Lu, Tre: 
mont, Or, Bovieton, Piga ped 1078 

Pearee Bamuel ( s0 Srate,.,.,. 1007 
Pease A,, Qulvey Hull.......)24 

Pease Charlies F. 217 Tremont 
foot lines api C&M 
Peasley & Boni, 47 Waeh..,... 122 
Peiree F. Oa. Th Richmoni, . ; 1109 
Peirce Llovd N.of New Herdford. (883 
Peirce MW, W.& Co. 12 Sudbury 1007 

line front cover| Penniman Harvey, O. corner 

Ble Ws ee ene des 
Perkines & Stern, (08 Tremont leg 
Perkins & Woeks, r MH Jow .., 1106 
Perry J. P.& Ou,7) Devonshire, capa 
Perry Lewie F 9 Hamilton pl, . beat 
Fetors < C.J, & Son, 5 Washi a 
Peters & “Joris, 6 & ( Holmos 

BlOGMw i cacti aay adet cds avd IOC 
Petting?! & Pear 5 Brartie, .. 2 
Phelps, Dolton, & Co. 3 Court 

AVENUE. cocci cies ccieen 
Phelps F. 8, & State, . . we 

mo James T, Mi Wowh . secu, Si 
Phelpa W. — & io, S) Trem't, ey 
Piithrick E S, 8.12 Wet... Ope 

bea GG DB Lu 

ae pea 

front valored | Phillips Eben A. & Co 0) Ful. 

. 1108 
. i 


ton. . RG ianna & HEELS 

L. W. 408 Portlanil. . 


Pickford Henry & Co. 20 Union 

SUL Clare 

Fierce E, Rh. 26 Gremen..,.....1087 
Pierce, Gilman, & Tuttle, “109 

Commercial. . 

Pieroe J. H., Robertson. & Clark, 

d3 Central. .... 02sec s00. 0s CORDS 

Pierce John W. 164 Harrison oe 

Revere FE. Mra, 318 PIERO, 
AVOTIUG. wa ae ae ee pomkt we & oe oo 
Rhoades Samuel H. 14 0ld arco 
House. ae 2s & & H ses # eee SK 

Rice Jolin Ss. & Co. 2 John.. 

Rice L, Frederick, Pemberton 

tice, Kendall. & Co. 100 State. 1015 
Rice Lewis & Son,56 Hanover.1112 


legel, Kverett, & Co. 16 So. 
Market. SPER e FF wea ma ea PSH See 
~Scovill Manuf. Co. 2] Beach.,,. 1149 


. 10) Scrannage Bros. & Cook, 77— 
12h and 79 Travers, . 0.4.0 eves 
Scrannage, d'Bste, & Co, 115 
CU Tis sectarian » eva ee 1106 

Scripture & Parker, 31 Court = 

BVOC. cosneccssteseaes O47 BQUWUIC. oscsdeseeccusaces- eel 103) SQUATO. cea asc-nstsseladns 1176 
Pierce 5. H, L. 416 ‘Dorchester Rice [, J. 19 Warcham....,...1062| Sears Wm. B. 30 Devonshire 
BYFeTUEe, aoa Eee Pf oe pa 

tice & Peck, 73 Chauncy..... 1142 
Rich & Young, St Union.......1076 
ichards H. 1. 15 Batterym ot 1160 
ister na M., Jewelry Co. 7 

Pierce 5. &., “Tremont, ‘corner 
Pike Johu, 14t Blackstone, ....1038 
Plummer ©. G. C. 80 Wasi... ... 07 | Gre Seis. ree en 

Plummer & Wilder, 144 Tre- Ricliaeapoi C.R. & Co. 6 Waterl262 

mont . croeeseeeee COS | Richardson & Young, 23 Bever- 
Pollard & Leighton. 104 'Trem’t 1151 ly... riveree 1i4 

Pond hacius W., of Worcester 1260 | Richmond C. C. & Co. 26 Cen- 
‘Pool Brothers, 14 Hanover. . 140 tral WHATT.. 465 ciceeesesc. s J T4 
Poole A. C. 1250 1 Ricker William, 100 Merrimac. l2ap 

Poor J, B. 60) Wash ...... So Ried Camille & Co.3s Old State 
1140} FR MOG oo coe bate deed db cine 

Poor, Towne, & Co, 30 India. , 17 
Porter James, 145 Bluckstone. 1186 | Riley Joseph EB. 252 Federal, .1076 
1263) Ripley T. W. 3 Court ave,...... 

Porter John & Co. 40 Tudia... 

Porter John W. 27 State.,... . 01) Robbins John, 42 Kneeland. ...1046 

Porter J. A & Co. 3 COUrE. «5 1 TUR | Robbins W.H. 12 Marshall. ... 1004 

Porter Whitcomb. 27 Siate,... We Roberts C. W. & Co. South. eae 
Vortland Stone Ware Co 44 Roberts Henry & Son, 132 

Federal........foot lines under Dover, ..+.+ 1242 
business, und back colored Dies Roberts James H. & Co. 120 

Merrimac. ...-..--00.s4e, 1277 

Robertson John A. 204 Federal. 105% 

Robinson A. EF. 186 W. Second.|140 

Post klting, 16 Vrovinee, ......-12e7 
Robingon.). E. 808 Washington 126% 

Potter 0. C. 241 Friend,....... 1137 

Potter & tring 140 Lincoln, . .1063 
abi Ti BON J. kK! of Stale, . she ew wa TUG 
Holinson Luther, 87 Blackstone 1277 

Powell Charles T.5 Court. . ez 
Power J. H. & Ca. 75 Hauover Lid 
Tower Richard & Son, 41 Haver- 
Lobingon &. &. C. 45 als 4u 
Chiatlimm.......- .., 101 
Rockwell & Churchill, “122 
| ves=LLOG 

Washington (is-4s0ies 

Prang L. & Co. 2182 Wash, ....123 
Pratt Daniel's Sone, 4 Union...1216 

Rogers FLO. & Ca, 14 Malden. 1081 
Rogers Wm. 8 Williams court. 1087 

Pratt Sumner & Co, of Wortee- 
Rogers & Co. 62 Canal,........ 114 

ter coe ea 
me T. Willia, 69 : 
ltolle & Ceppi, 48 Tyler. .......1052 

) Seara build- 
0 een aera (es ePatiace she 
Prati William & Son8,523 Wash .1182 
Rollins E. L. & F.S. 96 Hano- 
Ve Or. «icc: nonin me ebb i # PSE RS ! 

Exeter & Underwood, 57 Brom-— 
Eoll«tane Machine Works, ol 


one hd 

Pray EB. 8. & Co. 180 State... 


Fray John H. Sons, ae Co. d25 Fitchburg. ee ee) oss LOVE 
320 Waahitgton.........- OO Romavne, Pollard, & Fowler, 
Prescott F. 5, & Co. 502 Wash- 13). Warrediiccusdveccceauns 
ington. vorgenwan erase’ COD! | Rong a L. 42 Chardon,...12% 
Presten Henry i 14 Pember- Koss, Pearce, ¢ Ga, mm) Avon...1376 
FON AQUI. wees cede eee eee CUBS | town Thos. E. 15 Water...., 1088 
Preston dolin, 162 Stute........ a Kuss, Cobb, $ Go. 10 Summer. .1J08 

Preston Wm, B.0 & 11 Friend L 
Proctor & Moody, 47 West..... 137 
Prov. Poca eh for Savings, 
Temple place, O57 
res Machine Co. of Fiteh- 

Russell A. J, & J. Li, West 
Troy, WN. + a BEER Ea » 1186 
| Russell & Richardson, 63 Court. 1178 
Kyun P. 16 Bedford.,.,........1101 
Kiyder & Hamman, & Province 

bur re a ae nm m4 » onde 1H court. ad os Phe te oo ae LS | 
Babien S. 5. & Co, “Neponaet, Geltar J. oH. & Co. ‘274 Wash. ‘pes 
Po het id bi Se Pe ries carer » L128 is Th pson Edwin H. 215 Broad 

inside front cover 
Sampson E, agent, 53 Central 
WHBTE os cs chien sherk bse low | 
panEee J. F, & Co, 19 Ex- 
clan ge..... front colored 
Ranbora uk. C.& Co, Enst Cam- 
bridge. a 
Sanborn Joseph CG, er) ‘Com- 
Merclal:.s.e0cee wee ~« LOO 
opp. 1001 | Sanhorn & Farr, 997 Wash, ... 1068 
Ray Edwin, $4 Washington,.. 1) Sanders & Croswell, 23 Chauney Lit? 
Rayer & Lincoln, 147 Tremont..1124 |) Sargent Card Clothing Co. Wor- 
Raymond N, GB. 43 Beverly... cael rester. rte eer ne: 
Head, Stevenson, & Co, Sur- Sargent Francia & Co 69 Sud- 
gente wharf. ...+..-.. Tae) OEY) ines aa cone odog ane ORE | 
Wm. & Sons, 13 F. Hail Sargent Osborne N. 12 School- 1028 | 
equare ... vena oe MG | Heredia: Wild, & Co. 42 and 44 



eis hy Cochran, 40 Kich- 
Quixte ev iirian H. 19 Beach & 
Washi. i z | ee | 
Quimby M. ‘1. k Co. li Huno- 
WET. « caafte@inbi ke L a | 
Quiney Granite Co, 41 State... 1018 
Quincy & Cu, 174 Wueh.. . los2 
Kand, Avery, & 0.3 Cornhill. 

cae De 

aa rT 2m 

, 1229 | 


Reagan M K. & Co? 7 Albuny. . LO | Clinton keawet 1035 
Record & Cole, 1741 W ash...-.10s0 | Sargent Wim, P. & Co. iW &h 

teed T. Frank, 20 Devonahire.. nth | Sudbury, and 155 Tremont. 1001 
Reed & Barton, of Taunton,... Savory T.C. 15 Tremont row... 1014) 

back colored 

Sawyer H. an iN. 
tees & Brother 2 Old Slate 

Sawyer J. H. & (no, 1 Pitts... 

10s | 

Murket...4.~. Vous 

Hee front & back cover & opp. 48 
Seavey, Foster, & Bowman, 7 

BEACONS waar ogi cuhatuccpneydd 
Sseromb & Co, 34 Washington, 104 

60) Seelye N. M. 70 Sudbury.......1196 

meward & Morgan, 39 Portland 1006 
Shackford Edwin, 1467 Wash.,1159 
Shattuck W G_7% Fulton...,,.1950 
Shay M.F.4 Malll....---s....1082 
Shedd & Sawyer, 7 Court 6q....1029 
Shepard (. A., 22 Congress 2q,.1200 
Shepard, Hall, & Co. 6 Central. 1156 
Sliepard H. S. & Cheater, 22 

wind bed SQUAT, .csese08 Vi 
Sherburne ©, Henry, 21 Gor n- 
hill, sectesee eoseavee ee TIAL 

Sherburne Rk. & W, 20 Canal. . 
Sherburne & Co, Sand 10 Canal. 1180 
Shermin Adolphue & Co, 42 
dl . 1063 
Sherman &. agent, 107 Black. 
CS, a a eee, L 
Sherman Josep. o 'Pemb. eq. . 0 
Sherman Nail’! B. 38 Old State 
let: Ae eee eee [1 
Shields Edward Tl. 144 North- 
BIMOTOO. sksladarenay bebenet 
Shoe Machinery Manuf. Co. 25 7 
Clinrlestown, back dov. and 1013 
‘Shoords Charles F. & Co, 286 4 
Washineton .. 2. cen ees eee rel 
Sibley Steplien, re Temple pl. ee 
Siefert Chas. A. TO Wiel... wo. 
Simmonds Geo. 9 Central wht. OG 
Singer Manuf. Co. 6 Hanover. 1201 
Slade BD. & L. 3! India, i v¥e0e cs a Jaen 


38 Slader Fred, [S80 Washington.1190 

Sleeper. Jolinson, & Co, 27 Port- 
fit deo eeeees -» 102 
Small, Werherell, & Co., Oliver, 
near Milk... ee ek 
Smart Rich'd, heacon,o Parker 122 
Smith Armas D. i Sears bid’ if. D646 
Smith Benj. F251 Tremont. . 1000 
smith Caleb A, 45 Wuater..,.. 1180 

Smith Charles & Co. 7 Central 
wWlinrt ..a.. a Ree Ff ees 
Smith kdwin i. a4 Exchange. 1085 
Smith E. L 40 Washington... ..° 1205 

| Sitch oon & Co. tH Al- 

bu . 1053 
smith G. W_& F. 409 Federal.1038 
Smith J. & Co, 20 Sudbury..... 1014 
SToith Simeon HB. i bramfield. 1197 
Pat ee n & (uo. 51 Corn- 

Li aul ©8#A EF PRPS RHEE me REE ee ‘ 
Smith Ss. C. of Lowell i... ..s0 1286 
Smith Wu. 'T. of Providence. . 267 
| Srl hi W. HL. fh, Wush,...e... 1102 
mith & Co. 6) Cornhill ...... . 1 
sith & Jacuba, red Wareham... 100 
Smith & Lovett, 125 Albany... 1072 
Sinith & Lynch, 4! Portland, -. 1220 
Suaw lirothers, 141 aud 1% 
Burien, ois-ksen eae poan ca 

Snow F. W. ast Washington, - 1102 

Siow. Kolliis, & Co. 214 Tre- | 
mone , ~ LORS 

nolomen B. L.& Sone, aq Hoyl- 

& tial ee . LO 
Somers Ww mi, & (o. fi 4 Albany. 100 
Borpents Wood € urving (o. 6 

Temple place, ee oe . 1146 
South Boston Savin Bs Bak Sus 
W est rand Ww a 

sb ip 

ene & @ & 

Fm 8 

OUSE. .ceseeese eee tek culored Sawyer Nathan & Son, 70 State. ret Rich: aria. . ai "Tat 
Reichardt G. R.3 Hayward pl,. 1250) Sawyer. & lake, 20) Stute.,,.. ott | Southward E, 304 Wash... + 110 
Heiche Cliarles & Bros. 9 Bow: Savre H. W. 11 Pemberton eq, 116M | Spaulding & So. ‘27 Broad. ... 1218 

doin square..........-.-.- JU4| Scales James & Co, 210 Tre- | Spaulding & Staples, 88) Lin- 

Keisner & Crockett, 701 Wash, . Lid OME E ge sserceneer cb veers 

Leg | 

colo eee eee es noe 


Spaulding & Wardwell,346 and _—_'|! Thornton Solon, 562 Wash. .... 1086/ Warren M, fi. & Co, 141 Wash. TT? 
38 Purchnae, .....-.--..«-- .1188 Thornton & Turner, 662 Wash..1@i6 | Washhorn & Rorgess, 70 Wash, 062 

Epear BE. D. 715 Washington. . 26 Thym Geo. W. 9 Asyward pl. .113)) Washburn & Moen Manof, Co. 

Bpear Henry T. & Son, 176 Tilmann James. 541 Wash.....1)12 of Worcester. ... 1910 and 1311 

Waskhington.........- 1086 | Tilton-McFarland Safe Manuf Waeon Manuf. Co. Spring- 
Spear Wm. F, 4 Behool. . in ey i, (Co, a7 Sudbury... SERPS SR Pee aS 1003 - field. Mee, baa Pees a 
Spencer S M. 117 Hanover ...1022| Tolman Chas. FP, & Son, Wash. Water Board, City I? ....... oF0 
Spinney Leonard & Co. 123 Mer- ward 16... cneeeee cee e 1208) Waterman.tos. 8, 1912 Wash. 1254 

PIMAC. ...-.cceeseeseesaceel!@4 | Tolman Jonas F. . Exchange, c. Waters George F, 8 Heacon. ... P55 
Spooner Wm. H. 4 Beacon, ... 1283 Fark, ward 16 seessecess 442210] Watson Wm. G. & Son, 245 
Epringer L. Rh. 351 Wash... .... +100] Tolman & Hunting, 11 Brom- Woshingtom, z.2...-.260.) +00 
Blackhole, Perkina, & Co. 1i7 T@M 2 4405 cane ee ees ees ees LOD) Weber Fred F.25 ‘Temple pl. Tid 

Nor oe nethe sevneseees- 1022 | Tonks Joseph, 45 Union,.,,...112%| Webster F- W., Hancock, cor. 
Stahl Wy. F. Ci Fetex_,..:-. 110) | Towne Wim... 49 Bromfield... 100 Columlita. sc. seen ee ween we hee 
Staniford J. W. & Co. 10 North 1934 Tracey John & Co. 85 Broad.,.110|) Weed Gitte H. & Ca, 25 Conrt... 11s 
Stark Mills. Manchester. N.1.1274 |) Trautman M. 307 Warren......1104| Weeks, Dupee, & Soren, 160 
Stark’s Credit Mobilier, 4 Kilbv102?| Trefren James, 509 Wash.... .1250 Stnte vcccnss ats niet Le 
Starkweather J. F. 3 Province Trickey Wim. M. 40 Hanover...cups| Wois & Zneblach, 410 Wash. ...1132 

COUTt ...... .1069| Tripp A. W. 135 Sonth......... 1249 Welch, ere J. 144 North: 

Bt, Croix & Hendrie, 3: “i Har- Tripp & Jones, 125 W. Brook- aimpitio 102 
rison ave. ceurevae JGR Lot eee eee: ater * vee TTA) Welch & Chi man, 2) Ww. First. 11a 

Stearns A. M. & Co. BO Conrt. 128 | Trippe 8. G 6 Portlond........ 11st | wewostan A.C. & Co, 240 Fed- 

Stearns A. T. & Sons, 22 og Trowbridge % 8. & Co. 6 F. H, Tah, cc seesyeuae 1118 

BTeSe SQUAT. . eth ee » 1150 | Welock & Hodnett. 22% Com’). 1017 
Stearns Gros, 1? Kilhy- a al Trandy & | & Co, 59 Broad ,,,,....1171| Wentworth Jason, 48 Hanover, 1282 
Stearns N.C, 16 Bromfield.....1011 Tucker Isaac N. 479 Tremont . 1041 | Wentworth T, B. of Cambridgre- 
Stearns R. W. & Co. 27 Summer.1i10| Tucker Manuf. Co. 117 Court.. .1170 yA ee eee ta 
Steere meas hue of Providenceisié pial phil Works, 47 Foun- Wentworth Ww mM. ‘. & Co. 14 
Btephens G. EB. 419 Shawgiat TT 1000 RAPS Md oni be ee ee 

AVON UG. 4 cece ence rcs spaces LID Tupp ar W. W. & Co. of New Wentworth W_P. 16 Guild row. 1080 
Stern & Co. 14 Water.......... TiS ork. ceverevessessevcsereest | West Borton Savings Bank, 
Stetson S. A.& Co.173 Tremontliah «Topper & Co. 48 Hanover. caer el ede | Cambridge, cor Staniford iy 
Stetson & Dempeey, 140 Com’).12%2, Turell Jos. H. 129 A, W. Brook- | West Samnel, 116 Eliot........1102 
Bteteon © Pope, TO Stute....... Too] HOE ae eee ee ssacee. 1152) Weston. H., Lowell, --1...: 122 1286 
Stevens G. M. & Co. 90) Sndbory 1s Turner A. R., B. & M. E.R, Weynwuth & B. M. fng, Ca. 36 
Stevens J. H.& Co. .Cumb'port. 122 Genpak: ivetes Fiswenc tale edeoe Kiley .i.s-4.. eereseaage Wer 

Stevens John J. 28% Wash..... 1101 | Turner Henry A. & Co. 31 West.1100, Wey moth & Gorham, 72 Eliot,cup* 
Stewart J. & W. 20 Federal...154| Turner. Kidney, & Co. 31 State Wheeler Asahel, ¥! Battery. 
Stickney J. W. & Co, H Broad.1136 lines THBP OM os ca tie ay eranp ene eee 
Billings E. G. & Co, 174 Biack- Tottle 7 WW. 147 Beach.........12960) Wheeler Austin Ww. k Co. Zl 
stone . 1068) Union Glass Co. 110 & 114 Wateri0s3 | Union, coc. ys. front colored 
Stimson & "Babcock. 114 Broad Union Institution for Savings, } bilge & Tutt le, $0 Churles- 
outside bavk cover | Of Bedford. sivessisccceces O57 | to avon aes AUR 
Stocking & Anetin, 1 Mer. Ex. 5 | Union Manufacturing Co., New Whitaker Brox, 7 Pen hertan #q.1148 
Stone Henry N. Com’ ....1160 Britain, Ct.. eeceseeee 12H | Whittomb FE. D, 1834 Wael... . 10a? 
Storer J. W 419 Washington..1262| Union Mutnal Life Insurance |Whiteomh H.C, & Ca, 15 Water ie 
Storrs A. & Co 12 Bromfield... 1028 | Co. 153 Tremont., JL | Whitcomb Wm HL 0 Devon're ih 
Storey J. C.& Co. 10 State..... 147 , Union Stone Co, 16 Exchange. . O79) White Geo. Q 140 Waahington $9 
Story & Mellen, 112 Tremont..1180, U. S, Lock Co. 85 Devonshire White S..5, 1h a oe row... cups 
Stover J. W. 104 Trenton. E38, 1108 back colored | White & King, 4 72 Wah, 1.00. dd)u 
Strangman Thomas, of Milton-1/52 | U1. 8. Mannf. Co. 106 Com’l, ,..102 1, Whiteley Edward, 50 Chartow 
Stratton George W. & Sve at Upham J. H. & Co., Haneock, POWM .. wus ca ie = a4: . Cape 
Waehington. . cae .1120 corner Stoughton......... 119%) Whiting Tron ¥ ouudry ¢C 0, + 
Stratton H. 0. 34 Doane .. 10'7 | Upham Thos, A. 17 Harvard pl. Lis Kemble, . ye ala has Sea 
Strauss FL. A. oO W ashilngton. i244 (pton George, 14 Water......7195) Whitney Win. ¥ 40 Futtery- 
Stuart F. E. i Fulton......... 1002) Vanee & Co. 198 W, Second... el MAT CN. ace saee seen dion ese hlE® 
Stuart T. BE i} Wushington...1!50 Vannevar E. B. & Co, 58 Fulton. 110 Whiton Bro. & Co. 41 Cool, .. 002 
Stulte & Co, f6 Elm....... 1000 Very Theo. 5, 22 Pitts.........caps) Whittemore ana & Co, 100 
Sturtevant Mauuf. Company, 86 | Vicior Sewing Machine Co, 511 Lincom, .--+m.. 0-26 toe DOS 
Keverly...... ei saaell git Tremont. 020 v5 sace deca ees 1030) Widdifield & Co M4 Woeat.....1206 
Snuifolk Glass Co. $4 Wash. ‘cops Vineent, Hothawny, & Co, 111 | Wilbur A. & Co 620 Com’)... 1080 
Suffolk Saving Bank, 47 Trem't O57 Prroad. ¢ ¢2- seeds od coos HIHB|) Wild Jolin P46 Elio€.........., 1160 
Sullivan D. 85 Cove,.....,.....21%0 |) Vincent W. H, 5 State........ Oi) Wilder Chins. B. & Co. 108 North 
Sullivan T. J. 12 Howard.. 1082 Vogl F. & Co. 24 Creseent pl... 1198 | front colored 
Swain/Earle, & Co. wh 0 ‘om'l..1078 Vose R. jr., Wash. cor. Haivaril, | Wilder & Co, 65 Devonshire, . . il 
Swift Wim. H. & Co, 12 India. 1150 wird 16. . ees ee LIM) Wilkinson A.J. & Co.d! Brattle 
Taft Join B, 10 Olver front colored Wadsworth George W.5 Chat- cape 
Taggart Alfred tr 1% zw ash.... O03 HAM TOW... 22. 0a: weave TST) Willlame Brick Co. of Tannton, i2se 
Reus Iron Works Co., ‘Taun- | Wadsworth, Howland, & Co. 4 Willeutt & Thaxter, 626 Waeh, 10% 
wccteens dl In din tsxysc des =F pe eT Wiilett, Drake, & Co. 40 Ware- 
Taylor 7.1.8) Wa hington.. 124 Waldo... Adan & Ca. 4 Liberty DAM. pace eceeee ues. = TTR 
Taylor HR, 1005 Washington.10%4 Square. .......-.1n8t white page | Williams A HL. & Co, 20 Broad, 1222 
Taylor S.K, & Co. 45 Seuth,..1258 Waldron J.V. & Bro. 115 Court.13) | Williams Brick Co. of Taunton)2s0 
Teschomacher & Stearns, 1% Wilker A. A. 27 Tremont,.... OFT) Willlams Churles, jr 100 Court, lis 
exchange .....«--.-: 140 Walker CG. H. Charles, c. Cam- | Wiliams FJ. 120) W. Sreond,. 1000 
Thaxter Ja-hitia, 3 Bromfield. - 1085 bridge Se eee ea oo, 1120) Williams FS. 24 Semple pl... it 
ThaxterS & Son, 125 State,...1208 Walker F. A, & Co, By Cornhill lie?) Williams J. R. of Tanto, ... Lil 
Thayer Henry & Co. of Cam- Walker Geo. W.&Co.40 Union. Willinms, Page, & Gu. 10) Bud. 
bridgeport,................128) Walker Sylvenue, 80 Court. .« 1180 | Ch ees bree ee TDI 
Saye 7H. & J. PL & Co, Wallice & Brvant, 66 Eliot....1278 Williams & Everett, 204 Wash. 108 
Cambrid por eoceeseeee el 2 Wallbure & Sherry. 122 Harri- Williard Marquis, 37 Tremont. 1147 
Thayer Wm room (, Paet KOMMVCMUC,, cecccececeeees 1085 Wileon BLO & (5. C. 20 Contra) 119" 
building.......-...-..sss0-. 967 Walworth Manufactaring ane pat ee W.& Co, 12 1034 
Thomas John, ‘KO Ristle.. 1/05 128 Untlon, ......eewee: cape Pererir iy treks 
Thomas, Carroll, & Ga. 900 Fed- Ward Andrew H., Quincy Hall, 1161 | wilson <7e, nit, Wit Albany, li 
eral . 7 100% Ward N. & Co. 448 Federal,,,. 108!) Winchester & Hight, Durehwrter 
Thomas & Griffiths. 972 Fed’ral.1145 Ward Samuel & Go: 8 State. . 21 ave. cor, Foundry and First. )281 

Thompson Geurge E. & Co, 3 Warren Alonzo, 671 Dorchester Windahip ries Vi wehiiny ton, 107d 
Baral se cc eras teekcereyis 1106 AVENNE. ..cceeeensec cress... JOO) Wing & Nichols, 162 Com’'l.....1141 
Thompaon 3S. F. 19 T remont Warren Herbert M. 127 State. caps | Winente James 1, iv? Heer, ave 10506 

eee eat eer . 1066 Warren M. C. & Co. 9 Dock sq. 1035 Wingate & Adams, Is Broad. 101: 

Winslow W.H, & Co. 147 Milk.caps 
Wiswall Henry M. Quiney Hall.1108 
Wolcott Josiah, 4) sachool..... 1079 
Wood Amos L. bb Suodbury.... 
Wood Charles & Cu. 441 Wash. l0t5 
Wee Churles & Son, 19 
Woodbury A. [. & Co, 6ai4 
Washingtom ........0-+.0.125) 
Woodman Geo, & Co. 159 Milk 1241 
Woodrough & Co.31 Exchange. 106, 

Lil | 


Woods 5. A. Machine Co. 67 


Be al ee ‘fs om 

Woods & ti: 4 Charleatawn.. ; 1148 

Woods & Evana, Is Union..... Lilg 
Worcester & Austin, 66 Char- 
chou. See Se GG ee ee ee eS eenseas LOG 
Work al H. 44 road... as s 8 & Gs 

s3| Wright Carroll D. 33 Pemberton 

equare. . «1285 

| Wright & Moody, 1 18 Cornhill, .115y | 


Wright & otter, Milk, corner 

> eee 
Wratt Thomas. of Providence. Pars 
Wymun Wm, 40 State. .........1153 

Wyman & Arkloy, 39 Central 
We ETE sadde ccvaccaed Pao .. 1 
Yale li. M. PA mith Market. ames we 
Yerrinton F. M. 46 Wash...... 1000 

} Young C. & Emerson, 75 State. .1205 


AUK dasepli & Uo. 1 Sudbu 
. Lad 

AIrcon Soup Co. ht Lucia whi. 



e@- The figures on the right-hand margin of the column refer to the page upon which the advertisement may be found. ure 

Mason Joho, Providenee, HL 13506 
Smith Wm T., Prov. RL, 1367 

Kinaey Edgar L., Cambridge- 


Kennedy F. A Cambridge 
port “4 : Laid 
Hand and Jig Suwing 


Rollstone Machines Works, 
Fitchburg, i 

Banding Ceardage. 
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence, 1239 


Mathews & Davie, Hurlington, 

Eeed Sliuate. 
Mathews & liavis, burlington, 
Bedstead Mauwf. 
Rinibel) L., Naish, NLL, led 

Heer and Ale Huitles. 

Huusse)) A. al. F al. i ae Wy wal 
Troy, N.Y. 1198 

Belt and Ilose Manuts. 
Getes Josiah & Suis, Lowell, Lay 

Belt Mooks. 
Butler, Brown, & Cu, Provi- 
Gente, Lge 1a 
me pa Brown, & Ca., Provi- 
dente, Lt. 
Page naw'd, Lawrenes, trout cold 
Biack Leia. 
Alurse Brothers, Cuiton, 

Wyatt Thos, Provideuce, HLL Las 


Butler, Brown, & Co., Provi- 
dence, KL ; 
Eaton & Ayer, Nass Lid 
Pratt Sumer & Cu uncts 


Holler Makers. 
Dillon D. M.& Cw, Fitchburg, Loa 
Keodall & Roberts, Couibridye- ? 

port, Lag 




Holts, «ic. 

New Bedford Copper Co. (yel- 
low mel aod cupper), New 

Hoax Mukers. 
Torsy J. ML & Co. Lowell, 1235 
Brick Masnufacturers. 
Williams Brick Co. (and deal- 

ton. Lo 
eVilllme de: itive brick of 
all kinds), Taunton, Lilt 

Eritanunia —Ware 

; Tland & Barton, ict ri, . 
; uk oo loned 

Brosazse Metal (Patent. ) 
Sew Bedford Copper Co., New 

Metal Sheath- 

New Bodford Go Co. New 
Hedturd mare ia 

Bunge, Plugs, «& ‘Pape. 

Bachelder A. & Co., Lowell, Lesa 

Kiutis and Dlinges. 
Union Mito, Co., New Brit- 
din, Conu., l=} 
@alico-Printers' Hollere 

Crocker Bros. & Co,, Taunton, Lag 
ew OS tha Cupper Co., sew 


Cup and Set Serews. 
Suit &. C, Lowell, La 
Cur Munulacturers. 
Wasou Manf. Co. Springteld, L279 
Cor Wheels. 

Waren Mant, Co Springteld, L293 

@oardse & Card Clothing. 
Auitson Ik, Lowell, doe 

ard Ulothing. 
Butler, brown, & Co., Provi- ' 

dimen, 1 I, 
Lowell Card Uo, Lowell. Lasd 
Surgent Curd Clothing Co., 

VW urcesier, ; 

Curriage Buildera, 

Abbut nig hy Company, 
Concord, A. Li. (| Bost Lit 
Boe Broad), 

Cusk Manufacturer. 
Peiree Livyd N., N. Bedford, Ls3 
Cost Irou Store Fronts, 
Mack Sewall G.& Co.,.Lowell, Lad 

hain Manufacturer. 
Wyatt Lbomas, Prov. BH. LL. 1265 
Chemicals (Pharmaceu- 

Thayer Heory & Co. Com- 

Lic dalgeerpruirt,, 

Circular Saw S*ilill 

Rolistom Machine Werks, 


Cloth Boards. 

Mathews & Davia, Burlington 
Vermont, ~Ma Lis 

(lothes Dryecra. 
Moulton If & East 
Camb rida,” an 123 
Cockroach PF oison. 
Eutumn James, Proy.,K.L ley 
Collin and Cusket Manf. 
Lockhart Wm. Eust Cam- 
bridge, mT ) 3 

Coffin Warehouse, 
Locklant Wun L., Ewet Cam-— 
Comb Manufacturers. 
Joslin, Palmer, & Willimma, 

Composition Mains, 
Crocker Bros. & Co.. Taunton, L900 
Kew Bedfuid € Co 

New Hadiunt 

Pein Lloyd N,N. Bedford, Lt 
Coopers’ Flage. 
Peirce Lioyd A. N. Bedford, 123g 
Cop Frubes, 

Butler, Hrown, & Co. Previ- 
detice, He. i z 

Copper Manufacturers. 

Crocker Brothers & Co.,Taup- 

New Bedford Copper Cu., N 
Bedfurd, ey ae 

Copper Sheathing. 

scree Brothers & Co., Taun- 
Ne ie w Bedford | Copper Co., New = 
Copper «A: Yellow Metal 
New Balford Co Co, New 
Mealtiral, ecshe 
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawrence, Lg 
Mack &. G. & Co, Lowell, 
Cotton Banding. 

Gates Josiah & Suna, Lowell, [aay 
Butler, aes & uk, Provi- . 
dence, dt. 1. 

Cotton Goods Manufa. 

Stark Milla, FP. at 
Alwuctesier, A JEL agent La 

iE, | 

Cotton loons. 
Crompton George, Worcester, 14 
Cotton Machinery 
Kitson Richard, Lowell, La 
Cotton Openers und 
' Ulcunera, 
Ritson Richard, Lowell, [235- 

| Counsellor. 

Morse C.0.,Newburyport, Le 

Covered Wire. 
Hole B.S. 4 S00, Lawrence, Lop 
Crucker Taker. 

Renmedy F. A, Cambridge 
port, ; 1248. 
Uynanaret of Potash. 

Davia Henry V., New Bed- 

esi iecnens ani 

Hart J. W.& Co, Lowell, p B,J 


Eeleetru. inted Goods, 
lie « Karwa,‘lounten, bk. wid 
Elieman James, Providence, 

Mason Volocy W. & Co..Prov- 

Emery Wheel Manus. 
Hadley & Custaln, Provwi- 
dence, K. L, 

 Eneaustic Tiling. 
Jackwon Wm. H.& Cu, Now 
York, leaf opp. page LT 
Engine Hose, 
Gates Josiah & Suna, Lowell, 1237 

Mason Juhu, Providence, 11, low 
Exchange and Tickets, 
(orcign. |) 

Darare & Masin, Torun 
Hatch & Co., New Bedford, 12a! 
Ex presscs. 
rie gag cig Alason, Taunton, Lo 
a Cu., New Hodfuri Li 
Davie Henry V., New Hed- 
ford, iB] 

Fire Brick Manwuik, 
Freoch & Winslow, ‘l'aunton, isi 
Willisma J. H,, ‘Taunt, . Lila 
Fire Engines, (Stuation- 
rss | 
Kuowles Steam ump Works, 
Ls J. Roowles, prop. War 
ren, Mass. rer 0 105 
Fishing Tackle. 
Hale B. 6.% Son, Lawrence, 1200 
Friction Cluich Muna. 
Masun ty oe WwW. & Co, 
Providener, K. L * 1367 
Furnace (irate a 
Tupper W. W. & Uo., N.Y. 
Furniture Muauufs, 
Batcheller, Moore, & Cu., East 
Cambridge, ita 

Steam and Water 
Pipe -Munufs, 

ig cans arom Works Co. 



— & Roberta, Oam- 

Meck eeeaita. «& Co.,Lowell, Low 

ean ot 


vidence, KR. 

Gold and Silver FPlaters. 
Reed & Barton, ‘Taustou, 
back colured 
Gold Keflnorrs. 
Smith William 'I., Prov. BR, jae 
Granite BDealers ana 

Linools Frederick Willian, 

‘Sanborn A. C. & Co, Eat 

mbridge, 1ouy 
Grate Bure, 

Tupper W. W. & Co, N.Y. 1209 

Grates and Fenders, 
a eg Wu. Ll. & Co,, Now 
York, leat opp. page 17 
Hair for Flastering and 
ot & Co. | 

Hoisting Machinery. 
Meson a gs Ah & Co., reer 

Tinilow Ware Minus. 
Taunton drow Wuiks Uw, | 
Tannton, ib 
Gates Jusiah & Sons, Lowell, Lest 

Boutell Lewis, N. Halford, la 
Mouse Furoishing 

Jackson Wm. H. & Cu., New 
york, leaf opp. page If 
 Mydraulie Presses. 
Weston C. H., Lowell, L6 
Mydrualic Pumps. 
Koeowlee L. J., Warren, Lal to st 
Ice Piteher Muuufs. 
Heed & Harton, Tauntou, 
back colored 
Insulated Wire. 
Hale B.S. & Sou, Lawrence, Lo) 

Insulated "Pelegraph 
Wire, | 

Phillipa E. F., Prov. BR. IT. isl 

Iron Fences & KMuilinga. 
Alack Suwall G.& Co.,Lowell, ine 
Iron Founders. 

Kinsley hoger L., Cum- 
bralpe punt, 126 

Oltterivn J. u)., Nashum, NHL. Lot 

Union Mawul. Co., New Mrit- 
ai, Cow, 

Taontou drow Works Co., 
Teuiiton, L314 
Iron Manufacturers, 

Washburn & Moen Manufy. 
Lu, Wurteser, idl gid Lill 

Jewellers’ “owls, 

Blundeii Henry, igent, Mrov- 

hdwoe, JL. 4. LH. 
Sewelry Muawuits. 

Joslin, Palmer, a Wilimie, 
Mo va of dvi, Hubber, 
Bd) Suvi), Leta, Lat be 

Lace Leather, 

Butler, Lruwn, & Cy,, i rovi- 
dence, H. | : 

rites Juvwiia & Sune, Lowel), Lon 


Muulton Heury « Cu., East 
Lainbridge, es 
Lathe Munufacture rc. 

Pui Laci W., Wireener, Led 

, Lawyer, 
Mor C.0., Newburyport, Lew 

Leuther Belting. 
Grates Jowiah a Sons, Lowelj, 1:87 
Page kdiward, Lawteuce, 

runt cured 
Prat Suviner & Uu., + ci eal 
ter, Pe] 
Leather Machinery. 

Weston C. EL, Lowell, low 

Lime, Saod and Cemeni. 
Burrage, Shepherd, a Co., 
Canucidgeport, bell 
Ligen Guude M aus. 

Star ar SOs I. Acoma, ageut, 
ALanateduer, Alb, Lis 

Lines and Twine, 
Hale U. 8. & Bon, Lawrence, Lan 
Loum Manufmeturers. 

Crompta ore, Worceste 
Awe Lo dare iol a ae 
Pratt Sumer & Uo., Worces- 
Loum Pickera, 
Butlar, Hino A 5 F is 
dena Met bac 
Lumber Dealers, 

Been Renna Co. 

Oeburn jane De Cambridge - 
port, 3 ine 

Lumber Penoclla, 

Machine Cord (lathing, 
Lowell Con Co, Larwell, dsr 

Machinery Munufs. 
Pond L. W., Worcester Tah 
Pa a Bec 

Machinery and Toois. 
Butler, ri & Go., Provi- | 
Paina Ww bob's 

Riten Kichard, Lowell, 
o Vulocy W. & Co, 

Putnas ‘Machine "Co., Fitch- 
Rolistune Machine Works, 

Unien ‘ae Co., New Hrit- 
ian, Coun., 
Muchiniats' "Foals, 

Pond L. W.,Worcester, Lao 
Putra Machine Uo, Fiteh- 
burg, LA 

Afugic Fowd ce for Clean 

ing Silwer, 
Elleman James, Providence, iT 

Manuf. Pharmoaceutists, 
Thayer Honry & Co., Cum- 
bridgeport, Vai 

Manufacturers’ Supplics 
ee Grown, & Co., Provie 
Gulce Josiah & Sona, Lowell, 17 
Page Edward, Lawrence, 
Pratt Surmoer & Ow., Worecn aoe 
ler, biwiu 
Sar ent Card Clothing Co,, 
oruMeter, La 
Marble Workers, 
Lincolu Frederick William, 
Lbcleece, al ‘micas 

Metu le. 

Croucher Broa. & Ca., Taunton, 00 
Mining Pumps. 
Koowles L.. J., Warreni,l) to Lie 

Mason John, Providence, LL lw 
Monomernial Works. 
Linculo Frederick W iiliam, 


Missle Wire. 

Washburn & Moen 

Ca, Worcester, = isis ed iil 

Nail Manntacturers, 
Crocker Bros. & Co., Taunton, Law 

Reed & Barton, To 

Novelty Plaster Works. 
Mitchell Geo. E., Lowell, fr'nteo)'d 

GH and Water Cosks. 

* Oven "Tiles, 
Williama J. K., Taunton, Ea 
Packing Moxa, 

Muthews & Davis, Burli , 
Vermont, aaa 178 
Thayer il, Pe i di FP, & Co, 
Canibridge port, 
hiuas Huanginga. 
Thayer J. H. & J. P, i. 
Cambeligeport, Dik ee] 
Paper Muchiner 7 
) ir ¥ Mun 
Dillon D. MM. & Co..Fitchburg, 127s 

Paper Masufictorers, 

Owen Paper Co., Housatonjo, 
opp. p. 116 


Patent (intch Mawuofs. 
Rite: 6 Vee luew WY. & Cu, Prue 
dala’ yee ki i Pain 
Fatent Medicines. 
Novelty Plaster Works, Larw- 
ell, front colored 
Patent Spindle Bolsters 
Steere E. N.. Providence, RT. bile 
Pattern Makers. 
Union Manuf. Co,, N. Britain, 

Conn. IZ 
Mazon John, Providence, LAs 

Pew & Pulpit Builder. 
Wentworth T. B., Cambr- , 
port, la 
Fianing and Matching 
Rollstine Machine Works, _ 
Fitchburg, Lae 
FPianing and Moulding 

MH | Bie +3 
Bachelder A. & Cu., Lowell, les 

Plaster Manufs. 
ley Plaster Works, Low- 
ao ¥ ‘ : fiout colored 

Bievens John H. & Co., Cam- 
bridgepart, [uh 

Blundell Henry, agent, Provw- 
iilenes, 1 
Flumbers’ Materials. 

Stevens John H. & Co., Cum- 

bridgepart, 1 
Polish Manufacturers. 
Moree Brothers, Canton, 131 
Russell A. J. & J. Lo, West 
Troy, N. ¥- Link 
Frera Plates, 
Weston C. L., Lowell, 12h 

Knowles L. J.,Warren, 1901 to 18 
Weston C. H., Lowell, L2H 

Frussian Flue, Prussi- 
ace und Cynnuret 
of £ otash. 

Davis Henry V..New Bedford, so 

Fualpit Boilder. 
hy eric T. B.,Cambridge- — 
Pump Manufacturers. 
Knowles L. J.,Warreo, £31 to 1008 
Union Manuf. Co., New Grit- 
jan, Conn, i 
Kailway Castings. 
Wain Mf'g. Co. Springfield, 1273 
Ratchet Presses. 
Knowles L. J.,Warren, 190] to Las 
Smith Willian T., Provi- 
dence, KLL., 
Angell Water Wheel Co., 
Providence, K-L., 
Eing Travellers. 
Butler, Brown, & Co., Provi- 
dence, 19 
Eotary Bleachers. 
Dillon D. M. & Co.,Fitchburg, 1278 

Saw Benches, 

Rollstone Machine Works 

(patent), Pichburg, 

‘tawing and inning. 
Osborn James D.,Cambridge- _ 

port, Lez 

Serew Manufacturer. 
Smith 5. C. (cap and set 

screws), Lowell, 


Lincoln Frederick William, 


Shade Cord. 
Tale B.S. & Sou, Lawreace, 1209 

Shsattiss coma Palle yas. 
Angell Woter Wheel Uo., 

rovtidence, K.1. 126 
Putnam Machine Co., Fiteh- wuts 


Shears and Foanches. 
Pond L, W., Worcester, 1359 
Shtnthinge for Shipe. 
New Bedford Copper Co.,.New 

Bedford, 14 
Shuttle Alanwufs, 

Eaton & Aver, Nashua, 12h 
Silver Filnted Goods 
Si atid. 

Reed & Harton, ‘Taunton, 
back colored 
Silver Plater. 
Elléman James, Providence, 1367 

Silver Ware Manus. 
Reel & Barton, Taunton, 
tack eolored 
Slating Nails. 
Crocker Bros. & Co.,Taunton, 10 

Smith Wm. T., Providence, 
it. 1. LE 

oop Mannuineturers. 
Draper J.0.&Co., Pawtuck- | 
et, KIL 1208 
Crocker Bros, & Co.,Taunton, La) 

Spike Manufacturers. 
New Bedford Copper Co. New 
Belford, Lan 
Spindle Holsters. 
Steere Erastus N., Providence, 

Spinning Kings. 
Butler, Brown, & Co., Provi- 
dence, RK. 
Spoecl Mannuficturcrs. 
Eaton & Ayer, Nashua, 124 

Spoon ond Fork Manfs. 

Reed & Harton, Taunton, 
back colored 

ine. | 

Knowles Steam Pump Works, 
. Knowles, prop. ia aur 

ren, 1 to to 1908 

Sten mi hoant Say Bars. 
Tupper W. W. & Co., N.Y. 12 

Steum Cwlinder & Hed 

Blundell Henry, agent, Prov- 
idenee, ; 

Siution ary Engines, 

Siceuam Enagines. 
Putnam Machine Co., Fiteh- 
burg, 1415 
Steam Pipe Munofs. 
Tounton Iron Works (Co., 

‘Taunton, 1314 
ten Press Works. 
Weston C. H., Lowell, 1286 

Steam Pumps. 
E ca LL. J., Warren, 
acl 131 to 1908 
Steel Wire Manuf. 

Washbarn & Moen Manuf. 
Co., Worcester, 1il0and 1411 

Stone Cuttersand Deal. 
cot A. C. & Co., Eust 
Jambridge, 1m 
ree Ware Manufs., 

Ruseclli A. J, & J. L., West | 
Troy, N.Y. LIL 

Rtaye oller Fottocmna. 
Crocker Bros. & Co. Taniiton, 2M 

Stove Lining M mus. 

French & Winslow, Taunton, LW 
Wiliams J. R, Taunton, ald 

Stove Munufs, 
Tannton Iron Works Co., 
Taunton, la 
Stove Polish Afanuofk, 
More: Bros, Canton, 1a) 

Tanks (Iron.) 

Dillon TD. Mf. & Co, (build 
Fitchburg, 5 om org 

Tecth Givyeerine San 
ADanufs, r 

Draper J. O. & Co., Pawtueck- 
rE. — long 

Telegraph Office Wire. 
Phillips E. F., Providence, RD, 1231 

atin Wm. H.& Co., New 
Willian J. R., reat opp. et 1“ 
Tool Munufacturers, 
Hadley & Costain, - 
dance, RI. mi VERO 
‘Top Koll Coverer. 
Page Edward, Lawrence, 
front coloned 
Kendall & Roberts,Cambridge, 155 

‘Turner, (Wood. } 
Mason John, Providence, R.T. 1994 

Twines nnd Lines, 

Butler, Brown, & C 4 
denes, R. I, pacers 

Hale B. 5. % Son, Lawrence, Le 

Lockhart Wim, L., East Cam- 
Wacon Bullders, 
ar neon Hs (Bo Company, 

Boston of- 

Ses a Munuik, 
Taunton Iron Works Co., 
Taunton, 13/4 
Water Wheels. 
ce Water yh heel Co., 
rovidenee, K.T., 176 
Hale B.S. & Son, Lawre jy 
Washburn & Moen Manuf, Co. 
Worcester, 1S and 1) 
Wire Workera. 
Hale B.S. & Bon, Lawrence, 1200 
Wood Working Muchin.- 
a ery ia 
Rolletone Machine Works, 
Woolen Waste A. Kags. 
Pratt Sumner & Co., Worcester, 180 
Worsted Goods Manufs. 
Hale B..8. & Son, Lawrence, 1209 

Wreggnt From Pipe 
Taunton Iron Works (o., 
Taunton, 4 

Yellow Metal. 
New Redford Copper Co.,.New 
Bedford, | 

¥ellow and Bronze 
Metal Sheathing. 

Crocker Bros. & Co.,Taunton, Log, 

Crocker Bros. & Co.,Taunton, 


iSaved our Books and Papers in 

comparatively good condition, in 

the Great Fires of Nov. 9, 1872, 
and May 30, 1875. 



$41 1-4 Washington Street, near the Hoston Theatre, 


Factory and Warehouse, 
74 & 7% SUDBURY STREET. ~ 
\Fire & Burglar Proof Safes, 

Steel Chests, and Iron Doors 



WM. H. JACKSON & CO., Union Square, N. Y., 



Open Frres. — In every home there should be at least one open grate, or some other arrange- 
ment for burning wood or salt or hard coal. A fire which can be seen as well as felt—a_ cheerful, 
bright, blazing fire, with shovel and tongs, and fender, too, if you please, which will attract the 
family by its social influences —is agrand thinginahome. Those black, grim, tartarean fines, filled 
with the stale odors of cellar and hot nir-chamber and seething water-tank, and emitting clouds of 
wulverized ashes to cover your furniture and stifle your lungs, are among the greatest banes of 
umily enjoyment and comfort. It is all well enough to have one’s dwelling warmed from top to 
bottom, and to have no coals to carry beyond the furnace, but this heating system has done im- 
mense mischief to the family powers, scattering the members of it all over the house, and furnishing 
not one attractive spot in which the inmates will gather, as by instinct they do, to enjoy the cheery 
comfort of the fireside. ‘There is no fireside in most of our modern houses. There are only holes 

‘ inthe floor or in the walls. And we are disposed to think that the good ventilation of the open fire 
adds not a little to the unconscious blessings of its hospitable and domestic influence. The sight of 
the little folks, as they sit musing and amused while the wood-fire burns, and watching the fantastic 
flames and the glowing coals, is worth many times the cost of that cord of hickory or oak at city 
prices; and a wise household would rather part with the furnace which that bright blaze supple- 
ments and atones for than with the low grate which makes the family cirele 9 real thing. ‘Try it, 
ye who can, and see if the moral, msthetic, and domestic power of this style of home-comfort is 
over-estimated.— Zhe Science of Health. 

Union Square, 17th Street side, New York. 














— elle 

Se) eee 2) je || fries] Ai rt "7 | a 
rit ay - ik aril idi ; l Wan be 
sia aie i r . " SALLI Noy ee LTT AIT in , 
é A hall OG Stes g ee ae —_ i 
hill Lt 

_ i 
a fs 
ae | |t - 

me Teo SRRER ER RE.” 


; ee 

a —_—— 


a SLES Sarr 2 a ae 2 
\! | (642A eel ce ——— PFA) ——F —— — ; = | 


eo ae 

WM. H. JACKSON & CO., Union Square, N. Y., 


[No connection wlth any other establishment. | 


2d door from Broadway, 17th Street side. 

FRENCH, citipeig tae AND BERLIN 




-Fire-Guards, and Fan-Fenders, Hearth Brushes, Bellows, 
Fire-Irons and Stands for same, with Tile Bottoms, 
or with Steel or Nickel-plated Bottoms. 

| , 
In Rosewood, Ash, Maple, & Black Walnut; also in Bronze, Steel, & Tile. 

Imitation Cannel and Anthracite Coal, for burning Gas in 
Grates, or on And-irons (or Fire Dogs), of which 
we always have a great variety. 



And, in fact, every thing pertaining to Wood or Ooal Fires, or Open Fireplaces. 



Gitvine the location of each street, and showing what other streets and places run from It or acroge It, 
with the number at which they intersect. 

From this lat, the location of any number on a street can be easily ascertained; as, for instance, wishin 
to know at what part of Washington Street No. G4) comes, you look at Washington St.. upon page 42, ab 
find that Eoallis St. rune from 617, and Common St. from 601, showing that (0 Washington would come about 
balf away between Hollis and Common, 

A Street, from 710 Dor. 
chesterave. to Richarda, 
Ward 7 


“7 Fourth 
4 Silver 

of? Broadway 
‘l Athens 
oO 87 Third 

100 OF Second 
174 11 First 

144 Baldwin 
162 Richards 

Abbot, from EBlne Hill 
ay. to Hurvard, W'd 16. 

Acorn, from 2 Willow to 
5 West Cedar, Ward 6, 

Acton, from 1070 Wash- 
ington to 19 Bradford, 
Ward 10, 

Adama, from 105 Namp- 
den to 8 Dudley, 
Ward 13. 

Left. Rt. 

I Croshy place 
6 65 Yeoman 

87 Orchard 
Bt 51 Bustle 
76 «67d Ludley 

Adams, from Junetlon, 
Hancock and Bowdvin, 
at Meeting-Wouse Hill, 

to Wash., at Milton 
Lower Mills, Ward 16, 
Left. Rt. 
0 Hancock 
0 Bowdolu 
0 O Church 
0 Winter 
0 East 
‘i Hall's Court 

0 Fox Avenue 

0 Homes Avenue 

0 Auburn 

0 Dorchester Ave. 

0 Dickens 

0 Park 

0 Gibson 

0 Neponset Ave, 


oc s 66 

Oak Avenue 
0 Pierce Avenue 

Marsh | 
Granite Avenue 

} 214 

0 Milton 
0 Richmond 
0 Butler 
0 © Washington 

Adams Place, from 1 

Korth Anderson to 12 

Blossom, Ward 3. 
Adams Place, from 2 

E Street, Ward 7. 
Adams Place, from 

i705 Wash., Ward 14, 
Addison, fr'm Saratoga 

to Chelsea-st. Bridge 
Ward 1. “a 

Akron, from 22 Alpine 
to ae encan, Ward 14. 

ae Alpine 
a2 Akron Place 
26 25 Kegent 

Akron Place, from 7 
Akron, Ward 14. 

Alaska, fr. 131 Blue Hill 
av. to 38 Perrin, W'd 14. 

Albany, from &} Beach 
to 8S Eustis, Wards 7, 5, 
10, 11, 13, 

T. Jf. 
2 1 Beach 
40 37 Kneeland 
BS 8S Harvard 
(ht rene ot Place 
Ch. Catholic Church 
104 Albany Place 
140 149 Owk 
1i4 160 Curve 

173 173 B.& A. R. Road 
188 Crocker Place 
102 191 Way 
“05 Seneca 
217 Oneida 
229 Oswego 
241 Genesee 
251 Rochester 
261 Trov 
Bullard’s Wharf 
Cobb's Wharf 
105 Dover 
349 Bristol 
407 Union-park St, 
450 Malden 
510 Wareham 
643 Plympton 
ih Ki. Dedham 
603 E. Canton 
015 E. Brookline 
643 Sharon 
(53 E. Newton 
675 Stoughton 
7 E. Concord 
fal eee 
ved E. Chester Park 
801 Northampton 




A) ——— street 
Binney lace 
75 Magog place 
SS) Howuneman 
17 Webber 

ez Hartopp place 
vr Dearborn 

ro Mall 
10 HO Eustis 

Albany Place, fr'm 1% 
Albany, Ward 5, 

Albert, from Old Henth, 
near i. 
Park, Ward 16 

Albion, from 14 Dover 

to 140, Castle, W'ds 9, 10, | 

Left, Re. 

- @ Daver 
45 44 Chapman 
63 1 Lucas 
75 76 Paul 

Bt &2 Castle 

Albion, from Stoughton | 

to Clifton, Ward 16. 

Alden, from 149 Court to 

7? Sudbury, Ward 4. 

Alden Court, from 4 
Alden, Ward 4. 

Alger, from 465 Dorches- 
ter Ave, to Dorchester 
St., Ward 13, 

Allbright Court, from 
Boston to Summer, 
Ward 14, 

Alleghany, from 763 
Parker, Ward 15, 

Allen, fr. 74 Chambers to 
Brighton, W'd 3. 

Lanjt, Atl. 

Ch. 1 Chambers 

29 Linden Place 

2) Allen Court 

a7 Allen Place 

65 Spring 

61 Kennard Avenue 

67 Brighton 

Allen Court, from 33 
Allen, Ward 4. 

Allen Place, from 37 
Allen, Ward 3. 

K.. to Bromley | 

® TBolfinel 
12 23 Bowdoin 
Allston, from Mather to 
Centre, Ward 16, 
Allston Place, from 6 
Allston, Ward 4. 

Almont Place, from 15 

Hlossom, Ward 3. 
Alna Place, from 159 

Webster, Ward 1, 
Alpine, fr. 14 St. James 

to 4! Regent, Ward 14, 

Lest. Rt. 
2 1t, James 
oo Akron 

06 OF Regent 

Amee Place, from (42 
Shawmut Ave,, Wd 11, 

Amory, from (Centre, 
near Hogg Bridge, to 
West Koxbury, W'd 15, 

Lert. Mt, 
~ i Centre 

82 Codman Avenue 

151 Boylston 

100 W. Roxbury Ine 

Anderson, fr, 150 Cam- 
bridge to G4 Pinekuey, 
Ward 6, 

Left, Rl. 
2 | Cambridge 

18 Anderson Conrt 

20 Anderson [lace 

24 Philips 

31 Hethel Place 

BE | Seara Piice 

a7 James [lacg 

43 Champney 

46 47 Kevere 

ot 8% Alyrtle 

65 65 Pinckney 


Anderson Court, from 

18 Anderson, Ward 6, 

Anderson Place, from 
2) Anderson, Ward 6, 
Andrew, fr. F. Canton, 
east of Harrison ave, 

Ward 10. 

Appleton, fr. 42 Berke. 
ey, near the church, to 
Colambas Ave., W'd 9, 

Left. Mt. 

1 Berkeley 
07 Clarendon 
130 120) Dartmouth 
178 Canton 
177 Columbuer Avenue 

Allen Pince, from 2017 4reh, from io Milk 

Wash, Ward 14, 
Allen's Court, from 103 
Allston, fr. 4 Somerset 

to 30 Bowdoin, Ward 4. 

. 1 Somerset 
Allston Place 

Havre to Paris, W'd 1. | 

to 60 Summer, Ward 5, 
ejt. Jt. 

2 1 Franklin 

0 Bussey Place 

3) 23 Summer 

Arch Place, from 21; 
Hanover, Ward 2, 

Archer Place, from 40i 

East Second, Ward 13, 


rlington, from opp. 05 | 904 303 India wharf 
Bey HN 10. Opp. 13 Boyle ‘310 Rowe's wharf 
ston, Wards 6, 9. “(Dis 2 Broad 
Left. Re. 
1 Reneon 
7 Marlborough 

Atinntic Avenue, fr’m 
Savin rae ig ut O. 

9 Come : | K. RK. bridge, to Savin 

Date AY) Hill Avenue, Ward 16. 

Ch. Arlington-st. Ch.) Atwood Avenue, from 
Boylston | & Day, Ward 15. 

Arnold, fr'n 1705 Wush- | Auburn, fr'm Erighton- 
naton te | street Ave, aoross Liv. 
Avenue, Ward 1. | Ingston, Ward 3. 

Ash, from 1) Bennet to | /et. Ht, 

6 Oak, Ward 6. | 
it. | 



—T 1 Deunet 43 42 End of Street 
12 Corey Avenue Auburn. from 66 Rog: | 
= 4| a les to 55 Vernon, Wid 

Left. Hit. 
2 1 Huggies 
s Tilden Place 
15 Auburn Place 
2 Vernon 

Ash Place, from 52 Myr- 
tle, Ward d. 

Ashburton Place, fr. 
Hi Somerset to 46 Kow- 
doin, Ward 4, 

Ashinnd, from 85 Lev- 
erett to 165 Chambers, | 
Ward 3. 

Ashland, from Park to 
Mill, Ward 16, | 

Auburn, from Adama) 

neuwr Dorchester Ave., 
Ward 16, 

urn Avenue, fr'm 
Poplar, Ward 4, 



vt. He. Auburn Court, from 
0 Park so Cambridge, Ward 6, 

0 0 Elm = 

0 66 Mill Anburn Court, from 

Auburn, Ward 16. 

Anburn Place, from 
1s Auburn, Ward 14, 

Austin, fr. Dellevue to 
Western Ave,, Ward 16. 

Ashlinnd Place, from 
100 Washington to dio 
Harrisoo Ave., W'd lu, 

Ashmont, from Wash. | 
to neponeet Av.,W'd 16, | 


he ii if. k a" 
c Autumn, fm, 0 Long- 
oO Wash. Ave. Ward 
0 0 Dorchester Ave, | wood Ave,, Ward 15, 
Oo Carruth Avery, from 387 Wash-- 
0 60 Adams ington to Mason, W'd 6. 
0 © Train Lest, Wt. 
Oo O heponset Ave. 2 | Washington 
' : i 1 
Ashton Place, fr'm 207) oq“ Haymarket Place 
Charles, Ward 3. 7 20 Mason 

Asylum, fr. hi Wash- Avery Plnce, from 7 
ington to 435 Harrison) Avery, Wardd. 

Avenue, Ward 8, a 

: Avon, from 262 Waeh. to 
Athens, from [1 Second) 24 Chauncy, Ward 5. 

po 76 Dorchester, Wards | Lest, Rr. 

7; 12. 2 1 Washington 
Left, Rt. 16 Central Court 
2 1 Second 0 65 Chauncey 

mM 74 A Street 
100 113 B. H. & E. Maile, | 

v2 115 1 Sireet Ruggles, Ward 15 
er | ju i, ail 

* | 

i ad “ 04 EB eStreet, from 252 Dor- | 
uD) wak chester Avenue lo 153 

om Pou First, Ward 7, 
336 33: Pulaski Last. Rt, 
400 413 Dorchester 1 Seventh 
10) eater » alleeata 
Atherton, from 1573| 12 11 Tuder 

Shawmut Ave., Wd 15, | 20 25 Sixth 

+4 iY Bowen 

Atinutie, fr. 470 Fourth, Chestout Place 

to 22 Thomas, W'd 12, | &2 os Sal 
Atlantic Avenue, fr'm 77 Stat 

Euatert Ave. to Broad,| 94 go Sijver 

head of Rowe's wharf, / io2 101 Brondway 

Warda 2, 4, &. “16 115 Athens 

2 Eastern Arve (ee 127 Third 
23 Commercial street re 139 erin 
40 40 Lewlsa wharf 160 149 Second 
00 60 Commercial wharf) yaq 145 Firat 

126 Mereantile pier 

78 )0=—s T wharf Back, fr. Bioe Hill Ave, 
206 25 Long wharf to Onkland, W ard 16. 
244243 Central whart 0 Blue Hili Ave, 

2? Brighton-st. Ave. | 


Avon Place, from 205 | 


o Madison 
0 O Jamaica 
0 O Oakland 

Bailey, from Dorchester |’ 
Avenue to Waeh., bear 

Ashmont, Ward 16. 
Bailey Court, from 
HY Albany, Ward 13, 
Bainbridge, from I 
Dale to 157 Walnut Ave, 
Ward 14, 

Baker Place, fm, Bird, 
Ward 16, 

Baker's Alley, fr'm 192 
North, Ward 2. 

| Baker's Alley. from 45 

S. Margin, Ward 4. 

Wash. at Lower Milla, 
Ward 16, 

Baldwin, from Granite 

to A, Ward 7. | 
Baldwin Place, from 
118 Salem, Ward 2. 
Ball, from 1721 Wash. 
to (0 Slawmut Ave., 
Ward 14, 

Bancroft Place, from 
33 Hawkins, Ward 4. 
Barber's Alley, from 

310 North, Ward 2. 
Barnard Place, from 
i440 Third, Ward 12. 

|Barre Place, from 53 

Elliot, Ward 8. 
Earrett, from § Fulton 
io 79 North, Ward 2. 

Harry's Court, from 
1086 Wash., Ward 10. 

| Bartlett, fr. 1055 Shaw- 

mut Ave. to Eliot 5q., 
Wards 14, 15, 

Left, ft, 

= 1 Shawmut Avenue 

Blanchard Place 
76 Dudley St. 

78 Eliot Square, 

| Bartlett Place, from Do 

‘Salem, Ward 2, 

| Barton, from #1 Lowell 

to & Milton, Ward 4d. 
2» 1 Lowell 
a0 2) Leverett 
50 Napier Place 
© Barton Court 

| 76 75 Milton 

Barton Court, from 6 
Barton to #0 Brighton, 
Ward 3, 

from 9% 
Kneeland, Ward 4, 

Bath, from 54 Congress 
to 66 Milk, Ward 4. 

Battery, from 490 Han- 
over to 375 Commercial, 

Ward 2. 

| Batterymarch, fr'm 13 
Liberty Square to 81) 

Broad, Wards 4, 5. 

» tf, 

1 Libert Sq 
3 15 Milk : 
#7 Hamilton 
S| 51 Broad 
Batter, from C to E, 
coming D at 132,Wards 
, i 

Harvard, Ward 5, 

Court, irom 

Lambert Avenue | 

|Raxter Square, from 
~16 E, Ward 12. 

Bay, crosses Fayette at 
a7 and 58, and Knox at 
21, Ward 0. 

Bay-State Place, from 

i First, Ward 12, 

Bay View Place, from 
660 KB. Eighth, Ward 12, 

Beach, from 495 Wash- 
ington to 30) Federal, 

42 37 Harrison Avenue 
55 Tyler | 
67 Hudeon 
Oliver Place 
&3 Albany 
#8? B&W. RR St'n 
0 04 Lincoln 
100 107 Utiers 
122 127 South 
145 161 Cove 
lé4 167 Federal 

Beach, fr'm Commerelal 
to Park, Ward 16. 

Beacon,/r'm © Tremont 
over the Mildam, W'da 

4, 6, 
Left. Rt, 

Tremont Place 

9 Somerect 

16 Freeman [lace 

27 KRowdoln 

— Mt. Vernon 

— State House 

28 Hancock Avenue 


o weaver 
pp. 95 Arlington 
oe oo Otters 

147 150 Berkeley 
201 150 Clarendon 
255 234 Dartmouth 
468 657 Exeter 
618 G17 Fairfield 

74 Gloucester 
714 Hereford 
46 'arker 

Beacon-hill P1., from 
i5 Howdoin ta ll Mt, 
Vernon, Ward 4, 

Beale, from Dorchester 
Ave,, near Fuller, to 
Carruth, Ward 16, 

Beaver, from 91 Beacon 
Ward 6 

Beckler Avenue, fr'm 
K, between Fourth and 
Fifth, Ward 12. . 

Bedford, fr'm 2% Wash 
to 115 Summer, Ward 6. 

if Hy 
1 Washington 

15 Suffolk Place 
14 a Court 
at 3 inte 
| &2 ) Aingeton 
| rei Bedford Court 
ay Columbia 
| 103 Lincoln 
At Summer 

| Baxter Place, from 25| Bedford Court, from 

77 Bedford, Ward 5, 


Beech-Glen Ave ,from | 104 
174 Highland to Fort) 44 
Ave., Ward 15. | 

Becthoven, from 19) 
Shawmut Ave,, W'd 14. 

aioe Ward 6 2 haa ‘Ch. Central Chareh 

. | Shi Dik Commonw ith AF. 

Bell Court, from 104 D, | 255 Firat Church 

Ward 7. 202 201 Mar!boro’ 
416 21) Heacon 

Berkeley Place, from 
Stoughton, Ward 16, 

Bist's Notre-Dame 
207 Trovidence 
220 219 Boylston 
234 Nat. Hist. Tulld’g 
242 241 Newbury 

Bellevne, from Long- 
wood St. to 374 Long- 
wood Are., Ward 15, | 

Bellevue, from [Bow- Berlin, from Franklin 
doin toColumbia, Ward! TF'lnce, to 38 Davenport, 
16. Ward 15. 

o- ert, At. 

Belmont. fromilifoeg- 5 4p lin 
flees to W Vernon, W'd) a | tenn ng Place 
At. | Coveotr 

47 burke 

ih! Lenton 

ai Davenport 

Berwick Park, from 
H7 Columbus Avenue, 
to B. & I’. BR. R., W'd 9. 


Helmont P1,, from Kr- 
erett, Ward 1. 

Helmont Square, fr'm 
Webster to Sumner. 
Ward 1, 

Bennet, from ey Waal 
phot Ward one! oe Sumner, Ward 1, 

Left. Rt. 
2 1 Washington 

11 Aeh 

17 Jefferson Place 
Bennet lace 
[larrison ATenue 

Anderson, Ward 6 

Beverly, fr. 44 Charles- 
town to Warren Bridge, 
Ward 2, 

Bennet Avenue, from sh ci ‘thotiestown 
47 Prince to “6 North 45 "| Travers ala 
Bennet, Ward 2. I 11a 14 Causeway | 

Bennet Place, from 2) | Warren Bridge 
Bennet, Ward &. 

Bennington, from *)) ' Bromley Park, Ward 
Central square to Trura| 

, dull, Ward 1. Billerica, fr. 54 Canae- 


. Rt, vat a | ia 
‘ Porter . way to 20 Minot, W'd @. 
_ Centra Square =| Billings Court, fr'm 73 
_ 73 London Frient, Ward 4. 
Bl Marlon 
131 Havre Billimges Place, fr. 705 
146 - Broaks Parker, Ward 15, 
| Billa Court, from 103 
“ye Putnam Ruggles, Ward lh 

264 263 Prescott 
S00 251 Chelsea 
250 25 Bremen 

ae eee te from Francla 
Iailroad erosa'ng. N 

to the Maresh, Ward 15. 

Hurmony Binney Place, fr'm 862 
Moore Albany, Ward 13, 
- Bird, from Myrtle to Co- 
Yr bye lumbla, Ward 16, 
be fe 0 Afyrtle 
Trumbull 0 Ceylon 
Bennington Pl.,from, 9 street not named 
Rennington, Wardi, oO Cedar Place 

| | OColumbi 
Benton, from 083 Tre-| DN eee 
mont to (3 Berlin, Wd) Bird Lane, changed to 
1h. Story, 1874, Ward 12, 

Berkeley, from 407 Tre-) piea Place. fri Ne 
i to 147 Beacon, | —s Re from Bird, 
‘i, ¥, 

sr fi itt. ' 
i Tremont ton and Clinton to Hay- 

14 Warren Avenue market Sq., Wards 2, 4. 
Ch. Berkeley-et. Ch, Lest. Rf. 

a0 Gray 1 Fulton 
42 Appleton _ New-Eng’d []o'se 
fiz Lawrence 44 22 North 
74 74 Chandler | ow Salt Lane to Creek 
8 80. & A.B. HR. bdg. Square 

LI? Cortes 76 to RS Wlackstone M'rky, 

1M 15 Columbus Avenue 124 123 Haoover 
146 Stanhope 176 Haymarket Sq. 
176 176 B. & FP. E. KH. bdg. lvl Cross 

St. James Avenue, Blackstone 

‘Blossom Place, from 25 

Bessom Court, {rt 207 | 

Rethel Place, from 3 | 

Bickford, fr. 80 Heath, | 

|Board Alley, from 27 

Blackstone, fr'm 2 Ful- 


Bq., 1297 | 20 2449 F Street 
Wash,., Ward 11. 20 319 Dorchester Street 

, « fer, Bolton Piace, from 2 
OO Bartlett to Notiolk, | Bolton, Ward 7. 
Ward 15. Bond, from 4 Milford to 
Blossom, from 1%5Cam- | Havson, Ward 10. 
b’ge to 38 Allen, W'd3. ggorder, from 50 Sum- 

Lest. Kt. ner to Condor, Ward 1, 
£ 1 Cambridge | Lest. Re 
7 Blossom Court “ 1 Sumner 
12 Adame "lace 5 (‘rose 

| ] 
15 Niossom Place a 53 Maverick 

Is Almont Place 7l Eria Alle 
= a0 pps ful) Atlautie Wharf 
a OF rut {Mi East [ost f 
ht Senbuary Place 110} Dock Co, Ane 
Hos, Mase. Gen, Hosp, 115 Decatur 
| McLean | 102 Hall's Shipyard 
Sch. Wells School 170 Central Square 
Allen r aeons wes 
Blosaom Court, from } 9 Dowker's Whart 
7 blossom, Ward 3. “10 Weeks J. 5. Whi. 

216 Central Square 
Jackson's Shipy'd 
Shack fords whe 

2f7 Lexington 

15 Bloseom, Ward F. iM) 

Blue Hill Avenue, <0 Nickerson’s Whf, 
from 413 Dudley to Mil-| 412 Porter's Wharf 
ton line, Ward 14, br. Sturtevant's Whi, 

Lest, Rt. 319 Eutaw 

1 Mt. Plensant Av. | 244 Taylor, Campbell 
2 Dudley Hroce, shi’ py'd 
LaGrange Place $384 Curtis's shipyard 
mH Huckine Avenue | ‘4349 White 
45 Winthro 400 Mekay'sa Wharf 
ii Morelan 420 MeKiay's Shipyard 
a Staiford M! 445 Condor 
, Denole Boston, continuation of 
Wl Alaska - Dorelester Street, 5. B. 
12 Voodville Square to Stoughton St., W. 16. 

M0 Waverley 
low Clifford 

159 Woodbine 

| hes Fy Sit. 
, Mt. Vernon 

70 0 Willow Place 

190) Nand 0 Detiar Court 
215 Edgewood () Clapp I'lace 
2h Maywood 0 * Fon 
22 ~~ «Dove 0 0 Cottage 
267 Savin 0 — Allbrigat Conrt 
291 eincy 0 Hanilet 
317 Hayward | o Upham's Court 
a3 Lawrence i] Cemetery 
FE ani he Avenue 0 O Stoughton 
4451 Warren : - ; 
aa 7 | Boston Place. from 320 
#70 wis cohayier Dorchester, Ward 12, 
620 Wayne Boutwell Awe., from 
6) Seaver Neponset ave. to Train, 
Sts W. Roxbury line | Ward 16, 
Oo Michigan Ave, | Bowdoin, from 4 Cam- 
a Columbia b’ge to 27 Heacon Wd. 6 
o Elmo | Let Rt. 
o Walesa 2 1 Cambridge 
a Abbot 12 Hultineh Place 
0 Vaughan d0 = Allaton 
O Harvard  # Ch. of the Advent 
0 Back | 44 Ashburton Place 
0 0 Madison 47 Derne 
0 ©Jomaica Bi N'w-Jerus’l’m Ch, 
o Fremont 67 Bowdoin Court 
0 Nortolk 65 Geacon-hill Place 
0 O River Beacon 
Oo © Milton line 

Bowdoin, from Waslhi'n 
to junc. Hancock and 

Hanover to 156 North,|) Adams, Ward 16. 

ras 0 Washington 
Bolton, from $1 Second re 
to 45 Dorchester, W'ds 0 sep arte re Gouies 
#. 12. i] Union Aoenue 
Left. Rt. 0 Geneva 
1 Second — 0 Green 
2 Bolton place 0 Bellevue 
a0 20 8B, H. & Erie E.R, 6 Church 
am on 3 Street 0 Draper Court 
1M CoolidgePlace — Sirsa co 
150 149 D Street Bowdoin Court, from 
201iwE * | 7 Bowdoin, Ward 4, 


Bowdoin Square, fr. 
js? Court, bet’n Court 
Green, and Cambridge 
Ward 4, 

Bowdoin Square, fr. 
Lowdoln, Ward 16. 

Bowe, from 3 Centre. 
bet. Wyman and Sheri- 
dan Ave,, Ward 14. 

Bowen, frow 47 6 to 157 
Dorcheater, Wd's 7, 12. 

fe 61 Ub 

lm wc 

140 145 D 

106 105 K 

0 45 F 

20) 205 Dorchester 

Bower, from ‘1 War- | 
ren to 145 Walnut Ave. 

17 Sherman 
Aa Senecn — 
1S) 111 Walnut Arenoe 

Bowker, from 49 Sud- 
bury to 49 Chardon, 
Ward 4. 

Boy laton, fr. 44) Wash. 
to Hack Iiay, Wd's 5,8,9. 
Left, it. 
e 4 Washington 
4 Loyl-ton Square 
J) Lowell Place 
23 Mumstead Court 
46 Meud Place 

oh Tremont 
40 ublic Library 
fd Hoviston Place 
Loston Common 
Fi | (Carver 
po Park Square 
Public Garden 
vs Clurch Street 

Ch. Arlington St. Ch. 
if} 157 Werkeley 
ls? Institute of Tech: | 
Huntington Ave. 
Roylston Place, from 
Hd Boylston, Ward &. 
Boylston Square, fr. 

hk} Washington to & 
Boylston, Ward &. 

Bradford, from4? Wal- | 

tham to #54 Shawmut 
Avenue, Ward 10, 

Bradford Place, from 
O Minson, Wa : 

Branch Avenue, from 
17 Charles to 4 Spruce, 
Ward 6, 

Brattle, jrom 77 Court 
to | Dock Sq., Ward 4. 
VF oy haere itt. 

33 Franklin ATenue 
Quiney House 
ol lirattle Square 
6y 62 Lock uM 

Brattle Square, from 
51 Brattle to 15 Elm, 


Bread, from 52 Broad to 
ath India, Ward 5, 

aft, At. 
nas Broad 

| Moore 


Breen Place, from 15) 
Livingston, to 382 Char- 
lea, Ward 4, 

ner to 1 sche Ward 1. 
| Lert. 
2 |] ees 

ue bremen Place 
4M 643 Maverick 
nt Decatur 
a2 Porter 
28 Marion 
zis Hrooks 
Ke Putnam 
a72 rezcott 
42 Kennington 
gu Suratoga 

Hremen Petes fr'm 16 
Bremen, Ward | 

Brewer Ave,, hanged 

| to Woodward Ave, I572. 
Seventh | 

Brewater, frm 
to 426 Eighth, Ward 12, 

Shawmut Ave., W'd 10, 

Brighton, fr. 101 Low- 
eli to 67 Allen, Ward 3 

Lert. Rt. 
u Lowell 
B. & L. felt dept 
fat Leverett 
i Brgutcn: st Pl. 
85 Livingston 
i) Barton Court 
105 brighton-et. Ave, 
108 Milton 

/ 120 119 Poplar 
130 Elder Place 
148 Allen 

Bremen, from 22 Som-) 

Bridge Court, from 21 
No. Andersow, Ward 3, | 

Briggs Place, from 244 

170 Foster's Wharf 
180 Harris's fa 
1s Otis's Whari 
4 Arch 

216 Packard's 

224 Fort-Hill ** 
ZH Litelitield 

255 Oliver 
Scare Wharf 
Al Qalet Place 
314 Pearl 

250 Liverpool Wharf 
286 Peorl-street “* 
dt 310 Ruasla rd 
+4 Prentice Aj 
chit) Tileston’s mt 
| 261 Congress 
S06 Maine ul 
art Summer-st, “* 
d80 144 Federal 

Brosdway, from 126 

Dorchester Arenue to 
South Boston Loint, 
Words 7, 12, 
Left, Rt. 
“ | Federal 
39 Ch. St. Peter, St. 
Paul, and SE. 

192 1100. H. & BE. ft. EB. 
2 0 B 
bes Gardner Place 
}ao Mather Scliool 
we Police Station 6 
6 25 C 
“8 Zu D 
412 Payson Court 
372 Page's Court 

154 Church Avenue 
AGC Wright's Court 
iM. 371 EB 
405 St. Matthew's Ch. 

1414 415 F 

+42 Hawes School 
10 Phillips Church 
440 470 Dorchester 

Skt Blind Asylum 

+ Brighton-st.Avenue, | 466 647 H 

from 105 Brighton to) 

676. OUT 

Auburn, Ward 3. a Hroadway Court 
wn | 4 Lincoln School 
fr. 66 Brighton, W'd 3. 74 ova K 
Brimmer, fr. 102 Pinck- | 752 751 L 
ney to 52 Beacon, W'd 6. | 788 787 M 
Left, it ; #26 827 N 
2 1 Pinckney avo Be 
42 41 Mt. Vernon v22 221 P 
454)tis Place | 8 907 Q 
- wv Bien | Broadway Ct., junc’ 
a5 Beacon Broadway and Emer- 

42 Essex, Ward 5. 
Bristol, from 349 Alba- 
Ward 10. 

ederal, foot of Sum- 
a! pretee S, 5, 


; State 

7 Doane 
22 21 Central 

ar Water 
46 80 Milk 

Si Batterymarch 
70 «©3>0s Custom-house St. 

h2 Bread 
li Wharf Strect 
107 Half-Moon Place 

Li E _ Street 
120 India Wharf 

I44 ows 

14462 #©Foster’s 

165 Purchase d 

trimmer Place, from Hromficld, fr.205 Wash. 

Broad, from 115 State to | 


gon, Ward 12. 

to 102 Tremont, W'd 4. 

| Left. Ht. 
442 Harrison Ave., | n 

2 1 Washington 
20 Province 
(4 64 Tremont 

Bromley, fr'm 42 Heath 

to Bromley Pk., W'd 15, 

Park, from 
Bextor | to Albert, wW'd 

cook Ave., fr. Stough- 
on to Stoughton, Ward 

Left. Rt, 
0 Stoughton 
0 North Avenue 

0 =W. Cottage 

0 0 Stoughton 
Brookline. See Ensat 
Brookline and West 
Brookline | 

Brooks, fr. 272 
Taft Rt. 

| Buchanan FI., 

| Bremen 
to 107 Condor, Ward IF 

l Bremen 
15 Chelsea 
hi Parla 
7S Bennington 
2 Saratoga 
114 117 Princeton 

| ivi itt Lexington 

ii 140 Trenton 
ITS 14l Enutaw 

104 Monmouth 
200 2a White 

rao Eagle 

O08 275 Falcon 

908 515 Condor 

Brooks Place, fr'm 144 
Cambridge, Ward 6, 


641 Parker, Ward 15, 

Buackingham, from 267 

Columbus Avenue, 

Dartmouth, Ward @. 

| Bucking ham Place, 

from ri 
Ward 9. 
Buena Viaia, from 719 
Warren to 0) Walnut 
Avenue, Ward 4. 

Bulfinch, fr. i Court 
to W Fond Wored 4. 


Let. & 
l re Llouse 
a Court 
10 Howurd 

15 Boliioch Mises 
Ch. New North Uh, 
24 21 Allston 
BEalfinch Place, from 
15 Bulfinch to 12 Bow- 
doin, Ward 4. 

Bumetendl Court, from 

24 Hoylston, Ward 5. 

Eumetead Lane, from 
1545 Tremout to Ward, 
Ward 1h. | 

Burke Street, from 1007 
Tremont to 40 Berlin, 
Ward) 15. 

Burke Court, from 84 
Everett, Ward 1. 

Burrell Place, fr. 161 
I, Ward 1. 

Bee elit, W Place, fr. 
15 Hollis, Ward &, 

Bush, from E Canton, 

Ward 1. « 
Bussey Place, from 9 
Arch, Ward 6.) 

Butler, from Richmond 
to Adame, Ward 16. 

Butler Sq., 50 Chatham, 
Ward 4. 

Buttonwood, tr, Cree- 
ent Avenue to Locuat, 
Ward 14, 

Buttrick Place 
83 North Margin Wat 2, 

Byron, from 19 River to 

rimmer, Ward 6, 

n, from Sarato 
Chels er ke a br 


c ee fr'm 49 Seventh 
to 24 First, Ward 7, 

 &€3 Gold 

76 75 Fourth 
oO 8 Silver 

- 1 103 Broadway 
116 117 Athens 
132 1h Third 
142 141 Bolton 
Tt 165 Second 
176 176 First 

Cabot, fr. 1000 Tremont 
i 13 Linden Park, Wd's 

Left, Re, 
2 Hammond 
21 Tremont 
65 Conard 
SO) Windsor 
116 Cabor Place 
127 Weston 
158 143 Ruggles 
loo Hampshire 
180) Dallas Place 
190 Church Place 
195 Culvert 

21H Sumuer Place 
294. Veruon 
248 Rockingham Fl. 

24 260 Linden Park 

Cabot Place, from 1164 
Cabot to WF Warwick, 
Ward 14, | 

Caldwell Place, from 
5 Vernon, Wurd 14. 

Cambridge, from Bow- 
doin Sq. to Cambridge 
Pigg oi Warda 4, 4, 6, 

2° 1 Bowdoin Square 
f Moss Place 

fi Bowdoin 
0 Coolidge Avenue 
27 staniford | 
20 Temple 
a6 Ridgway Lane 

45 Weet Church 
a, Lynde 

48 Haneock 
63 Chambers 
Oh Joy 
ao Auburn Court 
go &. ussell 

05 N. Russell 

104 Irving 
* 155 Blossom 
134 Garden 
144 Hrooks Place 
150 Anderson 

154 Liuwrence Place 
Strong Place 
165 North Anderson 

172 Grove 
181 Cypress 
188 Lindall Place 

le? North Grove 
201 Combridge-st. Av, 
Weat Cedar 
217 Combridge-st. Pl, 
245 Churles 
Cambridge Bridge 
Cambridge-st. Ave., 
from 201 Cambridge, 
Ward 5, 
Cambridge-st, PI., fr. 
217 and 211 Cambridge, 
Ward 3. 
Camden, fr. 1583 Wash- 
ington to 612 Tremont, 


ard 11, 

ee: Jit. | 
| 1 Washington 

20 Wirth Place 

4) 41 Shawmut Avenue 
a4 Northiield 

Sch. Everett School 
140 159 Tremont 

Camden Place, from 
1588 Wash., Ward 11. 

| 104 
Carver Place, from 40 | 


| Canal, from Haymarket , 

sq. to 133 Causew'y ,wde. 
Left. a k . 
a Haymarket Sq. 
4 = Market 
tC foe 
18 280, Travers 
lit 3s Causeway 
Canton, see Fast Canton 
and West Canton. 
Canton-Sireet Ct., fr. 
27 W. Canton, Ward-10, 

Canton-Street Place, 
fr. 26 W, Canton, w'dild, 

Capen, from Norfolk to 
Felden, Ward 16, 

Carlton, from W. New- 
ton to Berwick Park, 

Carlton, from Crescent 
Ave, east, Ward 10. 

Carlton's=ast'n Ave.,, 
fr. Hurvard to Carlton 
Station, RB. H. & E. R. 
K., Wuri 16. 

Carnes Place, from 14 
Hawkins, Ward 4. 

Carroll Place, from 112 
Silein, Ward 2, 

Carruth, fr, Ashmont 
to Codman, Ward 10, 

Carson Place, from 150 
Kiaat Third, Ward 12. 
Carver, frm 74 Loyleton 

to 7! Pleas’nt, Wd's 8, 0. 
2 1 Boylston 
8 Townsend Pl. (5.) 
a) 20 Eliot 
4i) Carver Pisce] 
iy Newbern Place 
100 ph ndeboro’ Place 

Carver, Ward &, 

Castle, from 209 Harri- | 

fon Avenue to 300 Tre- 
mont, Ward 9, 
Left, Jit, 
2 1 Harrison Avenue 
J8 37 Washington 

7 Slinwmut Are, 
Ui} Middlesex 

114 Emerald 

14 Village 

«08 Villoge Place 
146 Albion 

166 165 Tremont 

Castle Court, from 108 
Everett, Wurd 1. 

Catawha, from 15 Sher- 
man to 10 Laurel, W'd 

Causeway, fr'm 27 Lev- 
erett to Cliorles-river 
Bridge and if6 Prince, 
Wards 2, 4,4. 

Leyte. Rt. 
2” 1 Leverett 
24 Wall 
ao ATerrimac 
40) Lowell 
fit Billerica 
50 Lancaster 
rp Nashug 
g2 Boston & Lowell 

R. K. Depot 
89 Tortinnd 

111 Friend 
ldd Canal | 
Boston & Maine 
145 Haverhill 

uast'n R.R. Depot 

142s Fitehburgh Depot 

160 Warren Bridge 
163 Beverly 

182 Lovejoy’s Wharf 

228 Fletcher's Wharf 

213 Medford 

279 Charlestown 
Roby'’s Wharf 

283 Endicott 
Goodnow’s Whari 

200 Prince 
Charles-riv. Br'ge 

| 204 

Catenove Place, frotn | 

7) Chandler, Wari 9. 
Cedar, fr. 1151 Shawmut 
Av, to 120 Pynchou,W'd 

Left. att. 

* Shawmut Avenue 

11 Cedar Square 

2H Thornton 
ti Hawthorna 
' fl Lambert Avenue 
102 0 Highland 
158 Fort Avenue 
160 Centre 
li Eston Court 

1738 179 Pyochon 

Cedar, fr. River to land 
of W. Riclinriiaon, Wd 

Cedar Place, fr. Bird, 
Ward 16, 

Cedar Sq,, from 1135 
Shawmut Avenue to 11 
Cedar, Ward 15, 

Central, from 32 Kilby 


2 1Kilby 
48 41 Broad 
6G 60 India 
i Custom House — 
4 Central whf. block 
74 State St., Block 
Atlantic Avenne 
Central Avenue, from 
450 Blue-Hill Avenue, 
| Ward 14. 
| Central Court. fr'm M0 
Washington to44 Avon, 
Ward 6. 
Central Place, from 15 
Winter, Ward 4. 
Central Square, junc- 
tion Border, Liverpool, 
Meridian, Bennington 
and Saratoga, Ward 1, 
Centre, from Eliot Sq. 
to West-Roxbury Line, 
Ward 14, 
Left, Rt. 
1 Eliot Square 
Highland Avenue 
45 Gardner 
ho Harrington Ave, 
61 Centre Place 
a Linwood Square 
120 119 Cedar 
122 2=Ss Fort Hill Avenue 
145 Merton Place 
151 Heath Street 
100 Pyichon 
201 Heath (Old) 


2a4 Weekes Place 

245 Boone, 

278 «Wise Place 
260 Parker 


Wyman Place — 
B. & P. Kailroad 
Houghton Place 




269 Creighton 
| 378 Cedar Hill 
tsG Sheridan Ave. 

380 Day 

88 W. Roxbury line 

| Centre, fr. Washington 

to Adams, Ward 16. 

or itt. 
| 0 Washington 

0 Allston 
0 OO Dorchester Ave 
0 Centre Avenue 

0 0 Adame 

Centre Ave., from Dor- 
chester Avenue, above 
Field's cor., tu Centre, 
Ward 16, 

| Centre Court, fm. Cen- 

tre, n. Adams, W'd I6. 
Centre Place, from 41 
Preble to the marsh, &. 
L., Ward 12. 
Centre Place, from fl 
Centre Street, Ward 15. 

Ceylon, fr. opp. Preble 

to Hyde, Wuril 12. 
Ceylon, from ulney to 
Bird, Ward 16, 

Chadwick, from 37 
Hampden. across Veo- 
man, to Dearborn 

Schoolhouse, Ward 13, 
Let, Mi. . 
2 1 Hampden 
10 Clhaadwick Place 
41a Court 
0) HF Yeoman 
Dearborn Sch. ho. 
Chadwick Place, [fm 
19 Chadwick, Ward 13. 
pep lee from ts 
“imnbridge to Spring, 
Ward 4° es 
Left, Jt. 
2 1 Cambridge 
14 Cotting Place 
Ch, Chamb. st, Chapel 

20 Chambere-st Ct. 
fd Katon 

dv Green 
tii MeLean 

Ch. Catholic Chureh 

7 Alen 

70 Winslow Place 
08 Poplar 

Ot Marston Place 
I Hammond Ave. 
«165 Ashland 
175 17 Spring 
Chambers--t. Court, 
from 26 Chamb,, W'd 3, 
Champney, from New- 
man to Lowland, §. B., 
Wardilz2. - 

Champney PiInce, fr. 

45 Anderson, Ward 6. 

pierce eek F lace. fr’m 
1747 Wash., Ward 14. 
Chandler, from 451 
Tremont to 2 Colum- 
bus Ave,, Ward 4, 
H.& A. RK. R, 
Left, We. 
2 Tremont 
1 Ferdinand 
41 Berkeley 
6st. Charles 
i Cazenove Place 
oO; Clarendoy 
141 Columbus Avenue 

150 Dartmouth 

Change Avenue, from 
56 State to 14 Faneuil 
Hall Square, Ward 4. 


Channing, fr'm 82 Fed- | 
eral to iG] CUongresz, 

25 Greenough Lane 
35 Henchman 

Ward 5. 40) Salem 
Left. fit 47 Foster 
Y 1 Federal 48 Phipps Pisce 

05 [Niluway Mlace 
Hildreth I'lace 

7a Jackson Avenue 

Washburn Place 

Marshall Place 

Copps Hill Ceme- 

01 L ime Alley 

6 Leather Square 
Channing Place,from,) ._ 
46 Leather Sq., Ward 5. ie 
Chapel Place, from YS) (seq, 
Albany, Ward &. 
Chapel Pl. (North), 
fr. 07 Friend, Ward 4. Snowhill 
Chapman, fr. 550 Wash. | Commercial 
to Chandler, crossiig | Chatham, from 21 Mer- 
460 ee Weds 0, 10, 

Left. fi 
u : Washington 


mercial, Ward 4. 

Left. Rt. 

Ao Shawmut Avenue | 44 45 Merchants [ow 
46 45 Middlesex 6} Butler Square 
i 61 Emerald 57 Chatham Kow 
7+ 73 Village 1 6&8 Commercial 

aS &7 Albion 
1” 8 Tremont 
Chapman heey att from | 
emery Face Ward 4,| te tie Want. 
* | 4 oore, B. ard 1. 
Chardon, fr'm Bowdoin 
ces * Chauncy, from 43 Sum- 
Square to 126 Lortland, mer t af Essex, W'd 5. 

Chatham Row, trom 
Ward 4. 

ard 4. 
Left. Ft. Lert. R 
eft | Bowdoin Square 2 2 Summer 
: pve oO 50 Bedford 

18 Grant Place 

19 Chardon Court &7 Exeter Place 

{4 Kowe Place 

“hy wi 2 TW r 
20 “ enyar st, Place It? 12] Essex rey, Ward Ii. | 
409 Bowker Cheever oer fr. 359 | perv? fs aarp ae vaca | 
BY Portland Sumner, K. &., Ward 1, Lat it oylston, WW ar 
a Morrima¢ “Chelsea nts Maverick 1 Tremont 
Chardon Court, from z oo | 40 
eat, ay em Square to the Chelsen | 12 17 Fayette 
10 Chardon, Ward 4. Bridge, E. B., Ward 1, 14 Kuox 
Chardon-st. Pl. from | Jest. £1. 30 31 Melrose 
20 Chardon, Ward 4. * | Maverick 46 45 Winchester 
Charles, from 76 Boyl-| 20 Elbow Ch. M. E. Church 
ston to 150 Leverett, | 30 Weele: fi 64 Piedmont 
commencing tumberl'g | 62 64 Decatur 6 Shawmut 
at 06 Beseon, Warde 3, i | & Chelsea Place 72 Grenville Place 
Left. Pablie Gardeu 118 110 Porter &2 81 Tennyson 
hf, Common M6060 CU Chelsea Court O) Madison Place 
® |) Heacon 120 170 Marion B.& I. Kh. Station 
17 Branch Arenue | rooks Providence 
*o 20 Chestnut Putnam Boylston 

2 341 Prescott 

0 i) Mount Vernon | 
6 305 Bennington 

W2 1 Pinckney 

i 114 Revere 410 Saratoga 
190 175 Cambridge | 400 Eagle 
202 201 Cambridge Glendon 
“4 Frult Moore 
wi? Ashion Place bridge end oree 

oa 1 Poplar 
302 385 Livingston 
44 4\7 Leverett 

Charles, fr. Dorchester 
Ave. near Field's cor., 
Ward 16, 

Charlestown, fr. a4 
market Square to 270 
Causeway, Ward 2, 

Chelaen Court, fr. 156 

Chelsea Place, from 68 
Chelsea, BE. B., Ward 1, 
Cherry, from 6 Wash- 
Ington to 1EO Shawmut 
Avenue, Ward 0, 

Cherry, ir'm 142 

io Dove, Ward 1 

4 lit Che Court, from) 
1 Crone Cherry, Ward 14, 

=" ee 3 Chessman Place, fr'm 
7 45 Door vgs, 250 Hanover, Ward 2. 
45 Beverly Chester Park, Ir. 15 
KE Travers Washington to 773 Al- 
2 Medford bany, Ward 11, 

ot Thacher Let, Wet. 

166 155 Causeway | 
Charter, from (04 Han- 
over to 00 Commercial 
befe Ne. 
gs 1 Hanover 

2 | Washington 
fa 67 Hurrizon Avenue 
120 125 Albany 

Shawmut | 
Northampton, W'd 11. 

10 3=—s-sRevere Place Chester Square, from 
- 28 Vernon Place | 1561 Washington to 772 
24 Lnity Tremono. Ward 11. 

chants How to 8 Come | 

196 State to 57 Chatham, | 

Chelsea, K. 6., Ward 1.) 

| Cheater Piace, fr'm 515 
Ave. fo 143 | 


Left. We. 
2 1 Washington 

| 20 17 Shuwmut Ave. 
| #0 8&7 Tremont 

| Chestnut, from 15 Wal- 
nat to Cluarles Kiver, | 

Ward 6 

if. Ri 
1 Walnut 

a7 veillew 

57 Weat Cedar 

5? Chestnut Avenue 

76 3 Charles 
River Street 

112 Lbrimmer 

Chestnut Ave., from 
50 Chestnut to 112 ML. | 

Vernon, Ward 6, 

Chestnut Place, from | 

42 6, Ward 7. 
Chickatawbut, from 
Neponset Ave, to Glide, 
Ward 16, 
Let. Rt. 
Oo 0 Neponset Avenue 
o + arragansett 

Chickering Pinace, fr. 
te Washington, Wd 5. 

racsisen Place, from 17 | 

Lyman, Ward 4, 

Chipman, fr. 
opp. cemetery, to Tor- 

Church, from Bowdoin 
to bt Ward 16. 

oe tte : 
0 Bowdoin 
0 Adana 
0 ercival Ave. 
0 oO Winter 
Church Avenue from 
$65 Hroadway, s 
Ward 7. 

Church Place, from 
190 Cabot, Ward 14, 

Church Flace, from 
Wash. u, Center,Wd 16, 

Clreult. from 2y Walnut 

Ave. to 1106 Sliawmut | 

Avenue, Ward 14. 
Left. tb. 

> 1 Walnat Avenue 
15 Fountwin 
a Ppt 
+ Regent 

iO Fenwlek 

02 08 Shawmut Avenue 

|} City Hall Avenue, fr, 

#4 School to Court Sq. 
Ward 4. 

Clafien Place, from (6 
Shawinut Ave. Ward 9, 

Clapp, from 175 Eighth 
4 173 Seventh, Ward 

| Clapp 

Norfolk, | i 
| Teg 

» from Boaton, o, 
Clapp Place, Ward 16, 
Clapp Place, from Bos- 
ton, near Mond, Wd. id, * 

Claremont Park, from 
64 Columbua Avenue, 
Ward 11, 

Clarence, frm. 46 Dud- 
ley to 115 Gu orge, W. 14, 

Clarence Place, from 
Wuashingtou near Park, 
Ward 10, 

Clarendon, from 557 
Tremont to 201 Beacon, 
Ary fi, 9, 10. 

te f 
l , remont 
20 Warren Avenue 
a: Gray 
45 Appleton 

40 Lawrence 
Columbus Avenue 

65 Kh. & FP. Kallroad 
St. Jumes Avenue 
Comni'nw'lth Av, 

Clark, (r'm 105 Hanover 
to 22 Commercial, W'd 

‘i ae 
1 Hanover 
10 Walat Place 
52 40 North 
70 & Commercial 

Clay, from !20! Tremont 
to - aaa Wd 15. 

Left B 

: tL reemopt 
00 Hampshire 
4 39 Simmons 

| Clayton, fr. Commercial 

to Park, Ward 16, 

Clayton Place, from 
Magazine, Ward [t. 

‘Cleveland, from Win- 

ri to Moreland, W'd 

 Sleveland Place, fr. 
l7 Snowhlil ty li Mar- 
faret, Wauril 2 

Clin, from 11) W iirren to 
IS Shawmut Avenué, 

rant : 

2 1 Warren 

27 Glenwood 
Clr Place 
Giroeveucr Place 
Shinwimut Avenue 

CM FPince, from 
Cli, Ward 14. 

Clifford, from 25 War- 
ren to 100 luo Hill 
Avenue, Wari 4, 

Clg..rdt Place, from 26 
Fleet, Ward 2. 


| “Clifton, from Cottage to 

Hudson, Ward 10. 

a 0 Cottage 

0 O Albian 

) Hudson 

Clifton Place, fr. 1665 
Wash,., Ward i1. 

Clinton, from 25 Mer- 

chants Row to are 
rep iit » Wards 2, 4. 

1 “Merchants Row 

a2 Hlackslune 

a4 Fulton 

54 =Commercial 
(+ Mercantile 
)0©)SCO City Wharf 

122 121 Atlantic Avenue 
ares fr. 71 Marginal, | 
‘ard 1 

Cobb, from 707 Washi. to 
1X! Shawmut Av. Wi 9%. 

Cobden, fr. 1455 Show- 
mut Ave, to 207 Walwut 
Ave,, Ward 14. 

Coburn Court, from 
3 Phillips, Ward 6. 

Codman, from Forcet 
Hill Ave, to Adams, | 
Ward 16, 

Left. Rt. 

0 O Forest Hill Ave, 
0 OO Washington 
0 O Dorch,. Ave. 
0 Carruth 
0 © Adama 

Codman Avenue, fr. 
4 Shawmut Avenue 
to Amory, Ward 15, | 

Colman Park, from 
liad Shawmut Avenue, 
Ward 14. 

Coivee Court, fr. Wash. 
above Mt. Bowdoin, 
Ward 14, 

Colby Place, fr. Wish- 
ington, near Met. KR. dt. 
stables, Ward 15. 

Collamore Place, fr'm 
BS Salem, Ward 2. 


Columbus Sq.,Colam-| 6 Preston Cooper, from 14 Salem 
bus Ave., opp. Berwick 0 South to 45 Cliarlest’s, Ward 
Park, Ward 11, 0 ‘enean 2 

Dotanierens i.) Gon 0 O Neponset Avenue) Le/?. Ri. 

Se lee ge | Commercial Court. fr.| = 1 Salem | 
mercial, Ward's, S70 Commercial Wd S| 20 23 North Margin — 

Commerctal, from 170 Commercial Place, tr. a “a a eh a 
State to Charles-river) 448 Commercial, W'd 2. | *" oy rich or Avenue 
Urge: Wards 2,4, | Commercial Point, fr.) 54" stillman Pince 

Left. Kt, Commercial, Ward 16. | go 50 Charlestown 


Colony, from 18 Swan | aq 

tothe water, Ward 7. 
Columbla, fr. 87 Hed- | 
ford to 12 Kesex, W'd 5. | 
Columbian, from lve 
Hill Ave. to Hancock, 
Ward 14, 
a fit. 
H Blue Hel AYV¢, 
0 O Washington 
0 Greeti 
Wales Pinos 

0 Stanwood Av, 
0 Quincy 
0 Rellevue 
0 Cross 
0 Bird 
0 0 Hancock 

Columbus. from Tre- 
mont, on. Whitney, w. 15. 
Columbus Avenue, fr. 


4490 Mtich's Wharf | 


M5 Young's Wharf 

403 Fieke’s Wharf 

7 Commerce 

Common, fr. 661 Wash | Cooper-st. Court, fr. 

14 Cie Wharf P -- ie iddnecieam. W'd #. “hah Cooper, Ward 2 
South Market St. eh e IOe  - Copeland, fr. 240 Wore 
‘anentt - | 2 1 Washington ee tee ae 
oar nf ht beeen Fall Nassau tall een to Moreland, Ward 
47 Clinton Sch,  Brimmer School | oo a Piac 7 
” Grose 11 Wyman Place On Consland ome 
117 Phila, Packet pier | 4° 3% Tremont Teh N = te 
117 Richmond Commonwealth Ave, | Corbet, from Norfolk fo 

Furest Hill AVE., Wurd 

from 12 Arlington to 4 

120 East’o Packet pier 

171 Commercial Whf.| Back Bay, Wards, 6, 9. 
205 Lewis Street Left. Rt. Corey Avenue, from 
221 Lewls Wharf 2 1 Arlington 12 Ash to 2) Bennet, 
pa | Fleet | 48 27 Berkeley Ward &. 
Atlantic Avenue | & 74 Clarendon Corn Court, from 10 
~ 261 Eastern Avenue | U4 153 Dartmouth Fanevil-Hall Square to 
_ 205 Sorgents Wharf lexeter “0 Merchants’ Row, 
Pe ce ne i Conant, from (45 Parker) Ward 4 
sa Non Whart | to Ward. Ward 15. | Cormhill, fr. 10 Wash, 
; oe CO Conant Plnce, from to 5 Court, Ward 4 
_ AGS Lnsoln's Wharf King, Ward 15, Left. 
vi a7] Beanion panes Ay| Comant-st, Place, fr.) 2 1 Washington | 
30 Raliery Street | 70 Conant, Ward 15. i ~ Shor Avenue 
hea Cook Place Concord, «ee East Gon-| ‘= Pur 
a70 Dattery Wharf cord and West Concord. gd el re dma fr. 75 
s ss Holden Court Concord Square, fr'm| ‘V**'. te Court Avenue, 
411 ConstitutionWhf, rps ~ taboo to (Colum Ward 4. 
424 425 Hanover bue Ave., Ward 11. Cortes, fr. 6 Ferdinand 
230s G Jobe Alley Left, Re, to 1I7 Berkelvy, Wd. 4. 
4s Greenough Lane 2 1 Tremont 

Cotinge, fr. 7\) Marginal 
to Maverick, KE. b., W'd 

Left, it, 
Y |] Marginal 
4 1 Webster 
ot Cottage-at. Place 

Lather Place | #2 &§3 Columbus Ave. 

Condor, from foot of 
Horder to Putnum, E., 
H., Ward 1. 

Commercial llace 


2 ‘haef 23 Meridian f4 $3 Summer 

ioe repel, x tt 24 Bridge to Chelsea} s2 51 Everett 

 dSurmmneratal £3 44 Curtis & Tilden’s| 106 105 Maverick 
4a es | = Yard _ | Cottage, from i167 Ninth, 
160 | Matthew's Whive. | 108. aa te Wharf | 5. §., Ward 1. 
vay (tekson Avenue | 114” Young's Spar Yd | Cottage, fr. Stoughton 
Sil Bartlett's Whva. 146 E. B. Pottery to easant, Ward 16, 
ia Left. dit, 

18? Putnam 

a owneend 1h, vid : 
Park Sq, to Camden, sid fee big Aah Congress, from 41 Stato . . sronentan 
Wards 9, 11. 62 Atkins Wharf to $61 Broad, W'ds 4,9.) 9 = Pranklin 
- it. | oz Lime Alley Left. Bt. | 0 Mumphrevs 
, Pleasant 820 Clapp's Wharf = 1 State . n Cottave Miace 
2 Church 653 Ingersoll’s Whart 0 Exchange Place 0 0 Boston 
| Ferdinand 655 Lawrence's Whf, 25 Congress Squure 0 Sumoer 
2 201 Berkeley 560 Charter | 20 Post-office Ave. 6 Turnin Court 
233 Morgan | Gae Works a4 Lindall 0 Pod 
ae Chandler : (sas Worka 62 51 Water "3 
976 Clarendon 663 Gas Co.a Whrs. | & Hath ‘Cottage Avenue, from 
Backlngliam 1610 ~—Ss«é#Prrince 76 77 Milk breen te Geneva, Ward 


50 35 Dartmoutl 
20 35 mouth Cottage Place, fr. 1080 

161 Clinnning 
603 Yarmouth 

600 China. Riv. Bri'ce 
: S 100 werkines 

380 Appleton Commerelal, fr. Han-) jag Covugress Place Wash. ta 490 Harrison 
410 Sate a | Lae Ba 1G. 208 211 High Cottage Place. from 
UM ONS Se | eh, ae 244 241 Purchase 1201 Tremont, Wd 15, 
447 Berwick ark ) ° ; “ha oe 20 257 Broad Cotinge-st. Place, fr- 
44 4 Rutland Square 0 a Dorelt Avenue ec ake so ; soe * Cotting, fr. 1 Lowell to 
| Greenwich Par inden Ongresas square, ir. i Leverett, Ward 3. 
516 ae Concord S ae ti] coral a State to 25 Congress, | pert, At. ; 
§%5 Claremont Park 0 Greenwie 14. | 2 4 Lowell 
Worcester 0 Clayton |\Cook Place, from 366) 10 9 Wall 
602 ‘Springtield 0 Park Gommersials Ward’. |) ids 2, Pasa Court 
. Bo) at ln Ss pl - Cooledge Place, fr.1i4| ** =) ’everets 
So? G81 W. Saeed Park a p tn | Bolton, S. B., Ward7. | Cotting Place, from 14 
604 (0 Northampton Nae : . | Chambers, Ward 3. 
Camden 0 Washington Coolidge Avenue, fr.) _ Ph peas 
Columbus Place,fr'm| 0 0 pai a4 Temple to 8 Camb’ge | Court. fr. @ Wash. to 
| O Mull 

100 bliot, Ward 5. and 17 bowduin, W'd6.| Bowdola Square,W'd 4. 


Lent. Rt. 
2 1 Washington 

41 Franklin Avenue 
Court Square 

26 Court House 
Pte! Court Square 
15 Tremont 

fv} Scollay Square 
6s Tremont kKow 

mM Cornhill 
77 Uraitle 

Hh Howard 
07 Hanover 
105 Stoddard 

110 Sudbury 

140 Alden 
Revere House 

187 Bowdoin Square 

Court Avenue, from 47 
Wash, to Court Square, 
Ward 4. 

Court Square, from 4 
and 23 Court to City 
Hall, Ward 4. 

Courtland, fr'm Parker 
n. Kuggles, Ward 15. 


Gove, fr. 21 Eastto Fur-| 

2 1 Enat 
46 47 Bench 
i W Kneeland 
Loi Cove Place 
Lit Furnace 

Cove Piace, from 106 
Cove to Furnace, Ward 

Coventry, from 
Tremont, across Berlln, 
Ward 15, 

Crawford, from 6h 
Warren, Ward 14. 

Crawehaw Place, Ir. 
07 Hninpshiire, Ward 15, 

Creck, from Dorchester 
Ave, to Plensant, Ward 

Creek Square, between 
Union and Blickstoe, 
Ward +. 

Creighton, fr. 1 Cen- 
tre to 65 Day, Ward 15. 

Crescent Avenue, fr'm 
Dorchester Ave., opp. 
Pend, fo a), i. Be N. ai 
Wurd 16, 

Crescent Court, fr. 274 
Fricnd, Ward 4. 

Crescent Place, fr. 41 
Green, Ward 4. 

Crocker Place, fr. 155 

Albany, rear Way, W'd 
Crosby Place, from i |. 

W. Canton, Ward 10. 
Crosby Place, from | 
Adams, Ward 15. 

Cro«a, from 16 Border to | 

15 New, E. H., Ward 1. 

Croas, from Haymarket 
Sqouure fo $4 Commer- 
clal, Ward 2. 

Left. fit. | 
Haymarket Sq're 
1 Blackstone 
Zz Chirlesiown 

4 23 Endicott 

f6 $5 Salem 

BO 677 Hanover 

118 ti North | 

4 Fulton Court 

loo 141 Folton 

162 165 Commercial 

Culbert Place, fr. 101 

Cumston, from 79 West 

VO | 



Crowley's Court, fr., Dallas Place, from 190; 48 47 Havre 
4 Maverick, E. , B.,| Cabot, Ward 14, (i — 
Ward |. Dana Place, from 141) - 4 Ch oleae 

Dudley, Ward 14, 
Danforth Place, fro 
30 St. James, Ward i. 
Dartmouth, from 607 
Tremont to 245 Beacon, 
Wards 6, 0, 10. 
Left. Re. 

100 10) Bremen 
ham and West Dedham 
Dell Avenne, from 737 
tarker, Ward 15. 
Dennia, from 463 Dud- 

ynochon, Ward 15, 

Culvert. from 1176 Tre- 
mont to 195 Cabot, 
Wurda 14, 15, 

Concord to 14 Rutland, 

Ward 11, 2 1 Tremont ley to WS Merete os 
Cumston Place, from| 22 19 Montgomery “ype SL a pce 

400 Shawmut Avenue,| 36 45 Warren Avenue ® is tasking AveRDe 

to Cumstou, Ward 11. . in Dartmoalh Place am Stafford : 
Cunard, from & Cabot ie te foie 66 = Woodville Square 

Left, Ri, 100 Columbus Avenue | Derby Place, from 1675 

r Ye crt t SOARS ‘ Washington, Ward 11. 
iran Saestin B. & P, Rallrow aS | 
4) 39 Berlin B. & W. Railroad Derne, from 47 Bowdoin 

to 40 Hancock, Wards 

Curtis, fr. Pope to Chel- Huntington Ave, 

4, 6, 
ail, Spposiie Chaucer, Boylston Lert. Re. 
Ward New bury 2 Bowdoin 
Curve, from 266 Harri- Commonw'h Ave.| 47 14 Temple 
son Ave. to 140 Albany, | Marlboro’ | 25 Ridgway Lane 
_ Wards 7, &. Beacon a2 Hancock 

ft. Ke. Dartmouth Place, fr. wonahire. (r.17 State 
4 2 Harrison Avenue 65 Dartmouth, W'd 0. Devonahire, fr. 1) t 

: le to Sommer, Wad’'s 4, 5. 
1S a ie Davenport, from 07 Left. Af. 
1. BA AI ie Tremont to 81 Berlin,) 2 1 State 
Cashiahe Reanies, fee nun 
ushman Aweune, fr. feren “Al Ures 1 43 Water 
101 Leverett to 9 Wall, ss lg ele Dat, TERR 49 Spring Lane 
bibgsiatn | weds ee 
" 7 wie : 116 117 Franklin 
Ooo Margin Wards = Davis ete 4 North 120 Otis 
Sek eed a Grove, Ward J. 7 ae Souar 
Chatom House Street | 140 Winthrop Square 

fr. 70 Hrond to 31 India, avis Place, from 30) 100 163 Sammer 

Tne | Webber, Wari 13, Dewerson Court, fr, 
Ward 5. : ve! Fs 
Left. Et. Day, from 206 Uleath to} 114 Silver, §. B., W'd7. 
a her rg iets eet | este 
im Wal, Fis # : + us ¥¢,, W" TA 
os 37 India | 2 1 Heath Byes tetas fig ag OF 
Cypress, from 181 Cam- a7 Grotto Glen “ton, opp. Clapp Place 
bridge to 44 Parkman,| 66 * Creighton — Ward 1k Mapp 4 
Ward &. | 0 Atwoo enue |. : | 
D Street, from 102 Sul- 105 a court Dickens, from Adams, 

n. Dorch, Ave, to Clay: 
tou, Ward 16, 
Dayton Avenue, from Dillaway Place, from 
| 30 Mall, Ward 13, (4 Charter, Ward 2, 

Deacon, from Concord,| Dingley Place, fr. 33 
near Wash., to Wor-| Fayette, Ward 9. 
cester, Ward 11, Division, fr, Northamp- 

livan to 255 First, 8. B., | 148 10 Centre 
Waril 7. 
Left. Ft. 
lo! 101 Sollivan 
Wot Beil Court 
116 115 Fighth 
12 141 Baxter 

144 144 Seventh Dearborn, from 92 Al-| ton & East Chester Park 

168 157 Tudor bany to 254 Dudley,| to Harrison Ave., Ward 

168 167 ele Ward 1. ll. 

144 18 (Quincy | Left, Ht. Dix, frm Adams, n. opp. 

108 197 Fifth 2’ Hartopp Place Mill, Ward 36. 

ai 213 Gold Albany Dix Place, from 570 

wah 225 Fourth 1? Mall ~ Washington, Ward 8.» 

240 230 Silver | 7 = Dearborn Place ih ogni «sed Dk . 
24 pr ireeesy M. E.| 42 a7 Busia Donne, fromm 10 Kilby to 

: sh 47 Zeigler Broad, Ward 4. 
251 251 Broadway G2 63 Dudley fp emen, 

5 247 Athena 
284 ‘Vhird 
“01 Rolton 
WY Second 
$20 }'irat 

Dock Square, between 
Washlogton and Union 
Sts., and Faneull Hall 

Square, Ward 4, 

Dearborn Place, from 
28 Dearborn, Ward Id, 

| Deblois, from 440 shaw- 

mut Ave., Ward 11, | 26 Me 
| Dabney Place, from 10 i 7 
Regent, Wurd 14, Decntur, fr. 756 Wash, 1 it nen site BE 
{tes x to 467 Harr. Ave. W'd 10. 6 Opposite Elm 
Dale, from 20 Warren to , | | 24 Faneuil Hall Sq. 
1216 Shawmut Avenuc,, Decatur, from 115 Bor-| 24 Faneul! Hall Sq. 
Ward 14. | derto 4 Bremeo, E. B.,|) 90 Exchan 
Left. Fe. Ward 1, a2 Devonshire 
£ 1 Warren |. Rt, a3 Washington 
14 peat ry 2 1 Border _™ Bruttle 
a4 2ewis Sch'l house Liverpoo = a, , . 
43 Rockland Ave, London a eles A haa 
45 Luurel Meridian ‘ Le i ews - 
| 6O 6 Walnut Avenue 50 49 Havre Dorchester, fr. 4% First 
21 Wakullah 76 fo Paris to Dorchester Old Line, 

O49 Kocklund S. H., Ward 12. 

Washington Park ii: 41 Bremen Left. Rr. 
12 ~=6Bainbridge | 2) 610 Liverpool | 2 12 First 
141 Shawmut Ave. i 633 London ? 15 Dove 

20 Second 

45 Bolton 
OU ‘Third 
Ti Athens 
BS «7 Groadway 
114 114 Silver 

121 M. E. Church 
14 125 Fourth 
126 National 

145 Gold 
ldo Old Harbor 
l47 Fifth 
iy Bowen 

160 Sixth 
185 ‘Tudor 
1h) Seventh 
22 8 8§=6Telegraph 
236 41 Eighth 
2509 Ninth 
200 2000). C. BR. RE. 
0 Alger 
20 Hoston Place 
4°7 Tuckerman 




44) Middle — 

7 a V. School 

M04 307 Dorchester Ave, 
407 Ellery 
to Dorchester Line 
Dorchester Ave... from 
Federal Street Rridve 
Lraw to Dorchester uld 
‘ards L 

Line, Ww i 5 1? 
Lajt. Rt. 
2 1 Draw Bridge 
a6 Crafts Wharf 
47 Foundry Street 
is Burnham & & Dar- | 
row's Whiarl 
c+ First Street 
1) Second 
126 100 aaa 
143 Peppe Place 
Et! Silver 
162 140 Fourth 
7 swan 
210 «=A street 
212 = Fifth 
wit M0 Sixth 
ono B Street 
Zay Sevent li 
O.C. KB. RR. 
441 Pembroke Forge 
a0] Norway Iron W'ke 
4115. H. L. Merce 
Wood Worka 
+i5 Dorr 
dim Alger 
si Middle 
O45 am bolae Place 
Alii Dexter 

fhe SAT Dorchester Street 
Sas Preble 
O71 Am, Water-wheel 
6A Kemp 
766 765 Dor, ‘Old Ling 
Dorchester Ave., con- 
fHinustion to Washing- 
tony Ward 10, 
i) J,oeust 
u Mount Vernon 
o rarden 
Crescent Aven. 
0 Tond 
Komsey Court 
0 Penurl 
0 Thornley 
0 Savin-hill Ave, 
0 Creek 
0 Commercial 


0 Enat 
0 Linden 
0 Elleworth 
Green wioh Place 
0 Adams 
0 Charles 
0 Foster 
0 Park 
Melville Avenue 
Lucloer I'lace 
Centre Avenue 
Welles Avenue 
0 Ashmont 
0 Bailey 
0 Fuller 
Van Winkle 
0 Codman 
0 Richmond 
© Washington 
peek fr. 445 Dorchester 
Avenue, Wari 12, 
Dorr, from (06 Highland 
to 51 Lambert Avenue, 
eI nie 1, ‘ tit 
onl imes, 155 E th 
oy EB... Wari a a 
Dougiass Conrt, from 
li? Endicott, Ward 2. 

oeccdceccs ¢c6 

oeoIceecreo ceceso eosceoe 

Dove. from 381 E to 15) 

Dorchester, Ward 12. 

| Berl. Re. 

2 IE 

fo fh F 

6 135 Dorchester 

Dove, from 2724 Ploe- 
Hill Avenue lo Cherry, 
Ward 14, 

Dover, fr. 44 Tremont 

to Dover-street Liri 
Ward 10, age, 

Let. Zit. 
2 1 Tremont 
14 Alblon 
she Village 
dh Emeruld 
06 60 Shawmut Avenue 

BS Wuehington 
17 Dover-st, Place 
176 155 Harrison Avenue 

22 21 Dover-«t. Bridge 

Dover-st, Place, from 
117 Dover to 41% Harri-| : 
son Avenue, Ward 10, 

Downer, from Tremont, 
W urd 5. 

Downer Ave., fr. Pleas- 
ant to Sawyer, Wd. 16. 

Downer Court, from 
Hancock, Ward 146, 

Downer Place, from 
Glendale to Downer 
Court, Ward |i, 

Draper's Court 
Junction pp Baked 
Hancock, Ward 16, 

Draper's Lane. fr.New- 
land, n, Upton, W'd 10. 

Drew Place, from 205 
Ruggles, Ward 15, 

Drury Place, from 754 
nea aa Ward 15, 

P Ellot Square 

16 FPulnam 
a5 Kenilworth 
40 Dudley Place 

71 Kenilworth 
108 107 Shawmut Avenue 
112 Gulld Row 

11 Dana Place 
145 140 Warren 
170 Narrison Avenue 
, 107 Pevear Place 

201 Fremont Place 
OM Winslow 
215 Greenville 

24 Dearborn 

201 Mt. Pleasant Pl. 
sHs Acdnms 

421 Mulberry Place 
 <é Vine 
380 Hampden 
a Magazine 

411 Mt. Pleasant Ave. 
415 Blue-bill Ave. 
rower Avenue 

451 Lewls Place 
409 Detinia 

470 Langdon 

4s Shilrley 

490 457 Dorchester Line 

Dudley Place, 
46 Dudley, Ward 14. 

wich to Leonard, Ward 

Dunlew, fr. 2191 Wash. 
to Elmwood, Wurd 14, 

Dunreath, from 214 

Warren, Ward 14, 
Dupee Place, from §&! 
Friend, Ward 4. 

| Dutton Place, from 47 

Phillips, Ward 6, 

Dwight, from 227 Shaw- |!" 

mut Avenue to 502 Tre- 
mont, Ward 10, 

oad Mt. Menasant Ave, | Left 


from Green- 


Bi coeralpe Place, fr. 
Kiver, a, Cedar, W'd 14, 

Earl, from 145 Sullivan, 
5. i., Wards 7, 12. 
East, from 36 Sonth to 
267 Federal, Ward 5, 
“2” 1 South 
Ny eee Place 

| ee Federal 

Enat, fr. Adams to Tor- 

a Ave., Ward 10, 
aes O i dame 

Oo 6) Winter 

i] Highland 

0 O Dorchester Avo, 

East-street Place, fr, 
I) East, Ward G6. 

East Brookline, from 
1204 Washington to 615 
Albany, Wards 10, 11, 

iF + itt. 

1 Frankiin Square 

445 47 Harrison Avenue 

115 119 Albany 

Enst Canton, from 1272 
Wathington to 390 Al- 
bany, Ward 10, 

Left. Re. 

+ 1 Washington 
12 1) Mystic 
40 Harrison Avenue 
122 110 Albany 

East Chester Park, 

changed to Chester ark 

Enat Concord, fr. 1474 
Washington to 7Ol AL 
bany, Ni ard il. 

ir t Washington 
ath Jnmes 
HO 40 Harrison Avenue 

Dyer, from Capen to) 120 17 Albany 

“Vans, Ward 16, 

to and across First at 
200, Warde 7, 12. 

Ogt. Att. 
Res lit QO, (", fe HN. Ek. 
176 178 Sullivan 
102 10) Eighth 
«207 Paxter 
“8 Hoxter Bquare 

| Po 29) Soventh 

“44 2 Tudor 
250 40 Sixth 
260 25 Quiney 

“74 “74 Pifth 
300 “00 Fourth 

wy ky Street Church 

308 Ligelow Sch. Ho, 
O14 14 Silver 
124 2) broadway 
4 1 Athens 
th? Adams Place 
ae 4 Third 

wie 201 Holton 
are el Second 

d06 30 Firat — 
403 end of Streat 

Engle, from Border to 

400 Chelsea, Ward 1 





Atlantic Comp'ys 




Enat Dedham, fr. 1254 
E Sireci, fr.0.C. kh. k. 

Wash. to 545 Albany, 
Ward 10, 

Lert. Ft. 
2 | Washington 
18 17 Mystic 

Anh Meander 

no 8 Harrison Avenue 
LM itt Albany 
Enstern Avrenne, from 
“il Commercial to K. 
Ferry, Ward 2. 

East Lenox, from 1 

Washington, Ward 11, 

East Newton, fr, 1402 

Wash, to 653 Albany 
- Ward 1 . 
Left, ft. 

+ 1 Washington 
Sq. Fronklin Square 

20 James 

48 40 Harrison Avenue 
118 110 Albany 

East Springfield, fr. 
1524 Waaehin Ciba to 75l 
Albany, Ward | 

Left, &t 

1 Washingion 
ho 80 Harrison Avenue 

124 120 Albany 

Eaton. ir. 4 Chambers 
to ON. Russell, Ward 4. 

Left, Ft. 
2 1Chambers 
14 North Kusgel] 

Eaton Court. from 16 
N. Bennet, Ward 2, 

Eaton Court, from 100 
Cedar, Ward 14, 


Eaton Place, from 20 
Gouch, Ward 4. 

Eddy Place, from 130 
Tyler, Ward 8. 

Edgerly Place, from 
40 Winchester, W ard 9, 

Edgewood, from 48 
Wurren to 215 Bloe- 
Hill Ave., Ward 14. 

Edgeworth Place, fr. 
24 Paris, E. B., Ward 1, 

Edinboro’, ir. E«sex 
to 74 Beach, Ward 5, 

Edmund Place, from 
No. Russell, Ward 3. 

Egleston Square, fr. 
1674 Shawmut Ave to 
ler Wilnut Av., Wad. 14, 

Eighth, from 115 D to 

N, 5. B. Pt, W'ds 7, 12, | 

Left. Bi. 
1! 101 D Street 
1S0 Linnet 
170 Lark 
jus F Street 
227 99 Dorchester 
ai Koowlion 
705 Lowland 
3 Mercer 
315 Cates 
242 341 Old arbor 
are Wr) Atiautic 
‘22 471 G 
454 Doulas 
40 Ilamlin 
500 400 HI 
S14 Springer Court 
Smt Mreweater 
HO 530 I 
Bid Kay View Place 
oor GO] kK 
642 O51 li 
700 GO AT 
Elbow, from 25 Merid- 
ian to 20 Chelsea, K.K., 
Ward I. 
Elder Pince, from 136 
Brighton Ward 3, 
Elliot, from S47 Wash- 
ington to 155 Pleasant, 
Wards &, 0, 
Left. AE, 
2 1 Washington 
Ps 43 Hurre Flace 

Eliot Hall 
67 Eliot Pluce 
S £1 Tremont 
164 Warrenton 
169 Columbus place 
1) 16) Carver 
215 Stndley place 
2M 227 Pieasant 

Eliot Place, from 67 | 

Eliot, Ward 8, 

Elliot Place, from 20890 
Washington, Ward 15. 
Eliot §Sq., from 2100 
Washington, Dudloy, & 

Centre, Wurd 15, 

Ellery, from Jexter to 

Dorch'ster.5.0,,W'd 12 

Ellis, from Thornton to 
Hawthorn, Ward 15, 

Ellsworth, from Dor-— 

chester Ave. to Com- 

mercial, Ward 16. 
Let. Ht. 

0 Adama 

) 0 Dorchester Ave, 

® 0 Commercial 
Elm, ir. 00 Hanover to 

ft Dock Sq., Ward 4. 
Left. Re, 

¢ 1Hanover 

| 50 4c 


16 Brattle Square 
67 Dock Square 
i Union 
Elm. from Exchange to 
rere Ward 16, 


- ‘Exchange 
oO © Ashlan 
6 0 Everett 
Elm Place, ({r. 34 Port- 
land, Ward 4. ( 
Elm Place, from Elm- 
wood, Ward 15. 
Elmer Place, from 121 
=alem, Ward 2. 

Elmo, from Elue Hill 
Ave. to Erie Ave., Wd 

Elmore, from 217 Wal- 
nut Ave. to 1234 Shaw- 
mut Ave., Ward i4. 

Elmwood, from 2157 
Washington to 44 King, 
Ward 15. 

Elmwood Court, fr'm 
Elmwood, Ward 15, 

Elmwood Place, fr’'m 
Elmwood, Ward 15. 

Emerald, fr. 114 Castle 
to 44 Dover, W'ds 0, 10. 

Lest. Rt. 

2 Weat Castle 
4 Pool 

no ft Lucas 

ol £2 Chapman 

rh, Hingham 

Ai 86 Dover 

Emerson, from Third 
near H to M, Ward 12, 

| Left. Rt. 

* 1 Third 
18 17H 

| is 40 OR WOT 


110 105 Fourth 

1 139 L 
Cem. Cemetery 

let lea M 

Emery Place, from 107 
Warrenton, Ward &. 

Sgt Place, from 11 
o. Russell, Waril 3. 

a ett, from 626 Third, 

to O). Second, Ward 12. 

Endicott, fr'm 154 Hun- 
over to 251 Causeway, 
Ward 2. 

Left. Wf. 

1 Salem 
2 Hanover 
Hl Morton 
7? WW Stillman 
16) 105 Cooper 
Ch. St. Mary's Church 
111 Pond-at. Place 
120 Institute Avenue 
WT Douglass Court 
i606 143 Thacher 

174 North Margin 

Endicott Court 

191 Lalavewte Avenue 


225 Causeway 

Endicott Court, from 
178 Endicott, Ward 2, 

Ericason, from Walnut 
to Fulton, Ward 16, 

pla ail 

| Left. Ji. 
b Walnut 
i) High 
u Fulton 

Eric Ave., from Wash, 
n. Mr. Bowdoin station 
to Elmo, Wurd 16, 

-Erlu Alley, from 456, 
Liverpool to 7! Border, | 

E.8,, Ward 1. 

+Easex, from 174 Wasli'n 

to a1 South, Ward 4, 

+ Sth. 
“ 1 Washington 
2) Hersey Place 
Rrimmer Pince 
45 Harrison Avenue 
oo Oxford 
£1 Oliver Place 
Oo) Edinboro’ 
110 10 Kingston 
_ MI Essex Place 
ie Columbia 
188 155 Lincoln 
[68 187 South 
Eesex Place, {rom 141 
Essex, Ward 5. 

Euclid, from Wash’n. | 

near Norfolk, Ward 16. 
Eustis, from 1755 Wash. 
to Moguzine, Ward 14. 

Left, Rt. 
3 1 Washington 
Cem. Cemetery 
10 Rentrew 
a2 Harrizon Avenue 
Ri) Afall 
51 Winslow 
Fx Albany 
0 Palmer 
1 111 Dearborn 
M42 = Orchard 
178 177 Adams 
108 Preecott 
216 229 Hampden 
100 4h End of street 
Eutaw, fr.3519 Border, 
erose’g¢ Meridian at (51, 
to White, E.8., Ward 1. 
Left. fit. 
2 1 Border 
15 17 Meridian 
44 43 Marion 
if Ol Brooks 
1? 15 White 
Eutaw Place, from 2% 
Marion, E.&., Ward l. 
Evans, from Corbet to 
Milton Ave, Ward 1d, 

| Evelyn Place, fr. Dor- 

chester Ave,, Ward 18, 
EBverett, fr'm % Orleans 
to Jeffries, E.B., Wed 1. 

Left. Rt. 

* 1 Orleans 
M 04 Cottage 
nit Burke's Court 
iH Lowland Place 
136 Rockland Court 

6b? 11 Lamson 

lds Castle Court 
Loy Hooton Court 
150 Doherty Court 
a2 Union Court 
218 Short Court 
Pet | Everett Place 
20) Everett Court 

ht St Jefrics 

Everett, from Park to) 

Mill, Ward 16, 

Lert. tt, 
0 © Park 
0 Klin 
Oo © Mill 

Everett Avenue, from 
Stoughton, acne: Suim- 
ner, Ward 16, 

Everett Court, fr. ™0 

Everett, E B., Ward J. 

Everctt Place, fr. 215 | 

Evereti, E.6., Ward 1. 
Everett Place, fr. 322 
North, Ward 2. 

Ewer, from 131 Sullivan, 
5.8., Ward 7. 
Exchange, fr. 34 State 
to 30 Dock Sq., Wari 4. 
Exchange, from Tl'wrk 
tothe Water, Ward 16, 
Exchange Place, from 
G eronshine. to # Con- 

gress, Ward 4 

Exeter, fr. Huntington 
avenue to Keacon 
Wards 6, 9. 

Exeter Place, from &7 
Chauncy, Ward 5, 

Export, from 116 Broad 
to 49 India, Ward 5, 

F Street. fr. 198 Eighth 
to HM? First, 5.8,, W'rd 

Left, Re. 

2 4 Elghth 

+ $1 Seventh 

63 Tudor 

iS Sixth 

7h Bowen 

s7 Fitth 

100 1 Geld 

liz 11] Fourth 

IM 125 Silver 

42 141 Brondway 

158 167 Athens 

174 174 Third 

14 1<) Bolton 

105 197 Second 

210 200 Dowe 

222 221 First 

Fabin, from 19 Newlond 
to 10 Ivanhoe, Ward 10, 

| Fatrfeld, from O15 Bea- 

con, Wards 6, 0. 
Fairfield Place, from 
14 and 18 Harris, W°d2 
Falrlaud, from 10 Mt. 
Piewant Ave. to More- 

land, Ward 14. 
Left, Rt. 
2 1 Mt. Pleasant Ave. 
14 13 Wintl te 
28 27 Morelao 
Bis from Horder, , 
crossing at 265 Drooks, 
to Knoy, E.Lb., Wari 1. 
Fanenil-Hall Sq're, 
South, Weat, and North 
cide Fan, Hall, Ward 4, 

Left, ft. 
1 Merchania iow 
10 Corn Court 
Lt Change Avenue 
a7 Dock Square 
ks Dock Square 
42 Head N. Market 

Farnham, from Hamp- 
den «across Reed and 
Gerard, Ward 11, 

Farrell First, 
near F, 5.B,, Ward 1. * 

Faxon Plince, fr. 1469 
Tremont, Ward 15. 

Fayette, fr. 59 Mleasant 
to 1 Ferdinand, Ward 0. 
Ati. Lejt. 
= i Pleasant 
0 Khouox 
aka Dingley pluce 
39 Chureli 
57 Hay 
7h Feedinand 
gi Aan Court, fr. 401 
Washington, Ward 4. 

Federal, from 75 Milk, 
to Federal-st. bridge, 
Wards 6, 7. 


Left, Rt. 6) 405 
« 1 Milk 5) Sheridan Place 
Ol Franklin 59 Sherman Place 
2 Channing | 67 Webster Place 
— 107 sullivan Place 102 101 C 
118 Matthews 144 Harding Court 
12] Federal Court 166 157 D 
ld? Milton ['laee 106 lovis 

172 164 Filet 208 2 
100 15) Purchase 

Zi) 1 Summer 4 "Ot Dorchester 

Lid Htoston, Hartford, | 400 590 G 
% Erie RR. Sta- | 476 475 H 
Si+4 513 1 
a8 Piper’ 4 Wharf | Ot4 Jay 
205 Federal Place 670 4575 K 
244) Drake's Wharf (626 625 L 
250 Curtis's Wharf | 676 075 M 
250) Francie’s Wharf | 728 727 N 
207 East Street 7e0 FT 70 i) 
are Wales's Whari M4 a i 
: oF pater, « Wharf B72 BF1Q 
feue) 1 ) Be, f 2 
$08 Tirrell's Whart | oy nmie weet, from 
“4 Howe's Wharf ee aN ae OL 
340 Mi. W mash" ui Ave, Fillmore Place, Ir, 450 

wl K neelansl Hanover, Ward 2. 

Kil Colby's Wharf First, fr. 74 Dorchester 

a6 =©6Merviil & Edmand's | Avene to South Boston | 
Whirl | Point, Wards 7, 12. 

414 Boston Fire Brick Lest, Rt. 

Co's Whurf 1 Dorchester Ave, 

401 Furtiuce Street 70 O69 Granite 
418 Calet's Wharf Midland 
4.18 Miunn's Wharf te OFA 
450) Wiy's Whar 1G 1 Boston, Hartford, 
460 503 Federal-st, Bridge | sk ks me Kirle Hatlroud 
Federal Court, fr. 121 203 Cc 
Federal, Ward 6, 216 Brooks Whar 
Federal Place, from “od TD 
200 E 
235 Federal, Ware 6. Bri James & Stetaon's | 

Felling Place, from) Wharf 

11+ Tremont, Ward 14. nah | lev’s Wharf 
Fellows, fiom North- | “‘" —* 
ampton to 22 Webber, | 452 # ar caenle2 
Ward 15. | 
Fellows-at, Court, fr. ‘ee Stetson’s Wharf 
Fellows, Ward 15. | 45 Buy State Place 
Fenton, from Duncan | 569 659 K 
to Clayton, Ward 16 woot ., 
Fenwick, from 60 Cir- IERE'E EWE 

cuit, Ward 14. y 
Ferdinand, from 4% o 

Treniont, ul. Worcester P 

ie + crossine to ‘hic a) 
Z aft. Rte Ave., Ward 0. Fisher Avenna; from 

Tremo 8) Parker to Highland 
Change Place, Wurd 15. 

HK, & W. KH. Et. Br. 

1 Fayette 254 Comm'l, Wurd 2, 

6 Cortes | Left. wt. 

Y Kiox 2 1 Hanover 
1s Isabella 7 Garden-ct, Street | 

19 Melrose 18 Welsier Place 

41 Winchester Pa) Clitford lace 
— £0 Piedmont 27 Moon 
is Columbus Avenye) 50 44 North 

i 6 Commercial 

Floral Pince. fr. i77 
Washington, Ward §, 

‘Florence, ir. 778 Wash- 
ington to 357 Harrison 
Avenue, Wurda Ui, 10, 

Ferry, from 54 Fulton | 
to 127 North, Ward 2, | 

Ferry Avenae, fr. 55 
Sumner, E.H., Ward I. 
Ferry Court, from 24. 

Ferry, Ward 2 
Fessenden Court, fr, | Pleasant Ave., Ward 14, 
SO Webster, E.8,,Wd,1, | fat. Jee. 
wails, f from 212 Dorchee- Pr ‘5 tat Peasant Ave, 
Mt. Pleasant Ave, 
Forest Aveune, from 
20! Warren, Ward 14, 
2 A Forest Hills ivenne, 
1 Federal from 18 Kiver to Nor- 
21 Fitth--t, Place folk, Ward 16, 
34 33 Boston, Hurtford, | Le . Bt. 
& kK. BR. KR. ) go River 

| Fort Avenne, 

Lest, A, 

| Fountain Place, fr. 

| a8 oy Foundry 

Fleet, fr. 361 Hanover to 

408 403 F “4 

Forest, fr. 14 to 144 Mt, | 74 7R 
| SK) SOG 

10d 003 P 


0 © Sanford | Francis Place, fr. 196 
0 Codman Hanover, Ward 2 
5 4h Ac ‘Frankfort, fr. the cem- 
OCnrhet ctery ot East [oston, 
0 6 Nortolk | bontherly to the water, 

Wd io) Franklin, fr, 182 Wash, 

Harrison Ave., to 6] Federal, Ward 6. 

Fort Hill Avenue, fr. Le _ Rt. 
i Centre, corner Ce- 1 Washin ton 
dar, to 145 Highland,| of o9 fieeien” 
Ww airel 15. BS Arch ¥ 

Foster, from 47 Charter 

m4 ‘omm'l, Ward J fil! rs Devonshire 

BH Ot Federal 
2 Charter Franklin, from Norfolk 
11 Foster Place ave. to Cottage, W'd 16, 
1? Foster Court Left, Rt. 
26 26 Commercial WW Oak 
Foster, from Dorchester © © Cottage 
Avenue, near Field's) Franklin Avenne, fr. 
corner, Ward 16. 31 Court to 32 Brattle, 

Foster Court, from i? | Ward 5, 
Foster, Ward 2. Left, Re. 
Foster Eras, fr. | Court 
Foster, Ward 2 | Cormhill 

Foundry, tron 47 Dor- 
cheater Ave. to. C.& Franklin Conrt, from 

Franklin, Ward 16, 

N. Ke, South Boston, | 
Ward 7. Franklin Place, from 
Left, Rt. | (1000 Tremonot, Ward 15, 
L Federal | Franklin Square, fr. 

R2 107 Fourth anklin 7 
18 Mh Swan 12 to 1402 Wash., Wd 

i ' Il, 

lbs 1 ON, & CLR, . 

Foundry Square fr. | Pedrterahrser ed CA tet nth 

Fountain fr. 0 Regent Freeman, from Charles 
to 15 Cireuit, Ward 14, | 0 Foster, Ward 16. 

6 Preeman Place, trom 
Foutitain, Ward j4, li beacon, Ward 4. 

Fountain Place, from Fremont, from Riverto 

422 Havuover, Ward 2 a. Blue-hill Avenue, W'd 
Fourth, fr. Dover-sircet | a1 

ridge 16 South Boston | Left. iit. 

Point, Wards 7, 12. o 0 River 

an.» | 0 Street not named 

y ia t. 
2 10. C. & N. Rail-| © © Norfolk 
0 0 Blve-hill Ave. 
Fremont Avenue, fr. 
16 Alall, Ward iA. 
Premont Place, from 
45 leasant, Ward §. 
Fremont Place from 
a he Cost i Dudiey, Vi rd 14, 
BK, H. ik. French Square, from 
4 Sretican ‘Court i? Fourth, «=. 0., W'd 7, 
‘Friend, Kom 5 ie to 
111 Causeway, Wurd 4, 

5! Foundry Square 
5S French's Square 
© £Phillips Place 
ae aha Ave. 
lid 1 A 
8 177 I 


Parker* a Alley 

~ Ppa | Varker's Court Left. Re. 
308 so D 2 2 Union 
rt 53 Hanover 

Wi 60 73 Billiies Cort 
Kittredge Place 
Bl Dupe lace 
/120 100 Sudbury 
Li? 125 Mer inme 
LW Alarket Sireet 

Merritnae House 
206 160 Travers 


40) 40 Dorelester 
44 National 
#7 Atlantic 
501 Linden 

His B17 Oe 

hao 670 HH 

nie GIS 17 (: Napel Vince (aN. ) 

678 Kk , 
> ~ 214 Gilman linee 
4d, aos Emerton 236 Hirrison Vince 
in 272 Friend wt Place 
274 Crescent Court 

ey Ch. Kaptist Church 
4 763 M 256 271 Causeway 

Fricnd-at, Plnce, fr, 

aid Boa O 
272 Friend, Wari 4, 

iM? 4! © 
| eee J fee ;. Fruit, from 32 Bloseom 
| tae Fourth, 8. B.,Wid7, | %0, 212 Charles, Ward 3. 
Fox Aventie, fr. Adams ue of = 
ek ae AVENUE, : Baltes Court 
5 North Anderson 
| Francis, from 1643 Tre- | Fruit-st, Vlace 
| mont to Longwood, | North Grove 
Ward 5, ; Charles 


Fruit-at. Court, from | Gaston, fr. 500 Warren, 
4 Fruit, Ward i. to Blue-Hill Avenue, 
Fruit-st. Place, from. Ward 14. 
& Fruit, near N. Grove, Gates, fr. 156 Dorchester 
Ward A, to 315 Eichth, 5. H., 

Ward 2, 
Fuller, from Carruth to 
Forest Hill ave, Ward | ae » from 2073 Wash, to 
16. Linden Fark, wd 15. 

Fulton, fr. %4 anes Scarerera from 340 Har: | 
to7 Lewis, Ward 2 rizon Avenue to 741 Al 
Lest. Re. bany, Ward 7. 


Goodwin Court, from 
40 Ward, 5. I, Ward 12, 

Goodwin Place, from 
93 Revere, Ward 6, 

Ward 15. 

100) Wash., Ward 10, 

Gouch, from 53 Green 
to 142 Merrimac, W'd 4. 

, 2 Giinton Geneva, from Green to | Lest, Re. 
1 gio Bowdoin, Ward 16, 2 | Green 
John | 20 Eaton Place 
of 9. Cross igre, bd 0 Shisiey, Wid 24 |, Gough-st. Place 
~ igsip- (oe 2 41 South Margin 
na Allez Gerard, from Swett to o8 Of Merrimac 
70) Fulton Place George, Ward 13, Gouch-st. Place, from 
7 101 Richmond Swett A | Gouch, Ward 4. 
140 185 Lewis a Gould Court, from 130 
Fulton, trom Walnut to Kemble Orleans, &, B., Ward 1. 
Ericsson, Ward 16, Norfolk Avenue | Graham, from Clapp, 
Taft. ie. Howard Ward 1é, 
) © Walnut George Gramplan Way, from 
0 Water sae tean fr. ‘Aah Weeds | Sav hill Ave. Wa. 16, 
G Tenean venue, at Fleld'’s cor., | 
0 Ericsson to Adams, Ward 16. Granger, from: Daneas 

to Clayton, Ward 14, 

Gifford Pince, from 16 | Granite. from Second to 

Fulten Court, fr. 11! 

North and 12¢ Cross,) Ward, 5. B., Ward 12. Mt. Wastin ton Ave, 
Ward 4, Gilman Place, fr.214| 5S. B., W az. , 
Fulton Place, from70| Friend, Ward 4. , Jee 
Fulton to 140 North, ‘Gilson Court, from 14 | Second 
Ward 2. W. Cedar, Ward 6, | Firat 
Furnace, from 401 Fed'l| g@jenaale. from Colum- | ae 

to LM Cove, Ward 7. bia to Hancock, W'd 16. 

G Street, fr. Dorches- Lest. Ae. Mt. Wash. Ave, 

Granite Avenme, from 

ter,n. Third, to Kighth,) & 0 Columbia 
5. ., Ward 12, a 0 Downer place aol Boritk Br'ge, 
Left. Ri. 0 Payson avenue 

Graut, from Crescent 

1 Dorchester 0 O VWaneock 

7)? 9] [troadwa avenue, below Dworch, 
20 Silver “ es St oe nee arenes § to HarborView, 
4t 4) Fourth elie 
G+ 61 Flith gy te rte g Grant Place, from 12 
0 Story qi a oo Aw . au. Camden, Ward 11, 
7? Thomas cnway ve., from 
86°) «Sixth Savin-hill ave., Wd. 16, Geant, ig Pe hig i 
; 103 Thomas |Glenwood, from 75. aie stipe 
1100 Seventh Warren to 27 Clid, W'd | Grant Place, fr. Wash. 
132 135 Bighth 14, near Sanford, Ward 10. 
138 141 the water Left. Het. | Grape Place, from 24 

Garden, from 1% Cam.) * | Warren Spring, Ward 3. 

7 Myrtle Place 

brid to G3} Myrtle,| , : , Gray, fr. 30 Berk 
Ward 6 -_ gp ee Me Ularendon, Ward. 
3 t Cambridge Glenwood Pince, frm | @T"¥'s Court, fr, 1804 
10 Garden-st, Arch 244 Glenwood, Ward 14. Ww ash, Ward 13. 
$2 41 Phillips ™ | Glide, from Chickataw- | Green, fr. Bowdoin Sq. 
45 Garden-at, Court | bot to Marah, Ward 1d.) to & Chambers, Wards | 
58 47 Revere | Globe Alley, from i's ihe he 
66 65 Myrtle Commercial, Ward 2. Left. Rl. 
Garden, fr. Dorchest Glonecester, fr. 674 Ben- 1 Chardon 
, OR, OF. SPOrlester! §=6pon, Wards 6, 9. 2 Bowdoin Square 
Avenue to Moseley, | zest, ‘ne. 7 Pitts 
Ward 16. i 2 Beacon sh Creseent Place 
Garden-ct. Street, fr.) 7 & Marlboro’ 63 Gouch 
J North Sq. 7? Fleet, Columbus Avenue | 66 Staniford 
Ward 2, Gloucester Place, fr, 7a Lyimnan 
Garden-at. Arch,from) “7 Harrison Avenue,| 74 Lynde 

Ward 10. 
Glover, from 2) Woad- 
ward, 5. B., Ward 12, 
Gold, from 1 A to 1 

Oo Leverett 
60 111 Chambers 
Green, fr'm Columbia to 
Bowdoin, Ward 16, 

19 Garden, Ward 6, 

Garden-st, Court, fr. 
45 Garden, Ward d,. 

Gardner, from 2100 | Dorchester, 5. B., W'ds| perp ye. 

Wasliington to 45 Cen.) _ 7, 4. 0 © Colambina 

ire, Ward 15. Te ae 0 Mt. Howdoin Ave, 
Gardner Avenne,from) 45 4; Te RE 0 Genewn 

2108 Wash. Ward 5 52 51 B —— 0 Cottage Avenue 

0 60 Bowdoin 

| Green-st. Court, from 
Green, Ward 1. 

Greenleaf, fr. Parker, 
n. Ruggles, Ward Li. 

Greenough Lane, fr. 

25 Charter to 438 Com- 
mercial, Ward 2. 

Gardner Place, fr. 162 100 we 

Broadway, 5. B., Ward (50 140 D 

vs Ja Lovis 
Garland, fr. S67 Wash, 200 10 E 

to i shawmut avenue, | 240 2 F 

Ward !0), 20) 201 Dorchester 
Garaut Place, from37| Gooduow Park, from 

Portland, Ward 4, 170 Dudley, Ward 13. 

Gore Avenue, fr. 1424 | 
Tremont to 720 Parker, | 

Gorham Place, from | 
| Grenville 

Greenville, from 215 
Dudley tao Winthrop, 
Ward 14. 

Greenwich, from Dor- 
chester Ave. to Com- 
mercial, Ward 16, 

‘Greenwich Park, fr. 
514i Columbos Ave. to 
i. & PF. R. R.. W'd 1. 

Place, fr. 

72 Church to oo 

Avenue, Wa 

Gridley, from ‘2 High 

to 14 Purchase, Wid 6, 

-~Gereimes, from 179 7th to 

BU Sth, Ward 12. 

Grosvenor Plnoc, fr. 

i4 CIUY, Ward 14. 

Groton. fr. 1057 Wash, 
to 230 Shawmut Ave, 
Ward 10, 

Grotto Glen, from 37 
Day, Wari 15. 

Grove, from 172 Cam, 
bridge ta 100 Myrtle- 
Ward 6, 

Lert. Re. 

2 1 Cambridge 

1d Grover lace 

17 Grove Place 

23 Phillips 
Kenna Place 

47 evere 

o¢ Alyrtle 

Grove Place, from 17 
Grove, Ward 6, 

Grove Square, fr. 106 
Myrtle, head of Grove, 
Vard i. 


Grover Bpaeey from 18 
Grove, Ward 6 

Guild, from 1103 Shaw- 
mot Are,, Wurd 16, 

‘Guild Iow, from i958 

Washington to 112 Dbud- 
ley, Warde 13, hi, 

Gulllver Court, from 
Sumner, Ward 10, 

H Street, fr. 451 Firat 
Ninth, Ward 12. 


1 First 

2] Second 
45 47 Third 

58 63 Emersor 
ns 5 Brondway 
Mw OF) Fourth 

116 115 Fitth 

140 190 Sixth 

1H 103 Seventh 

184 187 Elglith 


Half-moon Place, fr. 
107 Broad, Ward 5. 

Hall Place, from 263 
Hanover, Waril 2, 

Hall Place, from 1809 
Washington, Ward 14. 

Hallock, from “4! Sta- 
tlon to Rugeles, Wd 1b. 

Hall's Court, from 
Adama. Linden, Waid. 

Hamburg, fr.5 Mystic 
to 551 Harrleon Avenue, 
Ward 10, 

Hamilton, from 47 Bat- 
terymarch to Waoehing 
ton Square, Ward 6. 

2 1 Batlervmarelh 
5 Hamilton Alley 
22 21 Sturgis 
a 1 Wenilell 
6440 45 Waeliihgton Sq. 

Hamilion Alley, from 
5 Hamilton, Ward 5. 
Hamilton Place, from 
122 Tremont, Ward 4, 
Hamlen Place, from 
140 Pleasant, Ward 0. 
Hamlet, from Boston, 
n. Stoughton, Ward 16, 
Hamlin, fr. 400 Eighth 
to the water, Ward 12. 
Hammond, from 59 
Shawmut Aventie to (82 

Tremont, Wards 11, 14. | 
Left. Ri : | 

| Shawmut ATE. 

40 Weetlmingeter 
ai Warwick 
118 Cabot 

110 Tremont 
Hammond Avenue, 
from 12) Chambers to 4 
Leverett, Ward 4. 
Hampden, from §02 
Albany to 380 Dudley, 
Ward 13, 
Loft, Rt. 
1 Albany 
Maiden Lane 
7% honix Place 

115 Yeoman 
141 Perry Court 
154 Mrescott 
4 = George 
188 180 Kustia 
214 Magazine Lane 
— 2M Dudley 
Hampshire, from 140 
Kuggles to 2 Clay, 
Wards 4, 15, 
Left. Rt. 
2 1 Ruggles 
a8 37 Culvert 
74 od Vernon 
sf? Crawehaw Place 
138 136 Clay 
Hompshire Court, fr. 
Hampshire, Ward 15. 
sgn, ee: Court, from 
166 A 


jOrthampton, Wd. 
Hancock, from 48 Cam- 

bridge to 20 Mt. Vernon, | 

Ward 6, 

vr Alt. Vernon 

Hancock, from Sitough- 
ton to Junction Adame 
and [fowdoin, Ward 16. 
ft. AF, 

0 Stouchton 

0 Columbia 

0 ayson Avenue 

0 Glendale 

0 Downer Court 

0 Draper Court 
0 O Jie. Rowdoin & 


Hancock Avenue, fr. 
28 Dencon to 8 ML. Ver- 
non, Ward 4, 

Hancock Row, fr. 9 
Marshall to Creek Sq., 
Ward 4. 

Hanower, from 97 Court 
to Chelsea Ferry, W'da 

2, a: 
Left, Rt. 
= 1 Court 


a4 Portland 
110 107 Friend 
138 194 Union 
47 Muarehall 
16 153 Blackstone 
" . Centre 

American House 

Francis Place 

270 Richmond 
Weeley Place 
Lathrop Place 

410 001 

| & Haptist Bethel Ch 
as North Dennet 
801 Fleet 
a2 Tileston 
2) Clark 
ar4 Webster Avenue 

«£05 Catholic Church 
ose Webster House 
413 Harris 
4 Charter 
421 Hanover Avenue 
iH! Salutation 
400 Battery | 
4t2 Fountain Place 
Warland Place 
420 Fillmore Place 
402 565 Commercial 
a6 Sigourney Place 
1) 549 Chelsea kerry 

North, Ward 2, 

Hanover Place, fr. 212 
Hanover, Ward 2. 

Hanson, fr. 20 Shaw- 
inh Avenue to Be Tre- 
mont, Ward 10, 

Lert. Rt, 
‘ Shawmut Avenue 
1 Bond 
4 Ringgold 
44 37 Tremont 
Harbor View, from 

Girant to Sidney, Wd. 16. 
Harding Court, from 
144 Fifth to Gold, 3. B,, 
Ward 7. 
Harlem Place, from 
45 Washington, W'd 5. 

‘Harley, from Welles 
ave, to Roslin, Ward 16, 

Harmony, fr. Reonine- 
ton, 0. Cemetery, E. B., 
Ward 1. 

Harmony Place, from 
a Lex ington, E. K., 
Ward 1. 

Harris, from 415 Han- 
over to M8 North, W'd 2, 
; 5 ie. 

] Hanover 
6 Fairfield Place 
ad North 

45 Essex to Bt Warren, 
W'ils5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 

Let. Rt, 
= 1 Essex 
26 Oxford Place 
| 329 Deach 

200 Police Stat'n No.1) bs | 

| 212 Hanover Place 
217 Arch [lace 
20 Parkman Place 
221 Mechanio 
225 N. Hanover Court | 
2 Hoard at 
250 Cheseman Place 
203% Hull Place 
200 Parmenter 

59 let ©. 5. Pres. Ch. 


| 100 101 Utlea 

si Plymouth Place 112 113 South 
80 01 Kneeland | Harvard, from Wash, 
148 145 Horvard to Blue-bill Avenue, 
Ch, Harvard-st. Bap) Ward 16, 
Chureh ft, Re. 
160 Hennet O Wash, 
np ht penean 0 School 
208 207 On | Carlton’ 
210 Maple Place : neers suaaee 
27 Pine ? 0 Wales 
7 Vinal Place 0 Warner Avenue 
Iodiana 0 Abbot 
ou Curve 0 Vaughan 
3 0 O Hlue-hill Ave. 

| (ei) 270 H. & A, Railroad 
| <0 Orange Lane 
288 Wa 

| 20 Crstle 
| Seneca, 
Ba) Onella — 
124 Lovering Place 
sa Chawego 
i Asylum 
ey Lenesee 
M46 Davis 
ai; Florence 
MG ‘Toy 

M7 Decatur 
bene AL Gloucester Place 
(an ae, : 
| 402 401 | Dover 
413 Dover-st, Place 
24 Fort Avenue 
442 Bristol 
445 Ashland Place 
440 Perry 
45! Cottage Pince 
74 Barry Court 
48% Sands lace 
495 South May 
G27 Hollina 
5h) Waltham 
5! 565 Union-Park St. 


Hanover Avenue, fr. | nid sews 
421 Hanover to 31) ago Plympton 

We M3 E. Dedham 
Od) Hamburg 
mv A756 E. Canton 
710 0605 E. Drookline 
726 ©6©)6&haron 
742 731 KK, Newton 
7) 770 E. Concord 
7) Woreester A papa 
Bl4 City Hospital 
e327 Al? East S ringfield 
(650 Abl Enst Chester Park 
Ss) £61 Northampton 
006 06 Hunneman 
wl Webber 
WH4 15 Enetia 
1116 1115 Renfrew 
1192 1141 Palmer 
1144 1144 Taber 
1168 1107 AZelgler 
#2 111 Dudley 
1216 1207 Warren 
Harrison Place, fr.2% 
Friend, Ward 4, 
Hartford, from High 
above Pearl, Ward 5. 
Hartford, frm Howard 
Ave, to Howard, W'd 16. 

Hartopp Plinace, from 

O22 Albany, Ward 13, 
Harvard, fr. i62 Wash. 
to 163 South, Wards 7,5. 
F a Fé. 
1 Washington 

Harrison Avenue, fr. 

13 Harvard Court 
21 Vincent Court 

25 Baxter Place 

41 Harrison Avenue 

53 Tyler 
tk Mt 

70 Albany 
6 Lincoln 


Harvard Court, from 
13 Harvard, Ward 4, 
Harvrerd Place, from 

1) Wash,, Ward 4, 

Haskins Ct., 48 Sher- 
min, Wir ld 

Haven, from 446 Shaw- 
mut Ave. to 4 Rutland, 
Ward JI. 

Haverhill, from Hay- 
market Sq. to 147 Cause- 
way, Warde 2, 4. 

| Left, Wt. 
1 Haymarket Sq. 
2 bEM. KR. EK 

47 Traverse 
lat 120 Couseway 
Havre, from 145 Sumber 
to Bennington, E. &,, 
Ward 1, 
Let, Rt. 
2 1 Sumner 
40 41 Maverick 
95 Decatur 
1 Allen's Court 
14] Model lace 
170 167 l'orter 
14 Havre I'lace 
24 2l Marion 
| J07 Benniigtion 
Havre Plince, from 14 
Havre, K. ., Ward 1. 
Hawes, [r'm 48 Congrese 
to 40 Kilby, Ward 4. 

| Lin} 

Lest, Ri. 
2 1 Sodbury 
14 Carnes Place 

20 Hawkins Place 
+) Bancroft Place 
44 47 Chardon 
Hawkines Ploece, from 
20 Hawkins, Ward 4 
Hawley, fr'im 25 Milk to 
22 Summer, Ward 6, 
Left. dt 

% 1 Milk 

aT Morton Place 

50 40 Franklin 

BO 72 Summer 

Hawthorn, from 156 
Highland to 44 Cedar, 
Ward 14. 

|Hawthorn <ArTrenue, 
fr. 104 Shawmut Ave, 
Ward 14, 
Hawthorn Place, fr. 
1033 Wash., Ward 10, 
Hayden Place, now 
Cottage Place. Ward 15, 

Haymarket Place, 
from 20 Avery, Ward 5. 

Haymarket Square, 
bet. Union Cltarlestown 
and Ii. & M.K. HE. depot, 
Ward 4, | 

Haynes, fr. 11 Orleans to 
106 Marginal, E, H., 
Ward 1, 


Hayward, fr. 455 War Highland Place, chan-| 

ren to S17 Bloe-hill 

Avenue, Ward 14. 

Hayward Place, from Hildreth Place, from | 

6 Wash., Ward 5. 
Head Place, from 4 
Boylston to 179 Tre- 
mont, Ward 6. 
Heath, from 155 Centre 

to 1812 Tremout, Ward | 


2 | Centre 

10 Pynchon 
25 BR. 4 ’. R. EK. 

Sf Parker 
Heath Place 


Waldeo Place 


241 Fisher Avenue 

a80 70 Tremont 

Henth (Ofd), from 201 
Centre to Heath, W'd 15, 

feath Place, from 12 
Heath, Ward 15, 

Henchman, from ‘4 
Charter to4i+ Commer- 
clal, Ward 2. 

Henry, fr'm 16 Maverick 
sq. to ll Paria, E. B., 
Wiard 1. 

Hereford, from 718 Bea- 

con, W ards 6, U. 

Hersey Place, from 21 

Easex, Ward 5, 

High, from 125 Summer 

to Oliver, Ward 4, 
Left. Rt 

2 | Summer 

M4 2 Federal 

iwi High-st. Place 
100 104 Congress 

to Highland, Ward 14, 

High, from Water to 

Ericsson, Ward 16. 

Highland, from Eliot 
Square to 186 Centre, 

Ward 15, 

& Ree, 

© 1 Eliot Square 

12 Highland Place 

Pal Norfolk 
| Lambert 

45 £Millmont 

62 Highland Ave, 
Highland Park 

57 Linwood 

fir Dorr 

02 01 Cedar | 

145 Fort Hill Avenue 

174 Beech Glen Ave, 

156 Hawthora 

40 20 Marcella 

dH 305 Centre 

Highland, from East 
to Winter, Ward 16. 

from Minot, Ward iW. 

Highland Avw., from 28 
Centre to 63 Highland 
Ward 15, 

Highland Park, from 
Highland, Ward 15. 

Highland Place, from 
49 Sumoper, Ward 1. 

Highland Place, fr'm 
1! Highland, Ward 15. 


|Holden Place, 


Howard Avenue, fr’m 

| Hollis Place, from 7% 

Houston Place, from | 


Lert. ft. 

ged to Parker-hill Ave., | 0 Stoughton 
1871, Ward 15. iT Hartiord 

0 Hownrd 
72 Chuarler, Ward 2, 0 O Quiney 

Hill's Court, from &5 
Revere, Ward 6. 

Hillside, from larker 
ill Ave., Ward 15. | 

Hillside Ave., fr'm 1680. 
Tremont,-Ward 15. 

Hiltou, from Swett, 

Ward 1. 

Hingham, fr, 201 Shaw- 
mut Ave, to 70 Emerald, 

Howe's Court, from 
1134 Tremont, Ward 14, 
Howe's Court, from 
Hancock, near Commer- 
cial, Ward 16, 
Joy, Ward é. 
Huckina Avenue, fr. 
h! Blue-hill Avenue to 

Ward 10, nut Avenue | __@! Dentis, Ward 14, 
Middlesex Hudson, from 67 Beach 
Emerald | to ol Curve, Ward &. 

H-ge Bridge, Centre, | Sy% me | 
near Pynchon, Ward 15.| ,= _1 Beach 
Holden Court, fr'm jos | 79 27 Kneeland — 
Commercial, Ward 2. 33 Hudeon Place 

66 OF Harvard 

li) 111 Onk 

Idd 140 Curve 

Hudson. fr. Stoughton 
oH Krook Ave. to CIIF- 
ton, Ward 16, 

Hudson Place, fr'm 35 | 
Hudson, Ward 8. : 

from | 
HS and 62 Joy, Ward 6. 
Holden Pince, from 
Stoughton, near Hum- 
phreys, Ward 16. 
Holland Place, from 
68 Tyler, Ward &, 
Holley Square, fr'm 10 

Hollis, Ward 5. Hull, from 176 Salem to! 
Hollis, from 617 Wash.| 90 Commercial, W'd 2. 

to 272 Tremont, W'd 6. | Lest, Wt. | 
Let. dit, ¢ 1 Salem 

2 1 Washington 4 Hiull-et. Court 

10) Holley Square T Snelling Place 
Ch. Hollis-st. Charch Vi Copps-Hil Cem, 

49 Snowlhill 

61 N. Hudson 

Hull-st. Court, from 4 

15 Burroughs Place 
24 Hollis lace 
5 Tremont 


Hollia, Ward &. 

Hollis Place, from 20% 
Wuehington to #2 Ver- 
pon, Ward 14, 

Holmes Alley, r. Joy, 
from Smith's ct., W'd 6. 

Holmes Place, fr, Mill, 
Ward 16, 

Homer, from Wash, nu. 
tet to Milton Ave., 
Ward 16, 

Homes Avenue, from 
Adams, opp. Linden, 
Wurd li. | 

Holyoke, fr. 410 Colum- 
bus Ave., Ward 0. | 

Hooten Court, from 
167 Everett, Ward 1. 

Hope Place, from 10 N. 
Russel), Ward aJ 

Houghton Place, fr. 
a2 Centre, Ward 15. 

Humboldt Place, fr. 
Mo Dorchester Avenue, 
Ward 12, 

Humphrey Court, [r. 
160 Fourth, 5, B., Ward 


Humphreys, from 
Stoughton to Coltage, 
Ward 16. : 

Ham phreys Court, fr, 
Humphreys, Ward 16, 

Hunneman, from 176 
Washington to 685 Al- 
bany, Ward 14. 
ft, dt 

4 1 Washington 

1H Reed 

1 34 Harrison Ave, 

ft 54 Fellows 

70 0 Albany 

| Hunneman Place, fr. 
me Washington, Ward 

Hunpnewell Place, fr. 

L8 ‘Tremont, Ward 15. | 

Hull, Ward 2. | 

198 107 Eighth 

202 29) Ninth 
India, from 1% State to 

India Whf., W'da4 & 6, 
) State | 

Custom House 

10 Centra! 
Central Whart 

24 Milk 

31 Custom House st 

30 Bread 

48 Wharf Street 
40 Export. 
61 Tnudia Whart 
India &q., from 120 
Broad, Ward 6. 

| Indiana, fr. 700 Wash, 

to £64 Harrison Avenue 
Wards & and 0, 
Indiana Place, from 
vor Wash. to 374 Tre- 
mont, Ward 9, 
Left, Rt. 
2 1 Washington 
25 Shawmut Avenue 
Morgan Chapel 
41 Wheeler’a Court 
fl Kirkland 
05 Porter 
Inetitute Awentie, fr. 
120 Kndicott to 66 North 
Margin, Ward 2. 
Irving, from i104 Cam- 
bridge to 57 Myrtle, 
Ward 6, ; 

WW Irving Place 
2% Phillips 
0 it Revere 
61 Myrile 
Irving Place, from 10 
Irving, Ward i, 
Isabella, from 14 Ferdi- 
nand to Columbas Ave, 
Wd @. 

| Island, from 34s Hamp 

den, Ward 11. 
Ivanhoe, from 12 W 

Dedivim to W. Mrook- 
line, Ward 10, 

Left, At. : 
a West Dedham 
10 Fabin 
20 West Canton 
24 Trumbaull 
he West brookline 

Jackson Avenue, frm 
7¢ Charter to 44 Com 
mercial, Ward 2. 

Jackson Place, from 

10 Winter, Ward 5, 
Jackeon Place, trom 
School, Ward 14, 
Jamatica, from Norfolk 

Howard. from st Court | 123 Marion, Ward 1. to W. Roxbury 
Lest, Re. ; ' | Huntington Avenue, Leyt We it 
1 Court froin Boylston to Clars, ““_ * 9 3 . 
oe. , | pars 0 O Norfolk 
“ S Tremont Row ra ise southerly, W'ds) 4g Blue-hill Ave. 
Stoddari » A. rere : 
4 Howard Athen'm | act fo fr. 620 Dorchester ° 0 W. Ro bury Tin 
44 Somerset re, to i), OU, & N. H., James i fr Ease cab 
66 40 Hualtinch | Wurd 12, | line to 36 East Concord 
Howard, fr. 138 Hamp | F Street, from 489 First = Ward 1. 
den, Ward 13. to Ninth, 8.1. Ward 12, Le/t. eae 
Berroa ae | of ot Ein | |, 8a: Frankin Square 
nt "| 26 25 Second fs wet Newton 
0 O Howard Avenue | “ses 
0 Hartford 102 101 Foorth 
O 0 Dlyrtle 16 125 Fifi 

160 149 Sixth 
141 Burrell place 
'W74 173 Seventh 

Stoughton n. Brook Av. 
to Quincy, Ward 16, 

58 67 Enet Concord 

Jamea Place, from 17 

Anderton, Ward 6, 

‘Jarvis Place, from 106 

George, Ward 15, 

Jaaper Place, from 195 

North, Ward 2. 

vars from £4 E. Fifth to 
Fourth, Ward iz. 

Jefferson, from t2) Tre- 


fA Liberty Square 
a4 ST Water 
74) WS Milk 

mont to 10 Fayetle,| King, from 2110 Wash, 

Ward @ 

Jefferson Place, from 
17 Benwet, Ward &, 
Jeffries, fr. Marginal to 
Maverick, BE. ., W'd 1, 
Lest. Murginal 
~ BuMner 
Jenkins, from $20 Dor- 
chester to Lowland, 5. 
B., Ward 12. 
Jtnkine Place, from 
414 Commercial, Wd 2. 

Johm. fr. 4 Fulton, to 7H | 

North, Ward 2. 

Johnson Place, from 
lz Kiver, Ward 16, 
Joy, from 44 Beacon to. 
i Cambridge, Ward 6. 
Lot. Wt. 
2 1 HReacon 

ft. Mount Vernon Fl. | 

7 Mount Vernou St. 
10 Finkney 

Ww o27 Alyrile 

Smith Court 
Tucker Place 
Holden Place 
Sinith Pince 
lviknap lace 
Hoyt lace 

© 509 Cambridge 

MK Street, from 550 Firat 
fo the water, 5, 0., W'd 

Heft. Rt. 
* 1 Across First 
2 71 Second 
48 47 Third 
7d 73 Broadway 
1 05 Fourth 
| Keckler Avenue 
12) 1109 

io Finth 

144 144 Sixth 

106 165 Seventh 

186, 155 Elghth 

08 “a Nit 

24 251 High Water line 

KM Strect Place, from 
K, neor Groadway, 
Ward lz, 

Kearsarge Ave , from | 

02 Warren to 20 Win- 
throp, Ward 14, 

Keeith's Alley, from 
li North, Ward 4. 

Hemble, fr'm % Hamp- 
den, Ward 15, 

Hemp, {im Gs* Dorches- 
ter Ave, to the mural, 

Kendall, from  i7 
Shawmut Avenwe lo S35 
Tremont, Ward 11, 

Kenilworth, from 71 
Dodley to 35 Dudley, 
Ward i4 ; 

Henna Place, from 55 
Grove, Ward 6, 

Kennard Avenue, fr, 
61 Allen to 78 Poplar, 
Ward 3. 

Hennard Court, from 
4 Kennan) Ave. dd. 

Kilby, from 67 State to 

id Lilk, Ward 4, 
2 1 State 

49 Hawes 


to Eimwood, Ward 15, 

King, from Dorchester Train, Ward 16, 

Kingston, fr. 81 Sum- 
nier to 82 Beach, W'd &. 

Left, Bt. 
2 LSummer 

a) 6 Bedford 

lm) 05 Essex 

110 Kingston Court 

164 105 Beach 

Kin ao Court, from 
110 Kingston, Ward 5 

Kirkland, fr. 45 Flens- 
ant to 4! Indiana Place, 
Ward 9. 

Kittredge Place, from 
74 Friend, Ward 4. 


Wash. to 441 Federal, 
Warils 7, 4 
Lest. Re. 

+ 1 Washington 
0 tates Place 
17 Kneelatid Place 
“0 Horiison Avenué 
41 Tyler 
S54 Hudson 
65 Albany 

Boston & Worces- 

ter Railroad 
78 77 Lincoln 
BO Uticn 
i144 13 South 
i. Old Col'ny & New: 
port Station 

132 I] Cove 
Id 153 Federal 

Kneeland Place, from | 

17 Knecland, Ward 5. 

Knowles Place, trom 

lei Wash., Ward 13. 

from 25 

ait hto 24 Eighth, 
Ward 1 12, 

Pes from 15 Church 
Lent RE i F 

2 : 7 ‘Charch 

Su Ferdinand 
L Street, from @ Firat 


to Ninth, 5. B., W'd 12, | 

2 | Firat 

24 second 

47 Third 

72 71 Broudway 

1 Fourth 

1 Emerson 

iy Fifth 

141 Sixth 

lh Seventh 

iso Eizhth 

La Fayette Avenne, | 

from 138 Prince to 101 
Endicott, Ward 2, 

La Grange, from 62 

Wash. to 210 Tremont, 

Ward &, 
iy * tt. ; ; 
2 Washington 
28 Lowell Place 
“) Police Station 4 
45 40 Tremont 
La Grange Place, ff, 
*) Blue-hill Ave., Word 
Lambert, from 34 High- 
land to 25 Lambert Av., 
Ward 15, 


from 64) 

erdinanod, Wurd | 

Lambert Avenue, Ir. 

Ward 14, 
Left, Re. 
~ 1 Bartlett 
15 Norfolk 
20 Lambert 
ty Milimont 
hi Dorr 
100 8 Cedar 
Lameon, fr. 142 Webster 
to Everett, E. &,, W'd 1. 
1 Webster 

Leff, Helmont Square 
2 Limeéon Court 

Lamson Court, from 
? Lamson, FE, B., W'd 1. 
Lancaster, fr. 101 Mvr- 
rimac to 60 Couseway, 
Ward 4, 
Land's Court, fr, 2 
Nurth, Ward 2. 
Langton, fr. 470 Dud- 
ley, Ward 14. 
Langdon Court, from 
Langdon Place, W'd 2. 
215 North, Ward 2 
Lansing, fr. 375 Waive | 
to Sherman, Ward | 4. 

Lark, from 179 Kighth to 
“ee C.& N.S. b., Wd 

Lathrop Place, from 
315 Hanover, Ward 2. 
Laurel, fr, 48 Dale to 75 

Bower, Ward 4. 

Lert. Sti. 
§ 1 Dale 
LO iawba 
a2 (tlhawa 
52 41 Bower 
Laurel, fr. Norfolk, nu. 

the depot, Ward 16. 

Lawn, from 141 Heath, | 

near Day, Ward 15. 
Lawrence, fr. (2 Derke- 

feft. Dartmouth 

Lawrence Avenace, fr. 
224 Boue-hill Avenue to 
Myrtle, Ward 14, 16. 

lo? ‘Third, S. B,, W'd 7. 
165 Cambridge, W'd 4. 

opp. cemetery, to Tor- 
rey, Ward !6, 

Leather Square, from 
5 Chansing to 24 Mat- 
thews, Ward 5, 

| Lee Place, fr. 70 Phil-| 

lips, Ward 6. 

Leeda, from 12 Ward, 5. 
i, Ward 12, 

Leeds, from Adama to 
Dorchester Ave,, opp. 
Ellsworth, Ward 146, 

Lehigh, fr. 214 Albany 
to South, Ward 7. 

Leland Place, ir. 1007 
Washington, Ward 10. 

Leonard, fr. Dorchester 
Ave. to Clayton. Wd. 16, 

Lenox, from 1633 Wash. 
to 8M Tremont, W'd 11, 

44 Bartlett to GY Cedar, 

relannn Place, fromm | 

ley to Dartmouth, Ward | 

Lawrence Court, from 
Lawrence Place. from | 

Learnard, fr. Norfolk, | 


ort, ttt 

2 1 Washington 
60 40 Shawmut Aventis 
cs Plymptoo Court 
7th Trainer Court 

| 104 165 Tremont 
| Leverett, from) Green 

to Cragie’s Lridge, W'd 

Marston Place 
Hammond Ave, 
Oo Cotting 
101 Cushman Avenue 
Leverett Avenue 
110 Minot 
131 Willard 
116 145 Barton 
14 150 a ae 
sod, Be LL. te'ght dep, 
160 Charles 
Cragie's Bridge 
Leverett Avenue, fr. 
v8 Leverett, Ward 4. 
Lewls, from 205 Com- 
mercial to 25) North, 
Ward 2, 
Lewis, from 20} Sumner 
ta E. B. Ferry, E. H,, 
H had 1. 


1 Sumner 
“5 “) Webster 
EL) Marginal 

| 112 111 E. Hoston Ferry 

Lewis Park, fr. High- 
land, We, 14, 

Lewis Place. from 451 
Dodley, Ward 14. 

Lexington, fr. 274 Tor- 
der, crossing Meridian, 
ol MET, to Eugzle, Ke Ki, 
Ward i 

2) Meridian — 

40 Harmony Place 
53 Lexingion Pluce 
740 73 Marion 

132 120 Brooks 

Li 108 Potnam 

252 231 Prescott 

Os 3) Fale 
Lexington P1,, frm 53 
Lexington, E.B., W'd 1, 
eiherty from 77 Preble, 
B., Ward 12. 

Sasori Square, junc- 
tion Kilby, Water, and 
Batterymarch, Ward 4. 

Lilly, from 14? Tudor to 
Sseventh,5, H , W'd 12, 

Lime, from 4 River to 
the water, Ward 6, 

Lime Alleys from 88 
Charter to 6! Commer 
cial, Ward 2. 

Lime-st. Alley, from 
Lime, Ward 6, 

Lineoln, from 115 Sam- 
mer to 00 Durvurd, 
Wards a7 fe 

Left, Rt. 
af Summer 

1 Bedford 
ol Easex 
i060 Tufts 
R? S&S Beach 
140 150 Knecland 
14 163 Harvard 


Lincoln, from Adams to 
Dorchester Ave., Opp. 
Foster, Ward 16. 

Lincoln Place, from 12 
Worcester to Spring- 
field, Ward 11. 

Lindall, from 34 Con-| 

gress to 2) Kilby, W'd4. 

Lindall Court, from 2 
Lindall Place to 83 Phil- 
lips, Ward 6, 

Lindall Place, fr. 1s 

Cambridge, Ward 6G. 
Linden, fr'm 501 Fourth 
to Thomas, Ward 12. 
Linden, from Adams to 
Commercial, Ward 16, 
Linden Avennue, from 

23 Linden Park, W'd 15, 
Linden Park, fr. 2057 
Wash., Wards MM, 15. 

1 Rockingham Pl. 

2 Washington 
13 Cabot 
Prentizs Place 
15 : 

29 Linden Avenue 
20 last house 
Linden Place, from 2 
Allen, Ward 3. 
Linwet, from 150 Eighth 
to 14] Seventh, W'd 1. 
Linwood, from Centre 
to 67 Highland, W'd 15, 
Linwood Place, from 
10 South, Ward 5. 

Linwood Square, fr. | 

Linwood to &! Centre, 
Ward 1A, 

Liverpool, fr. 66 Sum- | 

nerto Central 5q,Wd 1, 
Le = ft. 
2 1S0mner 
60 45 Maverick 
Bi Erin Alley 
108 10) Decatur 
174 Meridian 

174 Central Square 
Livingston, from 85 | 
Krighton to Oburles 
River, Ward 3. 

Llewellyn Ave., from 
276 Walnut Av., Wd 14, 

Locust, fr. Dorchester 
avenue to Buttonwood 
Ward 14, 

Lombard Place, from 
A! Prince, Ward 2, 

London, fm 112 Sumner 
to Bennington, E. B, 

Left. Rt. 
= %isumner 

40 44 Maverick 

&% 03 Decatur 

190 113 Meridian 

160 London Court 

162 104 Porter 

218 213 Beonlnogton 

London Court, from 
100 London, E.B.,W'd 1, 

Longwood, fr. West- 
ern Ave.,, opp Francis, 
to Longwood Avenue, 
Ward 16, 

610 Parker, Ward 16, 
Lest, Re. 

= 1 Parker 
132 141 Bumstead Lane 
172 Whitney 


1M Worthington 

310 309 Binney 

344 Md Western Avenue 
i734 Maple Avenue 

a74 Bellevue 
485 Plymouth 
386 Aulumn 

400 309 Brookline Line 

Longwood Park, at 

Longwood, Ward 15. 
Louisburg Square, 
bet, 80 Pinckney und & 
Mt. Vernon, Ward 6. 
Loulsiann Place, fr’m 
51 Prineeton, E. Boaton 
Lovedeed Court, from 
Chadwick, Ward 13. 
Lovering Place, from 
7H 323 Harr, 
Ave,, Ward 9, 

Lovett Place, from 00 
Poplar, Ward 3, 

| Lovis, from 1&7 Gold to 

100 Fifth, 5. B., Ward 7. 

way to 2 Brighton, Wd 3, 
Left, Rt. g 
1 2 Causeway 

41 Cottlng 
| OF 2 Minot 
70 Willard 
9] Barton 
101 Brighton 

Lowell Court, from 2 
Lowell Piace, Ward &. 
Lowell Place, from 20 

Boylston to 5 La 

Grange, Ward &, 

Eighth toJeukiowWdl2 

Lowland Place, from 
0) Everett, E. B.,W'd 1. 

| Lucas, from 817 Wash. 

Tremout, Wd 9. 
Sliawmul AVenue 


Luelner Place, from 
Dorchester Ave,, Dear 
Mather, Ward 16. 

Luteman Place, from 

Texas Ave., Ward 15, 
Luther Place, fr, 442 
Commercial, Ward 2, 

Lyman, from 73 Green 
to 21 Leverett, Ward 4, 
Pie a f: 

a ire¢n 

17 Chilson Place 

14 Lyman | 

28 27 Leverett 

Lyman Place, from 14 | 

Lyman, Ward 4. 
ridge to 74 Green, W'd 


Left. Fe. 
Ch. Weat Chureh 

2 Cambridge 
5 Md Lynde St. Place 
40 Marble Court 
60 47 Green 

| | L de St. P oa | 
ower Ave., from y nde Ince, fr. 32 

Lynde, Ward 3. 

| Lynudeboro’ Place, fr. 

100 Carver 

Shawmut Ave., W'd 11, 

from 204) 

a aarp from 37 Cam- 

| M Street, from Firat to 

Ninth, 8. B., Ward 12. 

rf 1 First 
4 3 xi 2 Sq 
lhoaependendte of. 

47 Third 

72 7! Broadway 

i} 06 Fourth 
v7 Emerson 

116 1)6 Fifth 

140 130 Sixth 

104 163 Seventh 

| 188 167 Eighth 


ington to 634 Shawmat | 

Avenue, Ward 14, 
Madison, from Norfolk 
to Hack, Ward 16, 
Madison Place, from 
ros Waash., Ward 10, 
Madison Place, fr. 145 
Pleasant to 91 Church, 
Wird 9, 

| Lowell, from 40 Cause-| Madieon 8q., bounded 

by Marble, Warwick, 
Weatminster, and Ster- 
ling streets, Ward 14. 
Magazine, fr, 382 Dud- 
ley to 125 Norfolk Ave., 
Ward 12. 
Magog Place, from 573 
Albany, Ward 14, 
Mahan Place, from 139 
Vieasant, Ward , 
Maiden Lane, from 64 
Hampden, Ward 13, 
Malbon Piace, fr, 2085 
Wash., Ward 15. 
Malden, fr, 1252 Wash. 
to 480 Albany, W'd 10: 

Left, Rt. 
1 Washington 
W Mystle 
29 Meander 
ob Malieu Place 
48 Malden Court 


Malden, Ward 10, 
Malden Plnce, fr, 
Mualden,Ward 10. 
Mall, trom 4) Euvastia to 

Mall, Ward 13, 
Malvern, from Adame, 

n. Granite Ave., W'd I6. 
Maple, from 2) Seaver 

to Schuyler, Ward 14. 

Maple Ave., fm. West-| 
Ave. to Lon wocel ae - 

ern . 

Maple Place, from 2\9 
Harrison Av, to 25 Ouk, 
Ward 8, 

Marble, from 90 West- 
minster to 126 War- 
wick, Ward 14, 

Marble Court, from 40 
Lynde, Ward 3. 

Marcella, fr. 1339 Shaw- 

you Place, from 570 il Ave. to 156 Centre, 

ard 15. 


| 116 

& 83 Harrison Avenue 

Malden Court, from 4s 

wi Albany, Ward 13, 
1 Hustla | 
2 Harrison Avenue 
20 Mall Court 
| 33 Dayton Avenue 
ad Fremont Avenue 
fO 40 Albany 
Mall Court, from 20 


4) Vale ) 
Old Alms House 
fi Highland 
147 Centre 
Margaret, fr, 83 Prince 
to 10 Sheafe, Ward 2. 
| Left. Ht. 
i $ Prince _ 
1A Cleveland Place 
8 27 Sheafe 
Marginal, from Lewis 
to CaM, E.B., W'd 1, 



lLewls | 
Gr. Junction KR, EK, 
Orleans — 
Atlantic Steam 5, 
Co. Wharves 
Grand June. K. Ef. 
Pearl Place 
273 Simpson's Dock 
BI | Jeffries Street 
Mariner Place, from 
150 Purchase, Ward 6, 
Marion, from Whitt to 
225 Bremen, Ward |, 
| . Ate, 
2 1 White 
30 27 Monmouth 
52 61 Entaw 
72 71 Trenton 
} % Lexingion 
118 117 Prinweton _ 
123 Hoonewell Place 
144 143 Saratoga 
16S 17 Bennington 
188 187 Havre 
212 21) Paris 
240 2 Chelseo 
2h 254 Bremen 
Marion Court, from 
Marion, near London, 
Ward 1. 

Market, from 103 Port- 
land to 46 Canal, Wd 4, 


3 | Market Place, fr, 1240 

Tremont, Ward 15, 

Marlboro’, fr. 7 Arling- 
| ton to Back Bay, W'd 6. 
Left, Me. 
! | Arlington 
| 4 43 Berkeley 
100 WH) Clarendon 
158 157 Dartmouth 

Marsh, fr. Adams, bear 

Minot, Ward 10. 
Marsh Lane, from 5 

Linton, Ward 4. 
Marshall, fr. 147 Hano- 

ver to 43 Union, W'd 4, 

CF ia . Ba 

1] Hanover 

y Hancock Row 
li Creek Square 
22 Union 

Marehall Place, from 
76 Charter, Ward 2. 

Marston Ave., from 470 
Biue-llll av., Wd. 14, 

Marston Place, from 
01 Chambers to ds Lev- 
erett, Ward 3. 

Mason, from 23 West to 
170 Tremont, Ward 6, 

2 Vest 
i Bradford Place 

Ave. to Allston, W'd 16, 

Matthews, from 126 
Federal to 199 Cong’ss, 
Wai 4. 

ay i fit, 

2 1 Federal 

24 Leather Square 

62 61 Congress 

Maverick, from 41 New 

to Jeffries, E,B. W'd 1. 
2 1New 

14 15 Border 

‘0 27 Liverpool 

42 45 London 

Ch. Catholic Church 
i 60 Havre 
74 Crowley's Court 
B2 77 Paris 
WO 8=©=6pMeridlan 
01 Maverick Square 
Di Chelsea 

110 100 Bremen 
114 115 Grad June. BR, 
124 125 Orleans 
Maverick Square, fr. 
a2 Sumner, bet. Lewis, 
Mavy’k, Meridian, Chel- 
sen, atl Sumocr Sta., 
BE. .B., Wird I, 
Maxwell, from Nelson 
to Milton Ave., W'd 16, 
May Ploce, from rear 
6 Oak, Ward &, 
May Place, from 25 
Hugeles, Ward 15, 
Maywood, fr. S500, War- 
rento254 Wlus hill Ave- 
nue, Wurd 14. 
MoeLean, from 64 Chaim: 
hea ta Blossom, Wd 3. 

ert, ditt. 

Ch. Catholic Church 
2 Cliambera 
24 McLean Court 
48 40 Blossom 

MeLean Court, from 24 

McLean to 15 Eaton, 
Ward 4, 
canmder, from (6 Kast 
Jedham to 4“ Malden, 
Ward 10, 
Left. Ht. 
# 1 kast Dedham 
1s Norwich 
23 OF Malden 
Mechania, fr. 221 ano 
"er tu its Narth, Wd 2. 
Mechanle's Plnce, fr. 
(51 Kk. Beventh to East 
Eighth, Ward 12, 
Mechanic, fr. 310 Rug- 
gles, Ward 15, 
Medford, fr. i! Charles- 
town to HY Cuuseway, 
Wurd 2. 
Medford Couri, from 
1067 Wash'n, Ward 10. 

Melrose, tr. (6 [len#ant 
to 14 Ferdiu'd, Ward 9, 

Let, tt. 
1 2 Pleasant 
27 28 Churel 

50 O8 Ferdinand 

Melrose Place, from 37 | 

Poplar, Ward 3. 



Washington to 

Spring, Ward 3. 
Mercantile, from lower 

end of Clinton to lower 
end of Hichm'd, W'd 2, 

Mercer, from 172 Dor- | 

chester to 2H Eighth, 
Ward 12, 

| Left, Rt. 
22 21 Telegraph 

Merchants Row, fr. 55 
State to 27 North, Wd 4. 
Deft, Ht. 
2 1 State 
Pat) Coro Court 
21 Chatham 
“ South Market 
Fun. Wall Square 
Left, Faneuil Hall 
fit. Fan. Hall Market 
a1 North Murket 
On ton 
54 45 North 
Meridian, from Maver- 
ick Sq. fo Meridian-st, 
Bridge, EK, B., Ward 1. 
Left, Ret. 
1 Maverick Square 
2 Maverick Street 
45 Klbow 
ae 45 Paris 
&! OL uvre 
Chi, hth Methorlist Ch. 
110 155 Londen 
Li! Meridian lace 
203 Denningiou 
224 Suratogu 
271 Princeton 
q02 405 Lexington 
dt 345 Trentoo 
wo 351 Futaw 
‘Ar; Monumouth 
410 400 Whliite 
Meridian-st. b’dge 
to Chelsea 
Meridian Place, from 
1) Merid’n,E.B,W'd 1, 
Merrill, from Erie Ave, 
to New Seaver, W'd 16, 
Merrimac, from Hnay- 
market Square to gs 
Causeway, Wurd 4. 
Left, Jt, 
1 Haymarket Sq. 
v. Sudbury 
18 3) Friend 
40) Market 
0) Merrimac House 

66 71 Portland 
Bl Travera 
Ro Pitta 
. 101 Lanenaster 
142 Gouch 
146 Merrimac Place 
1 Prospect 

iM 157 Causeway 
Merrimac Place, from 
150 Merrimac, Ward 4, 
Merton Place, from 145 
Centre, Ward 15, 
Metropolitan Place, 
fr. 1054 Wusl'n, W'd 11, 

Michigun Ave., from 
Blie Hill Ave. to Erie 
Ave., Ward 16. 

Middle, from 341 Dor- 

chester to 48 Dorches'r 
AVEe,, 5. B., Ward 12, 

Dor- | 
chester Ave., Ward 16. | 
| Melville Place, fr'm 29 
Mather, fr. Dorchester 

Melville Avenue,from | Middlesex, from % Cas- , 
tle to Hingham, Wards | 

9, 10, 

Left. &@t, 
2 1 Castle 
42 41 Lucas 

64 67 Cliapman 
So &o Hingham 
Midland, fr. Savin Hill 
Ave., Ward 16, 
Milford, fr'm 251 Shaw- 
mit Avenue to 614 [re- 
mont, Ward 10, 
Lert, Wt. 
# LShawmut Avenue 
7 Favlor 
Ht Lond 
+e Tremont 
Milford Place, from 
Lous? Tremont to Wind- 
sor, Ward 15, 

Milk, from 145 Wash, to 

24 India, Wards 4, 5. 

| Lert, &t. 

+ 1 Washington 
Li Sewnll lace 
25 Hawley 
oo Morton Place 
47 Devonshire 
7o Federal 
Si Congress 
OF Pearl 
Lil Oliver 
1! Gutterymarch 


Mill, from 161 Sumuer, 
Ward 1, 

Mill, fr. Adams to Com- 
mercial, Ward 16, 

Hert, AE, 

i 0 Adama 
0 Traio 

0 O Neponset Arenue 
ih ria Place 
0 Preston 

0 Ashland 

iy Kverett 

0 OCommercial 

Millmont, fr. 48 High- 
land to 37 Lambert Av., 
Ward 14. 

Milner Place, from 552 
Washington, Wari &, 
Milton, fr. 37 Spring to 
105 Brigliton, Ward &. 
Milton, from Moore to 
Kyron, E. B., Ward 1. 
Milton. from Adams to 

Granite, Wurd 16, 

Milton Ave., fr'm Nor- | 
folk, near Cemetary, to | 

Fuller, Wari 1, 
Milton Place, from 147 
Federal to Federal Ct., 
Ward 6. 
Mindoro, from 4 Pren- 
Liss, to 10 Staton. W'd 15. 
Minot, from 110 Lever'tt 
to Nashua, Ward 3, 
Lert, Rt, 
2 1 Leverett 
11 Wall 
26 2) Lowell 
“0 Hillerioa * 
a0 Nashua 
Minot, fr. Neponset Av. 
te Adame, Ward 16, 
Left, Ht, 
b O Neponset Ave, 
i] Highlind Ave, 
O Narragaisett 
Oo Washingtun Ave, 
0 Minot Place 




0 OGlide 

oO O Adams 
Minot-ct. Ave., from 

Minut, Ward 1h. 

Minot Place, from Mi- 

not, Ward 10. 

Model Place, from 161 
Havre, E. B., Ward 1. 
Model Place, from 105 

Pleasant, Ward 9, 
Moumouth, fram S77 
Meridian to 103 Brooks, 
E. i., Ward 1, 
Lert. He. 
14 1 Marion 
50 40 Brooks 

Monmouth Squnre 
joncion Monmouth ang 
White Sts., Ward 1, 

Montgomery, from 557 
Tremont to 155 W, Cun- 
ton, Ward 10, 

Lest. HE. 

~ 1 Clarendon 
1s Union Park 
oS fy Dart th 
Ww) BU WW. Caunton 

Montgomery Place, 
from ws Treniont to -Ht 
Province, Ward 4. 

Montgomery Place, 
froin (4 Fkitth, §. H., 
Ward 7, 

Montcose Avenne, fr, 
246 Warren, Ward 14, 

Moon, from 1 Norti 
to 27 Fleet, Wurd 2, 

Left. Jt, 

P Aoarth Square 
1 Siin Court Street 
ll Aloon-st, Vourt 
2 2a Fleet 

Moon-sat. Court, from 
ll Moou, Ward &. 

Moore, from Chelsea to 
Milton, E. &., Ward 1, 

Left. it. 


Moreland, fr. 40 Wor- 
ren to () Bloc-hill Ave,, 
Ward 14, | 

Let, fif. 

Hlue-hill Awa. 


Morgan, fr. 24 Colum- 

us Ave, to Stanliope, 
Ward ¥, 

|) Morni Court, from 21 

Sullivan, &. B., Wd 12. 
Morton, from a =slem 
tu 61 Knlientt, Ward 2, 

Morton Place, from 35 

Milk to 
Ware 6. 
Slorton Pince, ir. 1458 

Tremont, Ward |. 

ah =Hawloy, 

Moneley A Tenuer, ir’m 

Cresceut aves, Ward Lik. 
Moss Place, tron & 
Cambridge, Ward 4, 
At. Rowudoin Awe., fr. 
howd te Green, Wed 
Mt Prewer PI., fr. #75 
Shawmut Ave., Wd 15, 


Left, Re. . 
Upper road 
0 Union Avenue 
0 OGreen 
Mt. Pleasant Ave., fr. 
#59 Ludley to 411 Dud- 
ley, W ar 14, 
Lert. Jt. 
Z 1 Dudley 
14 Forest 
7s Vine 
9) Fairland 
T44 Forest 
150) Dudley 

151 Blue Ifill Avenne | 

Mt. Pleasant Place, | 7 
from 201 Dudley, Ward 
Mt. Vernon, fr. Beacon 
opp. Fark, to Charles 
i Wards 4, O, 

7 Beacon 
State blouse 

11 Heacon-hill Place 

14 Temple 
Hancock Avenue | 

™ Haucock 

41 Joy 

: Walnut 

BY Louisburg Square 
US West Cedar 

Chestnut Atenue 
101 Mt. Vernon Ave, 
Ve 100 Charles 

Lt Clias.-st. Bap. Ch. 
124 121 Kiver Street 
ia Brimnmer 
Charles River 

Alt. Vernon, fr. Hoston 
to Buttonwood, W'd 1 

Mt. Vernon Ave., fr 
ol Mt. Vernon to 
Pinckney, Ward fi, 

Mt.Vernon Plare, fr. 
1 Hancock Avenue to} 
Joy, Ward 6. 

Wt. Warren, fr. Fourth, 
neur Dorchester, 3. B., 
Ward 1, 

Mt. Warren, fr, 1 Wal- 
nut Avwe., Ward 14, 

Mt. Washin't'n Ave., 
from 306 Federal to Hos- 
ton W liewrf, Wards Oo, rie 

Mulberry Place, from 
5! ortlamd, Ward 4. 

Mul be Place, from 
21 Dudley, Ward 14, 

Munreec,irom 407 War-! 
rei to 218 Wainut Ave,., 
Ward 14. 

Munroe Pine, fr'm 35 
Tyler, Ward 6, 

Munroe Place, fr. 2 
Vernon, Ward 4, 

Murray ay del from 55 
Urleios, BE. B,, Ward |.) 

Murray Place, from 5 
Prince, Ward 2, 

Myrtie. fr. Haneock, 
lu 7 tin. Ward 4, 

4 KiJoy 
2%) south Rus-ell 
47 Bowdoin School 
5? Irvin 



A Garden 
0) Anderson 

116 1 Hevere 

Napler Piace, from 56 


Ash Iluce 


Myrtle, from Stoughton 

io 6Lawrence vests; 
Ward 16, 

Left, Rt. 
0 OStonghton 
0 Howard 
0 Bird 
60 06 Quincy 

0 © Lawrence Avenoe 

| Myrtle P1,, f'm Myrtle 

Ward 16, 

| Myrtle Pl., fr. 9 Glen- 

wood, Ward 14, 

Mystic, from 9 Malden 
to sit ogre W'd 10, 

Left. R 

l ‘Malden 

a Norwich 
E, Dedham 

7 Hanburg 
E. Canton 

E,. Brookline 

N Street, from Firet to 
Fighth, 8.8., Ward 12. | 

Lert, Jt, 
2 | Firat 
24 23 sone P a 
ndependence 7 
75 Broadway 
ff Fourth 
124 Fifth 
M47 Sixth 
i7) Seventh 
1 Peigelith 


Barton, Ward 3. 

Chickutawbut to Minot, 
Ward 16, 

Nash Court, from Firat 
near Dorchester, 5S. i., 
Ward 12, 

Noshua, fr.72 Causew'y 
to 10 Minot, Ward 3. 

Nasenu, from 19) Harr'’o 
Ave. to 7 Ash, Ward #. 

Nassau Place, from 1. 
Noseau, Ward &. 

National, ir. 45 Fourth 
to Thomas, Ward lz 

Nawn, fr. 1744 Wash, to | 

Hurrisgon Ave., W'd 14, 

Nawn Ct. trom King, 
Ward 15, 

Nelson, from Norfolk to 
Selden, Ward 10, 

Neponset Ave. 
Adama to + lp does 
River, Ward | 

Left, Kt. — 

0 Adams 

O Mill 
Tileston Place 

0 Boutwell Avenue 


0 Ashmont 

0 Pierce Avenue 

0 Chickatawbut 


oe o oo 

bes | 

0 Neponset River 

New, from 72 Sumner to 
_ Maverick, E.B., W'd 1, 
“13 Crowe 
4 Snelling’a Wharf 
a4 Nickerson! Whf, 

43 Maverick 
Newhern, from 1076 
Tremont to 11 Weston, 
Ward 1i, 

Newbern Court, fr. 7 

Kewhern, Ward /4, 

Newton, see Eust New- 

from | 

Maynard's Wharf 

Newhbern Place, fr. 57 0 St. to Cemetery 
Carver, Ward ¥, 0 Capen 
Newbury, from 15 Ar: z Renan 
Hington to Back Bays) g — Forest-hill Ave. 
Left. Ft. : 0 Madison 
2 1 Arlington 0 Jamaica 
Ch. Emanue) Choreh . 0 Absa 
50 40 Berkeley Unkisue 

0 River St. 

| Nerfolk Ave,, from 116 
Hampden co Franklin, 
wt vit Line, Ward 13, 

Dartmouth | 
Newhall, from Pierce! 
Averme to Ashmont, 
Ward 14, | 

Newland, from 10 Up- "4 +5 See i ge 
ton to Springtield, Wa's | yoy 194 Magazine 
ion a7 | Upland Place 
if fos 280 280 Bb, H. & E.R. 
aie Druper’ ratane | Dorchester Line 
10 9 W. Dedham | Norfolk Pl, from 225 
10 Fabin Washington, Ward 45, 
a0 27) W Cunton 

North, from |! Union to 

a7 Trumbull 100 Commercial, Wards 

46 45 W. Drookline od 
5S fi; Pembroke Left ‘Rt 
ir W, aren " Union 

SZ S81 Rutland ) 

1 ut W. Concord a Lied NOs EEGs 
14 108 Worcester b4 40 Hlacksiune 
118 117 W, Spriogtield “2 Jolin 
Newman, fr. Dorehes-| 74 N. Centre 

ter, newr OF, C, & N, rh Barrett 

K., to Lowland, W'd 12, 

Newport, fr. Crescent 
Avelue opp. Carlton ta 
Harbor view, Ward 16. 

New Seaver, {r.Colum- 
bia to Krie Ave., Wa 16, 

ll Fulton Court 
Young’s Court 
1397 Ferry Street 
14] Passageway 
140 Fulton Place 
Board Alley 
Keith's Alley 
172 165 Richmond 
192 Maker's Alley 
Biie: North Square 
17a N, Rriuuner Place 
185 Quincey Court 
105 Jasper Place 

ton and Weert Newton, 
Newton Court, fr, 127 

Tyler, Ward &, 
Newton Place, from 15 

Beach, Ward &. 
Ninth, from 101 D to L, 

Wa rile 7, 12. 215 Langdon Place 
: 2) Landa Court 
luz jo D ang Sun Court Street 
131 Ewer 251 Lewis 
143 Earl AM 251 Fleet 
156 155 i s20 Thurbera’ Alley 
167 Cottage 2s Everett Place 
175 Frederick | oa2 319 Clark 
164 185 Lark 4s Harris | 
#01 Morni Court 554 Page's Court 

210 Watti Court Hanover Avenue 

206 5 Dorchester ava Power's Court 
aged te d82 370 Commercial 
) ira 
reat y . Northampton, fr. 801 
G Albany to - reniont, 
502 601 H Wards 11, 11. 
534 637 I Lest. BR 
on) ou 1 od | Albany | 
Bid my J 68 57 Harrison Avenue 
rh eer] 

BO Catholle Shareh 
in 127 Washibg 
1 Walker ‘ace 

143 Chester Place 

161 Shawmut Avenue 
lie Wentworth Pi. 
442 245 Tremont 
a02 301 Tremont 
| 4 od aa Ave. 

Noble Court, from 373 
Sumuer, FE. &., Ward 1. | 

ont from 26 High- 
land to 13 Lambert Ay., 
Ww ard 14. 

Left. R 
£ 1 “it ightand 

qu Hinavechard 

ft 87 Lambert Avenue 

River Sits, W ‘ard 16, North iunacenbia, from 

Lert, & 1G eae e, wcroes 
o oO Washington Froit, W ard 4. 
i Withington Len. A. 
0 Learoord 2 1 Cambrid 
0 femal 15 a l'lace 
0 entiwortk Z1 ‘street Ct, 
u Laurel id MS Forlinoe 
0 Prospect Avente | 42 oo Fruit 
0 Milton Avenue 48 61 End of street 

North Avenue, from; Ch, 

Stoughton to Brook 
Ave., Wurd 16, 

North BHenmet, fr. 5 
Hanover to 100 Salem, 
Ward #. 

Left, It, 

2 1 Hanover 
Ch. F. W, Bapt. Ch. 
4 N. benoet Place 
Te Eaton Cart 
26 Dennet Arenue 
31 Wiggin 

60 45 Salem 

North Bennet Place, 
from & North Bennet, 
Ward 2, 

North Erimmer P1., 
frum 173 North, W'd 2. 

North Cenire, from 165 
Hanover to 74 North, 
Ward 4. 

North Chapel anes 
fr. 167 Friend, Ward 4 

Northficld, fr. B18 Tre- 
mont to 74 Camden 
W ard lL. 

North Grove, from 157 
Cambridge to Medical 
Colleen fard 3. 

“+ ig 1 Cambridge 
4 Davie Court 


Meiica! College 
from 25 Hun., W'd 2. 
North Hudaon, fr. 55 
Snowhill to gl Hull, 
Ward 2, 
North Margin, fr. 55 

Salem to Lafayette Av,, | 
ard 2. 

a1 Cooper 
47 N. Margin Place 
53 Buttrick [lace 
luacliute Avenue 
59 Thacher 
N. Margin st. Ct. 

104 Lafayette Avenue | 

North Margin Place, 
from 47 North Margin, 
Ward 2. 

North Margin-st. Ct., 
from 0 North Margin, 
Ward 2. 

North Market, from 
Comm'l to 42 Faneuil | 

Hall Sq. N. Side Quincy | Olive Place, from 1158 

beh Ward 4 * 
= 1 Commercial 
= 47 Merchants Row 
| F, i. cee 
North Huasell, , 
Cambridge to 40 
Ward 3. 


1 Cambrid 

11 Emmet Ince 
Rusec|] Place 
Huesell Court 
Edmund Place 

50 59 Ealon 

North 8q,, from Prince | 

and Moon to lvz North, 
Ware 2. 

Hanover Cf, | 


M. E. Bethel Ch, | 
4 30 North 
Norwich, fr. 3 Mystic to 
18 Meander, Ward 10. 

| Noyes Place, from 125 

Salem, Ward 2. 

O Street 
Kighth, 5. 
Left. Rt. 
1 First 
Pr 23 Second 
48 47 Third 
72 71 Broandway 
1S 05 Fourth 
120 110 Fifth 
44 143 Sixth 
fe 147 Seventh 
lt 101 Eighth 

one fr. HG Washington 
0 Lincotn, Ww ards 7 aa Be 
Left. R 

i., Ward 12, 

1 “Washington 
1% on Place 

bi Map ne Place 

May I’ lace 


Hl Tyler 

70 Hudson 

Wi i Albany 

Lis Li Lincolo 

Onk, from Franklin to 
Clapp, Ward 10. 

Oak Ave., fr, Adams, 
Ward 16, 

“Oakland, fr. 1215 Shaw: | 
mut Ave. to 26 Thorp- | 

ton, Ward 15, 

Onkland, from River to } 

W. Koxbury line, Ward 
Ookman, from Walnut 
to Taylor, Ward 16, 
Oak Place, fr'm ts Oak, 
opp. Ash, Ward 6. 

| Ocean, fr'm Welles Ave, | 

to Ashmont, Ward 14. 

Ohto, from 713 Wash. to. 
Pal || 

awmiut Ave.,Wd 0. 

Old Harbor, from 140 
Dorchester ta 
5. B., Ward 12. 

Lert. Re. 
| : 1 Dorchestar 

64 63 Telegraph 

ay Old Harbor Place | 
1) 105 Eighth 

126 121 Ninth 

mw (Old Harbor, 5. B,, 
Ward 12, 

Washington to 2 Wal- 
tham, Ward 10. 

Ollwer, from 11! Milk to 

215 Browd, Ward 5. 
Left. Rt. 

2 1 Milk 

Lis Sturgis 


0 O High 

0 O Purchase 

0 O Broad 

iver Court, fr. Web- 
ater Avenuc, Ward 2. 

Oliver Place, fr. & Es- 
sex fo Oh} Beach, W'd 5. 

Oneida, fr.3%) Harrison 

Ward 7. 

Ontario, fr, 18 Swan to 
the water, 5. B., W'd7 

| Ontario Place 

from a 
Ontario, S. B., Ward 7, 

rom Firat to 

lurriaon Avenue 


Old Harbor Place, fr. | 

Avenue to ZIT Albany, | 

Oran e, from 755 Wash. 
Village, Ward 9. 

: “nt. 
1 1 Washington 

v8 20 Shawmut Avenue | 


Orange Court. from 
Fellows, Ward 13, 

Orang e Lane, from 718 
Wash. to 230 Harrison 
Ave. ‘Ward 0. 

Orchard, fr.4] Yeoman 
to 142 Eustis, Ward 15, 

Let. Re. 

4 (Orchard Park 
44 45 Eusthe 

Orchard Park from 

4 Orchard to47 Adama, 
Ward 14. 
Ordway Plince, from 

a) W ashington, W'd 4. 

| Oriental, fr. 12 Phillips, 
Ward 15. 

| Oriole, from 720 Walnut 
Avenue, Ward 14. 

Orleans, fr. Marginal to 

and across Muverick, E. 
Bh, Ward 1. 

Hert, Wt. 
2. 1 Marginal 
0 Hayors 
4 2 Webater 

Murray Court 
4) Sumner 
i Everett 

Of 5 Aluverick 

104 Percival Place 
i (ould Court 

16 Rockingham CI. 

Osborn Place, from 22 
Pleasant, Ward 0. 

Osgood Court, from 
1171 Shawnut Avenue, 
Ward 15. 

Oawego, from 350 Harr. 
Avenue to 2 Albany, 
Ward 7. 

Otte, ir, 120 Devonshire, | 
Winthrop =a ty to & 
Summer, Ward 5 

Mis Place are 45 
HKrimmer, Ward 6. 

Ottawa, fr. 4 Sherman 
to Laurel, Ward 14. 

Odlawna rye ie 1150 

(xford, Ward 5. 

P Street, from Firet to 
Eighth .B., Ward 12. 


M4 2 Reread 

| a2 Fl Hroadway 


144 143 Sixth 

14 167 Seventh 
191 Eighth 


Pacific, fr. Fourth, opp. 
Hird School to to Thomas, 
5.B., Ward 12. 

regel Court, from 358 

orth, Ward 2. 

Page's Court 
Broadway, 5. B., Wd? P 

Paine Place, from 54 | 
Washington, Ward 8, 


from 322 | 


Palmer, fr. 1860 Wash. 
to U5 Eustis, Ward 13, 
fae Sane Jit. 
1 Washington 
Harrizon ave, 
46 45 Winslow 
«65 Palmer Place 
Palmer Place, from 65 
Palmer, Ward 13, 

Paria, fr. 150 Sumner to 
9S Hamas Ward 1. 
4 iF | f. 
2 1 Sumner 
ll Heury 
M Kageworth Place 
” o Winthra 
Wa Maverick , 
bs 17 Meridian 
Sch. Lyman Selool 
7a Wesley 
7U Faria Court 
Ch, St. Joho's Choreh 
a 68S Decatur 
Saxon Court 

Parise Court, from 79 
Paris, E. B., Word 1. 

| Park, fr. opp. 16 Tre- 

mont to 
Ward 4. 
Park, at Longwood, fr. 
keys to Hrookline 
Line, Ward 15. 
Park, from Wash. to 
Commercial, W'd 16, 
Left. Jit. 
© Washington 
0 O Dorchester Ave, 
0 O Adama 

#2 iesnoon, 


0 Exchang 
Beach a 
0 Ashland 
0 Everett 
0 0 Commercial 

| Park Square, junction 

Hoylaton, Pleasant, ey 
Columbus ave., Ward 9 

Parker, fr. 71 reins 
lo 203 Centre, Ward 15, 
Lert, Jt. 
~ | Bencon 
a Courtland 
() Greenleaf 

Wash... Ward 1 aT ae , Buggies 
(Otter, from W? Beacon, 408 —StséPrrennttea 
Oxford, from6oEssexto| 019 Longwood Ave, 
5 Conant 
a8 Beach, Wari 6. 646 Station 
(‘Oxford Place, from 26) 651 Buchanan Place 
Llurrison Avenue to 25 #2 Smith 

| V4 703 Tremont 

720 Gore Avenue 
7a Dell Avenue 
Drury llace 
Parker Place 
ro? Alleghan 
7145 Billings Place 
+ Fisher Avenue 
Bo) 61 Heath 
Bromley Park 
Parker Hill Ave. ,from 
1752 Tremont, Ward 15. 

Parker Place,from 7 
Parker, Ward 15, 

Parker's Alley, fr. 222 
Fourth, 5. B., ‘ard 7. 

Parker's Court, fr.223 
Fourth Ward 7, 

40 N, 
NeW Geo Grove. W 2. 


pO Dey 



. tt. 
2 1 N. Rasesell 
5 Vine St. Place 
20 615 Blorsom 
40 31 N. Anderson 
+4 Cypress 
K. Grove — 
Parkman, from Dorch, 
Ave. to Adame, W'd 16, 
Parkman Place, from 
220 Hanover, Ward 2, 

Parkman Place, from 
Parkman, Ward 16, 

Parmenter, from 266 

Hanover to 105 Salem, | 

Ward 2 
Paul, fr. 302 Tremont to 
4 Emerald, Ward ¥. 
Payson Ave., fr. Hon 
cock bo Glendale, W'd 16. 
Psysen Court, fr. 312 
Broadway, 5.8., W'd 

41 Broad, Ward 5. 

lef. I 

162 175 Broad 

Pearl, from Mleasant to 
Dorch. Ave., Ward 16, 

Pearl Place, fr, 0. oy P- 
204 Margiual, Ward 

Pearl Place, from 3B 

Pearl, Ward 6. 

Pelham, fr. 1231 Wash. 
to 46 shawwut Ave., 
Ward 10. 

Pemberton Square, 
ir. 1 Tremont to 5 Som- 
eres t, Ward 4. 

Pembroke, from 421 
shuwmat Ave. to 2. 

W ufTtto AVe., WwW ard Li. 

. Ae, 
——s 1 Showmut Ave, 

1 8 9 Newland 

a Pembruke Ct. 
74 «677 Tremont 
LH 142 Warren Ave. 

Pembroke Court, fr. 
#t Pembroke, Ward LI. 

People's Ferry Ave., 
Ma 71 Commercial, 
W'd 2%, and Sumner, op- 
posite ‘Border, Ward 1. 
Pepperell Place, from 
43 Doreh. Ave., 5. B., 
VW ard; = 
Percival Avenue, fr. 
iowdolu to Fox Ave., 
Ward 1. | 
Percival Place, from 
14 Orleuna, E. . 
Ward I. 
Percy Place, from 25 
— Washington, Ward 15. 
Perktiaua, from | Con- 
gress fo GF Pearl, “ ds. 
Perkins Place, from 
1s! Wash, Ward lf. 

Perrin, trom Moreland — 
to 0 Waverley, W'd 14. 

Perry Court, from TM! 
Hampden, Ward 13. 
Pevear Place, f 

lw? Dudley, Ward id. 


45 51 W gr 
Perry, ir. 10: ash. to 
410 Harr. Ave., Wd 10, | 


fr. 25 Irvin, 

_ 70 W. Cedar, Ward 

a rv 
wo @ Garden 
15 Stanliope Place 
Pal Coburn Court 
32 31 Anderson 
Sch. Phillips School 
47 Dutton Place 
SS 56 Grove 
70 Phillips Court 
ri: Sout lie I lace 
70 Lee PF 
ia rimus Ave. 
oO 8 W. Cedar 
Phillips, from 14099 Tre- 
mont to 44 Smith, de 
Phillips Ct., chan 
to Oriental, is73s,W'd — 

7. | Phillips Court, from | | 
Pearl, from 97 M ie Se | | 

12 Philips, Ward 15, 
Phillips Place, fr. & 
Fourth, 5. B., Ward 7. 

Phipps Place. from 62 
Charter, Ward 2. 

Phenix Place, from 7 rp) 

Hampden, Ward 13, 

Fiskeriix Avenue, fr. 

o0 Walnut Ave., W'd 14. 

Picdmont, frou 110 
Piessant to 49 Ferdin'd, 
_ Ward 9, 

30 27 Church 

58 4) Ferdinand 

Pierce Ave., fr. Adams 
to Newport Avenue, 
Ward 16. 

Pierpont, from 7 Pren- 
tiss tof Station, W'd 15. 

Pike's Alley, from rear 
of 5 to rear of 56 Poplar, 
Ward 3, 

Pinckoey, from W Joy 
tu and across Charles, 
at &}, to Charlies iver, 
Ward 6, 

1 Pleasant 

| Left a 

2 1 Joy 
5 Anderson 

a) Lawes i= Hoag 

SG 109 West Ce 

HW Mt. Vernon ive, 
1733 Churlkes 

102 Brimmer 

Pine, fr. (62 Washing- 

ton to Sy Harrison 

Left. ft. 
+ | Washington 
line Place 
26 25 Harrison ee 
Pine Island, end | 
Swett, Roxbury Point, 
Ward 13. 

Pine Place, opp po 
1 Pade to Oak me, 

Pitts, from 17 Green to 
h? Merrimac, Ward 4, 

Left. Hl 
“2 1 Green 
A] l'itts Court 
ok lites Place 
bit Standisli lace 
ot South Murgio 

72 «SL Merrimac 

Pitts Court, from 30 
Pitts, Ward 4. 

rom) Pitts | Place, Ir. 4 Pitts, 


Plain, from Chickataw- 

but to Pierce Avenue, 
Ward 16. 
Pleasant, fr.719 Wash, 
Purk Square, Wads | 
» he 
rE. Ae Att. 
| = 1 Washington 
12 Spear Place 
a2 Osboru I'lace 
46 41 Shawmut ave. 
4h Kirkland 
ai urter 
G 4; Tremont 
@ Warrenton Place 
71 Carver 
bat) Fayette 
Of Melrose 
Wi Winchester 
_ Model Place 
| Newman Block 
Me Shawtut 
& He = Pleasant-«t. FL. 
Its Tennyson 
140 Hamileo Place 
139 Mahan Place 
145 Madison Place 
155 Eliot 
14 Columbus Ave, 
le Howton & Provl-| 
dence RK. HK. De- 
170 «= Providence Street 
| 189 Park Square 
Pliessant, from Com- 
inercial to Cottage, W'd 
Bert. Re. 
0 6 Commercial 
0 Creck 
0 not famed 
0 Savin-bill Avenue 
0 Thornley 
0 Stoughton 
© )*earl 
0 O ond 
0 0 Cottage 

Pleasant. from South to 
Union, Ward 16, 

Pleasant-«t,. Place, fr, | 

143 and 13) Pleasant, 
Wurd 4. 
Plymouth, from 35 

Longwood Ave., W. 15. 

Plymouth, from (om- 

mercial to the water, 
Ward [6, 

Plymouth Court, fr'm 
079 Harr. Ave., W'd 13. 
Plymouth Place, fr. 
81 Harrison Ave.,W'd 8. 

PI ‘mption, from Mo 
airrison Avenue to 543 
Albany, Ward 10, 

Plympton Coun fr. 
a os tance: Ward il. 

«| peteon Place, from 
| Longwood Ave., near 
| Burnstead Lane, Wd 15. 
Pond, from Dorchester 

Avenue to Boston, W'd | 

Pond-st. Pince, from 
1li Endicou, W ard 7. 
Po from Sarate 
Addison, E. B. Wid 1, 

Poplar, from 0% Cham- | 
i to Ho Charles, W'd 

| 68 Pike's All 
= a7 Melrose Place 
Pike's Alley 
neo Poot ur Place 

Poplar Court 
Kevnvard Avenu 
Lovett Place 
oi &Y Hrighton 
W Auburn Arenue 
100 Voreelain Place 
101 Poplar Avenue 
107 Charles 
Poplar Avenue, from 
101 Poplar, Ward 3, 
Poplar Court, fr. 72 
Poplar, Ward 3. 
Poplar Place, from 45 
Poplar, Ward 3, 
Porcelaln Place, from 
100 Poplar, Ward 3. 
Porter, from 56 Pleasant 
5 Indiana Place 

fo «& 
Ward 0, 


| Porter, from 19 Central 

Square to 162 Bremen, 
it Ward at oF Cliclseca, 
E. B 

does i bentrat Square 
2 Bennington 
a2 3) London 

ia4 vr] Chelsea 
ih | Porter Place 
144 144 Bremen 

Porter Place, from 134 
Porter, Ward 1. 

a7 Garraux Place 
51 Portianud!"lace 
8 Mulberry Piace 
Sudbury Square 
Gt Sudbury Street 
i; Suffolk Market 
1) Market 
115 Merrimac 
126 Chardon 
12 131 Travers 
167 & court 
710 209 Causeway 
Portland Piace, fr. 51 
Portland, Ward 4, 


Post-office Aven 


fr. 20 Congress, Ward 4. 

Powers Court, from 
478 North, Ward 

Pratt's Court, f[r'm 151 

tuggles to Weston, W’ d 

Prana: from 558 Dor- 
haa Ave., 5. H., W'd 

Let. Ht. 

< ab tm ae AVE, 

.. Be Wesley 

40 Wendell 

01 Centre Place 


74 Wendell Place 
77 Liberty 
Prenties, from 16 Tre- 
mont to GW Parker, 
Ward 15. 


: Ll Tremont 
pad Mierpont 
: BK. & P. Railroad 
4 Mindoro 
fo Hallock 
74 #70 Parker 

Prentias Place, ‘r. 17 
Linden Park, Ward 13. 

Presby Place. from 04 | 

WwW inthrop, Ward 14. 

Prescott, fr. 200 Tren- 
fon to a7 Bremen, W'd 

Te Lexington 

Ar Princeton 

if Saratoga 

67 Preecott School 
7? Bennington 

A? #1 Uhelkea 

100 WH Bremen 

Prescott, fr. 195 Finetls 
to 162 Hampden, Ward 


Prescott Place, from. 

lid Waell,, Ward Ii, 
Prescott Pince, from 
Prescott, Ward 14. 
Preston, from Mill to 
Commercial, Ward 1, 
Primus Avenne, fr. &2 
Phillips, Ward 6, 
Prince, fr. 6 North Sq. 
lo Charies-river ridge, 
Waril 2, 
Left. Rte 
i Sireet 
2 North Square 
14 Hanaver 
Haneock Sehool 
4) Samoset Place 
47 Hennet Avenue 
i) Murray Place 
Salier Place 
71 Salem 
Limberd Ilace 
Bt Warvaret 
104 Snowhill 
Lafavetto Avenus 
iM. (kas Works 
167 Commercial 
Princeton, fr. 271 Me- 
ridian to Chelvea, EK. i., 


At Lowitiena Place 
(4 © Marlon 
12 1) Brooks 
10 189 Putnam 
25 Place 
O17 Princeton Flace 
40 240 I'resrott 
el Unlon Court 
oF Place 
734 374 Cheleca 
Princeton Place. from 
237 6Princeton, E. B., 
Ward |. 
Prospect, fr. 12 Merri- 
mac to 1! Lyman, W'd4, 
Lert. fil 
2 1 Merrimac 
8 South Margin 
SH 2) Lyman 

Prospect Ave,, tr, Nor- 

folk, n. emetry to Mil. 
ton Ave,, Ward 1d. 

Providence, from lark 
Sq., near Prov. Wallr'd 
depotto 207 Berkeloy, 

ark Square 


Provinee, fr. 58 Sehool 

to “0 Bromfield, W'd 4. 

Province Court 
43 Montgomery Pl. 
60 40 Bromfield 


Provinee Court, from 
iv) Washington to 24 
Province, Ward 4. 

~Pualaski Arenue, from 

146 Athens, Ward 12. 
Purchase, ir. 144 Sum- 
merto 165 Brond, W'd 4, 

| Let. Rt. 
Z Sin rier 
1 Federal 
Ch. st. Stephen's Chapel | 
nm AS Congress 
14 Grid ; ey 
110 100 Pearl 
Quiet Place 

1I82 155 Broad 

Putoam, from )87 Con 
dor to 328 Bremen, E, 
B., Ward 1. 

LI8 Li Pritecet 
iwi 10h Rachie 
16 1) Bennington 
14d 185 Chelwen, 
Yi 20) Liremen 


| Putuam, from 16 Duad- 

lev to 262 Washington, 
Ward 14. 

| Putnam Place, from 

2040 Waeh., Ward 14. 

| Pynchon, fr. 1400 Tre- 

mot lol Centre, W'd 

at as 
1 Tremont 
as Washingtou 
101 Culbert lace 


a8 105 Heath 
‘2s 2A) Centre 

Q@ Street, from Second 
to Sixth, Wd 12, crossing 
Qulet Place, from 77 

Turehase to 31) road, | 

Ward 5. 

! Quincey, fr. 42 Warren 

tot )-yemain ‘ile 14,16. 

| Zaft, tt 

+ | Warren 
7 (huiney Place 

ao r Hloe Hill Ave, 
112 Wherry 
140 110 Dorchester Line 
u Howard 
u lice not Damed 
Oo O Myrtle 
th Cevlou 
o 0 Columbla 
Quincy Court, fr. 155 

North, Wurd @. 
Quincy Place, from 7 
(juincy,o.Warren, W.14 
Rand, fr. 170 to 1) Blue- 
hillave., Ward 11, 
Randelph, from 514 | 
Hurricon Ave. W'd 10. 
Ransom Court, fr. 15 
Cotting, Ward 4. 
Reed, fr. 74 Northamp- 
ton (0 Hunneman, W 
11, 13. 

| Revd, from Kemble to 

Swett, Ward 13. 

Reed's Court, from 11 
Yeoman, Ward 14. 


| River, 

Regent, from 131 War: 
nia Cireuit, Ward 14. 

Lef . if, 
pt. Warren 
1 Cur 
7 St. Janes 
10 Regent lace 
26 Akron 
a0 Fountain 
at Dabney Place 
41 Alpine 
tw Sunnie 
To 79 Circuit 

Regent Place, from 19 | 
Regent, Ward 14, 

Renfrew, fr. 21 Eustia 
to Winslow, Ward 14, 

Renfrew Place, from 

17 Henfrew, Ward 13, 
Revere, fr. 4) 5. Iuesell 

fo 11S Charles, and 

acro¢« to Chirles River, 

Ward 6, 
Get, Ae. | 

1s. Russell 
4 Irving 
15 Grarden 

45 Rollins Place / 

eo anderson 
‘1 Thompson's Ct. 
Ol Grove 
at Goadlwin Mace 
7? Hevere-at. Place 
ath Myrtle 
BS Hills Court 
IM ot Weel Cedar 
wei 05 Charles 

Old Ladies’ Home | 

Revere Place, from 10) 
Charter, Ward , 

KRevere-at. Place, 7? 
Leovere, Ward th, 

Richards, [rom Granlte | 
(to jf? A, S. B., Ward 7. 

Kichards Court, from 
Green, Ward 16, 

fr, Mercan- 
a to 279 Hanover, wid 

Left. It. 

; 7 Commercial 
20 61 Fultan 

To 64 North 

4 10% Heoover 

Richmond, trim Wash, | 
nearly opp, Sa) ford, to. 46 
Adams, Ward 1A. | i 
Richmond Place, fr. 
Wash. opp. Richmond, | 
Ward 16, 

Cambridge to 

Derne, Ward 6, 
Ringgeld, tr. 4 Manson 
to i Waltham, W. 10, 
River. fr. % Kencon to 

and across Mi, Vernon, 
Ward 6, 
from 40 Wash, 

to Hy ‘de Park Line, W'd 

0 Jolineon Miace 
0 Forest-hill Ave, 

tH] ee a 
0 Eagie Mill Place 

3" 3: i Washln gton | 

o 60 nee hill AVe, 
0 Oakland 

0 Thuek 
0 O Hyde Park line 
Riverside, from i150 

Tremont, Ward 15, 

Ridgeway Lane, from | 


River=-at. Ploce, from 
Kiver St., tear Mt. Ver 
non, Wari 6. 

Robinson Place, fr. 
brook Ave., Ward If, 

Rochester, from io 
Harrison Avenue, to 
20) Albany, Ward 7. 

Rockingham Cour,t 
from it (rleans, E. &., 
Ward 1. 

Rockingham Place 
from 245 Cabot to 208 
Wash., Ward i4. 

Rockland, fr. 2o7 War 

Lg to 1 Dale, Ward 14. 
* AT arvent ~ 
Hocklind Avenue 

2 Walhwt Avenue 

42 Wakullah 

i TO Dole 

Rockland Avenue, 
from 20 Rockland to 44 
Dale, Ward 14, 

Rockland Coart, fr'm 

W ‘el 

Rockville Pinace, fram 
182 Warren, Wwurd 14. 

| Rogers, from 376 Dor+ 
chester, to and acrose 
Preble, 5. B., Ward 12, 

“i Everett, E. i., 

Mo doa Avonue, fren 

Roggles, Ward 15, 
wo nn fr. 1! Wash. 
to S27 Harrison Ave., 
Ward 10, 
| Rollins Place, fr. 25 
Keverv, Ward 6, 

Romsey Court, from 

Tiorehester Avenue, mr. 
earl, Ward (i, 
Roslin, fr. oi Warren 
to Gaston, Ward 14. 
Roslin, from Wash'n to 
Ocean, Ward 16. 

Rowe Place. from 
Bea Wari 5, 

lea, from 899 
Wash to 410 Parker, 
Ward M4, 1h. . 
Let. R 
o ] Ny Ashington 
45 Shawmut Avenue 

8 Westminster 
| 116 Telmont 
12 Warwick 
MS 147 Cabot 
1 Hampshire 

161 Pratt's Court 

Ik) Tremont 

O05 Drew lace 

211 Windsor 

41 Hogers Avenue 

“7 B, & FE. Railroad 

264 Avon Pluce 

251 May Place 

250 Itureeel) Court 

S03 Lille Court 

WH Kugyles Court 
419 Mechanic 

MS 335 Parker 

toes Court, irom 

uggles, Ward |5, 
lea Court, from 
wut, Ward 16. 

ugzles Place, from 
wv ash., Wear River, Wid 


246 | 



Itussell Court, from 4 
N. Russell, Ward 4, 

Russell Court, fr. 269 
Kuggtes, Ward 1. 


Ruséell Place, from 2 | 

N. Rusecll, Ward 4, 
Rutland, fr. 1420 Wash. 
to 2 Tremont, W'd 11, 
Lert. Ri. 
2 1 Washington 
1 Haven 
14 Cumston 
4 15 Shawmut Avenue 
a) 688m Newland 
Ss: 7 Tremont 
Rutland Place, from 
Haven, rewr | Rutland 

Rutland Square, from | 
700 Tremont, Ward 11, | 

Lett. Et. 
2 1 Tremont 
46 50 Columbus Avenue 

Salem, from 100 Hano- 
yer to40 Charter, W'd Z, 

Lest, Att. 
1 Hanover 
2 Eudicott 
os Salem Mlace 
Se 41 Cross 
Fal Marton 
76 Stillman 
85 Collamore Place 
Oy N. Margin 
tis Bartlett Place 
105 Parmenter 
14 = =©§©6Cooper 
112 (Carrol! Place 
118 Kildwin Pluece 
1271 Elmer lace 
12s Noyes Place 
134 147 Prince 
1a) Sheu fe 
1 North Kennet 
Ch. Mariner's Chorch 
77 Titeston 
176 Hull 

181 Salem Court 
Ch. Chriat Chureh 
202 219 Charter 
Salem Court, from 16) 
Silem, Ward 2. 

Salem Place, from 25. 

Salem, Ward 2. 

Salt Lane, fr.25 Union 
to Creek Sq., Ward 4. 
Salter soar from 45 

Prince, Wari 2, 
Salutation, from 40 

Hanover to 3.0 Com- 

mercial, Ward 2, 

Samosct Pince, fr. 41 — 

I'rince, Ward 2 
, from 1: 50 Wash. 
eAVardt 10. 
PR lo tek ag from Wash. 
to Cedar, Ward 16. 
= itt. 
0 Washington 
O O Forest-hill Ave, 
in place not pumed 
Oo O femple 
0 OCedar 

E. Lenox, Ward | 

fonda Place, Soar 110: | 

Wash. to 44) Harrison 
Avenue, Ward 10. 
Saratoga, fr. 14 Central 
Square, across Chelsea, 
to the Bridge, Ward 1, 

» itt. 
2 Meridian 
0 Bt M. KB, Church 
1% Saratoga Place 
7a 74 Marion 
14) 10 rooka 
157 185 J'utbam 
A 210 Prescott 

ao? 60S Pope 

Sanford Piace, me 10 8 104 B. H. RE. R.R. 


Saratoga Place, from 
1} Sarutoca, E. B., W'd 

Savin, from 306 Warren 
to 247 Blue-hill avenue, 
Ward 14, 

'Savin-hill Awe., from 
Pleasant to Savin Hill, 
Ward 16, 

| Left. Re. 

0 O Pleasant 

0 O Dorchester Ave, 
0 Lreds 
0 Midland 
0 Spring 

0 Atlantic Avenue 

Sawyer, from 625 Bhaw- 
mut Ave. to #6 T 
mont, Ward 11. 

Sawyer, from Savin-hill 
Avenue, Ward 16, 

Sntonm Court, mt Paris. 
n. Porter, E. B., W'd 1. 

School, from 15 Wash. 

| Left, He. 

) 2 1 Washington 

45 City-lal) Avenue 

41 City Hall 
Chapman Flace 

65 King's Chapel 

ie Tremont 

School, from Wash. to 

llurvard, Ward 16. 

Schuyler, fr. 505 Blne- 
hill Avenue, to Maple, 
Word id. 

Seabury Place, fr. 
Blossom, Wurd 3, 

Sears'sa Place, from 
Anderson, Ward 6, 

Seaver, from 704 Sum- 
per to 14 Webster, W'd |. 

Reaver, from 87 Walnut 
Avenue 10 505 Blue-hill 
Avenue, Ward 14. 

Let, Re, 

i Walnut Avenue 

174 Williams Avenue 

os Muple 
au * Blue bill Avenue 

Tremont, Ward &, 
Second, fr. 100 Lhorches- 
ter Ave. to S. B. Point, 
Warda 7, 12, 
Left. Hi. 
, Federal 
11 Athena 
Ol Third 
Bi A 
0) Holton 


lie 149 
20) 205 0 
254 253 D 
aoe O07 I 

Mi) hcp 
455 457 Dorchester 
on hie i 
Ga? 581 0 
72 ~—s- Vickeburg 
Ha Emmett 
i444 43 K 
o4 os 
zi inpeon's Court 


14 1M F 

to H Tremont, Ward 4. | 
eerete 2 Babe. from 16 

Shawmut, fr. 116 Plens- 

Seaver Place, from 21 | 

Selden, from Forest-hill 
Avenue to Million Ave., 
Ward 16. 

Seneca, from 305 Harrl- 
son Ave. to 205 Albany, 
Ward 7. 

Seventh, from 2&2 Dor- 
chester Avenue, cor. FB, 

Left. RK 
: 1 Dorehester AYE. 

50 49.0 
oo 9 D 
160 140 E 

Iva Clapp 

i. | 

170 Grimes 


200 220 Dorchester 
470 475 H 
470 574 K 
24 25 L 
651 Mechanic's Place 

a8, 674 Al 

725 N 
os So: Y 

Milk, Ward 4, 

Sewall Place, fr. 148 
Tremont, Ward 15, 

Sharon, from 7: 
Ave, to 631 Albany, W'd 

Shaving, from Tirrell's 
Wharfto Mt Washing- 
lon Avenue, Wurd 5. 

ant te Oo Church, W'd 9. 

20) Tremont (6 West 
lioxbury Line,Warda &, 
O10, 11, 14, 15, 
Left. itt 
2 12 Tremont 
, Pleasant 
Clatlen Place 
Osborn Flace 
Ohio Place 
Thdiina place 
Boston & Albany 
Kk. K, bridge 


# Place 
German Tuther- | 
an Church 
Union-park St, 
Union ark 


West Dedham 

West Canton 

0 Shawmut Church 
Weal Brooklme 
Blackstone Sq, 

Weat Newton 


400 407 

to Ba “{ Point, Wds 7, 12. i 

“i Harr. | 

Shawmut Avenue, fr. | 

| 1574 

ochorch — 
Cum-ion Place 
Weat Coucord 

West Springfield 
Chester Square 
Chester Place 
Shawmut Perrace 

Lyon Place 



Amee Place 
Arnold | 
Old Roxbary line 

452 454 

470 473 

O12 514 
O00 O20 





Shawmut Place 

W illistns 

Tar Willow Park 

‘i Winthrop Place 


| Vernon 

| Washington 

2 Oh Dudley 

1002 1001 Dudley 

O18 Chie 

1s Hawthorn Ave. 

1055 Larticit 

7 =o St. James 

1109 Goild 

1108 Circuit 

1145 Cedar #9. 

Vt Osg: Pai ot. 

1s) Ce 

12714 Onkland 
120) Thornton 

LW Marcella 

re. Townsend 

1426 Codman Park 

1445 Codman Avenue 

1450 ‘obden 

1603 Beethoven 

Wioatm'ster Av. 
Walout Park 
cal airees 
ceelon =quare 
ligt horton : 
1679 W. Walout Park 
W, Koxbury ling 

Shawmut Place, from 
(15 shawmut Avenue, 
Ward 14, 

*hawmut Terrace, fr 
fw Shawmut Avenue 
Ward it. 

27 Snowhlll, Ward a. 

Lest. Jit. 

* {££ ppewacleF 

10 argaret 
Sch. Ingraham School 
42 43 Snuwiliill 

Shelburne, fr. Eutton- 
wood, Wurd 10. 

Shelton, from Adama, 
n. Ashmont, Ward 16, 

Shorldan Avonwe, fr, 
#86 Centre, near West 
Roxbury line, Ward 15, 

Sheridan Place, fr. & 
Fifth, Ward 7. 

Sheridan Place, from 
Minot, Ward 1d, 


Sherman, from 4 Dale 

to 17 Bower, Ward M4. 

Sherman = aa fr. 69 

Fifth, Ward 7, 

Shirley, from das Dud- 
ley, Ward 14. 

Short, from Fisher Ave. | 

0 Lawn, Ward 15, 

Short Couri, from 215 | 

EveretL to Maverick, E. 
B., Ward 1. 

Sidmey, from Crescent 
Av, o. ER. RR. Ward 16, 
garg Place, fr. 
rear 476 Hanover, W'd 2. 

Silva Place, from Mun-| 

rut, Ward 14. 

Silwer, fr. 0 Dorelwa- 
ter Ave. to BG, 5. H., 
Ww arse? r, iz, 

Let. A 

» 1 Federal 

‘i Silver-at. Place 

67 Washington Mace 
18 B. 1, & E. 1, It 
Dewerson Court 
Tan 144 0 
7 Io D 
2) 225 FE. 
270 tw F 
av) 0 Dorchester 
day te 

Sliver-st. Place, from 
6 Silver, 5 
Simmons, fr. 16 Ver- 
now to Mi Clay, W'd 15, 

big indy Court, from. 
lace, | 

Vau Kenaselacr 
Ward 5. 
Simpwon'e Court, from 
= belt. O<. & F., 
Sixth, sal 6? Dorohes- 
er Ave, io Q, Wards 

Left, Kit. 
2 1 Dorchester Ave, 
5 7 Le H. & kb. Ht. H. 

Sixth-st. Place 
c: OTe tery 


S72 Ay) 

Smith, from #0 Parker, | 

Ward 15. 


F =] Parker 

‘4 Pipe 

70 Smith-«t Court 

74 «77 End of Street 

Smith Court, from 46 
Joy, Ward 6, 

Smilth aoe from 
Jov, Ward 6 

Smaith-«t. Court, from 
70 Smith, Ward 15, 

Smith's Ave., from 1a 
Kendall, Ward 11, 

Sunellimg Place, from 
7 Hull, Ward 2. 

Snowhill, fr. 105 Prince | 
fo 108 Charter, Ward 2. | 

Left Ft. 
sol Prince 


. A, Ward 7.. 


11 Snowhill Place 
17 Cleveland Place 

oF; Shoenfe 
54 North Hudson 
59 Charter 

Snowhill Place, from 
1) Snowhilll, Ward 2, 

Somerset, fr. 0 sak rl 
to 44 Loward, Wanl 4. 
Left, ft, 
2 | Regeon 
5 Pemberton 54. 
Ist Baptiet Ch. 
4 Ashburton Place 
28 47 Howard 

Soanth, fr. a7 Simmer 

to Lehigh, Wards 6, 7. 
Left, At, 

{ iJsuminier 

1) Litiwood Place 
Sch. Bowditch Sehoul 
li Waverley Plice 
4 Siuth-at, Court 
a) Reeek 


45 Tutte 
i406 «673 Beach 

14 16 KRoecland 

1a Llarvard 
165 Lehigh 

| South, from Commercial 

to the water, Ward 14. 
Sonth «f. “ourt, from 

24 sonth, Ward 4. 
Southnac Place, fr, 78 

Phillips, Ward 6, 
South Cedar-atreet 

| Spring Garden, from 

Crescent mr ete Hear | 

depot, Ward | 

Sprinmg-st. ute fr. 
pring- W Wis 

wtreet Place, | 
d 2 Chambers, 

sea ao CS Wid 12. 

Springficld, eve Enet 
Springfield and Weat 


onshire, Ward 4, 

Spruce, from 40 Heacon 
to 22 Chestnut, Word 4, 

| Stafford, from*! Blue- 

hill Ave. to 44 Dengis, 
Werd ii. 
Biandish Place, from 
6 Pitta, Waril 4, 
Sinmhope, ir. 144 Berke- 
ley, Ward #, 

Stanhope Place, from 

If Plulipsa, Ward 6. 

Stantiford, fr. 13 Cam- 
aringe to 66 Green, W'ils 

Le He Ret, 
2 | Cambridge 
0 Stantford Place 
4 10 Green 

Staniford Place, from 
¥ Staniford, Wurd 4, 

Place, from 10 Win: | Stanmore Pince, from 

chester, Ward @. 

Shi Warren, Ward 14. 

tonth Margin, from “4 Stonton, fr. Nortolk. w 

Mitts to 8 Proapect, W'd 

2 1Fitte 

+2 Cosson Place 

18 41 toonel 

08 71 lrospect 

South Market, fr. 2 
Meréhant« Kow, South 
alde Faneuil Hall Mar- 
ket to Atlantic Avenue, 

rd 4. 
4 )0=—s_s Merehiants iow 
1 Commercial 
10] 102 Commercial 
Allantic Avenue 
South May, from iid 
Washington to 400 [far- 
rison Ave., Ward 10, 

South Meuaeael), fr. G4) 

ca mbridge to i Myrtle, 
Ward @. 

Left. fit, bridge 
o 1 Camb 
41 Kevere 
Speor Alley, from 8&3 
‘urchase, Ward 5, 
Spear Place, from 
“lengant, Ward 0. 
Spring, fr, 10! Leverett 
to fh Allen, Ward J, 
Let. dit. 
£ 1 Levereit 
va) Grape lace 
a4 (Vii bers 
20 Melville Place 
a7 Milton 
44 45 Poplar 
hi? A at Ss Court 
M@ 6F Allen 

Spring, from Savin-hill | ‘Sterling, fr 605 Shaw. 

nvenge, mn. It. H. W'd 16 
Spring Court. from 

| State. 

12 | | 24 
Sation, from )t) Tre 

the depot, Ward 1d. 
Stanwood Aveune, fr, 
Columbia, near Green, 
Waril 14, 
from 62 and @s 
Washington to Long 
Wharf, Ward 4, 
ert. Ae, 
2 1} Washington 
2) Deronshire 
Wilson Lane 
20 Congress Square 
1 Uongress 
St ost Ofiee 
Change Aycnue 
67 Kilby 
Merchanta lLlow 
113 Broad 
Chatham iow 
135 India 


» } Custom Mouse 
State-st. [lock 

Atluntic Avenue 
Loog Whaff 

mont to 6 Darker, 
Ward 16, 
ern, Ltt 
2 1 Tremont 
0 Pierpont 
it. & f. Railroad 
10 Aindoro 
a) iullock 
72 60 Parker 
Bt. Charles, 
Chandler, Ward 0. 

mut ave., & Warwick, 
Wael, 14. 

Lane, from 132 | 
Vashingion to 49 Dey-| , 



Stevena, from 50) Shaw- 
mut Avenue te Lincula 
_ Place, Ward 11, 
Stillman, fr. 7 salem to 
2) Charlestown, Ww'd 2. 
Eeft, Re. 
i 2 Salem 
i Kndieott 
47 Stillman Place 
oS) 4 Charlestown 
Stillman Place, fr. 47 
Stillman to {4 Cooper, 
Ward 2. 

St. Jnmes, from i4] 
Warren to 1074 Shaw. 
on een Ward 14, 

2 Warren 
1 Hezgent 

a0 Danforth Place 

4 Alpine 

2 St. James’ [lace 

Shawmut Avenue 

St. James Ave., fr. 14 
Berkeley, n, , & P, BR, 
it. Bridge, Ward 9, 

Left. R 
St. James’ PFl., fr. 62 
St. James, Ward 14. 
St. Mary, fr. Krighton 
Ave, to Beacon, beyou 
Mildam, Ward 6, 
Stoddard, fr, Hat How- 
ard to 108 Court, W'd 4, 
Story, from Li, between 
Fif hand Sieh, W'd 1 

Stonghton, fr. 765 Har: 

riton AV tod75 Albany 
— Ward 11. 
‘Stoughton, fr. end of 
Dudley to Pleasant, 
Wari 10, 
| Let, Re. 
U Hrook Avenue 
0 Hudson 
0 North Avenue 
0 Albion 
HH] Collage 
0 West Cotigy 
0 Mrook A ence 
ti] Tavlor’s Avenue 
0 Howard Avenue 
0 Myrtle 

i Humplireve 

0 Holden Pines 

0 Herkelev Place 
0 Hancock 

0 Hoston 
0 Everett Avenue 
0 Stoughton Court 

ih SiMe r 

0 O Fleasaut 

‘Stouchion Court, fr, 

Stougliton i. Sumaer, 
Ward 10, 

Strong Place, from !60 
Cumbridge, Ward 6. 

maSiny Place, fr, 215 

Eliot, Ward &. 

Sturgis, from 40 Pearl, 
to lirowd, Ward §. 

Sudbury. from Huay- 
market Square to 119 

— Court, Ward 4, 

1 Merrimac 

2 Haymarket 54. 

12 7 Friend 

41 Portland « 

4 llowker 

74 Hawkins 

aU Alden 

| 114 101 Court 

‘ellows, Hear Webber, base pe ee from) Sudbury Pince, from 

Ward 13. 

W. Cedar, Ward 6. 

Weston, Wurd 15, 


Sudbury Square, Snd- 
bury, west of 50 L’ort- 
Intel, Wird 4. 

Suffolk Piace, fr. 1 
Wash. to 15 Bedford, 
Ward &. 

Wusl., Ward 14, 
Sullivan Place, from 
107 Federal, Ward i. 
Summer, ir. 22+ Wash 
to 441 road, Ward 5, 

East. Rt. 

“ | Washington 
pd Trinity Cloarch 
ri jlawleyv 
a2 Mercantile [all 
Aa) Arch 

oo Chwuney 
Ob (itis 

Bl Kingston 
DF lievonshire 

1d Linealn 
is High 

li; South 

171 Federal 

Summit, fr. 25 Cire 
to 66 Kegeot, Ward 14.t 
Sumner, from Weeks‘'s 
Wharf to aud scroas 
Jeffiies, E. B., Wrrd 1. 

Let, Jt. 

2 1 Weeka’s Wharf 
5 llowe'’s Wharf 
ii Ludd's Dock 

54 Ferry Avenue 

a Liverpool 

iz Landon 
110 ¢ “fet a Wharf 

145 Dla 
140 Loring’ s Wharf 
161 Mill 

Ts aria 
20 Jewis 

2 Maverick Square 

fl Uremen 

250 Orleans 

YUu7 Lessom Court 

310 Wilbur Court 

S20 i Cottage | 
340 Highland Place 
aka Cheever Court 
wa Noble Court 
25 Sumoer Place 
si) Seaver 
44 Helmont Square 

47) 4/1 Lameon 

“ch, Adame School 
Ao Webster 

SM S25 Jeffries 

MH okt End of atreet 

Sumuecr, from Stough- 

lon ty Cottage, W'd 16, 

Lert. dit. 

uv 0 Stoughton 
O Gulliver Court 
i Alltright Court 
O etreet not nimed 
b Cottage 
Sumner Pioace, fr. 385 
Sumuer, E. ., Ward 1, 
Sumner Place, tr. 204 
Cabot, Ward 14, 
Bunu-court St., 



4 North square to 2 

North, Ward Zz, _ 
swallow, from N,n. BE, 
sixth to O. Ward 12. 
Sava, f(r. ly lorchester 
Avenue to 118 Foundry, 
&. Bb, Ward 7. 
Lert. Re. 
2 1 Dorchester Ave, 

Suffolk Place, fr. 2031 | Swan Plate, 

| 4 

| Tennyson, 


BG 5 Foundry ~*~ 
1 46 
Swan, S« fh. 
i Kom 

= | Dorchester 
“) Knowlton 
42 4 Mercer 
| 6G Gsates 
72 7h Old Harbor 
Temple, from W Cam- 
bridge to 1% Mt. Vernon, 
Wards 4, 6 
Left, Rt. 
2 | Cambridge 
Coolidge Avenne 
Ch, Gree M. E. Ch, 
mM ot Derne 
Laie Mt. Vernon 
Temple, from River to 
Sanford, Ward 14. 
Temple Place, fr. 141 
Tremont to 401 Wush., 
Ward &. 
Temple Place, contin- 

pation of Yemple st., 
Ward 14, 

Tenean, from Commer- 

cial to Fulton, W'd 10, | 

from 1%) 
Fiensant to Colambus 
Ave ane, Ward 0, 

Lert. Ii 
2 . Pleasant 

i Al Choreh 

56 65 Columbus Ava, 

Terrice, from 7? Parker 
Place, Ward 15. | 

Terrace Place, fr. yd 
Webster, EK. ., Wd I. 

Terns Avenue, fr. neue 
Tremont to Elmwood, 
Wierd 15. 

Texas Coart, fr. Texas | 
Avenue, Wurd 15, 

Thacher, fr. %& Prince 
= Ki Charlestown, W'd 

| Left. ft. 

1 3 Prinee 

UN. Margin 

2} Endicott 

20 Thacher Court 
Thacher Avenue | 

4 Charlestown | 


Thacher Court 

Tilesion Place, 

Thacher Avenue, fr. 

4 Thacher to 41 Cooper, 
Ward 2. 

| noe 
“0 Thacher, Waid 

Third, from 61 Second. | 
to ir B. Point, W ards 

Swan's Court, Left Tt. 
Green, Ward If, 2 A 1 Second 
mereth, from SOO Albany, | A) 67 Boston, Hartford. 
pp. Northampton to) and Erie R.R 
Pine Island, Ward 13, “2 80 Th a - 
Swift, fr. Pope, E. B., | 107 Lawrence Ceurt 
Ward 1, | ae 19 c 
Taber, from 20 Warren! Wi lb) 
to 2 Winslow, and) 2 'Third-st. Place 
across, Ward 13. 228 Mh FE 
Lest. It 230 Third-st, Court 
2° 4 Warren 276 25 F 
Harrison Ave, 02 2 Dorchester 
33 4 Winslow 401 a71 G Street 
i 0) Fad of street eo tte “ipsa 
‘Taylor, fr. 12 Lravight— ace oor T I 
to ry Milford, Ww are 10, Arh kimmel 
Taylor's Avenue, fr. 540 arnard Place 
Stoughton. nf Be How- | 5ne an] K 
ard Ave., Ward 16, ole All L 
Taylor, from Neponset | Wiz 06) M 
Ave. to Water, W'd 16, | Sq, we ee eam Sq. 
Telegraph, from 222 | 
Dorch. to "Thomas, &. 5, | fo 71 0 
H., Ward 12. at? BEL 
Left, Rt. = 661 Q 

Third-st. Conrt, from 
200 Third, &. b., W'd 12, 

Third-st. Place, from. 

21) Third, S. B., W'd 7, 
Thomas, fr. 77 to 16 G, 

fround the HKeseryoir, 

S. B., Ward 12, 
Lert. Jt. 

8 Linden 

1+ # Pacific 

* Atlantle 

1 ts Street 

26060 National 

32 Carney Hospltal 

% «Telegraph 

4 8 8§©6National 

18) «© Street 
Thempéon's Court, 

fr. 4) Revere, Ward 6. 

Thorn, from EF. Canton, | 

Ward 10. 

Thornley, fr. Dorches | 

ter to Pleasant, n. opp. 
Stoughton, Waril 16. 
Thornton, from 

Cedar to 10 Shawmut 
Avenue, Ward 15. 

oe ow : 

2 | (Cedar | 
1a Tharnton Court 
“0060 Oaklan 

Ol Eile 

14 100 Shawinut Avenue 

Thornton Place, from 
1d Thornton, Ward 15, 

Tiden Plage, from &| 

Auburn, Ward 14. 
Tileston, from 2 Han- 

over to 17? Salem, W'd | 

Left. “a 
# | Hanover 
14 Tileston Place 
40 iggzio 

a9 Unity 
51 Salem 
Tileston Place, from 
16 Tileston, Wurd 2. 
Neponvet Ave., beyond 
AMill, Ward 1G, 

‘Trainer Court, 


Tolman Place, from 
100 Wiurren, Ward 14. 

Torrey, from Wash. to 
Wentworth, Ward 16, 

Townsend, from 1378 
Shawmot Ave. to 444 
Wurren, Ward 14, 

Townsend PI. CN.)» 
from 508 Commercial, 
Ward 2, 

Townsend Pl. (S.), 
from & Curver, Ward 5, 

Train, from Mill to Ash- 
mont, Ward id, 

Left, IM, 
Oo © Mill 
oO Along 
0 ftoutwell Ave, 
0 oO Ashmont 
76 Lenox, Ward 11, 

| Travers, from 79 Mer, 

rimac io & Charlest'’n 
Wirds ¥, 4. 
Lert, I 
2 1 Merrimac 
4 3 Portland 
“5 Friend 
47 Cinal 
fi Boaton & Maine 
fa Haverhill 
a Heverly 
WH i at pa slenenrwn 

Tremont, fr. 45 “wen 
to Brookline Line, W 
4,5, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15. 
Let, Jit. 
z 1 Court 

Cem. Cemeter 
fi King's Chapel 
03 Bencon 
64 School 
H7 Tremont House 

82 Tremont Temple 
| oF Montgomery Fl. 
| 100 Horticultor’| all 
} 102 Hromibeld 

Ley Hamilton Place 

Cem. Oumetery 
Ch. Park St, Charah 

123 Dark 
139 Wiuter 
10 St. Paul's Church 
140 U’ States Court 
41 aerople Place 
l47 Viest 
70 Acai 
ra! Hend lace 
Hall FroeMuasons’Hall 
Ist 165 Bayleton 
210 La Grange » 
215 Van Kensselear 
292 21 Eliot 
Sob, Winthrop Sehool 
211 Seaver lace 
a Hollis 
274 Childe'n's Misetion 
af Conmat 

Sliawmit AVG, 
ak on; Warrenton 
$14 41a Mlea-nit 

125 Jefferson 
S51 Church 

a lndinna Place 
S80 175 Boston and Wor 
cester Hailroad 
ee (Castle 
+2 Paul 

420 Ferdinand 
441 Chandler 

a Lucas 
6480 Chipman 
fd Lbover 
+407 Berkeley 
502 Dwight 
ol4 Milford 


S38 = Hanson Trambnill, fr. 7 New, Union Piace, from 3 Waban, fr. 517 Warren 
Cit Waltham lorie to 28 Ivanhoe,| Wall, Ward 4, Ward 14, 

57 Clarendon Ward 106, Unity, from 4 Charter | Wadleigh Pine, from 
870 oa al Ana Tuckerman, from 3/7 | to 0 Tileston, Ward 2. | 1 Ellery, 5.8., Word 12, 
CLP Up yin he Dorchester, 5. B,, Ward | ef. At. | Wakullah, fr. 42 Rock- 

vplon le. 2 1 Cherter land to 4) Dale, W'd 14 

My Dartmouth W Unity Court ~~ J = 

West Dedham ‘Tucker Plinece, frome! ,. . | | 
foe hoz Weat Canton: | Joy, Ward 6, “0 2) Tileston 

652 47 West Brookline | Tader, from 11 B to 18h | Unity Cte, from 9 Unity, 

Walden Place, from 
li’ Heath, Ward 16, 

Wales, fr. Wie HUlAVe, 

644 GO) Pembroke Dorchester, 5.5 Wards | _ | | oe 
74 it Weal Nowten > 1. : Upham‘s Court. fram to Harvard, 1) ard = 

Wales Pinece, from 
Columbla, near Green, 
Ward 14, 

Walker Place, fr. 146 
Northampton, Ward 11. 

ie Kivilind Lert, fit. | Boston, opp. Humilet, 
1 ru a Square | 2 J8B Waril if. 
7 Vest Coneord | 30 40 Uplan : Wor- 
724 Concord Square | 100 wD s ae Avenue Uriow iuer 
yeu Tivment-st, M. E.. Lf iu bE azine, Ward 17, = 

Church ls? Lilly , —_ Wall, from 1! Minot to 
7 74 Worcester 200 100 F Upton, from 3 Shaw-| “oy Causeway, Ward 3. 

mut Avenue to (0 Tre. Lert. Re. 

64 70) Weet sorligfeld hen Cemetery ) i 
mont, Ward 10 ‘ 
: - | Minot 

ae Cheater Square 5 Dorchester 

731 W. Chester Park | ap, ) a. Lest. A , 0 Cysiman Are, 
7) S0t Northampton ee a ro = I Shawnut Avene) ys 4; Cotting 
B12 821 Comidlen « | Left Ee oe ae Newlnne 7 Union Place 
KIA Northtield ‘i oe 40 46 Tremont M 6 Causewsny 
en Lenn, | : 1 Sonth Utica, from l4 Tuft t : ) 

: vores 4 (Uilen en es f0) Walnat, fr. 35 Beacon 
p= A ht ei #2 1 Lineoln | Aomieh. Pardes, 7. to a8 Mt. Vernon, W'd 6. 
ae Rendall Tupelo, from Savin to) it 4. et 
ac, i’ Davenport ( anc > near Warren,| o7 2 Lut “1 2 Reagan 
pay Hammond 1 havi Ap _ “rem ) of 85 fencli Choatnut 
et Cabut _ qn Utica Places Moe Lhe ee 

98 Heuton Turpin Court, from) 45 59 Knecland __ i Mb Vernon 
1007 Morke Cottage, near Pleasant, | foo 105 Harvard Walnut, from Neponse 
1001 Coventry Ward 16, Lehigh F —f < Kricsson, W'd 16t 
1052 1081 Curiared iT ‘, from 55 Beach t ic. en. i gy | eee ae 
oa 100 Franklin Mace y5 Curve, Ward ee : wVition Ward 7, ge dy es ieee 
werd Newhern , hes ~_ i AOU 
1087 Milford Ciaee | Left. a Bice Vale, from llto40 Mar- o W almut Court 
j 4 Feiling Mace | oe a Kneeland cella, Wurd 1. ; . . bbe ras 
1114 111% Weston | ot Tyler Place Vancouver, fr. Ward, : rater 
a o> slows: Court 49 Monroe Place Ward 1, ; ) My si 
Mee diol Tog pies oS Holland Place \Wan Re e ve z , 
ita cues = | Sh ot Rama” | Vem Bapevelees 525 | erataet Avenue, from 
_— 1isy Evernee itd ; _ Ose —— S. a6 Ween as tt gi 
#10 Veer v7 Newton Cour \" Vial : .| _ bory Line, Ward M4, 
— 1250 Tremont Place 1) Kalily Uinee Yener Aone “hs Ona. ti it. 
1240 - Murket Mince | 160 153 Curve man, toCarruth, W'di6.| 2 4 Warren 
ah tootage Place ) »« Plea “~ Sh) ae “a | : » Ware 

— 9281 Urentiss "yore Ween e from 30 Vanghan. fr. Wiwe Hill ue Cirenit 

172 Clay el bdo hah Hurvurd, Ward | 4 Ruens Vista 
LW Siation Union, from Dock Sq, ' -S 96 78 Hockland 
1G Texas Avenue | 10 Haymarket Square,| Vernom, fr. 1901 Wash, | 90 Pickering Ave. 

ee Houston Mlace | PY ye a ct Tremont, Wards | 114 113 yt 8 

400 Pynchon | eres aes o Mee 145 hower 
lit Gore Avenue 1 North Left. Fe 157 Bainbridge 
145s Morton Place " Elin * 1 Washington “17 Elmore 
1482 1447 Parker 4 ; Friend 4 Shawmut Avenue | 218 " Monroe 

169 Faxon Place “5 Salt Lane _ & Auburn 246 247 Townsend 

1468 paren Place 2 + baler &2 m pete pam 27 erm e 
1400 Pillip oo Sere Peon Jewrlyen Are, 
MHS Seca eae Lane| * G7 Hanover | 126 121 Cabot $20 Liriole 7 

Whiltney 1M 105 Huaytiarket Sq. 104 Simmona a21 Weetminster Av. 
t ‘olumbus | Union, from Commercta) aoe one whe 2 a ve a5 by alnut Park 
Vigg lesworth to the water, Ward 14, | 2 <% fremont | Seaver 
—- 1643 Praneis rinfau Ave.. fro yw. | Vernon Plince, from 23) #7 Exleston Square 
4460 Hiside Avenue | Paton Aves ttm Mow: | VEiarter, Wartan | Weltoxbary fin 
roe VaikerHillAve,| Ave, Ward 10, Vicksburg. from 572) Walnut Park, [r. 144 

1812 Heath | Py hea ey oat | ae 

1850 1859 Brookline Line | Union Court, from 300) Second to First, Wid 12.) Shawmut Ave. to iss 

Tremont Place, from, 'tneeton, Ward 1. Village, from 68 West| Walnut Ave., Ward 14. 

Beacon, rear Tremont, Union Ct., from 202) Orange to 4 Dover, Walnut Place, fr, 1003 

House, Ward 4, Everett, E. A., Ward 1,|) _ Wards 9, 10. Wash., Ward 11, 

u z £ P Pi co di, 
Tremont Place, from Unolon Park, from 418 Z* 1 West Orange 
IZ Tremont, Ward li.) Shawmut Avenue to) @ § (nestle 
Tremont Row, from 2) | Mou!gomery, Ward 10. | 14° 14 Panil 
Howard to Pemberton | Loyt. Jit, 46 45 Liens 
Square, Ward 4. + 1 Shawmut Avenue) 4 6 Chapman 
Trenton, from ‘24 Me- 4 os eal cal 103 10) Dover | 
ridian to Karle, KE. B., : gomesy Vinal Place, from 247 | 

Walnut-«t, Court, fr. 
Walnut, Ward 16, 

Walsh Place, from 19 
Clark, Ward 2. 

Walton, fr. Wash'n to 
Harley, Ward 16, 

W ard * Union-park St., from | Harr. Ave., Ward Ki, Waltham ir Rot [arr 
Left, Rt. S14 Shawmut Avenue te sik. owe 4 CA hy we ein death eae 
Yet Meridian | 467 Albany, Warkite |) \argene sce wey cet! aye, Te St) Trecaan, 
Of So Marion Left, fit. "nen Sah Cuidiew | Le 
1 103 Brooks 2 1 Shawmut Avenue | Vine, from 3) Dudley)“ ” i Harrison Ave 
158 157 Putnam 14 South Cong. Ch, | % Mt. Pleasant Ave., : tee ti 
2 Prescott 0 20 Washington | Ward 14. . o4 27 Washington 
2%2 241 Eayle 78 77 Harrison Avenue | Vine-st. Place, fromS|) ~ 40 ftradford 
Troy, from 60 Harrieon Albany Parkmah, Wird st. | f4 65 Shawmut Ave, 
Avenve fo 24] Albany,| Unton Place, from 114) Vinton, fr 340 Dorches- 65 Kinggold 
Ward 7, ' Porter, E. B,, Ward i, | terto R, &., Ward 12, | 100 © Treimont 


Ward, fr..0 Dorchester 
jo & Preble, 5. B., W'd 


iA Gifford Place 
24 Ward Court 
Hil Goodwin Court 

Ward, frum the It. & P. 
hk. K., crossing larker 
Bt. at S4i, fo Bometead 
Lane, Ward 15, 

Ward Court, from 28 
Ward, 5. H., Ward }2. 
Wareham, from 414 
Harrison Ay enue, to519 

Albany, Ward 10, 

Warland Place, from 
$0) Hanover, Ward ¥. 

Warner Ave., fr. Har- 
vard, no. Wales, Wid 16 

Warren, fr. 1565 Wiash- 

ington to Dorchester 
Line. Wards 15, 14. 

Left. Rt. 
1 Washington 
2 Palmer 
20 Taber 
40 41 “Zeigler 
60 61 Dudley 
7a Glenwood 
B+ Wirren Place 
Tf Kenarearge Ave. 
105 Winthrop 
131 Clr 
131 Regent 
140 Moreland 
I41 Si. James 
1 Tolman Pluice 
182 Rockville Place 
18S Walt Avenoue 
ar Forest Avenue 
A) Montrose Avenue 
219 Mucwa Vista 
243 Stanmore [lace 
a Liinreath 
24) Copelund 
“oF Mockland 
270 Wuverley 
28 6 Chilford 
209 Dale 
ps | Wuoodlbine 
Hs Rdgewoud 
ie Lanne 
Sl Bower 
aL | Vs “wna 
wo 060 i 
407 Alunroe 
4h ile 
433 ‘Townsend 
qd Hayward 
1 Wyoming 
oH Koelin 
807 Waban 
6) Guston 
552 Blue-hill Ave, 
O35 Crawford 

Dorchester Line 
Warren Avenwe, fr'm 


Warrenton, from 97 
Nf ash. to | Ge Eliot, W'd 
Left. itt. 
2 1 Waehingion 
10 Warrenton-street 
Shawmut Ave, 
fi 53 Tremont 

Warrenton [lace 
Synagogue of Is- 
107 Faery Place 
lis 115 Ellot 
Warrenton Place, fr. 
53 Warrenton to 69 
leasant, Ward &, 
Warwick, fr. 9 Ham- 


Ward 14, 

het. ctl. 

Y 1 Hammond 
| Greenwich 

@ 49 Windsur 

62 Sierlin 

07 Cubot Place 

Si. Madison Square 
bai Marble 

14! 141 Kuggles 
Washburn Place, fr, 
74 Charter, Ward 2. 

Washington, fr. Dock 
Bq. to fynehon, Wards 
4,5,8,9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15. 

1 Ltrattle 
a Wileon Lane 
1 Cornhill 
| i Court 
no Stile | 
| Old Stute House 
(is State 

7h Cormlilll Court 
A? Court Aveniwe 
Ww Williams Court 
Spring Lane 
15 Scliool 
Old South Church 

149 Harvard Piace 
174 Province Court 
Ik} Ordway Place 
205 Bromfield 



| 291 Lowell Institute 

eutral Court 

700 Winter 

401 Temple Place 


200) Bedlord 
02 Sullolk Place 
2th Norfolk Place 

7 West 
Chickering Place 
M45 Harlem lace 

I4 Berkel’y. at the Ch'ch, | d46 Hayward Pinace 

to Columbus Avenue, aah } DibECT RY UrVICE 

Wards 0, 10, 11. = (Globe Theatre b'ld 
Left, Ht. 474 Fase Xx 

” 1 Herkeley 187 Aver 

(4 63 Clarendon 401 Fayette Court 
128 127 Dartmouth 407 Bumetead Klock 
15s Baldwin Chorch 431 Boylston 
14 143 Weet Canton #5 Boylston Market 
IAs Weet broukline 500 Boylston Square 
a2 Pembroke $04 eweli 
20 Weat Newton 523 La Grange 

2 Columbus Avene | 644 Keelind 
Warren Plince, from i47 Eliot 

H+ Wurren, to Pevear | 52 Hurvurd 

Pince, Ward 14, | 570 Dix Flace 
Warren Place, from | 580 Milner Place 

Wael. near Codman | 500 Bennet 

Ward 16, AT | Pulne Place 
Warren veins junction 617 Hollis 

Merrimuc oo Friend, Hb Onk 

Ward 4, | 65] Common 

mond to 129 Rugylea, , 

) 174 

#5 No«asau Hall 

(02 Pine 
O77 Floral Place 
fo; Wurren 
79 Indiana 
710 745 B. & A. HR. EK, 
| ' Orange Lane 
Catholic Choreh 
Ohio Place 
Indiana Place 
Lovering Place 




244 Cherry 
Madison Place 
Siz Garland 


1765 Willinins 
117i Adame Mace 
1507 Winslow I'lace 
1817 Winthrop Ml, 

1839 Kuegles 
1RO6 Fulmer 
1ais Warren 
Lath Gray's Court 
10g Vernon 
126 huower Place 
1:4 4ilvler 
108 Guild Row 

(i 1970 Shawmut Are, 

1s Perkins Place 
2013 Washington Pl. 
“17 Allen Pluce 
2023 Hoallia Place 

ww FMutiam Place 
‘204 Suffolk Place 
2037 Linden Purk 
2052 rutham 
2065 I'erey Pince 
2074 Unitarian Ch, 
| 2074 Gay 
SOKG ' Malbon Plice 

103 Mawthorn Place | 

lua? Groton 
Ashlund Place 

1067 Medford Court 

107? Acton 
Cottage Place 
Barry's Court 

1069 Wells Place 

145 Gorham Place 

1007 Leland Place 
Ctiawa Place 
South May 

11443 Waltham 
Olive Place 

3 1188 Union Purk St. 

oa Pelham 



1275 ! Cantun 
ve Druvoklioe 
1207 We Lrookline 

Franklin Si. 

12" Hluckstone sq. 


| 1402 E. Newton 
1401 W. Newton 
cave 1429 Rutland 
1108 Cemetery 
1474 E.. Concord 
1471 W, Concord 
| 1405 Worcester 
1408 Worcester aa 
lat KE; Springtiel 

1421 W. “Springfield 
lj41 Cliveter Square 
Chester Park 
Is} Northampton 
1b Camden 
Camden llaee 
Walnut Place 
1617 Willard lace 
164) Lenox 
East Lenox 
Prescott Plice 
1653 Worcester ['l, 
1645 Clifton Fluice 
175 Derby Place 
14 Metropolit'n FL 
17) Arools 
1714 Old Roxb’ 
1721 Ball 
Wa Madison 
Hunnemun Dl, 

Nuwn 1 
1747 Champoey Pl, 
Cem, Cemetary 








2059 Klior Place 
Kilot Square 
2107 Washington Ct. 
2191 Danlow 
2150 Klng 
2157 Elmwood 
2100 Giandner 
22 2201 Pynchon 
Nate crete he continu- 
nllion of Warren to Mil- 
ton Line, Ward 16, 
| Le/t. Ft. 
0 0O Columbia 
0 Erle Avenue 
0 Hurvard 
0 Scliwoal 


Collee Court 


Clarence Place 

Melville Avenue 

Church Place 



0 hkueclud 
Welles Avenue 

0 Torrey 

0 Homer 

0 Warren Place 

0 Codinan 
Ruggles Place 

0 Grant Place 

0 Sanford 

0 Kiver 
Dorchester Ave, 

0 Baker's Court 
The Bridge 

Washington Avenue, 
from Minot, Ward 16, 

Washington Court, 
from 2107 Washington, 
Ward 15. 

Washington Park, 
from Dale, sear Walnut 
Avenue, Ward 14, 

Washington Place, 
from 2013 Washington, 
Ward 14, 

fo | 

ccd & 

ry Hine | Washington Place, 

from 457 Silver, S. B., 
Ward 7. 

jon Square 
(formerly Fort Hill), 
Oliver wn Purchase 

Water, from 1344 Wash. 
tod? Hroad, Ward 4, 
: 7 itt. 
| 1 Washington 
i 2 Devonshire 
56 45 Congress 
67 Bath 
W 105 Kilby 
Liberty Square 
4105 Batterymarch 
1 131 Broad 
Water, from Taylor to 
Fulton, Ward 16, 

“OO Taylor 

0 O Walnut 
0 High 
0 0 Fulton 

Waterford, from ©! 
Wash. to 178 Shawmut 
Arenue, Ward 10, 

Watti Court, from 219 
Ninth, §. B.,Ward 12. 

Waverley, from = 
Warren to 140) Iilue- 
hill Avenue, Ward 14, 
2 1 Warren 
a0) Perrin 

'h &1 KRlne-hill Ave, 

Waverley Place, fr. 16 

South, Ward &. 

Wary, fr. 288 Harrieon | 

Avenue to Lehigh, W'd 

Leyt. it. 

4“ | Harrison Avenue 
60 40 Albuny 

Ho 6) Lehigh 

Warne, from 5% Blue. 

hill Ave, to Maple, W'd 

Webber, fr. 1012 Har- 
rlaon Avenue to UI? Al: 
bingy Ward 15. 

Left. Re. 

» | Harrison Avenue 
18 Mall Court 

rind Fellows 
Ww Joavis lace 
5) 3) Albany 

Webster, from 24 Lewis 
to 0 sumner, E. B., 

Ward 1. 
Lert, Ri. 
2 1] Lewis 
Grand .Juoc. Eall- 
| rowd 
26 25 Orleans 
Ath Fessenden Court 
Bi 7 Coltuge 

108 Terraee Place 
142 Seaver 
Belmont Square 
144 Lamson 
1% Alia Place 
160 Webster Place 
164 Sumner 
Webster Avenne, fr. 
474 Hanover to 20 Unity, 
Ward 2. 
2 1 Hanover 
1 Oliver Court 
3. Webster Court 
48 4h Unity 
Webster Court, from 
1 Webster ‘Ave. W'd di. 
Webster Piace, fr. 18 
Fivet, Word 2. 
Webster Place, fr. (7 
Fifth, 5. B., Ward 7. 
Webster Place, fr, 10 
Webster, E. B.,Ward 1. 
Weekes Pinace, from 

| ime 


Well, from 15 Custom- 

house St, to 1 Whart | 

Sireet, Ward 6. 
o, Custom-house St. 


Welles Avenne, from 

Whaeh,. f. Cen,, W'd 1A, 
Wellington, from 561 

Columbus Ave, tol, & 
FP. B.K., Ward 11. 

Wells Pincer, fr. lov 
Washington, Ward 10, 

Wendell, from Oliver 
fo Bread, Ward 6. 

’ | Oliver 

Ww Hamilton Alley 

“0 10 Tamillon 

SS 37 Broad 

Wendell, fr. 49 Preble 
§.8,, Ward 12, 

Wendell Place. trom | West 
al rehie, 5. 1, W'd 12. | 

Wentworth, from Nor- 

folk. opp, Cemetery to 
Torrey, Ward 10, 

| Wentworth Place, fr. 

li? Northampton, W'd 
Weasley, fr, 10 Chelsea 
to Larisa, KE. B., Ward 1. 
Wealey, fram 2) Preble 

tothe marsh, Ward 12, | 

Wesley Avenne, from 
Atlantic Avenue to thie 
Wiater, Worl 16. 

Wesley Place, fr. 255 
Ilanaver, Ward 2, 

Weat, fr. 27 Waeh. to 

4? Tremont, Ward 5. 

Lert, 2, 
2 7 Washington 
-.. Muson 

4 34) Tremont 
Weat Hrookline, from 
TAF Washington fa Tse 

Warren ‘Ave,, Wards 10, | 

Lest. Rt. 

ser Washington 

Left, Blackstone Sq. 
fi Shawmut Avenue 


at Newlaad © 
LW Shawmut Church 
4 1s Tiremout 

4 fo) Warren Avene 

West Canton, fr. 1275 
Wael), to 4 Columbus 
Avenue, Ward 10, 

Left, Ht. 

2 1 Washington 
= Canton-et, Court 
25 Cantonu-at. [lnoe 
ae 97 Sluawmut Avenue 
hm 61 Newland 

fy) (Croshy Place 

(24 127 Ivanhoe 

10 141 Tremont 

165 Montgomery 

Bildwin Choreh 
Warren Avenue 

1 Appleton 

on) Coliumbue Ave, 

West Cedar, from 457 
Cheatnut to Si Came 
bridge, Ward 6. 

2 | Chestnut 
SAcorn | 
18 11 Mouwoe Vernon 
40 3) Pinekney 
4) Ss Kevere 
TO Philips 
om steteon lace 
Loo Gilson Court 
110 109 Cambridge 

M6 17 Columbus Aven’e | 

| 70 100 Tremont 
Weet Cottage, from 


Weat Chester Park, 
fr. 781 Tremont to and 

across Columbus Ave. 

at Si. Wurd Li, 
Fert. Rt. 
Ub Tremont 

West Clarcndon, 
changed to Bucking- 
ham, 1872. Ward 9. 
West Concord, fr. 1471 
Wash. to 710 Tremont, 
Ward Li. 
Left. Rt. 
oJ 6) Waehingtoo 
7v (uimeton 
~ UY Shawmut Avenue 
li 1 Newland 
111 schoolhoase 

Stoughton to Brook 
Avenue, Ward 16, 
Dedham, from 
73) Wash. to oO Tre- 
mout. Ward 10, 
Lert, Ht. 
2 1 Washington 

fl Newland 

iS (00 Ivanlioe 

120 110 Tremont 

Western Avenue, fr. 
foot of Beacon, over the 
Milldam, to Lrookline, 
Words, 15, 

West Haven, from 77 
Newland, Ward 11. 

Westminster, from 44 
Hammond to Ruggles 
Ward i4, 

Lest. Re. 
*’ | Hammond 

11 Greenwich 
44 37 Windsor 
M 30 Sterling 
Madison Square 
wo Marble 
1i4 113 Ruggles 

Westminster Ave.., fr. 
Lit Siiwmut Avenue 
to 321 Walnot Aveiine 
Wired '4 

West Newton, fr. 1401 
Wash'n uerass Colum- 
bis Ave, Ward 11, 

Leyt. Ft. 

od Washington 

Sq. Blackstone Sq. 
iL Slinwmut Arenue 
SH 55 Newland 

01 Chi. of the Unity 
jos 107 Tremont 

Columbus Avenue 
175 Warren Avenue 

BaD. KE. 

Weston, from 127 Cabot 
to the if. H.., Ward 14, 
Lat, ft, 

) Newhern 

‘4 41 Tremont 

ds Weeton Place 

ig Windeor 

Weston Piace, from 45 
Weston, Wiurd 14, 

Weet Orange, fr. 745 
Washington, Wurd 0. 

Weat Rutland Sq,., fr. 
450 Columbus Avenwe. 
Ward li, 

Weat Springfield, fr, 
161 Washington to S62 
Columbus Ave., W'd (1. 

Left. dt. 

4 61 Washington 

100 W7 Shawmut Avenue 
Sch, Dwight Schovl 

i Shawmnt Avenve | 

Wilbur Court 




133 ea for Aged 
| cae || 
Ch. Springtield Chapel 

6180 170 Tremont 
£4 217 Columbus Avenue 

Weat Walnut Park, 
fr. 167) Slawmol Ave, 
Wharf, fr. 10! Broad to 

43 Indian, Ward 5. 
Lert. di. 
Ia Well 
Wheeler, (7 Shawmut 
Avenue, to 4] Indiana 
Place, Ward 9. 
White, ir. 0 Border, 
yr Meridian at 
400, to Trenton, Wd 1, 
White-st. P1., from 20 
White, Ward 1, 
Whitner. from Tre- 
mont. near Humetend 
Lune, Ward 15, 
Wiggin, fr.31 N. Ben- 
net to 40 Tileston, 
Ward 2. 
Wigeleaworth, from 
Tremont, nu. Francis, 
Ward 15 
Wilberforce Place, 
changed to Primus ave, 
1871, Ward 6, 
ty fr. 319 
Sumner, E.6., Ward 1, 

Willard, from 151 Lev 
erett to 70 Lowell, W'd 4. 

Willard Place, from 
1617 Wasli'o, Ward 1), 

Williams, from 1755 
Waoeh'n to 715 Shawmut 
Avenue, Ward 14. 

Left. Rt. 
! | Washington 

S) 40 Shawmut Avenue 

51 End of Street 

Williams Ave., from 
Seaver, Ward 14 

Willinune Ce, from 
Waechine'-s ') Gourt 
“quare, Ward 4. 

Willow, tr. 37 Chestnut 
to 86 Mt, Vero’n, W'd é. 

| Willow Ct., from Bow 

ton, Ward 16. 
Willow Park from 
747 Shawmut Avenue, 
Ward 14. 
Wilmot, fr'm Elmore, 
to 57 Bainbridge, Ward 

Wileon Lane, changed 

io © Devonshire (exten: 
sion), 14ar2. | 

Winchester, from 104 
Pleasant to 41 Ferdi- 
nand, Ward 0. 

| Let, Ie 

+ | Pleasant — 
10 Ss. Cedor-st, Pl, 
40 21 Churel 
40) icdyerly Place 
60 55 Verdinaud 
Windsor, frm 211 Rug. 
gles, Ward 16. 
Windsor, fr. 675 Shaw- 
mut Ave, ta 50 Cabot, 
Ward 14. 
Winfred Court, from 
sawyer, Wurd 11. 
Winslow, from 5! Eu 
listo wu Dudley, Ward 

eT, itt. 
2 1 Eustls 


11 Rentrew 
10 Palmer 
25 Taber 
4 30 Acigier 
hh oy Dudley 
Winslow Place, from 
07 Waosh'n, Ward i4. 
Winslow Place, from 
7? Chambers, Ward 4. 

Winter, fr. 200 Wash. to 
120 Tremont, Wd"s 4, 5. 


ft. Rt, 
is 1 Washington 
10 Jackzon Place 
15 Central Place 
24 Winter Plice 
54 49 Tremont 
Winter, from Haneock 
to Adums, Ward 16, 
oOChurch | 
( Highland 
O Ewist 
oO Adama 
Winter Plince, from 2 
Winter, Ward 6. 
Winthrop, fr. 50 Bae: 
erick murs to Mel 
Faria, k am 
witnona. tre 108 War- 
rn to 45 £Hlue-hill 
Ave., Ward M4. 

OLp Sonor Coton, Wasnr~qron STREET, OORNET MILK. | 
Office open from TY am.,wT Pw. On Sundays, 
from 9 to M0) ALM. 
PotTwastee, WILLIAM IL. BURT. 
Srourrany, THOMAS L. WARALAN, 
Cashier ond dssistant Peelmoster, H. S&S. ADAMS, 
Chicy Mail Clerk, JON LEWIS, 
Chief Clerk dMowey-Order Office, OMAR LORE G. 
Special Agent on Mail Pepredations, CIAULES FIELD. 
Special Agent and P.O. Fnapecter, B 
Asst. Superinteadend H.R. Mail Servier, THOMAS P. CHENEY. 
Dally Mall Arrangement. 
Southern. 7%, AM. 2 end AM. ; and on Sanday at7, FM. 
stern, &, A.M, @ied 2aod 7, P.M, 
Albany, arn on the route, | AoM., and 2 ond S, roa. 
1,5 A.M. and 3 VM. Nautucket, 
Northern Mail, 3, a.m. 11, 4.04. and 
Foretzn Mail, rin New York, day previens to salling; of 7, PM, 
When from Boston dipvet st various houre of the day of wailing. 
WHes Dre, 

Southern Mall averages 7, Aw., 41, VM. and 12 
Eastern Mall averages 7, AM. and 2 
, ASD 

Mall averages TN. = - 

Hie I “hd M., are iy, EM, 

Cuonada Mails. 
; a Canada East, 5, A.M.,and5,7.M.; West,1, 4.M., and 

Cape Cin 

Albany Mall averiges ih 
Nantucket ™“ 

CapeCod “ 

Sunday WM sile, 
A Mail l@ made up on Gander 

Mass., Fridgeport, aml New 

Pio a bir 
Charles own, Lynn, 5 1 A 

Money Orders, 

F Enot everedi “iwill be ised on deposite 
oF “Otte on — ee " na / ened ~deew - poe 

atthia® Pili 

exceeding @10,—- conte, Ulver | 

conte, Cver £N), and nolexcerding 29)—Licts, Uver 
(ver au ariel 

Tieat exceeding e0,—4) cents, 

15. 8 

thems; vie, , 12, 4, 0g, 
Collected \ boxes 
Station, Cambridge Rallienad 
hour fray 7 A. M 
Satlons af midn it 
SUNDAYS. Letters col 

ao carrier deliver 
fur at the Carriors 6 

| Winthro 

Woodville Sq,, 

fur Woreeeter and Spring 

ven, ious, Providence, 

New York City, and the South, and closes at ae cal 
Lely ig Chelsea, Cambridge, 

cents, Jdlew of Maney Onder 
Hour, fran 0, A.M. to 5 PM. 

Collection and Carriers’ Delivery. 
Letters collected from Street Towes af the hours marked upon 

at Station A., Maxhury 
Howes at the Metropolitan Hatiroad Station, 


beste a - Place, fr. 

1817 Wael 

Shawmut Ave, W'd 14, 

Says. bet. 140 
Devonshire and Otis, 
Ward 5, 

Wirth Place, from 20 

Wise Pince, from 275 
. Centre, Ward 15. 

Withi: on, from Nor- 
folk, n. Wash., Wa. 16, 
Wood, from Walnut, 
 ‘Wrred 16. 

Woodbine, fr. 325 War- 

ren to 380 Biwe-hill 
Ave,, Ward 14, 

Wood Court, fr. Wal- 
nut to Wood, Ward 14, 

Woodstock, from Mi- 
Rie Ave. to Plymouth, 
Ward 15, 

i82))6| « Blneshill 
to i Dennis, W'd 14. 

Woodward, from 3)! 

Dorchester a Dorches- | 

ter Ave., 5. B., W'd 12, | © 

Left. Ht 
12 Leeds 
ah Glover 

at ——— 

qf. CAMP. 

i, A.M, 
4 FM. 

, Midnight, 
aiid a, 2A 
4 i". Mori 12, midnight. 


Sal win, 


Lirders tf 
) atel not eacerding 1.—le 
0) anid 
nol eit 

ington to 744 | 


HAM. and apa. Malls 
chester, Harriton Square, and 
| From Neponect at) A.M. and 1-4 iM. 

BP PH matter (oweept 

Miduleces Rattenadt 
Station, agi Old State Huuse every 
toT Pr. M,, at 9). ., ond from Horse Hailroad 

Letters delivered hy carriere—Main Offiro—8, 11, 2.00, |. 
from sll hoaxes at @ and 0 PM; H 
alen from Horse Rallrond Stathone at moidnleht 

on Sunday, bat cuciery’ letiers can be called 

Vindow between 0 ood 10 A.M, jexceeding 12 oz. 

Woodward Ave.,from! Wyomin 
42 Dudley, Ward 1. arren, ' edhe 4, 
Worcester, from M01 Yarmouth, from 344 
Wash. to S18 Colum-| Columbus vahag Beige 9. 

bus Ave,,Ward 1. ~Vendall, from 417 Wa 

Left. Ret. 
| Washington rev, Ward 14, 

12 Lincoln Place Yeoman, from §78 Al- 
30 20 Shawmut Avenue) any to 116 Hampden, 
40 30 Newland Ward 14. 
12 101 Tremont Lest, Rt, 
lid 163 Columbus Avenne| * 1 Albany | 
aie et | 11 Keed's Court 
Worcester Place, 15 19 Trazk Mace 
Washington, Ward If. Chadwick Place 
Worcester Sq., fr. 148) 34 Yooman 
Washington to 790 Har-| 41 Oreliard 
rison Avenue, W'd Il, | 70 © Adame 

75 Hampden 
Yeoman Place, fr, 38 

Wordaworth, fr. ope 
to Milton, E.B, Wd l. 

| Worthin . on, changed Yeoman, Ward 14. 
to Columbus, 1873, W'd) young's Ct., from 124 

North, Ward 2, 

Zeigler, from 2 Gailld 
Kaw foe 47 Lrearborn, 

Wright's woamedy from 
“0 Broadway, 5. &., 
Ward 7. 

Wyman, from ‘HaCen- , Ward 
tie, to W eae Koxbury sit ie e Washington 
Line, Ward 15, 1 Guild Row 

man Place, fr. 11 
‘ommon, Ward &., 
Wyman Pince, fr. 255 

ain alk Ward 15. 

a 33 Warren 
Llurrison Avenue 
ej 65 Winslow 
148 )«147 Dearborn 


South End, Station A. 
Mall eent and received eve net hour from 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. 
Carriers’ delivery ; 4, 12,4 
Ollice open daily from 7 AJM, nin a "Ml. 
SUNDAY. co open from 0 to 1b Aw. 

Enst Boston, Station B. 

Mall sentand received atT ond D4 AM. al TY, band Oy Pm. 
Mee 3  elivery amd collection from boxe beyond the station, 

mae open dally from 7 A.M. to 8 ow 

SUNTATS. Office open froi 9 fo 10 AM. Carriers collect from 
fil] Lewera beryeivnad ee yaad from ata Vo. depositing in Statlon, 
box by 4 PM. ree and from Station box and boxes thence 
10 the Ferry & Gand 4 res 

South Bostail. Station ©, 
Mall sent ond received at 7 and 1045 A.M. jand2!¥, 4, anda PM 
hey: rriers delivery and collection from boars beyond the Station, 

IZ, 4.6.18, 
Pills open daily from 7 AA. to 4 fost. 

SUSpDAYS. © from Sto 10 aw. Carriers collect from 

Sil bowes hegenal Station, beginning at3 vim, depositing in Piation 

box hy 4 PM. panctanlty. and frum Station box and lowes thence 
to Boston atdand &y 

eiex teat Simtion. 
Malla gent and recelved every hour from 7 A.M. to 7 PM. 
Carriers’ dellvery, 8, Hy, 2. 4, 0, 
Office open daily from 7 A.M. to toa, 
SUNDAYS. oe open from 9 fo 10 A.M, 
Post Offices _ Ward 1a. 
DORCHESTER: Robert Vose, jr. Portmaater. 
CARE: Jerem sh danborn, jr., Poet aeter, 

ATTA PAN: Elivabeth Fisher, Puatwtatrevs, 
NEPONSET VILLAGE: Ainery C. Southworth, /etmaatar, 

After July 1, 1674, Postage to the above offices will he two cents. 
Curricrs’ Dell very Will be ostabllahed on and after that 


Maile close at the Doston P.O. foreach of the elwive places af 
spay - the Hiweton i from Der. 

Matiapan at 12 M. ood & PM. 

A regular 

Hates of Postage. 



| : a Prince ward's “ iam 6 
foonle per ounce, if pre pela, licente if unpaid, and 
lind i cents, prepaynent ree 
Traneleot newspapers, 

“Ca c Livet NM, 

icals, or any other articles of 
ppm ph pt oaks. weighing lew than 3 om I cent. 
ooke 2 cen revery Jounces, 2B pre pals alainps, 
A radisdent matter must he went in a cover thie ends or 
tides. ‘There most be oo * a communication writhen or 
pt on on the ane are ike patience, OF Reon ihe corer) z= 
ay Pn and eciinces OF ihe person fo wie It hs wn 
There inust be no paper or other thing inelowd io or with euch 
printed matter. 

Parcel Peeage—Al) articles of merchandise except Ilquids 
Hloee, Ae. (linbleto injure the malls), 2 cents for avery 2 oz, not 
Over 2 ounces leer postage, 

Ti af 

Abbott's, 370 Charles, ward 3 

Alger's, Fourth, corner Foundry, 8. B. ward 7 
en's, Suomoer, Kast boston, ward | 

Arch, 2)4 Broad, wari 5 

Aspinwall'’s Mast Yard, 410 Commercial, ward 2 

Atkins, 621 Commercial, ward 2 

Atiatitic, S) Border, wari |. : 

Atlantic Steamship, Marginal, E. B. ward 1 

Tartlett's, 601 and 411 Commercial, ward 2 

Hatehelder's, from Mt, Washington ave, ward 5 

Battery, $70 Commercial, ward 2 

Benson's, dlu Federal, ward 7 

Biake's, | street, South Moston, ward 12 

Hoole's, at Jeffries Point, Kast Boston, ward | 

Boston, Firat, 5. 4,, ward]? ; 



Jail wharf, from 200 to 246 Charles, ward 3 

Jones, 150 order, cor. Central eq, BE. &. ward 1 
Kelly's, Margina), near Jeffries, KE. 8. ward | 

| Kelly’s Marine Ruilway, near People’s Ferry, 

ward | 

—Ladd's Dock, 11 Sumner, E. B. ward 1 
~—CdLawrence's, £4) Commercial, ward 2 

Lewis, from 2!) Commercial, wurd 2 
Lincoln's, from its Commercial, ward 2 
Litehtell’s, 24 Mroad, ward 5 

Liverpool, {60 frond, ward 6 

Lombard, £ Webster, near Lewia, E. . ward 1 
Long, 240 State, ward 4 
Loring’<, 15¥ Sumner, E. G. wari 1 

ward 1 Lovejoy's, Ik! Conseway, ward ¢ 

Boston Dye Wood & Clemilea) Co.*s, 312 Border, Maine, 46 broad, ward 5 

Boston Fire Brick Co,'s, 65 to di4 Federal, wd. 7 
Bowker'’s, border, opp, Central sq. E. B. ward | 
Brooke's, foot of ©, south Huston, ward 7 
Browii's (South), from 244 Uroad, ward & 
Brown and Lovell's, 04 Sumner, KE. Bb. ward | 
Bullard’s, 278 Albany, ward 10 

Burnham's, Ninth, oor, OM) arbor, ward 12 
Caleta, 418 Federal, ward 7 | 
Carlton's, 1/9 Sumver, Kast Boston, ward | 
Central, from In lia, foot Milk, wards 4, 5 
Chelsca Ferry, foot of Hanover, ward 2 

City, 16 Commercial, ward 4 

Ulapp's, from 620 Commercial, ward 2- 

Clark and Leatherlwe's, Lehigh, opp. Way, ward 7 

Clark's wharf, f. New, i. Sumner, &. B. ward | 
Cliftan’s, Border, cor. Maverick, E. B. wurd | 
Comey's, 400 Commercial, ward 

Commercial, 17 Commercial st. ward 2 
Conley's, First, near Dorchester, S$. 8, ward 12 
Constitution, 411 Commercial, ward 2 

Jook, Jordan, & Morse’s, Harrisun ave. ward 10 
Cowdin's, Albany, toot of Troy, ward 7 

Oralts, 26 Dorchester ave,, ward 7 

Crosby's, from 615 Coimmerclal, ward 4 
Crowley's, 10) Coudor, Nast Boston, ward 1 
Cunard, Margion|, opp. Orlewns, E. is, ward 1 
Curtis's, from 250 and 252 Federal, ward 6 4 
QCurtio’s, Border, n. White, East Hoston, ward 1 
Cushlog’s, Lehigh, near Federal, ward 7 
Darton's, Horder, foot Lexington, E. B. ward 1 
Derby's, next west of Cragie's bridge, ward 4 
Dillaway's, fuot of Sumuer, o. New, E. B, ward I 
Doltieure's, 465 Broad, ward 7 

Drake's, 40 Federal, ward }  e, 
KE, Boston, fr'm ferry to Webster wif, E, Th. ward 1 
Fnst-Hostun dey dock, 0 burder, E. B. ward 1 
Einat-lhoaton ferry, Kuster avenue, Ward 2 
Euatern-packet pier, 19 Commercial, ward 2 
Eustern K. i. wit, Marginal, opp. Orleans, ward 1 
Emery’s, from 28s Federal, ward 7 

European wharves, Marginal, ward | 

Farwell, 444 Federal, oext 5. B. bridge, ward 7 
Ferry, out Lewis, Rast Boston, ward | 

Fiske's, 4) Commercial, ward 2 

Fletcher's, 225 Causeway, ward 2 

Furt Will, 24 Broad, waril $ 

Foster's, 162 and 170 Browl, ward 6 

Francis, 25 Wederal, wari | 

(ins Co.'s, from 263 Commercial, ward 2 
Glendon, Eagle, fout Trenton, £.B., ward 1 
Goodnuw's, 24 Causeway, ward 2 

Googin's, Bagle, nedir Gas Works, E. B, wari 1 
Grand Junction, Marginal, ward 1 

Gray's, &) Commercial, ward 2 , 
Guttersou's, Lehigh, corner Albany, ward 7 — 
Hall's, 170 Border, n, Central sq. bh. B. ward 1 
Harm and Pipers, 42 Albany, ward 7 

Harris, 440 Commercial, ward 2, 

Harris's, 150 Brow), ward 5 | 

Haywarid's, fr. Shaving, rear $04 Federal, ward 
Hobbes, 200 Federal, ward 5 

Holbrowk aud Dillon's, 2 Mroad 

Hoppin’s, Charles, on. Cambridge bridge, ward 6 
Hosplial, from 276 to WH Cliaries, ward 4 
Howe's, 4? Federal, ward 7 

Howe's, 6 Sumoer, kK. BW. ward 1 

Hubbard's, from is) First. ward 12 } 
India, from 120 Broad and 61 Lludia street, ward 6 
Tngeérsoll’s, 554 Commercial, ward 2 

Odjorne’s, opposlre 8 Sumner, EW. ward 1 
Old Colony, 4d? Foundry, 5. Bb. ward 7 
Old-liurhor wharf, foot of Old-larbor st, ward 12 

Otis's, from 1048 Hrogd, ward § 

| Philade 
| Pierce’s, Sixth, neur P, South Moston, ward 12 

Young's, 110 Condor, n, 

Martin's, 1 Federal, ward 7 

Mason's, from Commercial, ward 10 

Matthews, from 481 and 480 Commercial, ward 2 
Maverick, f Suwiuer, on. People’s Ferry, ward | 
Mayo’s, from New, corner Sumner, E.G, ward 1 
Melkiuy's, Border, near Kagle, BK. Bh. ward 1 
Mercantile, fr, Ciinton to Phila Packet plers, wd. 2 
Merrili & Edmaiwl's, Mt Wash. avenue, ward 7 

| Monk's, from First, South Noston, wart rj 

Munun's, £4 Federal, ward 7 
Nickersou"s,( A.) order, n. Lexington, ward 
. sow, o. Sumner, bE. ward 1 

Packard's, 2)6 [hrow), ward 5 

Parkman's, from 276 to 404 Charles, ward 3 
| Peari-street wharf, 24 Troad, ward 5 

People’s Ferry wharl, 5 Sumner, ward 1 
Perry's, 00 Lehigh, ward 7 | 
iphia Pucket pier, 117 Commercial, ward 2 

Plonecr Dry Dock, next O'ris’s wharf, ward 5 
Piper's, 225 Federal, ward 5 

Pope's, 220 Albany, foot of Troy, ward 7 

Pope's, 28¢ Harrison avenoe, ward 7 

Prentice’s, “4 road, ward 5 

Kaymond’s, 10 Leverett to Livingston st. ward 3 

| Tich’s, 440 Commercial, ward 2 
| iKtipley's, 475 Commercial, ward 2 

Koby's, “0 Couseway, ward 2 

Howe's, }H Broad, ward 5 

Rossin, 2 and 412 Broad, ward 6 

Surgedt's, 2) Commercial, ward 2 

Shackford & Co.'s, Horder, n, tt, Lexington, ward 
Simpson's dock, fr. Marginal, 0. Jeilries, ward 1 
Slate, from 420 Commercial, ward 2 

Suelling’s, Allany, foot E. Canton, ward 10 
Snow's whurves, fr. Mt. Washingion ave, ward 7 
South Bay, #2 Warrison avenur, ward | 

Spears, 24 Hroad, ward 5 

Stetson's, foot 1, cor, First, ward 12 
Sturtevant's, order, foot Eotaw, FE. BA. ward 1 
Summer siree!, foot of Summer, wird § 

T, opens trom 44 Long wharf, ward 4 

Taylor'a, 426 to (M0 Charles, ward 3 

Thompeoan's, 627 Commercial, ward 2 

| Thurston's, from Foundry street, 3. 0, ward 7 

Tirrell’s, 4H Federal, ward 4 
Tileston's, 2 lirowd, ward & [wd.1 
Tilton & Cowdin's, Albany, 4th South of Dover, 
Tuft’s, foot of Webster. E. is. ward | 
Union, from it Commercial, ward 2 
Vinal's, Lh) Charles, wurd 4 
Vinal’s, Commercial .upp. Charter, ward 2 
Wales's, 272 Federul, ward 4 
Word's, Sixth, near i’, Ciry Moint, ward i2 
Warren's, from 410 Marginal, ward | 
Way's, 450 Federal, ward 7 [ward 1 
Weeks’s (John), horder, opp, Central square, &. ih, 
Weeks *s (Eben), ) Summer, &. i. ward 4 
Whidden's dock, Sumocr, h. New, & LD. ward j 
Whittier’s, Albany, opp. Raudolpi, ward i 
Whorfs’, Jeflries, corner Maverick, Kb. 6. ward 1 
Winvisimmet Ferry, north end Wanover, ward 2 
Wooley's, 17 Coudor, Eust boston, ward 1 
Young's, 45 Commercial, ward 2 

the bridge, KE. DB, ward 1 




Allston Fall, 118 Tremont, ward 4 

American Hall, Sanford, near Wash, ward 16 
Association Hall, 124 Hanover, ward 4 
Atheneum, junction, Cottage and Pleasant, wd 16 
Bay State Hall, Washington, cor, Boylston, ward 5 
Bennington Hall, Bennington, near Central sq. wdl 
Bowdoin Hall, bowdoin square, ward 4 

Boylston Hall, over foylston market, word § 
Bracke.t's Hyll, 400 Washington, ward 5 
Broadway Hall, 220 broadway, ward 7, 

Buistead Hall, Central place, ward 4 

Caledunia Hal), Jo Washington 

Ciauney Hall, d4 Essex 

Chester Hall, 1457 Washington, ward 1! 

City Hail, School street, ward 4 

Codman Hall, 176 Tremont | 

Concord Hall, i West Concord, ward 11 

Dearburn Hall, i673 Wash. ward 14 

Dudley Hali, 27 Guild row, ward Id 

Dunbar Hall, 90 Harrison avenve, ward 13 

Eliot Hali, ot Kliot, wards 

Elmwood Hall, Oriole +t. near Walnut ave, wd. 14 
Essex dlall, Washington, corner Essex, ward 6 
Fouewil Hall, Merch. row and F. Hall «q., ward 4 
Franklin Hall, 154 Nrondway, 8. B. ward 7 
Fraternity Hall, 654 Washington, wari 4 | 
Freemasons’ all, Tremont, cor. Boylston, ward 5 
Frieudsehip Hall, Bowdoin, n. Geneva, ward 16, 
Gray's Lull, 610 Broudway, ward 12, 

Guild Hall, Guild row, ward 14 

Hampelire Hall, His Washington, ward 6 

H lghin nd Hall, /91 Warren, cor.Waloul ave, wd. 14 
Hurticultural Hall, 100 Tremont, ward 4 
Hyspitalier Mail, 0) Washington, ward 6 
Hutchineon’s Hall. Forest Hill avenue, ward 16 
Inetitute Hall, 115 Dudley, ward 14 

Jenkins Hull, 44 Broadway, wurd? 

Jolin A. Andrew Hall, Chauney, cor. Essex, wd 4 
a oerney aes baker's Hall, Gi Pitts, ward 4. 
Kennedy Hall, vl Warren, ward 14 

Kue+uth Hall, WS? Tremout, ward 15 

| Maverick Hall, order, cor. 
Melonian, Tremont Temple, ward 4 
| MinotHall, West Springtield, cor, Wash. ward 11 

| Lowell Inatitute, rear 21 Washington, ward 4 

Luriine Hall, $ Winter, ward 4 
Lyecum Hall, broadway, cor. E, 8, B. ward 12 
Lyocum Hill, East, cor. Winter, ward 16. 

Jasonle Hall, june. Adams and Dorche’r ave, wd. 16 
Musonle Hall, Central squire, E.B., ward 1 
Mattupan tall, 461 Broadway, ward 12 

Mav.rick. wird 1 

Mt.-Vernon Hall, Portland, cor. sudbury, ward 4 

| Music Hall, Winter street, ward4 

Mystic Hall, 01 Hanover, ward 4 

Nassau Hull, Washington, cor. Common, ward § 
New Era Hall, 176 Tremont 

HQukliond Hall, River, corner Oakland, ward 16 
udd- Fellows’ Hall, 545 Washington, ward 5 

| Odd Fellows Hall, Tremont, cor, Berkeley 

Park Street Hail, Park, cor, Exchange, ward 16 
Perkins Hall, 150 Washington, ward 11 

Quiney Mall, over Faneuil-hall market, ward 4 
tedman Hull, 561 Washington, ward & 

Kitehie Wall, Maverick square, E. 6. ward 1 
spring Hall, Albany, corner Webber, ward 13 
Stacy Hall, 46 Washington, Ward 4 

Sturtevaot Hall, Maverick square, E. fh, ward 1 
Summer Hall, Elbow street, &. B. ward 1 
Temple Hall, 18 Boylston | 

Templars’ Hall, 400 Washington, ward & 

Towh Hall, Washington, c, Norfolk, ward Id, 
Tremont Temple, #2 Tremont 
Tuckerman Hall, Washington, cor, Dover, ward 10 
Union Hall, Haneock, near Columbia, ward 16 
Waolt’s Hall, 300 Broudway, ward 2 

Warren Hall, South, cor, Neach, ward [ward 12 
Warhinygton fall, june. Dorch. ave. and ‘Dorchester 
Washington Hall, Maverick square E WB. ward 1. 

Washington Hall, 34 Blackstone,cor, Hanover,wd.2 

Webster Hall, 06 Washington ward 13 
Willitias Market Hull, le We sh, ward 10 
Wood's Hall, Walnut, c. Wiod, Neponset, wd, 16 


Athenzum, Beacon, near bowdoln, ward 4 
Bueun'’s buildings, i) Wash, ward 14 

Hiurristers’ Hall, 7 Court square, ward 4 

Bavterman block, Lincoln, cor. Essex, ward 6 
Kickum’s block, foot Knox, ward 9 

Blnuchard's block, Court, hear Hunover, ward 4 
Braaer’s building, 27 Stare, cor. Devonshire, ward 4 

Kutostead block, rear 400 Wash, ward 5 

Cliupman block, Chapman, ward 

City building, 21 Court square, ward 4 | 

City Exchange, 12 and 14 Devonshire, ward 4 

Colunmbla building, & Columbian, ward 5 

Columbus block, lvl Eliot, ward 6 

Commercial block, Com’'l, cor, Kichmond, ward 2 
lommonwealth block, 1411 Washington, ward 11 

Cominental Block, 1111 Washington, ward 10 

Coulidge building, Bowdoin équare, ward 4 

Court House, US. 140 Tremout, ward 6 

Court House, 26 Court st, and square, ward 4 

Cox bullding, Dadley, cor, Kartiett, ward 14 

Custom House, India, corner “tate, ward 4 

Custom House block, 177 St: te, ward 4 

Liayton block, 40 Fourth, ward 12 

Denu’s block, 1b43 Wash, ward I4 

Diumond block, 1407 Weaeh. ward L4 

Dudiey block, Dadicy, cor, Guild row, ward 14 

Duncan's block, bet. Third and Holton, n. Bb, ward? 

Essex building, lf Exsex, ward 5 7 

Exchange building, V5 Wash, ward |4 . 
Free Masoos tiall, Tremont, c. Boylston, ward 6 
Globe Theatre building, 46 Washington, ward 6 
Gure blo. k. Green, coroer Pitts, ward 4 

Greenleaf block, Caseoova place. ward 0 
Greeowan' block, Hrondway, co. Emerson, ward 12 
Hall’a bli ck, IS7Y Wash. ward 14 

Hishbern block, North, cor. Barrett, ward 2 
lLivimes block, Haymurket square, ward4 (wd. 

Iustituie of Technology, Boyleion, o. Berkeley, | U 

Jalil, Charles, pear foot of Cambridge, ward 6 
Joy's building, 81 Washington, ward 4 

Lawrence block, Wash. cur. Kneeland, ward 8 
Lawrence pulling Tremont, corner Wat, ward 5 
Leaity block, Sixth, pear D, ward 7 

Liberty tree bluck, Wash, cor, Essex, ward § 
Lincolu block, Lincoln, near Easex, ward 5 


State House Beacon, cor, Mount Vernon, ward 6 
Studio bulidia 

Lunatic Hospital, First, near M, ward 12 
Madison bluck, ;U4 Wash, ward 10 
Mariners’ Exchange, Lewis, cor, Com'l, ward 2 

| Marston's block, rear 63 Fifth, ward 7 

Medical College, North Grove, ward 3 

Merchant Hauk building, 24 State, ward 4 

Merchants Exchange, 55 State, Ward 4 

Mince buildings, Court, head Sudbury, ward 4 

Me nk's building, 8 Congress square, ward 4 
Nataral History Soclety building, Berkeley, cor, 
Boylston, ward 0 

| New-England block, Blackstone, ward 4 

Newman's block, 112 Pleasant, ward 9 
Niles block, 63 school, ward 4 

| Niles’ building, "Change avenue, ward 4 

Old State House, Washington, bend of State, wd, 4 
Peterboro’ block, Uilea, near Kneeland, ward 7 
Pratt's block, Taylor, ward i 

Kailroad block, Lincoln, cor, Beach, ward 7 
Kallroad Exchange, Court square, ward 4 
Richards’ block, 1544 Washington, ward 11 
Rialto, 6? Devonshire, ward 4 

Robinson's building, Field's cor, ward 16, 

Savings Bank bldg. Maverick square, EK. B. ward f 
Sears buiiding, Washington, cor. Court, ward 4 
Shoe & leather Bxchange, 45 Hanover, ward 4 
Sidney building, Unionw Mark, mn. Albauy, ward 10 
§ block, LIS Dudley, w 1 

: f, Tremoot, cor. Hromileld, ward 4 
Tasker Block, #78 Dorchester avenue, ward 16 
Thorndike building, State, cor. Congress, ward 4 
Traveller building, 41 State, ward 4 
Tremont Temple, 7s to sd Tremont, ward 4 
awemier rear of Kiver, near Engine house 
Union building, 40 State, ward 4 

» 3. Warehouse, Union wharf, ward 2 
Van Kensseluer block, Tremont, cor Van Kengse. 

laer place, ward 8 

Washington building, 221 Washingto 

Vi gion building, 221 Was rard 
Han ay son Sgt \ =e ward 13 2 vines 
Wiethrop block, Mac erick square, E, 1, ward 
Winthrop bloc! , 121 Wash. ward 4 ' 


Waun L. All that part of the city called East Howton, and all 
the lalanibe li tiie arto. 

Watt 2. Beyluniig at the water at Warren bridge; thence 
by the contre of ihe dvenie eo Warren bridge ty Cause- 
way atireet, thewog by the cenire of Cauenway atrewt to Haverhill 
atreet |; Wichow Uirgagh ihe eevtre of Llavernlil etree: to Hay- 
Markel epudre; teen across Maymarket eyware tu the centre 
of Diackewue « reety Wiebce by ibe ceatre ui Ajackelige street 
fe Clinton atree:) ioeicte by te Ceatre of Cijnteo ateeet, and by 
Slice in ihe seme direction witn Clintom atreet to the water; 
theaer by the waren to toe polot of beginning, | | 

Wate i. Begioniog at the water ai the easterly end of Cam- 
bridge bridge, Givwee by the centre of Camlvidge street to Stani- 
fur reel) inwoce by tine contre of Staifiirnd street tu Uirwen af. ; 
theace by tie contro of tineen street te Leverett street; thetice by 
the centre of Leverett street to Cuuseway atreet; theooe by the 
centre of Cage way etreet tua line un the wortheriy side of the 
Fitehhurg oh 
Gremkand co tang ivvvnd ing. : ; 

WaAthe ad Jesiouing at the water at the ond of Clinton atreet; 
thence ly Mie eonter oF Ciinton atreet ta Miichatune at; thenee 
By Cina ry Hagketane etroet lu laviiirked ayuare; thence 

tro of PLivoralil strwel to Causeway eleee!; tienes by tae ceotre 
of Causeway airoct to Leverett street; tieate by the centre of 
Leveretl street to Uireen atreet; thence by the couire of Green sf. 
te Saeed erect; thence by the courre of Staniford etreet to 

Cambridge steer); theac: by the oontre of Cambinlge mirect to. 

Tempio stvewi, Cienee by Lhe contre of Temple etreet aed Mr. 
Vernon street te Mark atreet> Lovuce ty the @utre of Park street 

ta ‘Treeont etroet; Inenwoe bythe create of Tremont etreet to] 

Winter street; thewer by the coutre of Wioter street tu Washing- 
fon sive!) thence by ihe centre of biome oy ne etme te Mik 
rect; ibeiwe by (he ceptee of MUk erect to dodja street; lheoee 
scree Lidia atret bv @ straight line ta the waler on the south 
Bde of Central wiaity thence by the wiler to the polnt of be- 


Watt 4, Beglining at the water on the eouth elde of Contral 
WhOlT) Hionew dered Elio wereet Ly ae weralwit dine tee Milk wt. ; 
thence hy the denice of Alike street te Washing strerd; thence 
by the Cow of Washiagion strat to Whiter street; theoace lay 
the coutre of Wiuter aineet ta | 
treat Tronnl eirewt to Boylston etreet, theace by the centre of 

Buyetin deed to Washington etrect; Uhenre by the centre of | 

wean lasing Meret to Beech wtreet; Lene by the ceutre of 
Beals alivwt bis Teasers sireet; thener by the ceatee af Feceral 
@revt lo Alt. Waashingtos avenue, hence he the qurtherly side of 
Bat. tape tee me Orolo ty the water, thence by the water to the 
plot of teginning. 

Wall t. Hegrining at the water af the caeterly end of Cam- 
bridge lirllge; (eer by tre cowlre of Conibrilge areet to Tein 
ple wftet) Iheview by (he centre of Teaple amd Mt Vernon ste. 

to Pork aterri; thea by he centro al ‘ork sleetta Treoant| b 

atroet; thonon by tin Hentee of Trent street to Boylston street; 

thanee by tw contre of Hoyiston streette Arlington atreet; tenes: 

by tie oeofre of Ariiighin etreel te Cominoiwealth avenue | 
theoce by Wie contre of Comnocuwealth aveuue ly the boundary 

il bodidery line log fortherly direction te the water; thence 

Hejl bithe wafer; and theese by the wuler to the | 

Widiehit eyddre ty Lawerk tl) eeevel, (nen? fy the eeu | 

Treiiaat street Uiewee iy the cea. | 

it hemboter’ onitig beiween Loetin and Reaboury: thence by 



to Pleasant etreet; thenee by the centre of Pleneant street to 
Withiigion atreet; Hiewee by the eeutre of Wasahligiow atreet 
to Lidigeue etreet) tdence by the centre of Ladline street to Har- 
riso avenue) Lienwee by the coutre of Harrison avenuota Fior- 
chee etree; Ihence by tie centre of Blorener street, crossing 
Washington atreet ty Coapaan street; thewen by tie centre at 
Craapiian at. 10 Tremout st; thence by the ceolre uf Tremont 
erect, crveing Kerieiey erect, to Warned ave; thence by 
the center of Warren arcuur, crosaing Columbus avenue, to 
Neewtun whrert ; mene br the centre uf Nowlon etrect tu the 
track of tee Hosten and Providence Kailroad; theoee by the 
track of the bation awd rovidence Hallroad te the boamdary 
oe beret fore cw ating betweva Hosion amd) yeabury ; ibetee by 
said Houmlary line beween Toston and Hoabury te bo junction 
Wit Uitiviiowes|{h avenue; thence by the centre of Comman- 
Wraith ayenie to Ariogton street; thence by the centro of Are 
ington atreettio Bovlatun street; und thenes hy the contre of 
Havieton atroel ty tne pointof beginning. 

WARGO W Heginulag at the juuction of Florenee atreet with 
Harden avenue; thence ir the centres of Flurence «treet, crow. 
a Mhiigton stredt, ty Chapman street) thence by the centre 
of hip «treet fo Prewiont street; thence by the centre of 
Crenont wirect, crossing Herkeiry street, to ‘Warren AVENUE ; 
thene: by the wootre of Warren avwnue to Brookiliwe «treet; 
thenes by the eentre of Brookline sary. crm lig Albany street, 
ln o direct line to the water; thence by Ue waler-iine to the 
ourtherly wide af Dower-street bridge, thence by the ceutre of 
Harries avonme to the point of Begiuning. 

Wate [). Beginning atthe buuudlary-iine heretofore existing 
between Boston acd Hoxbury on the Bosten and Providence 
Hallroad; theeee by tbe centre of the treeck of the Baten and 
Mrowvidenes blalitvmlta Newton «treat; thease ley the centre of 
Newton treet, craslaig Columbusavenue, oO Warren avenue; 
theres by the cenire of Warren avenge fo Mroeckliie street: 
thence hy the centey of Brooklloe street’, crossing Albony street, 
Ina dlicvet ie to the woler; Ihenoe by the waler te the bound- 
ary-line Weretutine oaleting between Bieton ail Hoxhiry {thee 
by enld Doundiry=liie tidied polntor beginning, 

Walhi dd Ail thet eeetian of the eity gow known fe South 
Boston, lving 
arid his ea a 

Dudley «treet by Putuam @treet; theoce hy the centre of Potoam 
street ty Shailer avewue (ag called); ier by Ihe centre of 
Shakeraveiitie (eo called) te Cabot rect; Urence by the centre 

ton wharf, to the point 

: the centre of Putinin street to wines | 

to Waskinghn ereel; thence by the contee of Wathington street tre of Dudley street tu Bartlett street; thence by the centre of 
il eli j thence: by the contre of Beach street to Albany | Bartirti street i) Shawmutavenve; thence by the centre of Lie 

reet; hag the centre of Albany «treet to Curve street; | mit avewue fo the boound -line between West Roxbury ana 
thence by the contre of Curve street to Harrison avenoe; thence | Boston; thence on «aid line between West Koabary and Bort 
by the contre of Liarrieon avenue to Indjana atreet; thence by to the boundary-line between Brookline and Boston; thence on 
the contre of Jidlana street ta Washington street; thence by the | said boundary-iine between Hrookiine an foo to the bows 
coutre hiigtee street to at «treet; thence by the | ary between Bevtin and Hostury; 

Tinie | Boestun aod Huxbury to 

v ite the point of beginning. ? | 
WAnD > Hexine ng al the contre of Carver street, atitejume-| Wat id. All thet section of the City that waa formerly 
Hon with Doyletow «treet; thenee by the centre of Car sLreet 


Ww 1 Lyman Schoolhourr, Meridian #treet. Warn 9.—Engine-houee on Choreh etreet. | 
a ae Hoom, North | ve r. 7 i) mele Schoolhouse, We Washington atreet. 
™ Wells schoolhous, , LS nuer, Concord street. 
= $—Feneuii Hall. “ 12—Dorchester treet, sear Broadway, 
*  $.—Harrison avenoe, near Esect street. a Sp hay Harnpden # 
pe 7 en Gchoolhories, Anders aircet. " betes Hal aes eee, 
a oa ‘ war, cor. — - : a LA “tt ail 
«  K—Olty Building, Warrenton street. ~ SRO Town Hall’ Washington street, Dorchester, 



Gorernor and Commander-in-Chicf, His Excellence Wittiam B. WaAsiinvEN. 
Adjutant and Jaspertor-Geneval, and Acting (hiartermaater-Gen- | Aid-de-Camp, Colonel FRANCIA W. PALER. 

eral, Major-licuom| JAMES A. COMNINGHAM, _ Ati-de- Comp, Colonel WILLIAM F. BARTLETT. 
deiatant Ad /wtaw-General, Culouel Issac Fo KRONGaMUnY. Aid-de-Camp, Colonel WILLIAM B. STORE. 
Surgews-Genoral, Brigadier-General WILLIAM J. DALY sidde-Caomp, Colunel GEORG RirLey, 

Jimcent Surgeen-Genoral, Colcocl Asoo P. Hooknn. 

First Battalion of Cavalry. 
Lirutenon!-(lenel, Jolin H. Roberts. Major, George Curtis, 

First Battalion of Light Artillery. 
Major, Dexter H. Follett, of Boston. Adjutant, Brownell Gran — 
ddjiient, Ldeand ©. Colman. Gwartermader, Edward A. Os-/ ger, of Boston. Qwertermaster, 2. Foster Farrar, of Boston, — 
foul, Assistant-Sorgen, Oran G. Cilley. sarge, John PF. Ordway, of Hoston. ) . 

The Cuuwpanies of this Wattalion are: Company A, Captaln| Battery A, Captain Edwin C, Langley, of Cambridge; Battery 
Thommar W. Neal; Company B, Captain David scott, Company B, Captain Churles W. Baxter, of Boston, 

C, Captain W. Ll. Moberts; Company D, Captain Jolin A. soote. First Company of Cadets, 

Caplain, Lieutenant-Colone) Francie W. Pallroy. Piret Liew, — 
Major Thomas F. Edniands, Sasign, Major Jeremiah Abbott, 
Mire Litwtetant and Adjutant, —— . Piret Lientenant afd 

juanermaster, Charles E. sete Surgeon, Dr. LW. Joy Jettries, | 

First Kegiment of Infiotry. 

Colonel, Henry W. Wilson, of Boston. Liewienant-Colonel, Al~ 
fred N. Proctor, of Boston, Majer, John MeDonough, of Rox~ 
bury. ddjuraet, Franklin G. Bixby, of Boston. QGvartermasder,| Ckwplain, Key. §. K. Lothrop, D. 

Ww ter Hl. Sivewris, jr, of Newton. Sr yeUn, George [. Porkine, ‘Tale Corpa is organized to drill az a Battalion, and haa the fol-— 
of Boston. Assitant-Suryeon, Abiram F. Squier, of Hostoo.| lowing Company Officers: William F. Lawrence, Francis L. 
Chaplain, Williaa U1. HW. Murray, of Boston. Higginson, Charlies P. Horton, William E. Perkins, John D. Par | 
a ker, jr., cach with the rank of First Liculenant. 
Alnth Kegimenot of Infaniry. - 

Colonel, Bernard F. Finan, of Boston. Licutenent-Cofene Wil-| fen following Military Company consists mainly of Officers 
lian M. Strachan, of Boston. Mayer, Lawrence J, Largan, of |” ative Militia: | 

er corps of t 

eee. ea we neg a RSE eee wa aie Ancient ond Honorable Artillery Company. 

Sader, Jape’ liuw lig, on, Forgeon, Archi » Al = - - =. to ect iall EF a 

Bonidy of Boston. dinisant-Surytom Tames A Maou of] OVFHERS YOU 2 and 13 Cepadn, Capialit Ealwand W-| 

Lbaremowa, Chaplain, 7 Colonel Jarvis D. Brainan. ddjwtanl, Captain Lara J, Truth 

First Battalion of Infantry. Fira dergeant, Captain Bbeo KR. Frost. Second devgeond, Captain 

Sanne) . Third Serpevat, ' Halon HH. Plekett. | 

Major, ——. Ailpatend; Hobart 32) U Beas ot Hoteet.| aren ccarenee Caan nth Seta pee Wan | 

fourth Sergeant, Captain Andrew G. Sinith, Lr Sergeant, im, 
Sodse of Boon Thompson, of Boston, Surgeon, Jouves LW.) R, Bennett Sizeh Praaniad, Sergeant Albert fg at Seventh 
“, of Boston. 

Sergeant, Warren 5. Davis. Biyth Serpent, Thotias Ht. Jordan. 
Second Buattolion of Infantry. | 

Ninth Sergean!, Captain Eugene Il. Sompacn. Feath Sergeant, 

7 Captain Davis w. . Treavurer and Paymaster, Captain 

Major, Lewle Gaul, of Boston, Adjiftant, Willlam G. Butler,|John G, Hobertls, Clerk and Assidant Puymostir, Lieutenant 

of Busion. Goarterwiister, Inte W. Somers, of Boston, Sur-| George HoAllen. Quortermaser, Captain Charles &. Lambert. 
geon, James ‘T. Still, of Boston, Armeorer, Captain Richard Al. Barker. 

D.0,BALCOM, Superintendent, - - - Office, 24 Pomberton Square. 


L. Front of Merchants’ Bank, State Street. 


. Front of Merchants’ Exchange, State Stree ; 
2. Corner of Water and Washington Streets. ii. State louse. : 

c. Pembortou Square. 14, Merchants’ Now, corner of State Street. 
4. Clarendon Muuse.* M4, Athbenwum, Beacon Street. _ 

- Liberty Syuare, ie. Corner of Ariington and Beseon Streets. 

Corner of Aik ame wean Streets, | 7. Washington, corner of Franklin Strvot. 
i. Corner of Sunumerand Washiogton Stretts, and cor, Weet) 28. Corner of Lindall and Congress Streols. : 
and Waahington Streets, . | 10, Opposite Horticuttural Buliding, Tremont Street, 
B. Corner Arlington ad Boylston Sts., 0nd Providence Depot. | 2 Ourner of Charice and Cheatiwit Streets. 
o Worcester De put, , 21, Scollay’s Square. , 
10. Suuthwest corner of Court aml Washington Streets, Old) 22 Atheng@uin Building, Beacon Street. 
| Sh Frontof Boyiston Market, on Washington Street, 
Prout of the Parker House, on School stirevt. 

T point in Boston North of Dover Street and cast of Borke- | Circulars delivered sccording to agreemony. 
canny point in ton Aa ver et ind cast o ree Foulare ade red aecd aap on dar, ete soa ok tn Sed 

Stute blower. 

LL. Corner of Wiuter and Tremont Streets. 

ley Street, 15 cents; with return Letter or Parce!, 25 conta. Extra Messengers for half a 
To any point in Boston, south of Dover Street (uld clty limits),| perintendent a Office. 
cents; wlth return Letter or Parcel, 3) cents. , *“Alcseenger No. 4 has cardia with printed Tariff for hle Statlon. 
To East or South Boston, Charlestown, Cambridge, Highlands, | Complaints, from any cadse whatever, made to the Sujerimftend— 
or ay ituat of Boston ly Sr per hour. vot, at bid Uifice, 4 Pemberton squary, wilerure poy ab 
g Carriages, Lxprcas, kc. 10 eaats. | tention, 



. : FOR MEN AND BOYS, No. 15, Swett Street, South Hay, 
No. 1, Wost Moston Bridge, foot of Cambridge Strect. 16. Commmetctal Point, Dorchester. 
2. Croigie’s Bridge, foot of Leverete Strect. Wi. Maverick Street, Enst Doston, 
J. Chartes Kiver Bridge, near Causeway Street. 
f. boat Dostow Sectlonal Dock, Border Street. POR WOMEN ANT GTTELS. 
i. Federal street, Hridge. 4. Warren Bridge, near Causeway Street. 
BML. Waahiigton Avenue Bridge, near Fileral Street. (1. East Boston, Sectional Dock, ib Doindlue Stroot. 
10, South Horton, foot of L Street, Dorchester Hay. . ui Boston, footof Broadway. 
1. Dower Street Bridge, at South Plier. M2. Lower Street, at South Pier. 
Lt. Cabol Street, Boston [iglands: it. Cabot Street, Boston LU ighlenide. 
The Bathe will be opened daily, from June Ifo Sepieniber ), as follows :— 
Week Daya, a x = . 7 a Pl A 4... Gi tw. Woek Dara, a = it “ = i i} AM. to fF MeL 
Somaya, = # a = a = = = 5AM. to i - Minlaye, = * + # Fy x ii ,M. fa} ‘ur, 

Boys and girls under fifteen yoare of age shall od he sdrolite 
to the Bathing-houses after six o'clock iM. anil the dectatou 4 
the superintendent sgalust mimiesion abel] by foal. 

All the Bathe wil) be clowed br lo clock, r.a., on week dara, 
and by 9M o'clock A.M, on Sundays , 

__W. B, SEARS, 

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SURPLUS weow, $3,122,323.74 

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Special Agent for New England, 

W. B. SEARS, Agen 



Fireman’s Fund Ins. Co., 




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(Fireman's Fund Ins. Co.'s ullding, 5.W. cor. California and Sansom Sta, San Francleco.) 


| —— SSS = ———— 

CAPITAL (in cou com, $300,000.00 
Assets, (dan. 1, 1873, "5 $619,221.48 


BostTonx, Dee, 15, 1872. | i 
CapT. W.B. SEARS, AGENT, 30 Devonshire Sireet, Bostox, 
DEAR Sirf, —In recognition of the very courteous and business-like"manner In which our losses by the 
great fire of November (th and 10th were adjusted and settled by the officers of the Fireman's Fund Insur- 
ance Company of California, whose policies it was our good fortune to hold, we take pleasure in inviting you J 
to use our Dames as references. 


Very truly yours, | 


_W. B. SEARS, Agent. | 


ABBREVIATIONS. — Av. arenue; ct, court; lL, lane; pl. place; st. street; b boards; h. house; bet. be 
fween; ¢. corner; nh, near; M, A, Model House; B, A, Boston Highlands, 

nAnONS LOUIS, cigar maker, 1 Jones blk., Col- 


Aaroneon Aaron, tailor, 118 Sumner, h. 6 Havre 

Auronson Adolph, salvsman, 145 Hanover, h. $0 

Aaronson Morrla, peddler, h, 25 Sheafe 

Abbe Frederic I. Kev. bh. Pleasant, c. Pearl, wd. 14 

Abbe James E. bh. 232 West Canton avenue 

Abbe William B. 14 Humilton, bde. 49 Columbua 

Abbenzeller peed gt bootmaker, house River, near 

_ Fremont, ward 16 

Abbot Andrew, mason. 87 Portland, h. 44 Poplar 

Abbot Andrew A. 152 Wash bia. 44 Poplar 

Abbot Caroline H. widow, h. 40 Slierman 

Abbot Downing Co. curriage mauuf. 32 Broad 

Abbot Edward A. treus, Albot Downing Co, 32 
Broad, house 74 Deacon , 

Abbot Edwin H. (Abin ¢! Jones), lawyer, 18 Pem- | 

berton aq. h. at Cambridge 

towdvin aquare 

Abbott Elijah B. house 1689 Washington 

Abbott Ezra, building mover, house 41 Curve 

Abbott Ezra B B. clerk, 110 North, bds. 69 Kendall 

Abbot Fletcher ML.boards 6 Ariington 

Abbott Florence, laborer, h. 550 E. Second 

Abbott Frank, hackman. bds 4 Taymarket place 

Abbott George. real estate and auctioneer, 10 State, 
 fouse 12 E. Brookline 

Abbott George, boards 2) Edinboro’ 

Abbott George E. draughtsman, 12 Pemberton aq. 

honse al Keadine 

|) Abbott George E. tireman, house 4 Riverside 

Abbott George H, house 1541 Washington 

Abbott Guetavos, 3!) Devonshire, house at Newton 

Abbott Henry KR. ¢ J. WW Moore G& Co.) 22 Church 
and 1525 Washington, i. 20 Pleasant 

Abbott Hollis E, secretary Builders’ Mutual Insor- 
ance Co. 26 Devonshire, house 420 Dudley 

. Abbott H.C. conductor, tda. 142 Northampton 
Abbot Eugene B. lumber agent, 14 State, boards 7 

Abbott Isnae F. f Fenno, Abbott, jf Co.) wool com. 
25 Broad, bds. U.S. Hotel 

Abbot EL. messenger Continental Bank, Chauney, | Abbott Jaco & Co. woud and coal, 370 Charles, 

eor. Bedford, bla. 18 Asliburton place [70 State | 

house 20 Minot 

Abbot Frederick ( Mage, Richardson, fUo.), banker, | Abbott James, laborer. house 2 Everett pl. E. B, 
Abbot George W. & Co, commisslon merchants, 21 | Abbott James E. & Brother ( Moves A.J, grocers, 

. Central wharf, bouse at Cambridge 
Abbot Harry J. clerk, 47 North, bia. 4 Hanover 
Abbot Henry W. if Derter, Abbot, Co.J, com, mer, 
80 Chaaucy, h. 11 Commonwealth avenue 
Abbot John F. (AbLot« Cushing). flour and pro- 
duce, 49 Commercial, house at Somerville 
Abbot Matilda C. Mra. h. 00 Mt. Vernon [Dark at. 

Abbot Robert B. clerk, 174 Hanover. b. 27 Union | 
Abbot Samuel J. clerk, 54 Central whf h. 87 Tyler | 

Abbot Samuel L. physician, h. 0) Mt. Vernon 

Abbot Walter. laces, T4 Hanover, h. OF Warren ave, 

Abbot William E. house Blue-hill avenue, pear 

 Tlarvard, ward 16 a, i 

Abbot& Cushing (Join FP. dbbotand Job Cushing), 
flour and produce, 49 Commercial — 

Abbot & Jones (kiwin A. Abbot and Leonard A. 

ones), lawyers, 1) Pemb, sq. 7 

Abbott Abiel, lawyer, 10 Merchants Exchange, h. at 
Watertown , x 

Abbott Alba, carpenter, bouee 65 Village 

Abbott Albion F. piano worker, h. 47 Northfield 

Abbott Alfred, clerk, & Winter, bds. 1061 Wash. 

Abbott Alvin, millwright, 100 Lewis, house at 
Chester, N. H. 

Abbott Ambrose H. stairbuilder. h. 200 Northamp- 

Abbott Andrew J, painter, house 66 Myrtle 

Abbott Authony, house 6 Denton _ 

Abbott Asn, North Andover Ex, § Court square 

Abbott Bradbury B. clerk, 208. Market, boards 5 
Hanover | 

Abbott B.C. cabinet maker. house 270 Brondway 

Abbou Chas. E. lawyer, 47 Court. h. at Malden 

Abbott Charles F. (Abbot of Richardaons,), boots 
and shoes, 16 Portland, h. at Brookline 

Abbott Charles H. 1 Central whf. h. at Lowell — 

Abbott Charles W. cotton and wool Uroker, 32 India, 

house at Reading 

Abbott Curtle (Lynde ¢ Abbott), lawyer, 68 Corns 
hill, bds, 6 Berkeley ane Charlestowo 

Abbott C. B. watches and clocks, MeN h. 

Abbott Duvid H. 387 Wash. hi. at Charlestown 

Abbott Edward, editor “Congregntionall+t.” 6 Cong, 

House, Beacon, cor. Somerset, h. at Cambridge 

Abbott Edward T. 91 Summer, house at Lynn 
Abbott Edwin, clerk, 52 Commercial, house at Au- 


ton | 


ce a ec 

110 Pleasant and 74 Church, h. 76 do. 

Abbott James §. saleaman, 74 Chauncy, boards 401 
Shawmot avenue 

Abbott Jane H. widow. house 3 Anderson place 

Abbott Jere (dbbott f Howard), Ollver, huwse 
1] Chestuut | 

Abbott John, machiniat, house 19 Prospect 

Abbott Joho C. president Shoe and Leather Dealera’ 
Ins. Co. § Devonshire, house at Brookline 

Abbott dohn E. lawyer, 21 Merchants Exchange, 
house at Auburndale [Somerville 

Abbott Joho F, salesman, 121 Portland, house at 

Abbott John G. cooper, house 36 Kneeland 

Abbot dohn G. Mra. dressmaker, h. 36 Kneeland 

Abbott John H. (J. A. Holling qf Co.J, 31 F. OH. 
market. house at Malden 

Abbott John K. real estate, 27 Washington 

Abbott Johu &. lawyer, 21 Merchanta Exchange, 
house at Auburndale 

Abbott Joseph H. clerk, boarda 1 Bulfinch pl, 

Abbott Joseph W. 4 Summer, b. Norfolk House 

Abbott Josiah G. lawyer, 42 Court, h 6 Arlington 

Abbott J. Henry, clerk, house 1 Bulfinch place 

Abbott J. Tenry, clerk, 31 Brattle, h, at Somerville 

Abbott Lavina, widow, h. 2 Gilson court 

Abbott Leander B, provisions, 1189 Tremont, bda, 
1 Howe's court Tyler 

Abbott Lewis B. wharf and bridge builder, h, 54 

Abbott Lewis P. carpenter, bh. 26 Willard place « 

Abbott Lodema, puyatcian, house 12 Derne 

Albott Lorenzo L, painter, house § National 

Abbott Lucius P. cigar dealer, h. 715 Shawmut ave, 

Abbott Locy J, Mrs. house 42 Chelaea, E. B. 

Abbott Luther C. teamster, house 758 E. Third | 

Abbott Lyman F, clerk, 78 F., H, market, boards 67 

Abbott L. L. Mrs, house 1 Minot 

Abbott L. M. widow, house 13 Beckler avenue 

Abbott Marshall EK. 3 Central whf. bds. 65 Hancock 

Abbott Moses K. (James EF. Abbott F Hro.), 110 
Pleasant and 74 Church, bde. 76 do, 

Abbott Nathaniel T. carpenter, 1293 Shawmut ave 
house 3 Walnut place 

Abbott Otis F. clerk, boards Merrimac Honee 

Abbutt Uwen WW. freight Py nt Cc. fe NN. We. lt. R, ha 
State, house at Medfor 

and Negotiator of Mortg ot 
60 Washington “eo ea 


Abbott Patrick. laborer, house 2 E. Second 
Abbott's Kandolph Ex. 34 Court eq and 5 Broad 
Abbott Samuel, polisher, house 7 Bradford 
Abbott samuel, jr plano polisher, bds, 6 Bradford 
Abbott Samuel, carpenter, house Soi Gold 

Abbott Samuel A. BK. lawyer, 42 Court, house 6 Ar: 

lingtsn , 

Abbott Samuel P. lawyer, 10 Merchants Ex: 
chunge, house at Watertown +3 

Abbott 5. K. & Co. bookbinders, 13 Washington, 
house at Malden 

Abbott Timothy B. machinist, ht. 13 Beckler ave, 

Abbott T. G. discount clerk, Continental Bank, | 

Uhauney, cor. Bedford, h. at North Keading 
Abbott Warren N. house 6 Pine 
Abbott William, clerk, 4 Tremont row 
Abbott William EK. boards Norfolk House 

Abbott William H. carpenter, house 45 Northfield | 
Abbott William H. furniture mover, 1176 Washiog- 

pon, house 77 Newland 

Abbou Win, T. fbhott ) Fernald), teamster, opp. 
44 Tudia, house B)) West Fifth 

Abbott Wm. Y. pilot, 25 Lewis wharf, house Com- 
merelal Point, ward i6 

Abbott Wm. W. painter, house 1 Fifth-st. place 

Abbott W. A. bourds 100 Waehington 

Abbott W. J. clerk, 190 Central, bds. at Lawrence 

Abbott W. L. boukkeeper, 57 Sears building, house 
al Lawrence - 

Abbott & Fernald (WW. T. Abbott and O. G. Fer- 
vial), te misters, opp. 44 India 

Abbou & Howard (Jere. Abbott and F. A. How- 
ard), iron and steel, Oliver 

Abbott & Riclardsons (Chas, FP, Abbott and G. A. 
KE. A.and A. 8. Richardson), boots and shoes, 
16 Portland 

Abbott's Lawrence Exprese, 10 Court square 

Abbott's North Andover Expreas, 10 Court square 

Abbott's Rundolph Express, 34 Cuurt square 

Abdy William. musician, house 40 Poplar 

Abele Andrew, bootmaker, 315 W. Third, h. 417 do. | 

Abele Charles D. machinist, boards 109 Albany 

Abele Fraucis 1, boots & shoes, 1975 Washington, 
house 750 Shawmul avenue 

Abele John 4. machinist, boards 1 Albany 

Abele Mary Louisa, teacher, 144 Shawmut avenue, 

boards 190 Albuny | 

Abele Pillip Mré. widow, house 13 Camden place 

Abele Wendell, engineer, house 66 1 

Abell Edith, Milas, house 173 Cliarles 

Abell J. G. boots und slioes, 141 Kingston, house at | 


Abell Lucy W. Mrs. physician, house 174 Charles 

Abell Salem, carpenter, house 42 Poplar 

Abundroth August, baker, house 5 Murray court 

Abendroth Auguste ( Shnezer f¢ Abendroth ). con- 
fectloner, 11 Charlestown, hoase 5 E. Fifth 

Abercromble George N. salesman, 36 Winter, bds, 
a0 Kliot | | Worce-ter 

Abercrombie H. engineer, BR. & A. KR. K. house at 

Abercrombie James, cutter, house 212 E 

Abercrombie Wyman EK. 42 Chiuncy, b. at Quincey 

Aberle Jacob, cigarmaker, 52 Eliot, h, dl Middlesex 

Ableton Frankiiu, i ee weep, house 70 Joy 

Aborn U. T. clerk, % Wash, house ot Charlestown 

Abuoro, Fuy, & Co. ( /. Aborn and A. F. Fuy j, com- 
mission merchauts, 30 Kilby 

Aborn Henry M. 2 Pemberton square 

Aborn Henry T. salesman, 37 Broad 

Aborn Jorepli W. boirde American Honse 3 

Aboro P. f dborn, Foy, & Co.j, com. mer. 30 Kilby, 
boards 205 Columbus avenue 

Aboro Samuel 0). hatter, 6 Wash. house 6 Allen 

Aborn Wm, H. (FE. H. Furber ¢ Co,), shoes, 124 
Pearl, bourds 49 Hancock 

Abraham Baroedt, tailor, house 187 Shawmut ave, 

Abraham Ferdinand, cigurs and confvetionery, (16) — 

ad Liss Washington, howse 117% do, 
Abraham Jolin A. paddler, bda 217 W, Broadway 
Abrahin Mary, widow, house 46) Commercial 
Abraham Wililam, book sg-nt, house 54 Carver 
Abrahams Hiram, peddler, house 15 Genesee 
Abralama M. tallor, 10 Mossom, house do, 
Abrahams Wolf, tallor, house 48 Harrison avenne 
Abrome A, peddler. houre 126 Hroadwuay 

Abrama Isauc, clothing, 10 Salem, h. r. 250 Hanover | 


Abrancate Rococo, violinist, boards 100 North 

Abt Henry, peddier, house 56 Melrose 
Academy Sisters of Notre Dame, i} Broadway 
Acheson James, salesnian, 209 Wash, bids. 5 Bennet 

Abrams Louis, house 6) Da 

Boston [A] DINECTORY, 

Acheson John, saleaman, 20 Wash. bds.5 Bennet 

Achory Liveoin E. ca peuter, house 1s Orange 

Acken S. 1, mason, 17 Court . 

Acker Andrew, shovmaker, 443 Fourth, house 181 
West Eighth | 

Acker Bernard G. liborer, honse 401 Ruggles 

Acker Chrietian, carpenter, i 15 Russell pl., wd. 15 

Acker Frank, anluon, 155 kilot 

Acker George, hat dver. house 6 Maiden lane 

Ackerman Charles M. 41 Tem pic Dias, bourda Ne- 
ponset avenue, near Mill, ward 16 

Ackerniai Geo, machinist, beds, 254 Shawmut ave, 

Ackerman Herbert N. clerk, B. L. & XN. frelgiit, 
house at West Medford } 

Ackerman Joseph. painter, house 4 Sumner 

Ackerman Wm. machinist, boards 4] West Canton 

Ackermann Eali F. designer, 15) Dorchester ave, 
house 771 Shawmut svenue 

Ackland Thos. liquors, 4 India wf. bh. 1 Burrell pl. 

Ackroyd Jolin, juwk dealer, livuse r. 65 Hompshire 

Ackroyd Wm. junk, h. 121 Longwood ave. ward 15 

Acoru Albion G. carpenter, boards 260 Broad way 

Acorn David, teamster, house s0 Holton 

Acorn Frederick, carpenter, house Washington, n, 
Scliool, wird 16 | 

Acoru Isauc, curpenter, house Washington, near 
Ashmont, ward |f . 

Acorn Lawrence. sione polisher, house 179 Bowen 

Acory M. Mrs. grocer, Yeoman. hi. do, 

Avurn Stephen, painter, bowrds Ryerson [House 

Acorn Thervss, widow, house ¥ Hivhlaod place 

Acres Geo, T, tinemith, 242 Commercial, boarda 20 

Unity [town 

Acres John W. foreman, 122 Central, h. at Charles- 

Adair Andrew, clerk, house 7) A 

Adair Ti omne, clerk, 37 F. HH. market, house T3 A 

Adum Haunali A. Miss, teaver, 68 Mrimimer, liouse 
at Jamubea Piain 

Adam Beary (L. Adam f Son), 1203 Tremont, 
hoards 16 Piedmont | 

Adam Jolin, clgare aud tobacen, 144 Elliot, h. da. 

Adum Louls & sou f Henry). pawnbroker, 1207 Tre- 
inont, house 15 [edmont 

Adam Phebe G. Miss, teacher, 114 Chestnut, house 
ut Jamalen Plain 

| Adami Cournad, tinemith, bh. 16 Russell et. wd, 15 

Adams Abby J. Miss, teacher, bds. 504 Broadway 
Adams Abner G. mining, bouse 16 Dover 
Adams Addison, musician, 4 Court, bds. 7 Avon 
Adums Adelbert A. (Mra. J. M. Adaina sf Co.), 17 
Patteryvmarch, bourds at Cambildgeport 
Adums Adilpu, peddiler, house 6 Suwver 
Adams Adoniram J. (0. £. Hal ij) @Tocer, 
44 Faneuil) Hall square, nouse 54 Worcester 
Adums Albert H. 27 Cornhill, bouse at Somerville 
Adams Albert W. notary public aod commissioner 
for al) the States and Verritories, 5 Court, cor- 
ner Washington, house (52 Tremont 

Adams Albion, police station 2, house 1004 Wash. 

Adams Alexander K. & Co. clocks, %5 Maverick ag. 
house 2 Trenton, E.B, | 
Adams Allen f Hutch f Adame), stoves, &c, 9 Blue 
Lill avenue 
Adame Alphongo A. 492 Wash. boards 1087 do, 
Adams Alvin (The Adama Eepresas Company), 25 
Court, house at Watertown 

| Adame Alvio A. (Holt, Stemiman, f Co.), track- 

mun, 20 Milk, liduse 140 West Canton | 
Adams Amos F.; diame, Chapman, if Co.), prod- 
uce, 37 North Murket, ligdse at Ulurlestuwn 
Adains Ann M. Miss, bourse 47 Wall 
Adams Aquila, house 4) Cheater «quare 

| Adams Arthur, carpenter, boards ¥.i Tyler 

Adama Arthur L. clerk, 162 Tremout, boards 40 
Union Park street 
Adams Aga J, 82 Friend, boards at Hyde Park 
Adams A. H.& Co, leatuer, 41 Washligton square, 
house at Haverilil | 
Adama A. H. Miss, milliner, 10 Winter | 
Adang A. L. apothecary, 46 Meridian. bh. 207 do. 
Adums Aea W. patternomaker, house 146 W, Third 
Adama Austin W. clerk, U. C, KR... bds. 704 Wash, 
Adams Ken). bookbinder, 27 Cornhill, 8 lurkman 
Adums Bev jamin Mra. house 106 Beacon 
Adams Beu) F.8 South Market, b. af Brookline 
Adams Beujamio Ff MePewell f A.J, grocer, 2 
Boylstun, boards Commouweailth Hotel 
Adams Hen). N.f Furnum of A.J, produce, 11 North 
Market, howse al pide ol 
Adama rat aude cabloctmaker, honse Ruggles place, 

J, FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, “4.3 suinanycn"sertser™ 


Adams Brooks, house 14 Charlies 

Adame Hrothera (Joseph J’, and Charfes JT), cot- 
ton waete and paper stock, 715 Federal] 

Adams Bryant N. salesman, 42 Washington eq. 
house al Quincey 

Adams. Chapman, & Co. (A. F, Adama andl EF. 
bea te aa produce, 47 North Market and 37 

Adame Charles, liowee 17 North Anderson 

Adams Charles, clerk, bourds 422 West Fourth 

Adams Charles, house 3 Kemp 

Adaine Charles, jr. State Treasurer, State Hover, 
house at North Brookfield | 

Adoiie Charles A, clerk, boards 4M Worcester 

Adame Charles & house 144 Boylston 

Adame Charles B. machinist, boards 4 Hradford 

Adama Charles I. F. notary poblic, and commie 
sloner for all the States and Territories, § Court, 
corner Washington, house 652 Tremont 

Adame Charles C. f Adama Chute), hardware, 4 
Liberty equarc, hh, 4 Appleton 

Adame Charles E, clerk, cellar 27 North Market, 
hoards at Somerville 

Adame Charlea E. shipwright, howe 192 Bumner 

Adaiis Charles E. conductor BD. & PLR. HK. house at | 

hed ham 

Adame Charles FE. clerk, 04 Blue Hill avenue 

Adumea Charles Fratels, 41 Pemberton aquare, house 
47 Mount Vernon 

Adame Charles Franels, jr. lawyer, 31 Pemberton 
equare, house at Quine 4 | 

Adame Charles F. ( Nicholson Adama), Imitation 
hale manofs. 45 Tomple pl. bds. 109 Warren av. 

Adame Charles F. 511 Wash, bile. 13 Cambridge 

Adams Charles F teacher, bourds iff Drowlway 

Ademe Charles Hall, clk, Court, bds. 652 Tremont 

Adune Charles H, & Oo. (C. 4. Sanborn 
com, cellar 27 North Murket, house wt Chelava 

Adame Charica H. ( Tostell if Adama). grocer, 210 
Riate and 3) Linculy, hanee at Jamalen lain 

Adame Charles H. cl’k, 7 Dudley, bds.  Glenwnod 

Adame Charles H. ( ddim Krothers J, eotlon waste, 
&e 215 Federal, boards al Waterto wii 

Adame Charles H. sawyer, house 89 Bawrer 

Adame Charkee HT Sand 4 Holmes block 

Adama ¢ harlea L, clerk, 4 Con’), tds, at Dedham 

Adame Charles P. 27 Com'l, hotiee 14 Boylaton 

Adame Chas. W. & Co, com, mer. 7 Doane 

Adams Charles W. Jr. bookkeeper, MM Sudbury, 
house at Cambridge | 

Adome Charlotte M house 146 Boylston [ do. 

Adaine Clara M, Mie#, miiliner, 149 A Tremont, h. 

Atlame ©. Henry, elgn-painter, 143 Washington, h. 
at Hyde Por 3 

Adame Daniel E, bookkecper, 108 Broad 

Adame Uhavid, brass-worker, house T Hull 

Adama Ebenover, nachiniet, 35 Lincoln, honae 110 
Mt, Meant avenue . 

Adama Edward A, (C. 2. Martiett if Co.), com, 
mer, 14 Broad, boards at Newton 

Adame Kilward D, ( fiichardwon, Hilf Co), bank-_ 

ere, § Seare Hiniding, house Hotel Kempton 
Adame Kdward E. bookkeeper, 03 Chauncy, boards 
at Kelmont > , | 
Adame Edward F 70 Chaney, bouee al Cambridge 
Adaine Edward F. bookkewper, 1 Charles, houee 
12 Lindall place | 
Adame Edward 1, offoe 64 Wash, b. at W. Medford 
Adame Edward H, agent, New Orleans atid Bavan- 
Hob steamsliipa, 62 Washington, h. Cottuye, nu. 
Pieaaant, wd, 16 
Adams Eward O18 Chauncy, house 4 Gardner 
Adame Edward L. treas, L Rh. & Ft S, & It. ., 26 
Court, bouse 116 Marlboro — 
Adame Edwin, mason and bolder, ° 
Adame Edwin, house 114 Marlboro 
Adame Edwin, Mra. howee 2 Oxford 
Adame Elbridge G. M. elerk, 62 Canal | 
Adume Elizabeth, Mise, artist, 47 Stadio ballding, 
boards 16 Louleburg eq. . 
Adame Elizabeth, wilow, house 17 Rochester 
Adame Eflen, Mies, house Bi Koecland 
Adame Ellen, widow, hogee 614 Parker 
Adame Emma, Mrs. boards Pavilion, 57 Tremont 
Adame Eptraim ( Aporme 
Washington, house at 

edford [Washington 

Adams Ernest B. conductor, M. RK. R. boards 1604 | 

Adame Eugene ( Tuttle) Adams). 4 Liberty oq. 
Adame Eugene i. 62 Canal, bds, at Haverhill 
Adama Express Company, Court, cor, Court ehuare 
Adams Ezekiel F, carpenter, houpe 20 Glenwood 

Adsains F 

Adame Francls P. (Adama f Katon), ¢ 
Adame Frank ( Wm. A. Horton & Co.), millinery 

[Blue Hill av, 
1? Court, bh. 94 

Baker), bookbineer, 13 | 


| Adame E. P. discount clerk, Eliot National Bank, 

Devonshire, ¢. State. h. at Newton Lower Falla 
Adama, Fessenden, & Co. (C. A. hessenden, G. HY. 
Adama, aud #. FP. Russell), grocers, 177 Court, 
and Herkeley. corner Providence 
Adams Fieming muriclan, house 140 Weet Third 
rancla M. constable, Superior Court, honee 
47 East Brookline (Tremont, b. 635 Wael). 
rocer, JT 

goods 14 Tremont _ 
Adame Frank (Johuson Adams), provisions, 13 
Beach, howe 12 Reed's eourt 
Adame Frank G lamplighter, h. 40 White. E. B 
Adame Frank fH. goldbveater, 17 fied lane, howse 
at Camberldae ». 14 Boylston pl, 
Adame Onin W. real estate broker, 81 Washington, 

rear 2. 
Adame Franklin, clerk. 34 Chauncey, beards 54 Wor- 

celor ‘Pisin, wi. 14 
Adame Franklin M painter, hile, Chickatawbot, cor. 
Adame Frefevick H. grocer, 1431 Wash. hh. 149 Court 
Adains Freehorn. jr. foreman City Polat Works, 

houee TE. Broad a 
Adame (ieorge. bourds 365 Tremont 
Adame George, conchman, h, 32 Myrtle 
Adina Goorge A. Oe Friend, howae 222 W, Canton 
Adams George Edward. watches and jewelry, 020 
Wuehington, howe 17 [heaooy | 
Adams teem E. f Awight, Adama, Co.), stationer 
$2 Cornhill, bhds 42 Staviford [Derry, N. H 
Adams George PF. salesman, 2 Commerce, honse at 
Adama Gearge F. 74 Friend, bhde. © Warrenton 
Adama George H. ( Ad-vma, Fessenden, f& Co.), ero- 
eer, 177 Court, boards at Charlestown 

Adame George TL. | Salisbury ff Adama). hosiery, 
rovlice | 

iM Chauncey, b at Brookline 

Adame Georve T,, 38 India wh'f, tla. 6 Worcester 

Adame George N, clerk, 2 Commerce, bh, 31 Leverett 

Adame George It. machinist, boards 1 Reed's court 

Adame George T. hate and gente’ firtishing gooda, 
187 Hanover, and (George Merced Co. J. eas « 
2) Margeltial [14 London. E, Hi. 

Adane George W. sergeant, pollee «tation T. hetuee 

Adams George W manager Davie Bewing-Machige 

(0. 2 Temple place, house at Everett 

Adame George WW. ( Stowell f Co_), liquors, 40 Bud- 
bury, howee 4 Bpring-+treel court 

Adame Goorge W. house 617 Bhawmut avenne 

Adame George W. bank Sane posting h. 1 Reed's ct, 

Aduna George W. fish, h 2 Merrimac pl. 

Adams George Z. lawyer, 52 Washington, boarda 
Maple, Seaver Hill 

Adame Hannali Mre. house OF 

Adama Harry. @ Winter, house at Allston 

Adams Henry, house 14 Boylston 

Adama Henry, mason, house 1 Liingley pl. 

Adame Henry A, patter, h. Berkeley pl. wd. 14 

Adama Henry CG. (Gil d Loots), coin, mer, 6 Cen- 

_ tral wharf, house at Charlestown 

Adama Heury H,., Custom Howee, house at Enet 


Adame Honry K fddams f Albee ), ehipwright. 29 
Commercial, boards Adame loose _ [Irving 

Adams Henry K. bookkeeper, | Cornhill. boards 2 

Adame Henry 8. cashier and aseletant post-master, 

Adame Tiram, printer. house 47 Hudson = [erville 

Adame Horace J bookkeeper, 06 Oliver. h, at Som- 

Adams Horatio W. 8 State, house id 

Adams H, Miss (Adame if Gardiner), 45 Broad- 
way. bourds 14 London 

Adama Ira, bda, Berkeley ae ward 1A . 

Adams Isaac (Adama G Son), clothing, 15 Green, 
house 4 “yj PH place | 

Adams Isaac, boarding-house, h. 159 Harrison ave. 

Adams Isaac, 7 Doane, house 10 Broadway 

Adams Isaac, carpenter, bds, 40 EF. Broukline 

Adama Isaae Mra, house 741 Treniont 

Adama Isaac Jr., clerk, ¥ Centrul murket, house ot 
Somerville “ | poly 

Adame a office of United Nickel Co, 24 

Adams Ivers W, h. Dell ave. Parker at.. Highlands 

Adams James, laborer. house 417 Meridian, E, B. 

Adams James, police station 7, boards 14 Chelees 

Adams James, Wlewt. police station 7, h. 176 Brooks 

Adams James, cabinet-maker, boards 131 Hudson 

Adums Jatare B. 4 Tremont, 6. 082 Washington 

Adams James H. porter, 65 Washington, house 9 

Leeds, W.O, | [mont 
Adams Janes ft. eulesman, 62 Union, bda. at Hel, 


attention pald to the 

Real Estate and Mortgnge 

are of Real Estate and Collection of Kets, 

Broker, 80 Washington St. Particular 


Adams James E.& Co.(F. A. Remick and L. B&B. 

Morse), wood and coal, Swett, cor. Albany 
Adana James H, clerk. bh. 38 Orchard x 
Adains James H, police stailon T, boards 15 Chelson 
Adume Jamvs H. (Cross f Adams), grocer, 47 

Dearborn, house 1 do. 

Adams dames H. T. house 14 Boylaton place 
Adams dovl } enter, houew Chickatawbut, 

corner Plain, ward 16 
Adame John, house 2) Minot | 
Adama John, organ maker, house 125 Lenox 

Adams Juhn, clerk, 73) Washington, bowrds 4 

Edgerly place . 

Adams Jobn, hosiery manuf. house 4 Davenport 

Adams John, ledgeman, house 219 Cabot 

Adatinse Jobn, purchasing agent F. kh. H., office at 
depot, house at Fitchburg 

Adams John, jr. mechanic, boards 35 Davenport 

Adums« Joho, clerk, KH. H. & E, freight office, boarda 
SM. H. Newborn place 

Adama John, engineer. house 49 Snowhill 

Adams Jobtn, marble polisher, h, 30 W, Fifth . 

Antony obn, hairdresser, 15 Marshall, h. at Mapie- 

Adoma John A. carpenter, house 5 Bennet 

Adams John E 8. carrlagesmith, h, 125 Lenox 

Adume Joho F. coachmuan, house 13 Kendall 

Adams John H. fireman, engine 7, Enat, house 200 
Harrison avenue 

Adama John M. machinist, honse 74 Yeoman 

Adams John M. clerk, 10 Tremont row, boards 15 
Bulfinch = [at Quiney 

Adame John Quincy, lawyer, 31 Pemberton sy. hb. 

Adams John Q. (Green ¢& Adams), silver plater, 15 
lrovince ct. house T Porter 

Adama John Q ehipamilth, h. 237 Meridian, E.5. © 

Adama Joho \. houec 17 North Anderson 

Aduwins Jobo 
offices, hotise at Chelsea | 

Adams John Q. & Co forwarding agents, 86 Wen- 
dell, boards 135 Broudway 

State House, b. Hillside ave, ward 15 
Adams John. brakeman, B, & A. Kh, M,, boards 10 
Knecland place 

Adams John 8. (ddams:  Co.), publisher, 3 

Lromtield, h. at Wee Roxbury 
Adams John 3. cabinet maker, house Cedar pluce, 
lume Bird, ward 10 a 
Aduins John 8. 206 Portland, house at Lowell [sell 
AdumaJvho W. music teacher, 22 Eliot, h. 628. biue- 

Adams Joho W. Mra. teacher of clocution, 22 Eliot, 

h, 32 8. Hussell 

Adams John W. 177 State, house 15 Grove 

Adams Josepli (ddames, Lowe, ¢ Newton), leather, 
25 South, house at Quincey . 

Adains Joseph & Co, Neary 2. Wennerbery), fish, 
27 Commercial whar 

teeter | | [rimac House 
Adains Joseph H. saleeman, 62 Canal. boards Mer- 
Adans Joseph K. bootmaker, 7 Pinckney, h. 5 do. 
Adame Joseph M. Mre. & Co. ( Adelbert A. divams), 
whalebone workers, 17 Butterymarch, house at 
Adoms Joseph M, whalebone worker, 17 Battery- 
march, house at Cambridgeport 

Adame Joseph N, piano maker, house Washington, | 
) | Adan Thomas F, house 40 Winthro 

corner Kuggles plice, ward 16 

Adams Joseph P, f Adama Hrothers), cotton waate, 
fe. 210 Federal, house Park. wid. 1a 

Adams Joseph W. clerk, 62 Chauncy, boards at 
Jamaica Plain 

Adams Julius, carpenter, house Longwood ave. 

Adama Julius, T Doane, house 105 Hrowdwa 

Adama J, Frank, grocer, 1701 Washington, house 1 

Prescott place 

pect aaney clork, 61 Clinton, house at Cam- 

| lage por 

Adams J, Webb, paper hanger, 22 Irving, bh. do, 

Adams Laban, bookkeeper, 40 Washington, buuse 
Midlaod, Savin Hill 

Adams Laura A. G, house 0 Sharon 

Adame Leonard UL. (éfuriing, ray, if) Dewey), 
com. mer, 130 Central, house at Newton 

Adams Loula H. #1 Summer, house at Brighton 

Aduains, Lowe, & Newton (J/vuseph difams. IF. W-. | 

Lows, ond C. WH. Newton), leather, 2 South 
Adama Lucien, watchmaker, 1] Hanover, house at 

Charlestown [115 Broad, howew at Brighton 
Adams Luther (Adama, Tuylor, of Co. J, com. wer, 

Adame Patrick, window-shade painter, 

. chief clerk newspaper dept. Post- 

: | | Adams Bamuel, laborer, 
Adanie John @. assistant clerk, trensurer’a office, | 

| Adnma “I', Li, 242 

poston [A] DIRECTObY. 

Adams Lydia Mra. house 3 Van Rensselaer place 

Adama Malcom, mariner, house 12 Bennet ave. 

igh 8 mye widow, employment, 61 Warrenton, 
iOume do, 

Adams Marshall L. 152 Tremont, bids, 6 Pinckney 

Adame Maury, widow, h. 44 Portland 

Adama Mary A. h. Exchange, wd. 16 

Adama Mary E, Mrs. h. 21 Union Park at. 

Adams Mary F. Mra. house 40 Union Park at. . 

Adams Meivin (0. Adame if Sons), house fornish- 
ing, 70 Broadway, house 14 Dorchester 

Adams Moses ( Adams 7 ' Son), clothing, 15 Green, 
bourds 4 Lovering place [house 151 Tyler 

Adams Mark T. bookkeeper, 24 Harrison avenue, 

Adams M.D, G. Mrs, howse 114 A 


Adams M, W. Mra. house (9 Washington 

Adams Nathaniel, mason, house 45 Upton | 
Aduma Nathaniel, porter, 35 80. Market, h. 6 Milton 
Adame Nehuminah Kev. hotise 1691 ‘Tremont 

Adame N. 8. tewmeter, house 131 Trenton 

Adams Obed E. house 453 Broadway 

Adama Uliver E. maghinist, house 75 Yeoman 

Adams Urison & Sous (Melrin and Warren P. Ad- 
am4#), house furnishing, 79 to 87 Broadway 

Adams Orton Mra. howse 156 Dorchester 

Adama Ossian P, printer, 7 Spring lane, boards 132 

Olse YB, 
Adame Paul, president Boston Five-Uent Bavings 
Bank, 58 School, house 123 Charles 
Adame Teter, ledgeman, bouse lv Fruit-at. ct. 
Adame Peter T. house 50 Allen 


Adama Phineas, jr. 36 Kilby, b. at Manchester, N.H. 

Adama Ptolemy PP, 245 Tremont, bda, 06 Myrtle 
Adams Kaueom fh. printer, bh. 229 Northampton 
Adame Kichard. foreman, h. 1 Arnold | | 
Adame Robert. at gas works, h. 545 N. Margin 
Adams Rufus M. carpenter, h. 159 Saralogu 
Adame les “% widow, h. 4 BS nt eR 
Adame Samuel, carpenter, h. 4 Honnewe . BB. 
boards Coml. btn, lrea- 
ton'e mill, ward 16 ‘ | 
Adams Samucl, shipwright, boards 29 Central aq, 
Adams Samucl A. porter, house 122 Leverett 
Adams Samuel WU. cupt. police station 4, house 6 
Willow park | | 
Adams Samuc! H. moulder, house 60 L 
Adame Sarah L. &. Mra. house 40 Winthrop 
Adame Seth, 7 Doane, house al Newtou | 
Adame Silas L. milkman, boards 15 Grenville pl, 
Adame Stephen, house 60 Tremont 
Adame Sugar Kelinery, Granite, 5,5, 
Adams Sumuer f Wingate if Adama ). 195 Broad 
Adams Sylvester K. dentist, 28 Temple place, h, at 
Chelsea = Somerville 
Adame 5. B, salesman, 25 Tremont row, lvuse at 
Adame 8. K. Mra. house Albion, 1 Beneon 

; | |) Adams 8. L. (Alten & Adama). 25 Wush, boards 
Adame: Joseph B. teacher, 46 Wash. house at Wor- 

O20 ‘Tremont, and h. at Pawtucket 

Adams, Taylor, & Co. ( Luther Adama, Geo, IF. Tiny- 
lor, and Miller Slewurt), foreign commission 
merchants, 115 Broad 

Adoms Theodore P. teacher, boards 65 Temple 

Adame Thomas, publiaher, 36 Waals. li, 15 Ball 

Adame Thomas, bds. 10 Warrenton 

Adama Thomas Mra. house d5 Vernon = 

Adams Thomaa B. ( King Adame), leather belt- 
lng manufacturer, 22 Milk, house 142 Chundler 

Adums Thomas F, pucker, 42 Coruhil 

Adams Thomas If. police station 6, h. 171 Athens 

Adams Thomas L,, suehb maker, boarde 142 'l'yler 

Adams Thomas 3. police station 4, h. 84 Tremont 

‘ashington, bids, at Cheleen 

Adana 'T, Spencer, jr. bookkecper, 6 State, boards 
4 ‘Tremont 

Adama Waldo, 25 Court, house al Watertown and 
222 Deacon : 

Adama Walter B, saleaman, 24 Elm, b. 5) Worcester 

Adama Walter F. clerk, 34 North, hb. at Chelsea 

Adums Wa'ter G, clerk, 65 Chauncy, boards 6 WIL 
low park Dorchester ave, 

Adams Walter 3. clerk, 15 Foster's wharf, bda, ie 

jAdams Warren FP. (0, Adums jf Sons), house fur- 

Hishing, 70 Broadway, house 156 Dorchester 
Adams Warren W, (Lincoln f ddama), 134 Broad, 
_ house at Qoiney Pe 
Adams William, mason, house 199 W. Newton 
Adams William, laborer. house 24 Blossom 
Adains William, real estate agent, 11 Washington, 
house 14 Boylston piace 

J, FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AGHN'T, *™*drsnniezes.orepe= 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 53 

Adame William, carringe-painter, 187 Sumner, h. | 
162 Prine ton 

Adams William, cabinet-maker, house Minot, cor, 
Highland avenue, ward 14 | 

Adama Wm. B. plate printer, boards Savin Hill 

avenue, ward 16 | 

Adame William D. (Jewett q Awsh), woolene, 25 
Kingston, house at Medfor 

Adama William D. curpenter, 1196 Harrison ave. 

. house 4 Cedar 

Adame William F. boot maker, h, 197 Hampden 

Adams Wm F, carver. Young's Hotel, boards do, 

Adame William F. captain, bonee 25 Saratoga 

Adame William Henry, coul and wood, 2 Water, 

honse 76 Blue Hill avenue | 
Adame William FH. office 81 Washington, room 22, 
boards Quincy House 

Adams Wm. DL. B clerk. bda. 40 Winthrop, wd. 14 

Adame Wim. 8. clerk, bda. 04 Blue Hill avenue 

Adame Win. 'T. editor © Oliver Optic's Magazine.” 
149 Wishington, bh, Dorchester avenue, near 
Foster, ward 

Adame W. Irving, clerk, boards 26 Warrenton 

Adams Zina. mariner, house 620 East Fifth 

Adams & Athee {AL AK. ddams and Benj. Albee), 
shipwrights, 209 Commercial 

Adame & Baker (Ephraim Adama ond Alphonso 
hg book-binders, 13 Washington 

Adame & Barstow, misone, order box 17 Court 

Adams & Chute (C. ©. Adame and G. A. Chute), 
hardware, 4 Liberty 2qunre 

Adama & Co, (.foha 8S, ddame and George L. Staf- | 1 
Agnew William T. upholsterer, boards 274 Fourth 
Ago Edward, laborer, house rear 33 Avon pince, 

Jord), publishers, 25 Bromfield 

Adams aton (FP. ddams and J. 4d. Eaton), 

_ grocers, 427 and 429 ‘Tremont _— [IT Green 

Adams & Son ffeaac aud Moses), clothing. 15 and 

Adamson Andrew (Seeley qf Avfamson), 803 Horr. 
ave. h. 39 Old Harhor 

Adumaon David, piano-polleéher, bds, 605 East Sixth 

Adameon David La.  Mabbas hi, 120 Saratoga, E. B. 

Adameon Joho F. shipcearpenter, house 61 Benning- 
ton, KE. 8. 

Adamaon John N, brase-finisher, boarda 19 Fleet 

Adameon Philip H. teametor, h. 85 Liverpool, 2. B. 

Adameéou Robert, pianomaker, h, 29 Old Harbor 

Adamson William 3, mariner, house 10 Fleet 

Adelt Marvy, Mrs, louee 69 Middle 

Adeit William, clerk, boards 60 Middle 

Adden John, boota and shoes, 25 John. h. at Reading 

Adden John T. & Co. f Bernird Aol), boots an 
ahoee, 35 John, house at ending 

Addison George A. 195 Waeh, h. 410 Columbue ave, 

Addison Havelock W. clerk, 24.80 Market — 

Addizon James, watchmaker, 4 Salem, h ot Chelsea 

Addison Jumea W, provisiona, ce, 564 Tremont. 
house 361) do, 

Addison John W, boarda 14 Carver 

Addison Philip. carpenter, bh, Smith, ward 15 

Addison Richard, provisions, 725 Washington, h, 
27 Gray 

Addison William 8. boards 27 Gray | 

Addison Wim. 'T. H. hairdresser, 65 Richmond, 

Additon Joseph 8. bookkeeper, B. & A, elevator 
office Chandler, boards 22 Edjwboro ) 

Addy Charlea J. ¢ Mead g Addy). machiolet, 
titea, house at Malden | 

Ade Mathias, Inborer, house 38 Chadwick © 

Adelman Joseph, laborer, h. 4 Ward, ward 1b 

Adenauer Edmund, lithographer, h, 2 Lowell ct. 

Ades Henry, upholsterer. bdg. 6 Van lKensselaer pl. 

Adkins Angelo, artist, house 40 Kirkland 

Adkins Jobo, laborer, boards 25 Dorchester 

Adkins William, machinist. house 245 Dorchester 

Adlam Samuel, jr. patenta, house #0 Berwick park 

Atlee Abraham 8, clerk, 414 Wushiugton, bourds 4 


Adler Frank, printer, 620 Washington, bds.§ Ohio 

Adler John, house § Auburn. ward 14 

Adler Joho C. tootmaker, 624 Wagsh,, f.. 6 Ohio 

Adler John E. boards 8 Auburn [house do. 

Adler Willlam, elgara and tobacco, 1045 Tremont, 

Aechiler Goitleib, silver bornisher, 7 8pring laue, 
house § Coventr 

Aechtlor John G. saloon, 208 Meath, howee do, 

Aechtlér John J. machinist, house & Coventr 

Aechtler Philip, saloon, 100 Pynchon, huwse do. 

/ftna Life lne. Co. of Hartford, 13 Washington 

#HZitna Mille, 15 Harrison avenue 

/Eiton Ltubber Milla, 22 Oliver and 24 Milk 

Etna Bewing-Machine, 244 Temple place 

Affelhoy Henry J. rigger, house 120 Saratoga 

F rN | Real katate and Mortgage Broker. 80 Washington St. Particular 
J : h ENC , attention paid to the Care of Neal Estate and Collection of Kents. 

A tMfey James, laborer, house 18 Benton 

Agard. Bush, & Co. (1. Y Agard, WF J Maddie, 
aml! J*, Hush), minersind shippers of coal, 9 

Doane | 

Agard W. Y. (dgard, Bush, 7 Co.)9 Doane, house 
at Philadelphia 

Agnesiz Alexander, 114 State, house at Cambridge 

Aven John, house 67 Kneeland 

Ager George B secretary John Hancock Mutual 
Life lneurance Co., Sears Building. Washing: 
ton. corner Court. house at Jamaica Plain 

Ager Samuel, 207 State, house at Somerville 

Ager Bolomon, boards 226 Weert Canton 

Aveston Charles. confectioner, bda. 6 Avery place 

Aweare George, trader, 333 Charles, bourc do 

Acve William (F. ¢ F. King q Co.) drugs, 26 
India, boards at Sulem 

Agin Fdward, laborer, house 83 Endicott 

Agin Eugene. laborer, house 407 Cheleen, E. i. 

Auvin, ace Aigen, Engan, and Egan 

| Agler Nathan HW. shocmaker, house 659 EF. First 

Agnew Androw J, painter, house 1 Phipps place 

Agnew Ann Miss, house 2 Stanhope place 

Agnew Denard, painter, house 2 Til ston place 

Agnew John E, painter, house 39 Taber 

Agnew Lawrence, finisher, 109 Commercial, tds. 
at Cambridgeport | | [word 14 

Agnew Robert, carriage-maker, bds. Union avenue 

Agnew Robert, carriage-trimmer, bde. 8 Arnold 

Agnew Thomas, ironworker house 274 Fourth 

sath gh pointer, 1444 Warren, hoogse ut West 


ward 15 
Ago Michael, lnborer, house 14 Cherry. ward 14 

| Agonzelo Archibald, plasterer, h. 14 Leverete 

Avry William H. grocer, 304 Hanover 

Aguayo José M. house 13 Ashland 

Ahearn Edward, carpenter, house 19 Knox 

Ahearn John. laborer. bh. 104 Shawmut avenue 

Ahern Coleman, laborer, house 14 0 

Ahern Cornelius, grocer, house 65 Batter 

Ahern Cornelina, printer, house 69 Wweet Fifth 

Ahern Corneling, printer, house 7 North square 

Abern Daniel, shoemaker, h. E. Eighth cor, H 

Aliern Dantel, grocer, 02 A. house 4 do. 

Ahero David, laborer, house 3 Powers court 

Ahern David, porter, 62 Long whf, bh. 381 Qanover 

Ahera Drevnls, house 1 Warrenton place 

Ahern Edward H, ticketseller, Music Hall, boards 
48 Giowch | 

Ahern Eliza. widow, house 62 Chatle 7 

Ahern Eugene, laborer, boards 05 Kneeland 

Ahern Frank, tailor, bonrda 145 Harrison avenue 

Ahern James, elioemaker, h, East Eighth cor, H 

Ahern James, carpenter, house T7 Lenox 

| Ahern James, laborer, house rear 140 A 

Ahern John, Inborer, boards 81 Athens 

Ahern John, laborer, house $41 West Third 

Ahern Jolin, bur-kecper, boards 135 Kneeland 

Ahern John, carpenter, house 1 Elm place, wad. 15 

Ahern Mary, widow, hovee 60 A 

Ahern Mauriee, Inborer, house 45 Gouch 

Ahern Maurice, hackman, house 17 Melrose 

Ahvrn Michael, plumber, boards 19 Creacent place 

Ahern Patrick, tcameter, boards 147 Leverett 

Ahem Patrick, laborer, boards 274 Bolton 

Ahern Peter, clerk, 5 North aq. bda. 356 Commercial 

Ahern P. George, salesman, 2) Uniun, boards 
Hanover | 

Ahern Timothy. printer, bhonge 231 Bolton 

Ahern Timothy, varnisher, 881 Washington, house 
47 Koveland wns 

Ahern Timothy (Akern f& Quirk), building-mover, 
100 WW. Eighth, house 114 do, — 

Ahern Wm. teamater. house 152 C 

Ahern Win. laborer. house 16 Hanover avenue 

| Ahern William. packer, boards 95 A 

Ahern William, laborer, boards 1 Moon | 
Ahern & Quirk (T. dhern and J Quiri:), ballding- 
movers, 109 West Eighth, 8. B. and @ Reed 

Ahl Daniel, jr. house 156 West Chester park 
Ahiborn Henry. dealer in old colina, housc ald toll 
house, Cambridge bridge 

~Abliborn Henry, physician, 94 Charles, house do. 
| Abhlert Gerhard, teamster, 77 Clinton, bh 5 Dexter 

Ahren John, eugar-house, house 3 Percival place 

| Alde Thomas, grover. house 48 West Second 

Aiken Alexander, slater. boards 502 Euet Ninth 
Aiken Augustus, ateward, boards 124 Gouch 


Aiken Charles A, engineer, house 124 Hovre— 

Aiken Edward H, glazier, boards 10 Pleasant 

Aiken Elisha W. physician, office B, Concord aq. 
house 755 Tremont 

Alken Geoige. confectionery, 650 Harrison avenue, | 
house at Everett P Remniop ton E. B. 

Alken George E. clerk, 339 Washington, house 140 
Aiken Henry, stonecutter, boards 24 Euastia 

Aiken Henry B,. cook. house 105 Liverpool, E. B, 
Alken Henry M, boards Evans Hose 

Aiken Henry P. painter, house 65 Leverett 

Alken James, Rev. insuranee agent, 54 Washington, 

house at Charlestown | | 
Alken James GB, house Norfolk, near R.R. depot, 
ward 16 
Aiken Janes K. tinsmith, house 10 Pleasant 
Alken Jona police station 7, bds, 140 Bennington 
Aiken Josiah B., U.38. Navy, house 151 Brooks 
Aiken Louise 8, dresemaker, 42 Leverett. house do, 
Aiken Margaret, widow, house 557 FE. Eighth 
Aiken Stephen A. 
mont, Goaton Highlands | 
Aiken Thomas, ateam-fitter. house 214 Havre 
Alken William, photographer, 22 Winter, boards 201 
Harrison avenne 
Alken William H. furniture mover, North Russell, 
cor. Cambridge, house at Cambridgeport 
Alkena William (Jamieson of dikens), alone cutter, 
Reed, cor. Kembic, house do, 

Allman G. William, engraver, 14 Bromfield, house | 

70 Larrison avenue house at W. mat | 
Allman John H, optielan and jeweller, 14 Bromfield, 
Ainley James, boards 1263 Tremont [65 Emerald 
Alnsley Thomas, pointer, 1000 Washington, boards 
Ainsworth F. 8. physician, 31) Bowdoin. hoose do. 
Ainsworth George (, student, boards 46 Dover 
Alueworth Tsaracl, B. ¥, M. GC. Asan. Eliot, corner 
Tremont, house do, 
Alneworth Thomas, flax ne (Eng.), 53 Wash. 
Alrola G, B. grocer, 335 Hanover, house 0 Priuce 
Altken Cora M. Mrs. bourds 234 Warren 
Aitken John B. 2) Central wharf, house at Chelaca 
Akeley Chas. H, clerk, 09 Crosa, bde. at Wakefield 
dker Christian, carpenter. house 10 Phillipa 
Aker James. blackamith, house Heath place 
Aker Michael, carpenter, house 37 Smith 
Akerma), aee Ackerman fave, ward 16 
Akere Charles E. clerk, 151 Court, boards 5 Union 
Akers George G. clerk, 92 Blackstone, boarda at 
Charlestown | | 
Akers Mahlon, t. Union ave. n. Bowdoin, ward 16 
Ajabord John, gardever, h. Green,n. Kh. RK. crossing, 
ward 16 | [ouny, 0. Union Park at. 
Albany Street Frelghi Raliway (‘o. office 449 Al- 
Albee Amos, engineer, Girls’ Hlgh and Normal 
School, hoenae 4 Shawmnt place 
Albee Amos DD. f Hafea if diliee), bonker, 3 Deron- 
hte, house 20 Muoroe = [hn itae 129 Saratoga 
Albeo Ben). ( ddama if A), calker, 200 Commeretal, 
Albee Brothers (Johan G.adnd Lyman C.J), provielona, 
252 [anovwr fat Dedham 
Albee byron ( /inds (A.J, Jeweller, 122 Winter, h. 
Albee C. Hurvey, clerk. 21 Jolin, bls. 100 Myrtle 
Albee Kdwurd A. doorand ansh maker, 101 Merrti- 
mae. house at Cambridgeport ‘ 
Albee Fraucia H. clerk, &) Friend, house do. 
Albee Frank W. clerk, 1 Union, boards 41 Porter 
Albee Harrict Kk. Mrs. matron Chauncey Hodase, 
a) Me Leon 
Aibeo Harry, student, boarle 21 Staniford 
Albee Heury L spring-bed Jounges, 63 Union. hone 
at Wyoming 
Albee James G., proof reader, “Globe,” bh. 23 
Albee Join, smployment office, 165 Blackstone, h. 
135 Harrison avenue 
Albee John G. (Albee Brothers), provisions, 352 
Hanover, house 4) North Rennet 
Albee Joseph A. clothing, ) Friend. house do, 
AlSee Joseph 4, clerk, TU Chaouey. bde ) Friend 
Albee Lytoan ©, ( dlhee Arothers), provisions, 352 
Hanover, bouse 44 North Benet, | 
Albee Nathan 8, police statlon 2, house “0 Wall 
Albee Robert €, clerk, boards 300 Meridian 
Albee Sumner, lawyer, 2 Court, house at Cam- 
— bridge port “i 
A'hee 8. C. W. honae 297 Colamhus avenue 
Alsert Edward, laborer. house W Everct 
Abert George, carpenter, house 21 Melrose 
A hert George, pocketbook maker, h. 1 Douglass 
«A bert Marriet Mra. widow, houae 319 Srumner 
Albert Jcase, mariner, house rear 7 Tileston 

clerk, 110 Lincoln, hotee 12 Mill- | 

Osford | 

| Alderman Jesse F, & Co 


Albert Joseph Mra, house 19 Sumner 

Albert Rebecea, widow, house 80 Phill 
Aibert! Paul, 114 Blackstone, howee 15 Shenfo | 
Albertson Lydia 8. widow, h. 51 Lexington, E.B. 

Albertson Wim, H. machiniet, bids. 51 Lexingdn 

Albino Mary Sister, superior Boston Lylng-In Hos- 

pital, 114 Kendall | 

Albrecht Angust, sugar-house, bouse 322 W. Fourth 

Albrecht Lewis, machinist, honse Terrace 

Albrecht steht ihe. pher, b. Crelghion,n Day 

Albree John ( Priest jf Albree), leather, 208 trond ls 
house 122 West Concord 

Albree Juhn & Co, grocera and provisions, 2000 
Washington, house at Charlestown 

| Albret ret clerk, house 12 Magazine 

Albret Ulrich, hairdresser, 1812 Washington, boards 

32 Warren 

Albro Alden H. engraver, § Waltham, house at Ja- 
maica Plain 

Albro George T. machinist, boards 15 Florence 

Albro Warren M. repairer of clocka and jewelry, 
h. Dorchester ave. Field’s corner, ward 16 

Alcock John, porter, 220 Wash. house 64 Nuahun 

Alcorn ‘Thomas W, palnter, bonse 190 Charlestown 

Aleott Richard, carpenter, house WH Ward 

Ald James, painter, boards 45 Revere , 

Alden Albert N. f Prost ff Alden), 2 and 27 Wil- 
Home market, howee at Lynn . 

Alden Amboret A. clerk. Post-offlce, h. 366 Bhaw- 
mut svenue (Commercial, house 2 Acton 

Alden Bartiett KR. f didfen if Nichoflern ), liqquordé, 162 

ae 125 jr. cashier, 22 Washington, house 13 


Alden Charles A. 181 Broad, boards at Cambridge 

Alden Charles T. attendant Lunatic Hoepital, E. 
First, mn. M : 

Alden Duna K. clerk, 122 Water, bds, at Wellesley 

Alden Darius G. thread and trimmings, 3 Winter, 
boards at Charlestown 

Alden David A. paying teller, Blackstone National 
Bank, house at Malden + 

Alden Edmund K. Rev. house 449 Brondw 

Alden Elisha C, clerk, BR. & P. freight, h. ai Dedham 

Alden E. Ames, apothecary, Goild row, bds, 4 

Alden E. G. Co. lard of] mannfa. 181 Broad 
Alden Francia, jr. (Read, diden, & Williams) four, 

22 State, house at Jamaica Plain 
Alden George, saleaman, §2Canol _ 
Alden George A. (Alden ff} Edmonds), com, mer. 
20) State, house at Carmbridgeport 
Alden George E. house 6% E. Seventh | 
Alden Gustavus O. grocer, 123 Warren, bouse 0 Cliff, 
fear Walnutavense — , 
Alden Al. B, jr clerk, Indin Mut, Ins, Oo,, 5T State, 
boarda at [andolph A 
Alden James, clerk, ] Union, bouse at Charlestown 
Alden James B. 83 Broad, boarda at Cam bridge 
Alden James ©. [31 Broad, house 14 Allen 

Alden Jease F. (8. PF. Campbell f Co. ), boots and 

shoes, 21 Hanover, boards Kevyere House 
Alden John, llniment, house 37 Sheafe | 
Alden John C. agent, 9 Kilby, house al Bridgewater 
Alden John E, clerk, Glendon Iron Co. 12 India, h, 
505 E. Seventh 

| Alden John Al. foreman, wood and coal, 1916 Wash- 

ington, hopee 42 Bartlett 
Alden Joseph TH. elork, h. 7 Staniford pl, 
Alden Mayuard, agent, boards 1171 Washington 
Alden Morton, clerk, h. High, n. Water, ward 16 
Alden Ruel, stone mason, boards Neponeet avenue, 
TOU Mill ward 16 . [Boylston 
Alden Samuel G. carpenter, Inst. Technology, 
Alden oe Mrs., cook, Lunatic Hospital, BE. First, 
nenr } 
Alden Wilder, mone mason, h. Centre ave. ward 16 

Alden William, saleeman, WF 1, square, house at 

Somerville [house at Auburndale 
Alden Williwn E. spiral eprings, 12 Churlestown, 
Alden William H, 10 Devonshire, boants at West 

Koxbur [house at Dodbar 
Alden Wil'lam BR. wood and coal, 1916 Washington, 
Alden % Edmonds (fGeorge A. Alden and I. £. T. 

Kdmanida), com, mera, 22) Siate = 
Alden & Nicholson ( 4. 2. Alden and HT, Nicholson), 

liquors, wines, etc. 142 Commercial 
Alden’s Bridgewater Express, 5 Groad 
Alder Georg), quartermaster, house 59 Carver 

» fE&. & Hriatol }, note 
brokers, 4 Congress, house at Framlogham 

| Alderson Sarah FP. widow, house 2 Aubore ave. 

J. FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, "ab Watngestsereee” 

Boston [A] prREcTory, 


Aldred Wim. watch-case maker, 23 Water, house at | Alezander Henry W. teacher of music, house 135 

Aldred William E. 44 Wloter, boarda 52 Ciliford 

Alirich Auron & Co. fd, &. Morse and @ A, Darl- 

jog), butter and cheese. 82 F. A. market 
Aldrich Anron Mra, house 84 Boylston 
Aldrich Abbott L. actor, bonse 197 Hampden 
Aldrich Albert M. & Co, (Harrison Aldrich), but- 
ler and cheese, 4 Fane 

house 20 Hancock = 
Aldrieh Allen P. clerk, @ Commerce, h. at Lyn 
Aldrich Ambrose, 6 Fanenll Hall market (¢ 
howee 20 Dartmouth 


Aldrich! Benjamin F. ¢ Hates ¢ AEDiENy, shirt man-— 

uf, 64 Eesex. house at Walpole, N 

Aldrich Charles A. f Tenney, Aldrich. ft Co.), boote | 

wndl ahoes, 243 ‘Tremont, house 45 Walnut ave, 

Aldrteli Cyrel KR. (Cook @ Abdrich) hate, ele. 147 

Washington, honee 87 Weet Springfeld 
Aldrich Kdward, mer bonrds 1 Franklin ag, 
Aldrich KAwin, machtuilet, house 3] Sherman 
Aldrich Edwin C. hat bleachery, 163 Washington 
and 11 Provinee ct, house at Hyde Park 
Aldrich Ella M. teacher Gicorge Street School, boarda 
107 Hampden | 
Aldrich E. 1. (Ruggles f Aldrich) 41 Hanover 
Aldrich Frank D. clork. 66 Chaunoy, bda, at Chelaca 
Aldrich George A. boards & Allenct. 
Aldrich Geo. E. foreman, 49 Warcham 
Aldrioh Harrieon (4. M. Aldrich & Co.), 4 Faneuil 
Hall market, house 36 Myrtle | 
Adidirich Harrison A. real estate, 12 State. hoards 5 
Sojerect [Rerkeley 

Alirioh Menry M. Lr oagrag? 84% 104 Hanover, bide, 4 

Aldrich Beary O. 7 C.D. Cobh fF Broa), 50 Wash- 
lnvion, house 13 Rollina 

Aldrich Hosea [. muchinist, 11 Hawkins, h. at Kast 

Aldrich AH. B, printer, Globe,’ boarda § Mont- 
gomnery plaice 

Aldrich James Henry, driver, 7 Water, house 4 
: [Anderson 
eB. 40 North Market. b. 51 Nurth 

Banford pl 
Aldrich Jernn 
Aldrich John B. machiniet, house 18 Fabia 
Aldrich Louia, actor, loaton Theatre, h. & Seaver pl. 

Aldrich M, Almy, night editor “ Boston Dally 

Giohe,” 02 Washington, house at Charlestown 
Aldrich Nolaon 'T. turner, house 7 EK. Lenox 
Ald¢lch Bimon, appraisers’ office, 177 Shite, house 

al Chitlestown | 
Aldrich Thomas B, 124 Tremont, h. at Cambridge 
Aldrich William ©. machiolet, house 1 Giiford pl, 
Aldus George, house 4 London, E B. 

Aloman F. E. student, boards 5 Cambridge 

Alesworth Henry Clay. asloeman, 6 Chauncey, house 
at Ho«llndale, W. Roxbury 

Alexander Alexander lev. house 83 Middlesex 

Alexander Alex, cap maker, h 363 Harrison ave, 

Alexander Andrew, phywelan, house Neponset ave, 

cor, Adama, ward 14 
Alexander A, G. photographer, 114 Hanover, house 

at Clinplestown [23 Irving 
Aleaander A. M. librarian, 95 Washington, board« 
Aletonler ERrothers & Co, (Chas, and Wm. A 
Alerauder and E. McLellan, jr.j, Trult, 
Chatham © [oililners, 65 Waltham 
Alezundeor Th. A. & E, Misses, dreasmakera and 
Alexander B.D. carpenter, 4 Jackson place, offlce 

146 Btudio building, house at Revere 
Alexander Charles, carpenter, house Dorchester 

ave. ni. Ellaworth, ward 16. 

Alexander Charles ( dlecander Broa. & Co,), fruit, 

47 Chatham. hovuee 1220 Shawmut ave, 
Alexander Charles E, ( Newton, Harti, Co.), boots 

and shoes, & Braithe aq, house 15 Concord eq. 
Alexander Chas. N. 217 Fuderal, h. 31 Eutaw, b..B. 
Alexander Charles P, sealeaman, 79 Lincoln, boarda 

0) Tremont worth, wid. 1d, h. do. 
Alexander ©. Mra, faney goods, Dor. ave, n, Ells- 
Alexander Daniel, maeon, boards 07 Baxter _ 

grocor, 1 Commercial, house Waban. 0» Weeds 
Alexander Edward L. $11 Wash bda. 5 Dodley 
Alexnoder Elwin H. clerk, 2 Commerce, boards at 

Kast Cambridge : 
Alexander George, machiniat, house 6 Meander 
Alexander George J, machinist, boards 5 Marion | 
cag se Haley I. carpeotor, 8 Travers, house 0 
vorfa , 

Alexander Henry, touhing, 10 Brattle, house b4 
Alexander Henry, painter, house 2] Porter 

J, FRENCH, "sdtesitns’ pai iteare oF sal Recs asa Blleoting aren 

wi Hall market (cellar), 

[Bumerville | 

47 | 

(Piedmont | 

Pembroke | | , 
Alexander Horatlo N. Mra. h. 102 Maverick, E.B. 
Alexander Jacob, broker, house 24 Iherwick park 
Alexander James, clothes cleaner, 11 City Hall ave. 
house 4 Beare place 
Alexander Jaa, laborer, boards 18 Ontario 
Alexander James, engineer, h. 240 W. Third 
Alesander James, agent Britieh ateamehips (Cunard 
_ Line), 80 and 99 State, bda. Parker Hones 
ea E. clerk, 155 Tremont, bda, 33 8. 

| Alexander James G. wood turner, h. 357 Meridian 

Alexander Jamea H, bookkeeper, 106 Tremont, oda, 
7 Montgomery place 
Alexander James 5.2 Chatham row, house at Cam- 
bridgeport | 138 Bennington 
Alexander John, ongincer, Eaet Boston ferry. bda, 
Alexander Joho, machinist, bde 2448 Broadway 
Alexander John E. shoemaker, howee 115 Essex 
Alexander John L. real estate and insurance, 14 
Pomberton aq. house at Belmont : 
Alexander dow. clerk, Massasolt House, 9 Howard 
Alerander Joseph M. engineer, B.& A. R R.. howee 
24 Ourve : [0 Lomlon 
Alexander Josoph KR. engineer, E.R. ferry, house 
AleSander Josephine Mra, house 34 Village 
Alexander Josluh (Jones, McDujfee, of Stratton), 
crockery, Ke, 248. Market, house 6 Dudie 
Alexander Josiah F, clerk, 173 State, boards 102 
Maverick, E.B, 
Alexaoder L, A. ealeeman, 20 Central, b. at Chelera 
Alexander Mary ©. Mrs. widow, schoo! teacher, 
house 771 Shawmut ave. 
Alexander Michael peddler, house 4 Dorch. ave, 
Alexander M. Il. Mies, dresamaker, h. 1 Briggs pl. 
Alexander K, kt. & Co. eailoakera, 04 Commercial, 
hone at Charlestown | 
Alexander It. &. & Co, pg pt aha and calkers, 1 
Coml. wharf, house at Lexington 
Alexander Bamucl freaco painter, h. 41 Village 
Alexander Samuel, cigar maker, 9 Iodia wharf, 
house 321 Hanover 
Alexander T. J. agent EurekaClotbes Wringer Co. 61 
Broad, house at Waltham |§ Marion 
Alezsander Willlam, eshipjoiner, &8 Commereial, h, 
Alexander Willlim A, (Alerauder Hroa, f Ca,), 
fruit, 47 Chatham, house at Milton 
Alexander William B. watchman, bh, 206 Bremen 
Alexander Willlam B. carpenter, rear 215 Shawmut 
ave. house 14 Village 
Alexander William H. mason, 17 Court, house 29 
Meridian, E.B. fh. at Concord. NTL. 
Alexander William H. conductor, B.L. RM RR. 
Alexander Willlam J. boatman, house 264 Bremen 
Alexander William 8. engineer, KE. EB. ferry, bila, 
193 Sumner | 
Alford Edinond B. carpenter, house 178 W. Seventh 
Alford Frederick. clerk, 0 Chauncy, b. 1 Monroe pl, 
Alford Joseph, piano-tuner. bh. 4 Cambridge-st. pl. 
Alford Marble (o. order box, 17 Court 
Alford Orlando H. ¢ Morse, ct 7 Co. ), dry 
goods, 26 Chauncy, house Bellewoe, near Park 
Alfred Sarah, widow, house 1 Muaeroe place 
Alfred Thomaa W. carpenter, house 40 Tyler 
Alger Charles —, tin worker, 73 Blackstone, bonrda 
at Chelsea = [at Chelsea 
Alger Cl)arlea W, tin worker, 73 Dlackstune, house 
Algor Edwin A. (Brown ) Alger), lawyer, 13 Court 
Alger Edwin A jee (Alger Grigin). | 46 
Alger Edwin A. Je. (Alger f& Griffin), lawyer. 
Wash. room 0. house at Everett : 
Alger Francis, 10 Bedford |§= [1130 Washington 
Alger Francia, 8. B. Iron Co, bo eleva house 
Alger Frederle W.& Co., tea, 100 Beach, house at 
 N. Cambridge 
Alger Henry, 22 Custom House street brort 
Alger Henry A. engineer, B. & A. KR. R. hb. at Sher- 
Alger James M. engineer, U.& A. WR. BR. house ot 
Auburn _ (place, ward 16 
Alger Roland F, master Everett School, b. Olap 
Alger 81illman, hides and calf skins, 35 Portland, 
horse at Uridgwater [bridge 
Alger Walter E. salesman, 33 Summer, bde. at Cam- 
Alger William, machinist, bils, 7 M. TL, (sborn pl, 
Alger William K. Rev. house 6 Brimmer 
Alger & Griffin (#. A Alger, Jr. ond George A. 
Grigin), |jawyera, 446 Washington, room 9 
Algeras Frank, pakiter, house 245) Havre 
Alker Thomas, carpenter, house 346 Harrison ave. 

nS&t. Particular 

| Alexander Wililam, carpenter, ble, 7? Myrtle 


Alkorn James, laborer, house 21 South (Chelsea 
Allan Alexander, printer, 7 Epring lane, house at 
Allan Arthur, etonecotter, h. 23 Hampden 
Allen George W.. wooden ware, b. 6) W. Canton 
Allan ‘Thomas P. bookkeeper, 145 Charlestown, h. 
13 Nasean 
Allan W, ¢. printer, 60 Bromfichl, houee 4 Mont- 
gomery place - 
Allard Aarou, aselat, enpt, M. Rt. R. h. 881 Meridian 
Allard Albert, conductor M. [t. Rh. bd«, 381 Meridian 
Allard Benjamin H. teameter, house 343 Charles 
Allard Elmer F. driver M, R I. bds, 581 Meridian 
Allard Harry, porter, 144 Tremont. h. 2/1 Gold 
Allard [eaac, teamater, bda, 114 E. Canton 
Allard Ieaac H. milkman, house 44 Dorchester ave 

Allard Joseph, clork, 802 Wash, bds, 235 Shaw- | 

mut are. 
Allbright Henry G. ¢ Park & Allbright ), provisiona, 
Hancock, 5. Stoughton, bda, Allright ct. ward 16 
Allbright Jobn G. carpenter, Allbright ct. n. Boston, 
ward 16, hovee do. 
Allderbrand Joseph, atone cntter,h. 4 Haynes 
Allen Ada Miss, attendant Lunathe Hospital, E. 

Firet,n. M . 
Allen Alfred, clerk, Merchante Hotel, 13 Change 

ave. boards do. 
Allen Alvin, expreseman house 24 Winslow , 
Allen Ambrose, shoemaker, 270 Meridian, bouse 9 
Prinecton Salem 
Allen Amos H. atableman, 147 Fulton, boards 142 
Allen Ann M. widow, h, 885 Dorchester 
Allen Annie M. Mies, teacher of moele, h. Dor- 
Allen Archibald, moulder, house 52 Barter 
Allen Augustus, walter, honse '4 Revere . 
Allen Avery T. clerk, tax commissloner’s office, 
«State Honee, bh. at Cambridgeport 
Allen Aaron H. furniture, feathers, &c. 1 Dock eq. 
house 2) Beacon _ [ville 
Allen pe i F, 10 Faneuil Hall ag. bh, at Bomer- 
Allen Benjamin F. engraver and printer, 34 Charlee- 
town. bourda 215 ‘Tremont 
Allen Boyd, garfitter, 72 Eliot, house 18 Adama 
Allen Brothera (2. C, and ZL. KL Allen), soap manv- 
facturers, 124 Hasriron avenne 
Allen Calvin. deelener, house 66 Vernon | 
Allen Calvin F. civil engl: eer, boards 66 Vernon 
Allen Charles, lawyer, 90 Court, bds, Berkeley Ho. 
Allen Charles, hoster, boarda 142 Salem 
Allen Charles, coachman, boarde T Piedmont 
Allen Charlea, laborer, house rear 23 Phillips 
Allen Charles, student, boarda 08 Pembroke 
Allen Charles, expreseman, house 121 Broadwa 
Allen Charies, chocolate maker, b. Cedar, near San- 
ford. ward 16 
Allen Charlea A. taxidermist, boards Forest Till 
arenoe, near Sanford), wari 16 
Allen Charles C. packer, 46 Cornhill, house at Bom- 
— eeviile 3 Stanford place 
Allen Cuarles Edward, lawrer, 1 Pemberton aq h. 
Allen Charles EK. 10 Temple place [ward 16 

Allen Charles E. palnter, bs. Adama, near Wash. | 

Allen Charles FP. 
at Abington . 
Allen Clarloa F. ¢ Fairbanks df Allen), wool, 2h 
Indla wharf, house 4 Worertter _ 
Allen Charles F. carpenter, house rear 28 Phillipa 
Alten Charles G. 147 Wash, h. at Woilaston Heighta 
Allen Charles H. ff Leland, Allen, & Rates), clothe 
and woollens, 4 Bedford, h. 94 Worceater 
Allen Charles H. drogyist, 81 Hanover, boards at 
Lowell ton House, Cortes 
Allen Charles l. actor “Globe,” house 14 Hunting- 
Allen Charlee N. musicion, Peterstlea's achool, 220 
Woaehingion, house 44 Bhawmot avenue 
Allen Charles ©. (Kelly & dilen), plumber, 1490 
Tremont, boarda 16 Eustia [at Chelsea 
Allen Charles 'T., Cheleon expen. S Brattle, house 
Allen Charles W, clerk, 110 Wash. house (4 Vernon 
Allon Charles W. 04 and 10) Fulton, bde. at Chelsea 
Allen's Cheleca Express, (4 Brattle 
Allen Clara F Mise, teacher. bla. 564 E. Broadway 
Allen, Creque, & Uo. watcher and jewelry, 334 

— Waehington 
Allen Cartia N. boards 34 Poplar 
Allen Cushing, 
Allen ©, f¢ 
Lynn | 
Allen Daniel & Co, (7. FP. Moynard and T. J. Stin- 
wer), growrs, 140 Blackstone, and 177 State, b. 
at Wakefield 2 
Allen Daniel, mason, boards 147 Ninth 

rinter, h. Codman ave. near S':aw- 

J. FRENCH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, **s5*wathiseten’serecs"" 

‘chester | 

ote and shoes, 57 Hanover, house | 

[mutave, | 

lain if Allen), 9 Green, houre at 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

Allen Maniel, brush maker, hone 21 K [eent pl. 
Allen Daniel, jr. cotter, T Tremont row, bda 12Croa- 
Allen D. Frank, teamster, hovnse 42 Monmonth 
Allen Edgar, shoemaker. house 21 Kilver 

Allen Edgar 1. machiniet, honee 124 Leverett 

Allen Edward, ealeeman, 99 Wash. b. 30 Bowdoln 
Allen Edward, laborer, house 22 Phillips 

Allen Edward, clerk, bowrds 4 Chambers 

Allen Edward E. olerk, 108 Water, h. at Watertown 
Allen Edward F. machinist. h. 409 Harrison avenue 
—_ ewer F. clerk, 40 State, room 4, boarda at 

i fi] a 
Allen Edward F janitor M. H. Bates place, h. do, 
Allen Edward G plano maker, house 3 Lowell 
Allen Edward L. ashes Bon 24 Temple place, b. 

Cottage. near Franklin, ward 16 

Allen Edward M. clothes cleaner, 240 Waeh. h. 61 
Phillipa | am bere 

Allen Edward W. eslesman, 3) India, boards H 

Allen Edwin, Roxbury Express. 34 Conrt equare 
and § Groad, house 747 Shawmut avenue 

Allen Edwtn, clerk, 1143 Washington. house do, 

Allen Elbridge G. condnector, 8.B KR. RK. house 687 
Enat Fifth 

Allen Ellza A widow, howse J Almont place 

Allen Ellzabeth, widow, house 1703 Tremotit 

Allen Ezra, house 47 Concord square 

AllenE. & Co. / William £ , Wishingtow, andl Henry 

17. élfifen), woollens, 147 Tremont (chambers) 

Allen Fernando F. shoe manufacturer, b. Oak 

Allen Francia, architect, 61 Btate, room 11, boards 
Spring, ward 1h [int avenne 

Allen Francis G. clerk,3) Doane, house 47 Shaw- 

Allen Frank A., Oriental Tea Co, 87 Court, house at 

Gomibrides , 
Allen Frank B, 242 Washington, boards 6 Bolton 

| Allen Frank H. clerk. 220 Tremont. bde. 2 Holley aq. 

Allen Frank KR. (Allen, Lane, & Co.), dry goods, 4 
Milk, bourda 3° Brimmer [Somerville 
Allen Frank 8. saleaman, T4 Channey, boards mt 

| Allen Franklin H. (Rogers g Alien), clothing, 10 

— Fanevil Hall square 

Allen Frederick f A/len ff} Woerdrworth), grocer, 50 

and 62 Broad, hon-e 190 Weet Con ord 

Allen Frederick A. printer house 48 Anderson 

Allen Frederick B. clergymen, house 33 Erlmmer 

Allen Frederick D. f ANen, Lane, «f Co.), dry gooda, 
4 Milk. house 85 Grimmer ward 16 

Allen Frederick P. 167 Tremont. houee 4 Piymouth, 

Allen Freeman Mra, widow, house 10T Boylston © 

Allen Gaine W, nurse, house 46 Irving 

Allen George ( dilen @ Noble), hardware, 4 Han- 
over, house at Newton r,. 

Allen George, pias maker, house 6 Clifton place 

Allen George, howee 255 Tremont [mont, h. rear do, 

Allen George, sexton Bt. Paul's Choreh. 154 Tre- 

Allen George, gold-leaf worker, bda, 37 Temple 

Allen George A. painter, boards 27 Causeway 

Allen George A. (Allen of ©o.), pinnos, 17) Tre- 
mont, hovse at Leominater = 

Allen George D. treas. Boston Nickel Plating Cn, 
13 Bowker, and trevna. United Nickel Co. 
Kilhy, house wt Malden 

Allen George E f Lincedn of Alien), stowea, Ke, 19 
Blackstone, bonee at Kost Bomerville 

Allen George TV. ( Haakeil f Allen), pletare frames, 
6] Hanover, house at Beverl | 

Allen George H. enverintendent of lamps, Cliy 
Hall, house 177 Warren avenoe 

Allun George H. 4) Beara building bh. at Salem 

Allen Geo. H. bookbinder, 57 Wheb. h. at E. Milton 

Allen George H. watchman, BH. & A. BR. 1, bows 
Mather. ward 16 | 

Allen George 8 calker. house 73 Maverick equaro 

Allen Granville C clerk, 38 Washington square, by. 
at East Briige water : 

Allen G. Warren (J. it, Palmer f Co, ), clothing, 
313 Washlovton, h. 154 Chambers 

Allen Hannah, widow, bde 49 Kast Springfield 

Allen Hannah L. Mra. house 3) Chester Park 

Allen Harry, tailor, honee 18 Vinton 

Allen Henry C. boarda £4] Harrison avenne 

Allen Henry C. (£. Allen & Co J, woollona, 167 
Tremont, honee at Dodham 

Allen Henry C. carpenter, house 2 Winelow 

Allen Henry F. (Allen of Gopdwin ), 116 Chauney 

Allen Henry J. printer, bowrde 2 Ferdinand — [ford 

Allen Henry N. watehmaker. 44 Selool. h, 37 Clif. 

Allen Henry W. sample roome § Avon, house at 
Worcester — 

Allen Hiram W. clerk. 428. Market. h. at Chelsea 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

| Allen M, ly. clerk, 0. S. Treasurr. h. at Rewing 
Allen Nathan W. engineer, h, 150 Saratoge 

Allen Toratlo F. Inenrance agent, 23 Water, house 
at Newtoneiile . | . 
Allen Hoeca, driver engine 8, Salem, h. 11 Tulty 

Allen Howard B. coll. clerk. National Bank of Re 

demption, 41 Devonshire. bas. 105 Appleton 
Allen rn. physician, 1150 Tremont, h, 125 Cahat 
Allen [sane D 
at Cheleen 
Allen Teabel Mre. house 124 Lererott 
Allen James, fish cnrer, 3 Union court, h. do. E.R. 
Allen Jomes, plate printer, 2 Bedford, boards 504 
Shawmut avenue 
Allen James, tallor, honee 401 Harrison avenue 
Allen James, grocer, 204 W. Ninth, hovse do, 
Allen James A, messenger, Natlonal Revere Rank, 
house nt Chelsen port 
Allen James 11, cutter, 409 Wash. h. at Cambridgo- 
Allen James .!, saleeman, 400 Wash. boards ¢ Lin- 
Wool place 
Allen James 0) machinlet, house 20 Dorchester 
Allen Tamed 8. saleeman. 201 Waeh, bids. 52 Dover 
Allen James W, clork, City Registrar's office, City 
 _ Hall, house 13 Ball 
Alten Jeremiah 8. printer, 31 State. bas. 
Allen John, macldiotet, house 2 Athene 
Allen Jolin, baker, 8 Brighton, house do. 
Allen John, mason, house Elghth, corier GO 
Allen Joha, laborer, boards 291 West Second 
Allen John, laborer, howee 628 Commercial 

Allen Jolin, watchman, hoarde 76 Prince [ten 

Allen John & Oo. elgar manuf 339 Tanover, h. 253, 

.& Co. trimmings, 21 Winter, houve 

\ House | 
Wken | 
| Al 


Allen Nathaniel, engineer, howee 41 London : 
sg —— M. watch maker, 0 Sudbury, bela, 
Allen Nathaniel P. seaman, boards 17% Eliot 
Allen Nathaniel W. road repairer, E. fh. I, house 
31 Lexington 

Allen Newel] W. carpenter, howse 15 Linden pork 
Allen N. Tracy boards 358 Dorchester ark 

Allen Orville, piano maker, 5 Wael. h. at Hyde 
Allen ark I. telegrapher, © State, h. § Newland 

Allon Peter, carpenter, b, Fulton, n. Water, wd, 16 

Allon Veter (Dunn, James, of Co.) trunk makor, 
28!) Federal, ionee 44 Ninth | 

Alien Phinens Ty, & Co. (Patrick Oren). plim- 
bers. 1747 Wael. h. Langdon, near Dudley 

Allen Porter 8. 1 Hanover, houre at Chelsea 

Allen Tichard, laborer, house Foster, near Dor- 

chester avenue, ward 16 

Allen Mehard, laborer, bds. River, near Cedar 

Allen Richard, laborer, house § Southac place 
Allen Richard B. clothing, 314 Washington, house 
at Providence ward 14 
len Richard H. clerk. 1702 Woeh. h.d Wash, pl. 
Allen Kobert, saloon, 48 Kichmond, houre do, 
Allen Iotert, clerk, 91 Sodbary, boards do. 
Allen Rollin Ho iis Milk, h. 18 Louisburg equare 
Allen Rufus . mason. boards 388 Dorchester 
Allen I, Sldnev, yarnieh rubber, bds. 7 Llarr, ave, 
Allen Samoec!, house 108 Roylston 

Allen John, furnttore, 1702 Wash. house 10 Adama Allen Sumucl, honse 3 Primus ave, 

place, ward 14 | 
Alten John, plano toner, 170 Tremont, h. at Newton 
Allen John (Alen of Co, ), teameter, 143 Milk, bh. at 
Allen John, carpenter, hover 0 Tampden 
Allen John A. paloter, 18 North Andereon. honer 
Wd Lindall place so fave. h. 266 Third 
Allen John A. earpenter., and saloon, 69 Shawmut 
Alien Fohn A. i" 1 Edinboro’, baa. 14 Lindall pl, 
Allen Jolin 2. laborer, house rear 33 Tileston 
Alleo Jolin 0. moechiniat, boards 141 Harr ave. 
Allen John F. ewitchman, W. & A. 
_ (87 Saratoga, 0.15. 
Allen Joho HW, clerk, house 4 Veridian, E.B. 
Allen Jotn 1. hinekemith, baa, 45 N. Hosee!! 
Alien John HW. Dlackemith, bourde 48 N Russell 
Allen John J, cotter, 313 Washington, house at 
Newrony ille 
Allen John N. engraver, 30 Charlestown, house at 
Allen John 3, agent Mut, Life Ins. Co, of N.Y. 
i Sehool, bowrde at Maplewood 
Allen Joseph. howee 161 Chambers 
Allen Joseph, mason, howse 21 Grimes 

Allen Jovopl TH. publisher, periodicals, and elrow- | 

latiog brary, OO) Deorch. ave. h 384 Dorchesrer 
Allen Joseph W. i Onien, house at Somerville 
Allen Joelah §, carpenter, house 14 Orange 
Allens, Milner, broker, 04 State, h, at Cohasset | 
Allen... S.ahoe manuf, 44 anover, house at North 

— Bridgewnarer 

FR Allew J, dev goods com. 4 Milk 

Allen Lanra E. widow, house 32 Parmenter 

R. I. boards 

[Newtonville | | | 
Alleo Thomas J, 14 Devonshire, house Ashland, 

Allen Samael H. plumber, 20 Haverhill, house 290 

Allen Samuel T. house 12 Bay 
Allen Samuel 8. (Allen f& Lord), Ina, broker, 37 
_ State, house at Longwood | 
Allen Sherinan. porter. 40 India. b, 6 Waverley pl, 
Alleuw Sinith expressman, h. 169 Cheleon, E.B. 
Allen Stephen G. 118 Milk, h. 18 Loulelburg square 
Allen Stephen M. 28 State and 104 Waeblngton 
howe Beech Glen ave. cor. Highland park 
Allen Silliman 8. ( 4lenif Long), lawyer. 20 Court, 
louse 1 W. Chester park 
Allen Suean M. Mre. city missionary, Reacon, cor 
Som@ereat. howrds 25 Woreester 
Allen S. M. (® Harrieon avenue, boards 1M do, 
Allen Thaddens, house 2) W. Canton Tt 
Allen Thomas, carpenter. boards 105 W. Sixth 
Allen Thomas, shipwright, bh. r. 2) Lexington. E.B, 

cormer Fim. ward 16 
Allen Thomas J, clerk, boards 70 Lexington 
Allen Thomas J, painter, boards Adams, near 
—Woshington. ward 16 | 
Allen Thomas O,f Alen & Forrer), lumber, 156 
State, house at Jacksonrille, Fin. 

Allen Walter. “Oally Advertiser,” 27 Court, house 
at Newton Highlands | | 
Allen Washington ( £, Affen & Co.), woollens, 167 

Tremont, h. 4 Plymouth, near regs tah nve, 
Allen Willard S. real estate ageut, 6 Winthrop 
block. house 70 Lexington 
Allen William, bowae 8° Porter. E.R. 
Allen William, laborer, howee 3 Phillips court 

Allen Laura F, pereals, 120 Salem, b. 32 Parmenter Allen William, 510 Washington, h. 37 Yeorati 
Allen, Leavint, & Co. f1F. AL Aten. JO. Chany, | Allen Wm.,Judge of Superior Court, h. at Greenfleld 

Chee, HM, 
i Sudbury 

Allen Lee K.f Alen Brothere), 124 Harriaon ave, Allen Wm, A. 12 West, bds. Creighton 

Allen Levi. machinolet. hone 446 Shawmut ave. 

wwenand & P. Beckett), farnitire,) Allen Wim, 40 "ourt ~ 
hoote 2 do, Allen Wm, 1/8 Wash. hone af FE. Bridgewater 

. onee 
Allen William A. stairbailder, house 2 Sawver 

Allen Lewis G, (Affen Bevthers). soap, 124 Uarri-| Allen Win. Bb. machini-t, house 11 Indiana place 

 #0n ave, bourds 185 dn, 
Allen Lizzie Mies, house 7 Derne 
Allen Lizzle U. Mre. hoe 40 South Russell 
Allen Lorenzo L, mason, bourds 70 Tyler 
Allen Louls F. pinno maker, 881 Washington, 
houde of Newton 
Allen Lowell DD. stodent, house 109 Borvlaton 
Allen Eur A, Mrs, howee 102 Portlan 
Allen Luther T., %. & A. freight depot, boards 204 
_ Harrison ave, | lat Brookline 
Allen Lyman W, bookkeeper, 16 Portland. boards 
Allen Margaret, widow, house 147 W. Ninth 
Allen Margaret Mies, 28 State 
Allen Martin, f*herman, houee rear 18 Athena 
Allen Mary, widow, how-e 5 Moon-st ct. 
Allen Wary A. widow, honse 44 Thornton 

Allen Mary E. oeeistant Chapman School boards Allen Wm. H. clerk, 8. & A. R 
{house 4 Dwight Allen Wm. is. 73S . 
| Allen Wm. K. clerk, boards St. Charles Mote 


Maverick | 
H. teacher Adame primary school, 

Allen Mary 

Allen Wim. C. 40 Cornhill, bda. at Charlestown 
Allen William Dy. boards 11 Unity | 
Allen Wm. E. (E£ Allen f Co), woollena, 167 
Tremont, house at Waltham | | , 
Allen Willlam E, jr. 167 Tremont, h. al Waltham 
Allen Wm. F. clerk, 4 F. A. market, bda. 200 Ninth 

| Allon Wm. H. dry goods, 31 Winter, b. at Canton 
|} Allen Wm. A. & Co, trimmings, ke. 50 palin 

house 1) Wellington South Rusae 

lAllen Wim. H. #hoes, 91 Cambridge, house 56 

Allon Wm, H. ( d4uen, Lenvitt, ¢ Co,), furniture, 4 
Sudbury, house at Beverly : 
Allen Wim. (1. «later, howse rear 47 Yeoman 

Allen Wm. H. clerk. E. R. R. bas. 81 Leverett 
Allen Wm. H. sush and door maker, 63 Wareham, 

boards at Chelsea 
t. Grand junction, 
Hl. A. mason, bds. 745 FE. Broadway 

honee at Jamaica Plain 


Real Extate and Mortgage Broker. 80 Washi 
attention paid to the Care of Heal Estate and Collection of Kents. 

ton St. Partleular 


Alleo Wm. M, apothecary, 510 and 1152 Tremont, 
boards & St. Cloud Hotel | | 

Allen Win. M. blacksmith, 156 Border, bh. 30 Decatur 

Allen Wm. S. cutter, at G. W. Carnes & Uo. house 
at Chelsta + . 

Allen Wim. W. house 050 Fourth | 

Allen W. Henary (Allen & Field), hides, &e. 17 
India wharf, b, 15 Chester square pCtisraes 

Allen W. H. telegruh operator, 83 State, house at 

Allen W. FL B.supt. Whitney Dye Wood Mill, Mill, | 

cor. Webster, E.B, h. at Cambridgepart 

Allen W. |. (dilen ¢ Adama), trimmings, 206 
Washington, boards (9 Premont 

Allen W. Li. boards Maverick House © 

Allen & Adama /f IF. J. Allen and S. BL. Adams), 
trimmings, 24 Washington 

Allen & Co. Chelsea Ex press, 54 Brattle 

Allen & Co. (John Allen and VF. £L. Lombard), 
teamsters, 143 Milk . [ mot 

Allen & Co. (Geo, A. Allen), piano fortes, 170 Tre- 

Allen & Furrar (Theos, O. Allen and Wm. &, Far- 
ror), southern pine lamber, 150 State _ 

Allen & Field (IF. A. Allen ane J. IPL Field), 

hides and leather, 17 and 27 Indla wharf 

Allen & Loug (5. £. dilen and J. D, Long), law- 
yers,20 Court 7 . 

Allen & Loni (5. 8. Allen and H, C. Lord) insur- 
ance brokers, 17 State | 

Allen & Noble (ffeo. den and Win. Noble), hard- 
ware, 4 Hanover 

Allen & Woodworth ( Frederick Allen, George L. 

ioodworth, and S. F. Seabury), grocers, 50. 

and 52 Broad _ " 
Allen, eee Allan, Alline, and Allyn [103 Cabot 
Allendorf Eroest, clerk. Culvert, cor. Cabot. bda. 
Allendorf Heory, musical instrument maker, house 
4 Kussell place, ward 15 
Allerton G. kb. 30 Winter, bh, (66 Dorchester avec, 
Alles John, cigar manuf. 19 Cambridge, h. 186 do. 
Alley Alden G. clerk, 02 Canal. bds, at Cheleca 
Alley Alfred Gr. clerk, 4 Coolidge building, boards 
at Cambridge 
Alley Charles E. 01 Broad, house at Malden 
Alley Charles M. 163 Hanover, house at Lyon 

Alley Charles K. clerk, elty clerk's dept. City Hall, | 

ouse 10 Green 

Alley Charles W. 242 Washington, bids. Wyman pl. | 

Alley Curtis A. mason, bds, 6 Metropolitan place 
Alley Daniel 5. teamster, bds. 5 Metropolitan pl. 
Alley Ephraim, porter, & Fulton, house at Malden 

Alley Frank E. clerk, Hartford, neur High, bds, 100) 


Alley Wilbur K. bds. 0) Vernon 
Alley William F, agent, house 4M. H. Bates place 
Alley William A. ( diley Nichols). brewer, Heath, 
cor. Parker, house Marker, near Heath 
Alley William W. chair dealer at Gardner, Mass, 
ouse 1LI7L Shawmut ave. [h. at Marlboro’ 

Alley W. A. (J. Moyd & Co.), Summer, cor. Souths, | 

Alley & Nichols ( 1F. AH. Alley and J. C. Nichols), 
urtou Brewery, Heath, cor. Parker 
Allgaler Andrew, shoemaker, house 3&6 Chadwick 
Alliger Bros. (fF. and R. 2D. Alliger,, and G. W. 
| choonmaker ), pemersl insurance, 1+ Wash. 
Alliger E. ( Aliiger Broa. ), ine. agent. 104 Wash. 
Alliger Kt. D. (2 ee /troa,), los. ugt,, 1044 Wash. 
Alline John W. 2 Washington, bds.47 Dover 
Alline William H. clerk, 67 road, house 47 Dover 
Allijon Andrew ( Clojlin, Allison, > Somes ), grocer, 
SSouth Market, house at Winchester 
Allison C. C. howee 15 Portland 
Allison Elizabeth Mra, house 5 Cortes 
Allison Elizabeth Mrs. house 15 Portland 
Allison George A. (Poor, Towne, & Co.), druga, 
&ec., 29 [udia, house at North Cambridge 
Allison Searge Ih guldbeater, 17 Spring lane, bda. 
40 Lenox 
Allison James M. 85. Market, bds. at Winchester 


Alllzon John Mra. house 26 Travers _ 

Allison John W. ¢ Allison (ff Mason), ship-chandler, 
310 Broad, house 46 Lawrence 

Allisou Mary, widow, house &} Cove — | 

Allison Mary J. asst, teacher Girls’ High Schoo), 
house 222 West Springtield 

Allison Sarah M.widew. liouse 120 Lenox 

Allison & Mason (J. IF. Allison and A. 2. Mason), 
Fhip-elandlers, 310 Broad 

Allman Fanny Mra. house 257 SO 

Allman Kedmond JJ, glazier, house 68 Lincoln 

Allman Thomas, teamster, bda, 257 W. Broadway 

Allman Thomas Mrs. bouse 66 Lincoln 

Allmand William, agent, house 126 Trenton, E.B. 

Allsizer Henry, laborer, house ? Colony 

Allatine Ann Mise, house 58 Anderson 

Allstine A. K, bookbinder. house 2 Champney pl, 

Allston George, bds.74 Village _ 

Allston Joseph. walter, house 4 Almont place 

Allum Thomas, weiter, h, 1 Wash. pl. r. 67 Silver 

Allyn Edwin, watchman, Ericeson, opp. Walnut, 
house 26 Walnut, ward 16 | 

Allyo Jolin, printer, 4 Merrimac, honee at Chelsea 

All A a olin, publisber, 21 Bromfield, house at Cam- 
bridge | | 

Allyn Thomas P. teamster, 200 Coml,, h. at Chelsea 

Allyn William, marble cutter, boards 246 Shawmut 
Avene ' 

Almedia John L. house 3 Webster place | 

Almeida Louis D. hairdresser, 25 Fleet, house 49 

Almon Lywvid, painter, bda. Hudson, ward 16 

| Almosnino Jacob, house 25 Melrose 

Almunp Thomas, teamster, house 262 W. 

Almy Charles H. house 1 Warrenton 

Almy Edward ( Moore, Pickering, & Co.J, 17 Sum- 
mer, house 3)! Shawmut are. , 

anny Frederick, jr. ( Faulkner, Page,  Co.), 14 

giilton. house at New York 

Almquist Peter, cabinet moker, house 0&7 Tremont 

| Almy G. W. clerk, 34 North, house at Newtonville 

Almy G. W., jr. bookkeeper, 52 Elm, house at 
Newtonvil “ | [bds. #14 Washington 

Almy Baler apothecary, School, cor. Tremont 

Almy Wllliam, agent Hatch & Co. Express, ad 
Court sg. house at New Bedford 

Almy William F. (Gray @& Co.), cotton broker, 
bds. 4 Mi, Vernon 

Aloysius Mary Mother, House Good Shepherd, 

remont, near Parker Hill ave, 

Alston Jane Mrs. widow, house 2 Elmer place 

Alther Emil, clock case manof., lids, 34. Adama 

Altieri Peter, grocer, 28 Ferry house do, 

| Altmiller August, tinsmith, & Norfolk place, house 

at Chelsea [ut Chelsea 

—Altmiller Clemence, cutler, 10 F. H. square, house 

Altou Joho H. machinist, house 7 Walnut pp 

| Alton Joseph I, machinist, houre 7 Walnut place 

Altree Austin E. boards 42 East Brookline 
Alty Stephen, hairdresser, & Hanover 

_Alvares Laitleen, laborer, house 40 Commercial 
Alves Joseph J. & Co.¢ Manuel al. Alves), Clothing, 

+ Hanover, h. at Kast Somerville 
Alves Manuel A. (Joseph J. Alves of Co.), clothing, 
145 Hanover 

~Alward William, teameter. boards 27 Woodward 

Alyward James J. 112 State [ tralford 

| Amazeen Frank W,. clerk, 70 Ohsane . boards at 

Amazeen Harris, conductor, Bb. & 
at Reading 

a bs K ri house 

Amazeco J, A. conductor, B. & M. A. K., house at 

Amuzeen K, W. carpenter, 105 Brighton, house at 

Ambler William N. porter, 325 Wash, h.&) Hudson 
Ambrose Charles, machinist, boards 30 Oxford 

Ambrose Geo. picture-frame manuf, 4 Wanover, 

hous at Chelsea : 
Ambrose George J, clerk, 216 State, boards 4 Lin- 
wool piece 
Ambrose James, teamater, house 10 Tufte 
Ambrose Joho, laborer, house 72 Orleans 
Ambrose John, tailor, house 32 Hudson 

| Ambrose Justia S. leather belting, 24Charlestown, 

~—s boards 29 Worcester square | 

Ambrose Michael, clerk, house 127 Everett, E.B, 
Ambrose Hobert, laborer, house 4) Gold ) 
Auibrose Robert, laborer, house Gardner court 
Ambrose Thomas, leamster, bourds 51 Gold 
Ambeler Charles A. piano maker, /iouse Lleath pl. 
Amelia Ann Miss, house 40 Commercial 

Amend Courad, baker, house 72 Longwood 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

American aceiemay OF Arts and Sciences, Athenm- 

um Building, Beacon 

American Band, 213 Washington, room 7 

American Bank Note Uo, 0 State 

Americun Bapthet Missionary Union, Tremont 
Temple : Temple 

American Baptist Publication Society, 2 Tremont 

American Kase Ball Co. 105 Washington 

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign 

Missions, 1 Somerset [Machine Co. 41 Avon 

American Button Hole, Overseaming, and Sewing 

American Cable Screw Wire Co 25 Charlestown 
sing Clothes Line Keel and Pulley Co, 0 Sud. 

Amerioan Coal Gas Light Improvement Co (Gib- 
con's Patent). 4 Pemberton square 

American Colonization Society, 16 Pemberton #4. 

American Congregational Union, Beacon, corner 
Somerset S. Market 

Americano Conzolldated Fire Extinguisher Go. 22 

American Corrugated [ron Co, 25 Doane 

American Education Soclety, I. N. Tarbox, sec’y, 
14 Cornhill 

American Express Co. 08 Wash. and 34 Albany 

American Fire Proof Window Frame Co, & [om- 

berton aquare — 3 

American Glass Window Pulley Co, 470 Albany 

American Grate Har Co, & Pemberton square 

American Improved Gas Light Co. 47 lodla 

American TIn-urance Co. 4 State 

American Joint Nutional Agency limited, 22 Schoo! 

American Magnesium Co. 127 State (ner. EB 

American Manufacturing Co, oil cabinets, 117 Sum- 

American Meter Co, 321 Waehington 

American Missionary A#-ociation, 21 Cong'l House 

American Moulded baper Collar Co. 244 W, Fifth 

Aunerican Net and Twine Co. ¢ William Stowe, Jas, 
8, Shepherd, John W. Fairbanks, L. D. Drury, 
ond Jf N. Rive), net. seine, and twine manuf. 
1 Commercial (55 Tadia wharf 

American Oil Cabinet Co, J. HH. B. Lang, treasurer, 

American Peace Society, 31 Cong’l Honse 

American Popular Life Imaurance Co. 8) Wash. 

American Powder Co. 20) State 

American Proteatant Publishing Co, 8) Court 

American Publishing Co. 4 Washington 

Ameorloun Raibeny Frog Co, 14 Kilby 

Aroeriéan Roolliw Co, 10 State : 

American Rubber Co, 42 Bedford 

Atierican Saddle Oo, 127 Commercial — 

Anerlcan Seamen's Friend Society, 1 Somerset 

American Show Bhank Co, H. A. Wilder, treasurer, 
5o Devonshire 

American Shoe Tip Oo. Summer, cor, South 

American Sleigh and Carriage Iron Co. 99 Dowker 

American Social Bclunce Association, 6 Pemberton 

Amerloan Bteam Gaoge Co, 38 Chardon 

Amerivan Steam Paoking Co, 36 Kilby 

Aimvrican Steam Bafe Co. 51 and 43 Sudbury 

Anierican Sanday Schoo! Union, 40 Winter 

Afierican Tablet Manufacturing Oo. 29 Brattle 

American Tool and Machine Co, M Klogston 

American Tool Bteel Co, 21 Broad 

American Tract Society, A Gilman, eoc. 219 Wash. 

Amoricoan Traot Society, N. E. Branch, 116 Wash. 

Amoertean Tube Worka, 0T State 

Arnerican Unitarinn Association, 7 Tremont pl, 

American Wateh Co. 161 Tremont; after October, 
Si 0mer | : 

American Water Whee) Co. 71 Exchange 

American Whip Co, 20 Dock square 

American Wire Quilted Sole Assoriation, 69 Com'l. 

American & ae Express, 40 Court 

Amerier George M, office Board of Underwriters, 
17 Merchants Exchunge, boards at Cilftondale 

Amerie Henry & Co, ( Pm. AL Amerige), enil- 
mikera, 1 Commercial wharf, house pat Malden 

Amverige William H. (ff Amerige & Co,), suil- 
naker, 17 Commercial wharf, house at EK. Saugus 

Ames Albert T. B, (Pale Bros. if Co.), dry goods 
oom, 162 Tremont, howse 171 Beacon 

Ames Asa, boarding-house, 4 Montgomery place 
Anes A. A. salesman, 23 No, Market, bds. 4 Mont- 

| gomery toe | 
Ainea B.F. od and 4 Holmes block, h. at Charlestown 
Ames Charles Henry, anleeman, § State 
Ames Chas. 8. clerk, 78 Kueeland, bds, 44 Fayette 
Ames Kdward E. 71 Fayette, boards 45 do, 
Am a Edward M. clerk, 10 Portland, boarda Quincy 

White Lead 



Ames Elisha F. ( Cushing ¢ Ames), dry yocde 128 

Hanover, house § Allston 

Ames Fisher, lawyer, 2 Pemberton eq. h. at Ded- 
Ames Frink W. bookkeeper, $4 Commercial, h, at 


Ames F. 1). 38 Seara Building andQuincy Hall, h, at 

No. Enston 
Ames George, carver, boards 105 Saratoga 

Ames George, conductor, boanla 45 Webster 
Ames George H. dentist, 135 Boylston, house do, 
Ames Henry F ( Wyman d Artin ), dry goods com, 

29 Central wharf, h. at Charlestown 

Ames Hiram (S. ¢ A. Ames), carpenter, 71 Fay- 

ette, h, § Yarmouth 

Ames Taaae, Judge of Probate and Insolvency, Pro- 

bate bullding, h. 4 Somerset 

Ames Jacoh, teameter, honec 4 Chelsen ct. E. B, 




Amea James BH, house T Gloucester 

Ames Jarvia A. Rev. missjonary, h. 339 Tremont 
Amés John, walter, Beston Hotel, boards do 

Ames Joseph B. (.doea f Coburn), 41 Hanover, h. 

& Allston cite 
Ames Josephine B. Mies, musle-teacher, b. 35 Fay- 
Amce Lydian Miss, house HN. Bonnet 
Ames Mary A. house 7 Myrtle 
Amos Mra. widow, house 082 Buratoza, E. B. 

Ames N. W, teamafer, 116 Comwmercinl, house at 

Ames Onkes, Ames Plow Co. Quincy Hall, and 344 

Beare ballding, house at No. Easton 
Ames Oliver, pres. Ames Plow to. Quincy Hall, 

and 4 Soares adores yb houee at No, Enston 
Ames Urluudo, opilcal instrament maker, 30 Han- 

over, roam 71, house at Somerville [Hall 
Ames Plow (o. agricultural warehouse, Quincy 
Ames P, Adama ( Page, Rickhoriaon,G Co.), bank- 
era, 77 State, house 24 Marlboro’ — 
Ames Hobort E (RR. Wf. Ames Son), 43 North, bh. 
2 Auborn place, ward 14 
Ames Hobert W, & Son (27. A. Ames and A. HY, 

Spence), Patent leather manuf, 43 North, h. 1 

Auburn place, ward 14 : 

Ames Sutouel, driver, © Clinton, hoose at Chelsea 
Ames Bamuel T. 25 Tremont ow, h 7 Glogcester 
Ames Seth, Judge ee iaame, Court, 9 Court Louse, 

house at Longwonc [ Webster, E. B, 
Ames Seth ©. phyecien, 34 Watover, house 131 
Ames » bhangmad & Hiram, carpenters, 71 Fayette, h. 
Ames 8. P. Mra. house 13 Ash 

| Ames Willard, joloer, honee, 17 Princeton, E. B. 

Ames William G. carpenter, house 25 Vinton 

Ames W, 8. clerk, 62 Canal, bds. 220 Tremont 

Amea & Coburn — Jt, dmes one! George M, 
Cofharn,, boots and shoes, 4. Hanover 

Amesbury Mills, 91 State 

Amilvil! Loula, cook, b. 47 [litte 

Amme! Lowla, fruit, &c. 14 Blossom, h. 3 Emmett pl, 

Ammidon Charles K. (2 S. Fornawerth Gt Co.), 
104 Waehington, bourds ) W. Newton 

| Ammidon Pallip K. (Ammidon Co, ), paperhang- 

inwa, 17 Llanorer, house at Cambridge 

Ammidon & Co. (/*. &. Ammidon), paperhangings, 

l? Hanover 

Amory Arthur (Upham, Tucker, of Co.) dry goods 
at Chauncy, house at New Yor | Bencon 

Amory Charles, merchant, 4] Devonshire, house 225 

Amory Charlies W. ¢ Walnimright f Amory), bro- 
ker, 40 State, room 10, hotise WW) Charles 

Amory Coploy f Stevené, Amory, J Cu.), broker, 39 
State. bh. 725 Beacon 

Amory Frederie, § Pemberton square, house 16 
Boylston, and at Brookline 

Amory George K. bis. Coolidge House 

Amory George W. bds. Coolldge louse 

Amory Henry C h. 7 Shawmut 

Amory James 8, treas. Nashoa and Jackson Mannf, 
Cow, and Laneaster Mills, 5 Pemberton square 
house at Brookline [| Long wood 

Amory Robert, physician, § Pemberton aq. house at 

Amory Thomas U. lawyer, h. 10 Commonwealth av. 

Amory T (. Mra. house 198 Warren 

Amory Wm. treas. Stark Milla and Amoskeag 
Manuf, Co. @ State, room 2, bh. 41 Beacon 

Amory Wm. jr. ( G. Brewer ¢ Co.), dry goods com, 
22 Milk, h. 140 Beacon ; 

Amos George Henry, plasterer, h, 131 Beventh 

Amos Hobert, 35 Avou | 

Amos Robert © clork, house 3 Mahan place 

Amoa Thomas, agent, bouse 1 Athena 

Amoskeag Munufacturing Co. 60 Statw — 



Ampey John, laborer, honse 1 Ottawa place 

Amrhein Adam, baker, 44 Oneida, house 195 Shaw- 
mon arene | 

Ameen Dante! f Alina, Ameaden. f Co ), truckman, 
3 Chatham row, house 8 Allantic 

Ameden Frank E. clerk, boards 105 Saratoga 

“at George W. provisions, 00 F, H. mkt. h, 27 

Amaden a. M.eupt at S.A Wood's, Dorr, n. Dor- 
chester avenue, house 73 Telegraph _ 

Ameden Henry F. com. mer. 12 West, boards 50) 
Columbus avenue 

Ameden Jol F. ( Farley, Amaden, f Co ), dry gooda, 
48 Chauney, house 629 Columbus avenue 

Ameden Lec, house 46 Taber . 

Ameden Thomas J. (Simmons, Amsden, f Co.), 
aspera iM and 06 Faneull Hall market, house 
27 Allon 

Ameden Walter, engraver, 68 Cornhill, boards 46 
Tahe Telegraph 

Taber TI P 
Ameden Wm. U. clerk, 67 Sudbury, boards 74 
Annguoe Michpal, resident supt, Institution for the 

Pine 4 | Re 
Anderer George, tinamith, boards 45 So. Margin 
Anderer John M. brasamoulder, bh 45 S50. Margin 
Anders Adolph, baker, house 4Mason 
Anders George L valegtAph mechaniam, 40 Hanorer 
Anderson Albert, locksmith, boards 20 Unity 
Anderson Albion, broker, 83 Friend, h, 0 Portland 
Anderson Alevander, mason, order box 17 Court 
Anderson Alexander, blackemith, h. 87 Everett, E. B. 
Anderson Alfred G. paperhanger, h. 220 Eustia— 
Anderson Allen, stonecutter, boards 2 Croshy place 
Anderson Andrew, walter, honse 53 Charles 
Anderson Andrew, junk, hogee 146 Vernon 
Anderson Andrew, carpenter, house 10 Clif 
Anderson Ann Mra. house 2 Phipps place 
Anderson Anna, widow, h. 76 Dove 
Anderaon Antolin, carpenter, house 75 Lenox 
Anderson Archibald C. car-buollder, h. 14 Warren 
Anderson Arthur F, conatahle, municipal court 

(soutbern di-trict), house § Thornton place 
Anderson A, 242 Wash. hoards at W. Roxbory 
Anderson A. F, laborer, h. 49 No. Anderson 
Anderson Bartholomew, coal and wood, 500 Dudley 
Anderson Corl F carpenter, boards 35 Malden 
Andereon Catharine, widow, house rear 70 Carver 
Anderson Cella H. whtow, house 79 West Canton 
Anderson Chas, porter 87 Hanover.h 45 Border,E.B. 
Anderson Charles, cooper, house 9 Emerald 
Anderson Charles, upholstorer, 63 Union, house 

Anderson Charles, carpenter, honse 27 Conard 
Anderson Charles, laborer. houee Gardner avenue 
Anderson Charles, Inborer, h, r. 402 Commercial 
Anderson Charles A, aaleeman, 29 Washington, 

boards 35 Princeton 
Anderson Charles A. boards 3 Worcester 
Anderson Chriatian, bar-tender, h. 4 Richmond 
Anderson Christopher, hair-drewer, 57 Temple pl., 
house 229 Hanover — 
Anderson Christopher, slioemaker, bh. 227 London 
Anderson Christopher, hair-dresser. h. 4 Richmond 
Anderson Cyrus J. (fa. Somerad Co.), lumber, 

Albany, near Wareham, house 252 Bixth 
Anderson David, carpenter, house 770 E, Seventh 
Andereon David G. eallmaker, house 59 Spring 
Anderson Della B. boardlng-houso, 84 Esoct 
Anderson Ebenezer, house 59 Spring 
Anderson Edward, engineer, house 9 Euatls | 
Anderson Edward, plano maker. ds. 1 Bradford 
Anderson Felein, laborer, house 3 Primus avenue 
Anderson Edwin, miale-printer, 2 Water, house 

25 Warrenton , 

Anderson Elizabeth Mra. house T Glendon, E.B. 
Anderson Ellen, widow, house *W North 

Anderson Emile, boards 422 W Fourth 

Anderson Frank, laborer. boards T2 Dorchester ave, 
Anderson Franklin, alu hangor, 39 Merchanta row, 

house 18! K | r 
Anderson Frederick, plano-maker, h. 1102 Tremont 
Anderson Fred. KR. teameter, house 9 Prince 
Anderson George, carpentor. hia, 422 W. Fourth 
Anderson George. «aleeman, boards 11 Dix place 
Anderson George H. 7 Beacon, b. see place 
Anderson George M. clerk, boards Linden, near 

Adame, ward 16 = 
Anderson George R, gas machines, h, 77 Revere 
Anderson George W. clerk, 4 Winter, h, 172 North- 
hoards Js2 K 

am ptot : 
Anderson Grenville O, stereotyper, 19 &pring lane, 

PAINTS! |} °“Wwnice tend, cotors, Varnishes, arc. 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

Anderson Hans, joiner, house rear 40 Chadwick 

Anderson, Heath, & Co... (John Anderton, WLS 
Anderson, G IF. Heath Herekink Libby, anid 
ir. #. Clark). dry gooda, 617 Avou 

Anderson Henry, house 12 Gouch 

Anderson Henry M. bootmaker, 14 Oak, house 3 M, 
H. 2 Columbia | [182 K 
Anderson Isaac H, printer, 19 Spring lane. house 

Anderson James, 331 Wash. house at Newtonville 
Anderson James, «tevedore, M. 8.8. Co. end Central 
wharf, howee at Charlestown | 

Anderaon James, bookbinder, hovae 57 Leverett 

Anderaon James, clerk. Lewis, cor Fulton, bda. do, 

Anderson James F. ina, agent, 120 Wash. house at 
Oharlestown | 

Anderson James G. plano maker, h, 1 Cheater pl, 

Anderson James L. hatter, § Hoyleton square, house 

oat Chelsea [the bridge, E.R, 

Anderson James W. mariner, hou-e Chel#ea, near 

Andereon Jane, drew=emaker, Linden, near Dorches- 
ter avenne, ward 16 

Anderson Jane Mra. boarda 115 Meridian 

Anderson Jane E. widow, houee 10 Bridge-at. court 

Anderson Jared Mra. house 196 Northampton 

Anderson John, machiniat, house 21 Trenton, E.R. 

Anderson John, laborer, house 48 Prentiss 

Anderson John (Anderson, FTeath. & Co.), dry 
goods, 64 Avon, house 168 Warren 

Anderson John (4 aderson Se te ), boota and 
shoes, 24 Elm, house at Salem 

Anderson Jolin, chalr and sofa manufactory, h, 
Linden, near Adama, ward 14 

Anderéon John, laborer, houee 45 Bo. Maretn 

Anderson John, 10 Avon, house at Wellesley 

Anderson John, laborer, hoaee 44 Brighton 

| Anderson John, safemakor, h. 162 0 

Anderson John, sewing-machines. house $6 0 
Anderson John, laboror, house (5 A 
Anderson Jolin, fron-worker, house 7 Riverside 
Anderson John, laborer, boarda 14 River | 
Anderson John, laborer, boards 1 N. Bennet place 
Anderson John A. boarda 168 Warren [h, 40 Cabot 
Anderson John A. steam and fae fitter. TZ Eliot, 
Anderson John B. house Central avenoe | 
Anderson John B. house Wash. n. School, ward 16 
Anderson John C. Mra. house 75 Maveriok, EE. 
Anderson Jolin F. f Wheelwright, Anderson, if Co.), 
dry good«, 33 Bedford, house 185 Reaoon 
Andereoo John J. house 45 Lowell | 
Anderson, John L. laborer, boards 1 Smith place 
Anderson John F. slevormak ‘r, bh. ON. Bennet place 
Anderson John W. bookkeeper, 114 Blackstone, bh. 
Hind-st. place, ward 16 | 
Anderson John W. jr. hoase Homplhreya, ward 14 
Andervon Join W. waiter, boarda 4 James place 
Anderaon Joshua, engine-bullder, h. 41 Kookland 
Anderson Joshua, packer, house 171 Chelecn 
Andereon J. plano-maker. boards 0 Kendall 
Anderson Lewis Mra. widow. honuae 61 Kendall 
Anderson Luther W. master English High School, 
Bedford, houwwe at Quiney 
Anderson Lydia A. Mra house 44 Upton 
Anderson L. coachman, h. Savin Hill ave. wand 16 
Anderson Mary, widow, house 2 Irving place 
Anderson Mary, h. rear 60 Pitts 
Anmlereon Mary A. whlow, house 47 [rines 
Anderson Mary E, Mra. house 33 Warrenton 
Anderson Nelaon, laborer, boarda 1 Lurroll place 
Andereon Oscar, plano-maker, house 1209 Tremont 
Anderaon Patrick, laborer, house 544 Albany 
Anderson Peter, machioljat, house 1452 Havre, E.B. 
Anderson Peter, laborer, h, rear 181 Weat Third 
Anderson Peter, organ-bullder, 479 Waahingtun, 
house at Charlestown — 
Anderson Peter, laborer, honse 42 Clark 

Anderson Peter, paluter, 223 Com'l, h. 161 Chelsea 

Anderson Rebecca 8. Mra. honse 4 Bulfinch place 
Andereon Richard, laborer, house 44 Albany 
Anderson Robert, cutter, house 270 Howen 
Anderson Robert, blacksmith, house 17 Salutation 
Anderson Kufus Kev, D. D. 12 Congl. House, honse 
Cedur aqoare 
Anderson Samuel, carpenter, house 8 Tennyeon 
Anderson Samuel, laborer, honae $2 Lovernt 
Andereon Samael carpenter, b. 24 Harrison ave, 
Andereon Samuel, bookkeeper, 2! Kingston, b Tyler 
Andereon Samael! F. clothes-cleaner, 69 Devonshire, 
(basement). house 20 Grove . 
Anerson Suigurt. Inger beer, Ke., 249 Hanover, 
house 4 Charter 
Anderson 8. waiter, 115 Boylston 


Manufaemrers, 7 
77 & 70 Clinton St. 


Andereon Theodore, mariner, boarda 325 Hanover 

Anderson Thomas, overscer cordage works, house 
a7 ay, lew 

Anderson Thomas, laborer, house 83 Phillips 

Anderson Thomas Mra. house rear 4 Garden- 

court at. 

Anderson Thomas & Co boots and shoes, 12 Bulfinch 

Auderson Thomas G. bookkeeper, 103 Blackstone, 
house 60 Sprin 

Anderson Thomas J. house 14 Spring 

Anderson Wallace, opholsterer, house 87 Green 

Anderson Wallice A. house 3) Leverett 

Anderson Wallace R, engraver. hoose 77 Revere 

Anderson Warren L. clerk, 186 Commercial, boards 
13] Saratoga 

Anderson Willlam, bookkeeper. 299 Washington, 
house od Princeton, E.B. 

Anderson William, safe-maker, b. 744 E. Drondway 

Anderson William, shoemaker, house 23 Morton 

Anderson William, laborer, house 95 A 

‘Anderson William, boards 226 Tremont 

Anderson William, laborer, house rear 93 Hampden 

Anderson William, laborer, house 174 Marion 

Anderson William A, tailor, boards Thayer's Hotel, 
ward 16 

Anderson Wil'iam J. ( Ferry f Anderson) reatau- 
Tant, 97 South, house 225 Tremont [do. 

Anderson William L. bontbuilder, foot of K. house 

Anderson William 8, (daderson, Heath, gf Co.), 
dry gooda, 54 Avon, h $4 Worcester. 

Anderson W.A. machinist, boards 41 Malden 

Anderson W. L. broker, 70 Friend, house at 


Anderson & Reynolds (John Anderson and John 
Reynolds), boots and shoes, 26 Elm [Carver 

Anderua G. bootmaker, Carver, corner Eliot, h, 27 

Andre Antonio, house ¥1] Conant 

Andre P, A. boots and shoes, 63 High 

Andrea Arrat, fruit stand, house 123 North 

Andrea Arthur E, clerk, 67 Devonshire, boards 138 
Meridian , 

Andres Th. B, asec. Petersilea’s Music School 

Andrén Alban, sollcitor of patents, 4 Liberty aq. 
house at Beverly 

Andress Jolin, laborer, house 3 Marion place 

Andrew Charles, house 1% Harrison avenoe 

Andrew Eliza Mra.h Elm. n. Exchange, ward 16 

Andrew Gico. T. (John Andreic f Sun). engraver, 
f Temple pl. hh, Auburn, n. Adams, ward 16 

Andrew Horatio d. clerk, 03 Wash, h. 10 Deeator 

Andrew Isasc W. Custom House, house at Koxford 

Andrew John, carpenter. house 25 Northampton 

Andrew John & sup (George J. Andrei), wood 
engravers, 6 Temple place 

Andrew Madame, ilresamaker, 10 Decatur, bh. do. 

Andrew Pierce J. bookkeeper, 10 India, bouse 
Centre, pear Adama, ward 16 

Andrew Richard W. moulder, boards 1103 Tremont 

Andrew Robert F. b. Elm, cor, Exchange, ward 16 

Andrew William, laborer, house 14 Cross 

Andrew William K,. clerk, 400 Wnhebl. boarda 106 
Harrison avenue 

Andrews Albert Mra, howse 140 Seats E.B. 

Andrews Alfred A. bookkeeper, 40 Washington, 
boards at Somerviile 

Andrews Alouzo (Andrews Stevens), provisions, 
47 Gromfield, house 79 Curver 

Andrews Alonzo T. (dndrews if Gleason), produce, 
7 New F, H. Market, boards Quincy Huse 

Andrews Ann, widow. boards 326 Dorchester ave. 

Andrews Arthor, clerk, boarde 57 Harvard 

Andrews Asa L. cabinetmaker, h, 20 Orange [win 

Andrews Atizustus, student, 42 Court, bdsa, 6 Bald- 

Andrews A. H. Custom House, bouse at Fitchburg 

Andrews Crroline OC. Mra, house 20 E. Springfield 

Audrews Charles, grocer, 28 Kovcelond, house ll2 
Chandler | | : 

Andrews Charles A. clerk, 91 Commercial, boards 
5 Baldwin place 

Andrews Uharles E. carpenter, honse 12 Atlantic 

Andrews Charles E, clerk, 163 Shawmut ave. house 
o2 Villag 

Andrews Charlea H. (2. M. Pulsifer & Co.), 
* Boston Herald,” 104 Wash. bouse 108 Charles 

Andrews Charles H, house-fornishing gouds and 

stove Exchange,bde 16 Worcester aq. 
Andrews Charles H. vlerk, 191 Fulton, bds, at Salem 
Audrews Charles J, season-ticket clerk, Bb & A, FE. 
KR. house nt Newtonville =| 
Andrews Charles Lowell, commission merchant, 4) 
India, house Marlboro’ 

White Lead, Colors, Varnishes. &c. 


| Andrewe Cyrus F.01 Commercial, h.25 Winter,rm.B 

Andrews C. Stanley, boards 65 Ventre, ward 15 

Andrews Daniel N. at Post Office. house 33 0 

Andrews Daniel W. provisions,@ Walnut avenue, 
house | Walout court 

Andrews David A. seeretary Globe Nail Co., How- 
urd, B.H house 1 St. Elmo, 10 W. Brookline 

Andrews D Herbert, engineer, National Bridge and 
Iron Worka, 15 State, louse ut Chelsep 

|) Andrews Eben G. armorer, house 2 Spear place 

Andrews Edward, tinamith, house E, 107 

Andrewa Edward, boards 102 Easex 

Audrews Edward, bookbinder, 420 Washington, 
boards 14 Kingston [nue, ward 16 

Andrews Edward, bouk agent. bonrus Brook ave- 

Atirews Edward L, house 166 Poplar 

Andrews Edward l. couper, 153 Commercial, louse 
at Churle-town 

Andrews Edwin PF. salesman. 27 Essex _ 

Andrews Elbridge F. clerk, lts F. WH. Murket, h, 
iT Hanover 


| Andrews Elias E, driver, 5. B. ER. R. house 17) 
Atdrews Eon line M. widow. house, 235 W. Third 

Andrews Erastus J. house 107 Pinekucy 

Autrews Ernest, clerk, bourda 57 Hurvard 

Audrews Ezekiel, coal and wool, 27 Waltham 

Audrews Ezekiel & Son (Henry DO.), tentusters, 
10 India, house 406 Beuningiog 

Andrews Kzekiel O, DP. jr. jig sawyer, 42 Chardon, 
house ut Malden — [house 107 Pluckuey 

Andrews E. Jones, Wines, &e. 6 Congress square, 

Andrews Francis, carpenter, buirds 16 Berlin 

Andrews Francis D. evginecr, hi. 350 Benidugton 

Andrews Frank, bartender, 75 Porthind, Jiguse do. 

Andrews Frank. salesman, 37 Temple place, iouse 
20 E. Springtield ; 

Andrews Frank P. watehmaker, boards 0) [almer 

Andrews Frank 5, engineer, Graud Juuciion wharf, 
house 4 London 

Andrews Fiank W.20 Pemberton *q. h. 157 Beacon 

Audrews Frederic, packer, 2t lortland, bourds 461 
lanover tral, house wt Andover 

Atdrews F. OW. 74. Cf #& &f. Andretes) 44 Cen- 

Andrews George f Andrews. Itch, & Co. J, ist), Vand 
11 Commercial whurf, worth side, house 2.0 

Andrews George, boards 4 Asylum 

Andrews George, carpenter, hoose 64 Commercial 

Audrews George, laborer, house $ Greenough love 

Andrews George A teamster, louse 25 Ada ‘us 

Andrews George H. clerk, 9 Commercial wharf, 
bourds 240 Hanover 

Andrews George W, carpenter. house 7 Athena 

sagen rh George W. clerk, £1] Broad, house Mu W. 

Andrews George W, W. clerk, house 24 N. Bennet 

Andrews Gustavus, clerk Siate Police, 44 Lember- 
ton equare, liouse at ag 

Andrews Henry, silversmith, 220 Wash. h. l7s K 

Andrews Henry, shipwright, h. W. Eapvie. bk. Tf. 

Andrews Henry, jr. produce, Us) Blackstone, liouse 
178 K [bowurds 400 Keuningtou 

Andrews Henry D. (2 Andrews if Son), 30 Lodia 

Andrews Henry I. house 65 West Brookline 

Avudrews Hill, printer, boards 48 Kendall 

Andrews |. Freeman Mra, boards 5 Telegraph 

Andrews [. X. bouwrds City Hotel 

Andrews Jacob KR. gilder, 76 Tremont, bh. 5 Acorn 

Andrews Jolin, euginwer, house 420 EB. Third 

Andrews Jolin, labourer, house 21 | 

Andrews Joho, waichwal, boards 44 Leverett 

Audrews Jolin A. ( Widley, Sparr, f Uo.), grocer, 
47 to 6 Broad, house ut Melrose 

Andrews Jobn DL), photograplist, &} Court, liouse 
IE. Fouitl, cor. N 

Andrews Jolin K. agent Whalebone Works, 32 
Faneuil Hall square, boards | Francia place 

Andrews John I, lawyer, 16 Pemberton square, 
houge at Wyoming 

Andrews Julio 5. nits and inwer hair soles, 46 Haw- 
over, house of Chelsea | 

Andrews Josepi Mrs. house 46 Rutland «quare 

Andrews Jusepli, engraver, 192 Trenwnt, iwouse 24 

Andrews Julius, ‘4 Chauncy, boards 24 Genesee 

Audrews Justi EB. carpenter, liotiee Stotiglion, n. 
North avenue, wd. 16 

Andrews J. & J. M. grauite. 17 Court | 

Andrews Levi W. teamster. liouse 6 Trumbull 

Andrews Lorenzo C. 10 Old State House, house 

Charles, ward 1 

. i  ‘Manufn citlrers, 

PAINTS | CARPENTER, WOODWARD, & MORTON, \ 77 and 79 Clinton St. 


Andrews Tyman, police station 9, house 58 Forest 
Andrews Martin, carpenter, boards & Prince 
Andrews Mary A. dressmaker, house Stoughton, 
corner North avenge, ward 16 
Andrews Mary L, widow, house 57 Harvard 
Andrews Matthew S. tin and sheet iron worker, 11 
Marahliall, house at Somerville 
Andrews M.C. & F. H. agents New York Car 
Spriug Co, 23 Central, house at Andover 
Andrews ren: carpenter, house 61 Carver 
Andrews Osear L. (.dadrews df Champlin), slgn 
ninter, 700 Washington, louse 15 Cherr 
Andrews U, T, painter, bourds 12 Crescent place 
Andrews Pierce J, bookkeeper, 10 India, house 
Centre. near Adams. ward 16 
Andrews, Rich, & Co. ( George Andrews, J. 5. AP, 
and F. A. Rich), fish, 9 and 11 Commercial 
wharf. north side 
Andrews Kicha'd F. deputy State constable, 24 
Pemberton square, house 23 Lambert 
Andrews Kobert, mariner, houre $65 Hanover 
Andrews Samuel, 1 Hamilton, bds. at Somerville 
Andrews Samuel, notary public. 65 Court §q. room 12, 
and Custom House, housé 65 Centre, ward 15 
Andrews Silas D, 47 No. Market, h. at Winchester 
Andrews Stephen, blacksmith, boards 107 Wash. 
Andrews Stephen 5. 8. pa pechangers 700 Washing: 
ton, house 38 Kirklane | 
Andrews Stephen T. foreman, house 100 Tyler 
Andrews Sydney, governor's sec. State House, bh. 
61 Hotel Berkeley 
Andrewa Thomas A. bookkeeper, 7 Province court, 
house at Churlestown 
Andrews William, engineer, house 11 Lovis 
Andrews William A, pianomaker, house Parker 
Andrew William H. printer, boards 143 Hudson 
Andrews Win. A. teamater, house 56 Baldwin place 
aoe William B Mrs. Medical College, foot N. 
Andrews William E. §& North, h. at Cambridgeport 
forth William G,. ,Custom'House, house at East 

Andrews William G. ( Pennock G Andrews), hops, | 

&e. 4 50, Market, house at Somerville 
Andrews William H. H. lawyer, 28 State, room %5, 
house at Hyde Park house at Malden 
Andrews William K. carriagemuker, 99 Summer, 
Andrews William T. 20 Pemberton equare, room 6, 
house 6 Marlboro’ and Pond, ward 16 
Andrews —, house 14 Green 
Andrews & Champlin (0. £. Amfrews anid F. HT. 
Champlin), aigu painters, 700 Washington 
Andrews & Gleason (A. T. Andrewa and Geo. N. 
Gleeson}, fruit and produce, 7 New F, H. mar- 
ket and cellar 34 do. . 
Andrews & Stevens (Alonzo Andrews and C. E. 
Sterens), provisions, 47 Bromfield 
Androscoggin Mills, 49 State, room 33 [et. ct. 
Angelbeek John H. fresco p inter, house 3 Canton- 

Angell Amos 5S. & M. E. painters, 60) Kingston, 

house at Hyde Park (24 Somerset 
Angell Bradford W. oop os Gffiice, E. KR. R. boards 
Anwell Charles, clerk, 1 Eliot, hi, 12 py a 
Angell George T. ( Angell fennizon), i Wash- 

neton, room 1, house at Nahant [ Beacon 

Angell Henry C. physician aod oculist, house 16 | 
| Aposto John, laborer, bourde 1 Fulton ¢ourt 
| Appel Mary Mre. house 873 Washington 

Angell Jumes RK. hatter, house 7 Albion 
Angell L. E. Mrs. boards 6 Decatur 

Anyge'l Martha D. Misa, millinery and fancy goods, | 

o2 Cambridge, boards “0 Lynde : 
Angell ——, cutter, rooms 3 Garden Court street 
Angell M. E. (4. &. dt ME. Angell), painter, 094 
Kingston | 
Angell & Jennison (George 7. Angell and Samuel 

Jennizon), lawyers, notaries public, and com. | 
missioners for all the States and Territories 40 | 

Wusehington, room | 7 
Angelo Charles, steward, house? Weat 
Angelo Mackie, pinnomaker, bds. 735 Harr. ave 
Angelo William, 1 Central place, boards 7 Derne 
Angier Amos M.(G@. Wikefield f Co.),8 Canal and 
7 Merrimac, house at Somerville 
Angier Calvin W. & Co, ( N. £. Choylin), restaurant, 
63 Cornhill, h. E. Fourth, cor. N 
Angier Frank H. lawyer, 06 Washington, house 
fe Weet Cedar ut Newton 
Angier George, ticket-master. B. & A. K. HK. house 
Anvier George, farmer. bh. 30 Washington. ward J6 
Angler Leander A. wheelwright, house 283 Rowen 
Angier L. 1. Rev. 384 Broadway 
Angier Myra Mra. widow. li. 2 TL.everett avenue 

Angier Oscar M. bookkeeper. house 50 Telegraph 
Angier Rachel Mrs. house 411 Dorchester 
Angier Robert, boards 411 Dorchester 
Anglin KR. A. [Cearstein, Anglin, && Co.). 291 Han- 
over and 30 Bromfield, Eougee J Syovlling place 
Anglin Edward, stonecutter, house 112 Bowen 
Anglin Lawrence, stonecitter, house 4 Tudor 
Auizen A. cook, Parker House, h. at Chor'estown 
Annable Charles A. 33 Washington squore. boards 
1 Mt. Vernon [uve. house 1 Mt. Vernon 
Annable Charles C. carpenter, Castle, cor, Harrison 
Annable Chorles D. 313 Washington, h. ot Chelsea 
Annable James H. clerk, house 7 Leverett 

Annable John F. caddy manufacturer, 37 Central, 

house at Somerville 

Aunable Joseph W. bookkeeper, boards 14 Allston 

Annable Wim. tube works, house 34) Samner 
Annan Charles F. house 877 East Fourth 

Annund Edward Rev, house 61 Monmouth 

Annand James, howee Hotel Ashland : 

Annette William, cabinet maker, bds. 51 N. Russell 

Annis C. W. broom manuf, 422 W, Becond, b, do. 

Annia Joel N. hairdresser, 72 State, h. at Everctt 

Anpon Wim, machinist, boards 113 W. Broadway _ 

Ansart Benjamin F. clerk, 1330 Tremont, boarda 1 
Rogers avenue 

Angel Greorge, painter, house 24 Franklin place 

Anslow Robert J. plasterer, house 19 Culvert | 

Anson Warren, house 24 Harrison avenue 308 do. 
 Antcliffe John H. variety store, 310 Sumner, house 

Anthes Matthew, cutter, 44 Waeh,. h. 247 E. Eivlith 
Anthony Abraham, peddler, house 9 Cherry. eae 
Anthony Andrew V. 8. 134 Trem't, bh. 100 Mt. Ver. 

Anthony Benj. F. (2. dnthony f Sonj, machinist, 

133 Cabot, house T Milford plice 
Anthony E.G. (Greenleaf ff Anthony ), birds, cages, 
ke,, 104 Court, bds, Blossom, cor. McLean [ton 
Anthony Frank, baker, 55 Pleszant, bh. 107 Warren- 
Anthony George, builder, bd#. 3 Bowdoin 
Anthony Henry, peddler, h. 3 N. Bennett —[erville 
Anthony Henry L. printer, 196 Wash, h, at W. Som- 

| Anthony James F, 171 Tremont 

Anthony John, machinist, bde, 247 Fourth 

Anthony Joseph, peddler, house 9 Cherry 

Anthony Joseph bookkeeper, 3 Scura building, 
boards 22 Chester park | 

Anthony Louis, dry goods, 367 Federal, house do. 

Anthony Luther & Son (Benjamin FL Anthony), 
machinists, 193 Cabot, house at Tauntot 

Anthony Munuel, seaman, house 2) Battery 

Anthony Nathan (/iredford gf Anthony), lard- 
ware, 18 Boylaton, house 235 Marlboro’ 

Anthony Thomas, carpenter, h. Church pl. wi. 16 
Anthony Willinm A. clerk 
Antoine Mathew, laborer, house 1 Fillmore pl. 

, 10 Fulton, h. at Chelsea 

Antoine Munwell, steward, house 39 Tileaton 
Antonio Joseph, pee house 1 Powere ct. _ 
Antonio Julius, plaster image maker, 2 Baker's alley, 
* ward 2, house do. . 

Antonio Kandolf, steyedore, house 583 Bennington 
Antonio Vineon, house 555 Bennington 

Apel Joho H, fret-eawyer, house 168 I 

Apell Louisa Mrs. house 1271 Tremont 

| Apollonio Nicholas A. city registrar, City Hall 

Apollonio Nicholas T. 4 India, h. 41 Sharon [Sharon 
Apollonio Epencer M. 3 and 4 Holmes bik. bde. 41 

Appell J. Franklin, phyeician, house 11 Bennet 
Appetuskic Harris, boards 7 Kirkland 

| Appleboum Joeinh, clothing, 125 Exsux, house do, 

Applebee Charles F. house 37 Warren 

Appleby A. B. 154 Tremont, hours 42 Green 

Appleby Benj, F. (Chas. W. Sibley & Co.), 175 Dor- 
chester avenue, boards 22 Castle | 

Appleby George A. carpenter, house & Payette 

Applegate Russell, detective, bds. 00 Indinna pl. 

Applegate W. W., U. 8. Seerct Service, 60 School * 

Applequist Fritz, painter, 7 Boylston, bds. ut 

Appleton HL. W. clerk, house 24 Prescott place 

Appleton Catherine Mrs. h. 1280 Washington 

Appleton Catherine L. Miss, house 24 Olliford 
Appleton Charles A. sailmaker, house 14 Hall 

Appleton Charles E. hate, cape, &c., 691 Washing. 
ion, boards & Medford court — 

Appleton Charles Hook, bouee 54 Beacon 

Appleton Charlee 'T. Mrs. house 4 Walnut avenoe 

Appleton Charles T, P. boots and ehocs, 122 Court, 
h. at Cambridge 

Appleton Co. & Pemberton square 

77 & 70 Clinton St. 

PAINTS [ | CARN Shite be, WOODWARD, & MORTON, . ‘Manufacturers, 

White Lead, Colors, Varnishes, &c. 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

Appleton C. Frank, clerk, 122 Court, bh. at E. Somer. 

Appleton ancaele. Wecni eet 10 Pemberton square, 

Appleton Daniel fr oBbine, Apo 
ppleton Daniel F, f ftobitna, 2 efon, Cn.) 
American watches, 10) Tremont, h. al ee 

Appleton Edward, clvil engineer, 11 Pemberton 
re, hows [Bremen, E.B, 
Appleton Edward G, tinemith, 11 Union, tds, 510. 

aquare, house at Keadln 

Appleton Francie H. fart ot Weet Peabody, bh. 26 
Commonwealth avenue | 
Appleton George FB, clork, 16 Boyleton, h. at Alleton 
Appleton George (. (P. G. Barnes g& Appleton ), 
real estate agent, 27 State, h. Linwood aq. i 
Appleton Geo. H. clerk, 41 Devonshire, h. at Chel. 
Appleton Geo, H, manuf. of chemicals, h. 106 K 
Appleton Geo H. apolieanry, 271 Meridian, h, 200 do, 
Appleton George W, ( Learned, Tompson, ff Co.), 
“Shipping List,” 6 Chatham row, bh. 1241 Shaw. 

mut avenue 

Appleton Elenry, tinemith, boards 510 Bremen 

we TP Henry K. tailor, 22 Bromfleld, houee at 

ie ton 

Appleton James, Unemlth, 307 Chelsea, hb. 610 Bremen 

Appleton Mary J, Mre. louse Pleasant, near Savin 
Hill avenue, ward 16 

Appleton Nathanicl W. ( Moore, Knowles, i} Apple. 
fon), com, mer, 27 Doane, hone at Pepperell 

Appleton Samvel, Exchange Insurance Cu, 24 Dev- 
onshire, house 10 Codar 

Appleton Samucl C. house § Medford court 

Appleton Samuel H, clerk, boards 4 Medford court 

Appleton Thomas, , Seaiiioe Girls’ High and Normal 

School, house ® Wiet Dedham 

Appleton Thomas, cotton bayer, 10 Pemberton #4, 
house at Marblohewd diya at ending 

Appleton Thomas, elyil engineer, 11 Pemberton «4, 

Appleton Thomas G, h. 10 Commonwealth avenue 

Apricton Thomas It. clurk, Post Oifice, house 11 


Appleton Warren J, elgn painter, 3) Dovonelilre, 
house at Cambridge 

Appleton William, house 76 Beacon 

Appleton William, jr. house 76 Bescon 

Appleton William ©. treas. Rox. Gas Co. and pres. 

Eliot Five Cents Savings Bank, 114 Dudley, h. 
«62 Clifford 
Appleton William F, ealewman, bide. 34% W. Fourth 
Appleton Wiliam G. Mrs, house 72 Walthim 
Appleton Willlum 8. howse 40 Beacon 
Appleton Willlam W. house 37 Blossom 
Appleton W. Elliot, clerk, 195 Harrison ave, bde. 
§ Meiford court ag. 
Appleton & Sweet (New Orleans), 10 Pemberton 
Appleyard Enoch, carpenter, boarde 10 Bonnet 
Applin Sumner (ramon, Show, Co. J, tirniture, 
27 Budbury, howee at Cambridge 
Applin William, tinemith, hones 14 P 

Apted Henry E. cigars, 182, Leverett, honee $1 Lowvll 

Apthorp John V. clerk, 42 Devonshire, house at 

Aspley George EK. lawyer, 22 School, houee at Cum. 


Archer Btephen D. mason, hones 150 W. Third 

Archer Warren C. 43 North, house at E. Somerville 

Archibald Albert, tailor, boarda 6 Rus«cll place 

Archibald Charice, seaman, b, 8N. Brimmer place 

Archibald Charlee D. ( Rogers dt Archibald), grocer, 
145 Blackstone, honee at Medford 

Archibald George F. commission merchant, 26 Kilhy 

Archibald John, slater, bouse 11 Oshorn place 

Archibald Renhen, teameter, 05 North, house at 
Cambridge port 

Archibald Wechard, cooper, bouee 111 ‘Third 

Archibald Kobert, plasterer, house & Albany 

Archibald Mobert, blackemith, b. 676 Harrison ave. 

Archibald Mohert J. lather, house 20 1 

Archibald Thomas (Archiladd qf Co.), butter and 
cheese, 4 Blackstone, house at Cliarlestown 

Archibald Wm. laborer, bide, rear 415 Horrison ave, 

Archibald William, machinist, 2 Milk 

Archibald Willlam M. clerk, 4 Blacketone, boards 
af Charlestown [oheese, 54 Mlackstone 

Archibald & Co. ( Thomas Archibald y, batter and 

Ar Chong Thomas & (Co. teas, 021 Tremont 

Ardavant Achille, nineke teacher, 4 Weet 

Ardell Christhinoa, widow, house 26) Gunch 

Arenburyg Henry, currier, house 44 Broadwa 

Arenburg Lucy Mre. bourding house, 20 W. Broad- 

Arey Austin, inemith, boards 605 Kast Fourth 
ArhE A. i. f Arey of Sondera), produce, 106 Beach, 
one? 12 Newton place 
Arey Benjamin |, tinemith, boards 605 East Fourth 
Arey David WH. foreman, 252 Comumerelal, houre at 
Cambridgeport Moutgomery place 
Arey Edwin E. bookkeeper, § Hartford, boards & 
Arey John, house 6 Kichmond 
Arey Levi 1. & Co. grocers, 1 and 121 Chelsea, h. 
2H Meridian howee at Cambridgeport 
Arey Reuhen, jr. ( Simeon Snow if Cy, J, 4 Hortiord, 
Arcy Waterman H. courrier, 252 Commerclal, house 
at Chelern produce com, tere, 106 Beach 
Arey & Sanders (A. ff. dreyoawl J, df. Sandera,, 
Ariel Carrie Mra. house 9 Indiana 
Arkereon CYarlee A. clerk, 120 North, house aot 
Cambridgeport [Central wharf, h. 10 Chestnut 
Arklay Patrick ¢ Pyman f A.), a foods com. Jo 
Arkwright Mutual Fire Ina. Co, 10 Pemberton #q, 
Arlington Land Co, 7 Pemberton equare 
Arlingion Woollen Mills, 14 Chauney 
Armes Willlam HL. optician, boards 462 Tremont 

Armington Asi W. salesman, 155 ‘Tremont, bouse at 
Newton Centre bs 

Anmnington Charlee F. 30 Oliver, house 22 Windsor 

Annitage C. W. clerk, B. & M. freight depot, house 
at Saugie Union Mark «treet, near Albany 

Annor Willlam L. kindling wood,410 Albany, house 

Armsby Willard A. clerk, 72 Waali, bh. at Chelsea 

Armetead 1, H. 30 Court square, h. ot Charlestown 

Armetead William, house HM Phillipa 

Armetrong Amelia, widow, house rear 13 Spring 

Armstrong Andalusia Mra, crockery, glissware, and 
house furvishing goods, 10443 Washington 

ue pl. | Ammetrong Afinie Mrs. bouse 43 Emerald 

Cambridge (je 
Apthorp Robert E. real estate, 42 Devonshire, h. 2 
Apthorp William F. pianist, Nat. Coll. of Muste, 

Tremont Temple, boards 2 Othe pl. 

Arahill Thomas, helper, #8 Washington avenge 
Arangio Joseph, barber, M4) Hanover, h. Thacher 
Arbecam 6. i. clork, 47 Devonshire, bls, 3 Waban 
Arbocum Henry P. captain, bh. 141 Trenton : 
Arberam James G, grocer, (63 Shawmut ave. bda, 

4 Wuban ren 
Arbeecam John, Custom House, h. Waban, n. War- 
Arbington Michnel E, laborer, 427 E. Third 
Arbuckle Matthew, nvusician, 74 Washington, house 

kt Shawmut avenue 
Arbuckle William J. howee 14) 0 
Arean Joseph. teacher of daeing. 
Archambeou Peter, liquors, 241 Federal, h, do, 
Archdale Charles, 40 Court, boards 66 Cambridge 
Archdale Philip, bur tonder, boards 56 Cambridge 
Arcvhdencon Malachi, tameter, h. 6 Fayette court 
Archdeacon Maurice, hoetier, h. 182 Eesex 
Archer Geo, E. draughteman, 12 Pemberion square, 

. boards 350 Third | 
Archer James, machinist, h. 2 Bloeeom court 
Archer Jesse, clock maker, b, T2 W. Eighth 
Archer Joseph A. mavon, b. 4 Dartmouth pl. 
Archer Robert D. (/. WF. Hunneicell «f Co. ), 8 Com- 
mercial wharf, house at East Somerville | 
Archer Samuel (2. Kinatein Jiroa. af Co.), boots 
and ehocs, 44 Washlogton eq. bh. 40 Hanson 

4 Borkeloy, 

Arnetrong Aggustus &. harness dresser, house 140 
Mt. Veron 

Armetrong Kridget, widow, house 15 Thacher 

Armetrong LK. F. student, boride 48 Peiaple 

Armatrong Charles (Armstrong jf (o.), lithograph. 
er, 43 Hriatol, house at Weet Koxbury 

| Armetroog Charles, mariner, boards 6 Erin alley 

Armeatrong Dintia Mra. ourec, house 3 lrving place 

Armetrong George, carpenter, house 3 Irving place 

Annstrong George, cabinet maker, ¥ Change avenue, 
house at Everett | | 

Armnetrong George, 39 Court square, house 10 Wall 

Armstrong Groorge, froli and confectionery, 1100 
Washington, eeirtha 7 Common 

Armetrong George E. salesman, 655 Wash. bde, 78 

Fevex Linyton, hogee | Groton 
Armetrong George N. real cetute agent, 146 Waeh- 
Armstrong George T. shipwright, house 250 Silver 
Armstrong George W. newa-etand and refreshments, 

B. & A. It, Hand news, F. KR. K. depots, house 

73 Beach [aress, room 4, h. 1245 Washington 
Armetrong Cholllermo, Spanish Consul, 2 . 
Anmetrong Henry Mre. house 38 Cooprr 

| Armetrovg James, carpenter, house rear 237 Friend 
| Annstrong James, ot 
| Armetrong dames, clerk, 207 Harrison ave. boards 

ube Works, b. 1) New, E.B. 

272 do. 
Armstrong John, porter, house 148 Cambridge 
Armetrong John, seaman, bouse 202 Bolton 

PAINTS! )canrenten: “Woopwarp, « MORTON, 

77 and 70 Clinton St. 

64 noston [A] 

Armetrong John, hostler, house 68 East Bonrits 
Armetroug John, marble cutter, bouse 22 vr 
Arnetrong Jobn, howler, house 62 Lowell 
Armetrong Jolin E. burnisher, boards 60 Chelsea 
Anmstrong J. Lewis, 147 Tremont, house . 

ward 16 
Armstrong Marg fon (Lathe ar nathan) ll Bllver 
Armelroty ‘ reafron 
ner, 321 West Broadw My den Oe a | 
Armetrong Oscar, house 11: Eliot me Phillips ct. 
Annstrong Uscar 0. porter, 1 Central court, boards 
Armatrong Robert, carpenter, house r. LA Albany 
Armstrong Kobert, can maker, 50 Broad, boards 11 | 
uzmaipeniie Robert, muchinist, boards 27 eee 3 Ml 
Amasrone liobert M. printer, 41 State, boa 
Armstrong Samuel (drmatrong i Scott), meenerr | 
6 old Phila. Packet Pier, b. at Enat Cambridge | 
Annetrong Samuel 'T. Mre. house 25 Deacon 

Anmnetrong Thomas, ee heron house 412 Sumner 

Armstrong Thomas H. lawyer, 41 State, boards at 


Armstrong Willlam, laborer, house 25 Uties 

Armealrong W iiliam, laborer, h. 1024 Harrison ave. 

Annatrong William, house 5U Cliclsea 

sArmetroug Win. LL. ao F Co-) oysters, 72 
Cousewny, house at Sure rwille 

Armatrong William 0. porter, h, 6 Phillips court 

Armetrong Willinn . blacksmith, suutl 
stables, house 150 Harrison ayenue 

Annatrong Zedekiah, laborer, h. 247 Samner sag 

Armstrong & Co. ( Churles alrmstrovng and £. 
Hornblower J, chrome lithoyraphers, 43 Gr Seaah 

Armetrong & Uo. f IF. Hf. drmatroug), oysters, 72 
aia woe 

Armstrong & Scott (S. drmatrong and William FP. 
Seoft,, coopers, old Phila. Packet Pier 

Armour William, printer, house 07 Liverpool 

Arnoaikl Derk, cabinet maker, 107 Eustis, house rear 
16 Adana 

Arnaud John 7. eabinet maker, bda«. rear 16 Adams 

Arnaud William 3. clerk, Post-oflice, bouse al New- 
ton Highlands 

Arnes Edward, cabinet maker, house 9 Loverett 

Arnee Otto, cabinet maker, house 0 Leverett 

Arno Jobo, oj) cloth manuf, house CLM, n. Warren 

Arno Oliver H. folsher, 26) Cambridge, house at 
Com bridgeport 

Arnold Adin B. clerk, 46 No. Market, h. at Everett 

Arnold Alfred W. carpenter, bouse 61 Lenox 

Arnold Anta Mrs. widow, lotise 65 Leverett 

Arnold Annie BE. widow, house rear Y Spring 

Arnold Auguatua F. clerk B. & P. me lit, boards 64 
Chorch [Concord, h. pot er, hus Wee 

Arnold Charles E. & Co, paliter, 1u3 

Arnold Charles lt. clerk, “Sewanont, oor. Plenaaut, bh. 
10 Usborn place 

Arnold D. W. 4 Canal {Hossell 

Arnold Edgar B. bookkeeper, 116 Union, h. 22 So. 

Arnold Edward, boot and sboe machinery, 65 Han. 
over, house at Marblehead 

Arnold Edward L. (J. #. Jtogere d So, ), com. mer, 
45 Washington square, house 5) Beacon 

Arnold Eliphas W. clerk, 40 Beach, house Minot, 
cor, Glide, ward 16 


Ashburner Samuel, clvil en 


Arnolil Mary F, Mie. hone 33 Pitts 
| Arnold Matthew, lanip maker, house 354 Athena 
Arnold Robert, laborer, house rear 254 Friend 
| Arnold Samuel &. hides and leather, 48 Washington 
are, onan at br ‘port 
| Arnold Samuel V. Bout and shoe maker, 16 Brattle, 
eerie lder, ho Smith- lace 
| o nou * use Sroith-at. 
| Arnold Thom r 

ne COTES, house 1 Clifford place 
Arnold oe Ww ce anid colorer, 1105 Huar- 
rison uvenuc, house d 

ae Thomas E. 147 B, “Tremont, house Bromley 

Arnold eee es laborer, house Adama, opp. Enst, 
| Willian, moulder, house 4] Smith 
Arnold William, tailor, house 154 Beach 
Arnold William J. clerk, 12 Clinton 
Arnold W. Oscar, 28 Broad, boards at Dedham 
Arnold Zenas 8. student, 25 State, room 19, house at 

Hyde Park 

Arnold & Beers (J. IF. aacnnle anid wl. ME Beeray, 
Excelsior Poblishin a, 4 Studio building 

Arnot D. bourds 7 Edin 

Arnot James L. student, iN 5] Eesox 

wurnot John, watcliman, ‘house 622 Eust Kighith 

Arnott Robert, salesman, 5 Winter, boards 39 Old 

Aronson Henry, pawnbroker, 1914 Wash. house do. 
a recatoas Express Co, & Court equare 
Arras Adelbert, bricklayer, house 2 (hy 

Arras Iris K., towboat captain, h. 9 Wuity court 

Arrowamith ‘Richard, fish and oysters, 155 Sumner, 
boards 88 Bremen - 

oreo, sae j) x Co. (CG. W. and IWFLN. Berry 
woul tp LEP tec ), teas, Ke. 2 Union, hotuse 
ait Mapitenia 

laicibs 1 Abelardo, boot maker, 1704 Wish, howaa 
dirth Philip L. barber, house 21 Crescent place 
Arthur Alexander oe printer, T Spring lone, bourda 
at neg: be 
Arthor Annis aker, house 5 Charla 
Arthur John J, bricklayer, house 25 Burke 
Arthur d. Henry, teameter, house 112 Bowen 
Arthur Timothy, carpouter, house 60 Cabot 

| Arthur Winnefred, widow, bouse 25 Burke 
Articary John B. peddler, house 8 Burton-atroot pl. 
| Artist Hildreth, burber, bourde 5 Frult-st. et, 

Artridge Thomas, hoetler, boards 54 KE, Dedham 

Asam August W. tailor, howee 27 Mulrose 

Asbestos Felting (Co. of N.Y., H. W. Sayre, supt, 
ll Pemberton square 

Asbury Frank, gas-titter, boards 325 Hanover 

Asbury Life Ins. Co, of New York, Thomaa N, 
Beott, manager, 46 Bromfield 

Ascher Edward, iis, agent, 46 School, bh. at Chelsen 

Ascher Solomon, tailor, 20 Court, house 15 Colusa bla 

Ash James, steward, house 37 Cunard 

| Ash James M, & Co, brick machines, 17 Court 

) Ash Jahn, laborer, house $4 Berlin 

Ash Michael ( Bentley f dehy, 222 Conunercial, h. do, 

Ash Richard, carpenter, 190 Charles, h. at Ohelaes 

Avh Thomas E. printer, house 28 Curver 

cer, 10 Pemberton sq. 

room 3, bouse ut Camb ape [Chelsie 

Arnold Elliott, 15] Brood, hoards 23 Green Ashby Sy ivester H. o tuner, 100 Charijus, h. at 
Arnold Frank T. ( Munroe uf alrnald j, Peabody ex. | Ashcruflt Barbara A, w dow, house 9 Tuckerman 

press, 24 Merchants row amd 3 ushington, h. | Ashcroft Churles KE. 66 Sudbury, boards at Lynn 

at Peabody Asheroft Edward H. steam and wale BAUKOR, &S 
Arnold George, asst. librarian Mase. Historical Li-| Sudbury, cor. Bowker, house at 

brary, 0 Tremont, house at Everbut | Ashcroft E cuginoer, house 40 Ml tile, Ww.Yy. 
Deore George H, clurk, 823 Wush. bide. 16 Dix pl. | Asheroft F ¥. W. is wibury, boards at Maldeu 

old George J. physlelan, 174 Warren, house do, 
Arnold George K. clerk, 191 Eljot, bda. S27 Tremaunt | 
Arnold Harry, teaunater, house 209 Weet Third 
Aruold Henry A. clerk, ¥1 pana’: Be es 1d Wall 
Aruold Lenry H. 14 De voushire, bila. E. Fourth 
Arnold Horatlu B. (Oscar Foote « oo. J, 61 Black. 
stone, house Weel Cottage, n. Drowk ave. wil 10 
Arnold Howard P. lawyer, 4 Pemberton 
Arti fash Fr tkeeper 3) Wasa 
r, mgton 
Arnold Jumva J, 44 Winter, boards 8 Gr =a 
arms a M. watchmaker, 12 Weat, h, Of Old 
Arnold Joseph W. (Arnold Beera), publisher, 4 
Studio bg gan House at se eet port 
Arnold Lewis G@ house (54 East Fourth 
mente rs Louis, clerk, 1176 Tremont, house at West 
___Koxbur 1 


Ashdown pa gy tag? lh papers house Linden 

| Ashe Alfred, 
“Ashenden ag wpe 

Asheruft Henry, vmachinha 2 Pe 53 Middlw 
may fe Jolin, show curds, 

15 Marshall, house 

Ashe Kich (Cortes 
L. bookkeeper 33 d0 Hawkine, hourds 22 
Ashe Roland A. clerk, 87 ite, hou 22 Cortes 
nden r, ¥ Chauncy 

iF’. {Carnes if Ca.) 
g, Tremont Temple, h, wt Aubtrndwe 

buys’ cloth’ 

‘Achentlon ‘Thomas, laborer, liowae 10) sheen 

Ashley Alfred, clerk, Cuuard wharf, 
Ashiey 3 Edward H. house 37 Worcester 
Ashley Harry A. bourds 21 Melroae 
Ashloy Homer, clerk, 08 Wash. house 0 Porter 

32 Cullage 

| Ashley John, cabinet maker, house 14 Cypr as 

Ashicy Joho E. lamps and gises ware, 60) Union, b. 

at Somerville aie weiB 
CO 266 Washington Street, 
"9 Globe Theatre '. 

poston [A] DIRECTORY. - 65 

Ashley 0. D. broker, 4 Congress oq. boards St.) Atkins Joseph M. boarding honse, 4 Chambers 
James Hotel Atkins peng K. honse: 22 Causeway 
Ashicy Thomas C. salesman, 141 Milk Atkina M . Mrs. house 1) Avery 
Ashman John 8. cornetist, house 44 Cabot Atkins Nath niet 8. apholstercr, house 46 Myrtle 
Asbman J. 6. Mrs, dresamaker, house 4 Cabot Atkins Ora A. cabinet maker, house 18 Shari 
Ashton H. G., Ashton’ Lock Safety Vulve Co. 9 Atkine Kawlins T, salesman, 60 Wash, sq. house 35 
Kowo's wharf, house 15 Knox Chelaen 
Ashton J. Hurrieon, clgars and tobacco, 50 North!) Atkine Rufus, harness maker, boards 06 Leverett 
Market, house at Poh hy Atkins Samuel 8. boards 22 Elm 
Asliton os iam F.f Murphy, phen ff Co.), brush | Atkins 8. 2. mason, order box 17 Court 
manuf. 28 eee house at Salem Atkine ‘lhomas, lithographic printer, bda, 11 Leeds 
Ashion’s Lock Safety Valve Co. H. i. Asbton, pat-| Atkins William 8. printer, 9 Bromficld, boards 14 
cntee, C.J. Bishop; treas. 0 ltowe'’s wharf 
Ashworth Henry, ju . house 176 Vernon Atkins & Small (J. R. Atkina ond B. G. Swmail ), 
Ashworth John, restaurant, 4 Hedford, bh. at Peabody | etalr-bullders, 0 Charlestown 
Ashworth John, harness maker, bourds Dorchester | Atkinaon Albert, carpenter, boards 2 Lovertog pl. 
ave. cor. Gireen wich, wd, 16 Atkinean Andrew, porter, 45 South Market, house 
Askenuay Horman, U. 8. aset. asseasor, 53 School, at Cambridge 
room (), house Hayward, corner Warren Atkineon Andrew, jr. tailor, boards 18 Auburn 
Askenasy Hermiun, ft clerk, T Holmes block, boards Atkinson Andrew, bookkeeper, 27 Exchange, bds. 
1 Llayword, H. [ Bank, A Staite, h. 110 Weat Cottage, ward 16 
Amur dohn HH, M. Rochitecen National Exchange | Atkinson Byron A, ( Miller d Atkinson), 39 Pleasant, 
Aepiowall Joho SG. Custom House, h. at Brookline housed 4 Shawmut avenve 
Aaspinwall Thotins, house 34 Hancock [Brookline Atkinson Chas, japanner, 272 Federal, hi, a) Chelsea 
Aspinwall William, counsellor, 42 Court, bouse at Atkinson Cliarlos A. publisher, lug W nab. bila, D4 
Assalet Manufacturing Co. 87 Lewls wharf | Alc Lewn 
Assmue Franz, capmaker, house 4 Orchard pn (Athiow0y Charles F. f Loring & Atkinson), 125 
Association for Kellef of Aged lidlgent sapien | State, hotes 156 Weet Concord 
foot of Kevere Atkinson Charles H. bourding house, 145 Court 
Asten Joseph ©. provisions, Waeh, cor, Bowdoin, | Atkinson Edward, treasurer, Lodlin (rehard Milla, 


house Harvard, near Wash. ward 16 40 State, room 33, house at Brookline 
Astle Jolin F. bourds 235 Harrison ave. Atkinson Edward E. clerk, 150 Washington, house 
Aston Dantel H. stonemason, h. WW. Third 11) Chanvhers , 
Aston Henry, watehmuker, 17 Congress, house 18 Atkinson Ellzad, widow, h. Wost Cottage, wd, 16 
Coventry Atkinson Frank P. boards 156 W. Coneurd 
Atchison Francis, laborer, house 42 Gold Atkinson F. W. ehipping clerk, 055 Washington, 
Atehleon Michwel, water) house 3 Chestout ave, houee at Cambridge 
Atehiaon & N cbruska R . Kk. Co, 20 Bente bulldin Atkinson George, treas. Masa, Cotton Mills, 60 

Athorton Albert B. & Co. (CW. fowell and C. | Binte, over at Brookline 

frigham ), *table, 17 Harvard, h. 3 Milford Atkineon Ira M. boots and abocs, 61 Leverett, h. at 
Atherton Charles F. f Atherton, Moll, & Co.), | Keadlng 

Indian Wht. house Wash, n. Columbia, ward 16) Atkinson James, ehipwright, house 104 Lexington 
Atherton George E. (Atherton, Hall, ff Co.), 338 Atkinson James, clerk, boards 42 Staniford 

India Wharf, bk. Wash. n. Golambin, ward 16 Atkinson James H. clerk. hovee 164 Eleghith 
Atherton, Hall, & Co. (G. E. Atherton, WF. 2. Hall,| Atkinson John, laborer, boards & Kwower place 

jr., and C.F. Atherton), lonther, 38 India whf. | Atkinson John, 14 Sudbury, house at Somerville 
Atherton Jumes, 36 India w ‘art, hi. ot Stoughton Atkinson Joho & Co, merchants, 27 Leoane, house at 

Atherton Sannel, & India wherl, houwt Waeli, cor. Newton 
Columbia, ward 16 Atkinson Johnaeon, pe atternmaker, house 71 Gouch 
Atherton Thoma E. laborer, house 1607 Chelaca Atkinson Jowph, # Court, room 6, house at New: 

Atherton William, 38 India wharf, h. 144 Warren bury, Vt 

Athorn Robert, fish business, h. 217 Dorchester ave. Atkinson Orville A. (Charles H Thwing ¢& Coa.,, 

Atkine Abraham N. carpenter, houre 100 Vernon 10 Washington, boards 4 Weal Newton 

Atkins Caleb U. police station 4, h. 4 Poplar place Atkinson Kobert J carpenter, 14 North Kuesell, b. 

Atkins Charles, boards 11 Aver Bavin Hill ave. near Wesley, ward 16 

Atkins Ebenezer Mrs. house 4 Paria, E.B. Atkinson 1. Mrs. house T70 E. Fourth eq. 

Atkins Kdwanl, cashler, 9 Winter, bh, 100 Vernon Atkinson Theodore, civil ees h. 41 Worcester 

Atkine Edward, carpenter, bde. 33% Harrison avenue Atkinson Theodore, jr. clerk, 16 Kilby, bourds 

Atkins Edwin F. clerk, 07 State, boards 37 Common- fromiey Park 4 
wealll) ave Atkinson Thomas, patternmaker, house 13 Kiger 

Atkins E. & Co. (J. WW. Cumings), merchants, 97 | Atkinson Thomas, he clerk, 18 Boyleton, b. 13 River 
Hinto, house 37 Commonwealth ave Atkinson William, house 30 Sheafe 

— Frances B. rma boards Sumner, near!) Atkinson Wiliinm, machinist, h. 2 Bteteon place 

toughion, ward 1 Atkineon William, egy end ‘bids. Merrimac House 

Atkins 3 ranklin, 20 Gheunby, bda. 100 Vernon Atkinson Willlam merchant, 27 Donte, house 

Atking Givorge, carpet weaver, h, 15 Rodbury place 

Atkins Goorge D. agent, Nonotock Silk Cor: Bed- 
ford, boftiee ot Malden 

Atkine George EK. boards 11 Avery | 

Atkine George PF. merchaht tailor, 221 Washington, 
room 4, hoards &§ Medford court 

Atkins George W. clerk, 44 Indla, h. at Chelsea 

Atkins Henry &K Co. (J. &. Atbina), Importers of 
wines, JT und 3% South Market 

Atkins Henry, hatter, 623 Wash. house at Chelaca 

Atkins Henry H, house Hotel Vendome, Common- 
wealth avenge, cor, Darumowth 

Atkins Toward W. house 61 Carver (E.B. 

Atking lealah, furolture, 13 Lewls, houre 20 Chelsea, 

Atkine Iwalah M. bookkeeper, 40 Coutral, house at 

Atkins ans, widow, bouse 19 Endicott 
Atkine John, hack driver, house - Trumbull 
oS ee ne teameter, house 27 Wond ward 
thins John, piano maker, h. 655 Shawmut ave. 
Atkins John : (H. Atkins ig Co.J, Wines, 37 8. 
Market, house Hotel Pelh 
Atkina John R. (Atkins ¢ Small), 0 Charlestown, 
house at Somerville 
Atkins John W. mason, house 20 Ward, W.V. 
Atkins John W. laborer, house 1587 Washington 

nt Meee port 

Atkinson Willlem D. jr. apothecary, Tremont, cor. 
Boyleton, house 49 Appleton 

Atkinson William H. reeviving teller, N. E. Trust 
Co 41 Devonshire, h. at Chelevn 

Atkinson William P. professor Masa. inst. aa 

| nology. Boylston, house 156 Weat Conco 

Atlantic Cotton Mills, 67 Devonehire 

Athintie Duck Co. 95 Commercial 

Atlantic National Bank. 10 Kilby 

Atlante Trist Co. J Dean, trustee, 11 Jobo 

Atlantic Works, 72 Border, E, B. 

Atlas National Bank, lu Kilby 

Auae Parcel Express (to Europe), 8 Court square 

Attner Thomas, tailor, 3 Temple place, bouse of 

: Boyleton etatlun 

| Atiridge Michael, laborer, bde, 45 Village 

Aun Michael. laborer, house 1k Lowlon 

Attwlil Richard [. reporter, “ Tranrcript “ 

Attwoud Pannen ty, dep. coll. Custom Houses, h. 

at Weet Roxbu 

Attwood George, janitor, 12 West, house 0 Payette 

Attwood Gilbert & Co. bankers and brokers, i4 
Merchants Exchange, b. at Jamaica Piola 

| Atwater George W. house 23 Clifion place 

Atwell Charles 110 Chauncy, h. 108 Brighton 




Atwell Horace F. anloon, 41 Green, bh. 96 Clarendon 

Atwell Pickering, tailor, 2 Guild row, boards 2 
Chester equare 

Atwell Surah kK. widow, boards 4 Unity court 

Atwell 8, J, clerk, 27 rattle, bis. do, ' 

Atwill A. A. & L. B. misses, photograph colorista, 
h. 65 Washington, room a 

Atwood Albion, bookkeeper, 20 Commercial, bda, 
at Chelera 

Atwood Amaziah, house 19 Winslow 

Atwood Amaziah 8. machiniat, 16 Water, boards | 

19 Winslow 
Atwood Anthony, bollermaker, bh. 55 Cunard 
Atwood Arthur F, clerk, 53 Temple place, boards 
at Cheleen 
Atwood Barnabas, police station 1, h. 78 Saratoga 
Atwood Benjamin F. bookkeeper, 69 Chauncy, b 
East Cambrid 

Atwood Benjamin Y¥. (Afwood Drothers), 4 and 3 
Washington, house at Chelsea 
Atwood Bradley, sexton, bouse 16 Harvard 
Atwood! Brothers, William S. and Ren). ¥. Atwood, 
and Chua. A. Lord), clothing, 36 and 38 Wash. 
Atwood Charles, couneellor. bde. U. B. Hotel 
Atwood Charles B, architect, 1 Pemberton square 
Atwood Charles E. anlesman, 171 Tremont 
Atwoud Charles HL clerk, 16 Broad, boards 21 Rock- 
ville place 
Atwood Charice H. ticket-seller, B. & L. kK N. BR. ER. 
house at East “gad 
Atwood Charles H. ch 

emicale and petfumery, 14 
Central wharf = 

Atwood Charles W.& Bro. (Joshua Abwood, jr.), 

oysters, 2) Province and 13 Chapman place, h. 
411 Fourth 
Atwood Clarence B, 168 State. bds. 16 Harvard 
Atwood C. HL. Mra. house 21 Rockville plaice 

Atwood Daniel LL. salesman, 4 Bromileld, house at. 


Atwood Danlel J. merchant tailor and costumer, 
7 Hayward place, house do. 

Atwood David W, ship-carpenter, h, 21 White 

Alwood D, & Co, oysters, 3: F. H, square, house at 

Atwood Ebenegser L. & Co. (7. D, Atwood), teas, 
ane Hanover and 118 Blackstone, h. at Somer- 

Atwood Edwin T. clerk, boards 95 Pleasant 

Atwood Elisha, fieh and oysters, 106 Pleasant, house | 

1 Melrose 

Atwood Elisha, jr. clerk, house 3 Melrose 

Atwood Ephraim, okkee per, U. M. L. In#orance 
Co 181 Tremont. house at es Bust Cambridge 

Atwood Eunlee C, head assist. Lewls School, house 
14 Wiualow 

Atwood E. clerk, house 151 Court 

Atwood E. Abbott, clerk. 4 Canal, b, 81 wexingvon 

Atwood E. H. com, mer,.119 Commerclal, house 41 

Atwood E. S. mouldér, house Cedar, cor. pba 

Atwood eer conductor, 8. B. K. BK, | le 

East Fourt J 
. bda. at E. Somerville 

Atwood Fred W. ? Brattle 
Atiwoud PF. clerk, house 151 Court 
Atwaoo:! George E. bookkeeper, 82 Union, boarda at 
Atwood George M, suctloneer and real-catnte agent, 
BL Washington, room Iv, house at Malden 
Atwood licorge Ww. physician, 17 ‘Tremont, house 
at Charlestown 
Atwood Hammond, clerk, aaloon,O0.C, BR. Station, 
boarde 22 Harrieon ave. b. at Everett 
Atwood Hawes f dfwood if Bacon ), 41 and 43 Union, 
Atwood Hicks 5. fH 2. Atwood), 1028, Market, 
howse at Charlestown 
Atwood H.& It. H. S.and 2. KX. Atwood), oystera, 
1028, Market 
Atwood Isase It. clerk, 39 Wash. house at Chelsca 
Atwood laaac F, house Atwood ave. cor. Day 
Atwood Lsanc M. expresaman, bh. 430 Dorchester 
Atwood Isaac K carpenter, house Neponect ave. n. 
Mill, ward 14 [Piackne 
Atwood James, clerk, 3 F. WH. market, boarda boards #5 
Aw Janes, \neurance, h. 149 A. ‘Tremont 
Atwood James M. 658 Wash. b at Ph month 
Atwood James M, clerk, bade. 61 Wililama 
Atwood James 8 & Co. ship etores, 230 Commer- 
7 one Se ane at Chelsea - (eollar), 108-8 
tw ohn ( ewey), (ee , 108 8. 
Market, house at mot Gastro 

|} Atwood William 5. ( dheood A 

Aughoey 8 Edwar mas 
Ae Han, W w 
poms Seg E Firth’ 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

Siwas John N. or 0h opp Chase an? Henry 
ioodiury) clothing and furnishing gnoda, 
rea wd 1735 Washington, bda, Griffith Hous» 

Atwood Joac Poshwa. js L. 18 We bda. Tl Buratogn 

Atwood Joshua, jr, (C. IF) Atwood gf Hra,), 23 
Prevines, haus 3 maces G 
Atwood Joshua 5. supt. 16 Kowker, bids, 13 Joy 

| Alwood J, Frank, clerk, 1783 Wash. bd. 1614 do, 
| Atwood J T 
Atwood Alice P, Mra. dresemaker, 36 Winter, 

LS ac ‘of danciug, Nassau Hall, h. 
at Gran 
Atwood Nathaniel, clerk, 4 Warren ave. boards 32 


Atwood Ut) +, oleris; 77 Union, h, at Tere 

Atwood Pete ‘OC. oxpreasman, § Court 

Atwood Richard A, (T, 4, Mayo f Co. ia 113 Com’), 
boards 20 London 

Atwood Hichard N. 2 Dock ag. bds. 6 Leverett 

At ae Kichard W.H Merchants Kow, house at 

Atwood Kufue K. (i. if R. Atwood), 1025. Market, 
house 414 Columbia ave. 
twood Samuel C. salesman, 510 Washington, bda. 
at Ghaviatown 

Atwood Bamuel L. bootfitter, 58 Blackstone 

Ae 8. clerk, 115 Harrison avenue, dda, 

v2 Oodar 

Atwood Silna A. ge h. & Prescott, ward 15 

Atwood 8. EK. clerk, 260 W., Broadway, huuse 16 
Beckler avenue 

Atwood’s Bionghton Express, § Court eq. 

Atwood Thomas E. oyster. opener, bds. 95 Pleasant 

Atwood Thomas H. & Co. printer, 3 Eacliange, 
house al Cheleen 

Atwood Timothy A. fish, &e. 150 Court, h. T Myrtle 

Atwood Timothy A. 2d, clork, 118 Commerelal, nds. 
Hl Lexington 

Atwood Timothy D. ( Kbenezer L. Aiwond f Co.J, 
115 Binckatone and 164 Hanover, h. at Chelaon 

Atwood William ©. oysterman, F. H. Market, cor, 

Merchants row, house HW Grove 
Atwood William H. oysters, TT Union, h. at Chelaan 
rina. . clothing, ij 
and 38 Washington, house at Che 
Atwood W. 0. boots and shoes, 344 Washington, 
boards at Winchestor 
Atwood & Bacon (Hawes Atieood and Allen FT, 
acon), oyaters, 41 and 44 Union 
Atwood & Hewoy (John Atwood avl ae Af, 
Hewey ), produce, cellar, 108 8. Market 
Atwood's Stoughton Exproas, Court Sq Uore 

Atwood, see Attwood 

Aube Joreph Mra. houee 210 Border 
Aubena leainh, planomsaker, house 2 Madison 

Aubin (tone, Heald wool broker, M4 State, house 4 

Aubin Thomas, 104 Water, house at Medford 
Aubins Frank, carpenter, house 005 E. Seventh 
Auber yf CU. Mile, dresamaker, 142 Tremont, house 1H 

| Audenreld Lewis & Co. /¢ Apes Child), miners 

and ehip of coal, 14 Kilby 
Audenreld, Norton, & Co, tolnera and shippers of 
eoal, 277 Doane 
Andy Theodore, pianomaker, bouse 20 Camden 
Auckland rie stnccoworker, 20 Cambridge, 
house 211 do. 
Auerbach Herman, tinemith, Broadway, corner 
Albany, house 47 Melrose bridygeport 
Auerbach Max, at Pobllo Library, house at Cain 
Auyarde Henry. cigars, ke , house 80 Essex 
D. carbullder, house 874 E. Second 
or, 12) Dorches- 

Pp Pine i tude} heir store, 267 Waah. house 206 dao, 
Suge : Frederick, German boarding house, 0 

Aulbach Anthony, ——— house 76 A 

Aulbach Joseph, blackamiih, house 15 Kirkland 

Aulbach Wm, machinist house 276 Athens 

Auld A. Bidney ty Webater, cor. Orleans, bda, 
Zi Liverpool, E 

Auld Eunice Mra. “house rv 

Auld Rofus, car 
Auld Willlam 3 

Austin Arthur W. 48 State, room §, house ab Weat 

= 260 = rt » 
Globe Theatre Gullding. 

Boston [A] DIRECTORY. 

Austin Anrelios L. police station 6, h. 127 Eustis 

Austin Benjamin R. teameter, house 75 Chelsea 

Austin Calvin, clerk, 13 Fosters wharf, house do. 

Aaatin Charles (Clark, Keat, f Co,), T3 Hanover, 
house at Methuen 

Aueiln Charles A (Worcester f Austin), 86 Char- 
don, house at Kast Cambridge 

Auvetio Charles F. & Co. fA. 4. Gravea and J. IF. 
luatin), bakers, 116 Commercial, house 380 
Columbus arennve 

Aurtin David, 103 Blackstone, house at Revere 

Auetin Edward, 28 Riate, room 26, hoose 42 Beacon 

Austin Emery, student, boards 1] Heacon 

Auetin F. B. & Co. metals, 92 and 04 North, house 
at Charlestown 

Auetin George Hl. clerk, 44 North, house 190 Eustis | 

Austin G. K. boards 3 Oxford 
Austii Honry, painter, hoards 45 Northfield 
Auatli Howey N. clerk, 118 Milk, boards Albany, n. 
Dudley nve. 
Auetli Henry O, carriage trimmer, h. 14 Kennard 
Auetin Horace H. oysters, 104 Morrimac, h. do, 
Austin H M. Mrs. dresamaker, 2. Hennet. hy. do. 
Atietin Jaco, carpenter, boards 1 (Chileon place 

Austin James R (Stocking ft Avastin), 18 Merchants: 

Exchange, house 926 Alban 
Aven James 
howe # Arlington 
Artin Jesee L. fireman B. & M. RK, RK. boards 130 
A parasols e 
Austin Jesse ER, job wagon, order box 769} Wash. 
house 0 ieilopy. WV. 
Avetin John get hookkeepeor, boards 25 Fleet 
Austin John H trimmer, 10 Tremont row 
Austin Jonathan W. ft. & 
Commercial, house at Brighton 
Austin Joseph, com, mer, 57 Fulton, b. 190 Kuetis 

Concord | 

Austin L. H Custom House, honse at Concord 

Avcstin Madleon, jaborer, house 7 Anderson 

Austin Martha J. widow, houee 1 Ottawa place 

Austin Mary Mre, houae 122C 

Austip Milton, honse 25 Rockville place 

Austin Nathaniel, conductor, B. & P. { TH. boards 
1 Peasant — 

Acatin Nathaniel, hackman, Clty Hotel, boarda do. 

Austio Orlando, police statlon 10, house Catawba, 
corner Sherman, ward 16 " 

Adetin Patrick, laborer, house Ewer, n, i. RR. 

Austin Peter J, organfinisher, house 12 Barton 

Auslin Samuel, driver, house North avenue, near 
Stoughion, ward 16 

Austin Samoel, jr carpenter, hoase 145 Hampden 

Austin Samuel D. 59 Broad, ‘dla Sumner, near 
Stoughton, ward 14 

Austin Samuel P. hoase 274 Bowea | 

Austin Sarah E. teacher, Mather School, boards 
Whloter, ward 16 (Stoughton, wd. 16 

Anstin Thomas, carpenter, boards North avenae, n. | 

Austin Thomas, laborer, howee 7 [rims ave. 
Austin Thomaa, carpenter, house &5 Norfolk ave. 
Austin Timothy W. machinist, B. & A.R.R.h. 19 F 
Austin Wallace, laborer, boards 350 Federal 

Austin Wm. house Wordeworth e, Coleridge 
Austin Willlam, laborer, house 610 Bremen, E B. 

Austin William, Central House, 4 Cetitral aq. E.B. 
Avastin William Mre. house 144 Boyleton 

Austin Wm. carpenter, house Albion, ward 16 

Austin Win. B. photographer, house 130 Leverett 

Austin Wm. 8B. clerk, 89 Broad, bia. 550 E. Eighth 

Austin Wm. H. M, clerk, 3 Hroad, tds, Pleasant, 
. ward 16 | Stoughton, wd. 16 
Austin Wm. J. carpenter, bds. Nurth avenue, pear 
Aueln Wm. EK. com. mer. and manuf. agent, 59 

Broad, house Pleasant, ooar Pearl, ward 16 

Austin Willan W. printer, boards 67 Onk 

Auty Charles H. carriage painter, bh. 222 W. Sixth 
Awty Daniel, wireworker, boorda 148 Court 

Avant John, walter, houeo 62 Garden 

Aveling Edgar, painter 45 Ellot, bh. 479 E. Fourth 

Avellar Joseph, laborer, house 14 Manover ave. 

Avellar Manuel J. boarding -hodee, 14 Flect 

Averbeck Joseph, clerk, 
 Shawmotare. | r 

Avere!| Leonard M. 44 Broad, h. at Cambridgeport 

Averill Chemical Paint Co. 191 Portland 

Averill Eben, coachman, honse 32 Temple 

Averill George F. expresaman, 51 Devonshire, house 
h. 26 Kirkland 
2] Washington. | 

THE BOSTON DIRECTORY OFFICE, } q.20¢ Serhineien Sts 

at Woburn 
Averill George H. confectionery, 

| Averill coe eg fancy goods, 44 

| Averill 1. F 

W. lawyer, 13 Pemberton square, 

Austin if Co.), 116 | 

, Avery Granville ©. clerk. house 
Austin Le Baron L. 30 Seare bullding, bourda at 3 

| Ayer Fernando 

Ayer James 

Washington, boards 129 | 


Cambridge, honee 

3 Bowdol block, Charlestown 

Averill Hiram (dcerill ¢ Hunting) 12 Waverley 

H. F. clerk, Sumner, corner Cottage, boards 

sD ghland place 

Averill Jolin M. clerk, M Albany, house 15 Way 

Averill Lorenzo, house 21 Green 

Averill Nuthaniel, jr. refrigerator manuf, 1179 Tre- 
mont, honae 10 Rartlett 

Averill Keuben C. carpenter, honse 49 Alpine 

Averill Samuel, blacksmith, houee 2 Poplar ave, 

Averill Samuel ( Howe, Averill, & Co ), ehipamith, 
21 Eastern ave, house 11 Highland id. E. H. 

Averill Thomas J, machinist, hogs 65 Ruggles 

Avertl] Wm. T. salesman. 48 Chawney, kh. at Quincy 

Averill & Hunting ( Hiram Averill and EN. Hunt- 
ing, Jr, brush manufacturers, 12 Waverley 
block, Charlestown 

Avery Almer 8. clerk, 14 F. AH. market. h. 57 Orving 

Avery Abraham (and, dvery, & Co.), 3 Cornhill, 
house 44 Union Park | 

Avery Adoniram 8. driver, h. 48 North Ruasell 

Avery Aldon, ballder, 17 Conrt, h. 10 Chester park 

Avery Angeline M. Mra. boarde Harvard, n. Wash, 
wari 16 Apse 

Avery Charles 1h, clork, 88 North, b. at Cambridge- 

Avery Charles E,b, 18 Chester park 

Avery Edward fArery Hobhe), lawyer, 42 
Devonehine bouse al Bralitree 

Avery Emma Mra. widow, howee 10) Hudson 

Avery Frances Miss, house 159 Charlee 

Avery Goorgy A, architect, bide. 19 Chester park 

Avery George F salveman, 4 Sudbary. b. 10h Myrtle 

Avery Goorge L. letter carrier, Post-office, boards 

 € Borrooghe place | [h. ot Chelsen 

Avery George W. ( Vichola of Aner), 164 Fulton, 

} Ma B. Third 

Avery Henry, waiter, boards 80 Church 

Avery Horbert A. freman, B. & I. R. R. house 7 
Sudbury pl. [h. at Charlestown 

Avery Woratlo N, com. merchant, 49 North market, 

| Avery Joseg W. salesinan, house 23 Irving, room 3 
|} Avery Joon, bookkeeper, 47 South, house al West 

Avery John (Smith, Avery, i} Maynard), 07 F. A, 
Inert, hcuse at Brookline 
Avery Jolin, niason, boards 4 Prescott place 
Avery Newell T. carpenter, house 145 Cambridge 
Avery eter A. saloon, G4 Commercial, li, 10 Clark 

Avery & Hobbs (Adword Avery and George MM, 

Hobha), lawyers. 42 Devonshire 
Axon Emague), peddler, h. 106 Northampton 

Ayer Adams, pres. Hinkley Locomotive Works, 

qt rn ae | | 
Ayer Albert, bookkeeper. 20 and 72 Canal, house at 
Winchester h. 21 Rutlind «qoare 
Ayer ben). f Chase, 7 ‘ J Ayer), 74 Broad, 
Ayer Charles B. clerk, boards 501 Tremont 
Ayer C. EK. condactor E. Kk. RK. house at Salem 
Ayer Dennis, machinist, house Dover, cor. Albany 
Aver Edwio Ss. preasman, house 6 Poplar 

|} Ayer Elmore C. 101 Commercial, b. 82 Havre, E. 8, 

Ayer Eugene G. ealeaman, [11 Stute, boards 170 
Weat Cheater $ Co.) as 
# id yer ae grocers, , 

Shawinul avenue, boards 4) do ; 

: Ayer Frederic W. clerk, Hanover, b. at Chelsea 

Ayer Geo, A. 2 Bowdoin equare, h. 179 Court 
Ayer Geo. A. engineer, house 13 [trond way 
Ayer d — De ysician. house 6 Hancock 
. Medical student, boards 6 Hancock 
Ayer Jane, puree, boards % bey 
Ayer Joseph, hackman, City Hotel, boards do, 
Ayer Joseph C. bouse 22 Dartmouth 
AyerJoveph F. hackman, house 21 Poplar 
Ayer Joseph N, truckman, 241 State, h, 52 Havre 
Ayer Marcellus 5S. ( Moore. Ayer, & Co.J, 220 and 
<i State, house 170 West Chester park 
Ayer Matthew, fruit, house 3 Wharf | 
Ayer Monroe f dyer ¢ Farwell), com. mer, 2 Com- 
meroe, boards Prescott House, Charlestown 
Ayer RK. H. Haverhill Express, § Coort square 
Ayer Thomas P. (T. D. Quinew if Co,), com. mer, 
40 Commercial, house at Winchester 

Ayer Wells W. cutlery, 146 Wash. h. at Medford 
‘Aver & Co. (Ferngnde J. dyer wall Orem AfeCril- 

lis), grocers, 304 Shawmut ave. . | 
Ayer & Farwell ( Monroe Ayer and J. R. Farwell), 

commissian merchants, 2 Commerce | 
Ayers B. Frank, rec. teller Natlooal Bank of Re- 

demption, 41 Devonshire, house 11 Forest 


ayers Devic (Ayers ¢ Eaton), 60 Central, house at 


Ayers Edward, boards 76 Green eg 

Ayers Edward 8. wireworker. boards 145 Court 

Ayers Edwin R. shipwright, h. 128 Princeton, E.B. 

Ayers Eli (Hinckley ¢& Ayers), 6 New F. H. miar- 
ket (ceilar), house al Charlestown 

Ayers Frank, carriage painter, bas. pap tice th | 

Ayers Geo. E. clerk, 15 Tremont row, b. 14 Wil 

Ayers George W. soe ine h 104 Bennington 

Ayers Heuory, porter, house & Camden place 

Avera Ira, hairdresser, 60 Broad, h. at Maplewood 

Avers James W. laborer, b, Uird, o. di pot, wd. 16 

Avers Joho, laborer, house 41 Webber 

Ayers Jolin, house 20 West Third 

Ajers. H. messen 

Ayers d. H. jr. 167 Tremont, bds. 6 Washington pl. 

Ayers Mary B. Mra, house 26 Clit 

Ayers Orlando H. 6 Oliver, boards at Maplewood 

Ayers Putrick, laborer, house 4 Union place 

Ayers William W, clerk, 22 Cambridge 

Ayers & Eaton (0. Ayers and J, F. Luton), whole- 
sale grocers, &) Central 

Ayers, see Ayrea.and Enyre 

Ayling Charles H. howe 4 Dover 

Ayling Henry A. treas. Union Elastic Goods Co. 
16d EKesex, louse 12 James 

Ayling Issac, dentist, house 49 East Newton 

Aylward Richard, carpenter, houre && W. Third 

Aymer Francis, perl dJicals, 0) W. Fourth, h. 60 do, 

Ayre John, marble polisher, house 244 Oswego 

Ajyre Margaret, widow, house rear 145. Margin 

Ayres Frank H. clerk, 0 Wiuler, boards 4 Wash- 
ingion place 

Ayres Helen F, artist, 149 A, Tremont, louse ot 

Ayres Isune H. livery stable, Shawmut ave. cor. 
Washingtoo, h, 6 Washington place 

r, 25 Merch. row. b. at Salem 

| Babson © 

Ayres John, treas, Union Sugar Refiuery, 17 Cen- 

tral, house at Medford 
Ayres Michael Mrs. house 85 Church (45 Chir 
Ayres Silas C. real eatate broker, 12) Dudley, liouse 
Ayres Thomas A. tallor, bds. 6 Washington pl. 

BAH CHAS. H. clerk. boards 261 D x 

Babb Edwin A. (Babb ¢& Lund), blacksmith, 130 
Harrison ave. house 24 Athens 

Babb Frank N. gualitter, house Charles, ward 16 

Babtb George E. clerk, 8 Fuiton, bda. at Lynn 

Babb George L. ( Pratt f& Babb), Lye 
Washington, & Fulton, aud #2 Court «eq. houre 
at Lynn [at Malden 

Bobb George W. photographer, 44 Hanover, house 

n Expreds, 3 

Babb George W. Jr. clerk, 30 Devonshire, boards: 

i Green 
Babb Herbert, conductor, M. R. &., house 24 Cod- 

nan park 
Babb MH. H. measenger. Pratt & Babb’s Lxprese, § 
Babb Mary F. house rear 75 lleasaut 
Bab Sueaun Mrs. house 22 Grevo 
Babb Walter (Habh f Stephens), 114 State, hovwse 
Babb & Lund (£dwian A, Bubb and J.B. Lund), 

blacksmitha, 140 Harrison ave, 

[Fulton, louse at Lynn | 

fat Melrose | 

Babb & Stephens f Walter Babb ond G, Stephens), | 

gt 114 State 
Babbidge Charles, treas, G. H. & 8. A. BR. I. 68 
‘Sears building, boards at Salvm 
Babbidge Joho L. 18 8, Market, bis. 87 Myrtle 
Babbitt Amelia Mrs, clairvoyant, h. 7 Indiwna 
Rabbitt Deborah, widow. house 1/38 Shawmut ave. 
Babbitt Francia P, 366 Wa-hington, bh. 82 Chapman 
Babbitt Fred. C. clerk. 61 Hanover, b. 429 Tremont 
Babblit Geo. 5, news editor, Busion Post, boards 
®) Bulfinch 
Babbitt Isaac, machinist, bds. 2 Rockville place 
Babbitt Ieane Mre. house 2 Rockville place 
Babbitt James H, clerk, B. & A, freight house, 
bourds 10 Curve 
Babbitt Thomas G. plano maker, h. § Kirkland 
Babbitt Wm. C. apothecary, 1905 Tremunt, louse 
707 Parker cor E Brookline 
Babbitt William H. piano taner, Harrison avetue, 
Kabbiit W. W. brick manul., order-box. I7 Court 
Babcock Astron b, teanister, 7 Water, house 8 
Durthwouth place 4 
Babcock Charles B, machinist, bh. 9 Sudbury place 
Babeock Charles F, bls, 140 Cedar, ward 16 
Babcock Charlotte Mra. house 14 Cross. E B. 
Baboock C. A. paluter, Merrimac, Louse at 

| Babson Edward jr. (C.£.' 
| Mediord | 

uvid FP. sllverplater, 56) Sudbury, bouse at | 


| Babeock John f¢ Stimson 
| Babcock Jolin B. & Co, ¢ 

Boston []}] DIRECTORY. 

Babeock Dexter, house 162 West Canton 
Pabcock Kliza Mrs, louse 13 East Springfield 
Babcock Emeline Mra. liouse 10 East Drookline 
Babcock Fanny F, Mra., house 10 Ralline 
Babeuck Francis BE. boards 10 E. Hrookline 
Babcock George W. jr. clerk, 28 Winter, room 15, 
bourde at Chelsea | 
Babeock G. W. physleian and dermatologist, 28 
Winter, room 15, house at Chelsea 
Babcock Janes, 55 State, house at Cheleca 
Babcock James F, chemist, 8 Boylston, boarda 10 
Kollins houre at Cambeiiecpars 
* Habeock), 114 Broad 
_H. Mandell and 8. H. 
Rabeock), com. mer, 21 Summer. house 12 
Chester park | at Charlestown 
Babeork John H. bookkeeper, 66 Sudbury, house 
Rabeock John J. 102 Chanucy, b. 43 Warren ave. 
Babcock Joseph G, engineer E. R. BR. house 146 
Rabeock J, A. salesman, 36C oa tia 
Habeock Kobert G. expressman, h. 24 Common 
Babeock Sanmwel H, fd. Hi, Babcock if Co.), com, 
mer., 21 Summer, boards 12 Cliester park 

Rabecock Sophia. widow, house 155 Charles 

Babcock Waiter T. 7¥ Lincoln, bds. at Milton — 
Babeock Wm, carpenter, house 654 East Fourth 
Babeock William G. Rev. house 10 Florence 
Babeaut Charies L, clerk, 41 Court, b, 1 Corey ave, 
Babewul mugen. house ] Corey avenue 
Labo Leos d, apothecary, 12 Boylston, house do, 
herles, jr. coal, nnd f/tahtson and Jfep- 
plier) plough planes, 7 Doane, boards 7 ow- 
doin square 104 State, hi, at Chelsea 
lor f Co.), com. mer. 
Babson Prank H. ¢ Worster 4 inbéeon), basement 
old State House, bds,7 Bowdoin square 
Bubson James ( Thayer, fabson, ff Co.), drugglfat, 
205 State, boards 201 Shawmut avenue 
Babson John, U, &. shipping commissioner, 130 
Commercial, boards Maverick House ‘ 
Babson itobert KE. master Engliah High School, 
Bedford, boards 110 Appleton 

|~Babson Sally Misa, house 45 Pinckney 

Bocholler Eugene E. clerk, 1 Tremont Row 

Babson Thomas Mol. Inwyer. 41 Devonshire, 
board« at Chelsea (203 Shawmut. ave, 

Babsou William, merchant, 399 Lewls whartl, bouse 

Babson, carpenter, boards Schoo), n, Wash. wa, 16 

Babson & Repplier ( C, Babten, jr. and J. L. Rep- 
plier). plough planes, 7 Downe 

Bacall Charles H. clerk, house 25 E. Canton — 

Bacall Thomas (/'ter «f Bacall), silyeramith, 7 
Avery. house 22 Shawmut avenue _ | 

Bacall William F.f W. A. Bucoll Pf Son), 611 Washes 

- {ngton. house 23 Enat Canton , 

Bacall Wm. K. & Son (Wm. #. Haenll), uphol- 
atury goaue and furniture, 611 Washington, 
house 23 Enet Canton 

Baceloalypo John B mueleian, h. r, 22 Bouth Margin 

Bach Helurich, willow worker, h. r. 04 W. Thire 

Bach N. Svensson, orgau tuner, 1101] Tremont, house 
2 Elmwood place 

Bach William, expreaeman, house Orlental court 

Bacharich Moses B. saloon, 205 Tremont, house do, 

Bacharach Pauline Mise, dressmaker, 296 Tremont, 

house do, [bourds do, 
Bacharach Solomon, rig fore, 20s ‘Tremont, 
Bachelder Auguatue E. 3) Temple place, bouse 57 
Bachelder Charles, boards 1 Mason ‘Broadway 
Bachelder Daniel, driver, 8. B. R. BR. boarda 741 

Bachelder Herman L. (D. #foby i Cv.), 280 
Couseway, bourde 74 ‘Temple | 
Bachelder Josiah G. ( almer, Hacheliiers, & Co, ), 
41 Temple place, house Kent «t. Longwood 
Bachelder d. §. carpenter,orderbox 17TLourt _ 
Bachelder Samuel F. physician, 1 Dexter, W, V. 

howee do 
Bachelder William, etonecntter, bde. 10 BE. Dedham 
Bachelder Wim, H. glase-ware, fancy goods, &o., 20 
Purchase, bouris 25 Pembertou square 
Bachelder, see Batchelder | 
Bacheller Charles A. clothes cleaner, 43 Washing» 
ton, boards 7 Hotel Madieon,798do Alin a 
4 Pg 
Bacheller H. Aira. bh. T Hotel Madison, Tvs Wash. 
Bachellor AH. A. clothes cleansliug, 11 Causewny, 
house 1 Melroee place | 
Bacheller Jeremiah , 21 Portland, house at Lynn 
Bacheller Melville C, clerk, D4 State, boards at 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, }”°s™"*s0%8.t2 

of Locks, Kuobs, and Butts, at 
on ' Hi , 

Sq ! The 

BOSTON [3] pirectory. 

Bacheller Park B. clerk, 204 Cauesewny, boards aot 
Bacher Jacob, driver, honee 218 Ruggles 
Bacher Philip. musician, house 6 ag lace, ward 15 
Bachler Joseph, shoemaker, house 11 So. Marelo 
Bachofner Caspar, carpenter, h. r. 1196 Tremont 
Rackhoff Joseph, teameter, house 85 Catiot 
Backhoff Joseph jr. teameters, house 77 Norfolkave. 
Bacigalupi Carlo, marble polisher, h. 3 Salem place 
Bacigalupi James, organ grinder, h, 36 N, Bennet 
Bacigalupi John, organ grinder, b. 34 N. Bennet 
Bacigalupi Vineacenso, marble polisher, boards 3 
Sulem place - 
Bacigaluppo Frances. widow, house 14 Ferry 
Bacigaluppo Frank, laborer. houee 4 (jaiaey court 
Bacigaluppo Giacomo, house 4 Ferry court 
Baclgaluppo Henry, laborer, house 4 Quincy court 
Back Day Land Co., William E. Healy treasurer, 25 
Tremont ow 
Back William, 200 Washington, hotiee at Cheleea 
Backer Charles, palnter, house Ward st., ward 15 
eentere OC. E. printer, 6 Williams ct., bde. at Charice- 
Backman Ephraim, ship carpenter, house 158 Ben- 
nington house 110 Fourth 

Backman Herman, oysterman, 167 Dorchester ave. | 

Backmann Gasper, laborer, house 91 Liverpool 
Back oD Annie M. teacher, Dearborn achool, boards 
2 Myrtle place | 
Backup James 6. boarda 1184 Harrison ave. 
Backup John, books and periodicals, LIT Dodley, 
house 22 Auburn, ward 14, 44 Codman park 
Backup Robert A. chief clerk Roxbury P. 0. house 
Backup William A. boards 18 Groton 
Backus Alfred, wood turner, boarda 68 Church 
Buckue 7). UL. musician, boards 7 Cambridge 
Backus Edward, printer, boards 16 Haywood place 
Backus Gregory, reporter, boards 16 Haywood pi. 
Backus John J. paper carrier, house 6 Huntington 
House. Cortes [ Brattle, house 17 do, 
Backus Jo¢hua (AR. Mirraton (o.), 2 and 27 
Backus William H. reporter “Times,” 12 School 
Backwoil Albert H. clerk, 30 Court square, house | 
Buckinvham place 
Bacon Abble Milas, boards $4 Essex 
Bacon Abbott L. fireman B.& A. RR. b 10 Tyler 
Bacon Allen H. (dtieood Gq acen), oysters, 41 
Union, bouee 17 Tileston 

Bacon Augustua (IF. f A. Bacon), 1699 Washing- 

lon, house 13 Aubarn, ward 14 

Bacon Caroline &. Miss, house 31 West Cedar 

Bacon Charles, machinist, boards 35 Sharon 

Bacon Clarlea, painter, boarda 17 Tyler 

Bacon Chirles bh. 75 Chanuney, boards 142 Beacon 

Bacon Charles F. machinist, boards 35 Sharon 

Bacon Charles H. machinist, house 232 Princeton 

Bacon Charles H. 32 Devonshire, h. 46 W. Newton 

Bacon Charles H. 26 Chauncy. boards § Allston 

Bacon Churlea J, clerk, 10 Merchunta row, boards 
178 Weet Springteld 

Bacon Charles t. 1 Union, houee at Winchester 

Bacon Charlotte W. house 2 Bradford place 

Bacon C. Mason, clerk, 56 Hamilton place, boards 
Thomas, near G ‘Winchester 

Bacon Edward T. gas fixtures &c. 404 Wash. bda. at 

Bacon Edwin F. bookkeeper, 6 Merrimac, boards 77 
Myrtle , Albany 

Bacon Edwin F. bread, &e, 6 Chadwick, boards 14 

Bacon Edwin M.“ Advertiser” office, 27 Court 

Bacon Franees, Mra, house 41 Church 

Bacon Francis, president China Mutual Insurance 
Co. 42 State, house 47 Beacon 

Bacon Francie A. house ¥ Oliver place 

Bacon Francia C. bookkeeper, 42 Devonahire, bde. 5 

Melrose place 

Bacon Francla E. & Co. (J. M. Prendergaat), com. 
merchant, 66 State, house 91 Marlboro’ — 

Bacon Francis H. gents’ forniahing goods, 50 Han- 
over. house at Bomerville 

Tiacon Francis W. mechanical engineer, 106 Com- 
mercial, house U4 Sharon [Melrose pl, 

Bacon Fred A. clerk, 105 and 107 Federal, boards 5 

Bacon Frederick, ivory turner, 11 Hawkins, house 
at Charlestown | : 

Bacon Frederick P. reporter “ Dally Globe,” 02 
Washington, house at Geet eer eore 

Bacon F. D.¢ Bacon ¢ Co.), %) Elm, h. ot Dedham 

Bacon George, machinist, boards 5 Chelsea 

Bacon George, laborer, house 31 Fabin 

Bacon George A, (J. Haeon f Son), 1 Boylston 
market house 145 Washington, room 27 

Dressing-Casea, Porket-fooks, Bags, Do 
ments, Hales. Bradford d& Authuay, 175 

| Bacon Margarct, widow. 5 Fellowa 


Bacon George E. farmer, Deer Teland 

| Bacon Geo. F. clerk, 50 Hanover, h. at Somerville 

Bacon Creorge H. travelling agent, honse 84 Weat 

| Bacon George FI. hatter. boards 19 Proepect 

Bacon Grenville, house 4 Winthrop place | pers 

Hucon Henry, clerk, 7 Nw. A. market, h. 21 Clham- 

Hacon Henry W. dentist, boards 44 Spring 

Bacon James, carpenter, house Adama, near Dor: 

 theeter avenuc, ward 16 | 

Bacon James, reporter “Daily Advertiser," 27 
Court, bourde 1 Bulfinch 

Bacon James, machinist, honee 4 Decatur 

Bacon James P. reporter, house 2 Milford 

Bacon Jerome A. paper manuf. 36 Bromfield, room 3 

Bacon Joel L. farmer, Deer Teland, house do. 

Kacon John, physician, house 19 Somerset 

Bacon John & Son fGeo, A Bacon), fleh, 1 Boyl- 
eton market (basement), and 6 Boylston etrect, 

house 48 Porter ‘house at Somerville 

Bacon John F carpenter and builder, 29 Fulton, 

Bacon John H,.felt and wool wadding mariufac- 
turer, 1 Union, house at Winchester [Natick 

Bacon John TH, copyist, 6 Court House, boards at 

Bacon John ©. meter inapector, 49 Dodley, honee 
7 Reed's court hone rf, 04 Reece 

Bacon John W. fish, 1 basement Boylaton market. 

Bacon Jolin W., judge Superior Court, h, at Natick 

Bacon Joshua E. boards 2) Leverett 

Bacon Joslah, treas. G. D. V. Co. § Temple place, 
boards American Houre 

Bacon Josiah E. ( facon f& Brown), 68 and 70 Ful- 
ton. house at Weet Newton h. at New York 

Bacon Juliva ( Dexter, Abbot, f& Co). 80 Channey, 

Bacon J. Spaulding. Custom House, h. at Natick 

Bacon awih, alien painter, liards 39 Appleton 

Bacon Lewis G. teameter, bourda 25 Lawrence 

Bacon L. Ella Misa, teacher Boylaton School, bde, 
17 Ashland place 


Bacon Marahall A. travelling merchant, h. 0 Mount 

Bacon Mary, widow. house 73 Windsor 

acon Mason C. clerk, bds, Thomas, near G 

Bacon M. Clinton, coal, 13 Kilby, boards at North 

| Bacon Nathan K. mason, house 6 Liverpool, EF. B, 
Bacon Nathaniel. cigars, i commercial bh. at Hyannia 

Kacon Keuben, carrlagesmith, h, 101 E, Brookline 
Bacon Robert & Co. gente’ fornlehing goods, 45 
Weal, house at Cambridgeport . 45 do. 

Bacon Bamuel H. clgnra and tobacco, 27 Green, 

Bacon 2amuel KR. engineer, boards 37 Holyoke 
Bacon Steuben 

T. wWoehing machines, 27 Doane, 
house %46 Mareclla 

Bacon 8. D (acon f Co), 30 Elm. h. at Dedham 

Bacon Thomas, shipjoiner, house 507 Saratoga 

Bacon Thomas, carpenter, boards 41 Malden 

Bacon Thomas C, & Co, (AH. Plerce). hate, capes, 
trunks, &c. 1 Union, c. North, h. 279 Shawmut 

Bacon Thomas #. treas. Bnifolk Coal Co, 22 Con- 
gress. honse at Brookline . 

Bacon Tinrothy, carpenter, boards 129 Chambers 

Bacon Wuaon B, aalesman, Devonshire, near Milk 

Bacon William, carpenter. bourds 4 Arch place 

Bacon Wm. surveyors offlec, City Hall, house TZ 
Chelsea, E. B. 

Bacon William, house 14 Chester aqoare 

Bacon William & Auguetua, dry gooda, Ke, 1939 
Washington, house 15 Auburn, ward 14 

Bacon William HB. merchant, % Killy. h. Hotel 
Hamilton Rensselaer louse 

Bacon William F. reetanrant 20 Easer. boards Vuo 

Bacon Willlam F. carpenter, boarda 4 Arch plice 

Bacon Wm. F, clog and banjo teacher, 120 Hanover, 
house rear 2 Weat Third | 

Bacon William J. glaes atainer and engraver, 12 
Winter. rc. 1, b. Adama, on. Dorchester av. wd. 16 

Bacon W. Frank, gold-leaf manufacturer, 4) Haw- 
kine, hotwe at Camb ridgeport 

Bacon & Brown /(.J/osich FE. Racon and John G, 
Brown), bron and steel, 68 and 70 Fulton 

Bacon & Co. (S.D, and FD. Bacon), watchmakers, 
0 Elim [net 

Raduroceo Alexander, Inborer, li, rear 36 N, Ben- 

Budaroceco Natale, laborer, h. rear 30 N, Bennet 

Baddeley Charles, salesman, 243 Wash, hi. 265 do, 

Badenschneider Adam, boards 16 Camdon 

Hadenschneider Andrew, lager beer, 9 Province, 
house 140 Pleasant | | 

Badenschnelder Joho, tailor, house 13% Pleasant 

“Collars, Corkecrewe, Hells, Drawing-Tostru- 
neh, St. Lil] Autumea or’T3 at ls Boylston St. 


Badger Adelaide E. teacher, Ware School, house | 

180 Salem 
Badger Adelia Mrs. house 7 Sears place 
Badger Alfred J. machinist, boards 19 Pine 
Badger Avun KR. Mra.widow, house 45 Stantford pl. 

+ Chas. Winship, clerk, @ Blackstone, bds, | 

mi Washington 
Badger Charles W. calker, boards 13 Oxford 
Badger C. W. com. mer. boarde 14 Worcester #q. 
Budger Daniel B. coppersmith, boards 0 Ashland 
Badger Eliab W. clerk, 127 Broad, h at Medford 
Badger Eliphalet N. (Badger q@ Manny), 45 Wash. 
sq). house at Chelsea 
Badger Erastus B. ( Hicks. Badger), copperemith, 
iS Pitts, house 5] Bowdoin 
Badger E. 5. manufacturer umbrellas, parasols, 
and canes, 16 Temple place 
Badger George A. bookkeeper, 81 Com’), boards fi22 
Tremout ane 

Badger George A. physician (eclectic), b. 59 Indi- 

Badger George W. printer, 00 Washington, house 

Badger Gideon, laborer, house 11 Stillman 
Badger Henry C. Rev. house 4 Newbury 
Badger Henry J. boards 2) Dwight 
Badger James G. boards 71% Heath 
Badger James AM. clerk, 4)\0 Com'l, h, 56 Chester 
Eeare: fle o; y rant, Yt Bad ane Ot 
adger Joho S. (Melvin a i) 
hd. fax Tremont at 
Badger Marguret A. head asst. Girls’ High School, 
jouee 13 Oxford . 
Balger Margaret 5. widow, house 13 Oxford 
Badger Oliver H. house 38 Newbury 
Badger ©. H. jr. boards 34 Newbury 
Badger Samuel A, saleaman, 4 Holmes block, bda. 
_ te? Tremont | , 
Badger Sopliia A. Mra. honse 21 Dwight 
Badger Stephen. trader, h. 2 M. H. 4 Winchester 
Badger Susun Misa, house 21 Dartmouth pl. 
Badger Susan Mra. widow, house 15 Pine 
Badger Thomas H. artist, 46 Winter, h. 11 Akron 
Badger Walter 5. clerk. bda. 66 Chester park . 
Badger Wm, C. H. cabluetmaker, bds. 0) Ashland 
Badger William F, stairbuilder, 61 Wareham, 
iouee at Hyde Park © 
Badger Wm, H. boards 46 Chester park 
Badger William ©. clerk, bd. 70t Shawmut ave. 
dger Wm, 5. salesman, 12 Dock sq. house at 
Charlestown , 
Badger & Manny (F. N. Hadger and J. T. Man- 
ny), boots and shoe*, 45 Washington eq. 
Badlam Nancy, widow, bds. Adama, cor, Dix, 

Badlam Stephen, clerk, water office, City Hall 
Badlam Theodore H. inspector, water office, h. 
13 Ferdinand : 
Badlam Wm. H. 11 Kilby, h. Columbia, near Han- 
Baeder, Adamson,& Co. f Charles Baeder, William 
aaa and KR. J. Adamson), glue, &e. 

Hace. Berenrd (Boer  Kajfenburgh), 2 and 32 
Baer RARaD, Peven ser 2 Washington, house 327 
Baer & Kaffen 
leaf tobacco, 20 and 12 Broad 
Baeumler Charlies & Co, (C. Milland P. Benart), 
holr-dressera, basement Tremont House, house 
7 Lowell Court 
Ragen Patrick, carpenter, house 26 Porter 
Taggané John. laborer, house Ward, ward 15 
Bagley Alex. T. machiolet, h, Pope n. Curtia E.B. 
Bagley Doniel J. Hanover Hone, 450 Hanover 
Bagley F. M. aaleaman, 201 Wash. hooase at Lyon 
Bagley Geo. G. printer, 102 Wash. bds. 3 Bulfinch 

Bagley Hugh, laborer, h. Whitney, near Long- 
Lugley Janes, varnisher, h. 6 Porcelain place 
Bagley James, coachman, boards 11 Albany 
Bagley Lewis C. painter, River, n. City Ine, ward 
Ragley Margaret Mrs. house 11 Albany 
Bagley Morrill E. clerk, 15 Blackstone, boards at 
Somerville i 
Bagley Patrick. boards 11 Albany , | 
Bagley Perkina H. jr. clerk. house 23 Bradford 
Bagley 8. J. Mrs. house ©) Green 
Bagley Thomas, baker, house #5) Gold 
Bagley Thomas P. dept. State constable, 24 Pem- 
berton square, 

[park | 

Temple pl. 
ey | Railey Abby Mrs. house 25 Pine 

(cok, wal. 16 | 

, GC. f. | 

[Columbus ave. | 
urglh (ff. fiaer anid I, Kaffenburgh), | 

[wood ave. 

Boston [ ] DIRECTORY. 

Bagley William, oyster saloon, 128 Merrimac, h. 

- 180 Pemberton square 

Bagley William J, clerk, 174 North, boards at 


Baglev’s Great Falla Exprees, 10 Court rq. | 

Bagnall Charles D, clerk, 50 Chauncy, bds, 21 
Clitford [Chelsea 

Bagouall Henry W, clerk, 6 Com’) whi, bds. at 

| Bagnall Thomas, merehaudise broker, 25 Kilby, b. 
| 21 Clifford 
Bagnall Thomas, “gh Seta h. 40 Eniaw 

Bagnall Wm. R. jr. 
Bagnall & Lond (Samwell and Herbert Loud), 
Pomp and block makers, 139 Fulton 
Bagoll Joseph, clerk, house 317 Third 
Bugot Edward, hammeraman, house Parkman, 0. 
Dorchester avenut, ward 16 
Bagot Heory C. elty survevor's office, bds, Nepon- 
set ave. n. Harris School, wd. 16 | ; 
Bagot William J.boarda Parkman near Dorchies- 
ter ave. wd. 16 

okkeeper, 6 Portland, h. at 

| RKaguley Joseph, plumber, bis. 14 Montgomery pl. 

‘Baier Charles saloon, 44 Harrison ave. bouse 2 

Oxford place 
Baighan Michael, laborer. h. 26 Tremont pl. wd. 15 
Bail George W. ¢ say i} Hail), H Union und 19 
Friend, house 197 Dorchester 
Ball Wm. V. carpenter, house 164 Dorchester 

Bailey Albert ¢ Furber f Bailey), © and 92 Lehigh, 

oh. 82 Dorchester, W.V. | 

Bailey Albert, driver, S. F. E. No. 3, house 100 
Meridian , 

Balloy Albert, dentist, house 25 Pitts 

Bailey Albert H. clerk, boards 100 Meridian _ 

Builey Albon HA. telegraph news eliter, “Tran- 

—peript,” 2 Court ave, bh. at Somerville 
mae | “sm L.. fish &o. YL E. Fourth, house 559 
. Ninth 

Bailey Almira, widow, h. 246 Eighth , - 

Bailey Alonzo, 176 Tremont, h. at W. Somerville 

Balley Alvin R. 167 Tremont, bds. at K. Somerville 

Bailey Amasn, curpenter, bh. 673% E. Fifth 

Bailey Amasa W. billiard-table manuficturer, 204 
Harrison ave. house 2/9 do, 

ia Arthur H, & Co, commission morchanta, 12 

10. Market, h. at Newton 

Bailey Augustus W, grooer, 14 Lexiuston 

Bailey A. Emery, boards lu? Chandler 

Hailey A. M. Mra. house 6 Decatur 

Bailey Barton, machlulat. house 28 Carver 

aise Calvin A. (Gray, Bell, & Builey), Wildes 

— Hotel, 46 Elm 

Bailey Calvin C. house 7 Forest ave. 

Bailey Calvin C. provisions, Dor, ave, cor. Mt. 
Vernon, boards Harbor View, wi. 16 

Bailey Charles, teamater. house 146 1) | 

Builey Charles A. ¢ Mailey if Nichola), 12 Wash. 
market, house at S. Walpole 

~Bailey Charles C. (Harris, ag ahaa 4 if Co,), OS 

Coort and & Hanover, h. a Appleton 

Balley Charles H. ( ftailey & Co.), 10 Central, hb. 
Fox ave. oor. Percival ave. wd, t6« 

Balley Cuarles GL (James J. Bailey & Co.), 04 Lin- 
coln, house at Hingham 

Bailey Charles H. calker, boards 20! Hanover 

Ralley Chas, M. conductor, bda. Metropolitan pl. 

Bailey C, F. clerk, 141 Washington 

Bulley C. W. painter, 10 Province et. and 4 Pine, h. 
81 Chureh 

| Balley Cornelias, plasterer, house 4 Holden Place 

Balley Davis W. sec, N. E. Paving Co. 6 Central 
wharf, house at Newton [at W. Newbury 

Ralley Ebenezer C boots & shoes, 20 Wash. eg. h. 

Gailey Edword, boards 1362 Tremont | 

Bailey Kdwourd M. foreman, 55 Sudbury, house 
ut Weat Medford 

Batley Rdward KR. expreasman, 51 Dev, h. 40 Wall 

Bailey Kiward W, clerk, 20 Kneclund, boards 
1h0 Warren avennte 

Railey Elbridge A. clerk, B.& L. R. R. house at 
No, Somerville h, & Deratur 

Bailey Elbridge E. & Co, Jewelry manuf 41 Winter, 

Balley Eleanor Kh. Miss, house 57 Waltham 

Railey Elmira. widow, house 46 K. Elehth 

Bulley Klyas, barber, boards 4 Parkman 

Bulley Emeline Misé,boarding-lhouse, 1 Clifton pl. 

Ralley Emerson, house’ lams, cor. Wadlilogton 

Bailey Kmily C. hairdresser, 16 Blossom 

| Bailey Fannie 5. Mra, bouse 2 Grove square 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, |"***%stcua'sits,7atecn sas steton” 


Bailey Frank Leslie, 26 Tremont, howes 16 West 
_ Concord [Charlestown 
Kaliey Frank L. clerk, 204 Causeway, boards at 
Haliey Frank M. clerk, 14 Oliver, b. at Watertown 
Kalley Frock W. atoirbnilder, boards 9 Dover 
Ratley Franklin L. boards 12 Davis 
Bailey Frederiek, agents 14 Porthind 
Bailey F.C, joiner, house 194 London. BR, 
Hailey George, stereotyper, house 14 Tyler 
Bailey George, packer, 100 Com'l, hia, (3 Leverett 
Ralley George A. diver, house M Komw 
Hailey George A. 17 Batterymarech, h. at Kingston 
Bailey George G. clerk. B. & A. it. ft, Grand Janet, 
Bailey George G. jr. ( Bailey F Gilbert), 105 Wash. 
howe at Hyde Park (house 40 Gray 

Balley George H. bookkeeper, Albany cor. Dover, | 

Kalley George H. atereotyper, 1 Water, b. 1) Tyler 

Bailey Gieorge MH. carpenter, beds, 64 Northfield 

Balley Gieorge H. physician, 141 Court, house do, 

Bailey George H. porter, house 149 Cambridge 

Bailey George M, cabinet-maker, 4 Cornhill 

Balley George ©, eabinet-maker, liouse 140 Brooks 

Halley (ieorge W. 18 Avery house 46 Myrile 

Bailey George W, coachman, house Hammond pk. 

Ralley George W. 45 Chaaney, bde. at KE. Wepmouth 

Balley Gideon, conchman, Savin Hill ave, 

Balley Gilman B. carriage-trimmer.h. 100 EK. Canton 

Bailey G. South Natick Exprees, 44 Court sq. 

Bailey Hannah Mrs. howse | Lameon 

Railer Mannah C. Mra. house 154 Weet Brookline 

Balley Harriet N. widow, h. ® East Drookline 

Halley Mart, house Harbor View, ward Id 

Bailey Henry, porter 25 Broad, house ot Quiney 

Bailey Heary, carpenter 28 Everett, hi. 12 Curia 

Bailey Henry B. New England Slipper Works, 57 
Hanover, house at Cambridg port 

Ralley Henry B. clerk, 192 State. boards 23 Beacon 

Bailey Henry K. house Highland place 

Bailey Weary P. 159 Wash. boards at Chelsea 

Batley Herbert, piano-maker, house 4) EB. Seventh 

Buller H.8. B. 15 Winter, howse at Chelsea 

Talley Ira A. clerk, 121 Wash. board«()ulney House 

Batley Isaac H. howe 17 Trenton, E. i. 

Bailey James, shoemaker, 112 Pleasant, house J 

Bailey James, walter, house 8 Hodson 

Bailey James, laborer, house 0 Plillipa 

Balley Jame-, oysterman, boards 164 Merrimac 

Balley James, jr. fireman, &.& A, It, Kh. bda, 1 

Balley James A, clerk, Quincey House, boards do. 

Tailey James F. watchman. boards $1 Cabot 

Ballev James J, & Co, (Charles HT Dailey), res- 
thurator, 14 Lincoln, house at N. Secltuate 

Balley James L, calker, h. Maverick. cor, Lamson 

Ballev James 8. clerk, 51 Nort)i Market, boards at 

17 Court, house at Chelsea 

Balley James W. paylug teller, National Bank of | 

North America. 70 State, hose at Newton 
Bailey Janson S. house § Decatur 
Bailey Job F carpenter, broad, h. Park, n. Adams, 
ward If [Evans Honee 
Bailey Job F. doors, sashes, ke. 20 Kuevland, bds 
Bailey Joc) fi. clerk, 230 W. Broadway, house 10G 
Bailey John, porter, house 8 Grove 
Raliey John, laborer, louse 24 Curve 
Balley Jolin, driver. house 55 Wall 
Ralley John. painter, hose “80 Sliawmnot ave, 
Hailey Jolin A. boards 14 Hancock 

Bailey John &. teacher of sparring, 1 Tremont 

row. h. 18 Blossom 
Bailey John F. officer at jail, 215 Charles, house at 
Cheleon — 
Bailey Joho H,. & Co, carriage manuf. 41 Bowker, 
ss houwse ot Everett 
Ralley Join 1.41 India, boards at Newton 
Bailey Joho W, 22 Custom-house street, li. & Bay 
Balley Jolin W.& Co.f MM, Rogers), hardware, 
22 Knerland, house 150 Warren ave, 
Bailey Jonathan E. watchman, house 1747 Wash, 
Bailey Joseph, cooper. house & Hudson 
mares a 4 i ane. Sear a 29 do. 
dalley Joweph 0. f ey f Jentina), 5 Commerce, 
and prest. Bovl<ton National Bank, 420 Wash. 
houre at Dedham [Warren ave. 
Balley Joseph T. clerk, 22 Koceland. bds, 150 
Bailey Julian A. Mra. bouse 146 [ndinea place 
Bailey J, MW. physician, house | Asylam 
Hailey J. M, house | Asylom 

rani ce tier.) BRADFORD & ANTHONY, 3am AIR Tcets ge, 

Talley Lues 
Bailoy Lait 


Bromfield, h oose at Somerville 

Bailey leonard ( Bailey of Merahall), billiards, 14 
Sudbury. house 1 Chambers 

Railey Leonard PF. whartinger, h, 125 Deeator, EB, 

alley Lewellyn I. carpenter, bh, 22 Eutaw, EH, 

Bailey Lewls 8.4 Pemberton square, h.66 howdoin 

alley Liblue i hatter, bds, National House 

Halley Lorenzo BK. machinist, house 57 Yeoman 

A. widow, house 20 Au line 

ert, boards 16 Zeigler 

Malley L. S. Mra. widow, honse 167 Third 

ailey Mark, clerk. & Court #q. bda. 7 Arnold 

Baller Mary EK. widow, bimuse 139 Pda 

Nailey Mary F. Mra. house 7 Arnolc 

Hailey Mary H. Mere. houre 4 Howdoln 

Bailey Mary l.. Miss, teacher, Dean school, Wall, h. 
S7 Waliliaen 

Halley Merey A. teacher of drawing In pablic 
schools, boards Creighton Hoose 

Batley Michael K. teamater, house 0 Bolton 

alley Moses, bluck«amith, house 7 Cushinao ave, 

Balley M, A. Mise, millinery, 671 Washington, li. 26 
La Giranye 

Ralley M LL. Alra. house 26 La Grange 

Bailey Nathaniel Mrs, widow, boards Fraoklin, 

ward 16 | 

Hailey Neleon, clerk, boards 107 Chandler 

nays a L, bookkeeper, 1 Edinboro, boards at 

Hatley Paul, carpenter, h. 110 Lexington, E.B. 

Hailey Peter, laborer, house 2 Greewough lane 

Batley Pinroo, laborer, bourds 14 W, Second 

Hulley Richard, boards 21 Houcon 

Halley Kichard, Mra. boarde 25 Hencon 

alley Itiehurd W., U, M. L. Ins, Vo, 16d Tremont, 

h. 21 Heaeon , 

Halley obert, mariner, house 4 Wilber court, E.B, 
Hailey obert, moulder, bda, 17 Norwich 

Bailey Kobert M. dry goudé com, 260 Wash. and 
treas. Belknap and Hooksett Mille, lb. 23 Chester 


Railey Itoacoe A. teameter, bids. 17 Trenton, E.8, 

Halley KM. Maurice, 31) Wash. bda. 3? Chester ag. 

Hailey Samuc! W, Rev. house 5 Pine 

Hailey Sara ts, Miss, teacher of music, Adams, 
opp, Agbura, l. Dorchester ave, cor, l'arkman, 
ward If | 

Hailey Surah K, widow,h. Walnut ave, cor, Bower 

Halley Sewell, peat house WG 

Bailey Simon W. watch-dealer, 5 Washington, h. 
JO Weat Concord 

Talley Susan Ki. matron, Deer Island 

Itailev §. E. conductor, BH. H. & E. BR. BR. h. at 


“Bailey Thomas, painter, house 111 W. Ninth 
| Ratiey Thomas G. coachman, houte 67 Joy 

Halley James T. & Co, (‘John Wi. Eincoln), roofers, | Halley Tiomas [f. salesman, J Heacon, house at 

Melrose Fn KE. somervil ¢ 
Bailey Walter C, engraver, 31 Tempie place, h. at 
Hailey Wpters I. clerk, 05; Ulackstone, bids. 69 


Bajloy William, physician, house § Pine 

Kulley Willlam. steward, h.2 Webster place E.B. 

Daley William, clerk, boards 428 Hanover 

Bulley William, clerk, boards ds Charen 

Baliey William G, pilot, 2) Lewis wharf, bds, at 
Chelees (at Winchester 

alley Wim. H, wool cleaning office. 46 Broad, h. 

Kuiley Willlaw H. A. jig-sawyer, h. 48 W. Fitth 

alley William W, bookkeeper, bda. S72 Dorchester 

Hailey leaiuster, boards 8) Friend 

Bailey & Co. of Caleotta, E. 1. (¢C. A. Bailey and 

. IP. Giacee), 1 Central | 
Bailey & Gilbert. (G.G, Hailey, Jr and James Gil- 
hert), New England Type Foundry, (6 Wash. 
Bailey & Jenkins //. T. Bailey and C. £, Jenkins), 
wool, 6 Commerce 
Ballev & Murshal (Leonard Hatley and WLP. 
Morshall). biiliards, 11+ Sudbury ne | 
Ralley & Nichole (C. A. Bailey and DO. 1, Nichols), 
produce. V2 Wushington market 
Bailey's Iinck-bay Express, 36 Court aq. 
Ralley. eee Haley aod ange Be 
Hain Robert, confectioner, boards 9 Knox 
Hulu Mobert H. laborer, bds. 2 Meridian place 
Bain Wim. baker, #2 Princeton, house 4 do. 
Halnard Joho ( Gainard Wall), a Faxon place, 

houseSdo. | 
Bainard & Wall (J. Bainard and 8. Wall), gimp 
and fringe manufacturers, J Faxon pl. 

Bainbridge Thomas, foreman, 714 Sudbury, h 
fees ; 

Baine ‘ames 8. saleaman, boards 74 Oak 

Kaine Thomas D. salesman, house 49 Old Harbor 

Baird Alexander, stone cutter, h. dr. % EB. Canton 

Balrd Dentel,plamber, River, cor. Chestnut, house 
119 Myrtle , 

Baird Elizabeth Miss, house 62 Myrtle 

Baird George ( Baird f Riley), plamber, 8 Joy, h. 
27 Weel Cedar 

Baird George O. tinsmith, h. Adame, near Dor- | 

chester avenue, ward 164 Medford 
Balrd Jacob. paper box maker, 18 Bedford, h. at E 
Baird James iH. engineer, howe & Sawver 
Baird Ot, thasmlth aod sheet-iron worker, Nepon- 
ret avenue, h. Chickatawbut. ward 16 
Baird William, glass stalner, bds. 10 Creseent pl. 
Baird & Riley (ff Baird and J. Riley), plumbers, 
Ki Jovy, near Cambridge i 
Bairdauln M, H. Mrs. dressmaker, 21 West. h. do. 
Hakeman Richard, lnborer, honse &7 Charter 
Baker Aaron W. clerk, 1 Merchants row, boards 41 
Lynde : [throp 
Raker Abby L. teacher, Evstia school, bde Di Win- 
Paker Abner L M Chagnor. honse at Hingham 
Baker Albert, printer, 6 Wiliams ct h. Warren av. 
Baker Albert. house 470 E. Broadway 
Baker Albert C. police «tation 6, house 40 Tennyeon 
Baker Albert H. house 3G [bride 
Baker Alice C. private school, 5 Charles, h., at Cam- 
Baker Allee W. Miss, teacher, Lawrence primary 
school, h. 63.G | ‘A 
Raker Alonzo. «ail maker, 99 Commercial, boards at 
Baker Alonzo, bookkeeper, 144 Btate. bds 2 Temple 
Baker Alphonzo (A4eama if} Baker), 128 Wash, bh. 
Berkeley pl. ward 16 
Baker Amos. lus. agent, bh. T Bowdoin square 
Baker Amos, LU. 8. aset. aeeeneor, 13 Donne 
Baker Andrew. hoose 215 W) Newton 
Baker Anna fi. Mre. drewemaker. AM Wash h do 
Baker Annle ( (Lone df Sater), teacher, 5 Chirles, 
houee at Cambridge — 
Haker Anthony, rope maker, h. 29 Mechanle, ward 15 
Baker Anthony, bookhinder, honee 141 Rowen 
Baker A. 0), widow, houre & Haynes ward 16 
Baker A, Rev. DD bh. Washington, n. Contre 
Baker Benjamin ( Hamblen, Baker, & Co. J, 113 Com- 
 @erclal, h. 7 Staniford — 
Raker Benjamin, machinlet, bids, 151 Shawmut ave. 
Baker Benjamin, carpenter, bds. 101 Bolton 
Raker Se ay Plumber, bds. 278 Cambridge 
Baker Benjwnln, clerk, Zi4 Tremont, b. 4 Common 
Haker Se) pest E. Inst-moker, houee 49 Dearborn 
Baker Penjomin F. music teacher, 562 Wash house 
607 Tremont 
Baker Benjamin F. wood turner. h 12 Gloneceter pl. 
Baker Ben’ ye F.. piano maker, boards 83 West 

Baker Bridget, widow, h. 10 Gold 
Baker Cnthorine, widow, house 174 Bremen 

Baker Charles, shoemaker, h. #19 Bhawmyut arenne | 

Baker Charles, teamater, bda. 87 K 

Baker Charles, cabinct maker, house rear 87 Smith | 

Baker Charlee, machini#t, h. 235 E. Eighth 

Baker Charles A. 3 Wash. tda. 1 Hancock 

Baker Charles A. clerk, 101 Harrison avenge, bds 

‘18 Kneeland place 

Baker Charles B painter, house 84 Revere 

Baker Charlies BG. mariner, h. 10 Bremen 

Raker Ciinrles D. teameter, hiuee 173 Eliot 

Baker Charles E. machintet, honee 5 Aickford 

Baker Charlies E. ageni, boards 127 Meridian 

Baker Chortes FE. clerk 16) Wash. bda. 37 Athens 

Baker Charles F. clerk, ® John, bd«. at Dedham 

Baker Charles F. ice-cream, 3) Hamilton place, h. at 
Cambridgeport | , 

Baker Charles H. house 410 Enat Broadway 

Baker Chorles H. clerk, 85 India, bas. 17 Auburn 

Baker Charice T ins. broker, 15 Devonshire, room 

 &. board 17 Bowdoin | 

Baker Charice T. 31 India whf, bde. 95 Warren are. 

Baker Charles Wm. clerk, City Hall 

a . . ve, W. salesman, 165 Alackstone, boards 49 
Sa hertt 

Raker Christopher, walter, house 134 Kingston 

Baker Cilfton P. clerk, Natlonal Engle Bank, boards 

it Ded hain 

Raker Corneting, nail maker, bde. 344 Brondway 

Baker Cyrus & J. F. & Co, (Peter and? Erastus 
Rater), grocers, 29 Commeretal, and stable 400 
W. Broadway, house 402 do 

Baker Tvavid M. de 

Chelsea | 

Baker James. laborer, 

Boston [B] DIRECTORY. 

Baker Daniel W. reporter, “Dally Times,” house 
Cottage, n. Dorchestor avenue, ward 16 

Baker Daniel Ww. boarding house. 42 Siantford 
Baker David. pump maker, houee 317 Athens 
Baker David 

. elerk, 6 Court avenue, house at 

t master, howee Dorchester 
avenue, corner Parkman. ward 16 

Baker Dennis. jonk. house 35 Prince 

Baker D B. 87 Wash. ag. bids. 216 W Springfield 

Baker D, H. engineer, bile O17 Athens 

Raker Earnest. Wquora. bile, 12 Melrose 

Baker Ebenezer, civil engineer, h. 6 Montrose ave, 

Baker Edmund J 27 @tate, house Washington, cor, 
Klehmond. ward 18 

Baker Edward & Co. (Jehu F Rater), grocers, 554 

Dorcheater avenge, h 374 Dorchester, WV’. 

Baker Edward HT oclerk. 60 State, lls. 723 Tremont 
Baker Edward K. clerk, bds, Columbia, h. Quincy, 

ward 16 | 
Raker Edwin, cilder. boards 9 Knox 
Baker Eiljvh, Mrs. house 187 Lexington. E RB. 

| Baker Elijah, salesman, 144 North, boards 18; Lez- 

Ingion. EB 

wt : 
Raker Fllzaheth, widow, bds 17 Auburn. ward 14 
Baker Erastia (C 

& JF. Baker if Co), 10T Com- 
meréin), howee 402 Broadway , 

Baker Exra H. f faker & Morrill), 2 Kilby, house 
413 W. Broadway 

Baker Fera H. jr. (Rater & Morrill), % Kilby, h. 
22 Worrester — , — 

Baker Edward A. house 37 E Sprinefield 

Baker E.G Mra. hoose 6 EF. Biehth | 

Baker EF. Jarvis, muste printer, 5 Washington, bh, 
Bird, n. Ceylon. ward 16 

Baker Francis, ealt manufserorer, 19 Commerce, h. 

at Weat Roxbury 
Baker Francis M. f reat f Co.) teametor, Colum- 
bue ave. opp. Grenville place, h at Norwood 
Baker Frank L. painter, bourds 86 [teverv 
Baker Frank P. plumber, boards 353 Alarrison ave, 
Raker Frank P 44 Btate, boards 27 Pinokney 
Baker Fred, organ maker, boards & Walnut place 
Baker Frederick, palnter, ble. 6 Grenville place 
Baker Bye ae! feakeman, bda Kiver, n Norfolk, 
wari 16 
Baker Frederick, clerk, 4 Commerciul, b 1S Bpring 
Baker Fred, J clerk. ©) Chatham, bids at Dedham 
Baker Fred, W. 35 Washington. bh. at Winchester 
Raker F. T. measenger, boards Derby Hone 

| Baker George, machinist. bonrds 235 EB. Mighth 

Baker George A engineer, house 43 Goll 

Boker George E (Brnene f Haker), 6 N, FP. 
market, house at Cambridgvport ~~ 

Baker George L. police etatlon 8, boards Tileston, 
cor. Unity a2 

Baker George L. salerman, 106 Sudbury, boards at 

_ Winehester | 

Baker George M. 149 Wash h. 20T W. Springfield 

Baker George O. clerk, 8. B. R. Ro Co. h. 1 East 

Baker George 8 carpenter. house 215 W, Newton 

Baker George W grocer, Dorchester ave. opp Ells- 
worth, hotse do wart 16 | | 

Baker Gcorge W. 23 Teniple place. bia, 77 Lenox 

goa Mic ress & Co, frult, 1] Merchants row, h. ot 

Boker Hattle, dressmaker, howee 8 W. Springfield 

Boker Henry, teameter. house 5 Sirntoga, B.8, 

Baker Honry, floor layer. honee 135 Bolton 

} Baker Henry Mrs. house 4 Hudson 

Baker Hoory Nine. agent, 104 Wash, bh. at Allaton 

Raker Heory 8 express messenger, 4) Devonshire 

Baker Herbert, 45 Hanov r. boards 402 Broadway 

Baker Horace B. clork, 2) Tremont, tele 20 Dix pl. 

Baker Teane D f Putler af Baker), 105 Fulton, house 
at Malden 

Baker Jacob, mason, hones 1188 Tremant 

Baker Jacob, teameater, house 22 Kugelea 

house 87 Deeatur, FG. 

Baker James, farmer, h. Bird, 1. Ceylon, ward 16 

HKaker James. bootmaker, boards Fourth, cor B 

Baker James ( Batera of Hamphrey), 9 Commer- 
elal, bearde at Brookline [town 

Baker James, bag maker. 44 Tnfon, h at Charles- 

Baker James, floor-liyor, hone 145 Bolton 

Baker James Mra. boarda 5 Elm pl 

Baker Jamea B, salesman, %) Hanover, boards 62 
Green | Hurrison ave, 

Baker James EF. salreman, 14 Tinck4tone, b. 219 

| Baker Jamea G. clerk, boarda 676 Shawrnnt ave. 

“ws} Ag Felt) 20 Dock Se, Boston. '- 


Baker James TL. real estate broker, 38 Devonshire, 
house at Newton 

Baker James L. clerk, 128 Com'l, bds. 609 FE, Ninth 

Baker James M expreseman, h 54 Washington 

. Baker James 5. watchman, house $07 Surntogn 

Baker James T. clerk, 2044 Hanover, boards at 

Boker June, widow. hose 371 W Becond 

Baker Jieon P. clerk, 4 Commerce, house at Chelscn 

Haker Jesse Y.& Co. (Simeon Huker), ovetora, N, 

: E. corner F. AH. market, house 146 W Canton 

Baker Joel, civil engineer, house 417 Fourth 

Baker Joel, jr moulder, boards 417 Fourth 

Baker John, teameter, boards 41 E. Cunton 

Haker John, laborer, house 14 Churter 

Baker John, ¢arnisher, boards rear 107 W. Third 

Baker John A. clerk, house 172 W. Fourth 

Baker John B.& Co. (0. H.and EF OW Hantan), 

faddlers, 150 Tremont, house 61 Chambera 

Baker Jolin F (CE. Baker ¢& Co.), f4 Dorchester 
ave, boarda 575 Dorchester. 

Baker John H (Hoker & Burgess), 22 Broad, h. at 

Baker John H, honse 10 Allston 

Baker John J. carpenter, honse 3 Milford [ wich 

Haker John it, f ane if faker), Killiy, h. at Tpa- 

Baker Jolin 3. ¢ Glidden ¢ Baker), 221 Waeh. house 
ut livde Park | 

Baker Jonathan, carpenter, house Norfolk, n. Fre- 
mont, ward 16 [May place 

Boker Jonathan W. llent, police station 3. house 2) 

Baker Joseph, agent Mass, 8. for P_of C to Ani- 
male, 40 Woosh. room 7. bh. 42 Webster, EK. B, 

Baker Joseph, house 359 Weat Third 

Baker Joseph, cooper, house 29 Station 

Baker Joseph, jr. dlesinker, h. 16 Darimonth pl. 

Baker Joseph D, 29 Commercial, bds. 402 W. road. | 

Baker Joseph E. lith. artist. h. 11 Rockville place 
Baker Joseph KE. bowrds 187 Lexington 
Baker Joseph E. clerk. bde. 15) Ehawmut avenue 
Baker Joseph F.C. of Jf, . Baker of Co), grocer, 

26 Commercial, house 116 Dorchester 
Baker Satepn I, cotton buyer, 7 Doane, bde. 21 E. 

Haker Joseph J. musician, h. 77 Lenox 
Baker Joseph L, f Hallett & Raker), foot Com. 

merece. house at Weat Lrennia [W. Cedar 
Baker Joseph 8. porter, 45 Commercial, bouke 105 
Baker Joshua, boards 2 Bowdoin 
Baker Joshua, Ir. (J. Baker f Co.), 79 Commercial, 

house 750 KE. Broad way 
Baker Joshua W, organ-maker, house 20 Taber pon 
Haker Josiah R. 29 Commercial, bide. 57 Benning: 
Baker Judah (ffakers f Hamphrey), 99 Commer- 
cinl, houae 385 W. Broad way 
Baker Judah F, watchmaker, bis, 4 Fremont ave. 
Baker J. clerk, (4 Union, honge at Charlestown 
Baker J. & Co. f/. and NV. RK. fuker, and J. Boater, 
gr J, shipehandiers, 1 Commercial. bds. Now 
neluind House 
Raker J. Murray. lawyer, 3 Behoo!, room .J, house 
Baker K. W. real-catate agent, 59 Court, house at 

Raker Leighton, 116 State, boards 12 Berkeley 
Baker Leonard, 5 Tremont row. bda 3 Nowdoln 
Baker Leonard C, foreman, houre 15 Gates 
Baker Leonard C. jr. clerk, 146 Com'l, bde, 13 Gates 
Haker Lewia, Pen are houve 98 EE. Canton 
Baker Lillian Miss, dreeamaker. houee 56 Myrtle 
Baker Lincoln F. 94 Commercial, h. 120 Dorchester 
Baker Lincoln F. 24, towboat agent. 09 Commer- 

cial, h. Stoughton, n, Sumner, ward 16 
Baker Lincoln J), clerk, 103 State, bourda Green 
Baker Loring, ys 10 1-2 Howard 
Baker Loring J laborer, bds. Trenton, on, Prescott 
Baker Louiesn Mre. widow, boards 85 Pembroke 
Haker Lusher G. jr. 18 Avery. bids. 105 Chauncy 
Baker L, F. bonrda 215 W.. Newton 
Baker L.. H. clerk, Warwick House, boards do. 
Maker Marcellua G. oystermnan, h. 141 W. Canton 
Baker Margaret, widow, house #} Richmond 

Baker Martha A. teacher, Tileston School, boards | 

Bird, n. R. R. station. ward 16 

Faker Martin, clerk, 16 Bromtield, h. at Melrose 
sae renee foreman, $4 Beverly bh. at Lebanon, 
Baker Martin L, carpenter, house 56 Gray 

Baker Mary Mrs. house rear Evans House 

Baker Mary, widow, house 22 W. Athens 

Baker Mary D. Mrs, house rear 218 Hanover 
Baker Mary F. teacher, bds, 17 Auburn, wird 14 


[Chelsea | 

[752 E. Fourth | 


Baker Michael, tailor, 70 Salom, h. at Charlestown 

Baker Michael, haker, house 24 Longwood ave, 

Baker Morris, clothing, 132 W. Broadway, hi. do. 

Kaker M K, Miss, artist, 45 Studio building, house 
at Melrose | | 

Baker Nathan W. salt, 40 Long whf h. 733 Tremont 

Huker Nelson, hat aid bonnet blencher, 17! Waeh, 
bds. 10 Lynde , [h. 408 Columbus ave, 

Baker Nelaon K. (vi Raker & Co.), 7¢ Commercial, 

Taker Obed Mrs. house 147 Cheleen, E.G. 

Baker Obed, teanister, bonrds 173 Ellot 

Baker Obed B. house 37 W Fourth 

Baker Ori, chalrmaker, boards 237 Bolten 

Raker Peter, salesman, 8 Eesex, hb. ot Charlestown 

Baker Peter (CC. f J. F. Roker > Co.), 107 Com- 
mercial and 400 W. Broadway, house 47 W, 
Fourth. 5,H. 

Roker P. Edgar, 74 Btate, boards 247 Fourth 

Baker P11 36 Chauncy, house 44 Garden 

Baker tachel A. widow, house 42 Routh Riseell 

Buker Kenben, supt. Inet. Blind, boarde 10 Guatea 

Baker Richard, jr. ¢ Wm. F. Weld  Ca,.). 42 Cen- 
tral wharf, house 152 Commonwealth ave, | 

Boker Kichard M. ¢ faker g /’rince), India wharf, 
house at Charlestown 

Raker Ruel Mrs. howse 283 Tremont 

Kaker Samuel, nall-maker, boards +H W. Broadway 

faker Samuel E, boards 1 Cumeton 

Baker Sarnh 4). principal Dudley echool, house 7 
Worcester place 

Pinker Seth It. boards 152 Shawmnot ave. 

Haker Silns K. clerk, 235 Tremont, house do, : 

Baker Simeon (J. Y. Baker f& Co.), N. E.c. F. 8. 
market. h. 141 W. Canton 

Baker Simeon & Co. (vw. ¥. Mater), oystera, out- 
aide FLA. market, cor, Merchants row 

Baker Stephen, etatlon-ngent, fh. HW. & E. ii. KR. house 
Bird, n. R. KR. etation., ward 16 

Raker Stephen, boards 20 Cherry 

Baker Etephen. jr. grocer. Bird, n. RK. R. station, 

hh. Baker place, ward 16 © 

Baker 8. 1. exprees-driver. bds, 6 Dartmonth pl. 

Baker Thacher, paioter, 162 Commercial, and room 
16 studio building, boarda Boston, n. Cottage, 
ward 16 

Baker Theodore, discount clerk, Boston National 
Bank, 61 State, bouse at Cambridgeport 

Baker Theodore L. clerk, 6 Boylston, bila. 12 Harr. 
avenue — : 

Raker Theodore P, bde. Bird, n. BR. R.station, wd. 16 

Baker Thomue ( Coffer & Baker), 22 Castle, h. 41T 
Harrison ave. 

Baker Thomaa shoemaker, honee 417 Harr. ave. 

Baker Thomas H. ice dealer, house 25 Barton 

Maker Thomas E, messenger, Nat. Bank Com- 
merece, bde, 6 Cambridge 

Raker Vhomas G. produce boards 2) Dir place — 

Baker Timothy, four and grain, 144 Commercial, b. 
at Dedham 

Baker Timothy, provisions, h. 7] Shawmnt ave, 

Baker Timothy, clerk, 26 Grove, boarda 1l6iJoy | 

Kaker Walter Mra. widow, bh. Wash. cor. Park, 
ward 4 

Baker Walter, architect, boards 1) Bowdoin 

Baker Walter & Co, (A. ZL. Pierce), wiannfactorera 
chocolate, 201 State [W. Third 

Baker Walter A. eurveyor, 190 Dorchester, bide, 259 

Baker Walter A, student, boards Waeh. n. Centre, 
ward J6 

Raker Walter H. clerk, 33 Union, b. 05 Warren ave. 

Raker Walter 8. cutter.241 Wreh. bda, 7 Myrile 

HKaker Waller W, tailor, bde. 7 Myrtle 

Raker Warren M. intelligence and real-catate office, 
Té Tremont. h. 08 Chandler 

Baker William. house 7 Ashland [wd. 16 

Maker William, 26 Kilby, h. Boston, n. Cottage, 

Baker Wm. lighterman, house 291 Bolton 

taker Wm. harness-maker, h. 12 Bremen, E.B. 

Baker Wm. E. Grover and nker Bywing-Machine 

Co, 149 Tremont. h. 65 Chester peer 
Raker Wm. G. & Co. (J. Warren Hailey), wphol 
stery nnd window shades, 23 Bromfield, boards 
2 Oliver place 
Baker Willlum H. 20 Weat, h. at Chelaca [ond 
Baker Wm. J. machinist, 221 Whreh, hb. 371] W, Seo. 
Baker Wm. P. 30 Court aq. boards 604 Shawmot ave, 
Baker William K. clerk, 42 Court, room 22 
Baker Wm, §. oysters. wholesale, 8.E. cor. of F.H. 
market, house at Malden - 
Baker Wm. V. carpenter, boards Bird, n. R.R. sta- 
tlon, ward 16 


Baker ne 4 W. 40 State, room 23, house 120 W. 

Baker Willie (Baker. Withereli,«} Co.), 4 and 86 
Commercial wharf, h. 6 Hammond pork 

Baker, Wltherell. & Co. ( Willis Baker, William A 
Witherel/, and Jas. A. Navon). fish dealers, 35 
and 4 Commercial wharf [erville | 

Raker W. A. real-estate agent, §4 Wash. h. at Som- 

singe We Irving, salesman, 21 Boylston, h. at Cam- 

Baker i 
Bal oc W. K. Wermouth express, 44 Court aq. 
si a Zeno Davis, officer Reform School, Deer 
Baker Zcnas G. bookbinder, 67 Washington, bds. 
at Clhelsen 
Taker, ——, laborer. house 1 Grover place 
Baker & Burgess (Join A. Maker ai Charles A. 
Para! eva). paints. olla, Xe. 22 Broac 
ait (UE. H. Baker, C ne ‘Morrill, armed 
Ht. later, jr.), com, mer. 26 | 5g f 
Baker ‘& Prince (R. M. Boker and S, N. Prince). 
eailmakers, India wharf 
Bakers & Ilumphrey ( Judeh and James [taker and 
W. J. eomphrey J, ehlpchandiers, 99 Commer’l 
Baleh Abby Miss, house 1 Montrose ave, 
Balch Andrew (C. clerk, 1877 Wash. h. 20 Arnold 
Balch Ann Miss, house 1] Montrose ave. 
Baloch Anna M. teacher, Yeoman «t. primary, b. 14 
Loulshurg aquare 
Baleh Arthor &. clerk, 11 India. bh. at wet Lag 
Baulch Charles C. clerk 03 F. H. market, boards ! 
Hanson [idle H Rn Any 
Balch Clara H, asst. sencharttnacinee High School 
Baleh Duniel, bookkeeper, #0 State, house at N 4 
Balch Edward I. a house WM Appleto 
Balch Edward FP. Warhin on, lh. at Toye 
Balch Francis V. lawyer, 30 0 Court, reom 0, h. at 
Jamalca Plain [2 Tileston pl. 
Balch Frederick, carpenter, 14 Webster ave. house 
Balch Stor gr watchea and jewelry, 1285 Wish. h. 

Ralch George E. clerk, 170 Fourth. h. 270 Bowen 
Balch (ieorge H. 45 State, house at Jamaica [lain 
Balch George H. printer. h. 16 Lovisburg square 
Balch George L. clerk, Creighton House 
Balch Henry G. clerk, 4 State, bh. at Jamaica Plain 
Balch |. D. 45 Hanover, bda, at East Cambridge 
Balch John Mra, howse 16 Loul«burg square 
Balch Joseph W. president Boylston Mutual In- 
trance Co. 45 State, hove at Jamaica Plain 
Balch Marshall, letter-carrier, Post-office, house 120 
Tremont (20 Upton 
Baloch ery E. head aealetant, Lincoln Sell, h. 
Balol =. LG. Mirs. acamstress, hh. 6 Coshman ave. 

E. salesman, 83 Broad, h. at Yarmouth 

Balels T. i ngeut, * Watelman aml Keflector.” 15 | 

State hoa? MW abetiated 
Bils* Wolter 1 bookkeeper, 201 State, boards at 

Balch Wraley P. flour and grain, 28 Blackstone, 

house 34 Chestnut, corner Spruce 
Baleh Wililam, clerk. 178 Com. b. 149A” Tremont 
Baloh William H. boots and shoes, 41 Hanover, h. 
hoa ee 
Balch W iliam L. house 66 Appleton 
Balch William R. boarda | Acorn 
Balch W. Ile tru a1) Washington 
Baleh W. L. pleture frume gilder, h. 30 Clarendon 
Halch & Co, boots and shoes, 41 Hauover 
Baloom Darnley O. supt. Soldiers’ Ean whee + 
liurean, and Soldiers’ Messenger : oes, 2 
Pemberion square, howse at Clarendon | ithe” 
Ralcom Frank. bookkeeper, boards 51 Gray 
Baloom Sarah dirs. house & Cottage place 
Baleom Surah) A. Mrs. house 1 Ohio 

Balcom VO). house $21 Columbus avenue 
Baldner Abraham, machinist, house 625 Jharker 
Haldner George, ropemaker, h. 48 Ward, ward 15 
Baldner Gieorge, jr. rde 45 Ward. ward 15 
Balduer Jacob, ropemnaker, house 39 Prentiaa 
Baldof Peter, cabinetmaker, house F. cor, Third 
Baldrey Samuel Mra. house 500 East Eighth 
Baldrey Samuel G. boards 6 East Eiguth 
Baldrey Stephen f Baldrey f Hom), 6 5. Market, 
houee at Charlestown 
Baldrey & Hum f Stephen rage and William A. 
fam), truckmen, 6 South Market 
Balduff Petar, cabinetmaker, house 274 W. Third 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, |"*"™ *"secisseaen egy saacat Mn of 

| Baldwin Charles A. ( Raldhei 

| Ralowln Peter bi. letter-carcier, P, 0. “Flea pe 
Baleom Varnum, lockemith, bds. 8 Cottage place | 

Boston [f] DIRECTORY. 

| Baldwin Aaron Charles, 366 Washington, room 10, 

house 208 Bescon 
Baldwin Alfred, car ene Fo3 Whitney, 1, Tremont 
Baldwin, Botume, | i Co. (Geo. DP. Aaldiwin and J. 
mum, ir. J. Vishons, 122 South Market 
Raldwin Charles, 1 Bromfield, house 72 W. Cedar 
Ballwin Charles, machiniet, b. 10 Montgomery oak. 
n, Farnum, if 
leigh). 118 South Market (6 esitaea 
Baldwin Charlea H, ealeaman, 112 Wash. bouridls 22 
Banyo Charles J. porter, 69 Devonshire, bda, 35 
renten Warren ave, 
Baldwin Charles W. jewelry, 179 Wash. liouse 107 
Baldwin Charlotte E. teacher, Gibson School, bd. 
Harvard, cor. Carlton ave. ward 14 
Baldwin Clark B. Custom House. aot at Melrose 
Baldwin David, laborrr. house 110 Bolton 
Buldwin Edward E, (C. Wright ¢ Co.,), 25 North 
Morket, boards at Cambridge 
Baldwin Edward L. bookkeeper, 34 Charles, house 
at Charlestown 
Baldwin Kdwin, brakeman, boarda 31 Webster 

| Baldwin Edwin {Y. 74 Waeh. house 2 Knowlton 
| Baldwin Eli, house Cedar 


Caldwin Eliza A. widow. honse 2 Knowlton 

Baldwin Kliza, Lucinda, and Harriet, h. Dorchester 
avenue, near Codman, ward 16 

Baldwin Elizur f Boldwin a Winthow Plympton, 
near Harrison ave. house 87 Wint 

Bald ie Strain, clerk, 12 Hanover, house. at North 

Baldwin. ee as, & ar ns gh (C. el. Baldwin, A. 

Farnum and C, H.5 leigh), provisions, 118 
South Market 
Baldwin George D. ( Baldwin, Botume, f Co ), 12 
South Market, house &7 Chester square [ville 
Baldwin George E. clerk. Ol Summer, h. at Somer- 
Haldwin George F. clerk, bds. 57 Chester square 
Baldwin weorge P-. house (5 Tremont 
Baldwin George W. lawyer, 39 State, room 48, 
hou-e 6 Somerset 
Baldwin Gilbert, porter, 277 Wash. house & Lovis 
Haldwin Harriet widow, boards Harvard. cur. 

Carlton, ward 16 [ Allston 
Haldwin ilenry, lawyer, 0 Pemberton aq. h. at 
Baldwin Henry A. traveling agent, bh. 106 Londou 

Kaldwin ane T. salesman, 1 Cornhill, bda, at 

Baldwin pS jr. ( Maldwin q+ Rice), wood and 

coal, 11 Doane, houre (14 Tremont 

| Baldwin Jomes, baker, boards © Chester Park 

Baldwitt James M. Haverhill 

Baldwin Jamea W. ( Haldwin gq 
Murket, house ot cepbridee ambridge 

Baldwin James W. jr. el 5 Commerce, bds. ut 

Ruldwin John, mason, bonsde.00 Ghural 

bald in Joba <A. jr. ( Upham, Tucker, § Co.) 21 
Chauncy, house 6 Hawthorne 

Raldrin John H. clerk, M.S. 5S. Co., house West- 
minster. near Hammond park (Util ave, 

Baldwin Job .t. racers iv Hampden, lh. 74 Blue 

Baldwin Joseph Mex house 22 Bradford 

Baldwin Joseph F. Bo-toyw Metallic Plane Co 69 
Haverhill, honee 20 Marion 

Baldwin Judson (Baldwin i Emerann ), Plympton, 
near Harrison ave. bds. by Winthrop 

Hahiwio J alien, clerk, boards 44 Dudley 

Baldwin J. Roseell, 74 Chan - at Evere 

Katdwin J. Thomas, agent, "* “sora Band, v4 
Wushington, h. 47 Warren avenue 

Baldwin Louisa A. Mra, house 72 Weat Cedar 

Huldwin L. D. polleher, house’ Seman court 

Haldwin ly. H. clerk, 31 Beomfield, b. 72 W. Cedar 

Healt’. 25 North 

| Raidwin Mary, widow, house 1000 'Harcbon ave. 
| Baldwin Nahum J. mualeclan, G Cou 

rt, house - 

Baldwin Place Home, from 115 Salem 
Baldwin Wichard A. (Fenn, Baldwin, gf Co.), 
wheelwright, 24 Falnod, house Moore, newr 
Surat B. & L. RR. bat Somerville 
Baldwin Kollin M. (/fuse Gf Baldwin), teamater, 
Guldwin Safety Elewatur Co, E, Stone, treasurer, 
57 Washingtow Nashua, N. H, 
Baldwin S. Parkman, paper, 12.N. Market, house st 
Baldwin Walter 8. 84 Canal, bda, ! F aquare 
Baldwin William, tinemitis, area 9 Lyman 
Baldwin William F, 101 Coim'l, b. £ Mts lensant pl. 
Baldwin William H. com. mer. 3 Commerce and 
13) South Markel, house at Waketield 
Baldwin William H. 300 Wash. bh. 10U nion park st. 


Boston [}}] DIRECTORY. 

Baldwin & Rice (J. Aeldwin, jr. and H. A. Rice, 
r.J, wood and coal, 11 Doane 

Baldwin & Emerson (f ENcur Baldwin, Robert Em- 
erzon, Judson Kaldiwin, and G. Jt. Emerson, 
flagging und drain pipe, Plympton, n. Harrfkon 
ave, order box 17 Court 

Baldwin & Heald (James IF. Baldwin and David 

feat), provisions, 25 North Market 

Bales Mary A. widow, house 1 Blossom 

Halfe Thomas Mre. house 124 Fourth 

Talfour Charles, boarda 1 Weeley, ward 12_ 

Balfour David M. 2? Change ave. h. at Charlestown 

Balfour John 0. salesman, 242 Washington, houge 
1 Dabney place : 

Balfour William, printer, bonrds 24 Prospect 

Balkam Cyrus, wheelwright, Neponset ave, near 

Walnat, ward 16, house at Quinoy 

Balkam Cyrus, jr. wheelwright, Neponset ave. near 
Walnut, bourds at Quiney 

alkam Henry, May be house 86 Marginal 

Bulkam Henry G. & Co, druggists, Lexington, cor. 
Marlon, bourds 111 Lexington 

Balkam &. 8. clerk, 90 Lehigh, h. at .Jamalen Plain | 
Balkam William H. jr. clerk, 41 Hanover, bds, at 

Randolph [house 1 Hollis 
Ball Abel (Aall ¢ Fiteh), dentist, 41 Tremont, 
Ball Albert, iiouse 61 Muuroe 
Ball Arthur, teamster, boards 55 Pleasant 
Rall Arthur T. cabinet-maker, bds, 67 Bennington 
Ball B. E. (George H. Lucke g& Co ), 020 Wash. 

house (42 do, ; 157 Salem 
Ball Calvin S. provisions, 7 Unlon Market, house 
Bal! Carlos EF, (Conant, Bro. & Co.), 38 Kichmond, 

house at Chelsea 

Ball Charles, musician, house 44 Hanson 

Fall Chas. M, salesman, 215 Wash. h. at Medford 

Ball Chester, saloon. &7 Richmond, h. at Charlest'n 

Ball C. H. salesman, 400 Wash. h, at Auburn. N.Y. 

Fall Emeline, widow, house 24 Worecesterequare . 

Ball Gardner ( Webb ¢& Ball), wool, 33 Central whf 
honge {6 Lambert 

Ball George, tuner, house 9 Chestnut place 

Ball George EF. carpenter, boards 51 Melrnze 

Ball George H, painter, h. Water, 0. Walnut, wd. 16 

Ball George I. plano tuner, 460 Washington 

Ball George M. 0 Chauncy, h. ot Cambridgeport 

Ball Geo T. stevedore, opp. T Central wharf, h. 
at Woburn 7 [Chun bers 

Ball Henry, clerk, 20 Merchants row, house 22 

Ball Henry A, boots and shoes, 10 Washington aq. 
houre at Weet Newton | 

Ball Horace W. civil engineer, F. R. K., house at 

Fall James, constable, house fl Munroe 
Ball James E. clerk, § John, bourds 6) Munroe 
Ball John, maton, house 20 Boylston aq. 

Ball Jolm M. fish inspector, Gray's wharf, house ot 

Charlestown [brides ort 
Ball Joserh A. saleaman, 18 Broad, house at Cam. 
Ball Joshua D. fHrooks if Lall), counsellor, 40 

Btate, room 30, house 20 Newhury 
Bali J. Warren, dentist, 164 Tremont, bh, do. 

Ball Loctus, musician, house 4 Hanson 

Ball L. O. snlesman, 100 Chauncy, b. ot Molden 
Ball Mary, widow, house T? Portland 

Ball Mary M. widow, house 5 Hersey place 

Ball Oscar J, musician, house $4 Hanson 

Ball Stephen GB. music teacher, 233 Wash. h. Fulton, 

oor, Water, ward 16 
Ball Will. H. salesman, 40 Wash. oq. house at Weat 

Newton a 

Ball William H, clerk, 208 Broad, boards 61 Munroe 

Ball William T, W. house 6 Kirkland 

Ball real estate agt. house 42 Wash, 

Bal) & Fiteh (Abel Ball and EL. M. Fitch), den- 
tists, 41 Tremont 

Ballam Robert, pioviatos, 626 Parkor, house do. 

Ballard Alfred A. machinist, bde, 625 Shawmut ave. 

Ballard Charles, painter, house 61 Hodson 

Ballard C. Edwin, 37 Cornhill, h. at Salem 

Ballard E. O. 90 Broad, house 114 Appleton 

Ballard James M. lawyer, 11 Bromfield, house 
612 Washington 

Ballard Joanna, widow, house 24 Lincoln block 

Ballard John Mra. house 23 Cheatwut 

Ballard Joseph, 11 Bromfield, h. 612 Washington 

Ballard Josephine Mrs. house §2 Prince _ 

Ballard Joshua, treasurer, Hamilton Woollen Co. 41 
State, house 135 Weat-Chester ints 

Ballard Lewis, laborer, house 79 Phillips 

Ballard Roswell A. piano maker, house 9 Vale 

BRADFORD & ANTHONY, fAR°WeaeMraten2starersamane MSc ae ee" 


Ballard Thomas E, letter carrier P.O., bh. 15 Groton 

Ballard Vineent, 32 Temple pl. b, 205 Saratoga 

Ballard Wallace F. clerk, 18 Friend, house 222 Co. 
lumbue ave, 

Ballard William Mre. house 10 Weet Cedar 

Ballentine Catharine, widow, b. 15 Adana pl. wd, 14 

Ballister J. F. adjuster of accounts, 27 State, room 
25, house al Newton 

Ballou Adeline, widow, house 1 Grove md. 

Ballou Albert, teameter, boards 245 W. Eroadway 

Ballou Archibald (G. q A. Boallow), 255 and 237 
Commercial, house 42 Shenfe — 

allow Frank 0), clerk, 21 F. H, eq. h. at Charlestown 

Ballon F. K, house 10 Berwick park 

Ballou George & A. junk, 285 and 287 Commercial, 
house 50 Maverick 

Ballou George F. 1207 Tremont, boards 1280 do, 

Ballou George F. (Ballou, Whitcomb, ¢ Co.), 13 
Harvard pl. bh. 19 Hammond park 

Ballou George Wm. agt. Jacob R. Shipherd & Co. 42 

 _ Devonshire, h. 771 Tremont 21 Chambers 

Ballou Horace B. cutter, 144 Washington, house 

Pallou Ira, carpenter, house 4 Haynes 

Ballou Ira H. ( Ballou ¢ Frye), 21 Faneuil Hall sq. 
h. at Charlesiown 

Ballou John, furnaces, ranges, &e. 112 Portland, h. 
2 Anderaon 

Ballon Mnesonnn . cutter, boarde 21 Chambers 

Ballou Maturin M. editor in chief, ‘‘ Daily Globe,” 
02 Wash. bde. Tremont Howse 

Ballou Murray K. broker, and president of Brokers’ 

Board, 0 Devonshire, house 15 Pinckney 
Ballou KR. A, real cetate, 6 Pemberton eq. h. Centre, 
near Harrison aq. ward 16 (h. at Coneord 
Ballou 8. J. trea. Am. Steam Safe Co. 51 Sudbury 
Ballou W. Ki. ealesman, 56 Budbury, b. at Malden 
Ballou, Whiteomb, & Co, (Geo, F. Rallow and John 
FE. Whitcomt ), watchmakers’ tools, 15 Harvard pl. 
Ballou & Frye (/. A. Ballow and J. C. Frye), pro- 
duce, 21 F. H. aq. 
Ballou ——, hoirdresser, bda, 10 Creacent pl. 
Ballon's Concord, ke. Express, § Court sq. 
Balom Henry, pedidler, house 86 Margina 
Baltimore and Norfolk Steamship Co. office, 53 Cen- 
tral wharf 
Balzer George, pointer, h, 1004 Tremont 
Bomber Isanuc, clothing, 14 Eliot, honée 26 Carver 
Hamberg Frederick, carver, hb. 270 Athens 
Bambrick James E. painter, boards 16 Chapman 
Bamfard Albert J. & Co. (A. ¥. Convers), real os- 
tate, ) Binte, room 5,house T4 East Newton 
Bamford J. L. Mre. variety store, 4 Way, h. 22 Castle 
Bamford James H. brase finisher, bh, 1020 Tremont 
Eamford Richard, cabinet maker, liouse 2 Coastle 
Bampton Frederick W. foremin, 25 Charlestown, h. 
at Chlieleoa . 
Bampton George G. clerk, 18§9 Washington, bds. 
237 Miuwwles : . 
Baretes Jet Th. (Bempton & Lorejoy), 1889 
Wraeb. and §72 Albany, h. 55 Norfolk 
Bampton Nobert,aalesman, house 237 Iugeles 
Bampton Nobert, jr. clerk, 24 Oliver, b. ilo Warren 
Bampton W. 8.36 Summer, bde. at Malden | 
Bampton & Lovejoy (J. A. Bampton and F. A. 
voréioy), grocers, 1889 Wash. and 472 Albany 
Bamwell Michacl, wariner, bouse 15 Bennet ave. 
Banchor Abigail P. Mrs. house 26 Chester park 
Baochor George FP. leather, 44 Portland, house 156 
W.. Canton. 
Banchor John F. & Co, commission merchants, 112 
Browd, house 40 East a da 
Bancroft Alonzo, chair maker, h. 507 E, Broadwa' 
Bancroft A. Derby, boukkeeper, 15 Commercial whf. 
h, at Peabody 
Bancroft Catharine, widow, h. 28 Rochester | 
Bancroft Charles (£. Cummings & Co). 131 Fulton, 
bds, at Woburn [house at Stoncham 
Bancroft Charles L. clerk, water-office, City Hall, 
Bancroft Charles P. fBencroft & Heyden), forni- 
ture, 180 Tremont, h. Cypress pl. at Brookline 
Bancroft Edward FP. clerk, 40 Winter, b. 44 Poplar 
Bancroft Frank L. 39 Central wharf, b. 17 (reen- 
wich pa _ [wich park 
Bancroft Franklin, 29 Central wharf, bds. 10 Green- 
Bancroft F. J. plano tuner, 277 Washington, house 
nt Reading $55 Beacon 
Bancroft George, lawyer, T Court square, house 
Bancroft George, clerk, City Hospital, bids. do. 
Baneroft George D, reporter, 12 School, b. at Lynn 
man House 
Bancroft George D. 71 Kingston, house at Cheleca 


Baneron Gearge P. clerk, 112 Tremont, bda. 0 N. 


Bancroft Georce W., Custom House, bh. at Groton 

Bancroft Jacob, house 37 Lynde {Albany 

Bancroft James, machiniel, h. Union-park #t. cor. 

Bancroft James B. clerk, 120 Wash. h, at Lyon 

Bancroft Jonas H. iron bridge builder, house North 
avenie, near Btouchton, ward 16 | 

Bancroft Joseph H. paper hangings, 119 and 121 

—  _ Hanover, house at Cumbridge 

Bancroft J, O, No. Cambridge and Somerville Ex- 
press, 3 Wash. and 34 Court sq. 

Bancroft Mre. house 346 Common 

Bancroft Sarah B, Misa, teacher, Comins primary 
echool, Phillips, house at Grantville 

Bancroft Sidney C. lawyer, 40 Washington, house 
at Peabody (h. o7 Lande 

Bancroft Silas A. muele teacher, 147 ‘Tremont, 

Bancroft Solon, lawyer, 47 Court, h, at Reading 

Bancroft Sophia, widow, boards 609 Broadway 

Bancroft Stephen EK. salesman, Blackstone, hde. 9 
W. [hatha Greenwich park 

Bancroft Thomas, truckman, 49) Central, house 19 

Bancroft Thos, J. asseasor, City Hall, h. 24 Shaw- 
Mut avenie 

Bancroft William H. watehman, house 28 London 

Bancroft W. GB. student, bonrde 607 Brondway — 

Bancroft ® Boyden fC. 2. Aaneroft and Addison 

| Htearfen J, furniture, 180 Tremont 

Bancroft's N., Cambridge express, 34 Court #9. 

Banfield A. Winslow / hank 
07 Chauney, bis. 201 Shawmat ave. h. at Wolf- 
borough, N.H. 

Banfield Charles, hairdresser, house &2 Portland _ 

Banfield, Forristall, & Co. (4. W- Ley ard FP. . 
Forristall, and Win, #. Whitcomb), fancy gooda, 

— §f Channey 

Banfield Fred. E. 115 Fulton, hoards 18 Alleton 

Banfield George E. clerk, 07 Chauncy, b. 61 Myrtle 

Banfield George T. Mra. house 82 Portland — 

Banfield Jowph, boards 153 Walnut avenue 

Banfield J, Stuart, reporter “ Traveller,” 31 State, 
howee 14 Pacific 

Banfield Mary Miss, hovee 122 Camden hora’ 

Bang George A, machinist, 44 Wash. house 4 Edin- 

Bangs Albert H. ealesman, 33 Summer, boards 112 

Bangs Alfred W. clerk, 127 State, boards Creacent 
arene, ward 16 at Bath, Me. 

Ranga A. 8. Rangs. Weston, Co. J, 115 Eliot, house 

os > Barnabas, 11 Constitution wharf, howee at 
Sambridie | [brite 

Bangs Chorles W. 106 North. honse at East Cam- 

Bangs 1). EB. special agent, Boston Paint Milla, 11 
Hawkine, house at Medford [240 Beacon 

Bangs. Edward, lawyer, 31 Pomberton sq. house 

Bangs Elisha D & Co. bankers, §5 State 

Bangs EK 1). howse Ht Mt. Vernon 

Bangs Frederick A. foreman Met. R, R. atables, 
house ftobineson plice, ward 14 

Bangs George. boards (84 Tromont = [Mt. Vernon 

Bangs Geo P. fangs of Mortony, 18 Kilby, h. 44 

Bangs George P. Mra. house 4 Mount Vernon, 

Bangs Herbert H. teller 1th Ward Nat. Bank, bda. 

— bi Chester park 

Bangs Jonathan, ealeeman, 60 Hanover, boards 152 
houee 1f2 Bhawmoat avenue 

Bangs Joseph 8, 2 F, Hf. market, baa, 27 Btillman 

Bangs J, W. (Ranges, Weaton, & Co.), 118 Eliot, 
howe at Dedham 

Bangs Misses, house 62 Cheetnut | 

Bang+ Sliney 8. const pilot, house 30 Hanson 

Bavgs Sylvanus, laborer, house 21 Stillman 

Bangs, Weaton, &Co. (J. Fond AS, MHongs, ond 1), 

 €. Weefen), doors, anshes, ond blinds, 114 Ellot 

Bangs Wim, (March Aroa,, Pierce, Co), 140 

arisen ave. house Sawyer avenue, ward 16, 

Bangs Wm. H. 215 State, h. Crescent ave, ward 16 

Bangs Zenne agent Singer Manufac. Co. 00 Hanover, 
house LHW. Canton | 

Bangs & Horton (C@. P. Range and C. P. Horton), 
wholesale coal, 14 Kilh 

Ranker Henry, blackamith, house 3 Cheleoa place 

Banke Andrew. waiter, honee 4 Steteon place 

Banka Benjamin F. clerk, 44 Chauney, bh. 9 Aaevlam 

Banka Daniel G, saleeman. boards 18 N. Margin 

Banks David 8. tea broker, § Cliatham row, house 
af Somerville 

Banks Franklin, expresaman, boards 69 Tyler 

Banke George A. 48 School, hoose 2 Brook avenue 

Banks Henry, laborer, house Hampshire 



elt, Forristall, iP Co.), | 

Boston [] DIRECTORY. 

Banks James TI. carpenter, boards Dorchester ave. 
 noar Linden, ward 16 
Banks Joseph F. 34 Uanal, houee at Waltham 
ke Jd, M.3 Ruosela wharf, houee 15 Becklor arenne 
Banke Michael, tiemith., house 73 Cove Wash. 
Banke Oscar E. driver bread wagon, boards 184 
Banke Thomas, laborer, house 5 Irving x4 
Banks Thomas, mason, h. 4 Tremont place, ward 15 
Banks William, jr. 44 State, honee at Brookline 
Banke Wm, H. clerk, Merehanta row, h. at Malden 
Bannen Marin Mre, house 4 Kenna place 
Banolgon Frank. laborer, house 17 Norwloh 
Hannigan Patrick, laborer, bones § Ivanhoe 
Rannigan Patrick, file evutter, house 167 0 | 
Bannister Charles A. carpenter, howse 169 Cabot 
Bannieter John F. foreman, 103 Merrimac, house 
at Cumbridge : 
Banister Jollas K. house 33 Aadeon 
Bannister J. G. deputy sheritf, Middlesex County. 
a) Court square, howee at Framingham 
Bannleter Lizzie Mre. widow, howee 27 Blossom 
Bannister Maynard, engineer, B. & A. K. R. house 
WT Tevler 
ing ot Edward, janitor, Everctt School, honse 714 
oi Doo 

Bannon Geo. salesman, & Winter. boarde 285 Third 

Bannon John, tailor, house 2) Margaret jave, 

Bannon John, nborer, house Magazine, cor, Norfolk 

Bannon John E. paperhanger, house 69 Northfield 

Rannon Josephine, dressmaker, honse 62 Causeway 

Hannon Margaret, widow, house 17 Benton 

Hannon Mary Mrs. widow, hone 18 Causeway 

Hannon Mary. widow, house H6 Albany 

Bannon Patrick, laborer, h. Eagle Mill pl, ward 16 

Bannon Veter, porter, 120 Milk. bh. at Somerville 

Bannon Richard, laborer, boards 548 Albany 

Bannon Thomas W, shoemaker, house 17 Benton 

Banta Jacob J, jewelry, watches, &e, 05 Sudbury, 
house 48 Gray 

Banvanl Daniel, ealeeman, $3 Sommer 

Bapp Philip. musician, house 210 Eliot 

Buptisie John, brickinyer, house 1 rear N. Bennet 

Gaptlete Sarah A. widow, h, rear 144) Leverett 

Baptlete Theodore, upholaterer, house 4 Adams pl. 
ward @ [1 Smith court 

Barbatlocs Catharine L, janitor, mith Behon!l, house 

Barbadocs Rebecca BR. widow, house 42 Grove 

Kurbadors Sarah, widew, house 4) Belknap place 

Barber Antonio, varniaher, boards 2 Fulton court 

Barber Charles H. jr. baggage master, O, C, R. BR 
hones 222 Harrison avente ” 

Barber Clarenee H. clerk, 147 Milk, bde, at Woburn 

Barber Daniel, laborer, hotiee r. 20 South Marain 

arber Ellzaheth, wilow. house rear 180 North 

Barber Francis, rigger, house 10 Border, K.B. 

Barber Henry. *ea captain, house 13 Dartmouth 

Barber James K. police station 1. h. r. 38 Charter 

Barber John, laborer. howe 109 North 

Barker John F. calker, house 28 Sumner 

Barber Joho R. waiter, 9 Marlbora’ 

Barber J, Wesley, clerk, 121 Wash, house 31 Revere 

Barber Lyman L. sewing machines, § Green, bouse 
at Charlestown 

Barber rnd widow, hoyee 2 Fulton court 

Barber ltollo, engineer, B. & A. R, KR. boardé 2 
Kneeland place 

Barbour Alvin, printer, hoard« 61 P 

Barhour David P, clerk. 4 North, house at Lynn 

‘“SHarbour Frank H, bookkeeper, Bhawmut National 

_- Bank, 45 State, howeo at Cambridge 
Barbour John N. lawyer, 12 Pemberton aq. house at 
— Cambridgeport 
Barbour Stllman. agent, house 61 P 
Barbour Wm. F. carpenter, house 44 Alpine 
Bartoor William L. maeon, boards 142 Caatle 
Barbour William 8. ( Barbour qt Hodges), 23 Stato, 
room 3, house at Cambridgeport | 
Barbour & Hodges ¢ If'm, S. Rarhour an? Arthur 
_ #forlgen). clvil engineers, 28 Btaye, room 30 
Bareceyello Mary, widow, house 24 Ferry 
Burcelloa Elias, painter, hones 10% Bixth 
Bareelo James, lager-beer, 2) Nashua, house do, 
peat AN C. saleeman, 5 Winter, houwee 119 
iri nl 
Bard Ludvlg, machiniat, hodae 17 Camden 
forden Wiram J. boxmaker, house 6 Linden park 
Parten Thomas J. clork, 185 Hanover, h. 42 Tileaton 
Bardenhoff Fredk. W, carpenter, boards Rand, near 
Blue-hill ave. | , 
Rardick Benjamin, rh ek 24 Washington 
Bardo! Lewle, porter, house SO Middieser 


— Barker Josiah H. carpenter, 


Bardwell Geo. H. music printer, 80 Washington 
Bardwell Josiah (F. Skinner g& Co.), 91 Btate, 
«house at Beverly 

Bargebubr Adolph, clgar dealer, h. 41 Worcester 

Bargebuhr Max, clgar maker, 1148 Wuashlogton; h, 
2 Olive place 

Bargeman Morris, tailor, 110 Dorch. ave. h, 66 B 

Barham Robert Hi, house 249 E 

Burker A. HE. Misa, boards 316 E 

Barker Caleb & Co. ( A. F. Thompaon), carpenters, 

04 ‘Travers, house at Hanson 

Barker Caroline Mra. nurae, house 980 Tremont 

Barker Catharine A. Mrs. house 226 Bowen [Plain 

Barker Charles, yeast, 427 Dudley. h. at Jamaica 

Barker Charlvs A, clerk, B. & M. freivht-house, h. 
at Charlestown lh. at W. Newton 

Barker Charles E, (Cutler Bros. & Co.), 80 Broad, 

Barker Charles F. boarda 4 Carleton 

Barker Charles H. ( Horeey f Harker), 612 E. Fifth, 
house 581 E. Eighth lida. 874 do. 

Barker Charles H. watches and jewelry, 808) Wash. 

Barker Charles L. clerk, B. & M. freight epot, h. 
at Charlestown 

Barker Charles 8, cook, house § North Russell 

Barker Charice &. cook, house 28 Anburn 

Barker Clarence, salesman, Y@ Winter, bda, 8 Mont- 
gomery pluce 

Barker David M. milkman, h. Chickatawbut. wd. 16 

Barker Edmund P. Insurance agent, 1.6 Washing. 
ton, house at Cambridgeport 

Barker Edward ( Doy f Murker), electro plater, 8 
Washington, house 44 G 

Barker Kdward H. louse 22 Concord square 

Barker Edward L. cooper, h, 225 London, E.B, 

Barker Eliza Mra. bh. 1279 and 1281 Washington 

Birker Kuaetia H, clerk, 6 Central wharf, boards 22 
Concord aq. 

Barker Frank, carpenter, bda, 245 Shawmut ave. 

Barker Fred. A. clerk, 145 Indja, bds, at Chorlestown 

Barker E, T. clerk, 41 Court, house at Medford 

Barker George, carpenter, 17 Court and 34 Beverly, 
house at Malden ) 

Barker George F. (f Fernald ¢& Barker j, 150 Black- 

stone, boards 3 Myrtle | 

Barker George F. mualiec teacher, h, 60 Monmouth 

Barker George A. 34 Court square, house ®) Green 

Barker George H. 44 La Grange, igure al Cohasset 

Barker George T. clerk. 128 Hanover, h. 64 Paris 

Harker George T. jr. printer, 14 State, house aot 

Barker George V. brakeman, bda. 7 Indiana 

Barker rabbi W. junk, h. 228 Dowen [bridge 

Barker Geo, W. plasterer, house Chelara, near the 

Barker G. H. Mra. dressmaker, 30 Green, h. do, 

Barker Henry A. (fH, Harker & Co.) flour and 
grain, 74 Commercial, h, at Weat Newlon 

Barker Henry A. clerk, 17 Avon, hi, at E.Cainbridge 

Barker Henry B, clerk, Oo W Concord, bourds 22 
Concord square [Central square, E.B. 

Barker Herbert N. salesman, &)) Chauney, bourde 

Barker Hiram E. (A. Barker & Co.J, 76 Commer- 

, cial, house at Newlon 

Barker Horace, bourds ti2 Chambera 

Barker Hugh, teameter, house 91 Tudor 

Barker H. & roa. granite, order box 17 Court 

Barker H, & Co. ( Meary 4d. and Hiram £. Harker), 
flour, also starch manufs, 7) Commercial, house 
at Brighton | 

Barker |. slioemaker, boards 153 Essex 

Barker James, shoemaker, 181 Kasex, house 183 do, 

Barker James, laborer, house 4 Poplar avenue 

Barker James A. carpenter, 61 South Margin, house 
68 Myrile | [Spring 

Barker Jumesa H, clerk, 40 Washington, buards 

Harker James H. house 4] Enat Epringteld 

Barker Jone, widow, bda. Chickatnwbut, ward 16 

Barker Jesse F. carpenter, house $5 Munroe | 

Barker Joho, clerk, National Bank of Kedemption, 
baa. at Cohasset 

Rarker John A. Mrs. honae 24 Magazine 

Barker Jolin H. farmer, boards Mareh, ward 16 

Barker John FP. salesman, 61 Chauncy, house at 

Barker John T. sheriffs Keeper, a1 Washington, room 

Barker Joseph E. restaurant, 96 Court, house at 

Barker Joshua P. Jupanner, boards 152 W. Sixth 

Hampton, 8. [Kast Somerville 
Barker Lemuel M. jr. Custom House, h. at Malden 

Barker, Mann, & Co. ( frescott Barker and Geo. | 

5. Munn), dry goods, 2) Tremont row 

Seats i ond 
Skinte Straps, 

Barker Robert. laborer, house 3 Fillmore 

(32, house at Charlestown | 

52 Charles, house ot 


Barker Mary Mra, house 456 Athens 

Barker Mary J. widow, h. 5 nlon place, ward 3 

Barker Misees, dresemakers, board 2) 5. Russell 

Barker Prescott (Horker, Mann, if Co.J, 23 Tre- 
mont row, house 16 Pinckney 

Barker Richard M. wines, tens, and cigars, 656 
Washington, house 10 St. Charles 


Burker Roselle M. music teacher. bda, 4 High, wd, 16 

Barker Samuel, carpenter, 62 Charles, h, at Melrose 

Burker Samuel, carpenter, houee 22) Havre, E.B. 

Barker Sumuel F. ( fay State duner Sole Co.), 108 
Causewnuy, h. ath. Somerville 

Barker Sewall, cashier, 508 Waeh., bh, at Newton 

Barker Theodore T. teacher of singing, boarda 61 
Euet Springtield 

Barker Thos. bk. ¢ Wadley, Spurr, j' Co.), 47 Hroad, 
h. at Lyonticld fi8l East Eighth 

Barker Timothy, allver finisher, 12 Court #q., house 

Barker Turner, enulnecr, house 200 Sumner, E.R. 

Rurker T. WH, W. clerk, $4 F, HO, squure, boarda 22 
Concord square 

Barker Weeley I’. clerk, 50 Cornbill, h. at Medford 

Barker Westley, carpenter, bds, 400 E. Broadway 

Barker Willian, letter carrier, P.U., boards 5] 

 Kaat Springtleld 

Barker Win. poultry dealer, h. 44 Bennington, E.B, 

Barker Wm. A, clerk, 242 Washington, liouse at 

_ Stoughton 22 Concord aguare 

Barker Wm. FE. messenger Nat, Eagle Bank. bda, 

Barker Wm. G, shipwright, h. 47 Monmouth, E.B, 

Barker Wm. G. com. mer. 1 Central wharf, house 
at Salem , 

Barker Wm, K. laborer, h, 1748 Washington 

Barker & Co. N. Cambridge Ex , 36 Court square 

Barkley Peter, engineer, house 5 Pearl place 

Barlow Alfred, messenger corps, boards 87 Pitts 

Barlow Chari¢sa GB. salesman, <4 lodia wharf 

Barlow Edward, junk, 14] Essex, house 1 Essex pl. 

Harlow L. E. bouse Mather, on, Dorch. ave., word 1 

Barlow Kobert, moaon, house 155 Keach 

Barlow Thomas L. organ builder, houae 16 Dix pl, 

Barnabee Henry C. voonliat, h. 44 Shawmut ave. 

Barnacle Thomaa, laborer, house 3 Shurt 

Barnird Angeline widow, louse 49 Grove 

Barnard Bartholonew, laborer, bda r. 180 London 

Harnard Benj F. 77 Clinton, house at Wakelield 

Barnard Bertram W. carpenter, h, Carleton, wid. 16 

Bariard Brothers (forwin and Franklin Har- 
nur”), Insurance agents, 42 Devonshire 

Barriard Caroline widow, house 6158 EE, Seventh 

Barnard Charles, lawyer, bide. 44 Chambers 

Barnard Charles, aset. editor’ Boston Journal of 
Commerce,” 12 School, h. at Cumbridgeport 

Barnard Charles & J. O. sale aud boarding stublea, 
79 Cousewny 

Barnard Chas, A. counsellor, and asst, clerk Muni- 
cipal Court, house at Hyde Park 

Baroard Charles H. carpenter, bde. 615 E. Boventh 

Barnard Coolidge, 91 Broad, hb. Mill, opp. Asliland 

Barnard Darwin f farnard Hros.), insurance agt., 
42 Devonshire, bda. 4 Hotel Berkeley | 

Barnard David, clothing, 53 Salem, house 5 Prince 

Barnard David A. clerk, 105 Blackstone, house at 
Somerville | 

Barnard Deborah widow, house T Wall 

harnard Edmond Jd, 12 Lincoln, hi. at Charlestown 

Buroard Eliza A. noree, house 47 Piedmont 

Barnurd E. L. 38 Avon, house at Audoyer 

Barnard Frauk, engineer, Bb. & A. 1. R., house at 
Worcester (Chauncy, house at Andover 

Baroard Frank G. (Hodgkins & Barnard), 102 

Barnard Franklin ( Barnard Hroa.), ina, agent, 42 
Devonshire, buards 40 Hotel Berkeley 

Barnar’ Frederick, mason, bia, 5 Allaton pl. 

Barnard F. B. 33 Eliot, bh. at Charlestown 

Barnard George G. beokkeeper, 61 Beverly, houee 
at Mulden - | 

Barnard Geo. L, provisions, 40 North Russell, house 
60 Chambers [1l, house 100 Beacon 

Barnard George M. & Co. com. mer, 6 State, room 

Barnard Geo. M. jr. 283 Federal, Louse 236 Beacon 

Burward George N. clerk, 165 Blackstone, bourds at 
Charlestown 3 , 

Barnard Henry, clerk, boarda 24 Shawmut ave. 

Barnard Henry, real estate agent, 46 Court, bourda 
Hotel Norwood | 

Barnard Henry C. teameter, h. 47 Piedmont 

Barvard Henry T. salesman, 206 Washington, bda, 
24 Shawmut avenge 

Barnard Herman, tailor, house 31 Genesee 

PBRADFORD & ANTHONY, {*7P."aaminstan, S¢ Mt Amtuma 


Barnard Inman, student, house 106 Reacon 

Harpard Jaber A. carpenter, h. G, near E. Eighth 

Barnard James, sale stable, bds. Rohertaon ouse 

Baroord James H. machiniet, 4 Waltham, house 
at Newton Upper Falle [house at Malden 

Barnard James Mt. provisions, 4 Union Market, 

Barnard James M. boards Hotel Pelham 

Barnard Jerome, machiniel. h. 8 Fountain 

Rarnard John, clerk, H North, h. at BE. Somerville 

Karneard John, maeon, h. 16 Lyman 

Barnard John M. distiller, house 13 Temple 

Barnard John P. & Co. (Orin A. Barnord), stable, 
2and 3 Willow, 46 Charles, 23 Myrtle, 32 Joy, 
and Brimmer, n. Beacon, b. at Charlestown 

Barnard John P. jr. clerk, 494 Washington, boards 
at Charlestown , 

Barnard Joseph, copperamith, house 27 Salem 

Barvard Joseph T. house 106 Beacon 

Barnard J. Howard, printer and stationer, 0 Brom: | 

field, room 11, boards 44 Warren 
Barnard J. 0 fCherles & J. 0.), sale and board- 
lng atables 79 Causeway, bids. Rohertaon House 
Barnard J, W, boots and «hoes, 17 F Hanover, house 
at Andover “S458 Warrison ave, 
Bartiard Lewls, hairdresser, 650 Washington, house 
Barnard Lucinda Mrs. house 215 Harrison ave. 
Barnard Maurice. hairdresser, under Hotel Berke- 
ley, house 468 Harrison are. | 
Barnard Orin A (wv. P. Barnard ¢ woh pr ia Abend. 
2 and 3 Willow, 46 Charles, and 32 Joy, house 
22 Myrtle [47 Pledmont 
Barnard Renben C. clerk, 3 Blackstone market, h. 
Barnard Roland M. “ Herald” office, h. 4 Yarmouth 
Barnard Bamuel. bookkeeper, T Rowe's wharf, bia, 
at West Newton . [Watertown 
Barnard Samuel O. clerk, 171) Tremont, boards nat 
Barnard Simon, clothing. 19 Balem, bds. 5 Noyes pl. 
Barnard Thomas, fish, 2 and 22 Union market, house 
15 Liverpool, E.B. . 
Barnard Thomas C. teameter, house 17 Winchester 
Barnard Thomas L. (@, 7. Harney g Co.), 129 
Washington, house at Cambridge 

Barnard Thomas L. clerk, 2 Union market, boarda | 

15 Liverpool | 
Barnard Wendall, clerk, boards $1 Oak 
Barnard William, laborer, house 3 strong place 
Harnard William, sale stable, bde. Robertson House 
Barnard Willlam, drugelat, boards 49 Grove 
Barnard Wm. FP. Mrs. boards Glendale, ward 16 
Barnard W. C. clerk, 507 ‘Tremont. h. 49 Grove 
Barnes Achaah, aesistant teacher, Cushman School, 
house 360 Dudley 
Barnes Adaline Mra. house 14 Davia 
Barnes Albert E. lockamith, house 65 Loverett 
Barnes Albert L. clerk, 656 Charlestown, house at 
Barnes Alexander C. plesteser and atneco worker, 
1069 Washington. h. 87 Rochester | 
Barnes Allen B, dentist, 484 Tremont, bda. do, 
Bornes Amasa ® bookkeeper, boards Mt, Pleasant 
ave. near Dudley | : 
Barnes Amoa f farnes ¢ Buck), U. 8. Hotel 
Barnes Andrew J.fS Condit ¢ Co.), 6 Change ave. 
house at Somerville 
Barnes Augustus, 55 State, h. 162 Lexington 
Barnes A, L, boards 16 Hayward pl. 
Barnes A. P. phrenologiet and gymnant, h. 17 Gonch 
Barnes Charlies, boards 27 Edinboro’ 

Barnes Chas. B. ( Sarnes, Ward, ¢ Co.), woollens, | 

16 Milk, house 150 Boyleton 

Dana place tafford 
Barnes Charles H. fancy goode, 1500 Wash. bia. 7 
Barnes Charice H. (4. /*, Cunningham ¢& Co.), 26 

Washington. h. 31 Walnut ave. Ss E B, 
Barnes Cortis, carpenter, 152 Portland, h 21 Lering- 
Barnes Cushing & Son (A. C. Hornes), saloon, 
a lp Ferry avenue, house i Eutaw 
Barnes C. F. Miss, dresemoker, boards 7 Stafford 
Barnes David ©. saleaman, 4 Union, h. at Chelsea 
Barnes 1). F. Mins, copylat, b. 84 W. Brookline 

Barnes Charles H, saleaman, 38 Chauncy, pourds 6 

Barnes D. H. jr. ( arnes of Leeds), 114 Fulton, h, 

at Malden 
Barnes Edmond Q. mason, honse 81 Weet Canton 
Barnes Edward, ealeaman, 39 Avon, house 1247 
 Bhawmut avenue | 
foes Edward F. 167 Tremont, h. at Newton 

Barnes Edward L. mason, house 652 Dorchester ave, 
Barnes Edword W. clerk. 28 Dock sq. b. 7 Chardon 
Barnes Edwina, baker, house 107 Marion 

Barnes Edwin, cutter, Oak Hall. house at Chelsea 

| Barnes Frank 

Barnes Henry J. physician, 4 Worcester 

Barnes James, 

Boston [}}] DIRECTORY. 

Barnes Edwin ( Grace, Barnes, if Co.), 56 Cove, 

Hingham [Chelsea 

| Barnes Edwin C. bookkeeper, 133 Federal, h. at 
~Barnes Elijah V. mason, house 147 Princeton | 

Barnes Elisha J. mason, house 51 Fayette 

Barnes Eliza P. widow, house T Stafford = [wd 16 
Barnes Elieur, contractor, h. Myrtle, cor. Myrtle pl 
Barnes Eugene F. elerk. h. Wash, n. Fuller, wi. 15 
Barnes E.. mason, boards 82 Church 

Barnes Francis, janitor 43 Oyaaney. h. do. 

Barnes Francis G, & Appleton (@. C.). real catate 
agents, 27 State, room 16, house at Newton 

Barnes Prank, machinlst, boards 18 Chapman 

L. agent Seth B. Hunt & Co. com. 

mer. 27 Exsez, boarda at Auburndale 

Barnes Fronk P. mason, boards 147 Princeton 
Barnes Franklin 0, 26 Pemberton «gq, room 4, hotee 
at Chelsea (Broad, bh. at Auburndale 

Barnes Fred. P. (Loring BH. Harnes ¢@ Son), 47 
Barnes Geo. paper-hangings maker, b. r. 37 Smith 
Hares George C. machinist, bonse 12 Orange 

Barnes George 5, overseer, boards Myrtle, n. Myr- 

Ue place, wd. 1d ) 
Barnes George W', 10 Oliver, b. 676 FE, Brondway 
Barnes George W. foreman, Hall's Treadle Munu fy. 
boarda T stafford ~ 
Barnes George W. M. boards rear 21 Tileston 
Narnes Hannah, widew, house 144 6 
Barnes Harry, carpenter, house rear 31 Roggles 

Barnes Henry, machinist, boards 199 Harrison ave, 

Barnes Henry OC. clerk. 45 Chauncey, bda. at ne 

Le | Os 

Karnes Henry K. clerk, 110 Water, bda. at Brighton 

Karnes Henry L. plano maker, 614 Waalington, b. 

at Medford 

Barnes Henry T. mason, honse 2 Payette 

Karnes Willman B. house 25 Worcester square 

Barnes Horace C. ((. Harnea ff Son), People’s 
Ferry avenue, house 140 Trenton 

Barnes Howard C. clerk, 263 Wash. bh. at Hingham 

Barnes Hugh, painter, boards 140 Pynehon 

Barnes Iaracl M. inspector of hay, 120 Canal, house 
124 Leverett : 

Barnes Jacob, teameter, house 2) Elmwood 

rinter, house 22? Kerlin 

Barnes James, boards U. 8. Hotel 

Barnes John, note-teller, Mer. Notional Bank, 3 
Btute, house at Cambridge 

Barnes John, laborer, house 191 W. Ninth 

Karnes John E. clerk, 13 Kilby, bh. at Somerville 

paren John F. bookkecper, 66 Staté, boards ot 


Barnes Joseph, shipwright, h. 146 Princeton, E.B. 

arnes Joaeph, walter, 416 Wash. bd. 5 Boylaton pl. 

Barnes Joe, H., Custom House, b, 64 Trenton, EB. 

Barnes Joseph W. teamater, house T Unity 

Barnes J. G. tinamith, house 3 Lovett pl. 

Barnes Levi ( Holl, Chessman, if Co.), 59 Faneuil 
Hall market, honee 110 Appleton 

Barnes Loring B. tobaceo broker, also L. B. Barnes 
& Bon f Pred, J’. Jiarnes), tea brokers, 47 road, 

bouse at Auburndale 
Barnes Luther (Parkers ¢ Barnes), 142 and 144 
[ave. wd, 16 

Charles, house 111 Pinekney 

Barves Luther KH. painter, Dor, ave. cor. Crescent 
Barnos Martin, 75 Portland, house rear 21 Tileston 
Barnes Martin Yi. carpenter, houee rear 2) ‘Tileston 
Barnes Mary, widow, house 443 Berlin 

Barnes Mary Mre. house 44 Jenkine 

Barnes Mary Aon Mra. bourda 42 Woodbine 

Barnes Myron E. provisions, 14 Central mark 

house ut Somerville _ [Eutaw, E.B, 

Barnes M. F, Miss, millinery, 192 Tremont, bda, 53 

Barnes's No. Cohasset Ex. 5 Broad : 

Barnes Otle H, clerk, 10 F. B. market, h. at Waltham 

Barnes Owen, printer, boards 22 Berlin 

Barnes Parker ( aries f Carter), 50 School, room 
12 house Mt. Vernon, ward 14 | 

Barnes Patrick, laborer, house 464 Commercial 

| Barnes Kobert, cotter, house 20 Eimwood 

Barnes Samvel A. organ builder. house 11 Kin 

Barnes Samuel M, gente’ furnlahing goods, 4 7 
mont, house at Medford 

Barnes Bilas, ship carpenter, honee 271 Moon 

Barnes Silaa J. Uoemith, house 4 Hall's pl. 

Barnea Thomas, periodicals, &c, E.B. Ferry «lip, 
house 4 Winthrop, E.B. LE Broadway 

Barnes Thomas H. master, Bigelow school, h. 773 

Barnes Thomas P, hardware, 28 Dock aq. house T 

Barnes Thomas P. jr. house 7 Chardon 



Barnes Walter A. real estate agent, bh. 111 Brooks 
Barnes Walter H. nast. eupt. GB. & A KR. R. elevator, 
- find expresa, 8 Court eq. h. 165 Harrison ave. 
Barnes Walter 5, paper-box manuf. 12 West, house 
at Somerville 
Barnes, Ward, & Co. (Charles If. Barnes, Waldo F. 
Hard, and Geo. Hutchinson), woollenas, 16 Milk 
Barnes Willard F. carpenter, house 25 W. Eighth 
Barnes Wililam, cabinet maker, house 169 Bowen 
Barnes William H. ( farnes ft Smith), 74 Wasbing- 
ton, house at New York 
‘Barnes William H. clerk, house 16 Minot 

Barnca Wm, H. undertakera’ gooda, 42 Union, bds. | 

Norfulk House 
Barnes William J. printer, boards 6 Curve 
Barnes William L. cook, hourda rear 21 Tileaton 
Barnes Wm. M. printer, ‘* Investigator,” 54 Wash- 
ington, boards Jefferson House 
Barnes Winslow C, 21 Boyleton, h. at Plymouth 
Harnes W. ©. printer, 6 Williama ct. bda. 4 Hanover 
Barnes Z. 8. 6 St. Charles market, h. at Brighton 
Barnes & Ituck (4. Harnes and L. Buck), U.S. 
_ Hotel, beach, corner Kingston and Lincoln 
Barnes & Carter ( Parker Harness and Josiah A. 
_ Carter), real estate brokers, 60 School. room 4 
Barnes & Leeds (DD. A. Sarnes,jroand J, W. Leeds ), 
junk, 114 Fulton 

Barnes & Smith ( #. A. Barnes and Fred. Smith), | 

die tinkers and stecl engravers, 74 Wash. 
Barnet Robert A. clerk, 40 Central, b, 23 KE. Canton 
Kurnett Abraham, aslésmat, ? Leverett, Hotise do, 
Barnett Alexander, carpenter, bds. 1154 Shawmut 
Barnett Alexander, cigar maker, bde, 7] Pleasant 
Barnett Dan’l, laborer, h.Wash.c Pleaeant, wd, Lo 
Barnett Isaac, salesman, 115 Broad, house 240 Har- 
rison avenue 
Barnett James W. carpenter, hb. 1154 Shawmut ave. 
Barnett Kate Mra. cigar dealer, 9 Leverett, h. do. 
Harnett Marks, carpenter, and variety store, 219 
Ellot, houee 71 Pleasant 
Barnett Patrick, harness maker, house 0 Winslow 
Barnett William, hostler, house i Grove place 
Barney Arthur F. clerk, 161 Tremont, boarda 10 
Ferdinand — | 
Barney Charles W. clerk, 21 Barrett, b. 7 Cumston 
Barney Christopher C. mason and draln-builder, 
order box 17 Court, house 24 Enat springfield 
Baroey Clarence A. 115 Broad, bds. 10 Ferdinand 
Harney Edward, milkman, bds. 1615 Washington 
Barney Edwin F. builder, boards 1614 Washington 
Barney E. G, periodicals, 10 Leverett, house do, 
Baruey E. L. lawyer, 12 Pemberton sq. house at 
New Bedford | | 
Barney Frank W./ Robinson, Rarney, f Co, ),5 India 
wharf, louse at Newton Upper Falls 
Barney Frederic, fyory worker, boards 60 Dover 
Barney George ©, mason, 17 Court, li. 19 Bradtord 
Barney Geo, T. & Co. (7. L. farnard), perfumers, 
1Y Washington, house ut Malden 
Barney Lerbert E. boards 1614 Washington 
Burney James, machinist, bas. 246 Shawmut ave. 
Barney dames E, & Co. (J. 0. Barney and A.M, 
Fales), ventilators & chimney tops. 26 Charles- 
town, lionse ot Hyde Park (Upper Falla 

Barney Joseph, 4 India wharf, house at Newton 

Harney J. U. (ames FE, Barney & Co. ),20 Charles- 
town, liotse at Hyde Park 

Barney Malinley, widow, house 35 Cabot 

Barney Moria L. head assistant Winthrop School, 
house 24 Must Springtield 

Raniey Simeon, boot maker, boards 130 Pleasant 

Barney Stearns, police station 5, house 20 Camden 

Barney William, porter, house % Cabot 

Karney William, plasterer, house 74 Longwood ave. 

Burney Wm. M, bookkeeper, North National Hank, 
15 Devonshire, house at Lyno | 

Barnott Dora Mra clothing, 154 Merrimac, h.7 Wall 

Harnostead David A, plasterer, house 1? Sawyer 

Barnstend Nellie F. 
house 11¥5 do. | 

Barnstead Kobert Kt. tinsmith, house 1195 Wash. 

Barnum Benj, ( arnum f Frye), 21 and 2 Salem, 
house at Medford 

Barnuin Cliarles, steward, house 3 North square 
furviture, 21 and 24 Salem 

Barnum H. &. 1Y Commercial : 

Haroum John G. ¢farnum ¢ Burrill), 10 Summer, 
house at West Newton 

Rarnum Thomus A. blacksinith, houee 2) Blossom 

Baruum Win. 5. 10 Mereli. row, 

ra. Ccontectioner, 11034 Wash. | 

bids, at W. Newton | 


Barnum & Burrill (John @. Farnum and C. Bur- 
rill), millinery goods, 10 Summer 

Barnum & Frye (#4. Bornum and J.x, Frye J, office 
|Barowell Joho, clerk, & State, h. 13 N. Bennet av, 
Barr A. W. agent, Merrick Thread Co, 21 Summer 

Barr Charlea A. 34 Summer, house at Lawrence 

Harr Donald, printer, house % Bolton 

Karr Elizabeth, widow, house 145 Fourth 

Harr Eunice, widow, house 173 Endicott 

Karr E.G. mason, boards Merrimac House 

Barr Fannie, dressmaker, 015 Albany, house do, 

Barr George L. commission merchant, 127 Broad, 
house at Medford 

arr Henry, laborer, house 6 Stillman place 

Barr Heury, weigher, house 203 Sumner 

Burr James, gasworks, house 40 Snowlill 

Barr John, laborer. house 4 North Hudson 

arr John, shipwright, boards 4 Pearl place, E.B, 

Barr Johan, laborer, house 198 Endicott 

Barr Jolin, laborer, honse 6 La Fayette avenos 

Barr Michael, becamater, 13 India, house 4! Sheafe 

| Barr Naucy, widow, house 915 Albany 

Burr Robert, M&chioist, house “5¥ Bolton 

Barr Thomus, 1 Franklin market, house ¥15 Albany 

tarrar J. Latimer, express driver, boards “44 E 

Hurrar Thomas NX. upholsterer, house 242 Third 

arrar William J. carpenter, house 227 E 

Barrar Willlam, mason, house 80 Lenox 

Barreau Francis, boards 1 Livingston place 

BKarreau Jolin E. carpenter, house 13 Auburn 

Barrell James E. jr. cigara, 24) Central, house 128 

Barrell M. D. salesman, 45 Canal, house at Lynn 

Lurrell 5S. B. Mra. howse 23 Chestnut 

Burrett Aaron ( Barrett, gf Bro,), 140 Washington, 
house at Maldew [ Webster, E.B, 

Barrett Albert B. machinist, BE. K. R. house 155 

Barrett Albert [. bookkeeper, 74 Hanover, boards 
at Woburn Centre 

Barrett Alvin M. grocer, 129 Sumner, h, 18 Haynes 

Harrett Arthur W. boards 21 Highland 

Burrett A. G. Newtonville Express, 3 Washington, 
and <6 Court équare 

Barrett Bartholomew, laborer, house 84 Silver 

Barrett Beverly, carpenter, 16 Chupman pl. house 
at Woburn Centre 

Barrett Brothers (Chas, 4. and Geo, A.), rents’ 
furnishing and fancy goods, 163 Hanuver 

| Barrett Calvin Mrs. house #4 Harvard 

Barrett Charles A. ( Harrett Hros.), 163 Hanover, 
boards at Melrose 

Barrett Charles B. wines, Nquors, &c. 45 North 
Market, house 15 Kutland square 

~#Barrett Charles D. wood turner, boards 13 Decatur 

Burrett Chas. D, 50 Temple pe bds. 44 Orchard 

Barrett Charles M, hides an leather, 63 Haverhill, 
house at West Mediord 

Barrett Cornelius, laborer, house 445 Federal 

Barrett Daniel, pump and block maker, house 10 
Nashua : 

Barrett Edward G. clerk,40 Court, h. at Cambridg 

barrett Edward T. chromo printer, house 6 Madl- 

son place 7 

Barrett ‘edwin, laborer, boards 2) Henchman 

Barrett Edwin $. commission merchant, 220 State, 
house at Cambridge 

Barrett Edwin 5. agent, house 9 West Dedham 

| Barrett Eliza, widow, house 2171 Washington 

Barrett Ellen, widow, house 4 Mudison place 

Barrett Ellen M. ( Dowling & Barrett), 132 Trem’t 

Harrett Francis J. harness maker, house 196 North- 
ampton | | 

Barrett Frank, machinist, house 102 Bremen 

Bae Frank G, clerk, opp, 4 India, bds. 21 High- 

Barrett Franklin W. clerk, 26 Commercial, house 
19 Princeton, E.B. | [bridge 
Barrett Frederick ©. clerk, 40 Court, bds. at Cam- 
Barrett Geurge K.( farrett Hros.), 163 Hanover, 
boards at Melrose | 
Barrett George C. ( Albert A. Cobb if Co), 70 State, 
house § Conoord square 
Barrett George FP. bookkeeper, 63 Haverhill, bds. 
25 Milfors 
Barrett George 8. ( Farwell, Spooner, fF Co.), TS 
Hroad, house {1 H giland 
Barrett George W. clerk, 40 Wash. bd. at Malden 
Barrett Gilman, baker, house #27 Harricon avenue 
Barrett Henry. photographer, 656 Wash. house do. 
Burrett Henry ( arreti y° Bro.), 14) Washington, 
house at Malden 


Barrett Henry H. (Barret wh Ffooper ), fruit, 11 
South Market, house at West Koslu 

Barrett Henry M. ‘dlerk, 11 No. Market, 

Barrett Henry (). foreman, 1,3,and 4 Haymarket 
square, house at Malden 

Barrett Henry W. clerk, 33 Bedford, h. at Ashland 

Barrett Janws, head porter, Parker House, hds. do. 

Barrett James, teainster, 251 Broad, house 407 East 

Seven th 

Barrett James, plamber, 223 Tremont, h. 35 Carver 

Barrett James, laburer, house 55 Middiesex 

Barrett James, waiter, boards 11 Frank's court 

Barrett James ( Mason, Barretl, ¢ Co.), 43 Haver- 
hill, house at Charlestown 

Barrett Jomes, seaman, boards 43 India wharf 

Barrett James, groin, bourde *4) Weat Ninth 

Tharrett James, aburer, house rear o West Second 

Barrett i= Cc. telrgrapher, 82 sul house 39 | 

Barrett James K, stonecutter, house 24 Lancaster 

Barrett James H, clerk, 140 Wash. ds. at Malden 

Rarrett John, lithographer, house 04 Weet Fourth 

Burrett John, laborer, house 45 Pembroke 

Hurrett Jolin, walter, house 5) Grove 

Barrett John, lnborer, louse Creek, ward 16 

Barrett John, 61 Tremont 

Barrett Jolin, laborer, house 3 Harrison avenue 

Barre:it Jolin, boot and shoe maker, bouse 60) Har- 
rison avenue 

Barrett Jotun, 209 Wash. boards 2345 Boltoo 

Barrett John, clerk, bosaras & South 

Barrett Jolin, laborer, house 202 Broad 

Barrett Jolin, teamster, boards 222 Commercial 

Barrett Julho, walter, 16 Arlington, louse do, 

Barrett Jobo, laborer, house % Weat Fourth 

Barrett John, houre 4G 

Barrett Jolin LI, carpenter, 60 Wash. house 317 D 

Barrett Jolin 5, plumber, % Charlestown, house at 
East Cambridge 

Barrett Jonas lL’, organ 
North Grove, honse at Wob 

Barrett Jonathan F. ( Hodges ¢ B.J 4a and 44 Court 
house at Concord 

Barrett Margaret, widow, house 70 W. Fifth 

Burrett Margaret, widow, house T Medford 

Barrett Mary E, Miss, teacher, Eliot Primary 
Bchool, boarda 027 Tremont 

Barrett Michae) ( Moryer f Sorreff), leather, ke. 
Bummer, corner South, house at Cambridge 

Barrett Michacl, poner, 83 North, honse 35 B 

Barrett Michael, house 126 Broadway 

Barrett Michael, laborer, house 70 Dove 

Barrett Michael, laborer, houge fr. 10 W. Fifth 

Barrett Michael, fisherman, house r, 52 West Second 

Barrett Michael J, walter, h. rear 86 Northampton 

Barrett Miles, laborer, house rear 105 Silver 

Barrett Nathaniel A. Mra. house 3 Weat Cedar 

Barrett Oliver 5. ( Nraman, Dow, ff Co.j, 1, 3, and4 
Haymarket Square, house at Malden 

Barrett Oramel G. machinist, house 34 Orchard 

Barrett Patrick, laborer, h. 11 Meander 

Barrett Patrick, house 47 Weat Second 

Barrett Patrick, laborer, house 117 Silver 

Barrett Patrick, laborer, house 44 Enat Eighth 

Hiurrett Itichurd, luborer, house 35 Seneca 

Barrett it. muchiniat, bda. 11 Waltham 

Barrett Samuel, provisions and tlah, LA47 Tremont, 
house do. 

Barrett Samuel Mra. widow, bouee 2] Highland 

Barrett Fidncy J. clerk, 220 State, house al Concord 

Barrettt Theodore W. painter, 46 Moward, house 
46 Garden 

Barrett Thomas ( Mason, Barrett, f Co.), 43 Hav- 
erbill, house at Charlestown 

Barrett Thomas, hoards 20 MeLean 

Barrett Thomas, bartender, 203 North, house 39 

Barrett Thomas, watchman, boards 65 Vernon 

Barrett, Ulyeers, nneon, house 15 Knox 

Barrett William, laborer, house rear 4 Tyler 

Barrett William, farmer, house 3 Lark 

Barrett William twumater, 2a) Broad, house FH, be- 
tween Second and Third 

Barrett William, yore h. 14 W. Fifth 

Barrett William, clerk, hoards 14 M 

Barrett William, conductor, house 89 wyer 

Barrett William D, clerk, B. &.A, RK, h, Grand June. 
whys, wud ak Se h. 100 Am ere 


Js. 16 Joy | 

builder, wget corner 

Boston [ B] DIRECTORY. 

Barrett Wm. M. 45 No. Market, h. 106 E. Brookline 
| Barrett Wm. 8. M. leather broker, hb. 51 Knecland 

Barret! & Bro. (Henry and Aaron), dyore, 140 
W aelhington 
Barrett & Hooper (A. J, Borrett and W. L. 
 #fooper ), fruit and produee, 1), & 12 Bo, Market 
acts fartin, fini finisher, 2) Cambridge, house at 

| Barringer John, os Tinlon, honse at Charlestawn 

Barrington Charles P. car-driver, house 105 Cabot 

Barrington John, picture frame, house 4 Lowell 

Barrington Richard, bookkeeper, @ State, house at 

Barrington Thomas, pina house 54 Lowell 

Barron Charlee Mrs. house 22 Bullinch 

Barron Elizabeth, widow, house 10 Second 

Barron Frank T. salesman, 104 Tremont, house at 

Barron George, house 6 Anderson 

Barrow Henry, teamater, 136 Commercial, house at 

Barron James, laborer, house Parise, near Marion 

Barron John W. Uthographor, 15 Exchange, bonso 
40 Cortes 

Barron Lawrence, tailor, h. 88 Harrison oye. corne;r 

 Abeeland | 

Barron Mary, widow, boards 202 Athens 

Barron Mary A. widow, house 4 Washbarn place 

Barron Oscar RK. stonecutter, honse 119 W. Bixth 

Barron Patrick, cooper, house 18 Maverick, E. 5. 

Barron Sarah Mrs. bourds 3T Elles 

Barron ‘Thomas, cooper, house @ Gold 

Harron Timothy, laborer, h. 1 Marston's block, 8. B. 

Harron Willlam, carpenter, boards 4 Unk 

Barrow Cornelios, grocer, 40 Cross, house do, 

Sk eal B. printer, 118 Washington, bourda 
a i a y or 

Barrowe Ansel, jobber, house 2 Auburn Avenue 

Barrows B. 0, carpenter, house 46 Carver | 

Barrows Corlos A. clerk, 25 Summer, house 20 Mad- 
hav place 

Barrows Cyrus M. clerk, 13 No. Market, house at 

Barrows Edward, blacksmith, house 2° Grove 

Barrowe Frank A. Zl] Hanover, h. at Newton 

Barrowe F. Lewis, compoaiior, house 15 Cherry 

Burruwe George, High, i. Oliver, b. at Witortien 

Barrows Horace G, physician, bh. 82 E. Brookline 

Burrows H. Harrison ‘Kenduil, arrows, i} Co. J, 
121 Bummer, boards Commonwealth Hmel 

Barrows James 5. bookkeeper, 59 Devonshire, h. 

22 Bhenmman 
Barrows Koewell 5. 01 Wash. h, at Hyde Pork 
Burrows Wallace, wood-worker, h. 12 Newherm 
Cerrows. Willard M. harness-maker, boarda Li00 
a i 
Darrowa William, Rey, seo'y Mass. Home Miselow- 
ary Society, Cong. Houses, li. at Reading 
Barrowa William A. clork, house 40 Sharon 
Barrows William E. 57 Soars bid, h. 10 W, Cottage 
Barrus Hiram, Cuswom House, house at Reading 
sina +S Joseph C. Custom House, house ul t 

‘Barrus William L. ( Simpion a Barrus,), palntor, 

16 Leverett, house 2 Cuna 
Barry Alndah, Mrs. b. rear GH Shawmut avenue 
Larry Alexander, sahoomaker, h. rear 237 Friend 
Harry Ann, widow, house rear a Smith 
Barry Bartholomew, tullor, house 1225 ‘Tremont 
Barry Kartholomew, laborer, bouse 10-Harria 
Barry Bartholumew, carpeuter, house 2 Statlon 
sc’ | fy 7 rt le if James J’), carriage-palatere 

| Barry Catharine, a ay 57 Bouth 

Barry Catharine, widow, h. 2 Seneca 
Ben Charloa, Provident Institution for Savings, 
i ‘Temple place, house 34 Rockland 

| Barry Chariecs, laborer, bowee 184 Marion 

Barry Charles, laborer, house rear 455 Commerrial 
at. Churles A. teacher of drawing in public aula, 
gatas boards Crelghton House 
cashier National City Bauk, 01 
State, — 17 Akron 
Charles Copeland, clerk, § Oliver, boards at 
B —— D. clerk, 4) India wharf, bourde 15 
wmberton sq. 
Barry Charles J. 9 Kilby, h. at Watertown 
Barry Charles 8. hoards 6 Ferdinand 
Burry Charles eS “ey ngton Brothers J Co.), 
ue Chauncy, house 2 


All kinds of Hardware Goods at lowest 
+ snaed prices, 

20 Dock Sq., 

Boston [}] Directory. 

Barry Charles T. salesman, 30 Washington, boards | 

$3 West Dedham 
Barry Daniel, carpenter, boards § E, Lenox 
Barry Daniel, hostler, house rear 60 Pitts 
Harry Daniel, machinist, house 316 Ruggles 
Barry Daniel E. clerk, 310 Fourth, bde, 749 E. Third 
Barry David watch case polisher, 23 Water, boards 
od Winchester . 

sa David, laborer, house Washington, near R. 

bridge, ward 1d 
Barry David, laborer, house 23 Harris 
Barry David, teameter, house 302 Third 
Barry David, clerk, 10 Broadway, b. 32 Edinboro’ 
Barry David, laborer, house 6 Cove 
Barry David, laborer, house 81 Cove 
Barry David, house 10 Troy 
Barry David, slater, house 0 Beneca 
Barry Dennis P. porter, 32 Oliver, house 274 Hayre 
Barry Edmund, laborer, house 2 Erin alley, E. B. 
att Kdward, auditor's office, City Hall, house 7 
tinge place 

Barry Edward, B. & M. freight depot, h. 38 Billerica | 

Barry Edward, moulder, house 14] Kneeland 
Barry Edward, painter, house 93 Sixth 

Barry Edward, teameter, house 34 Federal 

Barry Edward, laborer, house @ Orange lane 

Barry Edward, grocer, 62 Cove, house do, 

Barry Edward, laborer, house $35 East Second 
Barry Edward H. bartender, Maas. House, bde, do, 

Barty Edward M. barneesmaker, house 86 Brighton | 

aarty Edward W. buker, 189 Dorchester ave, and 
O7 Fourth, bhonse 260 do. 

Barry Ellen, widow, house 23 Parkman 

Barry Ellen Mise, house Th Dover 

Barry Ellen, widow, house rear 107 Warrenton 
Barry Fannie A. Miss bda. 145 Hudson 

Barry Frank, clerk, bd«. 9 Charter 

Barry Fred W. clerk, 66 Cornhill, howse at Chelees 
Burry Garrett, laborer, house 14 Onelda 

Barry Garrett, laborer, houee 2 Wharf 

Barry George, laborer, house Paris, n, Marion, EB. 

Barry George, laborer, house ? Bridge at. court 
Barry George, farmer, house Adams, un. Granite, 
) ward 16 
Barry George H. carpenter, boards Adame, near 
Granite, ward 14 ~ 
Barry George M, lawyer, 70 Washington, boards 43 
Barry George T. shoemaker, h. 4 Seabury place 
Barry Hannah Mre, widow, h. Gore ave. n. Tremont 
Barry H. Storer, #1 State, house 12 Union park 
Barry Henry, laborer, house 627 E. Second 
ry James, lutorer, house 70 Weer Dedham 
Barry James, laborer, boarde 26 Oneida 
Barry James, painter, boarde 2 Fourth-street ct. 
Barry James, carpenter, boarda 152 West Fourth 
Barry James, laborer, boards rear 3} Way 
Barry James, moroceo-dresser, house Magazine, n. 
Norfolk avenue 
Barry James, watchman, house 24 Nawn 
Barry James Mra. house Eutaw place, KB. 
Barry James, machinist, house 656 Parker 

Barry dames, marble worker, 85 Haverhill, hone at. 

3 ambridge 
Barry James, tcamster, house rear 183 West Third 
Barry James, laborer, house 161 Havre 

Barry James, laborer, h. Dorchester avenuc, near 

Haworth, ward 16 
Barry James, mason, boards 155 Harrison avenue 
Barry James, upbolsterer, house 28 Kingston 
Barry James, laborey, house 2 Gerard 
cs James A. enlesman, 161 Tremont, house at 
Auburndale avenue 

Barry James A. laborer, house rear #354 Shawmut) 

Barry Janes D. clerk, 150 Washington, boards at 

am bridgeport : 

Barry James EB. painter, 315 Commercial, house at 

Ean James F, ( farry Jiros), 185 West Second, h, 
6 West Sixth 

Barry James J. painter, house 20 Sheafe _ 

Barry James J, fricklayer, boarde rear 3) Smith 

Barry Jeremiah, laborer, boards 2 Gerard 

Barry John, blacksmith, house 515 East Second 

Barr eonn (Daly & Barry), 4 Merrimac, house 10 

Barry John, laborer, house 20 Bheafe 

Barry John, clerk, 14 Faveuil Hall square 

Harry Jobn, laborer, house 214 Havre 

Barry John, baker, house 199 Hayre, E.B. 

Barry John, carriageemith, house 74 Bloe-hill ave. 
Barry Jobn, junk, house 7) East Third 

| Charlestown | 


Barry John, marble polisher, house 73 Charter 
Barry John, farmer, house Heath place 

Barry John, laborer, house 41 Shente [ward 16 
Barry John, laborer, h. Commercial, opp. gua house, 
Barry John, laborer, house 261 North 

Barry John, laborer, boards 143 Cross 

Barry John, laborer, house 24 Dove 

Barry John, varnisher, house 4 Border 

Barry John, packer, boards 105 Athens 

Barry John, laborer, house 33 Utica 

Barry John, teamster, boards 175 Dorchester avenue 
Barry John, laborer, house 409 Second 

Barry John, carpenter, boards 11 Oswe 
Barry Jobn, cabinet maker, boarda 141. 


| Barry John, laborer, house 3 Oewego 

Barry John, paver, house 34 Wveat Sixth 

Barry John, stoneeutter, house 73 Charter 

Barry John F. 10 Pemberton square, room 4, boards 
201 Shawmut avenue 

Barry John H. commission, house 452 E. Kighth 

barry John H. painter, boards 700 East Third 

Barry John H, laborer, house § Russell place, wd, 15 

Barry John H. (Harry #ros.), 186 West Second, h. 
46 W. Sixth 

Barry John J, jig sawyer, boards 23 Parkman 

Barry John L. (Steddard, Lovering, & Co.), 4 

Milk, house 277 Shawmut avenue 

Barry John HK. constable, Municipal Court, house 
Sie Shawmut avenue 

Barry Joseph, house § Kussell place, ward 15 

Barry Joseph E. Rev. Children’s Mission, 277 and 
279 Tremont, house 12 Wyman 

Barry Joseph F. clerk, boards 12 Wyman 

Barry Jotham, wood and coal, 2 Kilby, house at 
Barry J, G. 42 Waehington, houee at Charlestown 

Barry Margaret, widow, house 2 Fourth-at. court 

Garry Martha, widow, house 28 West Sixth 

Barry Murtha Mrs. boards Dorchester avenue, opp. 
Pearl, ward 14 

Barry Mary Mra. house 88 Newland 

Barry Mury, widow, house 11 Oswego 

Barry Mary, widow, house 455 Commercial 

Barry Mary, widow, house 365 North 

Burry Matthew, blacksmith, house 450 Charles 

Barry Maurice KR. moulder, boards 24 Parkman 

Barry May Mre, widow, house 3 Russell place 

Barry Michael, stable, 6 Troy, house do. 

| Barry Michael, teamsater, boards 2 Marshall place 

Barry Michael, miattress maker, house 65 8. Morgin 
Barry Michael, laborer, house 102 D 

Barry Michael, mariner, house 40 Clark 

Harry Michael, brase founder, houee 6 Froit-at, court 

| Barry Michael, laborer, house rear 44 W. Broadway 
| Barry Michael, laborer, house 10 Colony 

Barry Michael, laborer, boards 4 Oswego 

Barry Michael, ia 6 Custom House street, bda, 
at Somerville 

Barry Michael, 14 Hamilton, honse at Chelsea 

Barry Michael, laborer, boards Taylor, near Water, 
ward 16 

Barry Michael, hack driver, house 6 Troy 

Barry Michael M. house 49 Lowell 

Barry Michael M. house Codman, ward 10 
Barry Minnie, house 137 North [ward 14 
Barry Nathaniel 8. carpenter, b. Adama, n. Granite, 
Barry Nicholas, laborer, house rear 15 Ward, wd. 15 
Barry thei grocer, 10 and 226 Hroadway, boure 

LA do, 
Barry Patrick, laborer, house 3 Erin alley 

Barry Patrick, laborer, house 52 Lincoln block 

nae Patrick, upholsterer, 100 Hanover, house 59 8, 

Barry Patrick, laborer, house I, cor, East Second 
Barry Patrick, laborer, house 4 Bolton 

Barry Patrick, laborer, house 4 pe ea E.B, 
Barry Patrick, teamster, house 10 Madison place 
Barry Patrick, grocer, 69 Barton, house do, 

: Barry. Patrick, laborer, house between Ashmont amd 

erce avenue, ward 16 
Barry Patrick, laborer, house 27 Bouth 
Barry Patrick, machinist, house Taylor, ward 16 
Barry Patrick, stonecutter, boards 157 Leverett 
Barry Patrick, laborer, b. Walnut, n, Water, wd, 16 
Barry Patrick, hosticr, boards 6 Crescent place 
Harry Patrick Av moulder, boards 6 Prescott place 
Barry Patrick H. tinsmith, 465 Chelsea, house do. 
Rarry Paul, laborer, house 653 Harrison avenue 
Barry Peter, mason, boards 2 Fourth-street court 
Harry Raphael, tailor, 134 W. Broadway, h. 72 B 
Barry Richard, clerk, 10 Broudway, boards 15 do. 

mE Raciot Seeees i LISHING TACKLE Sas Astaiaay of 22s at 


Barry Richard, teamster, house 16 Oneida 

Barry Wchard, laborer, house 4 Fellows 

Barry Kiehord, teamster, house 67 Gold 

Barry Richard, laborer, house 16 Oneida 

Barry Richard F. house 24 Kockville place 

Barry Robert, laborer, house 105 Kendall 

Barry Kobert, shoemaker, house 86 Hudson _ 

Karry Koyal [.( Thayer, Brigham, f Co.), 32 Indla, 
| louse at Melrose i 

Barry Samoel B. cabinet maker, house 35 W, Sixth 

Barry Sarah, widow, house 291 Weet Second 

Barry Shelton (farry ¢ £re.), 65 Chauncy, house 

Bellevue, near Bowdoin, ward 16 
Barry Suean, widow, house 110 Dover , : 
Barry Theodore, painter, boards Muggles pl. wd, 16 
Burry Thomas, carriage driver, house § Hudson 
Barry ‘Thomas, laborer, house 106 Warrenton 
Burry Thomas, laborer, house 6 Model place, E.R, 
Harry Thomas, machinist, house 11 Norfolk avenue 
Barry Thomas, laborer, house 261 Bolton 
Barry ‘homaa, painter, house 123 Eighth 
Barry Thomas, clerk, 260 East Eighth, bda. 912 do. 
Barry Thomas, porter, $9 Broad, h. at Charlestown 
Barry Thomas, agent, house §1 Dorchester 
Barry Thomas, laborer, house 120 Muverick 
Barry ‘Thomas, boetler, house Terruce 
Barry Thomas, machinist, boarde 64 South 

Barry Thomas, laborer, house Union avenue, wd. 16 

Barry Thomas, ¢ nter, house 42 Parkman 

Barry Timothy, painter, house 82 Border, E.B. 
Barry Walter, hack driver, house 52 Carver 

Barry William, tailor, bouse 34 Fleet 

Harry Willlam, bricklayer, house 1 Trainer court 
Barry William, laborer, house 363 Wost Second 
Barry William, laborer, house 26 Onelda 

Barry William, shoemaker, boards 11 Oswego 
Barry Willlam, mason, house 16 Colony 

Barry William, laborer, house 30 Fabin 

Barry William, laborer, house Athens 

Barry William, bootmaker, 46 Essex, h, 68 Bouth 
Barry William, ploture-frame maker, h. 24 W. Sixth 
Barry Willinm, laborer, house rear 610 Albany 
Barry William, cooper, house Maverick, oc. Lameon 

Barry William, stoves and tin ware, 21 Hampden, 

house do. 
Barry William, teamster, house 7G 
Barry William A. laborer, b. r. 04 Shawmut ave. 
Barry William F. grocer, 165 H, house 167 do, 
Barry William H, Mra, house 2 Kendall 
Barry William J. clerk, 70 Canal, bouse at Balem 
Barry William J, reporter, ‘* Boston Post™ 
Barry William T. jewelry and watches, 69 Court, h. 
at Quincy Point | 
& Brother (Shelfon Barry, hoelery commis. 
Hon merchants, 65 Chauncy 
Bareantce James W. machinist, house 92 George — 
Bareotty Christapher, figure manuf, house 17 Clark 
Haretow Arthur E. mason, house 686 Kaat Fifth 
Baretow Arthur C. mason, house 118 M 
Raretow Benjamin, boards 5 Chelsea 
Bauretow Charles Mrs. widow, house TO Worcester 
* Barstow Francis H. clerk, 40 India wharf, house 275 
Columbus avenue 
Barelow George O., L. 8. & M. 8. R. E., 4 Old State 
diouse, house at Somerville [bds, 25 Allen 
Barstow Georgians D, teacher, Dean School, Wall 
Liarstow Isaac, mason, boards 2 Alhion 
Barstow Mary E. asst. teacher, Winthrop School, 
boards 12 Waltham 
Hiarestow Michael H. mason, house 47] East Fourth 
Barstow Nancy F. Mra. house 142 Charloa 
Maratow Ragera L. clerk, 38 School, h. Stoughton, 
near Fomner, ward le 
Tartow Stove Co. 116 North 
Haretow Willlam H. mason, house 21] Weat Fifth 
Barta Lool«, furrier, 6 Tremont, h. 71 Weat Cedar 
Barta Louls, jr, 22 Milk, boards TL West Cedar 
Harteaux ob. J, house 19 Bartlett 
Rarteaux Edward J. carpenter, h. 38 Blue Hill ave, 
Bartwaut Fred. A. ( Barteauz und Tuy), 166 Court, 
bouse 30 Bowdoin 



| Barter William H. teamster, bla, 3 Baldwin pt. 

Barth Bridget, widow, bouse 236 Harrison ave. 

| Barth Jacob, at sugarhouse, h. 2 Noblvw ct. EB. 
Barth Richard 

. currier, bda. Hallock, cor, Statlon 

Barthell Frank, mason. house 32 Fellows court 

Barthelme A. ealoon, 25 Winchester, b. 40 do, | 

es, + pesing coufectioner, 18 Cornhill, bh. 
at Cambria . 

Bartholimesz on confectioner, 16 Cornhill, house 
at Malden | 

Bartholmesz George, boot and shoe maker, 17 
Water, house $ Elmwood _ 

Bartholmess J. G. & Co. ¢#. WF. Gilbert), leather 
1 India wharf, boards 9 Elmwood wi 16 

Bartholomesz Leonard, olseternmaker, h, 4 Mechanie 

Bartholomew Ann, widow, house &) Dexter House 

Bartholomew Charles G yardtoaater, Grand June- 

thon wharf, house 2 Terrace pl. E. B. 

Bartholomew James W. letter-carrier, Roxbury P, 
0. honse 2) Glenwood 

Bartlet Stephen, 4 Central whf, h, at Charlestown 

Bartict William W. apothecary, 410 Fhawmut ave, 
hoarda 447 do. 

Bartlett ee Miss, house 40 Tremont 

Bartlett am ington M. clerk, 5 Commercial, boards 
at He 

Bartlote Albert, express driver, boarda 13 Florence 

artiett Albert J. laburer, house § Hull 

Bartlett Alden 8. clerk, 72 Hanover, bd | 

Bartlett Alden E. furniture, 1633 Washington, h. 
16 Glenwood [blehend 

Bartlett Alexander M. 74 Chauncy, boarda at Muar- 

Bartlett Alfred, careeniens h, E, cor. W. Second 

Bartlett Allee E, Mra, mutron, Female Orphan 

slam, 760 Washington : 

Bartlett Allen, 118 Union. bda, T Billings court 

Bartlett Amiel J. porter, Hartford, n, High, house 
4 EKulaw court . 

Bartlett Andrew J. Mra. honse 1 Tilden eS 

Bartlet A. @. & Co. (A. Morrison), cake nnd pas- 
try bakers, 869 Albany, house 45 Forest 

Bartlett A. J. Mrs. house 3 Centre, wd. 16 

Bartlett A. M. Mrs. grocer, 6 Sumner, hh M4 do, 

Bartlett A. M. 74 Chauncy, bde. at Marblehead 

Bartlett Bela N. milwright, * Merrimac, house aj} 
Enst Cambridge | | 

Bartlett Benjamin. engineer, house 364 W. Firat 

a. 6 Lyman 

} Bartlett Benj. B. machinist, h, Tl Yeoman , 
‘Bartlett Benj. F. periodicals, pictures, &o., 222 

Cambridge, h. 224 do. 

| Bartlett Bennett, stonecutter. house 24 Weet Fifth 
Bartlett Charles, house rear 173 Athena 

Bartiett Charles A: 44 Wash, bde. 7 Edinboro’ 

Burtlevt Charles A. bda, 70 Chureh 

Bartlett Charles E, A. treasurer and cashier, Bos- 
ton and Lowell and N. & L. R. Rh. at lowell 

Bartlett Charles E. ( Sartleté f Kmbree), 01 Beach, 

hone do, 

Bartlett Charles E. bda. 0 Ashburton pl. 

Bartlett Charles F. watchmaker, house 14 Florence 

Bartlett Charlea H. jeweler, aut Washington, bda, 
38 Leverett 

Bartlett Charles H. 83 Merrimac, h. at EK, Cambridge 

Bartlett Charles L. & Co. ( Ldword A, Adame), 
commission merchanta and steamelip agents, 

_ 16 Broad, heuse at Brookline 

Bartlett Charles 8. (8. /. Harilett ¢ Son), dentlat, 
142 Boyleton, boards at Winchester 

Bartlett Charles Sidney, small wares, 13 Tremont 
row, house at Chelsea lum 

Bartlett Charles W, salesman, M Brattle, h. 1 Awy- 

Bartlett Clarence A. clerk, bde, 323 Tremont 

Bartlett Coleman, dry gooda, 306 Eliot 

| Bartlett Daniel, boards Quincey Houre 

Bartlett Dennis, printer, hoowe rear 69 Kingston 
Bartlett Dennis 6. dentiat, 1879 Washington, house 
Bavin-hill ave, ward 16 | 

Bartlett D. B. Mra. house, Walnut, ward 16 
Bartlett D. P. provisions, 212 Shawmut ave, house 
20 Milford (Walnut, h. High, ward 16 
D. Wendell, foreman, Ericason, oppoalte 
Bartlett Edward A. 33 Summer, bda, of Lynn 
Bartlett Edward E. cabinetmaker, 124 Charlestown, 
‘house at Cambridgeport 
Bartlett Edward J. 23 Lewle wharf, bd. at Concord 
Bartlett Edward L. carpenter, h. 1000 Washington 
Bartlett Edward EK. driver Hook ond Ladder 4, 
so house 4 Kenfrew | 
seal rey P. clerk, Merrimac market, boards 
Bar'lett Edwin 8. cardwriter, boards T Demme 

: and Retailers of 
Hardware, 20 Dock sq, 7 


Bartlett Emery. draughtsman, 1176 Tremont, house 
ou eee . 

Bartlett Frank, bricklayer bda. 28 Kingeton 

Bartlett Frank, printer, bds, 320 Shawmut avenue 

Bartlett Francis, lawyer, 13 Exchange, room 16, | 
Bartlett Samuel P. & Son (Charles 8.) dentiata, 

house 26 Beacon bids. 6 Bowdoin 
Bartlett Francia E, carriage-builder, 96 Travers, 
Bartlett Frederick J, tailor, 678 Washington, house 
2 Fruit [ston hall, house 28 Oxford 
Bartlett F. A. ( Rartlett Hoverd?; printers, Boyl- 
Bartlett George (Bartlett, Swadkins, of Miller), 
71 Chauncy, boards § Bowdoin 
Bartlett George Mra, house 61 Yeoman 
Hartlett George clerk, 105 Chambers, bda, 67 do 
Bartlett George A, (Eager, Bartlett, ¢ Ca ), 93 
Chauncey, houge 161 Warren avenue | Athens 

Bartlett George E. porter, 9 Central. house rear 179° 
H. professor of drawing, Inetitute 
— Green | 

Hartlett Goor 
of Technolog 

Bartlett George i. conductor, Fitchburg R. bila, 

Bartlett George FP. medical student, 142 Boylston, 

| hoards at Winchester 

Bartlett George 8. clerk, bds. 68 Beach 

Bartlett George W. manuf. jeweller, 89 Court, h. 
ut Kaat Somerville [room 6, i. mt Walpole 

Bartlett George W. law student. 15 Pemberton aq, 

Bartlett George W. steamer Heury Morrison, bde. 
43 Border [ ling 

Bartlett Gilmore OC, surveyor of lumber, h. & Lan- 

Bartlett G. H, Misa, dresa and clonk maker, bh. 25 
Indiana pl. petal house nt Medford 

Bartlett Henry & Co. ship chandlers, 40 Commer- 

Bartlett Henry Mre. house 1055 Shawmut avenue 

Bartlett Henry J. carpenter, 66 Wareham, house 

15 AKron 

Bartlett Henry L. lronmoulder, h. 6 Binney place 

Bartlett Hiram M. paper-hanger, h. 99 Revere 

Bartlett Homer, 60 State, house 25 Marlboro’ 

Bartlett Horace M. house 554 Dorchester ave, 

Bartlett H. M. Mrs. confectionery and periodicals, 
64 Caumbridgu 

Bartlett Ichabod C. 147 Tremont, b. at Malden 

Bartlett Ianac, teamater, bda. T40 Enat Sixth 

Bartlett James, teamater, (4) Washington, boards 31 

Bartlett James, 4 F.A. market, (cellar), h. at Malden 

Bartlett Jamea ( Mfineitt f Jartiet?), 49 Loong wharf, 
house #3 Pembroke 

Bartlett James, jr. clerk, 110 North, bda, at Malden 

Bartlett James ©. machiniet, 29 Haverhill, house at 

Bartlett James E. (Seudder, H8artlett @ Ca.), 81 

Commercial, boards 69 Warren ave, 

Bartlett James W. dentist, 64 Boylston, house at 

Bartlett James W. Mra. h. 03 Pembroke 

Bartlett Jason T. f Hartlett J’ fufman), troeemaker, 

 - 165 Washington, houee 48 Montgomery 

Bartlett Jerome W. capt. eteamer “Uenry Morrl- 
eon,” house 7 Maverick , 

Bartlett John (Littl, Hrown, Co.) 110 Washing- 
ton, house atCambridge — + 

Bartlett John, express driver, bde. 13 Florence 

Bartlett John H. (Scudder, Bariiett, & Co.) 91 
Commercial, house 100 Woarceater 

Bartlett John E. police station 2. bh, 641 E. Seventh 

Burtlett John H. house 2) Minot [Everett 

Bartlett John H, salesman, 6 and & Broad, bids. at 

Bartlett John R. & Co, com. mer. and oila,28 India 
bds, American House | 3 

Bartlett John R, machinist, house 14 New, E. B. 

Bartlett John T. ( Rartlett & Marling), 175 North, 
house at Bomerville Dorchester avenue 

Bartlett John W. enicsman, 120 Eliot, house 655 

Bartlett Joseph E. physician, house 24 Milford 

Bartlett Joseph H. Mrs. house 34 Leverett 

Bartlett J. B. L. grocer, Blue Hill ave. cor. River, 
bds. River, ward 16 | 

Bartlett Lemuel ( Sarileti Euiiott), 173 Dudley, 
house 12) Weat Brookline : 

Bartlett Lucy C. asst, teacher, Bigelow School, h. 
139 Dorchester [107 Baratog: 

Bartlett Margaret A. teacher Prescott School, h. 

Bartlett Mary 8. widow, house 606 Fourth 

Haken Matthew, merchant, 103 State, house 133 


Bartlett Neleon 8. house 153 Beacon [at Wakefield 

Bartlett N. J, bookaeclier, 62 and 64 Cornhill, house 

Bartlett Pliny H. gasfitter, house 74 Hudson 

Barltlett Richard A. Mre. widow, house 45 Rutland 

Bartlett Richard H. Mra. house $3 Lexington 


= . 

Bartlett Robert E. clerk, Norway Iron Works, bds. 
148 Dorchester 

| Bartlett Robert J. clerk, 86 Sumner, bde. §4 do. 

Burtlett Samuel O, letter-carrier, Post-oflice, house 
aad Charles 

142 Boylaton, house at Winchester 

Bartlett Bamuel W, organ builder. h, 82 Kendall 

Bartlett Sanford A. blackamith, Reed, cor, North- 
ampton, house 1461 Washington 

Bartlett Schuyler 5. Union safe Deposit Vaults, 
40 State, house & Montrose ave. 

| Bartlett sidney. counsellor, 13 Exchange, room 16, 

house i) Heacon 
Kartlett Solon, clerk, bds, 49 Indiana place 
Bartlett Stephen F. batter, 9 Franklin avenue, h, 
at Chelsea 
Bartlett, Swadkins, & Miller (George Bartlett, 
Thomas Swodkina, jr.,and Gearge A. Miller), 
commission merchants, 7] Channey 
Bartlett Thomas, blacksmith, h. 107 Northampton 
Hariiett Tromean, 69 Tremont, house 356 do. 
Bartlett Walter B. piano tuner, ti4 Washington, 
house at Hyde Park 
Bartlett Walter H, clerk. boards 4 Exeter place 
Bartlett William, counsellor, house Dennis, corner 
Barilert William, Mrs. bds. Blue-hill ave, ny Jim 
mica, wd. 16 | 
Bartlett William, boards 6 Bowdoin 
Hartlhett William, teamseter, bide, 116 FE, Canton 
Kartlett William A. shoemaker, i. 7 Wash. court 
Hartlett William &, clerk, 22 Devonshire, boards 7 
Bartlett William CC. & Co. mirrore, cornices, and 
frames, 44 Beverly, h. arker. cor, Drury place 
Bartlett William C. car-driver, boards 73 Camden 
Bartlett William E. ¢ Partlett Richardson), 380 
Broadway, house T. corner Kast Seventh 
Bartlett William F, bookkeeper, house 22 seth 
ward iti boards 12 E. a 
Bartlet Wm. OH, (7. Estabrook & Co,), 78 Wash, 
Bartlett William S, howse 82 Munroe — 
Kurtheit W.H, produce, house 97 Sudbury 
Bartlett Ziha L, carpeater. h. 70 Church 
Bartlett ——, conductor, bds, 42 Green 
Kurtilett & Butman (Jason J. Aurtlett and EL. &. 
Siufman), trusses, 104 Washingtou 
Bartlett & Darling (John 7, Bertielt and Charles 
/. Derling ), apothecaries, 175 North 
Bartlett & Elliott (L. Burtlettand S. T. Elliott), 
roofers, 1745 Dudley 
Bartlett & Embree ((. E. Bartlett and &. £. Em- 
bree), dining-rooms, 61 Beuch | 
Bartlett & Hosford ( &. A. Bartlett and J. W. Hos 
Jord), printers. Boylston Elnll 
Bartlett & Richardson (1. £. Bartlett and J. 2, 
Richardson), steam and gas fitters, 36) Broad. 
way,and Commercial, n, Dorchester ave. wd. 16 
Bartlett, see Bartlet 
Hartley Frank, carpenter, house 4 Conant pl. 
Bartley, George W. rigger, % Sumoper, house 58 
Princeton, E.B. 
Bartley James F. mason, h. Franklin ct. wd. 16 
Bartley John, cooper, house rear 20 Carver 
Hartley Miles, laborer, house rear 20 Carver 
Rartnett Richard. carpenter, boards 27 Colony 
Hartol Cyrua A. Rev. house 17 Chestnut 
Bartolemel Agustino, baker, boards 1000 Wash. 
Bartoll John, moulder, h. 26 Chadwick [at Lynn 
Bartoll Jolin, jr. boots and shoes, 48 Hanover, sh, 
Birtoll William H, salesman, 2) Summer, house at 
Barton Alfred, gilder, house 6 Preseott, ward 13 
Harton Augustine, clerk, 08 Cambridge, boards 2 
South Nussell . wick House 
Barton Charles, foreman, 1016 Wash. boards Wur- 
Barton Charles C, lawyer, 42 Pemberton #q. h, 
ss att Belmont | | 
Barton Charles J, (Thomas Cassell ¢ Co.) 150 
Shawmut ave. h, 30 Warrenton 
Barton Charles J. hackman, house 30 Chapman 
Barton Charles W. clerk, N. Y. & N.E. H.R. ba, 
Dorchester Station 
Barton Clarence E. salesman, 42 Merchants row, h, 
i07 Charles nT 
Barton Danville O. machinist, # Kingston. h. at 
Hyde Park piewnets 
Barton David H. hackman, 260 Hanover, liouse 37 
Barton Dennis, laborer, house 4 Vicksburg 
Barton Edgar, clerk, 42 Merchants row 

nanpwanre,} BRADFORD & ANTHONY ' 5179 ee mee at AB. Beylsiow Bevel 

4 Boston [B] 

Barton Edgar V. freight agent, B. H. & E. E.R. 
freight office, boards 4 Edinboro’ 
Barton Ellen L. teacher, Boston Schoo) for Deaf 
Mutes, 11 Pemberton sq. h. at Charlestown 
Barton Emery H. engraver, 6 Tremont, boards 6 
M. H. 24 Church . 

Barton Eunice H, Mra. house 6 M, H. 24 Church 

Barton E. H. 3 Beacon, house at Brookline 

Barton Francis W. 150 Shawmut ave. house W 
Warrentoo — | 

Barton Francie W. clerk, 138 Harr. ave. h. at Salem 

Bartoo Frank, machinist, 34 Waltham, house at 
W. Roxbur | , 

Barton. Frank KE. clerk, boards 14 Fountain 

Burton F. A. boards Maverick Hone , 

Burton Gustavus L, clerk, bonyds 2 80. Russell 

Barton Herbert A. salesman, 28 Wish, house 52 
Winthrop, ward 14 Marlboro’ Hote) | 

Barton Ienac K. aalesman, 171 Tremont, boards 

Barton James C. Mrs. house 10 Shawmut 

Barton Jabez W. restaurant, 10 Kilby, house at 
Watertown | 

Barton James M. carpenter, boards 4 Quincy pl. 

Barton Jolin, watchmaker, 24 Cambridge, house at 
Cambridgeport — | 

Barton Jolin, tailor, 22 Brondway, house do, 

Barton John, fireman. B. & PL K.R, bids. 35 Weston 

Borton J, boards l4 Ashland place 

Barton K. J. & Co, cigars, J¢2 Central, bh 6 Temple | 

Barton Richard, watchmaker, 23 Winter, house 
rear 4) Yeoman 

Bartow Samuel M, achitect, and solicitor of pat- 
ents, 12 School, h. at Watertown 

Barton Sarali Mra. nuree, house 7 Luteman place 

Barton William. builder, Eustis. over Davenport's 
Mill, house 62 Winthrop, ward 14 

Barton William, watchmaker, 2) Winter, boards 

0 Yeoman [ Winthrop 

Barton William E. clerk, 86 Beverly, boards §2 

Barton William G. assistant messenger. First Nua- 
tional Bauk, 17 State, house at salem 

Barton Zachariah L. carpenter, 45 Winslow, house 
at Medford ‘Drury place 

Bartusch Gustav, cigar manuf. 154 Commercial, h. 

Barutio Julia H. shoemaker, house 2! Cunard 

Barwick Wrench Co, 6 Pemberton 4q, 

Basch Nathan (Sanger f Hasch), 37 Harrison ave. | 

«house 25 Orange . 

Bascom Andrew d, artist, houre 412 Fast Ninth 

Bascom C. G. 40 State, room 4, h. 613 Tremont 

Bascow ‘Timothy, house 190 [ 

Bascom J. A. window shades, ke. 7 Wash. h. 
S12 Ninth | | 

Bascom William B. bookkeeper, 40 State, room &, 

h. wt i ay de ' | 
4. foreman, 25 Sudbury, rooms 34 

Basford Charles 

Basford David, carpenter, h. 100 W. Fourth 

Bastord George W 43 India, bh. 7 Kearsorge ave. 
ford Huzen, boards 7 KReareurge ave. 

Basford Henry, carpenter, h. 7 Kearearge ave. 

Basford Heory. jr. 154 Tremont, howae 7 Parker 

Basford John F. clerk, 0 Eneeland, bids. 5 Metro- 

litan place 

Bastord J. L. watchmaker, 17 Warren, boards 
Zeigler, n, Warren 

Basford Louis A. & Co. ins. agts. and collectors, 0 
Studio building 

Basford Timothy D. 03 Broad, house at Chelsea 

Bash Abraham, boards 20 sterllig | 

Bazli leador, hat and cap meouf, i. 44 Kendall 

Bash Lyman, louse 20 sterling 

Bash Nathan, cap maker. house 

Bashi sawue), boards 20 Sterling 

Baska Mathews, tallur, house is Avon pl. wd. 15 

Basney Jolio H. watehmaker, house ¥ Lana place 

Bass George, if clerk. asseasora’ office, City Hall 

Bars George I’, clerk, 42 Batterymarch 

Base G. Walter, clerk, 2 Pemberton sq. room 3, h. 
at Hyde Park 

Bass Jumes de bookkeeper, 50 Central, h. 9 Oxford 

Bass Jolin, boards 2 Lathrop place 

Bass Joho, carpenter, house 6 Irving 

Bass John A. house 663 Tremont 

Bass Joseph A. clerk, 155 Wash. h. at Wollaston 

Bass Quincey C, h. Wash. n. School, ward 16 

Bass Samurl, salesman, 48 Wash. h.& Kollins 

Bass Seth B. clerk, Nepouset ave, cor, Wulowt, bh. 
ut North Quincy 

Rass Stephen Gi. house 12 Rutland 

Basset Urlando, jr, clerk, 4 Winter, h.3 Wyman pl, 

% Orange 


| Bassett Wim. A. house 25 Indiana 

| Brsall 
| Busto 

|~Batchelder Albert B. bookkeeper, 239 

| Re 

| Batchelder E..A. Mrs. house 5 
| Bate in DD. carr 


Basset Wm. cashier National Hide and Leather 
Bank, 32 Devon-hire, house at Lynn 

Bassett Caleb T, clerk, 144 North, h. at Hingham 

Bassett Curbline, Mra, widow, h. 120 W. Newton 

Bassett Charl « 2, clerk wt P.O, h. 308 -Charles 

Bassett Charles H. (J. T. Arown Ges ae Wash. 
and Warren, coroner Dudley, bids. do. 

| Basseit Charles W. treas, Boston Chalr Co. 144 

North and 31 Brattle, house at Newton 
Bassett Charles Z. (2. Hasselt f Son), 13 Eastern 
avenue, boards at Chelsea 

Bassett Edwin F. perfumer, 351 Wash. house 425 

Shawmut ave. ; [108 Pembroke 
Caseett Elisha, counsellor, U.S. Court House, h. 
Bageett Francis, law student, 27 State, boards 108 

Pembroke | ) 

Bassett Frank, laborer, h. 7 Holden pl. | 
Lassett. French, & Co. f/f. Bast! ond George W. 
French). com. mers. 6) Commercial 

Bassett Henry D. (Doggett, Bassett, § Hilla), 21 

* Hanover, bouse at Newton 
Bassett Horace ( Hassett, French, ¢ Co.), 51 Com- 
mercial, house at Allston 

Bassett Horace 8. bookkeeper, 167 Tremont, house 

Berkeley place, ward 1 

Basevtt Isaac A. Rey. house § Gates 

Hassott Isanc M. 240 Wash, house 4 Highland park 

Bassett L. Austin, jr, clerk, 40 State, room 33, house 
5 Gates | [State House, house at Lynn 

Baseeti I. J. contractlug agent, “* Red Line,” 4 Old 

Bassett Joanna, house 1 South Cedar street aes 

Baasett John, bookkeeper, 4 Devonshire, howe at 

Bassett John F. real estate, 41 Tremont, h. 14 Allon 

Baseett Joseph, builder, house 61 Old Harbor 

Husavtt Joseph RK. broker, house 14 Allen 

Luseett J. house 7 Columbus place 

Bassett Locos A, bookkeeper, 6 Commerce 

Bassctt Margaret, widow, house 43 Charter 

Bassett M, A. Mre. house 425 Shawmut ave. 5 

Hassett Sarah Miss, h. Temple, n. Sanford, ward 16 

Bassett Thomas M, house 62 5t, James 

Buseett Willard G, 61 Lincols, house 186 K 

Bassett William, 41 Tremont, house aes Chelecn 

Bassett Zephaniah & Son / Charles Z. Saanett ), ahip- 
aniiths, 13 Kostern avenue, house at Chelaca 

Baeelll Jacob, peddier, house 6 Island 

Baselng Adam, house 1278 ‘Tremont 

Edward J. brass finisher, house 144 D 

| liam F. Mire, house 1674 Wash. 

Batchelder Adeline Misa, h. 7 M. H. 14 Indiana 

| Batehelder Albert, Custom House, h. Hn Shawmut 

roud, bda, at 
Batchelder Albert J. carpenter, house 143 Athena 
pa ta Alfred, coupling maker, h. 170 Brooks 
Batchelder Ann M, widow, bouse 28 Kirkland 
Batchelder Augustus, peat bids. 3 Salom plano 
Batchelder Aun 8. clerk, 2M Causeway, house at 

Charlestown | , 

Batchelder Bennet, foleher, h. 2 Stillman place 
Batchelder Bros, (John L. Botchebler), cou), 356 

Batchelder Burnell C. clerk, 17 Harvard, h. 5 Dover 
Batchelder Charles, 74 Portland, house at Cambridge 
Batchelder Charles, tiuarble polisher, h, 3 Salem pl. 
Batchelder Charles H, cabinet maker, 74 Portland, h. 

ot Cambridgepurt [at ta ah 
Batchelder Charles E, bageens master, E. KR. i. h. 
Batchelder Charles F. 242 Wash. bh. 8 Worceater pl. 
Batchelder Charlea F, cabinetmaker, boards 4 Hay. 

market place 

we Te 

Batehelder Chas, W. 10 F. U1. market, h. at Brookline 

Batchelder Clark A. lawyer, 14 Wash. boards at 
ore | 

Batehelder Edward E. f Batchelder ¢ Lincoln), 30 
Faneuil Hall eqoare, boards American Howse 
Batchelder Edward WH, 205 Federal, bds. 4 Oliver pl, 

dridge A., E. Kh. KR. baggage express, 
house at Cambridge | 

helder Freeman DPD. ¢ e manuf. 1170 Tre- 
mont, house 10 Worcester place : | 

Batchelder Geo. E, bookkeeper, Boston and Maine 
RK, K. freight depot, houxe at Bomerville 

Batchelder George F. machinist, boarda Wobator 
Hise, E. B. 


Batchelder George G. clerk, News Room, basement 

Old State House, house at Medford 

Batchelder George dG, prop. Montgomery House, 40 
Province, house do, 

Ratchelder G. W. house 4 Staniford 

Batchelder Heory L. & Co. coal and wood, 256. 

Broad, and Ferdinand, cor. Melrose, houee Ever. 
 8tt avenue, wid. 16 
Batchelder Henry 8. machinist, h. 27 Causeway 
Batchelder Herman L, (D, Roby ¢ Co.), 280 Cause. 
way, boards 74 Temple 
Batchelder Hiram, police station 5, h. 2 Lewis park 
Batchelder John, machinist, h, 64| Cambridge 
Batchelder Jobn BH. clerk, 204 Caveewaoy, Farina at 
East Somerville [house $00 E, Fifth 
atchelder John D. (Holden & Ratchelder ), 29 Jolin, 

Batchelder John H. clerk, 153 Tremont, bds. 219 

Harrison avenue 
Batchelder John L. (Batchelder Bros,)j, cool and 
wood, 354 Federal, house at Jamaica Plain 
Batehelder John M. civil engineer and patent agent, 
16 Pemberton equare, house at Cambridge 
Batchelder John FP. driver 8. B, BR. R., house 122 
Emerson — [Buckingham 
Batchelder John W. saleaman, 14 Dock #g., houee 4 
Batchelder Joseph, farmer, li. 446 Blue-hill ave. 
Batchelder Joa, B, (Batchelder @& Wood), printer, 
169 Washington, bide. Commonwealth Hotel 
Batchelder Jamesa Lewis N. 2. machinist, house 27 

Batchelder 1, R. lawyer, 46 Court, house at Melrose | 

Batchelder L. 8. Mrs. M.D, hotiwe 4 Staniford 
Batchelder, Mann, & Co. (X. Goodnowgh & S. Ea- 
fon), grocera, 210 State and 24 Commerce 
Batehelder M. 'T’. boote and shoes com. 86 Wendell, 
 hotiee at Watertown [Lynn 
Ratehelder Nathanie! J, salesman, 40 Broad, h. at 
Batchelder N. P. & Co, fRdwin f. Whitney), gro- 
core, 201 Cambridge, house do, [1 Columbia 
Batchelder Orieon F, paper carricr, honec 10 M. H. 
Batchelder Richard, marble worker, b. 3 Salem pl. 
Batchelder Samuel, jr. secretary Mt. Anburn Cem. 
étery, 16 Pemberton ay. room 6, h. wt Cambridge 
Batchelder Bamiuel C. clerk, 105 Chauncy, house at 
Batchelder Samuel D. clerk, Post-office, house at 
Batchelder Vineent, marble polisher, bds. 3 Salem pl. 
Batchelder Washington K. & Co. plano-fortes, 280 
Washington, house at Somerville 
Batchelder Wesley EK. clerk, 25 Tremont row, bh. at 

Lowell : 

Batchelder William <A. clerk, 30 Canal, bourds at 

Batchelder William H. glass, lamps, &e,, 20 Pur. 
chase, boards 25 Pemberton aquare 

Batchelder Wim. KR. machinist,bde. 138 C0 

Ratchelder W, d. clerk, 14 Dock square, house 34 
Buckingham place 

Batchelder » muchintet, boards 249 D 

Batchelder & Lincoln (A. &. Batchelder & Joseph 
Hi. Lincoln), boots and shoce, W F. H, aquare 

and 4 North J : | 

Batchelder & Wood (J. 2B. Batchelder @ Frank 
Wood), railway steam job-privting works, 150 

Batcheller Alfred H. (F. ¢ A. H. Batcheller ¢ Co. ), 
42 Oliver, house 21 Hotel Berkeley | Beacon 

Batcheller Edwin, boukkeeper, 41 C 

Batchellor Ezra & A. H. & Co. ( George E. Batchel- 

fer), boota and shoes, 42 Oliver 

Batcheller E. H. ( Batcheller, Moore, f& Co.), at E. 
Cambridge, house 213 W, Canton 

Batcheller George E. ( £. & A. H. Batcheller & Co.), 

42 Oliver, house 134 Boylston 
Batcheller H. A. tailor, house 1 Melrose place 
Batcheller L.. Edwin, 6 Tremont, h. 315 Beacon 
Batcheller, Moore, & Co. f &. A. Batcheller and £. 
S. Moore), furniture, veneers, ke., ealesroom 
and factory at E. Cambrige 
Ratcheller Sarah Mrs. widow, house 4 North Grove 
Batcheller Tyler, Mra. house 112 Appleton 
Batecheller Wm. C, Mre. boards 49 Dearborn 
Batcheller, eee Bacheller , 
Batchelor J, L. machinist, boards 145 Court 
Bate Royal H: plamber house 68 East Canton 
Bateman Charles A. travelling agent, 139 Friend, h. 
at Charlestown 
Bateman (Charles H. honse 23 Fountain 
house 152 W. ‘Third 

BE ieporters and Deulers | , 

ourt, howse 315° 

Charles J. architect, 2) Studio building, 


Bateman Henry T. blacksmith, 356 Commercial, h. 
110 Saratoga, FR. BH. 

Bateman James, carpenter, house 3 Castle court 

Baternan Jolin M. harnees maker, house 25 Berlin 

Bateman Joseph, laborer, house rear 18 Cross 

Bateman M. C. Mrs. house 24 Fountain 

Bateman William, storckeeper, 23 Lewls wharf, h. 
Oakland, near Shawmut avenue 

| Bateman William JJ, carpenter, h, 263 Bolton 

Bateman Wm. RK, 104 8tate, bds. at W. Somerville 

Eater John, Cabinetmuaker, house Cedar, near Ean. 

ford, ward 16 

Bates Adolphus, notary public, National Bank of 
Commerce, “Sears Building," house at Con- 
cord, Masa. 

Bates Albert, printer, boarda Union, ward 16 

Bates Albert M. earrl depository, 74 and 75 
Union, house at Malden 

Bates, Aldrich, & Sibley (7S. MW. Aates, BR. F. Ald. 
rich, and? S&S. Siiley), reinforced shirt front 

manufactory, 63 Keasex [Warren pl. 

Bates Alexander, mason, 113 Blackstone, house 10 

Bates Alfred W. (Leland, Allen, i Mafes), 34 Bed. 

_ ford, house at New York 

Gates Amos E. f foblinson i Bates) 74 Blockstone, 
house 50 West Canton | 

Bates Andrew, clerk, 542 EK, Eighth, h, 691 E, Ninth 

Bates Andrew T. plumber, h. & Shawmut pat pl. 

Bates Arthur]. aulesman, 5 Temple pl. bde. 16 Wal- 

He ASSO L. clerk, 155 Tremont, b. ot Grant- 

Bates Atkins H. clerk, 23 Exchange, bda. at Salem 

utes Benjamin EK. presldent National Bank of Com. 
meree, and tress. Bates Manuf. Co. and Andros- 
eye Mill, office 40 Btate, room 35, bouse 19 
Arlington _ : 

Bates Benjamin P. 165 Milk, house 176 Princeton 

Bate# Catharine L, city missionary, 1 Congrégational 
House, house 78 Washington, rear6 | 

Bates Calvin W. driver steamer No. 14, house 21 
Washington court 

Bates Chirles, clerk, 27 Winter, h. at Cambridge 

Bates Charles, clerk, boards 350 ‘Tremont 

Bates Charlee H- hookEeeper, 214 State, h. at Salem 

Bates Charles P. 153 Blackstone, bds. 70 North 

Bates Charles 6. (A. Bates G} Sons), 27 Elm, house 

_ Ty Bomerset 

Hutes Clira, widow, house 68 Gates A 

Bates Clarence H. mochinjet, h. 287 W. Fifth ([do., 

Butes Qornelin Miss, dresemaker, 28 Temple pl. bh. 

Bates Cyrus H. 3 Commercial, h. at Cohasect 

Bates Dunicl N. clerk, 64 Broad, bds. at Maplewood 

Bates David, nssiet. clerk, Boston National Bank, 
fl State, house at Cohasset 

Eater David, bourds 18 Temple place 

Bates D.C. house 1 Yeoman Pathe pl. 

Bates D. Webster, clerk, B. and FP. freight, h. wo 

Bates Edmund, wuete teacher, house 21 Alpine 

Bates Edward, backman, 40 Green 

Bates Edward M. teamster, house 20 Grenville place 

Bates Edward T. muelcian, 12 Howard, bouse 67 
Chelsea, E. Gi. fat Weymouth 

Bates E. boot and shoe manuf. 45 Hanover, house 

Bates E. M. 33 Summer, boards at Beverly 

Bates E, W. & Co, (J. FP. Bates), grocers, 542 E. 
Eighth, house 169 | , 

Hates Fletcher 2d, bookkeeper, Traders’ National 
Hank, house at Cambridge 

Bates Francia W. boards 3 Dudley 

Bates Frank, clerk at P.O. house 59, Allen  [roge 

Bates Frank A. clerk, 318 Washington, bde, 21 Mel- 

Bates Frank A. boards 20 Worcester square 

Liates Gelston M. clerk, 16 Milk, boards 3 Dudley 

Bates George, boards 174 Court _ [Dudley 

Eatea George C, clerk, 1933 Washington, boards 

Rates George C. 37 Court, honse 67 Bower |Wash. 

Bates George E. salesman, 86 Hanover, h, 2 Vinton, 

Bates Geo, E, sailmaker, house 266 EK 

Bates George H. bookkeeper, 45 Washington aq. 
La) = nt oped Hig : Beet vy, beds, 1 cbs ge 

Bates George H, W.& Co. dry and fancy goods, 16 © 

Bates reo i* rs fad. i, De Wolf Co.), 24 Central, 
boards St. James Hotel | prone. 

Bates Geo, 8, reporter, “ Daily Glohe," bds 21 Stani- 

Bates Geo. W. 23 State, house at Bridgewater 

Bates Gorham P. abinearventer, h. 120 Lexington 

Bates Gustave D. salesman, (3 Essex, bde. Marl. 
boro’ Hotel [echool, bds. 56 Princeton 

Bates Harriet C. teacher, Lexington St. primary 

Bates Henry & Co. (Thomas Bates), roofers, foot 
Leverett, house 397 Charles 

ee eS ee ee 
: , : ?/‘uatlery, . ,i78 hington && THIA 
FORD & ANTHONY 3 (a erscy ikar Tackle,}17 Wee neten -'= ts 

ware, ¢tumo ol 7d we ore at Boy) btu ob 

Batos aeore L. bookkeeper, 0) Commercial, h, 625 
E. Sixt 

Bates Henry M. broker, 2 State, house at Newton 
Butes Henry W. 454 Washin: n, boards 4 Band 
Hates Hiram K. clerk, 42 W ashington, h. 12 Derne 
Batea Haugh, scamun, house rear i244 North 
Bate ? » Hyde, § & Co, (J. 4. Hyde), cotton gin manuf. 
Batis H. ¢. clerk, boards Derby House 
Bates Jacob P. e Cobb, Rates, f Yerza), 610 Wash- 
n and 4 Coolidge building, bh. $8 Chandler 
imes, mason, house TO Revere 
hoards 79 Revere 
treas. Berlin Mineral Water Co, 135 

Bates James, jr 
Bates James C 

Bates James D. harnesemaker, 173 Dorchester ave. 

house 24 Weat Fifth 
Bates James E. counsellor, 8 Court 
Bates James H. 10 Exchange, bds. at Charlestown 
Batve James L. f Bates Gf Albee), 3 Devonshire, h. 

ai South Weymouth [plewood 
Batws Jumes W. carpenter, 4 Broad, house at Ma- 
Bates John Mra. widow, house 70 Temple 
Bates John B. mason, house 16 Walnut place 
Gates Joho B. cooper, house 3 Lexington 
Bates John D. 40 State, room 40, bds. at St. , 
Bates Jonathan, house 17 Somerset 
Bates Joseph C. (Aimball of Bates), 6 Commer- 
clal, house at Hyde Park 
Bates Jose ph A. clerk, 153 Esacz, bde, at Somerville 


Bates Joseph H. sergt. polloe station 2, house 50 

Eutaw, E. 
Bates Joseph L. house 57 Allen 
Bats Joseph M. clerk, boards 26 East Springficld 
Bites Joseph N. sheriff's keeper, 81 Washington, r. 
2, house 20 Lexington [folk Mouse 
Rates Joshua, master brimmer School, boards Nor. 
Bates Joes L, eset, trea, Boston Museum, house 
252 Chol 

Bates J. Frank, clerk, 3% Bedford, bd. at Chelsea 

Bates Leavitt, bookkeeper, o73 Washington, howsae 
at Enat Weymouth 

Batea Leslie K. clerk, boards 4 Ouk plac 

Bates Levi L. carpenter, r. 18 Bedford, h. at Cheleen 

Bates Loring L.& Co. f Z. W. Bourne), machinlate | 

and locksmitha, 9 Green, h. 31 London, E. B. 
Bates Louisa N. Clerk, M2 Wael. bds. 91 Village 
Bates Manufacturing ‘Co, 40 State, room 33 
Bates Margaret Mra. house Unlon, ward 16 
Bates Margaret H. Mra, house 20 Worcester aquare 
Bates Martin Mra, house 17 Somerset 
Hates Martip & Bons (Charles 5S. Sater), furs, 2 

an) 1 Elm 
Bates Rae F. Mra, house 172 West Epringticld 
Bates Morria U. clerk, 174 State, bda, is Ashland pl. 
Bates Phineas, truant officer, busernent Court House, 
—s- house 01 F 
Bates Phineas, i clork, offlco aupt. schoola, City 

all, bds, 91 F 

Bates Robert, locksmith, 27 Dock «4. h. at Cohassct 

Bates Samuel Dd, vaulter, lM Bu bur house 24 
East Springflel ‘ote! Pelham 
Bates Samuel ¥ vc Smith § B.), 5 Pemberton aq. h. 
sayy creme a - bookkeeper, 2 India, house 27 

Fates Sarah, widow, house 47 Fourth 

Hates Silas M. ( Bates «f Aldrich), © Essex, boards 
Marlboro’ Hotel 

Bates §&. Addison, clerk, boarda 242 E 

Bates Thedore (. anleaman, 147 Milk 

Bates Thomas (Hf. Hates ¢ Co.), foot Leverett, hi 

07 N. Charles 

Bates Thomas A. plumber, 10 Province, h. § ah aw. 

Bates Thomas I. blacksmith, house 55 Hudson 

Bates Thomas L. machinist, boards 91 F  [ampton 

Hotes Thomas 8. 

Bates Walter C. civil engineer, T Court sq. room 47, 
boards 27 Union par Syhben; 

Batos William, baggage master, Bh, & A. RK. - 

Bates William <A, Wits, ey, Howland, if? 
Washingto ose at | den 

Bate William ©. Sm C. (E (Holmes, Bates, & Nichols), 62 

okt 4 Fae 
Bates William Bf, CE. f P Fr. King $f Co a, 
oe okinghe P. salesman, asex, “frre rT 
ul an 
gn Albee (Jamea ZL. Hates and Amoa D. AL 
bee). bankers and brokers, 4 Devonshire 

Rates & Midrich ¢ 8. Mf. Bates and = F. Alirich), 
wholesale shirt manufacturers, 63 Essex 

Bath John, sailmaker, house 46 Wall 


~Bauckman Chi 

Henglnver, 7 house 2M North. | 

Boston [ }}] DIRECTORY. 

Bath John, boots and shoes, 530 Washington, and 
‘John Hath J Pianos, 541 Washington, 
use 77 Waverley 
| Robert J. printer, 6 Williams et. h. 165 Harrl- 
sOn hve. 
Bath William C. polisher, boards 46 Wall 
Batley Geo. carpenter, honse Dorchester aye, oor, 
Linden, ward 16 
Batson Frank ©. Mra. boards 46 Hudson 

~=Batson William, seatnan, house 67 Emerald 

Batson William, machinist, houve 6 Cross, E. B. 
Batt Charles R. cashier Notional Security Bank, *9 

Court. boarda 1 Franklin equare at. pl. 
Battaghlia Marineo, blacksmith, house 11 Barlou- 
| Battello Almira S. Mra, house a74 Tremont 

‘Buttelle Charles P. Custom House, house at East 


‘Battelle Eugene, 34 Bedford, bds. 55 Chester 
~Batrelle Geo 

W, heeler, boards 374 Tremon 

Batten Joseph, furrler, house 1 Pratt court 

Batten Joseph, jr. nde pe 1700 Wash. h. 1836 do. 

Batterman John & Son (John N, atterman), 
blacksmiths and wheelwrights, 471 Harrison 
ave, bouee 1] Medford court 

Batterman Jolin N. (John Batterman ¢ Son), 471 
Harrison avenue, house at Hyde 

netiey aan C. salesman, 46 Winter, house 16 


Battey William A. 218 State, boards at Attleboro’ 

Batting Joseph, watchense Tnuker, 24 Water, h, at 
Chelsea [State, house 145 Saratoga 

Battis George R. W. deputy flour inspector, | 

Battia John, saloon, $0 Richmond, bouse 

Battles John, mariner, louse 7 Grove (E. B. 

Battis Josiah 5. engineer, S 6, h. 56 Marion, 

Battis Wim. L. ballast Detect fh a Mont fomery 

Battison William, carpenter, 247 Harrison avenuc, 
house 0 Ouk 

Battison William J. bookkeer 

ir, Albany, opposite 
Dedham, house 70 East ba: 


‘Battiste Joho L, silversmith, house 17 Yeoman 

Battles Catharine P, teacher iano, boards Com- 
mercial, near Beach, ward 10 

Batiles Charles, gige-master, boards 0 Lyman 

Battles Edwin, 16 ee ire. h. 1050 Shawmut ave. 

Battles Frank R. Mrs. house 3!) Kirkland 

Battles James 8, clerk, 657 Tremont, b. 1037 Wash. 

Battles Jonathan, collector, house Commercial, 
near Keach, ward id 

Battles Martin, carpenter, house 115 D - 

Battles William f. (Battles of Sherburne), 5 
Kin ston, boards 140 Wash, 

Battles W.J. & Co, boota aud shoes, 10 Hanover, 
house at Stoneham 

Battles & Sherburne ( WF. L. Sattleannd £, C. Sher- 
hurne), com, merchants, 5) Kingston 

Batts James, laborer, boards 7 Glover 

Batts Joseph, laborer, boards 7 Glover 

Batts Michael, laborer, house 2 Fellows 

| atts William, laborer, boards 7 Glover 

Batty Charlotte E. Mra. th. 3 Aubarii avenoe 

Batty BE. ©. clerk. 40 Winter, h. 14 Oxtord 

Baty John, sey 402 Wush. house 3 James Ince 

Bauch Charles A. willow furniture maker, How- 
doin. n. Groen, h. Bowdoin, n. Geneva, ward 16 

Bauch Eadlmond, wenver, house ‘aS Smith 

man, fancy goods, 674 and711 Wash, 
house 4) Windsor 

Baucutt Joseph, | pogexnoase, house 74 Everett 

Baudry Alexande supt. Atluntic works, h, 30 

Bauer Andrew Mra. house 69 Albion 

Bauer Charles, halrdresser, 0 Washington, h, 
110 Tremont 

Bauer Charles T. tuner, Wash. cor. Hayward pl. 
bh. at Jaomaion Plain 

Bauer Christian ¢€. Rusa § Co.), carriage manuf. 

orthampton, house 20 Cilfora 

Bauer Emil M. clerk, 20 India, i, 1 Lowell ali 

Bauer Frederick, callnetmaker, house 150 

Baoer John, howee 64 Carver 

Raver Joho N. cages t beer, basement 26 Spring lane, 
house 160 Carver 

Bauer John ra 447 Washington, house 60 Albion 

Bauer Liaaie © iis 008 do. fancy goods, 605 Dorchester 

BL oh, Gear H, clerk, 7 Blackstone mar- 
ket, boards 6 Aliston place 

Baukins Burrill, nter, h. Auburn ct. ward 14 

Baumann Bernard, tallor, house 3 Mlymouth et, 

Bouman bound Sra. house 191 Shawmut ave, 

House Joiners’ Toola ane Bullders Hatdiware 

in great variety, ack Sq. 


Baumann Leopold & Co. / Philip Wachter), Inger | Bay Elizabeth, widow, house 6 Vewbern 
beer, 49 Devonshire, house ut Charlestown Huy Peter, baker, boards 6 Newbern 
Baomaon Theodore, baker, ln 73 Shawmut ave, Davard Heury L. packer, house rene 160 Fourth 
Baumeister John, cabinetmaker and grocer, Dor-| Bayard James L. carpenter, house #0 Village 
chester ave, near Codman, ward 16, house do, | Huyer Emina J. widow, boards Mt. lensuut ave. 

Baurmgirien M, orgunbuilder, house 41 Westoy Bayer Fraucis, NMunomMeker, howne | Murcella 
Biumiester Catharine, widow, hodse 170 Cabot ayer Louw ¢ Mudley jf ayer), di Kowker, house 
Baury Alfred I, Mrs. house 64 Pinckney at W. Roxbury ’ 
Baury Frederick F. house 08 Plickney Bayfield George, clerk. house 107 Hudson 

Baury Mary Bo Miss, house 6% Pinckney Kaytield William, gaspipe fitter, huuse 7) Hudsow 
Baxendale Abram, foreman. house 444 Parker Buyley Beujamin, carpenter, house 24 Irving 
Buxtndale Samuel, broker, house 4 De yy piace | Bayley Meujamiu F, Separy éherif!, Court Wonaa: 

Baxendale Walter, foreman, house 44 Parker house IW Walnut avenue, 
Buxter Albert G. 1 Central whf. bds. at Hrookline | Bayley Benjamin H. house 24 Irvin 
Buxter Alien, clerk, 43 Avon [oS Seaver place | Bayley Daniel, carpenter, bds. 246 Shawmut ave, 
Baxter Afonzo [. undertaker, 251 Tremont, house | Kayley Jame. C. ¢ Potter, Waite, d Jayley),8 Hom. 
Baxter Ann M. Miss, house (2 Cumden Hien, iawse LF Union park 
Baxper Caleb, enlesmmnn, 40 Elio’, house 1000 Wash, | Bayley James K, commission merchant, 18 South 
paar ded F. city hapaat dani pia Per I6, Market house 403 Beacon 

OAC LAVIE, Ware handler | Bayley Jolin P. ¢ Hayley, Rolling, g Cu), 91 State, 
Baxter Chas, W. tinson, I8 Bedford, hovwse 67 frouse st Chestuut 5 a gh 
Baxter Clarence Mrs, house High, cor. Commer- | Mayley Martlia Mrs. house 15 Union park 

cial, ward 16 (Church. ward 16) Bayley Oliver W. machiolet, howse 774 E. Fourth 
Baxter C A. Miss. dresemaker, bourds Winter, n.) Bayley, Rollins, & Co. (vuln 2. Hayley, E. W. Bol- 
Baxter C. Follen, at City surveyorts office, Clry lina, and Joel Richards), commission mer- 
_ ‘Hall, boards 4 Davie chaots, Wi State 
Baxter Edwin W. salesman, 9 Union, h, at Quiney | Bayley Stephen, salesman, 73 Union, h. at Chelseu 
Baxter Elijah 8. foreman, house High, cor. Higli-| Bayley Williom 5. marble surveyor, house 24 

land, ward 16 | | Dover Buckingh im 
Baxter Ezra, hairdresser, 625 Tremont, house 6%) Bayley, sec Bailey 
Baxter Francie J, constable, 4 Court J2,| Maylies Heory, lawyer, 14 Court square, room 20 

house 822 1. Fifth | Baylor Joba H, tailor, 17 Church, liouse do, 
Baxter Frank, trankmaker, boords 6 Spring ny nard Ieuae, saloon, North, hou-e 165 do. 
Baxter George, house 767 E. Brondway Kayne Thomas LD). salesman, 6 Winter, bourda 39 
Baxter H. G, salesman, 6 Hamilton pluce, boarda Old Harbor 

al Kingston . , Kaynes Altred, tinsmith, 119 Blackstone, boards 44 
Baxter Isaac E. clerk, 102 Harrison ave. house at Cambridge 

Arliogton Pe se 4 Groton | Baynton Alfred G. machinist, boards Temple, near 
Baxter |. J. corsets and skirts, 7 Washington, Ktiver, ward 1d 
Baxter James, saloon, 51 Hurrison avewue, louse 
ss 110 Hampden [house at Quincey 
Baxter James, ir deputy collector, Custom House, 

—O —_ a 

Bayntontavia W.. clerk, boards Temple, n, River, 
Baynion George, machinist, Sanford, near Cedar, 

Kasxter Jumes H, cabinetmaker, huvuse 20 Garden liouse Temple, near Kiver, ward 16 
Baxter James H. police station 9. house 6 Chud-| Rayrd J. E. bookkeeper, 22 Wush. bda. at Lyon 
wick court [Rockvilie place | bay State Axle Grease Works, J. B. Hrooks, 32 
Baxter James T, wool, 3 Central wharf, house @ Fulton 
Baxter Jeremiah, lairdresser, (10 Harrison ave. | Bay State Brick Co, 17 Pemberton square ket 
house 42) Shawmut avenue ‘ Bay State Color Co, H, Sawyer, trens. 20 N. Nar 
Baxter Jolin A. os Avon, house 21 Edinboro’ Bay State Inner Sole Co. 103 Causeway [cor. I 
Baxter John F. fete ad house | Lombard pl, | Bay Stete [rou Co. 2 Pemberton sq. and E. Firat 
Baxter Jolin H. & Co. fF. A. Sprague), apotheca- | bay State Moulding Mills, Albany, corner Dover 
ries, [, cor. BE. Seventh, boards #8 | Bay State Paper Box Factory, & [itts 
Baxter Josepli, laborer, house 4 Moon-street ct. Hay State Sugar Retinery, office Ul Indin 
Baxter Joseph, clerk, ()1 Harrison ave. house do, | bay State Suspender Co, (Potter jt Smith), 24 
Baxter Joseph L. clerk, 174 Commercial, boards Kneeland 
116 Washington . Bay View Quarry Co. 48 Federal [port 
Baxter Joseph WN, etudent, 28 Devonshire, boards | Baywood Jobu, cutter, o1 Essex, hb. at Cambridge- 
1) Boylston ! | over | Bazin Elias, Miss, house 4 West Orange 
Baxter Jo-hua H. clerk, T wharf, boards 25 Han- |) basin F, O. J.3. (#. Fleming & C’'o.), 70 and §2 
Baxter Julin J. dressmaker, Winter, near Cliurch, Sudbury, beards 15 Milford 
bourda do, ward 16 Bazin George W. printer, $ Cornhill, h. 18 Milford 
Baxter Langdon, boards 33 Edinboro’ Bazlo Joanoa Mise, houee 28 West Orange 
Haxter Lemuel & Co. (John S Freeman), leather, | Hazin Louise Miss, house 4) West Orange 
and show findings, 7 Union, house at Quincy Husin Savillian, paper hunger, louse 14 liedmont 
Baxter Lewis, butcher. house Brook uvenuc, peur | Neaber Henry, clerk, 18 Howard, bds. 0 Cousewny 
Stoughton, ward 16 Bench Albert M, clerk, 2e7 Wash, bdae. at Chelsea 
Baxter Lewiae, jobber, house & Anxter Beach Alien Mis. house O4 Revere 
Baxter L, W. carpenter, house 118 Hudson Beach Elijah, merchant tailor, 235 Wash. house 6) 
Baxter Mary Mrs. house 4 Groton [bard place Dwight 
Baxter Mary A. milliner, 68 Prince, house 1 Lom- | Beach E. Claude, clerk, Sumner, c. Cottage, house 
Baxter Nathaniel H. trunkmaker, 15) Tremut Se! Muverick 

Baxter Prudence E, dreasmaker, Wiuter, pear) Beach George W. ( Beach «ff Copeland), 25 Doane, 
Church, boards do, ward 16 ligne jou Lexington, E.B. 
Baxter Robert, chemist, house 70 Lenox Beach Heury H. A. surgeoo, $22 Shawmut av. h. do 
Baxter Kobert, 40 Washington, bourds 79 Lenox | beach Susan EF, Mrs. house 5) Kevere | 
Baxter Sidney KR. 5 Dock aq. house at Brookline | Deuce 5. DB, Mrs, matrou Boston Cilldren's Friend 
Duxter Stacy, teacher of clocution, 14 Tremont! Society, 45 Rutland 
row, room §. house at Charlestown Beach Win. N. 25 Wash. boards 41 Dwight 
Baxter Sylvester. reporter, * Advertiser,” 27 Court, | beacli & Copeland/( tt). IF. Beach and E. T. Cepe- 
bowrds 54 Temple lind), tuchinery god steamsliip agents, 25 
Bas.tur Thomas T. boots and elioes, Commercial, n. Doane 
Dorchester ave. h. Lincoln, nh. Adams, ward 10) Beacon Finley, mariner, house 5 Snowhill _ 
Baxter Thompson, bookkeeper. Columbian Nation- | Beadle Jo-eph, calker, house 171 Webster, E B. 
il Bank, 65 State, house 377 Krondway Beagin Owe, teamster, house (67 Harrison avenué 
Baxter Warren W. clerk, 56 Oliver, boards 23 | Benouin Patrick, clerk. boards 667 Harrison avenue 
Kockville place [ ward 16 | Beagley Joseph, blucing maker, house 56 Crosby 
Baxter Wm. carpenter, houee Winter, near Church, plese ward I 
Kaxter William. carpenter, boards Saratoga, junc. | Bealin Frank E. 12 Dock #q, house § Allaton place 
Chelseu, E. BR. (233 Hanover | Bealrd Henry, boiler maker, boards 146 Silver 
Baxter Willlam H. clerk, 99 Commercial, boards | Beaird Mary, widow, house 146 silver 
Bay Charles, baker, boards 6 Newbern ~Beakman Thomas, coachman, bouse 9) Rlossom 

ADFORD < ANTHONY, 178 Washington St..2 01U TLERY. Tilt Autumn of 1873, 
Baas. Shears, Sclusors, Kiives, Huzors, Table} (while repullding,) Weare at 1 uyhiou ae 


Beal Abby D. teacher, Porter St. primary, boards 
171 Princeton | 

‘Beal Adaline, teacher, Cottage-place primary 
schoo], boards 120 Vernon 

Beal Alexander (Heal «ff Hooper), furniture, 4 
Holmes block, Haymarket equare. house Wash- 
ington, opp. Clarence place, ward 16 

Beal Alvin H. engineer, house 5 Dabney place 

Beal Arthur BE. 503 Wash, house at Cohasset 

Beal ig spat (Heal, Kendall, ¢ Co.),  Merrl- 
mac, howae 51 Allen 

Beal Reniamin, plumber, house &1 Parla, EB, 

Beal Benjamin, 3d, ealeeman, 20 Hanover, house at 
E. Abington [est ave. 

Real Caleb Ge. ppg 4M, 18 School, hou-e 2 For- 

Real (harlee A. clerk, bos, 40 Winthrop, ward 14 

Beal Charles W. wharfiinger, B. & A. R.M. boards 
4 Tremont , 

Beal C, KR. architect, 81 Washington, room 14, 
b. at Lawrence | 

Real Edward F. boards 40 Winthrop. ward 14 

Beal Edward F-. clerk, seaeon-ticket office, 0. C. | 

R.K. boards at South Braintree 

Beal Fdwin W.( IF. Heal of Son), 1060 Tremont, 
hone 25 Glenwood 

Beal Elijah, 4) Cornhill, house 48 Grove 

Beal Eligaberh Mra, house Hotel Dartmouth . 

Beal &, Wardwell ( Nerton & Beal), 4) Merchants 
row, house at Waltham 

Beal Francis. express driver, house 6 Magazine 

Real Frank, moulder, boards ) FE. Cantou 

Beal Frank A. clerk, boards 48 Tremont 

Beal George, jr. (Suflolk Chemical Co,), 72 North 
Market, house at Coliasset {Hingham 

Beal George W. saleaman, 27 Winter, house at 

Beal George W.114 Blackstone, h. 20 Deeatur, E.B. 

Beal Hannah 5. widow, houre 2 Forest avenue 

Beal Henry, carpenter, house 47 Pleasant 

Beal Henry. watchman, boards ¥ Dor. ave. ward 16 

Bea) Henry EK. ( Hoag. Brown, if Treylor j, 00 Wush- 
ington, house 37 Ratland square 

Beal Heorv T. clerk, 46 Beach, bd«, 4S Tremont 

Beal Horace B, 1144 Washington, boards 100) do, 

Beal Jairus (Lincoln of Meal), tlour, &c, 124 Com- 
mercial, tons one . 

Beal James, printer, house Acponset avenue, opp. 
Taylor, word 16 2 . = 

Beal James A. engineer, BE. H. E. h. 2 Bremen 

Beal James A. Chauncy, bouse Blue-hill avenue, 
near Harvard 

Beal James H. president Second National Bank, 

Sears byllding. house 104 Beacon 
Beal James H. carpenter, house 821 Whehington — 
Beal Jatines M. h. Blue-hill ave. n. Harvard, wd. 16 
Beal Jolm H. carpenter and builder, 230 Cungress, 
house at Winter Hill | 
Beal John V. 3 Tremont, house at Rando'ph 
Beul Justus F. ¢ Willis 
market (cellar), house 170 Shawmut avenue 
Beal, Kendall, & Co. ( Benj. Beal, John T. Kendall, 
and J, Farmer), coppersmiths, 6 to 60 Merri- 


Beal Laban, apothecary, 40 Hanover, h, at Malden 

Beal Leander ( Miner, Heal, if Hackett), clothing, 
50 Chauney, house 2 Dartmouth 

Beal Levi, howe maker, house HM Eootia 

Beal Lewis \. calesman, 400 Washington, house 1 
Snelling place 

Beal Louisa W. dresstnaker, house 27 Carver 

Beal Mary A. dresemnaker, house Neponset avenue, 
on Taylor, ward 16 

Beal Michael, carpenter, boards 145 Harrison ave. 

Beal Samuel, teamster, 12 Milk, h. 482 EB, Seventh 

Beal Tarrant M. (Heal ¢ Puech), 44 Utica, house 

at Charlestown 
Beal Thacher Mre. widow, house 3445 Tremont 
Beal Thomas Prince, Seoond National Rank, house 
14) Bemeon 
Beal Warren 8. printer, house 54 East Seventh 
Bea) Wilbur F. ¢ Seal of Homer ),4 Chauney, house 
#2 Winthrop 
Beal Wiider & Son (Ee. W. Seal), groceries and 
rovielons, 1000 Tremont, house 1) Vernon 
Beal William, printer, 34 School, house 
avenue, on Taylor, ward 16 
Beal Witham LL. house 21 Bowdoin 


Beal & Hovper (Alerander Real, Geo. K. Hooper, 
and Elbridge Coffe), furniture, 3 and 4 Holmes 
block, Haymarket square 

| Hoaman George H. ( feaman Brot 


Boston [B] DIRECTORY. 

Beal & Paech (Tarrant M. Beal and Theodore 
Puech), cabinet makers, 44 Utien 

Beale James, foremah, 22 Cougress, house at Ne- 

oneet avenue, ward 16 

Beale Joseph H. real estate, 3 State, house Train, 
near King, ward 16 

Beale Oliver S insuranee agent, house 82 Thornton 

Beals Augustus, boots and shoes, 48 Hanover, h. at 
North Weymouth 

Beals A, H. boards at Charlestown 

Beals Caroline Miss, hows: 12 Melrose 

Beals Charles T. musle printer, 277 Waehington, 
house at Everett, Newtouville 

Beals Charles W. watchmaker, 173 Wueli. house at 

Beals’ Cohasset Express, 10 Court square 

Beals Columbus, architect, boards 0 Lyman 

Beala Edwin, mason, bourds 16 Tromtall — 

Beale Ellas S. (Minn, Meals, f Co.), 18 and 20 
High, house at Kast Weymouth | 

Beale Frederick, mariner, housed South Margin 

a Gen, evs (ifm, Beals if Son), 68 Pitta, howse 
17 Goue 

| Beal-, Greene, & Co, ( C. G. Greene, J. H. Benla.N, 

tf. (rreene, anal af, a. Heals ), publishers a Bos- 
tow Post,” 44 Devonshire 

Beols Harry, painter, house 46 Fayette 

Beals Hlenry M. 5 Comm'l, house at Somervilie 

Beals Jacob, luborer, howee 20 Lucha 

Heals James H. (Heals, Greene, f Co.), 44 Devon- 
shire, house at Brookline 

Beals John M. bookkeeper, house 59 Warren ave, 

Beale John W. trees. Mt. Pleasant Coal Co. a 
agent A. 'T. Stewart & Co. 110 Chauney, house 
ZIL Beacon | 

Beals Joshua G. (Heals, Greene, f Co.), 44 Devon- 

—— atilre, house 419 Beacon 

Beals J, J. clock manufacturer, 16 Hanover, house 
Bird-street place, ward 16 

Beals J. 0. jr. 1 Hanover, bda. Bird-st. pl. ward 16 

Beals Lury, widow, house 29 Salutation 

Heals Samuel G. 8. hatter, house B4 Bowen 

Heals Samuel J, clerk, 23 Comm'l, bh. at Hingham 

Beuls Thomas, music printer, 277 Waslington, b, 
Humphreys, newr Stoughton, ward 10 

Heals Win & Son (¢ George N, Heals), decorators, 
f8 Pitts, house 6 Windsor at Cam bridgeport 

Heals Wm. Mra. house 281 Dartmouth 

| Beals Wino , Custom House, house 3 Smith court 

Beale Wm, 0 Post building, house 15 Chester «quare 

Beals William H. bootmaker, boards Dorchester 
avende, corner Mt. Vernon, ward 16 

Beaman Ano. widow, house 14 Hanover avenue 

Beaman A, W. Mra. house 40 [ndiann 

Beaman Hrothers (George WH. and Nathaniel P.), 
commission merchants, £0 State 

Beaman Elizabeth M. widow, dressmaker, house 
Heal), 2 Faneuil Hall 

430 Harrison avenue 
Beaman Frank, «table, Paneeways h. 7 Leverett 

. ef ra), 2 State, 
hoaurnda at Cambridge 
Beaman Geo, O, salesman, 88 North, bh. £2 Clifford 
Beaman Loulee, widow, honee 19 Common 
Beaman Nathaniel P. (feaman Brothers), 230 
 -« State, boards at Cambridge | 
Beaman‘Nellje. house 26 Portland _ [School 
Beaman Wm. W. ( Shinner & [average denorlat, 0 
Bean Aaron H. pres. F. H. Inshrance Co. 23 State, 
Tr 16 house 81 Ser pdt ag [Glenwood pl. 
Bean Aaron P. aaleaman, 1200 mont, house 2 
Bean Achaah Mra. house 1180 Washington 
Bean Albert, teamater, boards 1180 Washington 
Bean Aan 8. boarde 15 Oxford 
Bean Benjaman F. real estate. house 16 Cedar 
Hean Benj. L. aail maker, 24 N. Market, h. 7 Minos 

| Bean Chas. clork, 14 Merchants row. li, 1180 Wash. 
Bean Charles E photographer, 1860 Wah, h. do, 

Bean Charles E. porter, 45 Com. bids. at Cambridge 

Hean Charles F, mason, boards 550 Shawmut ave. 

Bean Charles 1. driver, E, Boston Express Co, bda, 
T Bockingbam , 

Rean Chas. H. porter, 59 Com. bds, at Charlestown 

Bean Charles L. clerk, 14 Mlack-tone. house T Minot 

Bean Daniel, bartender, boards 249 D. 

Bean Danie! G. (C. I. Cummings q Co.), 46 Com- 
mercial, house at Cheleon 

| | | Bean D L. baker. 104 veobridge- h. ot Charlestown 
Beal & Homer (JF. F. Heal and Geo, Homer), | Beau Edwin E. agent Consollda 

tc ted Wax Thread 
 Bewlng Machine Co. 60 Manover, h. 20 Upton 

Bean Frank. paddler, boarda J Wadielgh place 

Bean Frank, machinist, 38 Chardon, house 


BURDITT & WILLIAMS, {°° Soccn'acrgenatr ote 


Bean Frank A. calker, house 31 Lowell 
Bean Frank J. clerk, 87 State, boorda 2 Bowdoin 
Henan Fred RK. clerk, 16 Portland, bds §1 Balnbridge 
Bean George, boards 1189 Washington 
Bean George H. machiniat, h. Clapp, r. 174 Seventh 
Bean George L. aaleaman, 5 India wharf, house at 
Weet Newton 
Bean Geo W. clerk. 206 State, boards 47 Clifford 
Bean Harrie 8. (Conant ff Jeon), 66 F. A. Murket, 
hese at Charlestown 
Bean Henry, W geotant 56 Wash. houre 63 Church Beardsley William, Jaster, house 17 Trenton [port 
Bean Henry G. engineer, house Taylor, near Water, | Bearse Ansel L clerk, S71 Wash. bde. at Cambridge- 
ward 16 [Woodbine | Bearse Austin, Custom House, h. 8 Mechnnies place 
Bean Henry 6 clerk. 40 Btate, room 34, house 44) Bearse Charles B. expressman, bde 32 Decatur 
Bean Henry 8 clerk, 2) Broad, boarda § Weasley pl. | Bearse Charlea F. clerk, boarda 18 Willard place 
Bean Hiram P. mason, hose 455 Shawmut avende | Bearee David H, clerk, N. E. corner F. W. market, 
Bean Homer M. baggage minster, 8. & A. KK, h, boards 31 North Bennet 
| 20 Wa | Rearee D Bo omachiniat, house 114 Landon, E.B. 
Bean leanc. card maker, 25 Vale, boards 7 Marcella) Hearse Edwin W. restaurant, 226 Commercial, h. 1 
Bean Ivory, bollder and contractor, order-box 17 Hall place 
Court, house 676 Tremont Bearse E. Lewle, clerk, boarda 05 Princeton 
Bean Ivory, jr. 220 Friend, boards 676 Tremont Bearse Frank H, & Co. grocers, 152 Eliot, h. BG 
Bean ‘ncob, inaurance broker, 26 Devonehire, bda.| Hearse Frank H restaurant, clgare and tobacco, 
nt Haverhill N.E. cor. F. H. market, h. at Cambridgeport 
Bean sumos, carpenter, honae 157 Shawmut avenue | Hearee George G. clerk, 250 Federal, house at Barn- 

Beard Wichard. laborer. honse rear 32 Ontario 
Beard Robert. laborer. h. Bennington, cor, Bremen 
Beard Thomas, steam pump maker, h. 45 Tileston 

Beard William, machinist, bde. 329 Tremont 
Beards Thomas. machiniat, houee 43 Tileaton 
Beardalve Edgar A. telegrapher, 45 Siate, boards ot 

Ma'den [Unrriaon ave. 
|~Bearideley G,W., Wash, cor. Hayward place. h, T22 

Beardelty Hattle A. ladies’ hairdresser, 32 Winter, 

boards 14 Tndiana 

Bean James, clerk, boards 1150 Washington ainble [Bradford 
Bean James M (Samuel Walker df Co.J, 3) Indla,| Rearse George TT. clerk, 42 Hanover, boards Hotel 
house at Watertown Bearse John S. (i. Bearse & Co.), 150 Commercial, 
Bean James W. clerk, F. RO. house at Lowell house at Bornatable y 
Bean John, bootmaker, 39 Merchants row, house at | Bearse Lincoln B. (Omen Rearse f Co.), 250 Fed- 
Chelsea eral. houwee at Barnetable 
Bean John. brase moulder, bia, 571 Warr. ave. Bearee Lucille Mra. house 15 Swallow 
Bean Jolin, lotorer, h. Green, n, Columbia. wd. 14 | Bearse Owen & Co. (2, fF. and S. Bearae), lomber 
Bean John, baggage master, B. & A. ER. bda. and staves, 250 Federal, h. at Barnstable [16 
20 Wa Chirlestown | Bearse (wen, jr. clerk, 250 Federal. h. Lincoln, wd. 
Bean Join © baker. 18 Green and 41 Portland, h, at | Bearse KR, & Co, (7. 8. Hearse). oila, 150 Commer- 
Bean John D. teamater, 18 Clinton, h. at Charlea- clal. hoards 2 Bowdoin 
town Rearee Sarah Mise. tencher. bde. 74 E. Broad way 
Bean John D. messenger. Boston Five Centa Sav- | Bearee Sylvester (fen Beorese & Co.), 250 Fed- 
Ings Bank, 38 School, house at Everett eral, hove at Barnstable . 
Bean John BE, elerk, 109 Court, house at Chelsea Bearse Sylvester. jr. ( Hallett ff Hearse). 61 Lincoln 

Bean John H, police atation 6, house 622 EB. Fifth , boards 20 Edinboro’ 
Bean Jotin Q. A. gen. Eustern agent, C. B, and Q. | Bearse Thomas M, & Co. contractors, bds. 152 Broad 
BR.R "6 Washington, houee nt K. ¥. Bene Ty. A clerk. Shawmut arene, corner Weeet 
Bean]. Henry, tailor and genta’ fornishing goods, Canton. bosrda 396 Meridian 
408 Washington, house at Bomeryille Bearse . printer, Donrds 2/ Uansoway 
Bean Loules M. widow, house 3 Wadleigh place Beasley John H. laborer, house 6 Metropolitan pl. 
Bean Lucetta F. seat, teacher, Lewis School, house | Beatiamyer Ulrich, confectionery, bh. 20 Conant 
16 Cedar Beaton John, carpenter house 40 Maverick, E.B. 
Bean Mary E. Mra. house 2 Euatla Beattle Arthur, clerk, bourda 5 Davis 
Rean Moses, shoemaker, boards 347 Tremont Reattle George, waiter, house 147 eloely : 
Bean Nicholas J. clothing, 10 usd 12 North, house | Beattie George, fruit dealer, boards 4 Edgerly pl. 
<< Bice, FAIL GaNGe Beattie James, carpenter, house Faller. ward 16 
Bean Paria, mason, boards 3 Senra place Beattle John A, 290 Washington, bds. 5 Duvis 
Renan Patrick, house r. 255 Causeway Beattie William A. insurance agent, 22 Kilby, bds. 
Bean Patrick, laborer. house 23 Nawn . Norfolk House 7 | : : 
Bean Patrick F. cabinet maker, ious: 18 Bpring | Beatiy Martin, mason, house 474 Columbus avenge 
Bean Russell T. police station 2 h. 47 Lawrence Beatty Michael, blackemith, h. r. 54 W, Broadway 
Bean Beth, roller, boards 3 Wadleigh place Beatty Michael, laborer, house 15 Gold 
Rean Thomas, laborer, house rear 270 Friend — Beatty Patrick, laborer. house d Ontario-#t. place 
Bean Thomne ©. switchman, B. & A. RR. hb. 151 D | Beatty Robert, Instrument maker, h. 2 Milton 
Bean Wesley P, agent, People’s One Price Store, | Beatty Sarah B. Mrs, nurse, 1669 Wash. house do. 
12 9’'Tremont, house 123 Vernon Beaty Michael, laborer, house 91Gold (toga. EAE. 
Bean Wiiliam E. (/tean G} Hadiwen ), 150 Tremont, | Beary William L. bootmaker, 30 Clark, h. 249 Sara- 
house at Somerville ~ Pr R ied 2% te Ls ees 40 Sears buliding, house at Ja- 
van & Hadwen (William E. Bean and fraac Rt, rmalea Fain TT 
Bee adwoen), a and domestic fruits, 150 Tre-| Beaumler Charles, hairdresser, h- 7 Lowell ct, 
aa 3 reer Toho; harness Rian h Tig eas v=o 
Francie T. Mra. hovee 187 Harrison avenue PAU EC}OUT Rl ward, preesman, n. es 5 
pape George, lasorer, house 040 Harrison avenue | Beaven Thomas 5. cigars, ke, 7 Dorchester ave. 
Beurce Horace M. merchant. rae bb tnge aq: g nai ae riner, house 44 Phillips 
anree José’ _ exp ‘iver, house 767 Shuw- | Beaver Franels. mariner. ho <— | 
mabiee Joaepne a exprese driver | Bebridge David, laborer, houae 3 Webstercourt _ 
Beard Alanson W. (Beard, Moult-n. ‘G Co.), 21) Becheror Briedolin, locksmith, 161 Albany, Hosiis 
Chauney, bouse 618 Columbus avenue aif Tremont ad " 
dake UNE ee Wr salesman, 21 Chauncey, bds. 618) Reck A M. travelling agent, 92 State, b, 140 Athens 
Columbus avenue Hird-st. place | Beck Krotners ( Frederick and James), brokers, lo 
Beard Charles, overseer. N.Y. ae EK. Be bda u St aaa room & tinaker, hi 3a Lawrence 
er inet er, 8) Caureway, bonee at eck BIGAnor MPS. CAT PEM » ana ce ha ae 
oe eading Satine mak , [town | Beck E Shirley, clerk, 174 frase: hoa at Newton 
teard Kdewin M. clerk, 495 Wash. bde. at Charles- Highlands sia LER ere 
Heard George Ws engineer, roome 327 Hanover Bock Frederick (Beck Brothers). 15 Devonshire, 
Reard John C. boards 38 Hanson se F maga, tind ad gon com, mer. 27 Doaney. 
eard Joseph, moulder, boards 26 Swan noua at New harry po . | 
Hourd J. Wallace, 21 Chauney, b. . re Columbos ave. | Beck = . Son / she os aaa auctioneers, 164 Tre- 
ecard Margaret, widow, honse 5 Colony Fre as el Rely ug da bh hae ena 
Beall Mouhon! & Co (A.W. Beard, C, C. Moul-| Beck Henry J oculist. h. 36 Windsor 
ton, R. P. Goddard, H. C. Bine, and E. FP.) Beck Tgoatius Mra, house 51 Middlesex 
Milter), wholesale clothing, 21.Chaoney (ham | Beck Jucob, brewer, h. 6 Conant lone 
Beard P, conductor, B. L. & N. RR. h. at Stone, Beck Jnmes f Beck Hrothera), 16 De HOAs HORE 
Beard Richard. barkeeper, boards 5 Colony | 2 Chestnut 


BRADFORD & ANTHONY, fxo28eteashington st, CHetatmmnne $ CULLERY, 


Beck James A (Lewis Beck f Son), Boston wharf, 

shove 16) A 

Beck John, clerk, 1277 Tremont, boards do, 

Beck Jobn, teamster, house 21 Haymarket pl. 

Beck John F. baker, h, 1190 ‘Tremont 

Beck John H, Boston wharf, h, at Newton 

Beck John 8. ( Beck g& Irving), 3% Sudbury, house 
At Medford 

Beck Judson L. michinist, h. Franklin ct. ward 16 

Beck Lawrence, boards 35 Besex 

Beck Lewis & 8o0n (James H_), coopers, weighers, | 

_ find gaugers, Boston wharf. h. 161 K 

Beck Michael. laborer, house 45 Pitts 

Beck M. E Miss, teacher private school. 1 Byron, 

— house 127 Pleasant fat Brighton 

Reck Samuel. foreman painter, 439 Albany, house 

Beck Walter P.( G. Beck f Son), 164 Tremont, and 
{MN A. Moses f Ca, ), 139 Court. tds. at Milton 

Reck William, cabinetmaker. bds. 108 Merrimac 

Reck William, machinist, hone 14 Orange 

Beck William Mra, house 137 Pleasant 

Beck & Erving (./ §. Beck and R M Erving), 

sign and ornamental palntera, 30 Sudbu ry 
Becke! & Wolff (N. ¥_), fancy goods, 241 Wash. 
Becker Andrew, polisher, bd». 630 Washington 
Becker Auguet, shoemaker. 253 Harrison avenue, 
house 488 Hanover 
Becker Catherine, house 13 Coventry 
Becker Chas. J. 247 Washington, house do. 
Becker Cliristopher, varnisher, house 4 Reed's ct. 
Becker Christopher, boarding house, 686 Wash. 
Becker Conrad, laborer house (49 Hurrison ave. 
Becker C. John, cigar manuf, h, 131 Gold 
Becker Edward, confectionery. h.r.42 Heath [TT 
Becker Edward <A. ¢lerk. 32 India, b. 4 Reeds ct. B. 
Becker Ernest, baker, Bennington, cor. Porter, E. 
EB. house do. 
Becker Ernest, 47 Eliot, house 12 Melrose 
Becker George, 37 West, boarda 42 New Henth 
Becker George C. servant. h. 3 Revere-street place 
Becker Henry, laborer, boards 100 Portland 
Becker lguatius (Johan Becker ¢& Son) cigarmoaker, 
50 Newland, boarda do, 0 East Flghih 
Becker Jacob, lager beer, 1794 Washington, house 
Becker John (J. f J. Berry ¢ Co.), 68 Cornhill, 
house 92 Lexington, E. B. : 
Becker John & Son (Jgnatiua), clgarmakera, 665 
Beeker Joseph, elgar manufacturer, h. 19 Trambull 
Becker Joseph, roller, house 65 Middle 
Becker Lovis, machinist. bds. 17 Malden 
Becker Otto, at sugar-house, house 62 Lexington 
Becker Theodore, musician, h. 56 Carver 
Beeker Theodore 8, tasselmaker, h. 4 Woodward 
Becker William, cabinetinaker, h, 1207 Tremont 
Becker William, driver, bda. 8 Portland 
Beckerhaue David, fresco painter, house 32 Russell 
| Ince, ward 16 [Sule 
Beckerman William H. 12) Woehtegiee heorda at 
Beekert Anton, taller, 198 Lincoln, h, 506 E, Seventh 
Best ti (hark 1 (Allen, Leavitt, g& Co.Jj, 36 Sud- 
bury. h. at Cambridgeport 
Beckett Hannah B. varlety store, 94 Carver. h, $4 do, 
Beekett J, Merrill, clerk, 4 Hanover, h. at Melrose 
Beckett Joseph L. printer, house 1) Warrenton 
Beckford Amo jr. clerk, 4 Union, house at Lynn 
Beckford Charles Fi. clerk, 20 India, bourda at 
Charlestown (house at Charlestown 
Beckford Daniel R. (Stickney g Poor), 20 India, 
Beckford Ebenezer, type caster, h. 1 Lombard pl. 
Beckford E. 5, locksmit 
Beckford John W. carpenter, house 215 Saratoga 
Beckford Willinm, expresaman, bds. 1 Lombard pl. 
Beckford, eve Bickford [house 83 Ball 

Beckhard Samuel A. (P. Lyone & Cu. ). 480 Waal. | 

Beckler Albion P. teamster, h. 2 Preacott pl. 

Beckler A. ©. forniture mover, order bur, 1426 

ence Charles H. clerk, 190 Canal, b. 349 Tremont 

eckler Churles M. teamater, 102 Dover, house 

50 EB. Beventh 

Beckler Daniel W. builder, EK, cor. Fifth. wharf 
100 Lehigh, b. 143 K [. Sixth 

Beckler Frank M. foreman, 100 Lehigh, house 60 

Beckler liver 0. carpenter, h. Bickford 

Beckley John T. Rev. bda. Coolidge House 

Beckman Adolph, house § Church [Nagenu 

Beckman F,.J, Mrs. copyist, 19 Tremont, boards 10 

Beckmon Gilbert G, woodturner, h. 87 Green 

Beckman John LD. hairdresser, 54 ‘Temple pl. house 

‘#1 Middlesex 

Beckman Joseph, bds. § Church 

(Newland, h. do. 

h, 6 Beach, b. 13 La Grunge | 

‘Boston [B] DIRECTORY. 

Beckmann G. H. J. harnegamaker, 62 La Grange, 
house 36 New Henth 
Beckonert Hammond. stonecutter, bh. 25 Tromball 

Beckwith Augustus, solesman, b. 217 Sarata 

Beckwith George, draughtaman, bda. § Bon 
Beck with George ©, Mra, house 1 Pine 

Beckwith Harvey J. police, h. 127 Hudson 

Beckwith Henry M. bookkeeper, bds, 39 Sharon 

Beckwith Kufus H. express messenger, h, 19 Preble 

Bedard F. BR. boards 16 Joy 

Bedard Louis T. painter, h. 9 Tremont avenue 

Bedee Edwin FE. bda. 720 ‘Tremont 

Bedee E, A. Miss. bds. Pavilion. 67 Tremont 

Bedee Olney D. clerk, H. KR. RK. office. 146 Mndley, 

 bds. 29 Vernon [East Medford 

Bedell Abial, stencil cotter, § Warhington, house at 

Bedell Addington D. lather, h. 12 Parmenter 

Bedell Chas. F. plasterer, h. 42 Dorchester avenue 

Bedell Charles H. hoarda 12 Oxford 

Bedell D. Pf. EF. Riveler f Co.) ren) eatate, 562 
Washington, h. at Wollaston Heights 

Bedell Elizabeth Mra. house 12 Oxfore 

Bedell W. Edgar ( Leach g Co.), 13 Brattle square 
boarda 58 Chambers 

Bedford Frederick, mason, bh, 142 Cabot 

Bedford Samuel, laborer, house 84 Bap siire 

Bedlington Charles B, bookbinder, 76 Budbury, hy 
Ae Old Harbor . 

Bedlington Samucl M. col. clerk, Globe National 
Bank. 40 State. house 63 Old Hurbor 

Bee Richard H. cook, bda, Sheridan House 

Bee Timothy, pattern maker, 65 Haverhill, house 1T 

Billerica (boards at Wakefleld 

Beebe Cyrus G. (Lucius Reebe), 9 Merchants Row, 
Beebe Decius, clerk, T4 Friend bds. at Wuketield 

Beebe Elisha P. livery and boarding stable, 305 
Meridian, h. 369 do. 

Beebe E. Pierson, 36 Temple pl. bh. 30 Beacon 

Beebe Henry, foreman, 115 Court, h, at Charlestown 

Btebe James M. & Co. 46 Temple pl. h. 50 Beacon 

Beebe Junius, clerk, 76 Friend, bda. at Waketield 

Beebe J. Arthur, 34 Temple pl, h, 186 Beacon 

Beebe Lucius. leather, 76 Friend, and cotton, 9 Mer- 

_ ehants Row, house at Wakefield ? 

Beebe Marcus, clerk, 76 Friend, bda, nt Wakefield 

Beebe William, musician, house 76 Brighton | , 

Beecher OCurleton, clerk, 100 Cross, boards Hotel 

Beecher George, engineer. h. Whitney, ward 15 

Beechor Laban 8. pres. Ciry Mutual Ineurance Co, 
1935 Waeblueton, h. 25 Linden Park 

Leecher Luther F.4 Merrimac, h. Hotel Dartmouth 

Beechey John EK, corkcutter, bda. rear 255 Saratoga 

Beechey Jolin KE, Mra, h. rear 238 Suratoga 

Beeching Kichord, jr. elerk, $0 Blackstone, boarda 
124 Vrineeton, E, B. 7 

Leeching Michird & Co. (Wim. Aeeching), corka, BO 
Binckstone, house 124 Vrinceton, BE. 6B. 

Kevching William (tt peocieg f Co.), 8% Block- 
stone, h. 117 Princeton, E. I 

Beehan Laurence F. window 

shades, 99 Court, hi. 
2 Warrevton 

Beekman William H, printer, house 72 Regent 
|~Beeler Andrew J. watchman, house 366 Chelsea 

Beeman Lydia Miss, acametress h. Granite, wd, 16 

Keema Charles, hostier, bda, 49 Endicott 

Beering Frederick W. carver. h. 57 Baxter 

Beers Charlea F, printer, 118 Wash. h. 76 Hodson 

evra Gieorge, shoemaker, b. Central House, E. B. 

Beera Henry C. clerk, 147 North, bds. 70 Clarendon 

Beers H. 8. printer, 6 Williams ct. bh. at Cambridge- 
port | 

Beers Jacob T. truant officer, basement Court 
House, boards 6 Cambridge | 

Beers J. M. (Arnold & Heers), publisher, 4 Studio 
Bulldluy. hooxe New London, Conn. 

| Beers Mary Mrs. house 423 Shawmut avenue 

Heers Romanus FE. clerk, house 3 Burrell place 

Begge Charlea J. machinist, house 61 Lenox — 

Beggs John, stonecutter, boards 20 East Dedham 

Beprs me da H. hatter, 623 Washington, h. 210 E 

Beg ey Michael, tailor, bourds 4 Phillips place 

Behan Frank, clerk, boards § Allston place 

Keban John, packer, house 28 Third 

Behan Thomas, porter, 116 North, h. r. 270 Friend 

Behnke Ferdinand, mariner, botse 172 Marion, E.B. 

Behr Herman, plano maker, 514 Wushington, house 
24 Weston 

Behrena Frederick (Ladd Bros., Behrens, 

Brigg’), 73 and 25 Fulton, house at Clielsea 
Beimer Francis H. cabinet maker, house 247 Athena 

Boston [}}] DIRECTORY. 

Bekkenhuis (John) & Eseman (Henry), copper: | 

emiths, 51 Way, h. 125 W. Fou . 

Belcher Alanson, boots and shoes, 102 Washington, 
house at Stoughton [house do. 

Belcher Almira Mra. variety store, Ta West Canton, 

Belcher Charles BR. window shades, &o., 45 Essex, h, 
at Chelsea [Shirle 

Belcher Daniel E. grocer, 153 Hampden, house fy 

Belcher Edmund kK. 10 Devonshire, b. at Randolph 

Belcher Edward, coal, house 25 Oxford 

Belcher Edward W. clork, G. & EG. 8. & M. Co. 1245 
Wishington, hovse at Medford 

Belcher Edwin 8. provisions, cellar, Blackstone, 
house at Kevere 

Belcher E. C, 149 Washington, house 34 Myrtle 

Belcher George W. boots and shoes, 42 Hanover, h. 
nt Stourchton 

Belcher G. B. trena, 14 Pemberton aq. h. at Randolph 

Belcher Henry ( Belcher ¢ Wilson), 54 Washington 
market, boards i Keyere place 

Belcher Hilos ©. tenamater, house 75 West Canton 

Belcher John, boots and shoes, 205 Hanover, house 
at Winthrop 

Belcher Nathanicl, house 44 Garden (Winthrop 

Belcher Orlando F. heel manuf, $15 North, house at 

Belcher Russell E. clerk, house 42 Leverett 

Belcher Warren E, carpenter, boards 100 Brooke _ 

Belcher William H. clerk, 1031 Washington, boards 
120 West Brookline 

Belcher & Wilson f/f. Belcher and J. A. Wilson), | 

rovisions, 4 Washington market 

. Belches D. M. 26 Avon, honse at Cambridge 

Belches John W. clerk, 17 Central, h. at Cumbridge 

Belding Charles H. clerk, 505 Hanover, h, at Cheleco 

Belding Edgar 8. clerk, 18 South Market 

Kelding John, provisions, 505 Hanover, h. at Cheleca 

Eid Sumner, bookbinder, 80 Stutc, house 49 W. 


Belfe James, ropemaker, house 4 West Sixth 

Belgard Philip, peddler, house 1076 Tremont 

Belgurde Surah, widow, house 1171 Washington 

Belier Alfred, cabinet maker, bide, 191 W. Broadway 

Beller Charlea L. caterer, Union Club, 8 Park, hb. 413 
Athens | [h. at Somerville 

Belknap Austin (feliap & Boynton), 1 Blackstone, 

Belknap Charles J, agent rubber stamps, 4 School, 
room §, house Norfolk, near Rh. RK. word 16 

Belknap Daniel A, teller, Mt. Vernon National Bank, 
LS Tremont, boards 2 Lollis place 

Belknap Elizabeth Mre«. house 3 Hollis place 

Belkoap H. 8. bookkeeper, 305 Washington, boards 

#6 Pemple | 

Belknap Joli Mra. house § Mount Vernon _ , 

Belknap Lyman & Co. 6 L. A. MHelhnap), produce, 12 
and 14 Clinton, house at Westboro’ 

Belknap Lyman A. (4. Belknap & Co.), 12 Clinton, | 

house Peorl, ward 14 

Belkoap Millx, 2) Washington 

Belknup & Poynton ( dustin feltnap and Wm. FR. 
fopnton ), our and produce, ] and 2 Blackstone 

Bell Aaron C. (8. f WF. Merriam df Co.), 40 South 
Market, house at Winchester 

Bell Alexander M. clerk, 20 Wash. bile. 16 Fayette | ee 
pew & Pollex (George Hell om? A. FE. Poller), 

Bell Amory, houee 360 Centre | 

Bell Andrew, fireman, East Sixth, cor. N, bda. Fifth 

Bell Andrew H, clerk, 110 Court, bda. 95 Chambera 

Bell A.D. 8. ¢1F. G. Bell & Co.J, 48 and 50 Com’, 
house at Jamaica Plain’ [ton, bas, do. 

Bell A. Graham, teacher of deaf mutes, 35 W. New- 

Bell Charles H. painter, 477 Tremont, h, 30 Clarendon 

Bell Clara E. asat. teacher Hancock School, 
Lexington | | | 

Bell Edward Mra. widow, house 36 Ash 

Bell Edwin A. clerk, boards 84 Harrison avenue 

Bell Eliza, widow, house 11 London 

Tell Frank H. board’ 54 Melrose 

Bell Frederick, ship broker, 22 T wharf, boards 26 

Bell George (ely Poller), $1 Commercial, h, WOK 

Bell Geirge, carpenter, at Globe Theatre 

Bell George, laborer, house 44 Milton | 

Bell George (fell Dyer), painter, r. 43 Howard, 
house KE. Seventh, between M and N 

Bell George E. (Gray f #.), proprietor City Hotel, 
6 Brattle, and (Gray, Hell, f° Bailey), Wilde's 

Bell George H, stable, 10 N. Bennet, h. 1§ Charter 

Bell George M. mason, house 18 Charter 

Bell George W. machinist, house 19 Porter 

Bell George W. 86 State, louse at Malden | 

Bell G. W., Danvers express, 3 Washington ond 17 

[Oxford | 

| Bellows Cliurles F. f Gry, . 


Bell Henry, walter, house rear 42 Grove 

Bell Henry, panier house 36 Causeway 

Bell Henry, boards 2 Chestnut avenue 

Bell Henry 8. & Co, children's carriage manuf. M 
pene house at Chelsca 

Bell H. F. Miss, private achool, 302 Dudley, bda. do, 

Bell Isaac, gunsmith, boards 15 Chelaen 

| Bell Jacoh 5. muriner, house 6 Carroll place 

Bell James, blacksmith, house 65 Marion, E.R. 

Bell James, laborer, house 4 Union court 

Bell James A. carpenter, Broad, cor. Oliver, house 
fod East Seventh 

Gell James 5G, ma | public and commissioner for 

all States and ‘Territories, 12 Old State House, 
house 271 Dudley 

Bell James E. clerk, 102 Blackstone 

Bell James W. painter and decorator, 477 Tremont, 
house 144 Castle | | 

Bell John & Co. ( William H. Pell), coal and wood, 
2) Causeway, house at Enst Somerville 

Bell John, gasftter, house 64 Melrose 

Bell John, dentist, 120 Tremont, house at Chelsea 

Bell John, laborer, house 243 Federal 

Bell John, conclinan, house 4 Village 

Bell John, plasterer, house 1458 ‘Tremont, ward 15 

Hell John A. conductor, B. & P. BR. RB. howee 5 Davia 

Bell John D, block maker, bda. 117 Meridian, E.B. 

Bell Joseph, ps er hanger, house 1 Babney place 

Bell Joseph ¢ APTS 80 Waahington, house Nor- 
folk, near the depot, ward 16 

Bell Joseph J. bookbinder, honse 268 Bowen 

Bell J. Al. Mra. house 79 Charles 

| Bell Margaret, widow, boards 519 Enst Sixth 

ell Margaret, widow, veet maker, house 6 Parkman 

Bell Maryary widow, honse O78 Charles 

Bell Maxwell, boards 16 Fayette 

Bell M. P, teameter, 622 Washington, h. 5 Oak place 

Bell Perele D, Misa, house T4 Appleton 

Bell Peter B. house 28 Grove 

Bell Richard, esloon, 40 Prince, house do. 

Bell Mobert, laborer, house 3 Strong place 

Bell Robert, foreman, honee City lot, Shawmot ave, 

Bell Robert G. 48 Commercial, house wt Somerville 

Bell Samuel, machinist, house 4 Russell place 

Bell Samuel P. clerk, 4 North, bh. at Charlestown | 

Hell Stratford R. printer, 31 State, bds. tv N. Riseell 

Hell Theodore H. bootea and shoes, 1 Washington, 
house 22 Mount Pleasant avenue 

Bell Thomas F. builder, howse 115 Af 

Bell Willlam Mra. grocer, 125T Tremont, h. 1255 do. 

Hell William, boards 3 Newbern place 

Bell William, laborer, honse 44 Commercial 

| Bell Wiliam TD. blacksmith, house 58 Garden 

Bell William TD). Mra. house 802 Dudley 

Bell William F. expressmun, 31 Devoushire, house 
Tos Bhawmut avenue | . 

Bell William G. & Co. (4. ". 8, Hell), provisions, 
48 and 50 Comoe to), honse at Charlestown — 

Hell Peete The Bell qe Co.), 266 Causeway, bd, 
at Host Somerville ; 

Bell William &, shipwright, house 6 Bhawmut 

Bell & Dyer (George Hell and Albert W. Dyer), 
painters, rear 43 Howard 

riggers, d1 Commercial _ 

Bellamy K. J. & Cu. sg be Wileon Sewing Muchine, 
622 Washington, house 6 Madison block, 705 
Washington | [Boylston 

Bellamy Kk. W. bookkeeper, 622 Wash. bds. Hotel 

Bellamy William, importer fancy goods and station- 

house 61 S th 42 Bromfield, house 34 Staniford 

aas Jolin G. waiter, boards 4 Strong place 
Bellew William, grocer, #40 Shawmut avenue, h. do. 
Belleze] Giovanni, fruit stand, boards 100 North 
Bellezel Paolantonio, fro stand, house 100 North 
Bellezei Vincenzo, harper, boards 109 North 
Bellhouse Margaret Mra. confectioner, 807 Tremont, 
house 37 Northfield 

Bellis T. 8. & Canal, house at Waltham 

Bellivesu Augustué, laborer, honse 42 North = 
Bellivenu sigetroi, com. mer. 47 Com’l. h. 450 W, 
Fourth | 
Bello S, C. counsellor and teacher of languages, 
house 4 E. Brookline 
Bellows A. F. artist, 4 wt Hale. house do. 
anzon, g Co ), Fulton, 

cor. Cross, house 37 Hanson Pepperell 

| Bellows Christopher W., Custom House, house at 

Bellows Daniel B. clerk, 31 North Market, boords 
10 Dix fan ‘Chickatawbut, wd. 16 
ellows Eli HK. carpenter. h. Neponset avenue, opp. 

want CUTLER .} BRADFORD & ANTHON Y,3 ru atcume of ante § Boylston Bt. 


Boston [8] DIRECTORY. 

Bellows Fred. §. ¢ Dutfon, MeClearn, § Co.), 171) | Boubens Hi. W.75 State, house 75 Hancock (Gen, 

Tremont, house 4 ftollins 


Bellows Henry C. clerk. 27 Winter, louse 126 Eliot Benbardt Albert, blacksmith, howse rear 14 Avon 

Bellows, John 8. 19 Kilby, howee at Charlestown 

place, Ward 15 

Bellows J. M. plano maker. 514 Wash. h. at Medford | Benjamin F-. J. conductor, boards 1670 Wash. 

Bellows Rofus, chocolate maker. house Wash, near 
the bridge. ward 16 [ Market, h. 10 Dix pl. 

Bellows William W. (fellows ¢& Harding), 31 N. 

Bellows & Raiae (ifm. W. Aellows, and Wm. 

_ IF. Harding). Iiquors, &e, 41 N. Market _ 

Bellttear Joho GB. hatter, house 44 Madison place, 
rear 708 Washington | 

Relmer John. blacksmith, house 52 Lexington 

Belmont John, clerk, house 12 Acton 

Beloin John. blackemilth. house 3 Market place 

Beloise Henry H. clerk, 50 Cambridge, h. 91 Tyler 

Relser William F. carpenter, house 50 Gray 

Belt Charles B. physician. 471 W. Broadway, hb. do. 

Belt John FP. mason and whitewu-her, house rear 

467 W. Broadway 

Belt and Leather Stuffing Co. 47 India _ 

elton Stephen, fisherman, bourds 49 W. First 

Helton Thomas, etonecutter, house 109 W, Nioth 

Helven David Ww. laborer, boards420 Saratoga 

Belyea Joseph, tish inspector, 6 Commerce, house 

at Charlestown 

Relvea Robert J. ‘nier, house 7? Marion 

Helyea Wm. 8. laborer, house 420 Saratoga 

Relyer Lawrence W. coachman, bds.11 Lowell 

Bement J. A. 33 Sammer. boards at Chel-ea 

Bemis Augustine S. (Leland, Rice, g& Co.), 20 

 Chaunev. house 75 Waitham 

Briols Carrie E Mrs. house 61” Shawmut avenue 

Remls Chas. E. clerk, 371 Wash. hb. at Waltham 

Bemis Edwin C, carpenter, house 18 Gardner 

Bemis Emery, leaftobacoo nud luspector, 7 Lodla 
Wharf, house at Grantville 

Bemis Kroery, jr. 7 Indla wharf, bds. at Grantville 

Bem's Eugene, baker, 06 Wash, and 50 Dearborn, 
housce 55 do, 

Bemls Eugene E.. 26 Centra) wharf, b. 1 Crescent pl 

Bemi« Francis T. (Bigelow, Kennard, f Co.), 211 
Washington, house 1% W, Canton 

Bemis George, music teacher, 106 Court, house at 

Bemi« Georges W. music teacher, 106 Court, boards 
200 West Springtleld [Broadway 

Bemis Heory J. ladies’ sulta, 209 Avon, house 257 

Bemis Horace, eteward, Boston Hotel, bds. do. 

Themis Isane, bookkeeper, 20 Wel, bodes, 66 Green 

Bemis Jolin, laborer, house Walnit-+t et. ward 16 

Bemis John W. yeep! house (4 Kendall 

Bemla Judson M, (Bemis ff Mrown), 168 Milk, 
house at Newton 

Bemis |wonard, house @ Lowell 

Bemis Maria, widow, house 17 Nochester 

Kemls Mary, widow, house 1] Bouthue place 

Bemis M) Melvin, clerk, 148 Hanover, bouse 619 
Shawmut avenue 

Remia Richard; porter. 100 State | | 

Bemis Sumuel, engineer, houre Chelsea, n. Brooks 

Tents William A. printer, hoards 0 Green 

Homie Win. WH. couchman, house 7 Plympton 

Bemis Wim, W.33 Summer, h. at Wollaston Heights 

Bemils & Brown (J. M, femia and £, J, Brown), 
nerclinuts, 109 Milk : 

Benard Paul (C. Baeumler df Co.). hairdfesser, 
Tremont house, boards 127 Piorkney 

Henari Jacob. 993 Wash, house 125 Dartmouth 

Denarl Joseph, shoes, 419 Wash, h. 125 Dartmouth 

Benel Patrick Mre. house 147 Charlestown 

Bene*ley Maria B, teacher, letersilea’s school, 

A Wash. bdo. 5 Sharon 

Reneker Adam, laborer, hiquxe 6 Rockingham ct. 

Renden John Joe. teamster, boorde 129 Gold 

Henden Martin, laborer, house i0 Gold 

Rendon Wm. A, teamater, boards La Gold 

HRender George, boards (0 Church 

Bender Kichurd W. manager Hoston Sugdr Refin- 

ery. house 29 White | rimouth 

Bendix John H. shawls, 14 Bromfield, house 7] 

Bonediot Chambers, 4 Spruce . 

Benedict Constant F. carpenter, i. 14 Edgerly 

Tene alee Panny E. widow, house Adame, n. 

Regediet Henry L clergyman, bt. 22 Staniford 

Beoedlet James, confectionery, 19 Harrison ave. Bennett James 

beatles 12 Oliver place 

house 1k Kenningtou 
| Bennett George W. Prowler 

Mill, | Bennett 

Benjamin John, teamster, tds, 260 Lexington 
Benjamin & Vaughin, Malden Express, 5 and 34 
Court square and 4 Wash. 
Reon Alfred, laborer, house #) Maverick square 
Hein James C. ins. agent, 163 Tremont, house at 
Charlestown town 
Benn John, clerk, 74 Commercial, bd«, at Charles- 
Kennard Gustave. watchmaker, 0 Wash, 
Hennclecher Joseph, shoemaker. h. 3 Fifth-st. pl. 
Kenner Rdward A. teamater, h, 149 Chelsea, EB. 
Kenner Edwin, 1 Commercial wif ti. at Chelsea 
Leoner Enoch & Co, (J. Hf. eget oon Oe com, mer, 
1 Commercial wharf, house at Chelsea 
Heoner Enos, laborer, boards 3 Eaton place 
Benner Gilbert A. clerk, 7 North Market, boards 
64 Climbers 
Bentier G. M bonnet-bleacher, 610 Wash, h. do. 
Benner Horace B, clerk. 50 North Market, boards 
20 Chardon | 
Benier James AH. driver M. R. RR. house 347 Merl- 
dian, ET. [188 Harrison ave, 
Benner J, Wesley, bookkeeper, 77 Kingston, bd, 
he ee Ww. | cer omy beg: ©. S| Chambers 
toher Lorenzo DO. paper baga, &e, lee Dudley, 
house 12 do. one houre 150 Albany 
Benner Thowas I. baggage-maater, BH. & A. KR. EK. 
Bennet Charles H. car-builder, B. & A. ER. EK. 
house 2) Curve 
Rennet Charles H. jr. machiniat, boards % Curve 
Kennett Anron A. house 70 Dover 
Bennett Altred M. clerk, Shawmul ave. cor. Dover, 
bourds Milton ave. near Norfolk, ward 16 
Bennett Andrew J, police station 4, h.4 May pl. 
Kennett Andrew W.machiniet, h. 3 Sanford place 
Heanets A. G. Mra. carpetinaker, liouse 28 Dexter 
Rennett A. J. mariner, house 44 Webster avenne 
Rennett A. T. piano tuner. boards 22 Bowdoin 
Leone Bertard, shoemaker, 121 Court, house at 
Cambridgeport bert, ward 15 
Bennett B. FF. statloner, 374 Wash. liouse 30 Lam- 
Kenoett Charles, house 44 W. Cedar 
Reonett Charles, boards Harrison ave, 
Bennett Charles, clerk, 1 Commerce, bda. 10 Minot 
Kennett Charles, express driver, houee 10 Oneida 
Bennett Charles F. 77 Linealn (Chelsea, E.B. 
Bennett Charles G, gateman, E.B. ferry, louse 156 
enoett Charles H & Co, bankers and brokers, 12 
State, house 54 W, Cedur 
Aennett Charles M. lawyer, 5 Court 
BRenoett Clark, ins. agent, 6 Court, hb. at Bomerville . 
Kennett Cynthia. widow, house 1 Poplar 
Kennett C. W Mrs. howse 107 Mt. Vernon ~ 
Bennett David E. miller, house 24 Everett, E.B. 
Kennett David S. cablnetmaker, h. 4 E. Canton 
Bennett Edmund H. lawyer, 30 Court, room 7, 
howe at Teunton 
Rendert Rdward. carpenter, howe 19 Rollins 
Bonnett Edward, laborer, house 174 W. Serond 
Heninet! Geo, draw-tender, h, 100 Cambridge 
Bennett Geo, A. music printer, 23 Water — 
Bennett George E. ( C. £. Halif Co.), 101 Haver- 
——sW, boose at Somerville 
Bennett Geo. S. grocer, house 147 Marion, E.B. 
ennett George W. dry goods, 43 Central square, 

; if Bennett ). 35 Broad, 
house at Charlestown [hds. 585 E. Ninth 
Hennett Geo. Wm, clerk, 2 Pemberton *q. room 3, 
Bennett Gilbert, sailmaker, bourda 30 Howard 
Bennett Harriet, widow, house 0) E. Canton 
Bennett Garry, salesman, 246 Woah boards 12 In- 
(inna place 
Renwett Henry B. 40 Court aq bde. S Maban pl. 
Bennett Henry U. saleaman, 52 Canal, bda. Qoiney 
House [Somerville 
Bennett Irvin M. bookkeeper, 49 Charlestown, h, ot 
Bennett 1, N. planomaker, boarda T) Dover 
James (fennetf, Rand, f Co.), 19 N 
Market, house at Cheleca 
Kennett James, ayant house 131 W, Rroadway 
| H. bookkeeper, 27d Wash, house 
fa. Euet Ninth 

Benedict William G. (Denny, Rice, & Co.), 14) Hennew James H. ( Rennett, Rand, f Co.), 19 N, 

Hamilton, house 11 Warren avenue 
Benedict & Buruham Mannaf, Co. 44 Sudbary 

Market, house at Cambridyeport 
Bennett James H. milkman, boards 4 Bennington 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, |S ehgreutsso't 0 Sevectens em 


Bennett James 8, teameter, B. & 4 h i. 
boards at Charlestown ma rh Ore 
Bennett Jane, widow, house 32 Ivanhoe 
Bennett Jeremiah, laborer, house 298 Federal 
Bennett John, Aliter, house 82 Oa wen 
Bennett John A. hats, &c, ¥8 Union, house 6 Mont- 
gomery pl 
Bennett John ©. planomaker, h. Milton ay. wi. 16 
Bennett John F. salesman, 20) State, house rear 6 
W hite 
Bennett Jonas, cashler Third Nutional Bank, 63 
Btate. house at Cambridyeport | 
Bennett Joseph, machiniat, house 299 Lexington 
Bennett Joseph, clerk, 6 Central wharf, boards 4 
Dartrnouth pl. 
Bennett Joseph, lawyer, 19 Court, house at Brighton 
Bennett Joseph, ftoor-layer, h. rear 45 Yeoman 
Bennett Joseph, carpenter, house 67 Brighton 
Bennett Josiah, organbuilder, house 16 Groton 
Bennett Josiah Q. discount clerk, Maverick Nation- 
al Bank, 10 Devonshire, houae at Somerville 
Bennett J. Henry, 132 Tremont, h. Glendale, wd 16 
Bennett J, 8. ine. agent, bde. 16 Hibbland, ward 15 
Bennett Laureston M, clerk, i Portland, boards at 
Charlestown . ferville 
Bennett L. F. Mra. mililner, 131 Tremont. h at Som- 
Beunett Margaret, widow, house 24 Oocida 
Bennett Mary, widow, house 127 Basex 
Bennett Mary A. Mra. dressmaking, h, 5 Love ring pl. 
Bennett Merrill Lb Adams Ex. house 2 Maple pl. 
Bennett Michacl, laborer, boards 101 Bolton 
Bennett Milo E. clerk, 11 North Market, boards at 
Charlestown , 
_ Bennett Naddleman, clerk, house 17 Kendall 
Bennett Oliver. coal-burnt brick manuf. and treas- 
nrer U. 8. F. Blower Co, 14 Pemberton aq, bda. 
Norfolk House 
Bennett Matrick, carpenter, boards 48 Yeoman 
Bennett Peter, mariner, bde, 2 Artisan’ block, 
Linion park at. 
Bennett Philip, carpenter, house 2 Artlaane block 
Bennett, Rand, & Co, (James Kennett, (. A. Rand, 
and J. A. Kennett), produce, 19 North Market 
Bennett Samuel P. carpenter, Cheatnut, cor, Charles 
house 87 Revere [ Higoland 
Bennett Samuel FP, 120 Tremont, room 10, boards 16 
Bennet Samuel W. 21 Commercial, r. 1. house 305 
Bennett Stephen, jeweller, 346 Bromfield, house 
344 Shawmut ave. 
Bennett sylvester G, house 144 Saratoga 
Bennett Theodore W. (NV. Hoyaton G Co.) 87 ond 
89 Commercial, house at Weeat Medford 
Bennett Theophilus F. teamater, B. & M, Rik. h. at 
Bennett Thomas, boarding-house, 20 Moon 
Bennett Thomas, watchman, house 72 Brighton 
Bennett Thomas, machinist, house 6 Covent 
Bennett Thomns H. mariner, boards 2 Bremen pl. 
Bennett Timothy, hostler, house 7 Carver 
Bennett Walter L 4 Alden, bea, 175 Court 
Bennett Walter T. clerk, 3) Bowker [at Woburn 
Bennett Walter W. asst. bookkeeper, 66 State, bda. 
Bennet Wilder, house 9 N- 
Bennett William, laborer. house rear $4 London 
Bennett William, laborer, house 38 Rochester 
Bennett William, 171 Tremont. bda. at Chelsea 
Bennett Wm, F. lawyer, 69 Sears Building, houae at 
Bennett Wm, H. mason, house 19 Cherry 
Bennet Wim, John, cutter (cloth), kh. 261 W. Second 
Bennett Wm. M. cook, howee 4 Lowell 
Bennett Wm. K. japanner. h. § Carver 
Bennett William R. 299 Wash. boards 41 Milford pl. 
Bennett Wm, W. planing and moulding mill, Liver- 
pool, near Decatur, h, $4 Havre. 
Bennette Edwin B. wheelwright. Dorchester ave. 
n. Richmond, house do, ward Id — 
Bennighof Adam, baker and grocer, 1210 Tremont, 
house 2 Vernon , 
Bennighof Jacob, clerk, boards 1210 Tremont | 
Bennighof Peter, foreman, 1210 Tremont, house 209 
Bennink Albert, wheelwright, house 48 B 
Bennison Charles E. ( Heantson of Co.J, 1002 Wash. 
h. 184 Northampton - 
Bennison James, laborer, bda. 576 E. Second _ 
Bennison & Co. fC £. Bennizon and J. £, Leon- 
ard), groceries. 1602 Washington 
Bense George F. plasterer, house 9 Knox 
Benee Peter, confectioner, house 87 Warrenton 

[Union purk at. 

Benee William, printer, §9 Wash. honee at Canton 

Bensemoil Jacob. clerk, @ Union, bda, 1337 Tremont 

Bensemuil Solomon, second-hand clothing, 1933 
Tremont, house 1337 do. 

| Benson Alice, widow, house 80 W, Cedar 

Benson Andrew J. driver, &.8.R.R. house 170 A 

Benson Ann, house 355 Weet First 

Benson Annie Mra. house 360) Tremont 

Bengon Benjamin Mra. widow, house 3 Buttrick pl. 

Benson Conetunt T. carpenter and undurtaker, 120 
Charlestown. house 42 Prince 

Benson ©. BK. anleaman, 44 Winter [at Chelsea 

Benson Daniel W. clerk, G. & M, freight depot, bda. 

Benson Edward W. boards Beach, n. Com), wierd 16 

Benson Emery K. (A. Emerson § Co.), 251 Broad, 
house at Salem 

Benson Ephraim C. patteromaker, h. 1664 Brosdwa 

Bensou Erastus, hb. teach, on. Commercial, ward 3 

Benson Frederick A. wood and coal, 36 Kilby, house 
at Newton 

Benson George H. teameter, boarda 19 Kneeland pl. 

Benson George W. (A. Emerson ¢ Co.) 251 Broad, 
house at Salem | ! 

Benenn Harry, music teacher, 2 Maple pl. hoore do. 

Benson Henry H. conductor, F.R.K. h. at Concord 

Benson Henry J. clerk, E.R.K, house 34 Cottage 

Benaon Jacob G. clerk, 24 Unton, h, at Charlestown 

Henson James, mariner, house 14 Unity 

Keneon John, tailor, house 44 Kremen 

Benson John M. 59 Causeway. bourds 82 Prince 

Benson Joseph, house 579 E, Broadway, (ward 16 

Benson Joshun, carpenter, house Wird, pn. i. i. 

Benson Mason D. treasurer F.R.R. office at depot, 
boards 64 Hancock [ward 16 

Benson Michael, coachman, boards River n. Cedar, 

Benson M. (. Mixa, dressmaker, 20 Dover 

Benson Rohert Mrs, house 8 Morni et. [Church 

Benson Ruth A. widow, house t Hotel Tennyson, 41 

Benson Samuel 8. snilmaker, bousé 101 Brooks, E. i, 

Benson ‘Thomas, gardener. h. Kiver, n.Gedar, wd. i6 

Beneon Thomas, ir. laborer, boards River, on. Cedar, 
ward 14 

Benson Thomas, laborer, boards 8 Morni court 

Benson Willinm, laborer, house 15 Genesee 

Lenson William, paper maker, house Norfolk, n. 
Blue Hill ave. ward 16 [Prince 

Benson Wm. B. locksmith, 38 Beverly, bds. 82 

Kent Albert A. house #20 Fourth 

Bent Avery P. Mra. house Washington aye. ward 16 

Bent A. Allen, house 22 Willian 

ent A. J. saleaman, boarda 11 Waltham 

Bent Oharlea CO. cabinetmaker, house Highland, n. 
Hivh, ward 16 [E. Cambridge 

Bent Chas, E. clerk, 17 Lakeman market, bouse at 

ent Charles P. house 25 G (Del). 

Bent Charles T. A. o¢ Summer, bde. 154 Lexington 

Bent Chioe, dressmaker, bda, at Neponsel ave, opp. 
Chickatawbut, ward 16 

Bent F. A. foreman, 28 Bowker, house at Cheleca 

Bent George W. opholaterer, 411 Washington, h. at 
Hyde'Park : 

Bent, Goodnow, & Co. (NN. &. Goodnow, ond J, 
4. Gardiver), patent agents and publishers of 

“Patent Star," 84 Washington [at Charlestown 

Bent Henry A. (Bent @ Cady), 125 Blachstdne, bh. 

Bent Herbert, house 746? EB. Fourth — 

Kent Herbert A. house 029 E, Fourth 

Hent James, saloon, 127 North, hunse 113 Cross 

Bent James H. clerk, 24 Wash. houee 155 Lexington 

Beot Joel W. conductor, M K.R, house Milton ave, 
ward 16 | 

Bent Jvhn, 127 North, boarda 113 Cross 

Bent Johu, publisher, 3 Cornhill, h. at Acghorndatle 

Bent Joseph, oat house 1 Bradford pl. [Brooks 

Bent Joseph Kt. bookkeeper, 45 Temple place, h. 10T 

Bent Olive. dresamaker, hoose 1 Bradford pl. 

Bent Orrin ( Murrigon f Bent), 14 New F. H. mar, 
ket, boarda 1 Allston [ward 16 

Bent Rofos, cabinetmaker, house Highland, mn. Enet, 

Bent it. 8. boota and shoes. 61 Hanover, h. at Natick 

Bent Samucl 8. Mra. dressmaker, 4 Suratoga, E'H. 

Bent Susan F. house 029 E. Fourth 

Kent Thomas A. & Co. provisions, 17 Lakeman 
market. house at Somerville 

Rent Warren A. baker, house 174 Northampton 

Beut Wiltiam H. (Bent y Peusley), 124 Fulton, h. at 
Charlestown | | 

Bent & Bosh ( Francis Rwah. jr. ). hata. enpa, furs, 
and military goods, 233 and 275 Washington 

Bent & Measley (WF. A. Rent and Geo, M. Peasley ), 
parlor farniture, 124 Fulton 

FISHING Kods, Reels, Lines, Hooks, Files, ee Taste & Aathon. Mb Woosh, 

Neis, Guskots. Suited to all waters. 

Till Autwou of ‘Ta ure at 1 oyletou St, 

—, — 



Bentham Edwin G. foundryman, h. 11 Leeds, W.Y. 

Bentley Ann, widow, house 45 Oswego | 

Bentiey Charles, fle cuvter, house 12 P [at Dover 

Bentley Richard P. (Dentley G Ash), 222 Com'l, h. 

Bentley ttoger, harness maker, house 43 Silver 

Bentley Samoel f Bentley ¢ Richardson), 4 Wal- 
tham. house at Lowell 

Bentley & Ash (/t. P. Bentley and M. Ash), cigar | 

manufacturers, 22 Commercial 
Bentley & Richardson (Semuel Bentley and I. J. 

Richardson), steam and gas-litters, and plumb- 

era, it} Waltham, near Washington [ place 

Benton Adelbert J. 23 F. A. mkt. bds. 5 Staniford | 

Benton Albert, horseshoer, bds. 28 W. Sixth 
Henton Ann, widow, house 17 Clid [James pl. 
Henton A. H. clerk, 114 Portland, boards 1 St. 
Kenton, Caverly, & Co, (Reuben #. Lenton, D. F. 
Caverly.and L. 2, Jackson), produce, 7 North 
Market and 74 and 76 Faneuil Hall market 
Benton Charles H. black-mith, h. 107 B | Lambert 
Kenton Colbce O. foreman, Boston Car Co., house 21 
Benton Francis BE. ( G. A. fenton & Co.), 60 Dor- 
chester avenue, house 163 Fourth 
Benton Geo. A. & Co. fF. £. Lenton), horseshoers, 
i) Dorchester a. enue, house Sixth, cor. B 
Benton Geo. W. travelling agt. bds. 1 St.James pl. 
Kenton Jeremiah D. watehman, h. 247 Ruggles 
Benton Jesse 8, plate maker, h. 724 Harrison ave. 
Benton Jesse 8. horseshoer, house 28 Sixth 
Beuton J. H. jr. counéellor, 28 Pemberton sq. bda. 
627 Columbus avenue 

Benton Nathan C. (Benton ¢& Sculley).2V block, 

Wultham, cor, Harrison avenue, i. 17 Clapp 
Benton Keuben P. ( fenton, Carerly, 7 Co.), 7 N. 
Market and 74 and 76 Faneuil Hall market, h. 
at Somerville | 
Benton Walter N. carpenter, boards 17 CLIT 

Benton & Soares Cs C. Benton and J. Sctutleyy), | 

painters, Waltham, cor. Harr. av. | 
Benway George W, locksmith, 38 N. Ruasell, house 

24 spring 2a State, h. at Newton 
Benyon Abuer I. president National Exchange Kk, 
Benz Alois, clerk, 1144 Washington, house 176 D 

Benz Auton, saloon, 114 Washington and 157) 

Shawmut avenue, house 40do, — 

Benz Paul, clerk, 114 Washington b. 159 Shaw- 
mut avenue 

Bere J expressman, order box, Merchants row 
and 24 Guild row 

Rerg Adam, shoemaker, house 268 Athens 

Berg Adolphus, pliysician, & Kingston, house do. 

Berg Carl, fresco painter, house 36 Webber 

Berg George L. clerk, 124 Hanover, h. at Medford 

Berg Werner W. pas agent &.C, & M. & W. M, 

t. K., 6 State, h, Elm, near Ashland, ward 16 

Bergdiill J ohn, confectioner, house 22 Reed 

Berge Mary Mrs. widow, house 155 Tudor 

Bergen Edward, printer, boards 2 Indiana — 

Berven Edward W. cooper, house 9 Riverside — 

Bergen Martin, harness maker, 195 Friend, h. 202 do. 

Hergen Mary d. widow, house #2 B | 

Bergen Patrick, clothing. 1 Eastern ave. h, 7 do. 

Bergen Richard, blacksmith, house ) Riverside 

Bergendahl Sven, snte maker, house 123 M. 

Bergengren F. W. A. physician, 45 Howard, house 
606 Tremont | 

Berger Edward, painter, h.24 Reed [237 Euatia 

Berger Loule ( Buf ¢ Berger), 9 Provinee ct. bds, 

Berger Moses, clerk, house # Pleasant 

Berges Joho B. chair maker, house 40 E, Dedham 

Berggulet O. biacksmith, house 339 Charles 

Bergh Jacob, laborer, house 44 Middlesex 

Bergh John 6. laborer, boards 43 Middlesex 

Bergh Servy, ¢pinner, house 27 Pembroke 

Herghouse Clemena (Funke qo Serghouse), 180 
Shawmut avenue. house lez do. | 

Berghouse Joseph, laborer, house 6 Island 

Bergin Michael, stonecaiter, boards 632 Albany 

Berglund Chas, A. intelligence office, 1) Staniford, 

ouse do. 

atgner Eres A. lager beer, 65 Sudbury, h. 40 Wiu- 

Bergstrom K. L. 124 Tremont, boards Tei Parker 

Berke Adolph, dry goods, 1120 Tremont, house 

«4418 do, Warhington 

Berkshire Life Insurance Co, of Pittsfield 95) 

Beilin Mineral Water Co. 135 Eliot 

Herman Jacob, peddler, house 76 Salem 

Lerman Solomon, clerk, boards 23 Chambera 

Bernard B. leather, 16 Portland, house 11°90 Wash. 

| Berry C, P. (Berry 


Bernard Desire, mariner, house 57 Fleet 
Bernard H, 0. & Co. straw goods, 44 Temple place 
Bernard P. (C. Baenuler « Co.), Tremont House, 
house 2 Staniford place 
Bernard Simon, poeta house 1 Onelda 
Bernardo Manuel, fluisher, house 6 Salutation 
Hernett Robert C. laborer, house 6 Thacher court 
Rerney William ( ferney f Aurrul), Beverly; cor, 
‘Travers, house ut Somerville 7. 
Berney & Burrill ( William Lerney and Join Bur. 
rill), saw manuf, Boverly, cor. Travers 
Bernhard Jacob, varnisher, b. & Haymaiket place 
Kerohard John, cooper, house r, 260 Alliens 
Bernhard Matthing, saloon, @5 Minot, h, 21 Willard 
Bernhard Philip, varnisher, li. 8 Haymarket place 
Bernier Ceille, shoemaker, hotiee 15 Purkman 
Berninger Jacob, baker, boards 105 Shawmut ave, 
Bernatela Henry, hatter, house 3 Seaver place 
erran Daniel, coacliman, houge 7 Lime-st. place 
herran Edward, blacksmith, house 7 Winslow 
Berran Edward. jr. blacksmith, boards 7 Winslow 
Herran Patrick) coachman, liouse 2 Strong place 
Berrigan Michael, harnesa maker, h. Hancock, near 

Commercial, ward 16 

‘Berrigan Patrick, laborer, house rear 16 Culvert 

Berrill Christopher, laborer, h, 444 Harrison ave. 

Berrill Hogh, laborer, house 23 south May 

Berrill James A. clerk, 1&5) Washington 

Berrill Patrick, laborer, house 110 Castle 

Berrill Thomas Joa. carpenter, house $ Dover pl. 

Kerron Frank, waiter, house #4 Fleet 

Berry Abel Bb. counsellor, 13 Court square, boards 
12 Rockland avenue 

Berry Albert L. 34 North, boards 37 Kneeland 

Berry Alpheus f 7’, if aA. Kerry). restaurant, 225 and 
227 Commercial, howe do, ‘Somerville 

Berry Andrew C. ( Berry y Bound), 12 Weat, hb. at 

Berry A. D. Mra, widow, house 362 Walnut ave. 

berry A. Huo, draughtsman, B. & L. R.R. house 
at Lyou ; 

Berry A. J. fireman, 431 Wash, house at Chelsea 

Herry A. N, printer, boards National Huuse 

Berry Benjamin F. Mrs. house 1127 Harrison ave, 

Rerry Benjamin F, teamster, h. 12 Kennard ave, 

Berry Benjamin J, (NV. Berry of} Sons), 28 Central, 
house at Lyon | 

Berry Clvarles, express driver, b. 1 Ceylon, wd, 12 

Berry Charles C. liquors 160 Liverpool, houserl)2 
vondon, iB, nm. Palmer 

Berry Charles F. 30 Court, room 20, b. Harr. ave, 

Berry Charles H. aolesman, 22 Tremont, boards 12 

Kennard avenue 
Berry C. H. 105 Chauncy [at Mechanle Falls, Me, 
Field, f Co.), 67 Hanover, b. 
Berry David A. builder, 164K, house do, 

Berry Edward, laborer, boufds 40 Endicott 
pina Field, & Co. (GC. #. Berry, P. Hf. Field, A, 
. Field, and A. A, Royce), boota and shoes, 

67 Hanover : 

Berry Frank S. 2) Wash. bda. 122 London, E.B. 
Berry Frederic, boukkeeper, 4 Charlestown, boards 
 & Cambridge 

Berry Frederick, rigger, house 01 Lexington 

Berry Frederick, boukkeeper, room 15, Auburn ct, 
Kerry George, sailmaker, 74 Commercial [Eighth 
Berry George F. puttornu-maker, 24 Elm, bds. 242 
Berry George T. shoemaker, 31 Anderson, house 4 

Seabury place 
Berry George T, clerk, 34 Broad, bda. at Salem 
Berry George W. (Ar-Showe ¢ Co.), 25 Union, h, 
ft Malden ford 
Berry George W. clothing, 265 Hanover, h. at Med- 
Berry George W. house lv) Dix place 
Berry George W. & Co. (J. G. Crispin), chamber 

urniture, 1 nod 2 Holmes block, Haymarket 
square. house at Charlestown 

|Berr ry, George W. blacksmith, Neponset ayenue, h, 

ash. ave., Ward 16 

| | | Berry Gilbert F. carpenter, boards 32 Irving 
Bergmann Anton, ighograph printer, h. 125 Centre 

Berry Henry, mason, boards 1037 Washington 
Kerry Henry, rigger, house 447 Commercial 
Berry Henry A. cleik, 50 Broud, b. at Charlestown 

| Berry Henry 8S. bunnet-bleweler, 10 Province, bda. 

ot Chelsea 
Berry Horace W. plano dealer, 815 Wash. bda, 10 
ix pl. | 
Berry Iva. teamater, house 47 Hampden 
Berry Jumes (sf. of J. Berry ff Co.), die sinker, 68 
Cornhill, house 10 Plympton court 
Berry James, carpenter, bourds 7 Malden 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, (9° “siete abso et at esas ot 

Boston [B]’ DIRECTORY, 
Berry James fi, an manuf, % Warren, house | 

105 W. Springtield 
Berry James M, tourble cutter, boards 44 Bradford 
Berry Jetferson N. liarnves worker, i. 242 E. Eighth 
Berry Joha, carpenter, house ¢! Kendall - — 
perry wonn ee ' ore house, 767 Treinont 
rry Joho B. jr. ( Cliaty & Herry), 129 Wash. bh. 
im E. Dedham v2 : ote 

Berry John ©. tecameter, boards 1 Ceylon, ward 12 
Kerry Joho F. baker, house 202 Athe . 
Berry Jolin F. shoemaker, house 181 Chelsea, E.R. 
Berry Jolin H. laborer, li. River, o. Norfolk, wd. 16 
Berry Joho J. mariner, house 3 Saxon court, E.0, 
Berry Joho J. mason, house 1000 Harrison avenue 
Berry Jolin W. lawyer, 7 Court sq. room 44, 
rouge at Lynn 
Berry J. Webster, clerk, 17 Merchants row, boards 
at Peabody [die sinkers, 68 Cornhill 
Berry). &J.& Co. (James Berry and John Necker’, 
Berry Lorenzo 1), carpenter, house 20 Jenkins 
Berry Martin V, B. deputy mister, House of Cor- 
Berry Mary H. Misa, boarding hone, 80 Myrtle 
Bary Moran P. constable and notary public, 1887 
Wash. bouse 2 Presby Place 
Berry Moses C, etartor M. ii. KR. bh. 1 Meridian pl. E.1. 
Borry Nathaniel, carpenter, house 6 Meridian, E.1. 
any Nathaniel F. builder, Mt. Waals. ave. corner 
Federal, h. 70 Old Harbor 

Berry Nathaniel W. apothecary, 140 Mampden, bh. 
4 Madison “e. h. 12 Rockland ave. 
Berry Nehemiah C. lawyer. 13 Court «q. room 14, 
Berry N. & Sone. (7. Hand #. J. Merry), coffee, 
spices, Ke 28 Central, house at Lynn : 
Berry Parker H. at Am, Barre! Co. h, 638 E. Fourth 
Borry Phebe, widow, h. liver, n. Norfolk, ward 16 
Berry Rachel D. widow of Lueva, carpeumuker, 
house 37 Knecland 
Berry Robert J. clerk, 5 Bromfleld, boards 4 Eaton 
ae Kufus W. clerk, 2) Wash. house rear 2 
oth Kusee!! (Union, ward 14 
Berry Sarah Mra. boarding-house, Commercial, cor, 
Berry Simon, peddler, house 17 Orange | 
Berry Theodore & A. restaurant, 225 and 227 Com- 
mereial, house do, 
Berry Thomas H (.V. Berry Sona), 2 Central, 
h, at Lynn 

Berry Warren W. carpenter, h. River, near Norfolk, 
ward 16 


Gerry Wim. foreman, 42 North Russell, h, 63 Leverett 

Herry William, laborer, boards 241 Hroad 

wary iow BK, tinemith, 72 North, house at Cam- 

Berry \V iin Hl, 28 Central, house at Lynn 

Berry Winslow N. fAr- Showe if Co. J, 25 Union 

Berry W. B. fireman, E.B. ferry, h, 147 Chelsea 

Berry W. F. ~ i ln E. K. It, office, house 
132 Webster, E.L. 

Berry & Bouvé (Andrew C. Berry and Allston G. 

owed), engravers, 12 West 

Beralg Daniel, bruss-founder, liouse 4 Centre place 

Berteléon F. Kh. E. chalrmaker, house 161 W. Silver 

Bertolline Theodore, marbleworker, h, 157 Endicott 

Bertram Frederick. stonecutter, h. 0 Nicholson ct. 

Bertram George, E B. ferry, bh. 44 Webster, EB. 

Bertram George T, saleaman, 26 Winter, boards al 

Hyde park | 
Bertram Joseph, machiniat, house 182 I 
Bertram Joseph. jr. carpenter, boards 1521 

Bertram Robert, salesman, 2 Winter, h. at Hyde} 

park | | Maverick 
Bertram William R. fireman, E.B. ferry, boards 64 
Bertrand Edward, carver, boards © Larvard 
Bertrand Frank, carriage-maker, hopes 211 K 
Bertech Frank, clerk, Broad way. house 238 do. 
Hertech Ignus. gant rooster 4 
Bortz Auguetus H. 

at Cambridgeport 
Berwick James, 47 Foundry, house 11 Myrtle 
Berwin J. boards St. James Hotel 
Beannt Jacob, upholeterer, house 64 Melrose 
Besarick John H, architect, 2 Pemberton 

~ 1745) Wash. | 
Beaarick William 1. draughtemao, 32 Pemberton 
Beesent Gilman F. 27 Winter, houwee al Somerville 
Beste Briggs G, staigbuilder, houee 141 Tyler 
Besse David, 4 Commercial, house ot Chelsea 
Besse Frank W. printer, 0 Bromfield 
Reese Geo. H. 60 Chauncy, boards 067 Dorchester 
Bisse Henry U. stonemason, house 367 Dorchester 
Beweriich John, clgarmanaf. house rear 68 Silver 

. house 

BRADFORD & ANTHONY, {33°.Suaminstensts, Seren 

48'W. Broadway 
watchmaker, 24 ‘Tremont, house | 

Bickford Charles, jeweller, b. 
Bickford Charice D. teameter, house 105 Heath 


Beoey Davia L. mall-clerk, 4 Provinees court, house 
5 Hanover 
Bessey Edward, walter, boardea 11 Lyman 
perder a M ja lnaee el - Washington, house do, 
eat Albert W. coach-paloter, 4 Beach, ho . 
_ Linden Park 3 - ’ “Ei 
Best Thomas, house 4 Douglas 
Beat Thomas, laborer, house rear 40 Chadwick 
feet T. B30 Winter, boards 18 Oxford 
Beter Vineent O, machinist, h. Willow et ward 16 
Bethman Francis, elyll engineer, house 117 W. Third 
Bothmann Franels, laborer, house 147 Weet Third 
Bethume Thomas C. asst.-messenger, Shoe and 
Leather National Rank, 13 Kil: 
Bethune George A. physician, 166 Tremont 
Bethune Sarah E. wldow, house 20 Grenville place 
Hetteley Albert, agent Borda & Kella, 25 Kilby, h, 
«12 West Newton . ewon 
Hetieley A. C, saleeman, 6 Kilby, boarda 132 Wat 
Hetteloy Charles TH, 25 Kilby, b, 182 West Newton 
Bettencourt Joseph B. hairdresser, 14 Exchange, 
bourda 72 Revere . 
Hettinzon Wm. I. bookbinder, 114 Washington, 
boards at Charlestown [Shawmut 
Hettis Harriet A, teacher Quincey primary, house 12 
Hettjemann Jolin, sugar-boller, house 68 Kendall 
Betton George FE, lawyer, 12 Pomberton square, 
house 55 Warren ave, [4 Haneook 
Betton James M. civil engineer, 14 Devonshire, bda, 
Itetton W..J. Mra, hotise 40 Worcester square 
Betts Charics W. etalrbullder, boards 0 Winchester 
Betts Daniel D. halrdresser, boards 26 Lexington 
Hette Elijah, stalrbullder, house 3 South Russell 
Hetts Orrington, stalebullder, 4 Beverly, bousao at 
Charlestown ¢ 

Betta Thomas W, house 50 Cottage, E.B. 

Bougnles H, jewoller, 28 Winter, boarda 2 do. 

~Beourkholm Chas, M. cabinetmaker, b. 54 Plesaant 
le 249 D 

Bevane C. K. cabinetmaker, boards | 
Kevelandcr Cornelius, carpenter, house 720) Ruggles 
Beven Martha, widow, house 226 East Eighth 
Beven Roger, painter, boards 2 Kust Eighth 

| Beven Wiillam, palnter, house 62 Kk 
| Bevens Robert, cook, house 11 Stillman 
| Beverly Charles 8. buokbinder, h. 348 Harrison avo, 
| Boverly Melvin TH. carpenter, boards 254 Lexington 
‘Beverly Smith Mee. house 2447 Sumner 
| Bevin Kalph, painter, boards 260 Dp 

Bevin Thomas, tailor, boards 30 D 

Kevina H. 3) Winter, boards at Somerville 

| Reynan Willard, steward, bourse 2 Emerald 

Beyer Edward, musician, boards 86 E, Brookline 
Beyer Herman, boards ? Prenities [Clifton pl, 
Beyer John A. bookkeeper. 41 Eastern ave. house 2 
Heyer Sp ar rloonan, 55 Union, bda 19 Holyoke 
Bezanson Christopher, cooper, house 47 Liverpool 
Bezaneon John, oouper, house 15T Chelsca, E.B, 
Blagiotti, Peter, statoary, house 12 Cypreas 
Blaneoni Peter, Mgr house 2 Ferry court 
Bibber Francla F.. Reach House, foot of Sixth, hovee 
855 East Fourth 

| —Dbber Frank 2, clerk, 63 Chelsea, boorda 55 do, 

Hibber Fred, A. 14 Avon | 
Mbber Jones, carbuilder, house 644 East Fifth 

| BMibber Robert W. (Aibber d Holbrook), foot of 

Sixth, house 808 Kast Fifth 
Biber Thomas F, master mariner, h. 507 East Fifth 
Bibbley Michael. laborer, h. 16 Avon pl. ward 16 
Bible James, carpenter, bourse 478 Second 
Rlekel Frank J. axery 67 Northfield, honse 41 do, 
Kickerdike Richard, 41 North, house 322 Hanover 
Bickford Anole Miss, house 2) Lyman 
Bickford A. L. paliter, house § National 
| 4 Hote! Belmont 

Mekford Charles H, 225 Broad, boards al Allston 
Bickford Charles M ( Faston & Bickford), 3 Doe 
equare. house 1M Princeton 

| Blekford C. G, Mra. house 9 Indiana 

Kickford C. W. clerk. Evane House 
Bickford Daulel, machiniat, house 42 Gates 

| Hickford Danlel C. ( Perry of Bickford), 37 Beverly, 
feq. bila, 17455 Wash, | 

hougae 14 Cottl a’ 
Bickford Edwin M. carpenter, house 715 W. Fifth 
Bickford El), ble. Merrimac llotee = [Chariestown 
Bilekford Frawk W. frult, 319 Commercial, house at 
Bickford Geo, W. clerk, Merrimac, cor. Travers, 

boards 10 Allen | 
Tlekford Ir HW. commission-merchant. 61 Cilnton 
Hickford, James Ro clerk, boards al McLean 
Bickfurd James I’. 161 Blackstone, bds. 1050 Wash, 

reof SheMeld Callery. 
sian, we are sein Doyiaion 4C 

96 Boston [}}] DIRECTORY. 

Bickford Jason H. provisions, 13 New Faneull Hall 

market, house 1 Caurewny | 
Bickford John, teamater, house 231 London 
Bickford John E. shipptog clerk, 72 80dbory, house 
ot South Abington at Charlestown 

Bickford Moses P. shipjoiner, 316 Commercial, house 

Bickford Nathantel N. house 2 St. Charles 

Bickford Nelson N. artist, (2 Winter, room 11, bda, 
18 Hudeon [market, house 2 Madison 

Bickford N. A. (Bickford qd} Aostwick), 24 Wash. 

Bickford Samuel L. Mra, house 32 Bremen, E.B. 

Bickford Weare D. ship stores, 225 Groud, house at 

Bickford & Bostwick (MN. 4. Bickford and N. Boat- 
wick), produce 22 and 24 Waeh. market _ 

Rickford, see Beckford } [T3T do, 

Bickley Alexander, clerk. 04 E. Broadway, boards 

Bickley William, at Bay State Rolling Mill, boards 
Tay East Brond way [achool, bde. 183 Dudley 

Bicknell Anna T. teacher, Vernon-street primary | 

Bicknell Axel H. constable, house 29 Upton 
Bioknell Caroline L. teacher, house 183 Dudley 
Bieknell Charles, mason, boarda 11 Albion 
Bicknell Chas. BE. 128 Broad, bide. at No. Weymouth 
Bicknell Ellen A. teacher private echool, corner 
‘Washington and Union park, bds. 775 Tremont 
Bicknell Emery 0. lawyer, 11 Pem 
house 15 vg A 
Bicknel! Frank M, 20 Weat, boarde 775 Tremont 
Bicknell George J. house Summit, near Circuit 
Baan Keenrae J, bookkeeper, 93 Court, boards at 
Bicknell Harriet Miss, house 1999 Washington 
Bicknell Weary A. boards 41 Somerset 
Bicknell James A. real estate, 5 Pemberton square, 
— héuee at Somerville _ [erville 
Bieknell James BE. 14 Central wharf, tda, at Bom- 
Bicknell James O. letter cutter, 6 Washington, bds, 
i Chelsea - [house 183 Dodley 
Blekoe!) James T. letter carrier, Roxbury Post office, 
Bickel! James W. foreman Boston Machine Co. 
_ house 45 G - 
Bicknel! Joseph. machinist, house 155 K 
Bicknell Joseph L. 32 Green, house at Malden 
Bicknell Mary. widow, house 1900 Washington 
Bicknell Nehemiah B. & Co. ( iFm. FE. Bicknell), 
grocers, 44 Howard, houee at Somerville 
Bicknell Kobert T. 80 Chauncy, bde, at E.Weymonth 
Bicknell Sldney W. sewing tnnchine agent. h. 65 F 
Bicknell Walter F, bookkeeper, house 1 Sawyer 
Bicknell William, shoceutter, house 14 Vinton 

Bicknell Willlam EB. (.N, 2, Bicknell ¢ Co.), 44 

Howard, house 45 Someract 

Bicknel) Wm. EH. 105 Broad, boarda 6 Melroge place 

Bleknell Willietta,primary teacher, Mather building, 
boards Vinton, W.V. 

Bicknell & Co. No, Weymouth Exprees, 3 Wash. 

Bickoer Francis A. machinist, boards $1 Village 

Diekner Mary. widow, house 64 G 

Bickner Mary C. Mra. boards 4 Fremont place 

Bickum John K. Mra. house 44 Tremont 

Biddle KE George, sign paliter, 108 Washington, h. 
74 Phillipe : | | 

Biddle Sarah J. Mre. house 83 Phillips [Meander 

Biddle William, fur dresser, h. 3 Johnson's block, 

Bidwell D. 8 boards § Allston 

Bidwell John H. enleaman, 4 Washington, boarda 
162 Northampton | Northampton 

Bidwell John M. machinist, 409 Albany, house 152 

Bieler Charles H. halrdresser, 205 W. Broadway, 

 honee OO E. Fourth | house 49 Salem 

Bler Marcos ( Stone, Mier, Weiss), 8 Blackstone, 

Blewald Charlies, confectloner, house 72 Station 

Hlewend Adolph H, Kev. house 24 Smith 

Blewend Henry, clerk. 200 Waah, house 24 Smith 

Bilin Thomas, paperhanger, houre py Lol ave, 

Bigby John J. music printer, 277 Washington, h, 

S Spring 

Bligby Surah Mra. hoase 48 Spring © 

Bighy Wiliam 8. machinist. house 48 Spring 

Bigelow Abrabam 0. ( Bigelow, Kennard, ¢ Co.), 
“11 Washington 

Bigelow Addison, candy ecllor, house 45 Leverett 

Bigelow ee = \ tow house 108 uf eons, 

Bigelow Alanson, jr. ( Bigelow, Kennard, G Co.), 
3) Wash. house at Cambridgeport 

Bigelow Albert 8. 22 Devonshire 

Higelow Andrew Kev. & School, house 3 Haneock | 
ot), hidea and 

Bigelow A.M. & Co. fii. M.A 
leather, 10 Washington & vara hy at Grafton 
Bigelow A. M, hatter, aaserdi Ash, room 7 

berton square, | 

Bigelow Calvin, carpenter, boards 15 Meridian 
Bigelow * Co. Tt) Kill 

| rlow € ¥ 
| Bigelow Catharine Miss, hoase 701 Tremont 

Bigelow Charles, coachman, house 4 Hills court 

Bivelow Charles, em bis, r, 238 Centre, ward 15 

Bigelow Charles A. carpenter, h, 2044 Tremont 

Bigelow Charles E. (J. 2. Bigelow Co). 0 Essex, 
bourda 10 Beacon [(Cumbridge 

Bigelow Charles W. clerk, 124 Tremont, boarda at 

Kigelow David, boards 7 Bowdoln equare 

Bigelow D. J. widow, bda Franklin, ward 16 

Bigelow Edwin M. lawyer, 18 Sehool, room 16, 
house at Marlboro’ 

Bigelow Edwin 8. plano maker, h. 17 Centre, ward 15 

Bigelow Elisha C. aboemaker, house 60 Marion 

Bigelow Erastus B. house & Commonwealih ave. 

Bigelow Everett W.. house | Bawyer 

Bigelow EB. A. 4 Canal, boards at Norwood 

Bigelow E. C. cotton dealer, 346 Eliby, house 25 
Rutland square [Waltham 

Bigelow E. Howard, salesman, af Tremont, hb, at 

Bigelow E. Leslie, ‘clerk, 27 Portland 

Bivelow Francia H. carringe trimmer, 21 Eliot, bda. 
10 Bulfolk place 

Bigelow Frank H. saleaman, 42 Batterymarch, bda. 
4136 Shawmut ave. 

Blgclow Frank W. house 101 Myrtle 

Bigelow George EB. lawyer, 2 Old State Honse, 

Bigelow George F. physician and medical examiner, 
Knickerbocker Life Insurance Co. 122 Wash. h. 
iH Shawmul avenue. 

Bigviow George N. furs, hata, and copa, 70 Hanover, 
hoards Commonwealth Hotel 

Bigelow George K. coachman, bds. 10 Boffolk 

| Bigelow George T. actuary Masa. Hos. Life Ina. Co, 

50 State, house 24 Commonwealth ave, 
Higelow (jideon, carpenter, hotise 68 Bremen 
Bigelow G. W. printer, 12 Behool 
Bigelow Henry, bookkeeper, bds, 84 Harrleon ave, 
Migelow Heury C. 15 Devonshire, h. at Wellesley 
Bigelow Ilenry Jacob, ag gag house 62 Beacon 
Bigelow Henry J. clerk, 23 No. Market, boards at 
North Cambridge (square, h. 52 Worcester 

Bigelow Henry M (4. Mf. Bigelow 4 Co. ), 10 Wash, 
“py y= a if 

Bigeluw Henry W. (J. &. i Co.), @ Essex, 
house at Medford 

Bligvlow Henry W. bookkeper, 117 Couft, house 84 
Harrison avenue | 

Bigelow Horatio, 22 Devonshire, honee at Hanover 

| Bigelow lrene E. Mrs, boarding house, i Shaw- 

Bigelow Jacob, physician, house 50 Mt. Vernon 
Bigelow James E. mo gee and insuranee, 15 
Siato | Union, howee 42 Blossom 
Bigelow John, president Collateral Loan Co. 35 
Bigelow John, 2 Uld Stare House, bds. 435 Shaw- 
Mutavenie — ) (at Quincey 
Bigelow John P. bookkeeper, 325 Washington, f. 
Bigelow Jonathan & Uo. | plan 2 North Market, 
hoiiee at No. Cambridge. 1 Harrison ave, 
Bigelow Joseph J. watchmaker, 3 Bromfield, house 
Bigelow Joseph S. 22 Devonshire, da. at Hanover 
Bigelow J. KR. & Co. fA. Wand ¢. &. Bigelow, and 
CO. A, Hayden). Pepartan grog manvfacturers, 0 
Kaaex, house 10 Beacon = 
Bigelow, Kennard, & Co. (4. O. Aigelow, AFP. ane 
WH. Aennard, FO T. emis, and Alansn 
Higelow, jr.j, jewellera, 391 Washington and 8 
and 10 West 
Bigelow Liberty, 82 Washington, bh, st Melrose 
Bigelow ee A. 37 Foundry, house 119 Wash. 
Bigelow Mary 3. Mrs. widow, howee Catawba 
Kigelow Melville M. Social Law Library, Court 
— Howse, houwde at Cambrid 
Bigelow Milton B. Mrs. hovieo 4 Walnut ave. 
Bigelow Bichard A. clerk, hoase 1 Patmer place 
Bigelow Bamuecl, 22 Old State House, house 435 
Shawmut avenue ip | 
Bigulow Samuel, etereotyper, house 14 Marcella 
Bigelow Samuel, jr. stereotyper. 6 Willinms court, 
- Ye ah ap hee 
igelow Samuel A. ( Macomber, Rigelow, ff Dowse }, 
2 lsatterymarch, house 64 West Newton , 
Bigelow Theodore F. plano maker, 409 Wash. lioueo 
7a Northtield | 
Bigelow Timothy, 50 School, hohee at Charlestown 
Bigelow T. Walter, clerk, © Chatham, boards Tl 
_ Prospect __ [B. Somervilic 
Bigelow Walter C, rea] estate, 101 Friend. house vt 
Bigelow Walter I. 10 Wash. aq. bde. at Grafton 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, {st 4 29, Bases, Locks, ae, 20 Doen 


Bigelow Walter 8. clerk, boards Catawha 

+ i 

Bills [eabella, widow, honse 155 Ward, ward 15 

Bigelow Wesley. salesman, 652 Washington, boards | Bills James P, boards Columbia, opp. Stanwood, 

48 E. Chester park 
Bigelow William, at gas works, house 4 Phippe pl, 
Bigelow William P. & Co. trimmings, &e. 46 Tem- 
le place. house at Natick 
Bigelow Willlam 8, house 52 Beacon 

Biggard Robt. ship carpenter. h. 147 Princeton, E.B. 

Bigui Giobatta, musician, house rear 06 N. Bennet 

Bivein John, peddler, house 117 W. Eighth 

Biggs Kdward, mariner, boards 426 Flanover 

Bigiey Timothy, teameter, house 24) W. Second 

HBilby John KR. Patpeclet, houre 152 Princeton, E. B. 

Bill Abner D. Boston Commercial College, 259 
Washington, house 480 EK, Fourth 

Billiard Joseph, machinist, house 68 Cottage, E. B. 

Billings Adolphus E. gasfitter, house 46 Hull 

Killings Bros. (A. of 0. 2. Billings), provisions, 
12 Cam bridge 

Biilinge LB. F. ealcamoan, 400 Wash. house at Quine 

Billings Charles E, ( Billings, Clapp, & Co.J, 44 Oli- 
yer, house at Newton 

Billings Charles ©. west. bank examiner, 16 Devon. 
Bhire, house at Winchester 

Billings Charles W’. teameter, bds, Dorchester ave. 
near Commercial, ward 16 

Billings, Clapp, & Co. (Charles &. Hillings (fF Athion 
Jt. Clapp), manufacturing chemieta, 44 Oliver 

Billings Daniel O. machinist, boards 12 Taylor 

Billings David H. bookkeeper, foot of A, house 187 
Weet Fifth [house at Somerville 

Billings David L. ( Biffings Mros.), 192 Cambridge, 

Billings Edwin T. artist, 55 Studio building, house 
1451 Washington 

Billings, Krnest A. boards 46 Hull 

Billings Esther Mrs. nurse, hose 12 Taylor 

Billings George, ship stores, 186 Commercial, house 
at West Roxbury 

Billings George, bourds 21 Melrose . 

Billings George A. bookkecper, 100 Broad, boarde 
40 Dearborn 

Billings George F. ornamental painter, house 227 

Billings George H. clerk, boards 1245 W. Broadway 

Billings G. Walter O. house 7 Medford court 

Billings Hammatt, architect, 33 Echool, room 15, bda, 
124 Chandler 

Fillings Hammatt Mre. house 59 Cumden 

Billings Hannah, widow, house 1055 Washington 

Lillings Henry, house 147 Court 

Billings Heury D, clerk, 34 Oliver, boards at Newton 

Billings Bury J. (Billings Broa), 192 Cambridge, 
house 7 Lindall place 

Billings Henry O. 44 Temple place, h. at Newton 

Billings Herbert W. expressman, b. 4 Fort-Hil uve, 

Billings Horace & Son (/, Qirney Hiddings), leath- 
er, 107 Commercial, hoose $12 Tremont 

Billige James B. (Clapp f Jf), 6 Wash. square, 
house 19 Hancock 

Billings James H, carver, h. 5 M.A. 4 Osborn place 

Billings Jesec, ( #illings, Sherif, f° Co.), 165 Kesex, | 

house at N. Bridgewater . 
Billings John, clerk, O. N. Chase, Williame market, 
and boarding-house, 782 Washington 
Billings Jos. E. 33 School, room 15, h. Walnut park 
Billings J. Quincy (#f. Billings if SonJ, 107 om- 
Billings Leonard L. house 41 McLean 

Liillings Margaret (. Mise, house Downer ct. near 

Hancock, ward 16 
Billings Myra Miss, dress maker, hotise 12 Taylor 
Billings Myron L. driver, house 1 Binney place 
Billings Relief Mra. house 225 Marrison avenue 
Billings Robert C. ( Faulkner, Page, & Co.), com. 
mer. 14 Hamilton, house § Union park 
Billings, Sherritf, & Co. (Jesse Aillings and Ezra 
Sher rif), hoot and shoe drevsing, 145 Kesex 
Billings Thomas ©. house 14 Winslow 
Billings Walter H. clerk, 4 St. Charles market, 
boards at Brighton 
Billings Warren H. house 5 Fort-hill avenue 
Billings William G. Mre. bouse §4 Boylston 

Billman Charles f Pilsen of #.), rigger, $1 Commer- | Bird Benjamin C. ¢ Sird Rrothers), Wancock, opp. 

cial, house at Chelsea 

Bills Charles C. (Stowe, Bills, f Whitney), 2 Port-| Bird Brothers, ( Henjamin ©. ¢ 

land, house at Waltham 

Billa Charles W. (1. W. Graham & Co), 76 Bud- | Bird Calvin, cabinet maker, 

bury, boarda 105 Myrtle 

ward 16 

Bille Matthew, carpenter, boards 11 Leeds [ward 14 

Gills Theodore K. driver, house 20 Adams place, 
Biltelifte Fergus, restaurant, 757 Wash, house hy 
Binden Alfred H. 103 Washington, house at Winter 
‘Till, Somerville 
Binder Jocob, machinist, boards 17 Lagrange 
Binder William, ir. clerk, 5 Merchants Exchange, 
boards 377 Columbus avenne 
Linding John, blacksmith, houee 107 @ 
Biner Charles, house 6 South May [Cooper 
Linford Clara C. bakeshop, 100 Salem, louse 1 
Bingham Almerin & Co. (Adin Woolmany, hat 
— manuf, 18 Pravinee court, house at Cheleca 
Hingham Asher C. carpenter, bds. 17 Dexter House 
Bingham ©. H. 42 Bedford, bourds at Newtonville 
Bingham Frank J. clerk, 95 Commercial, boards at 
am bridgeport hue ave. 
Bingham George P, 42 Hanover, bonrda 325 Colum- 
Bingham Jomes, laborer, house 2 Malden court 

|~2Lingham James H. hairdresser, 14 Dorchester, and 

146 FE. Browlway, house reur 600 FE, Broadway 
Bingham James W. sign painter, 28 West, house do. 
Vinghan John, laborer, hones 4 Hanover avenue 
Binglam Joseph, coachman, house 47 Revere 
Hingham Norman W. Custom House, house at Win- 

ter Hill, Bomerville Cumbridgeport 
Bingham Oscar N. plumber, 14 lensant, bouse 
Binghun Osmar A. Mre, house 74 Newbury 
Binghan Walter E. house 74 Newbury 
Minghan William, boards Nevere House 
Hinghum William, laborer, hovuee io A 
Bingham William H. asst. sec, F. H. Ins. Co. boards 

1 Malden | [bridge 
Binney Barnabas, 10 N. Market, house ot Ek. Cam- 
Binney Barnabas, jr. bookkeeper, 10. N. Market, h. 
at Bomerville 
Binney Benjamin, tinemith, house 35 Spring 
Binney Benjunin &. (Pinney of Stonpson), 10 North 

Murket, louse at Kast Cambridge 
Bybee Churles E. (Mf. Dieneys Sous), 38 and 40 

Eliot, boards Koslin, cor. Ocean, ward 16 
Binney Charles .J. gh peed ered 14 Kilby, h. Boney 
Binney Deodat W. clerk, 37 High, house 45 Spring 
Binney Gheorge H. ( How dros. 7 Uo.), 16 Milk, h. 

181 West Brookline 
Binney Henry P. house 237 Walnut avenue 
Binney John, tinware and eliipe calooses, 122 and 

1344 Broad, house at Newtonville [tonville 
Binney Lewis KE. clerk, 124 Broad, boards at New- 
Binney Matthew, 38 and 40 Eliot, h. 60 W. Newton 
Binney Matthew, jr. (MV. Jitiney's Sona), 38 and 40 

Eliot, house 46 Winthrop, ward 14 
Binney Mutthow's Bone f Motthew, jr. and Charies 

EE. Binney), umbrellas, &e. &8 and 40 Eliot 
Binney William CC. counsellor, 26 Bromfield, room 5, 

house at Amesbury 
Binney & Stimpson (4. &. Binney & A. QO. Stimp- 

son), paper munufrs, 10 N. Market 
Binns Godfrey, clerk, 67 Devonshire, boards 9 Mont- 
gomery place 
Binns Joseph, manuf. builders’ hardware, 10 Har- 
vard pl. and variety store, 84 O, house do. 
Binton Joseph, teamster, 376 W. Beeond 
Biorcinelli G. picture-frame maker, 197 Hanover 
Birch Charles painter, h. 9? Avon pl. ward 1 
Birch Charlee F. mechanic, bh. 1 Marion court 
Bireh Charles W. 265 Wash. house 535 E. Sixth 
Birch Charles W.. pianomaker, bouse 62 Rendall 

| Birch George W. 25 Wash. boards 15 K. Sixth 

Birch Harvey, piano-forte maker, boards 66 ‘Tudor 

Birch Thomas W. engineer, house 46 A 

Birchard Edwio A, 8&2 Washington 

Bird Albert H, (A. Bird of Co.), 4 Faneuil Hall 
market, boards at Brookline 

Bird Amasa, pointer, Berkeley place, boards Stough- 
Boston, wi. 16 

ton, near Boston, ward 1 | 
Bird Annie E. bookkeeper, boards Stoughton, near 
Bird A. Bigourner (J. A. f W. Bird qf (oJ, 211 
Btate, honee 1] Tremont pl. 
Downer court, house Highland 
dion dealera, Hancock, opp. 

Boston, ward 16 

Bills George 71. police station 10, honse 173 Ruggles | Bird Charles, carpenter, houee 15 Border 

Bills Harrict widow, house 5% Kigeles — 
Bille Henry H. clerk, bourds 10 Washington place 

BRADFORD & ANTHONY, tapa3tathomtensingy sna te son's} OULLERY, 


Bird Charles G. 
estate, 18 Tremont row, house 18 Copeland 

f Lewis P.), provi- 
Downer ect. ward 16 
use Stoughton, tear 

& Co. (John F. Whiting), real 


Bird Charice G. Jr. clork, MM Oliver, house 62 Alpine | 
Bird Charles H. provisions, boards 29 [odiana place | 

Bird Charles L. coach paloter, house 615 Sixth 

Bird C.F. groceries nod provisions, Shawmut ave. | 

cor. Indians place, boards 20 Tndlanna place 

Bird David H., iB. ferry, house $4 Paris 

Bird Ebenezer, scxton and funeral undertaker, 
Commercial, cor. Pleasant, house do. ward 16 

Bird Edward, paloter, house, Boston, near Allbright 
cour, W Lik 

Bird Edward A. steward, 9 Brattle, h. 1 Foster es 

Bird Edward V. clerk, 211 State, boards 11 
mont place 

Bird Edwin D. faney gooda, bds, 250 Columbus ave. 

Bird Elizabeth, widow, house 175 Bowen 

Bird Elizabeth H. asst. teacher, Winthrop achool, 
boards 104 Appleton 

Bird Ella L. asset. teacher, Winthrop achool, bourde 
1M Appleton . 

Bird Eugene, laborer, house 3 Jackson avenue 

Bird Francis D. clerk, 61 Chatham, boards 6 Cush- 
man avenue 

Bird Francia H. foreman, hb. 3 Decatur, E.G. 

Bird Francia W. paper manufacturer, ih Aferchants | 
| *~Aird William H. 16 Kilby, boards Stoughton, hear 
Bird Win, EH. pianomaker, bda, o Lowell court 

Row, house at Kast Wal re 

Bird Francis W. Je. clerk, 3 Merchanta Row, bda. 
at Enst Walpole 

Bird Frank KR. 9 South, house at Canton 

Bird Frank W. 571 Wash. boarde 8 Boylston pl. 

Bird Frank W. clerk, bds. 104 apieron 

Bird Frederick E. clerk, National Bank of Redemp- 
tion, 41 Devonshire, b. 31 Oak 

Bird F. C. Mra. house 08 Leverett 

Bird George, Unamith, h. 1 Livingston 

Bird George E. locuelnng house, 222 ULarriaon ave. 

Bird George H, carriage-mnaker, River, near Blue | 

Hill ave. house do, ward 16 

Bird George K. (James Edmond ¢ Co.) 124 Fed: 
eral, hee ~ Rornore rh. , 

Bird George {o. sleam engine Manufacturers, 
70 Lewts, E BD. h. at Dedbam 

Bird Geo. W, collector, house 5 Fayette 

Bird Geo. W. Jr. collcetor. bds, 5 Fayette 

Bird Golding. clerk, 365 Wash. h ‘16 Edinboro’ 

Bird Harrlaon & Co, (a4. A. Bird and FR. Ff Stur- 
ferant), provisions, 33 F. H. 
Brook ine 

Bird Beep clerk, bds. Columbia, near Hancock, 

Bird Heory A. at Directory office, 366 Washington, 
bds. 3) lodiana place 
Bird Henry C.& Co, ( Lewia J. Bird, and Geo. E. 

Bind Henry 8. porter, Quincey Hall, house at Med- 
ford [at Cam bridgeport 

Bird Herman (Hird Whittemore) Ww 

Bird Horatio G, ipvegrayhio printer, 400 y este 
ton, houee at Lynn ward 16 

Bird Jacob, houee Stoughton, near RK. R. saad 
James, appraisers dept, Custom House, bda. 
1) Holyoke © |Ohurlestown 

Bird James, cook, foot Commercial wharf, house at 

Bird James EH. 6 Hanover, bds. 11 Bowdoin 

Bird John, saloon, 100] Tremont. house do. 

Bird John, machinist, house Neponset ave. near 
Minot, ward 16 

Bird Jolin, bouse 65 Clarendon 

Bird John H, painter, Boston, cor, Cottage, house 
Hamlet place, ward 16 

Bird John L. ( Must iiroe, i} Bird), 43 Hanover, h 
Cottage, hear Hurophreya, ward 16 

Bird Joh» a. _ hardware, 25 West Broadway, i 
house 552 E. do. 

Bird John W. 21 Chauncy, bde. at Mt. Auburn 

Bird « mins yy a rene h. 175 Bowen 

Bird Joseph H. house 1M Dorchester 

Bird Joshua P. ( Richardson, Hird, f& Co.) 28 
Washington, bh. 622 Tremont 

Bird J. A. & W. & Co. (A. Sigourney, Bird, 
Winsor, IF. A. and W. Hiri), a 

211 State, h. at Brookline [28 Ruggles 
rd J. Warren. aaleaman, 1941 bite ton, hide. 
Bird Lewls J. ( Henry c. Bird @ Co. Tre- 
Bird Lewis” P (Bird fros,)j, Hancock, el 
i £. f arog. J, io te 
Downer court, house do. s 
Bird Luthera We Mies, teacher, Hrimmer echool, 
boards IH Appleto 
Bird Marin V. spend 12] Court, house at 

Bird Michael, l, trunkmaker, bds. 49 Bo. Margin 


market, hoose at | 

| Beseagarcer fr 3a 

ston []}) DIRECTORY. 

Bird Nathaniel H. fireman, steam engine No. 17, bh, 
Highland, ward i6 

Bird Patrick, boilermaker, bh. 2) Burke 

Bird Putrick, ealoon, 208 ‘Tremont, b> do. 

Bird. Perkins. & Job (5. 7. Hird, J.D, Perkins, 
and D. W. fob). merchants, i03 State 

Bird FP. H carringe-painter, On ‘Travers, house ot 
Chelsen wil, 16 

Bird Samuel C. Mra. h. Hancock, PWAs Downer ct, 

ird Samuel T. ¢ Bird, Serpe J, merchant, 

10a State, hb. 4 Creeeent 

Bird Sarah H. Mrs. house ibs Appleton 

Bird Thomas, laborer, house Bird, n. depot, wd. 16 

Bird Thomas H. 1 Central pl. bh. Clapp pl. wd. 16 

Bird Thomas M. kh. Stoughton, n. Boston, wd, 16 

Bird Voronica Mise, aciinairose, h, 56 Garden 

Bird Win. 1. (0. A. dt WP. Aired ot Co.) 21) State, 
h. at Brookline 

Bird Wm. F, painter, h. | Hamlin 

Bird Win, F. mariner, hous 111 Brighton 

Hird Wm. G. hardware and paper hangings, 1354 
Tremont, bh. 75 Pynohon 

Bird igs af (J. 4d, f WF. Bird § Co.) M11 Btate, 
bda. at Brookline Boston, ward I6 

Hird Zenasa GB. ( Hird f¢ Learned’), 2iNew Fanooll 
[all market, bouse at Hrighton 

Bird & Learned (Zenaa . Bird ane J. H. Learned), 
Np re 21 New Faneull Hall market 

Bird & Whittemore (Hermida Airland Jos, Whit- 

femore), Insurance ogenta, 40 Washington 

Bi Neal _— 8. Hoaton Hase-Ball Club, boarda 

6 Oslo 

| Birdeeve John C. trens, Tremont and Suffolk Mills, 

ld Devoushire, room 4, h. at Lowel 
Birkley George A. bookkeeper, 44 Central wharf, 
h. § Fayette court 
Birkley Jacob, tailor, 4 Baye tte ct. h. do, 
Birkley John casemaker, bda, § Fayette ct, 
Birkmaler John F F. bis, os Carver 
(tirkmafer John J. house Oo Carter | | 
sce Charles, cabineunaker, house 3, rear 112 
Pleasant | 
Birmlogham Edward, porter, bds. 232 Bolton 
Bireiingitam Edward, laborer, h. 36 W. Athona 
Bhemtnghass Edward F. f Costello ff Birmingham), 
i Lincoln, h, 121 Plene ast 
Biren iighnm Elizabeth Miss, bis. 232 Bolton 
Hirmlogham Lewis, upholatvrer, bds. 61 Loverott 
Birmingham Patrick, tallor, house 232 Balton 

} Bierniogbamn Samuel 'T. PAeeae; é] Cambridge, 
Afal] ). auctloneers, 146 Tremont, h. do (0id Harbor | 

house at New Bedford 

Hirmingtam Walter, house 1 Rochester 

Birmingham Wim. presaman, 2 Court avenpe, bee. 
145 Harrison avenue (20 Winilaor 

Hirobuum Jucob, bairdresser, §9 Sudbury, boure 

Birnbaum Leon Louls, professor of languages, bh. 
iv Shawmut avente 

Hirner John, cabinetmaber, h. 82 South Russell 

Birney John, weigher, house 196 Marginal 

Birt Eliivl, newspapers, house 24 W. Third 

Hirs Henry, rates 21 Chauncy, b. 11 Ward, W.¥, 

Biabee Alb Hisbee, Endicott, if Co.j 24 Kilby, 
house at on ‘een 

Bishve Albert, machinist, house 605 KE. Fifth 

Lisbow Charies Ks. clerk, 1100 Washington | house 1 
Hote! Bradford, Union pe ark atreet 

Bisbew, Endicott, & Co. (Albert Hishee and James 
Budicott), ironfounders, 4 Kilby 

Rishee desse D, 155 State, boards 44 ra 

Blebee Studley. boards 4G cee or place 

Blebeo Thomas ¢ Watson f hd, corner 
Catecway, mouse 6L a a 

Blech Bernard, g Northamptoo, house do. 

Bleach Florian, Honest 121 Weat Canton 

Bisch Frederick. baker, boarde i 6 Northampton 

Hiaoh Joseph, laborer, jhe Ilenth place 

Iiacholf Dorlus, clerk, 14 Eliot, boards do, 

Itischoif Geo  stoneeu iter, house 36 Hamp 

Bishop Abel . carpenter, boards Suligr, ware ‘0 

Hishop Alexander, machiniot, boards 29 Curve 

Rishop Anton, laborer, boards 2 Reeds court 

ne! Dusting, & Co. (fC. Sf. Be Jjr- and Geo, 

Duatin), leather 9 Rowe's wharf, and pres. 
U. M. L.A, Av ST) Harrison avenue, house 13 

St. James avenue 

Bishop iharies J. jr. (C. J. Bishop & Co.) 9 
towe's wharf, boarde 14 St. James avenue 

Bishop Daniel H. ‘cutter, #4 School, h. at Chelaca 

Bishop Edward D. ahipwright, bda. 8 Lexl ington 


20 Dock Sq., Boston, 

' BosTON [B] DiREcTORY. 99 

Bishop Ellen, widow, honse 133 West Second 

Bishop George. stonemason, liouse 209 W, Kighth 

Bishop Granville T., U. 8. appraiser's office, 177 
Btute, houre 7 Dwight 

Bishop Herman, clerk, bde, City Hotel, 3 Brattle 

Rishop James L.ehipwright, house 245 Princeton 

Bishop John, ropemaker, house 67 Ward, ward 15 

Bishop John L, bookkeeper, 69 Hanover, boarda 

470 ‘Temple [house T Dwight 

Bishop John O. ( Homer, Bishop, ff} Co.) 208 Stato, 

Bishop John T. 42 Batterymarch, bds. Zt Irvin 

Hishop Joseph, shoemaker, 1895 Washington, bds. 
2 Reed's ct. 

Bishop Louis F. 9 Chauncey, house 66 Dudley 

Hishop Mary 5. Mrs, house 174 West Brookline 

Bishop M. J. Miss, house 447 East Seventh 

Bishop Nancy, widow, louse 24 Irving 

Bishop Nathau H. forger, house 4 Glover, W.V. 

Bishop Nathan KK. salesman, house Sl Cedar 

Bishop Paul J. 265 Washington, house 44 Dudley 

Bishop Kiehard, 505 Broad, iouge at Arockline 

Uishop Robert, carriagesmith, house 74 Cireuit 

Bishop Robert, cotton waste and paper stock, %09 

| Broad, liouse at Brookline 

Bishop Kobert K. lawyer, 2 Pemberton square, 
house at Newton 

Bishop Sophia G. Mra. house 7 Dwight 

Bishop Thomas F, clerk, 8) State, house 143 Second 

Bishop Wesley, porter, 64 State, lowse do, 

Bishop William, police station 2, house do. 

Bishop . clerk, bourda 70 femple 

Bispham Eleazer W. teamater, i. 47 Wash. wd. 16 

Bispham EK. J. cashier, Blue-hill Bank, house 32 
Washington, ward 16 

Bispham H.C. apothecary, 310 W. Fourth, boards 
133 Dorelester 

Bispham John F. lumber, Commercial opp. Fark, 
order box 17 Court, house Dorchester avenue 
cor. Ellsworth, ward 16 

Bisael) Charles Ds) Wash. room +2, house rear 7 

Bissell George C. constable Superior Court, house 
AL Chelsea 

Bissell Henry G. clerk, 107 Commercinl 

Hissell M. A. Mra, dressmaker, board’ Norfolk, n. 
Washingtou, ward 14 

Bissell Thomas, music teacher, 277 Washington 

Bissett Elizabeth A. louse 207 Havre, E.. 

Dissett Jolin, wheelwright, Clielsea, corner Ben | 

hington, lionse do. 
Bissett Joseph F. blacksmith, boards Chelsea, cor. 
Bennington [ Madison 
Biesonett L. N. clerk, 4 Wash. market, boards 2 
Bi-tonio Joseppo, musician, house 145 North 
Bither Alired S. architect, 35 School, room Q, h. 
at Charlestown 

Bitsh Mihrel, miller, 237 Broad, hb. at KE. Cambridge | 

Bittenbender W. H. 110 Lineoln, b. 219 W. Newton 

Bitterling Josepli, shoemaker, Uld Harbor, corner 
Eivlith (W. Fourth 

Bittman J. M. clerk, 300 W. Broadway, house r, 438 

Bittner George C..varnisher, house 100 Leverett 

Bittner Josiah, painter, house 52 Auburn 

Bitzer Johu M, blacksmith, house 15 Benton 

Bitzer Louis, lager beer, 586) Washington, house r. 
271 Tyemont 

Bixby Arietta H. widow, house 20 OUT 

Bixby Arthur N.¢ 7. &. Birby f Cv.), 32 Central 
wharf, liouse 144 Boylston ; Nae Newton 

Bixby Charles L,. bookkeeper, § 5. Market, house 

Bixby Edgar M. draughteman, house 2 Akron 

Bixby Elbridge S$. grocer, 22 Central square, h. 3 

Bixby Frank G. Custom Houee, bds. 267 Columbus 

Bixby George H. physician, 145 Boylston, house do. 

Bixby G. Wingate, clerk, 116 Blackstone, boards 7 
Howd om square fat Brookline 

Bixby Henry C. paymaster B. & AR, BR, house | 

Bixby Lather W. stationery, books, &c., 1201 Wash- 
ington, boards 20 Ciiy 

Bixby Lydia Mrs, house 54 Pleasant 

Bixby Mary, dressmaker, boards 3 Exeter lace 

Bixby &. Clark, agent Norfolk ale, #8 Broad, house 
2 AKO | ; 

Bixby Thomas E. & Co. (A. N. Mixby), i 

kers aud commission merchants, 32 Ce 
wharf. hou;e 14 E. Brookline 
Bixby Wentworth, clerk, boards | Prospect 
Bixby William, wood engraver. boards 2 Leverett 
Bixby William S. clerk, 22 Ceutral squure, boards 
35 Princeton 

BRADFORD & ANTHONY, {aedd%etho reins 

[Greenough lane | 

Bixby Wingate & Co. (Frederick (. Herrick), 
liquors, wines, &e, 110 Blackstone, house yt 
Nashua. N.A. 

Bixby & Cole, wharf and bridge boilders, 17 Court 

~Bjorkinan Axel M. polisher, house 227 London 
| Hlack Alexander, picture dealer, house 6 Tremont 

_ place, ward 16 
Black Alexander, laborer, house 9 Southne place 
Blick Arcliitald, s-loemaker, boards (4 Revere 

Black Agher F. furniture manal. 450 Charles, ware- 

room, 20 Charlesiown, honee at Clelsen 
Black Bernard A. salesman, 4) Winter, bd«, 754 EK. 
Fourth (House, house at Medford 
Black Charlea W. clerk, Red Live,4 Old State 
Black Davi S. driver, house Forest-hill avenue, 
near Sanford, ward 16 
Blick Diamond, stecl warehouse ( Park, Brother, 
f Co.), 42 peareey enrol 

) Black Edmubd, polisher, house Ward, ward 15 
| Wack Mdwin, prop. Kob Roy House, 44 Portland 

Black Elizabeth, widow, louse Forest-bill avenue, 
near Sanford, ward 16 

Glock Fred. [. bookkeeper, 33 Doane, bh. 42 Garden 

Black F, Miss, (eacher of music, Inst. of the Blind, 
bourds 548 Enst Fourth 

| Black George E, clerk, Ub. & P. freight depot, bda. 

ai Cortes 
Black George N. house &] Mount Vernon 

“Black George N. jr. 4 State. boards 81 Mt. Vernon 

Black Henry, teamster, house $02 Seeond 
Black Henry porter, 6 Oliver, boards 66 Phillips 

Black Henry N. draughtsman, 17 Pemberton aq. 

rdom 4, bourds nt Malden 
Black James, 8 Hromfield, honee 51 Wall 
lack James A. clerk, 8) Tremont, bds. at Chelsea 
Mack James Wallace, photographer, 1738 Washing- 
— fon, loose at Cambridge 
Black Jobin, machinist, louse 8 Margaret 
Black John, mason, boards 40 Spring 
Hiack John, cabinet maker, house 62 Brighton 
Black John A. flori-t, 411 Warren, howse 428 do, 
Black John F, salesman, 34 Washington square 
Black Joseph, cutter, house 11 Mount Vernon aye, 
Klack Margaret Mre. house 754 Kust Fourth 
Klock Robert, plasterer, house 46 Melrose 
Black Samuel, tailor, house 106 West Cedar 
lack Saruh Ul. dressinaker, house G Kendall 
Black Thomas, laborer, house rear 42 Simmona 
Black Thotnas C. 44 North, house at Danverspoit 
Black William, laborer, house 41 Billerica 
lack William A. florist.411 Warren, h. 825 do. 
Black William F. ¢ Miller qt Black), 341 Federal, 
_ boards Blossom, corner MeLean [versport 
Black Wiliium H. clerk, 43 North, house at Dau- 
Black ——, cabinet maker, bourds 62 Eliot 
Diack ——. ship joiner, boards 447 Hanover 
lackadar Catharine, widow, house 4) Codman pk, 

| #Blackaller Henry, salesman, bourde 4 Cambridg 

Blackburn Frederick N. shoemaker, boards 19 Ach 

| Blackburn George & Co. (David Nevins, jr.), dry- 

fouds commission merchaut, @ Chaune 
Blackburn Henry L. engiveer, 237 Broad, house 8 

Fourth [ward. 4 
Blackburn William, machinist, h. 14 Adams place, 
Blackden Allison, teamster, house 206 Kast Eighth 
Blackden Corydoo Y. teamster, h. 507 East Eighth 
Blackden E, A. commission merchant, 28 Winter, 

boards 46 Shawmut avenue 
Blacker James D. painter, house 415 Broadway 
Blacker James E. clerk, boards 415 Broadway 
Blacket Henry, printer, house 12 Tyler 

| Blackie Elizabeth, milliner, 176 and 214 Hanover, 

house at Chelsea 

Blackie John, boards Quincy House _ . 

Blackioton Henry A, & Uo, (C. Conlin), marble- 
tool makers, 65 Travers, house 31 Myrtle 

Blackinton James F. master of Preseott school, 
house 116 Princeton, E.G. 

Blackley Ira N. police station 7, h. 181 Princeton 

Blackman Alfred H. clerk, 7 Traveller building, 
bourds at Newtonviile 

Blackman Allen, carpenter, house 25 Vinton 

Blackmun Horace P. organ maker, 235 Cambridge, 
house at Cambridgeport 

Blackman Oren C. house 164 Cambridge 

Blackman Robert, carpet cleaner, house 5 [rving 

Blackman Sumner 5. cubinet maker, boards Bor- 
chester avenue, corner Linden, ward 16 

Blackman William M. shoemaker, house Sebool, 
near Harvard, ward 16 | 

Blackmar Joseph Rev. house #7? Pembroke 

ton St. TH Avtume. of ? OUTLDRY, 


Blackmar Wilmon W. lawyer, 14 Tremont, boards 
v7 Pembroke 

Bilackmer Charles W. tablet advertising cards, 60 | 

Court, house at Newton | 
Blackmer Edward, mariner, house 77 Cottage 
Hlackmer Frank I. 34 Downe, house 145 Court 
Blackmer F. H. 06 Court, hottve at Newton 
Biackmer Henry L. clerk, money order office, P.O. 
howse at Chelsen _ 
Blackmer James L. (Lawrence ( Blackmer), 4 
Merrimac, house al Charlestown _ 
Blackmore James, laborer, house rear 6) Charter 
Blockmore John, laborer, h. Milton, n. Moore, E.B. 
Blackmore Jolin, laborer, house rear 63 Charter 
Blackmore J.J. milkinan, boards Champney 
Blackmun Edward J. W.frame maker, 22 Tremont 
house at Somerville at Somerville 
Blackstone Frederick M. clerk, 261 Washington, h. 
Blackstone John, porter, house 3 James place 
Bluckstone Margaret, Mary M. and Elizabeth, 
Misses, dressinakers, 645 Wash. honse do. 
Blackstone Market. 72 to 02 Blackstone — 
Blackstone Nath'l B, clerk, 101 Chauncy, house at 
North Bridgewater 
Blackstone National Bank, Union, cor. Hanover 
Blackstone William T, shipwright. b. 406 Meridian 
Wiackwell Catharine, widow, boards 101 S0uth _ 
Blackwell Clarence F. clerk, 50 State, b, 839 Fourth 
Blackwell Elbridge G. piano maker, house 83p 
East Fourth 

Blackwell Fraucis H. police station 6, bh. 130 Cam- 

den ; 
Blackwell Henry B. treas. Woman's Journal,” 3 
Tremont pl. h. Boutwell ave. cor. Tiain, wd, 16 
Blackwell H. M. 33. Sumner, bds. §03 Harrison ave, 
Blackwell James, laborer, h. 503 Harrison ave, 
Blackwell Joseph, physician, 37 Harvard, boards 
a0 Tyler 
Blackwell Joshua E. carpenter, bds, 154 Lexington 
Blackwell Samael ‘J. plauer, boards 136 Lexington 
Blackwell Seih-F, clerk, 4 Union, h. 26 Adame pl. 
Blackwell William, machinist, bds. 29 Central #4. 
Biackwood Alexander, bell hanger, 1772 Wash. bds. 
10 Winslow 
Blackwood Ira ©. carpenter, house 26 Newland 
Blackwood William, leather japanner, hl. 10 Nawn 
Bladon Edward Mra. h. Honeock, pear Downer’s 
court, ward 16 [n. Downer'’s court 
Bladon George E. 22 Harrison ave. bds. Hancock, 
Blagbrough James S. laborer, h. 8 Adams pl. wd, 
Blagden George W. Kev, house 40 Bowdoin | 
Blagden Granville, keeper, 81 Wash, r.4¢,h. Brooks 
Blaha Joseph, tailor, house 3 Cheever court 
Maikie Alexander Rev, house 42 Chandler 
Blaikie Duncan. carpenter, honse 4 Riverside 
Hlaikie John, chair maker, house Watti court 
Blaikie John, shoemaker, house 66 Gates 
Blaikie Thomas, carpenter, house 22 Dexter house 
Blain James, slater, house 1 Ball 
Klaine David, clerk, bd. 1452 Tremont 
Blair Alired A. ( L. #. Jrooks f° Co.), Jeweller, 221 
Washington rear boards 30 Taber 
Blair Archibald T. (/ AH. Read ¢ Co.), Station, 
corner Mindora, house 215 Cubot 

Blair Ebenezer S. building-mover, house 315 West 

Sway | a 

Blair Edward. porter, 7 Portland, h. 263 W. Second 

Blair Elizabeth, widow, house 8 Fellows court 

Klair Erwin, boards 62 Beach 

lair George, printer, boards 22 Cortes 

Blair George W, 2 Milk, house 4 Amory 

Blair Horatio FP. salesman, 45 Union, b, 5 Yarmouth 

Blair ft. A. boards 109 Harrison avenue | 

Hiair James T. printer, iouve Clapp, ward 16 

Blair Jefferson, bostier, house 51 Phillips 

Blair Jolin, machinist, boards 6 Irving 

Blair John D. carpenter, house 248 Shawmut ave. 

Biair John Ss, f Hlairsf Shinner), 44 Harrison ave. 
and i7 Court, lb. 31 Upton — [Duvis ct. 

Blair Lewls H. shade Bi inter, 251 Wash, house 3 

Blair Louis, boards 11 Oliver place 

Blair Louls W, currier, house 1247 Tremont 

Blair L. kK. clerk, 36 Essex, bde. 11 Oliver place 

Biair Samuel, moulder, house r. 4 Adama 

Blair Sumeel M.45 Hanover, h. 25 Crescent place 

Biair William T. waiter, house &l Joy ext 

Blair & Skinner (J. 8. Hlair and Charles W. Skin- 

ger), building-movers, H+ Harrison ave. 

Blais F.X.A.clerk, 114 Blackstone, house ) Garden- 
court street : A 

Blaisdell Andrew... clerk, 90 Green. bds. 34 Regent 


Blake Alpheus I’. general agent, < 

Blake Charles ( Biake fe Alden ), 

Boston [}] DIRECTORY. | 

Blaisdell Asa H. butter and cheese, 102 Blackstone, 
house 245 Broadwa [Wellesley 
Blaisdell Charles, real estate, 24 Tremont row, b, at 
Blaisdell Charles H. pattern maker, 65 Haverhill, 
boards at Melrose | 
Blaisdell David, police, City Hall, h. 36 Regent 
Blaisdell E. Mra. house 197 West Canton 
Blaisdell Frank A. ealeaman, 195 State, house at 
Charlestown [Seventh 
Blaisdel) Frank M,7 Comt sq. room 38, boards 166 
Biaisdell George, teamster, h. 68) Harrivon ave. 
Blaisdell George KR. 45 Indis, boarda at Chelsea 
Blaisdell George 5. mason, bds. Minot pl. ward 16 
Blaisdell H. W. ( F. E. Fitts  Co.), 33 La Grange, 
house at Lowell : | 
Blaisdell James & Co. oils, 44 India, h. at Chelsea 
Blaisdell John C, basement Old State House, hi. at 
Lexington | Bradford 
Blaisdell John H, dentist, 160 Tremont, boards 22 
Rleeel Onn W. house Back, near Blue-hill ave. 
Blaisdell Joseph A, paper-carrier, h. r. 1167 Wash, 

Blaisdell Lydia, widow, howse 665 Harrison avenue 

Blaisdell 4 aggie, widow, house 1 Leverett avenue 
Blaisdell Mark «A. counsellur, 106 Court, boards 36 
Regent | Anderson 
Blaisdell Martin V. B. police station 2, house 6 
Blaisdell Mary Mrs. house 1Tv Eliot 
Bluisdell O. BR. ¢ 8. French § Co.J, 150 Wash. bids, 
at Charlestown | 
Blaisdell Membroke, clerk, 195 State 
Blaisdell Samuel, teamater, bds. 116 East Canton 
sag 5.7, pianos and sewing machines, bourds 
Plaisdell Thomas M, carpenter, liiouse &4 Vernon 
Blaisdell Walter C. physician, 4 Blossom 
Blaisdell William Mrs, hi. 168 Seventh — [cord 
Blaisdell William A. conductor, F. KR, RK. h. at Con- 
Blaisdell Willian G. driver, house 6 Linden park 
Blake Abigail W. Miss, house 80 Appleton 
7 Washington, 
house at Hyde Park haa oe 
Blake Andrew M. bookbinder, public library, hy. at 
Blake Arthur W.(/ilake Aros. g Cu.), 2 state, 
house 201 Beacon : 
Blake A. M, Mra. dresamoker. 615 Tremont, h. do, 
Blake Bros, & Co. f eo. AH, Blake, G. BH. flake, jr. 
4. WF. Binke, Augustus Jenkins, Henry JJ. 
Blake, John #. Murquand, F. PF. Olcott, and 
Joseph £. Brows), bankers and brokera, 25 
Stale Norfolk, ward 16 
Blake Caroline, widow, h. rear Klue-hill ave. near 
50 Brattle, house 
119 Beacon 4 
Blake Charles, oakum, house 61 Gatrge 
lake Chas. H,purter,44 Wash, sq. ht. 7 Lathrop pl, 
Blake Charles M. (/saac Penne yf Co.), 44 Wash, 
bds, Bueno Viela ave, cor. Warren 
Blake Charles M. papers, house 6) Weat Cedar 
Binke Charles S. Mra. house 347 Enat Fifth 
Bloke Cliristopher, furniture, 100 North, house 728 
East Fourth ; 
Bluke Clarn A. Mrs. dressmaker, 13 Tyler, h. do, 
Kluke Clarence J. physician, Hotel Rerkeley 
Blake David J. cubinet maker, 144 Tremont, h. do, 

Blake lL) ©. Mrs. nurse, bds. 3 Jeitersow place 
Linke Ebenezer N- ( Blake, ach Acne f Co.), lenth- 
er, 41 Hanover, house at Woburn 

Biake Edgar K. conductor, h 12 Plympton court 
Blake Edinund, dentist, 1 Columbus square, house 
at Stoughton [21 W. Cedar 
Blake Edward, counsellor, 10 RK. R. Exchange, bh. 
luke Kdward, car-driver, buuse 13 Geekler uve, 

Hlake Edwurd, gulesman, 23 Tremont row, house 

11 Clift 
Blake Edward, jr. clerk, 136 State, boards 11 Clif 
Bluke Edward . carpenter, house 0 Weat First 
Blake Edward D. (Suwmyer i Blake), 204 State, 
boards 21 Weat Cedar 
Blake Edwin A. expressman, Berkeley, cor, Tre- 
mont, boards 660 Dorchester ove, 
Blake Edwin K. watelimaker, 200 Hanover, boards 
(18 Parmenter [h. at Hyde Park 
Blake Enoch E. (Crocker G& Blake). 57 Chatham, 
Blake E. N. f Blake f Page), 47 Commercial . 
Blake Francia, U.S. asat. app. 177 State, boards 1 
Beacon, Albion buildiug — | 
Blake Frank, 200 Wash. boards 62 Chambers 

Blake Frank, jr. astronomer, bds. 4 Tremont Bs 

Blake Frank E. buokkeeper.7 Hamilton pl, 
East Broudway 

“England Agents for Rosin Sized Sheath- 

Pelt, #40 Dock 5q., Moston. 

BOSTON [B] prrecTory. 

Blake Frank D. Newton Centre Expres: a 
and + Court sq. “divs foal 

Blake Frank W. machinist, house 40 Auburn 

Biuke Fred W. clerk, 215 State, bda. 2 Powdoin 

Flake George, piano maker, bds. 5 Harrison ave, 

Blake George Baty ( Alake fro, « Mo,), banker, 
23 State, h. of Brookline and 201 Beacon 

Blake George B. 17 Avon, house at Chelsea 

Blake George B. jr. ( Blake Bros. G Co.), 28 State, 
house 24) Beacon 

Blake George B. & Co. (C. F. Quiggie), boots and | 

z) Bee H] Eth rows h. at Milford 

ake ieorg ‘ ake cf Middell). painter, 335 

mini Carthy louse 180 : bd ‘(Bearborn pt 
e reorge E. bookkeeper &. Dearborn, cor. 

like George F. f Donnie Co. 200 Hanover S 

Blake George F. & Co. (J. 4. ¢ oO. Turner and 
Thos, DO. Blakes, steam pumps, water meters, 

and brick machines, Causeway, cor. Friend, h. | 

at Belmont 
Blake George M. house Wash. opp. Fuller, ward 14 
Blake George W. Mra. house Dearborn, corner 
Dearborn place = [Huntingtow House, Cortes 
Blake George W. printer, 118 Wash. 
Blake Gorham & Co., W. Dedham Foundry, 5. A. 
Buckingham, prop,, &| Oliver, bds, Percival 
avenue, ward 16 
Blake G. A. asst, baggage master, E. Kh. i. boards 
Binke Handel P. 210 state, liowse at Walpole 
Blake Hannah 6B. house 8 Highland, ward 15 
Blake Haunah G. Mra. boards 855 East Fifth 
Blake Henry, house 126 Broad 
Blake Henry, teamster, house 214 EK 
Blake Henry A. boots and shoes, 45 Washington 
Blake tleuty F. porter, 308 Washi board 
ke tlenry F. porter, 32 mahington, boards 
Milton ave, ward 16 
Blake Henry H. clerk, 96 Sudbury, h. at Somerville 

Blake Henry J. f Hlake Bros. F Co.)j, 73 state, h. | 

 § Park square a | 
Blake, Higbee, & Co. ( £. N. Alake and Charles 
) Sin rd leather, 41 Hanover 

Binke H 
Crescent place — 

Blake Hose Association, 10 Devonshire 

Biake H. W. clerk, 13 Broad, bhds. 87 Somerset 

Blake Tru E. ornamental wood worker, 161 Portland, 
house at Charlestown 

Blake [sane H. G. 12 State, house at Newburyport 

Blake Jamea, clerk, 42 Merchants row 

Blake James, house Percival avenue, ward 16 

Blake James, clerk. boards 34 Temple pl. 

Blake James H. house 193 Beacon 

Blake James M. 4 South Market, house at Newton 

Blake James 8, 240 Washington, h. at Newburyport 

Blake Jane. widow, house 241 Havre, E. H. 

Blake Jeremiah C. carpenter, house 160 Saratoga 

Blake Jeremiah P. f Morse «} Alate), 1] Stoddard, 
h. North ave. near Stoughton, ward 16 

Biake Joase ( Hubbard ¢ Blake), 38 Portland, house 
al Lowell 

Blake John, boarda 7 Davis 

Blake John. laborer, house $4 Carver 

Blake John G. physician, house 183 Harrison ave. 

Biake Jolin A. cashier, St. James Hotel, boarda do. 

Bluke John H. 5 Pemberton sq. h. 7 Holyoke 

Rlake John H. engineer, boarde 26 Hodson 

Blake John L. 22 Devonehire, r. 25, bh. at Cambridge 

Bluke Jolin @. 86 Court, house at Malden 

Blake John It. houge 223 Bencon 

Hake Jolin 8. & Co. (2. A. Tully), com, mera, 19 | 
Se anirat s 5 Blanchard Adolphas J. elerk, 21 Commercial, r. 

Central wharf, bourde at Tremont House 
Blake Joseph E. painter, house Washington, near 
Banford, ward 16 , 
Blake Joseph G. waiter, honse 18 Blossom et. 
Blake Joseph W. carpenter, house 2 Mechanic's pl. 
Blake Josiah, teamster, house 74 Everett _ 
Blake Josiah W. treasorer, Saxonville Mills, and 
Roxbury Carpet Co. 7) Beacon, h. 10 Ariington 
Blake J. Henry, clerk, 21 Seare bailding. house 199 
Beacon Ome | 
Blake J. K. piano-tuner. 460 Waahington , 
Blake Levi W. conductor, M. R. R. h, 381 Meridian 
Blake Lucy, widow, house Wash. no. Norfolk, wd. 16 
Binke Mary Miss, boards 113 M. | 
Blake Moun. watchman, house 188 Dorchester ave. 
Blnke Nathan D. (lake sf Stearna), 70 Chaoncy, 
house at Melrose | 
Blake Peter, police atation 1, house 65 Charter 
Blake Peter, farmer, boards Milton ave. ward 16 
Bluke Peter M 


Dearborn pl. 

h. room 0 | 

if SOMerKet | 

jram M, saleaman, 27 Tremont, boards #0 

| Blanchar 


Blake P. Joseph, machinist, house 107 Kneeland 
Blake Ruth, widow, house 52 Garden 

Blake Samuel P. 16 Kilby, house Cedar aquare 
Blake Samuel P. house 20 Weet Cedar 

Blake Samuel W. tailor, house 23 Lawrence 
Blake Barah Mra. carpetmaker, h. i Champney pl, 

| Blake Seth L. carpenter, house 21 Warwick 
Blake Silaa P. 5 Franklin market, house 73 Palmer 

Blake Busan T. widow, h. Walout ave. ¢. Warren 

*‘*Blake 8. Ellis, printer, 190 Wash. b. at Cambridge 

lake S. Parkman, jr. com. mer. 15 Kingst 2 

- Weat Cedar ; =e 

Blake Thomas, laborer, house 3 Snowhill pl, 

Hlake Thomas D. f Geo, FP. Blake ff Co.), Canseway, 
cor. Friend, house at Belmont 

Blake Thonins 8, boiler-maker. hoards 41 Havre 

Blake Walter F. pep-torn, $2 Lincoln, house do, 

Blake Walter I, 70 Chauncey. boards at Stoughton 

Blake Washington L. paperhanger, 2 Market, house 
rear 10 Blossom ‘ aon 

Kiake William, foreman gae-house, h. rear $6 Emer- 

lake William, driver hose 8, house 25 Church 

Blake William & Co. /f ifm. S&S. Blake), bell founders, 
copper dealers and manuf. Brighton, cor. Allen, 
house 47 Allen 

Blake William A. honee 04 Carver 

Hiake William DB. cabinet maker, house 18 Ellery 

Hlake William H. barber, ida. 331 Shawmut ave, 

Hlake William Al. watehman, Deer [aland 

Blake William J. puper maker, house 15 Eagle Mill 

‘Place, ward 16 

lake William J, carpenter, boards 3 Champney pl. 

Blake William J. planer, honse Union Park st. cor, 

Albany , [h. 21 West Cedar 

Blake Wm. P. counsellor. 10 Hailroad Exchange, 

Blake William 8. (ifm. Alike f Co.), Brighton, 
corner Allon, house 152 Chambers 

Blake William W. conatahle, Municipal Gourt, h, 
1 Weat Waluut park 

Blake W. IT. agent, house 208 Tremont 

Blake W. T. teamster, house rear 218 W. Fourth 

Linke & Alden (Chas, Otabe), furniture, 69 Brattle 

Blake & Page (#. N. Blake and A. Page), four, 
47 Commercial 

| Blake & Riddell ( Geo. H. Blake and F. W. Riddell), 

painters, 334 Fourth 
Hlake & Stearns (VY. 0. Blake and F&F. Stearns), 
woollens, 70 Chauncey 
Kiakeley C, carpenter, buards 116 East Canton 
Blakeley George, foor-lnyer, house 145 Bolton 
Hlakeley William, porter, house TU7 Shawmut aye, 
Hiakeley Wright, 10 Province, house at Malden 
Hiakely Therese, widow, house rear 18 Carver 
Hlakemore John E. japanner, dt Waltham, house at 
at Roslindale [| West Roxbury 
Blakemore William, japanner, rear 20 Avery, h. at 
Blakeney Hugh, confectloner, 444 Broadway. h. do. 
Blakeslee Erastus f Blfiot, Hiakeslec, ¢ Noyes), 127 
Tremont, house at Newton Centre 
Blakeslee J. 8, clerk, 127 Tremont | 
Blakealee Theron J. clerk, 127 Tremont, boards at 
Newton Centre 

| Blakey Thomas, carpenter, 115 Conant 
| Blakey Thomas W. potter, house 15) Condor 

Blakney George W. carpenter, r. 24 Avon pl. wd. 15 

Blamey Nicholas T. provisions and groceries, 149 
Becond, house do. 

Blane Ferdinand A. Mra. house 19 Upton 

Hlane Jaques A. barkeeper, 4 Central, b. 14 Carver 

Abner Jd, agent, Boston & Maine Foun- 

dry Co. 46 Canal and 199 Friend, h. at Wakefield 

2, boards 27 Temple ' 

Blanchard Albert A.f Towle ¢ Blanchard), 14 Ben- 
nington, houae 109 Trenton 

Blanchard Alfred & Co. ship brokera and com, mera, 
140 Commercial, house at Chelsea 

Blanchard Amos, treas. Boston & Maine Kalilroad, 
Haymarket aq. house at Lowell 

Blanchard Anwa lL. widow, houae 445 Bartlott 

Blanchard Arthur C. ( Blanchard Gf Lovers), Ham- 
ilten, corner Sturgis, and 45 Hristol, house at 
Framingham « . 

Blanchard Arthur E. 25 Sudbury, boards 210 North- 

Blanchard Arthur H. 242 Wash, beds. 27 Kinwston 

| Blanchard B. & Co. (DD. Jf. Blanchard), boota and 

shoes, 24 Tremont row, house at K. Stoughton 

| Blanchard Charles, real-estate broker, 31 Exchange, 

room 11. boards at Chelsea 

296 Washington. house 280 Dudley | Blanchard Charles C. 56 Union, house at Malden 

fashington &t. ‘TH1 Autumn of 
e reb ! 

Boylston Sireet.4 UU TLERY, 

) Weare at 18 


Blanchard Charles Mrs. house 45 Bartlett 
Blanchard Charles F. 18 Milk, boanls at Milton 
Mlanchard Charles F. carpenter, b. Neponaot, wd. 16 
Blanchard Chas. H. 162 State, house at Mattapan 
Blanchard Ciwrles H. bag-maker, HM Union, bh. at 
Charlestown : . 
Manchard Charles M. salesman. 0 Broad 
Hianchard Christopher (IF. qf @. Alanchard), 45 
Ceotral whurf. house at Sonth Wevmouth 
Bianchard C. Horvey. jr (M. Field Fowler & Co.), 
144 State, boards 350 Third 
Blanchard C HH. 00 State, hb. 123 W. Cheater park 
Blanchard David, carpenter, house 31 Phillipa 
Hlanchard David FH. honse 11 Allen 

Blanchard D. HW. (BR. Mlaachard iff Co.), 24 Tre- 

mont row, hovee at East Stonghton 
Rilanchard Eben W. clerk, 5 Central market, house 
609 East Broadway — 
Flancharnl Edward, honse 15 Met. Vernon 
Blanchard Edward 0, bookkeeper, 27 John, boards 
Wood, corner Taylor, ward 16 — 
Rlanchard Edward [t. 44 Chaoney. b. at Waltham 
Blanchard Elias, envelopes, 132 5. Market, house at 
Blanchard E. A, male teacher, h, 375 Columbus are. 
Blanchard Francia, clerk, 63 Com'l whf. boards 182 
Salem | Charlestown 
Blanchard Prank M. clerk, 16 Blackstone, bonrda at 
Blanchard Frederic C., Custom Hovse, house at 
North Bridgewater h. at Somerville 
Blanchard F. A. ( Cutler, MeLean, f Co, j, 107 State, 
Bianchard F. L. printer. 144 Hanover, h. 226 Fifth 
Blanchard Geo. A. nailer, h. Cilckatawhbut, wd. 16 
Mlanchard Geo, A. 658 Washington, b. at Malden 
Blanchard George B. & Co. liquors, wholeanle, 16 
Blackstone, house at Charlestown 
Blanchard Geo, C. 8 Oliver, hoose at Cholera 
Blanchard George D. B. salesman, 44 Hanover, bh. 
at Malden . 
Blanchard George F. carpenter, b. T Newton place 
Blanch rd George L. provisions, 1758 Washington, 
house 16 Auburn 
Flanchard Harriet J. widow, house 70 Charter 
Blanchard Harriet J, Mre house 45 Fayette | 
Blanchard Harvey ( Alanchard if Snow), Endicott, 
cor. Stillman, towse at Bretaiinhens 
Blanchard Henry, physician, Wood, corner Taylor, 
house do. ward 16 3 
Blanchard Henrvy H bookkeeper, 27 Jolin, boards 
Wood, cor. Taylor, ward 16 
Blanchard Hescklah Mrs. honse 17 Perrin | 
Blanchard Hiram W. carpenter ond bullder, Ne- 
ponset, ward 16 | | 
Blanchard Huldah H. widow, house 7 Newton pl. 
Blanchard Uf, jr. 14 Portland, bds, at Wilmington 
Blanchard Ira, boota and shoes, 4 Sudbury, house 
210 Northampton Weat Fifth 
Blanchard Iennc OC priuter, 144 Hanover. house 226 
Blanchard Ixanc W. bookkeeper, National Eagle 
Bank, house at Charlestown [at Newton 
Blanchard James A. clerk, 242 Washington, house 
Blanchard James 8, messenger Hamilton National 
Bank, 14 Devonshire, house at Chelsea 
Blanchard John A, 11 State, room 10, house 
8 Gloucester. | 
Alanchard Jolin Q. A. painter, house Emerald 
Blanchard Jolin W. 34 Cliarlestown, li, at Milton 
Blanchard John W. jr. (Holmes ff .), 35 Hay- 
market square, house Park, cor, Commercial, 
ward 16 | t 
Blanchard Jonathan G. artiet, 207 Washington, h. 
Blanchard Joseph Mre. widow, boarding house, 24 
Harrieon avenue . 
Blanchard Joreph 8. salesman, 37 Tremont, house 
at North Se he he Suratoga 
Blanchard Joseph Hi. leut. police station 1, house 
Blanchard Josepl W. shoe manut. b. 24 Harr, ave, 
Blanchard .), Aibert, 2O Wash, honse at Arlington 
Blanchard J, Henry, merchandise broker, Milk. n. 
Baltterymarch, boards at Charlestown 
Blanchard J, Hf Taylor, Gibson, ¢ Filson ), trim- 
mings, 174 Tremont, house at Cambridgeport 
Blanchard EK. E. assist. Franklin School, house 40 
Union-park street [East Abington 
Bianchard Leonard, shoes, 30 Tanover, house at 
Blanchard Lorenze A. nvusic poblleher, 13 Tremont 
row, room I, rooms 34 Cambridge 
Planchard M. Frank, clerk, 53 Commerdial wharf, 
bourda 160 Salem | 
Blanchard Nettle Mise, bookkeeper, 61 Hanover 

[at Neponset | 

Blaney Chorles T. foci ti Meads), 2 

poston [}] DIRECTORY. 

Blanchard Oliver C. clerk, 121 Foltor, b. at Chelsea 
Blaochard Oliver J. grocer, 31 Lincoln and 134 Sa- 
lem, house & Tyler 

Blanchard Payson H. house 4 Ward ct. W.V. 
| Hlanchard Prentice 8, clerk, O. C. RB, R. freight, 

boards 41 Fale | 
Blanchard Reed, periodicals, 78 Salem, bdas, do, 
Rianchard Robert N. iquora, 144 Fulton. honse do, 
Hlanchard Roxana N. teacher, Shurtleff! School, h, 
12 Burroughs place | | 
Blanchard Sam. D. polloe station 1, h. & Maverick 
Blanchard Samuel J. cutter, South, corner Reach, 
house af Charlestown 

‘Blanchard Samuel 0. bookkeeper, 12 Canal, house 

at Wilmington | 
Hlanchurd Sarah P. Mrs. honee 8 Garden-court st. 

| Blanchard Sylvanua C, 22 Devonshire, honse im? 

Columbus arenue he 2e 
Blanchard 5. Stillman (Chase, Merritt, and Bian- 
_ chard), 8 Hanover, house 140 West Concord 
Blanchard S. Stoddard, phew Hamilton Nutional 
Bank, 14 Devonshire, honse at Charlestown 

Blanchard Thos. 84 Canal, ba. 199 Harrison ave. 

Blanchurd Waldron, boards Maverick House, E.B. 

Manuchard Walter, salesman, 134 Milk, honse at 

Blanchard Walter, clerk,O.C, R. i. h. at Stoughton 

Blanchard Walter 3. lumber, 22 Congress 6q. house 
at Cambridgeport 

Blanchard Walter 5. (AMforrisen «f Rlanchard), 70 

Meridian, boards Maverick House 

Blanchard William, merchant, 19 Batterymareh, h. 
70 Lambert avenwe 

Blanohard Wm. 12 Canal. h. at North Cambri 

Blanchard Wm. A. salesman, 139 Friend, boards at 
Wakefield [Chester park 

Blanchard Wm. A. 348 Atlantic avenue, h. 123 W. 

Blanchard Wim, B. printer, bonrds 33 Charter _ 

Blanchard Wm. D. 37 Commercial, h. at Medford 

Blanchard Wm. E. house 34 St. James avenge 

Klanchard Wm. G. agent associated preas, 3 Mer- 
chants row, house 123 West Chester park 

Blanchard Wm. G. carpenter, h. Oukman et. wil, @ 

Blanchard Wm. H. teamster, 2 Cornhill court, hi. 
li North Grove 

Blanchard Wim, L. 200 Tremont, bh. at Jamalea Plate 

Blanchard Wm. M. junkdealor, 100 Harrison ave. 
house 3 Newman block 

Manchard William N. clerk. boards 70 Charter 

Blanchard Winslow & Christopher. boots & shoe#, 

45 Central wharf, house at South Weymouth 

Blanchard & Lavers (4. C. Blanchard and Wm. G. 
Leavers), boot and shoe die=, Hamilion, corner 

_ Bturels, and factory, #5 Bristol | 

Manchard & Snow (ervey Alonchard and C. A. 

s #note), stable, Endicott, cor. Stiiman 

Bland George, saloun, 216 North, house do, 

Binnd Jacob, bartender, houge 18 Carver 

lund Jumes, teamster, house 124 Everett 

Bland John. pucker, 151 Milk, h. 172 Everett, EB, 

Kland Robert, house 144 Everett, EB. 

Bland Wir. npholsterer, & Unlon. house 716 North 

Blandford Wm, periodical, foot of Hanover, house 
Chelsea fat Wakefield 

Blandin Chas. F, lawyer, 31 Devonshire, house 

Blanding Andrew M. eloemaker, 112 Pleasant, b. 
20 Winchester 

Blane David, 299 Waals. boards 1632 Tremont 

Blaine Jolin, house F2 Conant sty 

Blaney Avoa A. Miss, house 7 Auburn, ward 14— 

Blaney Arthur H, 70 State. boards Park, ward 16 

Blaney Augostus, boards 40 Mevere . 

Blaney Charles, 158 Tremont, house Auburn, near 

Adame, ward 16 . 

Blaney Charles J. (John J. Fowqhn' Co.), 17 Weat 

, orth Muar- 
— ket, house 415 West Fourth | 
Binney Charles W. draw tender, Cambridge-street 
bridge, house do, | } 
Blaney Charles W. jr, house Cambridger-st, pes 
Blaney Cyril C. teamster, house rear Ot East Fifth 
Blaney Daniel, shoemaker, 55 Blackstone, bda. 67 

Rlianey Daniel, laborer, house 69 Cross 
Blaney David H. real estate and insurance agent 
 § Winthrop block, hose 110 Webster, E B. 
Blaney D. Walter, ina, agent, 4 Winthrop block, 
boards 110 Webster 
Blaney Elizabeth Misa, howe Temple, ward 16 
Klaney George F. boarda Harvard, corner Warner 
avenue, ward 16 ‘ 

BURDIT? & WILLIAMS, }*****arcsa"eits.?adbonn say seen” 8 

Boston [5] DIRECTORY. 103 

Blaney Hannah. widow, house 3 Longwood avenue | Blick Alfred. weaver, house 219 Cabot 
Blaney Harriet ond Surah C. Misses, house Adame, | Hlicketad Charles, engineer, house 40 Chadwick 
near Bowdoin, ward 16 | | Blight John, walter, houee 34 ‘Tyler [ Brighton 
Blaney Henry, house 47 Commonwealth avenue — | linkensop Robert, elerk, Robertson House, bh. 113 
Blaney Henry 5. clerk, baecment Old State House, | Hiinn, Ameden, & Co. (J. F. BNnn, D. Ameden, 
house Park, near Ashland, ward 16 ant J. G. Salsbury), trackmen, 3 Chatham 
Blaney Horace, bookkeeper, 255 Broad, house gt row 
Walthaa | (AT) Silver | Blinn Bradford 1. teamster, h. 10 Harmony pl. E.B. 
Blaney Irving (Somes f Bloney), 57 Clinton, house | linn Calvin, laborer, house 161 Chelees 
Bianey James. moiuider, boards us Kast Erookline | Bifun George W. clerk, boarde 127 Chambers 
Blaney John H. Sllesinian, house 4 Wesley, EK. BK. Blinn Jobn F, f Alinn, Amaden, ef Co. J, "Chatham 
Blaney Johu W.(/. Souther, jr. gf Co.j,at Lyon,| row, house 111 K Lexington 
house du. : Blinn Riehard &. eonductor, B. L. & N,. BR. Wh. at 
Blaney Mercy Miss, house Temple, ward 16 Blish Henry, printer, 6 Williams ¢t. bds. 228 Han- 
Blaney Michael, laborer, iguse 270 Dorchester ave. over 
Blaney P. Wm. locksmith, bourds 68 Cross Bliss Albert G. houee 81 Poplar 
Blaney Thos. R. sail maker, 12 Commercial, house | ilies Arabella Mra. house 64 Chapman, room 2 
675 Tremont ) Blies Brothers (A.C. WP. ame CC. 2. 1 Bite) hard: 
Blaney William P. janitor and general enperintend- wire, 144 Commercial [Columbus ave, 
eat at Globe Theatre, house 10 Tyler Bliss Charles H. marble dealer, 74 Wash. hb. 295 
Blaney William H. printer, 3 Cornhill, h. at East) Bliss C. L, V. ( Bliss Bros.), 168 Commercial, h. at 
Somerville Chelecn (h. at New York 
Blaney William W. teamster, house 214 Silver Blisa C, Nf. Sof E. Wright f Co.J, 1 Central ot. 
ws Nf ORsood, flour, &c. 6 Commerce, louse at | te caw A. clerk, 180 Leverett, house 182 do, 
WAS TOW hh Slices Ell C. W. (flies Bros), 165 Commercial, 
Blaney & Meads (C.J. Afaney i A. Meads), team- hotise mt hale ‘3 - : 
, eLcre, 2 North Murket | | lise Ezra 8. rau store, 45 Hanover, h. 247 do. 
Blank Charles, laborer, house 1 Franklin place lise E. J. agent. Brandon Seale Uo. 68 Sudbury, 
Biank Christopher, boiler maker, li, 61 Havre, EB. houéee 295 Colaombus wre. 
Blank George J. machinist, jiouse 4 springer court | Bliss (seorge N. ( Dennett, Bliss yf Jones )o83 Wash. 
Blank Herbert F. clerk, 34 Faneuil Hull market, h.| house-at Jamaien Minin — faamindten Plain 
— ff Brewster | Middlesex | Bliss George N. jr. clerk, 110 Hanover, boards at 
Blanke Henry. printer, 114 Washington, house 47/ Bliss Henry F. fCwahing & Blisa), 134 Hanover, 
Blanner Jolin, feather dusters, 15 Marshall | house at Cambridge | Brookline 
Blasdale Henry, cashier, Natioval Revere Bank, 4)! Bliss James, sbipetorce. 195 Broad, house 159 Weert 
Sears building, house at Hyde Park | Bliss James A. machinist, houee 40 Mercer 
Blasdel J.C. basement Old State House, house at) Bliss James EF. clears and tobacco, 180 Wash. house 
Lexington at Medford 
Blaser Alexander, expressman, bds. 1008 Tremont | Bliss James F. 1% Broad, house 189 W. Brookline 
Blaser Bros. (John C. i John of.), bakere, 1070) Bliss James W. house 75 Worevster 
Tremont | Bliss John (Alice of Perkins), gae fixtores, 25 and 
Blaser John C. ( Mlaver Brag, ), W70 Tremont, h. do. 27 West, house ot Wert Newton 
Rlaser John J. Mrs. baker, 147 Eliot, house 140 do. | Bliss Jotn, teumeter, house 124 Charlestown 
Blaser John. f fiaser Aros), 1070 Tremont, | Giits Marshall, clgars and tobacco, 646 Shawmut 

Hiasland Edward 6, Custom House, bourds 377 ive, house do, 
West Fourth Biles P. A. Mire. louse 12 Boylston pl. 
Blasland Eleanor B. honee 377 West Fourth tlite Sarah. Mre. teacher of sewing, h, 40 Mercer 
Blasiund Gideon B., Custom House, house ot) Blixes Thomas Kh. boourds Commercial House 
Wiuketield lies Wiliam, general mannger, . & A. E.R, 

Blasland Jos, F. ship joiner, h. && Lexington, E.B. house $19 Beacon : 
Blasland Thomas, apothecary, 301 Kroadway, house | Bliss William C, houre 581 FE, Broadway 
257 West Fourth Itiies & Perkins (ohn lise ond Chorles FE. Per- 
Blasser Adam, saloon, 121 Hampien, house do, Ling). gas fixtures, 25 and 27 West 
Blaeser Franeisa A lamplichter, hdd Dennis =| Bloch Abrabam F. house 214 Eliot | 
Blasecr Joseph, grocer, 20 diussell pl. h. do, ward 15) loch Catherine, widow, honee 44 Ward, ward 15 
Blatchford kdward W. bookkeeper, 44 Harvard, | Bloch David, jeweller, hduse 230 West Canton [15 
boards 43 Curve loch Goorge, rubber factory, house 44 Ward, wd. 
Blatchford George W. treasurer, Boston Musoum, | block David, cigar-maker, house 134 W. Fourth 
® house 16 Chandler Dlockinger Panlioe. boarding, house 6 Texas av. 
Blatchford John, mason, house 43 Curve Glocklinger Feed ¢ V. freandiy qd) Co.), 3138 Waeh, 
Blatchford John S. treasurer, 13 Exchange, room 4, hovee 15 Reed's court 

house 226 Bencon | Blocklinger Gottfried, jeweller, 313 Wash. house 
Blatchford William, carpenter. h. 41 BE. Dedham Locust, wd. 16 > 
Blatz Burckhardt, ropemaker, 13 Russell plo wd. 14 | Blodyet Caleb (Hoardman ¢ Blodget), counsellor, 
Blatz Frank, saloon, 67 Prentiss, house 6% do, 14 Court, house ot Charlestown | 
Bleakley William, porter, 35 Wash. aq. h. 707 Shaw- | Blodget Henry T. manager Equitable Life Ins, Soc, 
mut ave, TO State, honee 2 Hotel Klackstone 
Bleckner Charles, shoemaker, bds. 91 Warrenton Blodgett Amos W. carpenter. house 178 Brooks 
Blecs Sewing-Machine, James ‘Trefren, agent, 699) Blodgett Calvin, lather, bds 50hio [house 48 Dale 
Wash. Blodgett Charles H. carpenter, $14 Shawmut sve, 
Bleiler Charles, provisions, 49 Chadwick, h. 51 do. Blodgett Charles 8. clerk, § Pinckney, bds, 12 do, 
Bleiler Fred. provisions, Heath place, house do, Hlodyett Cyrus Mre. house 14 Melrose | 
LGleiler Frederick J. butcher, h. 4 messi ies Blodgett C & pone oi ate sagen lumber, 14 
leiler Jacob, jr. provisions, 323 Ruggles, bh. 13 Me- State, h. al Gorlington, Vt. | 
vl hens: tae , s Blodgett C,H. (C. Blodgett ¢ Son), 14 State | 
Bletier John, provisions, Heath pl. house do. Blodgett Edwin, provisions, 77 Weat Concord, 
Bleikr Peter. butcher, h. 26 Russell A ward 15 house & Comston | | 
Bleischwitz Joseph, saloon, house 168 Cabot Blodget Elias (Hodgkins f Blodgett), jank, 25 
Blelock Geo. H. manager, {4 Tremont “cderal, house at East Cambridge | 
Blen Jobn D. houee 57 Leverett eat Blodgett avec W. enpraver, boards 14 Mont- 
Blenkinsop James, engineer, h. 2 Highland pl. gomery place | 
Blenkinaop Robert, clerk, house 114 Brighton Blodgutt ve Me boards Commonwealth Hotel 
Blenkinsop William A. Kev. house 55 eRe way, Blodee Sank A. clerk, 41 pipe daa Wee 
lenn George W. 86 Beverly, bids. 127 Chambers  o» Wietk House . [Rosell 
plead atint ep Thos. aaEDT hoards 20 W. Sixth Blodyett Horace, 27 F. H. market, boards 44 So, 
Blessington Jamvs, stoneeutter, boards 14 Pitte | Blodgett H. J. com. mer, boards U. 8. Hotel 
Blessington Peter, granite works, order pox. 17 Bir, ote R. fireman, B.& P. depot, boards $2 
ab. 4 Kiver endon s00T | | 
Blethen jet C. suleeman, 151 Court,bds, 63 Olar- | Blodyett Isanc D. ( Orrdicay, Blodgett, gf Co.), 69 
Blethen Levi B. milkman, house 557 E. Seventh Chauncy, bouge § Rutland aquare 

Bley John D. shoemaker, h. 4 50, Cedar-street pl. Blodgett John K. police station 4, h. 11 Shawmut 

BRADFORD & ANTHONY, at Warratentts: Sere eietiice seisen ister se 


Blodgett Luther, notury public, over Boylston mar- 
ket, house 4 Nassau : 

Blodgett Luther, 289 Wash. h. 525 Colombus ave, 

Blodyett Nathaniel H. 27 F. GH. market, house 46 
So. Ruseell — | | 

Blodwett Rufus H. printer, 60 School, h. 4 Gray 

Blodgett Samuel M. foreman, Hutehinson’s planing 
mill, house rear Codman, ward 16 [Allen 

Blodgett Warren K. provisions, 19 Charles, h. 15 

Blodgett Wm, A .prop. Metallic Art works, 15 State, 
houve at Watertown — 

Blodgett Wm, H. 43 Washington. house at Newton 

Blodgett William Kk, ( lodgett j* Lamb), 48 Kings- 

Blodgett W. K. com. mer, boards U. 8, Hotel 

Blodgett & Lamb ( Fm, A. Blodgett and Ht A. 
Lanb), dry goods com. 48 Kingston 

Blodgette George B, 30 Kilby 

Iiloise Helen M. nurse, bde. 69 Bennington, EB, 

Bloise Henry H. salesman, houee 91 Tyler 

Eloise Wm. D. teamater, 55 Commercial, boards 9 
Broadway | 

Tlom Henry M. painter, house 700 East Fifth 

Blombergh Charles, laborer, house Gardner ct. 

Biomguist Oliver, coachman, boards 1078 Tremont 

Blonde Edward A. painter, house 35 Blossom 

Klood Ai, house 105 Warren ave. — ton 

Blood Almon. carriage manuf, 119 Eliot. h. at New- 

Blood A. 8. (Blood @ Jwdlkina), wheelwright and 
blacksmith, 149 Beach, h. Mt. Vernon, ward 16 

Blood Chas, 8, (flood  Co.J, 219 W. Broadway, 
house 183 WV. Third [44 Spring 

Blood Dwight W. clerk, 14 Central market, bonrds 

Blood Edmund V.clerk, 10 Dock aq. b. at Milford 

Blood Frank, grocer, Newton Highlands, boards 13 
Hudson | 

Elood George F. mason. house 1138 Shawmut ave. 

Blood George H. salesman, 277 Washington, boarda 
1135 Shawmut ave, | 

Blood George Whitfield (Osborne G Blood), 17 
Batterymarch. Newton | 

Blood George W. (Blood ¢ Riggio), liquors, 24 
Brattle equare, house at Charlestown 

Blood Hanley, waiter, house 9 Oneida | 

Blood Henry OC. asst. bookkeeper, 67 Seara build- 
ing, boards at Winchester 

Blood I. M. agent, house 75 Quine | Charlestown 

Blood James 8, expresaman, 62 Court aq. house at 

Blood John C. conductor, B. L,& N, R. R. bouss 
at Lowell — 

Blood Joseph, house 37 Travers 

Blood Joseph A. driver, M. K. R, house 5 Lansing 

Blood Mary A. widow, dresamaker, h. 2161 Wash. 

Blood Warren M. carpenter, 121 Eliot, house 11 So. 

_ Kussell , | 

Blood Wm. G. carpenter, 121 Eliot, h. 51 Carver 

Blood Win. H. carpenter, 121 Eliot, bde. 34 Carver 

Blood Wm. H. sulesaman, $1 Cunal, bouse at Au- 

Blood Wm. L. carpenter, boards 1180 Harrison ave, 
Blood & Judkins (4. 8. Blood and d. C. Judkins), 

carriage mauniufs. 1449 Beach | 
Blood & Riggio (Geo. W. Alood and John Riggio), 
wines and liquors, 24 and 2 Brattle square 
Bloodgood Harry, actor, bds. 11 Suffolk place 

Bloom Alexander, clothing manuf, 68 Pitta, h. 875) 

racy 2) ag = 
Bloom Axel, hairdresser, D3 Pleasant, house do. 

Bloom Charles A. T. tailor, 265 Washington, house 

at West Medford 

Bloom John, watehman, house 191 Silver | 

Bloom Juline K. ( Norling ¢ Bloom, 221 Washing- 
ton, howéee at Hyde Park 

Bloom Morris, agent, 20 Court, room 9 

Bloom RK. cabliet maker, house 24 Fifth 

Bloomfield Geo, W. laborer, h. 314 D 

Bloomfichd Harry, etevedore, house 216 Marginal 

Blosser Ann, witaw house §1 Emerson Hhelsen 

Blossom E. De F. clerk, foot of Indin whf. h. at 

Blossom KE. F’. letter carrier, P.O. bds. 24 Leverett 

Blossom Henry C, letter carrier, P. O., stution A, 
house at Wakefield | 

Blossom William A. clork, Highland Municipal 
Court, boards 183 Dudley 

Blots John, laborer, h. 2 Spring court, ward 13 

Blount Eugene, moulder, house 52 Brooks 

Blount Herbert 8. painter, boards 20 Decatur 

Blount Sylveeter D. trader, bds, 214 Princeton, EB. 

Bloxham Catharine, widow, bds. River, n. city line, 
ward 16 | 

Blue Edward, laborer, b. 4 Primus ave. 


Blue Henry C. f Beard, Malton, ¢ Co.), 21 Chauncy, 

house 196 West Springtield 

Blue Hill National Bank of Dorchester, Washing- 
ton, cor. Richmond, ward 16 

Blue William H. foreman, house 4 B 

Blum Freidrich, Inborer, house 67 Athens _ 

Blum R. cabinet maker, honee 24 West Fifth 

Blum Wm. oysterman, 17 Commercial, boards 32 
Buckingham | 

Bluman Mary, widow, house 7 eee 

Blumberg Charles ( Delaporte b) lnmberg), To and 
TT West Broadway, h. 114 do. [622 Washington 

Blume Andress, counseyllor, 33 School, room M, hb. 

Blume Jarvis, student, 54 Sebool, room M, boards 
Winthrop House [80 North Anderson 

Blumenrother Charles, lithagrapher, 65 Hanover, h. 

Blundon Robert, tailor, houee 13 Way 

Blunt Aaron D, bookkeeper, 82 Friend, house at E. 
Somerville | 

Blunt Alfred M. piano maker, house 20 Chester park 

Blont Charles, machinist, house 4 Conant 

Blunt George, gasfitter, house Heath place 

Blunt George 8. postal clerk, h. 20 Chester aq.[h, do. 

Blunt Harvey, conufectioner and caterer, 715 Tremont, 

Blunt dane Mra. widow, house 54 Conant 

Blunt Joseph, marble polisher, bds, 62 Leverett 

Blunt Samuel, 149 Washington, house at Andover 

Blushkowitz Martin, sugar house, h. 67 W. Bixth 

Bluthardt Gustay, bourding house,87 Adama, h. do. 

Ely William L. clerk, 492 Wash. boards 19 Renfrew 

Blye Nettie G. Miss, matron, Boston University, 36 
Bromfield y 

Blynn Osear M. elork, 82 Friend, bds. at Chelsea 

Boardman Alonzo W. couneollor, T Court square, 
room 20, h. 101 Charice | | 

Boardman Benj. G. & Co. ( Thes. 0. Richardson, 
E. M. Dennie, and T. D, Boardman), hides 
and leather, 25 India whf. house 120 Bescon 

Boardman Charles, trensurcr, Met. RVR. 4 Tre- 
mont, house 405 Columbus avenue 

Boardman Charles G. (Jsrael Nosh f& Co.), 83 
Broad, house Walnutave. cor. Elmore 

Bosrdman Charlea H. inaurance agent, 102 Wash. 
hoards 32 Allen Thonse do. 

Boardman C. L. Miss, superintendent, 17 Beacon, 

Boardman C. T. clerk, 9 Winter, bds. at Charlestown 

Boardman E. A. wine store, 20 Congress, entrance 
2 Post office ave. house 168 Beacon 

Boardman E. A. Mre. widow, house 158 Beacon 

Bosrdman G. 0. conductor, bds. 1679 Washington 

Boardman Halsey J. (Boardman g Blodgett), 35 
Court, house 73 Forest , 

Boardman Henry H. printer, 118 Washington, house 
at Melrose , 

Boardman N. H. shoes, 44 Hanover, bh. ot Danvers 

Boardman Thomas, furniture repairer, 27 Maverick 
square, house 44 Webster 7 

Boardman T. Dennie (8. G. Boardman g Co.), 
25 India whf. house 245 Beacon 

Boardman Waldo E. clerk, T Pemberton aq. room 1, 
house at Enat Somerville [Cambridgeport 

Boardman William ©. entter, 24 by et Sa h. at 

Boardman William D. Mra. house 38 Kenilworth 

Boardman William E. physicion, bds. 405 Colum- 
bus avenue 

Roordman William H. stair builder, h. 8 Gifford pl | 

Boardman William L. P. master Lewis achool, h. 9 
Burroughs place [Dorchester 

Boardman William P. bookkeeper, howse G15 

Boardman & Blodgett (ff. J. Hoardman and Caleb 
Plodgett), counsellora, 36 Court 

Boardman, sec Bordman 

Boardwin bby Mre. h. T Beare place 

Bours Solomon, diamond polisher, h. 143 Dover 

Bock Jacoh, clothing, 55 Union, house 19 Holyoke 

Bock Samucl ( Prager, Bock, t Co.), 14 Dock 4q. 
and 155 Hanover, house 70 . sae 4 

Bock Valentine, carpenter, h. Whitney, n. Tremont 

Bock Willlam ©., confectioner, house 42 Middlesex 

Bockelmann Frank, painter, hourds §4 W. Third 

Bockelmann Henry, baker, 53 Pleasant, house 4 W. 

Bocking Carl, chemist, 18 Cox bullding, Dudley 

Bockus Charles FE. house Ashland, word 16 

Bodenubrown William, boot manufacturer, 164 Waalt, 
house at Jamaica Plain 

Bodenschatz Henry, cabinet maker, h. 2 Weston 

Bodge Adeline 5, Miss, teacher, Hancock primary 
achoo), boards 15 Hansou . 

Bolge Andrew J. 20 Weat, house at Melrose 

Bodge Charles A. honse 474 Tremont 

Boston [B] pDrercTory. 

sie D. W. teameter, 16 Blackstone, bouse at 

otis Franees M. master’s aseistant, Eliot school, 
boarde 15 Tanson 


Bodge George A, «teel Inspector, Norwa 
Bodge George W. machinist, hd«. 12 Ashlan 
none Helen L. oseistant, Grimmer school, 
* Haneon | 
Bodye James A. physician, 15 Hanson, honse do, 
Bodge Noah, houwe 1) Waneon 

9 Be Wm. jr. clerk, 295 Meridan, boards 207 do, 
Bodi Jolius, mariner, house 1 Fountain place 
Bodkin John, tailor, house 42 Genesee 

Hodkin Matthew, tailor, house 10 Genesee 

Bodkin Peter, laborer, house 270 Havre, EB, 

Bodwell Charles . carpenter and contractor, house 

47 Newland [ton, boards at Hyde Park 
Bodwell W. P. aselatant bookkeeper, 409 Washing. 
Goceche Anguat, gilder, housc Eagle, n, Putnan 
HBoethe!l William, 

ave. bde, 110 W. Cnatle 

Boffin’s Bower (reading roam), 815 Washington 
Bogan Edward, grocer, 115 W. Third, house do, 
Bogan Franct*, boarding hover, 4 Cross 
Bogan James, cooper, house 42 Decatur, E.R. 
Bogan Kichard, stonermason, honse D, cor. W, Niath 
Bogart Isaac 0, carpenter, house 1 Ohio 
Boggs Charles D. & Co, com. mers. 213 Commercial, 

wwe 3S Rotland place [bridgeport 

Roges Edwin P. bookkeeper, 83 Broad, b. at Cam- 
Boges Ellen, widow, house 17 8. Margin’ 

Bogus Josiah M. junk, house 267 Hanover 
Bogus Thomas F. bornisher, 7 Bpring lance, house 17 

« Margin 

Bogle George, card maker, 25 Vale, house do, 

Bogle James, designer, 1) Chauncy, h. 339 Colum. 
bus ave, mut ave 

Bogle Lyman H. clerk, 640 Tremont, b. 76) Shaw. 

Washington, house 769 Shawmut avenué 

Bogle William, hairwork, perfumery, &c. 43 Winter, 
house at Melrose 

Bogllaceo P. halework manufacturer, 45 Winter and 
a00 Washington, howse 485 Winter 

Og mae corge E. (fogumn Jy Vinal), T Dock aq, 

house at Brookline [ Brookline 

| Works, h. 80 (| 

oot and shoe maker, 192 Shawnut | 

Boles Levi & Son (Frank W. Boles), 

| Roleman John, puddler, house (0 1 

iomas L. atable foreman, Northampton, n, | 

Bogman (Gicorge W, clerk, 7 Dock square, house wt | 

Bogman & Vinal (Geo. KE. Bogman and Jame W, 
Vinal), hatdware, T Dock #4. 

Bogue Hugh, grocevr, 110 Kingston, house do, 

Bogue John W. halr dresser, 

. ft Chelsea . 

Bohan Daniel, laborer, boards 10 Genesce 

Bohan Martin A., agent, house 230 W. Third 

Bohanan Daniel W. clerk, 22 Commerce, touse 70 

Tohen Cain, laborer, house 45 Porter 
Bohm Leon, confectioner, house 24 Knox | 
Lohner Mary, house 07 Gold _ [ward 1b 
Bohr Louls, cabinet-maker, house 10 Tremont pl. 
pareenn, William, apothecary, 1106 Tremont, 
Ouse do, 
Boice Jonn, shoemaker, boards 39 North Russell 
Boies E. Elizabeth, teacher, Sherwin school. house 
14 Kendall at Newton 

. ot te [Fayotte | 
Bohinnan Amanda J, Miss, dreasmaker, house 10 | 

1bt Commercial, house | 

Boise Frank A.(L. D. Hoive ¥ Son), 0 Wash. h, 

Boies Frederick G, ealesman, 312 Hanover, boards 
at Chelsea 4: (Chelsea 

Boles Gilman 312 Hanover, house at. 

| n F. Sothing. 
Boise L. D. & Son ( Frant A.), clothing, 30 Wash. 
house at Newton | | . 
Boise Mary Loulse, house 14 Columbia 
Boise F. peat. hookkeeper, 43 Washington, bds. 
iincy House 
Bolt Ex wird D, jr. lawyer, 2 Pemberton square 
Bolvin Charles, shoemaker, 168 Friend, house i 
Union place . - 
Bolan Catharine, widow, house 16 Lincoln block 
Bolan Franels, luborer, house 60 Lincoln — 
Bolan James Mrs. widow, house 19 Rochester 
Bola John, stonecutter, house 150 Harrison ave, 
Bolan John R. mariner, house 3 Metropolitan pl, 
Bolan Patrick, clerk, 227 Albany, house 3 Hea! 
Boland Abbie, widow, house 444 Border 
Boland Edward, laborer, house § River 
Boland Haunah, widow, house 40 Dunlow 
Bolaod John. cooper, house 85 Everett 
Boland John, laborer, house 197 London, E.B. 
Boland Michael, laborer, house 16 Bowen 
Boland Patrick, stonecutter, house 59 I 

Bee pheare, elssors, | 

Bolton Elizabeth E. Mrs. house 
| Bolton Gilman Et. coffee and Junch room, 171 Wash, 

| Bolton John. stonecutter, house rear 13 A | 



Boland Stephen, tallor, house &| Gold , 
Boland Stephen, morocco dresser, house 20 Sawyer 
Boland Svlvester, harness-maker. 160 Tremont 
Holaod Thomas, mason, house 1058 Tremont 
Holand William, clerk, boards 174 Harrison ave 
Loland Wm. laborer, boards &77 Albany 

Holand William F. agent, boards @ Hudson 
Holden Morris, laborer, house 195 Fuethe 

| Boldy Joseph, plaster image maker, 5 Thacher ave. 

house 4 Thacher court : 

holeman Thomas F. clerk, K, cor. Emerson, bile, 104 

| boler Miehoel, cutter, 140 Harrison avenue, boards 


2 Adwms place : 
boarde Ww. 

Beles Albert Gi. clerk, 705 Tremont, b 
Bolea Alexander, laborer, house a6 N, Anderson 
oles Cliirles, mariner, house 191 Bennington 
Boles Edward M. cushicr, 6 Commerce, boards {07 
West Springfield | 
Boles Frank W. (Zeri Boles & Son), Sudbury, cor, 
Haymarket square, boards 4) Lynde 

Poles Ira W. limber, boards 400 W. Second 

Holes Jane, widow. house & Porter, K.4. | 

Roles Jerome Mrs. house 207 West Springfield r 

windows, aleo window glass, Sudbury, corter 
Haymarket square, h. 20 Lynde [Chester park 

Holes Rowena H. FP. Miss, music-teacher, boards a1 

Holes Warren, carpenter, 25 Dowker,h, at Medford 

Holes, ace Rolles and Kowles 

Holger Anaétasia, widow, houge 15 Boylston place 

Holger Catharine, widow, h. 270 Dorchester avo, 

Holger M, Miss, dressmaker, 15 Bo lston | 

Bolgwr Patrick F. cooper, 3 Batierymurch, house 

176 Fourth | 

Holger Peter, iaherman, house 4 Margaret | 

Wolkeom ‘TT. A. Mra, tencher, Hawea school, ba, 

424 W. Broadway 

Holl John, laborer, house 16 Mindord — ° 

Hollea Chas. FH. (Menjamin Callender & Co.J, 07 

Commercial, house 4 Clifford 

Holles Charles M, bookkeeper, h. (2 Northfield 

Bolles George B, conductor, 0. C. BR. BR. boar 
at Fall Kiver ) 

Bolles Henry 8. steward, house 63 Northileld 

Bolles H. Eugene, student, boards Stoughton, cor. 
Cottage, ward 16 

Bolles Matthew & Co. ( M, &. Bolles), bankers and 
brokere, #0 State, h. 445 Shawmut ave. 

Bolles M, Shepard (M. Botles ¢ Co.), 90 State, 
boards 445 Shawmut avenue 

Holles Richard F, 00 State, bds, 45 Shawmut ave, 

| Bolles Wm. I. phys iclun, boards Stoughton, corner 

Collige, wil | 
Hollig George, near 11 Central wharf, house Folsom 
p wce, Longwoodavenne — | 2 
Hollman John, machinist, boards 216 W. Broadway 
Bolman Harriet M, teacher, bds. M Shawmut ave. 
Holman Wim. Mra. house 65 Shawmut avenue 
Holater Alvin A. boards § Warren place 
Bolster Charles, teamster, boards 1 Prospect 
Bolster Chas. H. (May, Bolster, Co.), 4 Com- 
merece, house 4 Forest 
Bolater Edward painter, boards 42 Tennyson 
Roleter John, laborer, house rear 208 Federal 
Boleter John C. 33 Summer, boards at Cambridge 
Koleter Margaret, widow. house 71 Alban 
Bolster Marv, widow, houre Srnieite Chelsea and 
Saratoga (Cobden, n. Walnut arenue 
Bolater Solomon A. lawyer, 27 Guild row, house 
Bolster Thos, gasfitter, 173 Tremont, boards at 
Holter Samuel B, watchman, honse 9 Chapman 
Belton Carlos E. letter-carrier, P.O. house at 
Charlestown : | 
Bolton Charles, clothing, hate, &co 112 Hanover, 
house atChelsea 
Bolton Charles S. machinist, h. Hudson, ward 16 
Holton, Dewnr, & Fied!house (James olton, 
Robert Dewar, and Joveph Fietthounc), free 
atone and marble workers, Reed, near Swett 
Bolton Edward, waiter, house 5 Wells place 
Bolton Beward D.7 Court sq. room 47, boarda at 

Somervi ‘ | 
Bolton Edw. 4. 32 Cornhill, ch hh te 

[Reed, house 17 Che 
J Fieldhouse ), 
1 EK. Eighth 

—s howse 62 Poplar 
Bolton James ( Aolton, Dewar, 
Bolton Jesse, carpenter, houre r. 

[TLERY. Ti Auteme of 147%, 
wile rebullding,) we ere at te Bay ieton x 


Bolton John BK. engraver, 221 Wash, house at 
Somerville : far Somerville 
Bolton John T..(¢ Stone G& Downer), 25 State, house 
Bolton John T. seaman, house 36 Prince | 
Bolton Joho W. eand, 62+ Commercial, house do. 
Bolton Joseph F. paperhanger, boards 30 Charter 

Bolton Richard T.06 Broad, house 10 Bremen, E. B, | 

Bolton Robert N. salesman, 18 Merchants row, h. 
at Somerville | 
Bolton 2umuel H. cabinetmaker, house 69 Joy 
Bolton Sarah, widow, house 17 Chadwick 
Boltz Peter, furniture polisher, h. 5 Fellowa court 
Kolz Henry, upholatercr, house 105 A, Pleasant | 
Bombauer Jacob, laborer, h 29 Tremont pl. wd. 15 
Bombeidle Bennett, cigarmaker, house r. $4 Cabot 
Bond Aloozo, leader, Kond's Band, 89 Court, house 
100 Merrimac 
Bund Annie E, Miss, teacher Boston School for 
Dest Mutes, 1) Pemberton aq. W. Newton 
Bond Arthur T. salesman, 167 Tremont, boards wt 
Fond Benjamin, paperhanger, house 48 Barton 
Bond Chas watchmaker, 2025 Washington 

Bond Charles ( Bond ¢ Tidd), 224 Portland, Louse | 

at North Woburn 
Bond Churles, spe boards 4 Baldwin place 
Boud Churles D. boarding house, 15 Indians place 
Bond Charles H, f Witt } Bond), 4 Blackstone, b. 
at Saugus [Woburn 
Bond Daniel W. clerk, 206 Broad, boards at North 
Bond Edward P. New Eugland Shoe and Leather 
Agsociation, D1 State, house at Weet Newton 
Bond Ellen Mra, widow, house 3 MeLean court 
Bond Frances A. widow. house Parker hill avenue 
Bond Frauk P. clerk, boards 11 Oxford | 
Bond Frederick H. ( Henry Bond ¢ Co.), 47 High, 
house 64 Tremont 
Bond George, carpenter, house 54 Gouch 
Bond George, Waiter, house 6) W. Fourth 
Bond George F. painter, house 33 Alper 
Bond George H. ( fond ¢ MWineh), 61 and 117 Dor- 
chester and 475 W. Broadway, boards 311 do. 

Bond George H, grocer, 64 Richmond, house 2) 

Lawrence place } 
Bond Geo. Wm. & Co. (J. Louis Brackett and Win. 

S&S. fond), wool brokers, 1044 State, house at. 

Jimaica Plain 

Bond George W. machinist, boards 200 Lexington 

Bond Henry & Co. ( #. A. fond). hides and leather, 
47 and 409 High, house 54 Tremont 

Bond Henry A. grocer, 64 Richmond, house do. 

Bond Henry &. printer, 14 Winter, h. 61 Harvard 

Bond H. M. Mra. house 17 Rollios 

Bond John, cooper, 104 F, H. market, honge 4 
Baldwin place 

Bond Johu H. porter, 114 North, Cambridgep't 

Bond J, Elliot ( Peasley f fond). 47 Wash. h. 238 D 

Bond L. E. Dr, ehiropdlat, 17 Hollins, house do. 

Rond Lather A. EK. artist, boards 2s D 

Bond Mary Mrs house 3 Merrimac place 

Bond Sewall LH, Mra. house 447 Dudley 

Bond 5. A. U, Mra. ¢ Hm. ond & Son), 17 Congress, 

«i iousé 514 E, Broadway Trenton 

Bond Thios, (Lane Bond), 267 North, house 147 

B0od Phomas, Novelty Steum-bending Works, 92 
Utica, house at West Newton 

Bond Thomas C, cutter, &5 Wash b. 60 Chandler 

Bond Thomas L. appraiser's office, 177 State, house 
at Chelsea yee somerville 

Rond Thomas P. P. paper hanger, 174 Hanover, h. 

Hond Thomas 8, clerk, 267 North 

Bond Timothy D., Boston Wheat and Bread Co, 

_ Grackera, office 12 Cunal 

Bond T. Edward clerk, Vt. Central Line, 65 Wash, 
h. at W. Newton 

Bond Watson L,. clerk, 28 Cambridge, h. 24 Hangon 

Bond William & Son (J. M. Clinch and 8. A. C. 

Bond), chronometer and watchmakers, 17 Con-| 

Bond William. laborer, house 35 Webstor 
Bond Win. H. Court, house at K. Somerville 
Houd William 8. (Geo. W. Bond G Co.), 104 State, 
boards at Jamaica Plain 
Bond & Wiueh (Geo. H. Bond and G. F. Winch), 

racers, 4785 W. Broadway and 61 ond 117 Doreh, | 

Bra | 
Bonelli L. H. ( Holmead Bonelli), 26 Friend, house 

; at Lynn 

Bonitha John H, laborer, h. rear 4 Garden-ct. at. 

Bonn Geo. W. (Seoboria dt Bonn), 11 Hawkins, 
house at Charlestown 

Bonneau Christopher, cook, house 13 Anderson 


Boole Thomas 


Bonnell H, C. enter, Ferdinand, cor. Winches- 
ter, house at Hyde Park | [Hide park 

Bonnell John D. printer, 63 Hanover, house at 

Bonnell Smith 5. carpenter, boards 65 Fayette 

Bonnell W. F. printer, 64 Hanover, h. 03 Revere 

Bonnelle Frank J. printer, 6 Williums ct., house 7 
Hancock : 

Bonner Catharine, house 206 Sumner, E.B. 

Konner Catherine, widow, house 3 Norwich 

Bonuer Daniel, cabinetmaker, h. 624 Harrison av, 

Kouner Dennis ( Sonner of Sutherland), tenmster, 
167 Evdicott, house do. 

Bonner Edward, laborer, louse 26 Auburn 

Bonner Geo. U, conductor, F. R.i. hl. at Somerville 

Bonner Hugh, laborer, house 24 Thacher court 

Konner James, teamster, Burtiett & Drake's whi, 
house 13 Murgaret 

Bonner James, gus-house, house 97 Prince 

Bonner Jolin, laborer boards 218 Endicott 

Hiouner John, confectioner, li Green 

Bonuer Pucy widow, house 17 Irving 

Bonner Ne pA laborer, boards 73 Coltage 

Bonner Neil, laborer, house 73 Cottage 

Konner Neil, teamater, house 100 Charlestown 

Bonnir Owen, carpenter, boards 73 Uottage 

| Bonner Patrick. laborer, house 06 Salem 

Bonner Patrick, laborer, house r. 104 Orleans, E, B, 

Bonner Philip, laborer, house 68 Cottage, E.B. 

Bonner Wyatt, bDiuckamith, house 9 Dover place 

Honner W..A. steward, Clarendon Hotel, bds. do. 

Konner & Sutherland (2). Houner and A, Suther- 
lend), teamsters, 167 Endicott 

Bonnet Alexis Gi. music teacher, h, 1 Chester place 

Bouney Charles A. Mra. house 566 Gray 

Bonney George F.& Cof da. We Wuplet ai atablers, 

6 Kamestead court, house ut New York 

| Bonney George H. heeler, boards r. 142 Tyler 
| Bonney George W. sawliler, house 206 Lexington 

Bonney Henry T. (fonney. Thayer, f Wight), 56 
Unitou, house at Medford (W. Springteld 
Bonney Isadore, teacher, Sherwin School, house 224 
Konney Pelham Mrs. widow, house 2! Lynde 
Bonney Pelham, insurance broker, 27 Stute, house 
at Cambridgeport at LaRLOnieae Dues 
Bonney Perez I’. salesman, 242 Washington, house 
Bonney Sarali KR. teacher, Sherwin School, house 
615 Tremont, : | 
Bonney, Thayer, & Wight (Hf. 7. Ronney, A. 
Theyer, and Geo. A. Wight), furniture, 66.and 
f3 Union, and 43 and 45 Friend {House 
Bonney William L. 4¢ Washington, boards Adame 
Bounle Louis ( Bonnie ¢ Co,), 200 Hanover, house 
16 Parmeuter [jewelry, 200 Hanover 
Bonnie & Cv. (Louis Bonnie and G. J. Hinke), 
Bonnivier Vincent, house 135 North 
Bonwell George, paperhanger, h, 325 Harr. ave, 
Boodro Peter, hairdresser, 246 Federal and Nep- 
tune Hotel, house 1 North square 
Boody Frank, jobber, house 2 Grighton-st, place 
Boody Frank Hl. 77 Kingston, bds, at Someryille 
Boody Harrict 5, teacher, Soelling ploce primary 
school, boards Church, cor. Witter, word 16 

| Boody Lot, restaurant, 241 Hanover, b. 69 Friend 

Boody Martha F, teacher, Ingraham echool, bde, 
Church, cor. Winter, ward 16 
Booker Edward, porter, house 15 Grove 
Kooker Edward, waiter, house 6 Blossom court 
Booker George W. itinter, bda, 24 Franklin place 
Hooker Oliver J. driver, hose 14, house 743 Wurreo 
Booker Robert W. Mra. house 24 Franklin place 
Booker Wm. I. fireroan, engine 14, Cabot 
Hookings Samuel H, house 467 East Sights 
Booklider Philip, machinist, house 250 ugglos— 
. house 137 Prescott, EB. (ct. 
Boomer W. H. printer, 6 Williams ct. b. 6 Auburn 
Boomer O.F.(/oomer if Houghton), 34 Merch. row 
Boomer & Houghton (0. F. Boomer and Lemuel 
Houghton), Boomer & Boschert presses, 34 
Merchants row [h. at Winchester 
Boone Allen F. ( Boone, Cannel, if Co.), 416 Wash. 
Boone, Cannell, & Co, (J. 4H. Cunnell and A. JF, 
Hoane ), elothiers’ trimmings, 216 Washington 
Boorman ‘I’. H, agent, N. A. Neuchatel Paving Uo,, 
41 State, house at Newton Ventre 
Boos Henrietta Mrs. house 91 Tyler — [ler avenue 
Boote John A, gusiitter, 360 W. Broadway, b, Beck- 
Bouth Alfred, 4 Merrimac, house 6 Essex 
Hooth Charles, 52 Green, house 668 Ki, Sixth 
Booth Chas. A. private detective, 13 Court square, 
room 1, house 44 Grove — 
Booth Chas. H. printer, 116 Wash. h, 38 W. Cedar 

Manufacturers, Jobbbera, and Retailers of 

Hardware, 4U Dock Sq. 



Booth Chas, 8, engraver, 112 Wash. b. 88 W. Cedar | Borrowscale John & Son (.Johm jr.). slate dealera, 

Booth George, deputy sheriff, Superior Criminal 
Court, boards 17 Bowdoln 
Booth George, cabinetmaker, boards 140 Salem 
Booth James, bricklayer, house Sewall place 
Booth James, painter, house 2 Stillman place 
Kooth James B. carpenter, house 46 Fayette 
Booth John, marblepolléher, h. 3 Stillman place 
Booth John, cabinetmaker, boards 140 Salem 
Booth John M. jeweller, 40 Washington, boards 
12 Ashland place 
Booth Junius B. manager, board« Hotel Pelham 
Hooth Mary, widow, house 3 Page's court 
Tooth Richurd, hatter, boards Jefferson Mouse 
Booth Squire, paver, house 260 Dorchester, n. R.T. 
Booth Stephen, printer. H) Wash. h. 14 Melrose 
Booth Thomas, machinist, house 05 Prescott 
Booth Thomas, laborer, house 2 Stillman pluce 
Booth W. H, telegrapher, house 333 Harrison ave. 
Booth & Co, ekivers, &c, 4 Commerce 
Hootliby Alonzo, phvsictan, house 16 Staniford 
Boothby Caroline Miss, dreasmaker and machine 
etitcher, 216 Northampton, houae do. 
Boothby Charles C. collector, house 40 Appleton 
Boothby Chas, L. 45 Kingston, bds. 81 do. 

Boothby Clinton L. clerk, 457 Tremont, boards 49 | 

Indiana place [way 
Boothby Edwin, horse feeder, bis, 257 W. Broad- 
Boothby Frank L. 48 Kingston, boards 31 do. [do, 
Boothby F. V. Miss, dresemaker, 142 Tremont, h. 
Boothby H. Ellen Miss, teacher, Tennyson-street 

primary achool, boards 22 Cortes 
Boothby 5, A. 41 Devonshire, boards at East Som- 

erville, ond house at Biddeford, Me, 
Boott Cotton Mills, 60 State 
Boott Kirk. house 10 Jovy 
Boott William. auditor, Michigan Central R.R. 61 

Sears building. boards 121 Charles 
Boran Robert, cabinetmaker, howae 126 Leverett 
Koran Thomas, messenger, bds, Jefferson House 
Borda & Keller, coal, 25 Kilby 
Borden Albert, painter, boards 81 Emerson 
Borden Ann, seamstress, house 412 W. Second 
Borden Chas. A. builder and carpenter, house 459 

W. Fourth 
Borden Ciisrlea J. & Bro. (#. N. Johuson), hate, 

caps, &c. 70 Hanover [1 Kneeland pl. 
Borden Clement A. clerk, Pleasant, ¢, Carver, bds. 
Kiorden George E. carpenter, 77 Joy, louse at 

Cambridgeport | 
Borden James, clerk, boards 2 Washburn place 
Borden Johu, clerk, 237 Broad, bds. 22 Bowdoin 
Borden Joseph, foreman, 636 E. Second, h, 69 L 
Borden .J. atueco worker, 114 Eliot h. at Brighton 
Borden Philip D, student, boards )14 Chandler 
Borden Samuel A. 32 F. H. market, h. 2 Ash place 
Borden W. Herbert, clerk, 25 Charlestown, buards 

22 Bowdoin 
Korden —, carpenter, house 14 Albany 
Bordman John, house 12 Porter 
HKordwin George, laborer, house 7 Sears place 
Burges M. de F, H. consul, Portugal, and vice-con- 

aul Brazil, and commission merchant, 27 Cen- 

tral wharf, house at Bouth Medford 
Borghardt A. W. C. physician, 464 Tremont, bh. do. 
Borgialli V. F. clergyman, house Fourth, cor. I 
Boris P, J. teacher of French, 594 Washington 
Borland Frank, laborer, house 6’ West Cedar 
Borland John, house 47 Beacon 
Borland John N. physician, house 22) Beacon 
Borland M Woolsey, house 227 Bencon 
Borland Thomas, foreman tannery, Pynchon, h. 
«141 Centre, ward 15 
Bornkeasel Charlea, varolsher, house 3 Dayis pl, 
BKornkessel George, house Whiloey 
Bornstein Alex. cutter, house 41 Oewego 
Bornstein Daniel, clerk, 6) North, h.25 Village 
Bornstein David J. clerk, house 174 Shawmut ave, 
Hornstein Henry, clothing, # Union, h. 85 Chandler 
Bornstein Henry, clerk, boards 42 Sheal 
Bornstein Isaac L Mra. house 28 Village 
Bornstein I. M. clerk, 14 Dock square 

Bornstein Jacob L. clothing, 60 North, house 9| 

Lovering place 
DBorngtein Louis, furniture, 15 Cross, h. 26 Salem 
Rordttein Meyer A. finisher, boards 61 Oswego 
Bornstein Meyer I. house 15 Sharon 
EBoroun Elisha, seaman, house 109 Day 7 | 
Borrow C. W. foreman. #4 La Grange, h, 33 Hudson 
Borrowscale George W. slater, 146 Tyler, office 

164 State, house 12 Bradlor 


14 State and 17 Court, liouse 24 Hollis 

Borrowscale John, jr. {Join Horrowacale G Son), 
If State and 17 Court, b. 24 Hollis [Somerville 

Derrowseale Joseph, elater, 16 Avery, liouse at 

renga Wiliam A, slater, h. 7 Adams place, 
4 bl i i 

Rorsh Franeie, hearse driver, house r. $19 Albany 

[orsh Frederick, brewer, house 0 Prentiss 

Borsh Philip J. ¢fossom & Borah), 62 Wareham, 
house § Asylum | 

Bosticld Albert, baker, house 4 Castle 

Hosing Thos. porter, 12 Boyls on, h. 18, Cedar pl, 

Bosquallo Caramello, laborer, house 121 North 

Boers Culeh, hostler, house 4 rims ave, 

toss Felix, waiter, house 14 Grove 

Bose Joseph, polisher, house 24 Windsor ; 

Boss Robert P. night foreman ‘' Daily Globe,” h, 
K, Seventh, near G 

Bosse Bernard, avgar house, house 195 Silver 

ose Henry. sugar house, house )64 Silver 

Goasen Charles, loremun, 69 Hanover, house at 

Bossert Andreas, lager heer, 65 Sudbury, h. 4 Acorn 

Hossey Nicholas, prop, Eagle Hote]. Lewis, corner 
Fulton : [h. 110 Camden 

Kossom Henry (fossom if} Borah), 52 Wareham, 

Bossom & Boreh (Henry Bossom and Philip J. 
fiorsh). cabinet makers, McNutt’s building, 52 
Wareham — [Colum pis ave, 

Bosson Charles P. clerk, 41 Devoneliire, house 289 

Rosson George C. 18 Chauncy, house at Chelsea 

Howson Geo, If, deputy whartinger, 1 Russia wharf 

Rosson William B. clerk, 62 Canal, Lda. at Chelsea 

Host Gottlieb, watchman, house 23 Conant — | 

Roston Amelia F. Miss, teacher Comins primary 
Echool, Phillipe, house 257 Ruggles 

Boston Art Club, 0) Kovyleton | |[Bovas, 62 State 

Boston Asvium sed Farm Sehool for Indigent 

Hoston Athenwum. Beacon street ! 

Roston Bag Co. 3 Jolin (cor, N 

Boston Barrel Co. 5. S. Gray, treas. E. Beventh, 

Boston Bedding Co, 56 Fulton and & Ferry 

Boston Beer Co, 10 Central wharf 

Boston Belting Co. 54 and 44 Chauncy 

Roston Benajah. porter, house Seabury place 

Boston Denetit Society, 114 Clinuney 

Boston Board of Trade. 3 Merchants Exchange 

Hoston Bottle Worka, 97 State 

Boston Broom Band Co. 130 Commercial 

Boston button Co. 47 Cornhill 

Boston Can Co. 44 Broad 

Boston Car Spring Co. 41 West, factory, Terrace, 
foot of Cedar, ward 15 | 

Boston Carpet Padding Co. 22 Custom-houee st. 

Boston Carpet Slipper Co. 5 Broad 

Boston Chair Co. 144 North | 

Boston Chemical Works, 21 Central 

Boston Cheas Club. 2 Hamilion place, room 13 

Boston Children’s Friend Society, 48 Rotland 

Boston China Decorating Co, Charles, cor. Poplar 

Boston Chromo Co. 400 Washington 

Boston City Flour Miils, 45 to 52 Commercial whf. 

Boston Clearing House, io state 

Boston, Clinton, & Fitchburg E.R. office 17 U.8, 
Hotel block 

Roston Clothing Co. 32 Central aquare, E.B, 

Boston College, 701 Harrison avenue 

Boston Comtort Corset Co, 76 Chauncy 

Boston Commercial Exchange, 4% Commercial 

Boston Conservatory of Music. 154 Tremont 

Boston Co-operative Building Co, 67 Devonshire 

Boston, Concord, & Montreal R.R. office. 123 Wash, 

Boston Corrugated Iron Co 5 Pemberton square 

Boston Cynthia Mh, Mra, bh. Wash. on. School, wd. 16 

| Boston Dental College, 15 Tremont Temple 
| Boston Diatite Company, 4 Chaune: 

Boston Dispensary, Bennet, cor. Ash 

Boston Document Envelope Co. 11 John 

oston Dramatic Institute, 114 Chaune 

Boston Drug Mills, office, 6 Sargent’s wharf 
Boston Dyewood and Chemical Co.3 Central whf. 
Roston Elastic Fabric Co, §2 Chaaney | 
Hoston Elijah, hairdresser, 141 Dover, hb. 210 do, 
Boston Evening Transcript, 2 Court ave. 

Boston Excelsior Co. 26 Canal 

Boston Felt Roofing Co. 14 Water ‘berton #q. 
Boston Fire Proof Ventilating Shutter Co. 14 Pem- 
Boston Five Cents Savings Bank, 34 and 38 School 

Boston Flax Mills, S\ and &) Commeroial 

| Boston Flour Co. 112 Union 

~FANOX.— 2BRADEORD & ANTHONY, $379 QUuarMnatns, Se ach! vant ae 


Boston nee Co,, James Smith, treas. and agent, 

“4 Kilby | 

Boston Frame and Chromo Co, 202) Wash. 

Boston Furniture (‘o. 135 Friend 

Boston Gas Light Co. 20 West 

Hoston Gold carps J COnRress square 

Boston Hand Stamp Co. 44 Winter 

Houston, Hartford, & E, KR. R. trustees’ office, 40 
State, r. 22 

Boston Herald, 103 Washington 

Hostou Hotel, Beach, cor. Harrison avenue 

Bostoa Hotel's Coach Co, 160 Portland 

Bostou Ice Co. State | 

Boston Ice Cream Co. 9 Spring Lane 

Boaton [ndexical SonpCo. 61 Chardon 

Boston Journal of Chemistry, 4% Oliver 

Boston Kindling Wood Co. 6 Water 

Koston Land Co. 102 Strate 

Bostou Lead Co. J. H. Chadwick & Co. agents, 
22, M4, and 246 Oliver | 

Roaton LAbrery Society, 14 Boylston place 

Boston Lock Co,, Justin Hinds, supt, 19 Wareham 

Boston Lovell, teamater, bda 74 Cove 

Bowion Lyceum, Joho <A, Andrew Hall, il4 

Boston Lyceum Bureau, 36 Bromfield 

Boston Lying-in Hospital. 24 McLean . 

Koston Machine Co. Granite, cor. First, 5.B., trea, 

Office, & Oliver 

Boston Manuf Co.60 State 

Boston Manof. Mut. Fire [ne. Co, 67 Devonshire 

Hoston Marine Society, 190 Commercial 
Boston Mary T. widow, house 257 Ruggles 
Hoston Mechanics’ Union, 104 W, Concord 
Boston Metallic Plane Co 69 Haverhill 
Boston Metallic Roofing Oo, 122 Hudson 
Boston Milling Co. 45 Biond 
Boston Museum, 25 'l'remont (Central pl, 
Boston Music Hall Association, Winter street and 
Boston Music School, 72 Eliot 
Boston Musical Instrument Manuf. 71 Sodbary 
Boston Natioval Bank, 6) State 
Koston News Co. 4 Province court , 
Boston Nickel Plating Co. 13 awd 15 Bowker 
Boston North End Mission, 201 North 
Hoston Novelty Co. variety goods, 99 Court 
Roston Numismatic Society, 18 Somerset 
Boston N. Jennie Mies, millinery, 12 Temple place, | 
— hh. Washington, near School, ward 16 
Boston Oakum Co. 84 Norfolk avenue 
Hoaton Octavius, police station 2, h. 2 Goodwin pl, | 
Boston Optical Works, 67 Devonshire 
Boston Organ Co. 1 Wishington, factory at 
 Soath Braintree . 
Bostouw Paint Mills, 11 and 14 Hawkins 
Boston Paper Box Manuf. 40 and 4) Hanover 
Boston Penoy Savings Hank, 1170 Wash. corner 
 Union-park street . 
Borton Planing*and Mvulding Mill, 393 Federal 
Boston Post-office, Miik, corner Washington 
Boston Provident Association, Chardon street 
Heston Public Library, 44 Hoylston 
Boston Kolling Milla, 17 Batterymarch 
Boston Royal, painter, house Forest-hill avenue, 
near Sanford, ward 1d 
Boston Kubber Shoe Cu. 44 Hanover 
Toston Ruche and Kutle Co. 265 Washington 
Koston Saw Co. Beverly | | | 
Moston Seaman's Friend Society, 40 Commercial — 
Boston Shipping and Mercantile Advertiser, 14 
Commercial «| ple place 
Boston Society for Medical Observation, 36 Kem. 
Boston Society for Medical Improvement, 96 Tem- | 
e place Boylston 
oaton Society of Natural History, Berkeley, cor, 
Boston Star Collar Co, & Picts 
ioston Stereotype Foundry, 19 Spring lane [1 
Boston Stock Exchange Board, 1} Exchange, room 
Boaton Sugar Refinery, 40 Broad 
Roston Tea Co, 9and 11 Washington 
Boston iype Foundry. 71 School [room 5 
Boston University and Law Library, 36 Bromfield, 
Boston Water Power Co. 17 state, r. and 4 
Boston Wesleyan Aseociation, 4 Bromfield 
Boston Wharf Co. office, 27 Union Bullding, 40 State 
Boston Wheat and Bread Co. 12 Canal and 1460 

Boston Wm. salesman, boards 257 Ruggles 

Howton Yacht Clab, 15 Pemberton square | 

Boston Young Men's Christian Association, Elfjot, 
cor. Tremont 

Bosworth Charles, machi«ist, board 

Boudreau Kaphel, ¢ 

Boston [}}] DIRECTORY. 

| Boston Young Men's Christian Union, 300 Wash. 

Boston Young Women's Uhristian Asso. 27 Beach 
Boston & pany BR... Co. treas, office, 40 State, 
Boston & Albany R.R. Express Co, 6 Court sq. 
Boston & Colorado Co. 77 State 
Boston & Lowell Express Co, 45 Court square 
Boston & Lowell R.K, office, Causeway = [Friend 
Boston & Maine Foundry Co, 40 Caonl and 130 
Hoston & Maine RR. Co. Wayniarket square 
Boston & Providence K.K. Co.Pleasant 
Boston & Roxbury Mill Corp. 22 Devonshire 
Hoston & Sandwich Glass Co. 13 Broad 
Bostwick FE R. salesman, 27 N. F. HW. market, h. 
12 Dartmouth place 
Bostwick E, Warner. ios. agt. 954 Wash. bh. at Mel- 
rose * ington market,.Dds, 2 Madieon 
Rostwiek Nelson (fa kford if} Hoxtwick), 24 Wash- 
Boswell Horace E. travelling agent, house 31 Dover 
Boswell James O. renl-cstute agent, #1 Washington, 
livuee at Wakeficld | , 
Roswell Joseph 8. boarding house, 24 Parkman 
Boewith Eriston, coachman, house 2 Belknap bd 
Bosworth Benjamin 8. gnafitter, § Pleasant, bouse 
Weat-Walnut park .. 
Boaworth, Howdltch,& Co (C.F. Boaworth, CA, 
Nowditch, and C. W. Shillings), millinery 

goods, 37 Temple place 
Bosworth Bros. re EE and Af. /.), four, 173 State 
: carde 38 Bradford 
Bosworth Charlies E. ( Hosworth Sros. J, flour, 173 
State, house 26 Rutland square 

Bosworth Charles F. 41 North Market, boards 23 

Chelsea | [Saupua 

Rosworth Charles M. clerk, 200 Wash. boarda at 

Bosworth C. V. (Hesworth, Howditch, & Co.), aT 

‘Temple place, house at Weat Newton 

Bonworth E. Oscar, Bowdoin Hall, § Bowdoin aq, 
howae at Charlesiown = 

Bosworth Hiram E. boards 4 Bockingham 

Bosworth John H. clerk. T Elm, bas, 9 —— pl. 

Bosworth Joshua 5. house 78 Rotland [Newton 

| Bosworth J. W. clerk, 37 Temple pl. bds. at West 

Bosworth Mary G. widow, h. Taylor, near Wood, 

ward 16 [house 1124 Washington 
Bosworth Milford J. ( fomvorth Aros, ), 173 State, 
Boeworth Nathaniel, steam and gasfliter, 302 Tre- 

mont, h. 234 West Canton rene h. 5 Rolling 
Bosworth Royal (Bosworth f} Hamlin), 256 Fed. 
Boaworth & Hamlin (Royal Moeworth and FE. 8, 

Hamlin), coal and wood, 2456 Federal 

| Rotana Joseph, cook, house 6 Nawn 

Bote!) Henry, house 110 Castle 
Both A. C. engineer, § Pemberton — 
Hoth Carl, physician, 233 Tremont, house do. 

| Botham Frederick, clerk, 3 Summer, bds. 2 Davis 

Bothfeld H. F.. U. 8. Engineors’ office, 2 Bulfinch, 
house at West Newton , 

Bothfleld H. F. at engineers office, 2 Bulfinch | 

Botefurd Charles B. & Co. (A. @. Perkins), paper 

ss dealers, 14 Milk. bower 40 Aupiton 

Botsford George W. poe and twine, 67 and 69 
Kingston, house 168 Weat Brookline 

Rott Frank, salesman, 2 Commerce, b. at Gloncester 

Bott James E. porter, 43 Washington, h. at Salem 

Botter Erich P. clerk, house 1085 Tremont 

| Botta Dominica, widow, house 121 West Brookline 

Botume John, jr. (Aoldwin. Rotume, gf Co.), 122 
South Market, house at Wyomlog 
Boucher Charles, laborer, houee 07 West Dedham 
arpenter, h. 064 Harrison ave. 
Boudrot Charles, carpenter, house 74 Broad 
Boudrot Elias. laborer, house 8 Tileaton : 
Boudrow Alexander, saloon, 20 North, house do, 
Boudrow Charles, metal doaler, h. 185 Lexington 
Boudrow [aanc, ship carpenter, house Maverick, 
near Forge 
Boudrow Simon, laborer, house T Border, E.B. 
Boudwin James E. clerk, 4 Summer, boards 66 Oak 
Roudwin Jane, widow, house 00 Oak — 
Boudwin Joseph, 33 Summer, boards 04 Oak 
Boudwin Thomas H, 3} Summer, boards 66 Oak 
Boulby Charles, clerk, 4 North, h. at Charlestown 
Houlby Norman, 22 Harrison ave, baa. 21 Central 
- anere E.B. | | [agen ae 
Roukiry William W. earpenter, b. 680 Dorchester 
Boulter Eugene A. carpenter, honee 69 Kendall 
Hourdon Augustine, painter, howee rear 235 Nor- 
folk avenue [ Washington 
Bourk E., Weymouth & Enat eed tn De | 
Bourke WIlllam, boiler maker, honae 82 Eo Dedham 


Bourn Elias, carpenter, 146 Mt. Vernon, boards 
at 254 Myrtle 

Bourn George 8. painter, bda. Baker’s ct. ward 16 

Bourn Robert T. (#ourn of Leavitt), 146 Mt. Ver- 
non and 17 Court, house at Cambridgeport 

Bourn & Leavitt (Robert T. Aoura and William 
Leavitt), carpentera, 144 Mt, Vernon and 17 



Bourne Benjamin ( Hourne  Co.), 13 F. A. market, 
cellar. north alde, house at Authurndale 

Bourne B. FE, carpenter, bids. 46 Oak [Tremont 

Bourne Charles ©. plano tuner. 277 Waeh. b. 150 

Bourne Charles H. painter, boarda 17 Eaton 

Boorne Elias, mason, boards 111 Brooka, E.B. 

Hourne Kera A. Mrs. howe 19 Pemberton square 

Bourne E. W. (4. 4. Bates of Co.), 0 Green, boards 
39 Chambera 

Bourne F. Dr. dentiat, 1897 Washington, house do, 

Bourne George, house 2 Lawrence place 

Bourne George F. carpenter, 146 Mt. Vernon, bia. 
at Cambridgeport [ot Auburndale 

Bourne Geo. H. clerk, 32 Dorchester avenoec, house 

Bourne George W. clerk, B. L& N. ROR, freleht 
depot, house at Auburndale 

Bourne Jacob F, (/. Hirtlett Patten ¢ Co.,), 29 
Harrison avenue, house i do, 

Bourne dumes O, paiuter, Dorchester avenue, near 
Washington, house Baker's ct. ward 16 

Rourne Jeremiah, laborer, houee rear 47 Pembroke 

Bourne J, Frank, printer, boards 371 Bilver _ 

Bourne Muriin, shoemaker, house 217 Weet Ninth 

Hourne Mary, widow, house 11 Beach [111 do. 

Bourne Mary A. fancy goode, 100 Brooks, boards 

Bourne Russell, clerk, U. M. Lins, Co 15° Tremont 

Tiourne Stanton 8. corp onteh boards 54 Oak 

Bourne Sylvanus, clerk, O. 0, RR. b. 527 B. Fourth 

ywurne 8 'T, Mra. howee 225 Saratoga 

Bourne VT. Mra. widow, 213 Shawmut avenue 

Bourne William. piano manufacturer, 400 Washing: 

ton, house 91 Appleton 

Bourne Wim. ©. palnter. bde. Baker's ct. ward 14 

Bourne & Co. f Benjamin Rourne aid C. M. Hatch), 
produce, cellar 13 fF. WH. market, north side 

Bousetts Nursetic, walter, house 85 Cambridge 

Bousquet Frederick, mason, house 1104 Tremont 

Boute ic Kudolph, clothing. 108 Dorchester ay. bh. do. 

Boutelle James T. physician, 12272 Wash, house do, 

Houtelle Richard. carpenter, honse 63 Snowhill 

Boutilier James, mariner. bourda 144 Everett 

Boutilier James W. mariner, house 14 Everett 

Boutwell Abby J. master’s hed assistant, Wella 
school. house at Medford 

Boutwell Arthur A. clerk, boards 415 Tremont 

Boutwell Churles HL. 234 Wash. house €45 Tremont 

Boutwell Francia M. 71 Kingeton, house at Groton 

Boutwell Francis A. police station 3, house Smith, 
corner Phillipa 

Boutwell F. M. boards Clarendon Hotel 

Boutwell George C, salesman, 411 Washington, bda. 
ado Tremont ” 

Boutwell Henry W. police station 2, bds. 25 Lynde 

Boutwell J. Paschal, 1 Central whf. b, 8 Suffolk pl. 

sats ( tow land Hi clerk, 110 North, boards at 


Bouve Albert H. clerk, 99 Crose, bds. auegbany, 
corner Parker 7 [tii Parker 

Rouvé Allston G. ( Ferry ¢ Rouvé), 12 West, bide. 

Bouvé Charlee ©. clerk, 74 broad, h. 40 Newbary 

Bouvé Edward, boards & Ashburton place 

Bouve Edward T. 44 lndia 

Bouve Ephraim W, card engraver, 6 Dromfleld, h. 
6 Alleghany, corner Parker | 

Bouvé George F. house 612 Tremont 

Bouvé George H. 21 Chauney, boards 69 Bartlett 

Bouvé James H. bookkeeper, Moston National 
Bank, 61 State, house at Cohasset (91 State 

Bouveé Joho T discount clerk, Traders’ Nat. Bank, 

Houvé Lucy Mre.h. 36 Kueeland = [h. 40 Newbury 

Bouvé Thomas T. treas. Glendon [ron Co. 12 India, 

Houvé Walter L. student, house 40 Newbury 

BRouvé Willlam J. painter, boards 34 Kirkland 

Bouvealid James, slater, hoards 66 Green 

Bovey Edward W. algo paloter,50 School, house 4 
Melrose place 

Bovey James (3. clerk, ina. com. office, 43 Pember- 
ton square, house at Salem panty 1 

Rovey T..L (Roney f Rudolf), 6 Hollis, house 1638 

Bovey & Rudolf (7. L. Bovey and T. J. Rudolf), 
carpet upholatercra, 6 Hollis 

Bovine Charics, shoemaker, house $ Union place 

Bovul Benjamin, laborer, house 0 Curkman 



LE ols, 

Aete nskets. Suited to 

Bowdliteh Aze 


Bowie ey cian, ale piswraril, house 22) D 
widen Anna M. Miss, bookkeeper, 322 Border, 
bourds 304 Meridan sed “ha 
Bowden Anthony W. steward, house 824 W. Third 
Rowden Dennis, boot maker, house 178 W. Ninth 
Bowden James G. 29 Avon, house at Marblehead 
Bowden John, captain, house 47 Bennington, E.B,. 
Bowden John C. cabinet maker, bh. 1 Shawmut pl. 
Bowden Robert, horeeshoer, boards 14 Pitts 
Bowditch Adorinan J. 16 Union, house 85 Poplar 
Bowditch Alden, 19 Summer, boards at Braintree 
Bowiliteh Alexander G ¢ Wililam AWHorton J Co. ), 
_ 146 Tremont, boards 37 Dwight Eward 16 
Bowditeh Asa, private watchman, h. 1 Gardner ave, 
1, noreeryman and florist, H5 Warren, 
house 661 do, [Somerville 
Bowditeh Agel C. seedeman, 57 Tremont, house at 
Bowditch Agel C. jr. clerk, 67 Tremont, house at 
Bowditch A. G. millinery. boards 37 Dwight 

d Co,), 

| Bowditch Bell Mrs. livuge 80 Koeclund 

Bowditch Charles A. ( Hoaworth, Bowditch, 
47 Temple place, house at trookline 

Bowditch Chas P. 28 State, r. 25, h. at W. Roxbury 

Bowditch Elizabeth B. widow, of N. I. house 29 

Connonwealth avenue 

Bowdlich Ernest W. topographical engraver, 14 
Devonshire. room 19, cords at Broakline 

Bowditch Eagene, clerk, house 6 Decatur 

Bowdlitch F. H, clerk, hituse 84 Poplar [Broad 

Bowditch Galen, jr, Quincey Ex. 34 Court eg. and 6 

Bowditch George F. (feo. FE. Thompson & Co.), 3 
School, boards at Braintree 

Bowditeh Henry H. paluter, 1208 Harrison avenue, 

_ house Catawba, near Laurel Boylston 

Bowditch Henry Ingersoll, physician, house 118 

Bowdlteh James H, § Railroad Exchange, house at 
Brookline , [at Braintree 

Bowditch John F. bookkeeper, § Blackstone, house 

Bowditch J, Ingersoll, 28 State, room 25, bouse at 
W.. Koxbury | 

Bowditeh J L. 22 Washington, h. at Somerville 

Bowditch William E. florist, boards 661 Warren 

Bowditeh William IL. lawyer, § RK. KK. Exchange, 
house at Brookline . 

Bowdlear Samucl G. & Co. f W. 4A. Bowdlear and 

9. Green), flour, 102 and 14 Btate 

Bowdlear Samucl G, Mrs. house 22 Upton 

Bowdlear William A. (8S. G. Cowdtlear & Co.), 102 
State, house Weetmineter avenue 

Bowdlear William H. com. mer. 192 State, house at 

| West Roxbury | Cambridge 

Bowdoin A. H. salesman, 145 Tremont, boards at 

Bowdoin, see Bowden, Boudwin, and Boardwio 

Bowdwin James, clerk, boards 66 Oak 

Bowdwin Jane, widow, house 66 Oak 

Bowdwin Thomas, clerk, bourds 66 Oak 

Bowdwin William, clerk, boards i Ook 

Bowe Henry, mason, house 44 Baxter, near R, RR. 

Bowe James, house Second, corner I 

Bowe Patrick, grocer, 25 1, cor. E. Becond, h. do. 

Bowe ‘Thomas, paiiter, house Adams, cor. Tincoln, 
ward 16 . (Centre, ward 15 

Bowe Timothy F. builder, h. 24 Sheridan aye, near 

Bowe William, real estate, house Dorr, near Lam- 
bert avenue 

Bowen Alonzo E. clerk, 112 Chauncy, b. 1 Spear pl. 

Bowen Andrew, marble polisher, boards 14 Pitts 

Bowen Charles F. 21 sommer, house at Newton 

Rowen Charles F. pop-corn manuf. 100) Blackstone 

Bowen Charles H. taarble worker, 35 Haverhill, bids. 
14 Pitts 

Bowen Cornelius, gatekeeper, h. 280 Dorchester ave. 

Bowen Cornelius, curricr, house Oriental ct. wd. 15 

Bowen Cornelius, trunk maker, house 66 Fourth 

Bowen Daniel, laborer, house 178 Shawmut avenue 

Bowen Daniel W. clerk, 257 Washington, b. 89 Cabot 

Bowen David ©. jr. laborer, house 134 Hudson 

liowen Dennis, laborur, house 4 Cove place 

Bowen Dennis, laborer, house 42 Rochester 

Bowen Edward, carver, boards Highlind, ward 16 

Bowen Edward B. (J. W. Srighom ¢ Co.J, 41 Han- 
over, house at Allaton 506 ‘Tremont 

Bowen Edward C. (Heed f Rowen), 36 Kilby, bide. 

Bowen F. W. W. clerk, 96 Kilby 

Bowen George H, paperhanger, 149 Hanover, bh. at 
Malden ; [Tremont 

Bowen George N. bookkeeper, 7 Central, bda. 550 

Bowen Hatnah L. widow, bds. 332 Harrison avenue 

Bowen Harvey, builder, house 85 Middlesex 

TT ~ swooke. Filles | dferd & Anthony, 178 Wash. 
ecls. Lines, ee fe Re aed Rade bh o té™ 7 

Autusn of Tiare at 18 Boylston St. 


Bowen Tenry, printer and collector, 48 Chauncy, dD. 
@ Suffolk place — 
Bowen Henry J. clerk, bourds 602 Enst Fourth — 
Bowen Henry W. orgun maker, 1161 Tremont, h. 12 
- ambert way, house 502 E. Fourth 
Bowen Hosen B, (James yy Bowen), 467 W. Broad- 
Bowen H. P. 161 Washington, house 12 Lambert 
Bowen Ira A. (ore, Mowerd, 7 Co.j, 21 Sum- 
mer, house at Newton Highlands — 
Bowen Jacob F. f Arntten if Co.), h. 196 W. Seventh 
Bowen James (William Worthington G Ce.J, 20 
Central wharf, house 282 Tremont 
Bowen James A. agent of Cowperthwalt & Co, 37 
and 39 Brattle, boards at Hyde Park 
Bowen James E, clerk, bourds 4 High, ward 16 
Bowen Jane, widow, house 2 Mystic 
Bowen Jeremiah, laborer, house 50 Chapman 
Bowen Jeremiah, luborer, house 12 Nashua 
Bowen Jderémiah, teamster, house 415 West Second 
Bowen Jeremiah, laborer, house rear 47 Pembroke 
Bowen John, shoomaker, house 6 Eddy place 
Bowen John, gardener, house 23 Oncida 
Bowen John, marble worker, hotise 161 Charlestown 
Bowen Jolin A. ( Davis ¢ Lowen), 41 Central wharf, 
house at Jamaica Plain 
Bowen John J. carpenter, house 2 Mystic 
Bowen Lorenzo, printer, 7 Spring lance, bouse 4 
Poplar court are 
Bowen Lydia W. house rear 23 Phillips 
Bowen, Howard, & Co. ff. A. Bowen, ond FL A. 
Howard), gentlemen's furnishing goods, 21 5um- 
Bowen Mary, washtrwoman, house 67 Richmond 
Bowen Michael, honse 42 Rochester 
Bowen Michael, laborer, houke réar 381 Federal 
Bowen Michael, jr, laborer, boards rear 35] Federal 
Bowen Otis EK. coal, 6 Merchanta row, house at 
 -Highlandyille [Hayward place 
Bowen Reuben 8. (Bowen fF Co.), 173 State, bds. 2 
Bowen Russell B, insurance agent, b. 35 Warrenton 
Bowen Seranns, student, house 2 Staniford place 
Bowen Stephen ( #. Herris if Co.), auctioneer and 
com. merchant, 18 India, house 7 Greenville 
Bowen Thaddeus, painter, house 556-Commercial 
Bowen Thomas, atiorer: house 110 Cove 
Bowen Thomas, tireman, house 78 Merrimac 
Bowen Troman, cook, house 33 Revere 
Bowen William, laborer, house ? Murray court 
Bowen William H. machinist, h. Hudson, ward 16 
Bowen —, carpenter, bovse 27 Creseent place 
Bowen & Co. (feuben S. Howen), aull, tent, and 
awning maker, 173 State [Tremont 
Bower Charlies H. barber, 100 Washington, h, 1196 
Bower John N, house Shawmut, corner Pleasant 
Bower Joseph, atone eutter, house 245 Eustis 
Bower Kobert, Custom House, house at Lawrence 
Bowers Alonzo, carpenter, 189 Portland, house at 
Bowers Alonzo, 151 Court, house at Waltham 
Bowers Charlea, barber, house 1196 Tremont 
Bowers Charles, cabinet maker, house 2 Knowlton 

Bowers Charles E. f Winn, fowers, g Sawyer), 72 | 
Bowker & Sparrow (iPm A Bowker and L. A, 

 Chauney, boards at Cambridge 
Bowere Edward bL. asceey howae 33 Allen 
Lowers E. A. Mrs, house 35 Sharon 
Bowers Frederic, brakeman, boards 6 Groton 
Bowers Fred, W. clerk, B. & P, freight office, house 
44 Lawrence 

Bowers George E. (fF. J. Nash & Ca.), 40 School, 

Bowers George F. boards 363 Tremont 

Bowers Georve H. clerk, boards 61 Charles 

Bowers George P. machinery, stove plates, &c. 8 
Dock square, house at South Carver 

Bowers Henry E. special agent for New Eneland, 
North British and Mercantile Ina. Co. 30 Devon- 

shire, boards Revere House 

Bowers Henry T. mason, house 373 Darchester 

Bowers Herman, varnisher, house Cedur, n. River, 

Ward 16 [ton, house 6 Coneord square 

Bowers Howard M, mortguye 

Bowers Jeffrey, carpenter, boards Codman park 

Bowers Jerome, machinist, bda. 193 Sumner, E.B. 

Bowers Jobn, painter, house 9 Hollis place 

Bowere John F. back stable, 66 Leverett, bds. 53 do. 

Bowers John IF, 96 Portland, h. 62 Leverett 

Bowers John L. mason, house 3) Woodward 

Bowers Levi, house 1060 Pembroke 

Bowers Luke K. 40 Cornhill, house at Andover 

Bowers N. B. printer, 6 Williams ct. bd, 4 Hanover 

Bowers Warren, machinist, boards 25 Pitta 

| Bowker E 

Bowker George K. 61 
Bowker George W. carpenter, 674 Albany, house 513 

broker, 54 Washing | 

Boston [§] DIREcTORY. 

Bowers William, printer, 6 Williams court, bds, 13 
Hancock _= 

Bowers William E, 26 Bedford | 
Bowers William J. 6 Winter, house 14 Worthfield 
Bowes Ann J. widow, honsae 265 Bowen 

Bowes John, carpenter, house 166 Pyoichou 

| Bowes John, bookbinder, house 265 Bowen 

Bowes Louisa A. Miss, boards 264 Bowen 
Bowker Albert, president, N. Am. Fire Ins. Co. 1 
Old State Honse, house 105 Webster, E.B. - 
Bowker Benjamin C. carpenter, Glide, house Minot, 
ward 16 (Minot, ward 16 
Bowker Benjamin C, jr. clerk, Quincy Hall, boards 
Bowker Charles F. bookkeeper, 195 Commercial, bh, 
at Melrose 51 La Gra 
Bowker Charles 1. salesman, 83 Washington, boards 
Bowers (, ladies’ and gents’ furnishing goods, $1 
Crreon, house at Chelsea ? 
Bowker Daniel & Co, shoes manuf, and slippers, 62 
Leverett, house 10 Dover 
Bowker Daniel, house 180 Northampton . 
Bowker Edwin f fowker, Torrey, ¢? Co.), 118 Port- 
land, corner Chardon, and ¢ Yorreys ¢ Co.), G1 
tlds honse at Waltham 
win I. civil engineer, house 51 Grove 
Bowker Frank ff. clerk, 118 Portland, b. at Waltham 
Bowker Frank H. 52 India whart, boards at Malden 
Bowker Frank L. clerk, 61 Beverly : 
Bowker Franklin, chairs, 169 Fulton, h. ot Malden 
Bowker Freeman, carpenter, house 6] Grove 
road, boards at Ayde Park 

East Eighth 
Bowker George W.. shoemnker, h. 2 Auburn avenue 
Bowker Henry, house Minot, ward 16 
Bowker Henry, mason, house 65 Chambers 
Bowker Howard, 24 South Market, house at Malden 

Bowker H. L. & Co. manufacturing chemists, 20 

Broad, honae T Oxford 

Bowker John Kk, & Oo, (A, Mt Derling), hardware, 
508 Washington, house 69 Chandler 

Bowker John H. house 6 Temple | 

Bowker John P. 10 Avon, boards 9 Suffolk place 

| Bowker John W. house §0 Revere 
|~Bowker Joseph C, 313 Washington, h. at Melrose 
| Bowker J. Charles, house 15 Regent 

Bowker Leonard, commercial reporter, 617 Deyon- 
thire, bh. at BE. Somerville 

Bowker L. H. & Coa, (8. 2. Moaybry), boota and 
shocs, 1 and 3 Fulton, bonse at Hopkinton 

Bowker Rebecca Mise, bonse 6 Revere 

Bowker RK. W. piano maker, honse 74 Camden 

Bowker Burah E. Mire. hose 216 West Cunton 

Bowker &. Dexter, salesman, 60 Chaune 

Bowker Theodore P. at P. O. house 117 Pinckne 

Bowker, Torrey, & Oo. (£. fiowker anc Chas. Tor. 
rey), marble, 115 Portland, corner Chardon 
Bowker Win, H. ( fowker f Sparrow), 20 Broad, 

boards 0) West Cedar . 

Bowker Winslow L. insurance, Traveller building, 

81 State, bh. at Cambridgeport 
Bowker W. E. clerk, 31 Green, boards $2 do. 

Sparrow) fertilizers, 29 Broad 
Kowlun John. laborer, h, & Everett [Charlestown 
Bowlby Charles B, clerk, 34 North, boarda at 
Bowlby [sruel. carpenter, h. 140 Athens 

| ~Bowlby Jacob M. grocer, 76 Meridian, h. 95 do, 
Bowers George C. eileaman, 84 Canal [h. 51 Charles | 

Kowlby Normun F’. salesman, bd«. 21 Central aq. 
Bowler A. Miss, milliner and dressmaker, h, 62 

Bowler Bennett, shoemaker, bda. 11 Oran 
Bowler Charles, stueco-worker, li, 68 Smith 
Bowler Edward, polisher, house rear 85 Cambridge 
Bowler Maury, widow, house 62 Dover | 
Bowler Michael, cooper, h. r, 122 W. Broadway 
Bowler Puttick, tailor, h. 46 W. Third | 
Bowler Thoma:, engineer, h. 6 Eudicott | 
Kowler ‘Thomas, tailor, hy 2 Adams pl, ward 3 
Bowles Albert G. clerk, 763 Tremont, bds. gu? W. 
Bowles Austin T. public carriage, house 14 Kendall 
Bowles A.G.22 Scliool | 
Bowles Brothers & Co., bankers, H. J. Stevens, 
fi#signee of, 52 Washington 
Bowles Edwin, gilder, 145 ‘l'remont, h. 147 D 
Bowles Eliza, widew, house 244 West Third 
Bowles G. E. clerk, iH Tremont, h, 20 Oak © 
Bowles Hiram A. painter, 43 W. Broadway, h. 762 
East Fourth | 
Bowles H. 5. nas't steward, American House 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, ©" Srmarthes es 

BosTON []}] DrREcTORY. 

Rowles James, toamster, honse 62 Baxter 
Bowles James, waiter, h. 44 Fruit 
Howles James [. plumber. ouse 41 Winchester 
Bowles John, mason, h, 216 Dorchester ave, 
Bowles John H. Custom House, h. 154 Shawmnat av. 
Bowles Leonard C. proprietor “Mouthy Religious 
Magazine.” 16 Bromfield. h, 10 Hawthorn 
Bowles Mury, widow, h. 24 Coventry 
Kowles Mary, widow, h, 73 Warren 
Bowles M. Lincoln ( Cabst, Bowles, ¢ Co.), 15 Kil- 
by. b. at Brook ine | 
Bowles Sarah R. texcuer, Tennyson-street primary 
 &ehool, boards 67 Indiana piace 
Bowles Thomas, h. 216 Dorchester ave, 
Bowles Thomas. grocer, 168 D, h. 248 W. Sixth 
Bowles, gece Boles and Bolles 
Rowley Jumes, teameter, h. Eaton court [Oxford 
Bowley Lucinda EF. teucher, Bigelow school, h, 22 
Bow man ment C'printer, hi. 14 G : 
Bowman benjamin P. street lanterns, 66 Union, h 
at Waketield 
Bowman Catherine, widow, h. 67 Emersou 
Bowman Charles, carpenter, boards 22 F 
Thtowman Churles A. beds, 6 Sudbury place 
Bowman Ohiristopher, cirpet-printer, b. 64 Conant 
Bowman C. M. olerk, B. H. & E. freight office, 305 
Broad, bids. 4 Linwood place 
Bowman Dexter D, 17 Central wht. h. at Newton 
Bowman Edward H, police station 10, bds. 4 Elm- 
wood | Temple 
Kowman Gardner W. salesman, 60 Broad, beds, 13 
Bowman George, organmaker, bds. 26 Hanson 
Bowman G, W. clerk, boards 10 Ashburton place 
Tuwniie Harriet Miss, house 26 Charles 
Bowman Heury & Co. (8, Spacus), grocers, 312 
Knggles, house do. | | 
Bowman Heory. broker, 6 Salem. house § do, 
Bowman Heory F. bookkeeper, #2 State, house at 
_ Winter Hill, Somerville | 
Bown H. G. actlonmaker, boards 73 Emerald 
Rowman Irwin @. clerk, bourds 228 Wanover 
Bowman Jacob, (L. Downend Son), 237 Tremont, 
boards 6 Harre place pl. 
Bowman James E. cardriver, bdsa. 10 Metropolitan 
Bowmin Jolin, machinist, h. &§? Athens 
Bowman Jolin, laborer, house 16 Gold 
Rowman Jolin, jr. michiwist. bh. 8? Athens 
Bewman Jolin, salesman, 2 Winter. boards 99 
Waltham [ Beacon, h. 21 Berwick park 
Bowman Joho A, (Seerey, Foster, & Mowman), 7 
Bowman Joshua, gastitter, bds, 64 Hudson 
Bowman Joshua i. eteam aud gas-pipe fitter, 7 
Bpring Lane, bds. 103 Hudson th 
Bowman Lewle, harnes+muker. h. Richmond, wd. 
Bowman Lonls & Sou fdacob) merchant tailor, 
_ 207 Tremont, i. 8 Barre place . 
Bowninn Mary Ann, widow, bourda Wash. corner 
Baker's court, wd, 16 
Bowmin Mary Ann, widow, house 62 I 
Bowman Nathaniel, bourds 4 Rowe place 
Bowman Oliver P. clerk, $8 Central whf. house 
174 Comuridge | | 
Rowman Orlando, 216 State, house at Cambridge 
Rowman Sumner, mason, hourds § Oatord 
Bowman Sylvester, 30 Union, lrouse 1541 Wash, 
Bowman S. 4. (Xnapp Gf Bowmen), lawyer, 7 
Court sqoare, room 21, house at somerville 
Bowman howas E, f Searry, Foster, f Lowman), 
7 Beacon, hose at Cauton 

Bowman William F. engineer, B. & P. RR. bds. | 

2018 Waehington [Cambridge 
Bowmen Williany H. cigars. 28 Green, boards 174 
Howmau William H. organ builder, h. Forest-lill 

ave. near Sanford, ward 1G | 
Bowman Willium L. salesman, 10 Winter, boards 

Hichmond, ward 16 
Bowman Wiuthrop H. physician, 22 E, corner 

W. Broadway, honee do. 

Bowman ——, boards 154 Court 

Bowman, see Homan 

Bowne Caroline Mrs, house BE, Third. corner L 
Bowron Joho Mra, house & Cambridge 

Bowser Joli W. collector. house 3Y sliaron 
Bowser Kk. L. clerk, boards 10 Siiaron ? 
Bowtcher John H, soap dealer, h. Martlett, wd. 15 

Boxbaum August, provisiuns, $4 Winchester, li, id 

Fayette | Fayette 

Boxbaum Julius, clerk. $4 Winchester, boards 3. 
Boxbaum Sumuel, provisious, 63 Charch, house 20 | 

Melrove | 
Boyce Allen P, painter, 26 rattle h. 91 Camden 

 BEADFORD & ANTUONY,} (Jutlery, Fishing Tackle, 
, ww ' 

Impurters and Dealers in 


Boyce Benjamin M. (Daniel Pratt's Sons), clocke, 
49 Union. house at Readin 

Boyce Brothers ( Cadis B. nnd IFiltiam), furniture, 
f81 Washington [Wash. h. 146 Warren ave, 

Boyce Cadis B. (Hoyee Brothers.) furniture, 681 

Boyce Charles (IF. S. Boyce qt Sons), 62 Canal 
and 155 Friend, liouse 44 Chester square 

Boyce Frank .J, clerk, Sudbury, cor. Portland, bds, 
47 Temple 

Hoyer George, clerk, 38 Avon, bds. 120 Hudson 

more onorns A clock maker, 49 Union, boards at 


Boyce Isaac Tt. (IF. 8. Hoyee Sons), 62 Canal 
and 145 Friend, house at Lynn : 

Royce James, conl. 0 Kilby, house at Baltimore 

Boyer Mary, Mrs, house 70 Joy 

Bovee Patrick, tenmeter, bourds #0) Merrimac 

Boyee Philip, carpenter, house 2) Gaford 

Boyee Sumner P. printer. bonrds 42 Gourh 

Boyce William (foyer Hrothers), furniiure, 581 
Wash. bh. S¢ Kuotland square 

Boyce William 5, & Sone (/. A. and Charles), shoe 
ni yet goods, (2 Ounal, and 155 Friend, liouse 
at Lynn 

Rovee Wilson AK. carpenter, h. 171 W. Fifth 

Hovyd Alexander, carpenter, boards 24 Bradford 

Bovd Alexander (James Boyrl ot Sona), suddser, 27 
Merchants row, house 24 Chester squire 

Royd Charles 0 elerk, 35 5. Market, h. nt Melrose 
Boyd D.C, trunkmaker, boards 5 Grmy 

Boyd Edward, 89 Broad, house at Chelsea 

Boyd Fire Arms Co, 81 Wash. room 6 

ligyd Francis, treasurer Boyd Fire Arms Co, 81 
Wash, room, house at Hyde Park 

Koyd Francia A. painter, house 76 Yeoman 

Bovd Francis E. st Wash. room 6 

Boyd Franels [., stationer, house 34 Hudson 

Boyd Frank E, painter, bds, 7h Yeoman 

Boyd Prank K. clerk, 12 Devonshire b. at Dedham 
Boyd Frank WU. salesman, 162 Court, boards 17 

Chan bers | Hodson 

Bovd George T. fireman. 5B. & A. RR. boards 15 

Boyd Henry, ogent Tingley Automatic Heut Gov- 
ernor Uo, *l Wush, room 6, house at East 
ridge water 

Boyd Henry C. fC. & FL Thompaon), & Custom 
House street, house at Somerville | Brouks 

Royd Henry W. clerk. 81 Wash. room 6, bds. 128 

ltovyd James, confectioner, house 1) Db 

Boyd James & Sous (Aler. Boyd and M. J. Ward), 
saidiers and manufs. of lose, 27 Merchants 

Boyd James T. draughtaman, Atlantic Works, E B. 
hoards at Lynn 

| Boyd Jolin, clerk, 1 Central market, b. 177 Willard 

Boyd Jolin, plasterer, house 2) Burke 
Boyd John, carpenter, house 54 Hudson 

| Boyd John PF. real estate, 2) Water, bh. at Newton 

Boyd John G. clerk, boards rear 24 South Russell 

Hoyd Joseph, expressinan, house § Piedmont 

Boyd J. George, boarda § Grenville place 

KRoyd J. Walter, at Natlona] Revere Bank, b. at 
Dedham | buckingham 

Boyd J. William, ¢lerk, 40 Central wharf, tls. 7 

Boyd J. & Co. (WH. IF. Woodwardand W. A. 
Alley), boots and shoes, Summer, cor. South, h. 
at Marlboro’ 

Boyd, Leeds, & Co. (0. T. and 0. @. Boyd, B. I. 
Leads, pr. and £. N. Lord), wholesile grocera, 
216 Stute . 

Boyd Mary Mra. house Tennyson, cor. Pleasant 

Boyd Moses, conductor, B. & P. h. . h. at Dedham 

Boyd M.C, Mrs, boards 029 Enst Fourth — 

Boyd M. Gardner, 35 Wash. aq. boards at Dedham 

Boyd Orman T. (Moyd, Leeds,  Co.), 216 State, h. 
at Cambridge fat Cambridgepurt 

Boyd Orville G. (Boyd, Deets, ff Co.), 216 State, b. 

Boyd Richard, machinist, boards 14 Hudson 

Boyd Robert H. carpenter, h, 465 Shawmut ave. 

Boyd Roger ( Samael Boyd 7 Co.) Summer, co. South, 
house at Marlboro* 

Boyd Samnel & Co. (AR. Boyd), books and shoes, 
Summer, cor. South, h. 47 W. Newton 

Bowd Samuel, carpenter, bds. 13 Montgomery place 

Boyd Sarah M. aget. teacher, Adams echool, boards 

‘8 Maverick square 
Boyd Thomas, teamater, boards 33 Ferdinand 

| Boyd Thompson, carpenter and builder, 568 Dor - 

chester ave. h. Gommercial point, ward 16 | 
Boyd William, plumber, 1198 Harrison ave, Dds. 3T 

178 Washingtou St, Till Au- 
tumn ot VS Weare at 16 Boy ton ot 

eS ————= 


Boyd William L. 44 Broad, bda. 323 Columbus ave. 
Boyden Addison (Hancroft ¢ Boyden), 180 Tre- 
mont, house 6 Bulfinch place 
Boyden Ashel, druggist, Joy, c. Myrtle, h. 24 Joy 
Boyden Charles OC. carpenter, h. 449 W.. Fourth 
Boyden Daniel, plano maker, house 9 Rockland ave, 
Boyden David D. Mrs. widow, house 46 Hudson 
Boyden Dwight Mre. house 735 Tremont 
Boyden Edward C. clerk, Joy, cor. Myrtle, b, 24 doy 
Boyden E. N. draughtsman, 2 Change ave. bonrds 
at Grantville : - [n. crossing, ward 16 
Boyden ieorge E., WN. x, a NN. i hk. Hi. h. Columbia, 
Boyden Jason H. saleaman, 1865 Wash, h. 21 Centre 
Boyden M, N. #4 Bedford, house at Grantville 
Boyden §. 8. 154 Tremont, boards 36 Hudson 
Boyden Uriah A. 81 Wash. room 38, boards Young's 
Hotel | 
Boyden Walter W. & Co, epring bed manufs. 47 
Dtlea, h. 9 Mockland ave. 
Boyden Warren, insurance agent, 30 Devonshire, 
house 49 Blue-hill ave. [Allen Court 
Boyden Wm. B. express messenger, 39 Court aq. b. 
Boyden William C. bookkeeper, 27 Central, house 
at Beverly , 
Boyer Howard, clerk, boards 62 Tyler 
Boyer M. V. Mra, boards 62 Tyler ~~ 
Boyer Rainsford C, expressman, boards 24 Madison 
Boyer William A. teamster, house 00 
Boyhan Andrew, blacksmith, b. Dorchester ave. 
near Linden, ward 16 | Mission Ohureh 
Boyhan James H. blacksmith, house Tremont, near 
Boyhau Matthew, h. Dor. uve. o. Linden, wad. 16 
Boyington Edwin A. captain, h. 138 Bennington, 

c. i. 

Boyington Oscar E. fireman, BE. RK. KR. bda, ina Ben- 

Boylngton Willis 0, saleaman, bds. 138 Bennington 

Boylan George, hostler, bh. rear 34 W. Oedar 

Boyland Charles A. marble cutter, h. 6 Auburn ct. 

Boyle Ann, widow, house 4 Bush 

Boyle Barney, oyaterman, bouse 66 N, Margin 

Boyle Catharine Mrs, house rear 2 E. Lenox 

Boyle Catharine, widow, house roar ff Pitta 

Boyle Chana, sank 107 Merrimac, h, at KE, Cambridge | 

Boyle Daniel, clerk, house 14 Columbia 

Boyle Daniel, laborer, house 103 Friend 

Boyle Daniel, junk, 142} Leverett, house at East 
Cambridge , 

Boyle Dennis, baker, house 395 North 

Boyle D, H. Miss, house 22 Harvard 

Boyle Edwurd, hostler, house 51 Portland 

Loyle Elizabeth, widow, house rear 211 North 

Boyle E. M. back driver, house 46 Anhurn 

Boyle Felix, bricklayer, bourds 45 Kneeland 

Boyle Henry F. f Maher ¢ Boyle), 74 Weet Fitth, 
house 35 do. 

Boyle |. M. milliner, 183 W. Broadway, house do. 

Boyle James, bricklayer, house 517 Washington 

Boyle James OU, & Co, commission and shipping mers, 
21 India wharf, h. at Hyde Pork 

Boyle Jane, widow, house 1 Goodwin place 

Boyle Jeremiah J. gravel conductor, B.& P. E.R, 
house 15 Baxter 

Royle John, laborer, house 15 Barton 

Boyle John, teumster, house 16 Nashua 

Boyle John, laborer, house rear 24 Friend 

Boyle John, laborer, house 20 Athens 

Boyle John, laborer, house 42 Belmont _ 

Boyle John, bootimaker, house 169 W. Silver 

Boyle John A. clurk, é7 Brattle, h. at Hyde Park 

Boyle John H. clerk, 150 Mik, h. 120 W, Fourth 

Boyle John J. clerk, 12 Bromfield, h. at Chelsea 

hoyle Mary A. widow, house 2) Lenton 

Boyle Michacl, laborer, house 3 Cooper-st. eourt 

Boyle Michiel, laborer, house 120 W. Fourth 

Boyle Michavl, jr. stonecutter, house 161 Bowen 

Boyle Michuel, laborer, house § Sumner place 

Boyle Michael F. hackman, honse 4 North Grove _ 

Boyle Michael F, bartender, 50 Endicott, house 3 
Cooper-#b. court 

Boyle Ninian, 5 Winter, boarde & Willard 

Boyle Owen, laborer, house 3 Sun-ct. street 

Boyle Putrigk, etonecutter, house 10 Feeond 

Boyle Patrick, laborer, house rear 67 Yeoman 

Loyle Patrick, house 299 D 

Boyle Patrick, curricr, house 00 Pynchon 

Boyle Patrick, laborer, h. 411 Chelsea, E.B. 

Boyle Putrick, cooper, house 250 North 

Boyle Patrick, laborer, house 15 Mechanic 

Boyle Patrick, upholsterer, house 445. Margin 

Boyle Richard, laborer, house 2 

Boyle ‘Terrance, clerk, 96 Church, bda, 36 Camden 

Boston [ B] 

nington | 


Boyle Thedy, plastorer, house Culbert place 

Boyle Thomas, house 7 Oxford place 

Boyle Thomas, laborer, house rear 45 Pitts 

Boyle Thomas, machinist, house 541 — 

Boyle William, hack driver, boards 129 W. Fourth 

Boyle William, oysterman, house 8 Cooper 

Boyle William, i nee cutter, 7 Spring lanc, house at 
East Cambr lige 

Boyle William, bricklayer, boards 45 Kneeland 

Boyle William, stevedore, house 44 Worcester 

Boyle William, laborer, houge 11 Conant-st place 
Boyle William Mra. hovse 203 W. Fourth 
Boylen Bernard, porter, 68 Merrimac 

Boylen Thomas F. cutter, house 181 TT 

Boyles Hezekiah E. elerk, bds. 13 Cambridge 
Boylston Lager Beer Co. 2 Liberty square 
Boylston Mutual Ineurance Co, 45 State 

Boylston National Bank, 420 Wash. cor. Boylaton 

Boylston Market, Washington, cor. Boylston 
Boylston Thomas, jr. ( foylston df Co.J, 19 Central 
house at Jamaica Plain [Centra 
Boylston & Co. (T. Moysiton, jr.), brokers, 19 
Boynton Amos G, 10 Suffolk market, b. 47 Irving 
Boynton Aunie Miss, teacher, Lewis school, house 
4 Mt.-Pleasant place | [h. at Norton 
Boynton A. B. teacher, riding school, rear 415 Wash. 
Roynton Bros., bridge and wharf builders, 17 Court 
Boynton Brothers & Freeman(./.and L. Boynton and 
J. 4. Freeman), building movers and bridge 
builders, 22 Congress =. | 
Boynton Charles H. & Co. ( George H. Dane), cloth- 
ing, $1 and 82 Dock sq. house at Medford _ 
Boynton Courtland ( IF. 4. Boynton ¢& Co.), T Cen- 
tral, house Mill, cor. Commercial, wd. 165 
Boynton C. E. 8. clerk, 197 Wash. boards 11 Hanson 
Boynton David A. bell hanger, 25 Devonshire, bh. 
1] Hanson 
Boynton David G. plumber, boards,1] Hanson 
Boynton Edward P. clerk, 10 Tremont row, house 
fl Revere (at Medford 
Boynton Edward P. clerk, 67 Commercial, boarde 
Boynton Eleazer (N, Noynton jf Co.J, 37 Com- 
mercial, bh. at Medford e, 
Boynton Elizabeth A. widow, h. 4 Mt.-Pleasant pl. 
Boynton Elizabeth P. teacher, Harria school, bids, 
Mill, cor, Commercial, ward 16 

Boynton Frank F.2d bookkeeper, National Bank 

of Redemption, 41 Devonahire, house at Lowell 
Boynton George F. teamster, bds. 287 Hanover 
Boynton George H. bourds 365 Tremont 
Boynton George ©, butter and checse, 10 N. F. Ho, 
market, house 666 Shawmut avenie 
Boynton George O. bourds 11 Hanson 2 
Boynton George W. map and card engraver, 257 
: Nv SspingEOM house Bowdoin, cor, Bellevue, 

Boynton George W. ( Farless § Boynton), 13 Corn- 

ss, boards 164 Charles 
Boynton George W. chief constable of the Com- 
monwealth, 24 Pemberton eq. h. at Georgetown 
Boynton Helen L restaurant, §8 Essex, house do. 
Boynton Henry P. carpenter,, honee 2M. H, 4 
Winchester Chridgeport 
Boynton Hetbert A. cashier, 206 Woah. Cam- 
Boynton Horace E, boots and shoes, 69 Hanover, bh, 
at Charlestown — ~~ | 
Boynton John, lager beer, louse 7 Billings ct 
Boynton John D. painter, 2 Market, bde, at Medford 
Boynton John M, houae Dexter court, ward 16 
Boynton Joseph ( Boynton Packing Co.), and trens, 
Citizens’ Iew Co, 122 Bouth Market, house at 
Brighton | | | , 
Boynton Leslie, clork, 24 F. IL sq. bda. 50 Waltham 
Boynton Lucius C, coachman, house 182 Leverett 
Boynton Melville C, (foynton ¢ Moberta), § Tre- 
mont row, bde. 9 Allston 
Boynton Morris B. ( Uiey & Boynton), ) Commer- 
clal, house at Cambridge | 
Boynton Noah, city express, 15 Faneuil Mall square 
Boynton N, & Co. (£. Boynton, A. FF. ee int and 
T. W. Hennett), com, mera, 87 and & Com- 
mercial | 
Boynton Omar, card maker, h. 1190 Shawmut ave, 
Boynton Orrin E, varnisher, 69 Brattle 
Boyuton Packing Co. 122 South Market 
Boynton Samuel, carpenter, h. Marcella 
Boynton Samuel H. carpenter, house 24 Vale 
Boynton Seth W. clerk, 19 Summer, boards 77 
— Dartmouth | ma 
Boynton Thomas F, bookkeeper, 16 Milk, h, a7 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, |"****ncisa itt. Jac'bocu ea, meron, 8 


Boynton Walter H. clerk, 2 Old State House, bde, 
1 Haneon 

Boynton Warren, 36 Court aq, bouse at Ipswich 

Boyuton Wesley, clerk, bda, 60 Waltham 

Boynton Wiliam, carpenter, 16 Chapman place, h. 

it . Fourt 
Boynton William, 2 Tremont row, h. at Winchester 
Boynton William E. counaellor, 34 School, room 27, 
bourds at Medford | 

Boynton William H, & Co. (Courtland Boynton 
Cen- | Brackett Sarah A. teacher,schoo! for licensed mi- 

cv! ff, Heyes), commission merchanta, 7 

tral, house Elm. cor. Ashland, ward 16 
Boynton Wm. TH. shoe manufacturer, 65 
Tin suse Witton ie Hell 

onion William EH. ¢ Aelknap ¢& Aownton 

Blacketone, boarils S14 Tre eant nn 
Boynton W.O. 242 Wash. b. 198 Bennington, E. B. 
Boynton & Roberta (MWC. Hoyaton and P. A. 
_ Moberts), dry goods, &Tremontrow [Broad 
Goynton's Ipawich Express, 34 Court aq. and & 
Boyeon George W.. carpenter, bda. 153 C 

Buyson John ¢ Weld & &.), 390 Tremont, house 665 | 
‘E. Filth 

| } [house at Danvera 
Boyaond. M.& Co. boots and shoes, 48 Hanover, 
Boyeon William, carpenter, 42 W. Sixth, house &6 
Wd Harter [ville 
Hrabraok Albert A. clerk, 4 Union, bh. at Gomer- 

Bribrook Era UH. forniture, 4 and 6 Union, and 4. 
[town | 

to 5 Friend, Cambridge 
Brabrook (reo. T. ealesinan, 4 Friend, h. at Charla: 
Bracelan dulin, laborer, house 221 Badicott 
Bracken Catheriov, widow, house 70 Northfield 
Bracken Charlea F. apothecary’s clerk. tb 14 Minot 
Lracken James. safe maker, house TO Northfield 
Hracken John, blackemith, house rear 72 B 
Bracken Michael, carpenter, house rear ) Swan 
Brackenbary Alfred, house 6 Lyman 

Brackett Andrew D. carriagesmith, 6816 ond §15 | 

BShuwmutave, howe 1 Waoehington place 
Brackett SPENT E provisions, 2111 Waal. bh. do 
Brackett Benjamin BF. howse 612 Tremont 
Brackett Currie M. Miss, teacher Qomina primary 

school, Phillips, bla. 2191 Washington 
Brackett Charles, foreman, Sand 4 Holmes block, 
house at Somerville [house «at Waltham 
Rrackett Charles A. paper box manuf. 04 Danover, 
Brackett Charles C. carpenter. b. 155 Northampton 
Brackett Charles QO. delivery clerk, at D&A it Kh. 
tle vator, house it Qulaey [Somerville 
Bracket Charles K. ¢lerk, 177 Blackstone, howse at 
Brackett Charieston D, clerk. 140 Broad, b. 261 D 
Brackett De Witt C. broker, 26) Exchange, house 49 

Pleasant * 
Brackett Dexter, City Engineer’a office, City Hall, 

buards at Newton 
Brackett Edward, stable, boards 231 Dudley 
Brackett Edward A. aculptor, 24 Tremont row, bh. 

at Winchester 
Brackett EK. F. dentist, 208 Tremont, house do 
Brackett Franklin BG. tobaceo, 16 Central wharf, h, 
at oD iaraadeaa Dhani ia 

Brackett Frederick U, olerk, 219 State, b. 14 Upton | 
Brickett George A, (Jona. Lato, if Jtrackcit ), | 

24) road, house wt Quincy do. 
Brackett. George A. mason, r. 67 Warren, bda. 45 
Brackett George D. carpenter, h. 155 Northampton 
Brackett Goorge H. confectioner, 26) Meridian, h. 

4 Princeton, EB 
Brackett Henry G. paper-bor maker, 94 Hanover, 

house at Waltham : [E. Suugus 
Brackett Heory L. carpenter, 05 Travers house at 
Brackett Henry W. clerk, H F, UW. ag. b. 15 Upton 
Brackett Humphrey F. engineer, Bo & A, RM. hb. 

61 Indiana pl 
Brackett L. Lewia (Gea, Wm. Itond § Co), 104 

Btute, hvuse at Longwood 
Brackett James, liquore, &c, 283 Meridian, house 4 

Princeton, E.B, _. [at Winter Hill 
Brackett James 1D, sumacand skins, lod tate, h. 
Brackett James E. foreman, house 133 Warren _ 
Brackett Jeifrey KR. vice-president N. E. Trust Co. 

41 Devonshire, house at Quiucy re 
Brackett John 8.67. J. Jones f Co.) 213 Broad, 

house at Hyde Park hes nag Byvese | 
ucturer. 400 Wash. | 

Brackett John W. plano mana 
Brackett Joseph Olice station 2, bonrds 9 Poplar 
Brackett Josiah & Son f./. Q. 4. and J. NV ) leather 

and sumac. 44 Elm [house at Charlestown 

Brockett I.Q. A. (J. Brackett i 
house at Somerville 

| Braden Bridget, widow, house 1 Hall 


Brackett J. Q. A. counsellor, 80 Washington, b. 312 

a ve ave. 

brackett Lyman F. clerk, 277 Washington, boarde 
at Som=rville 4 

Brackett Margaret, boards 40 Piedmont 

Brackett Melvin A. junk dealer, h, 327 E, Eighth 

Lrackett Osgood, machinist, house 2191 Wish 

Brackctt Samuel, constable, Municipal Court. h. 
1251 Washington [wharf, h. & Ashland pl, 

Brackett Sainuel A. agent rotating heel. 14 Central 

nors, North Margin 

Hanover, | Hrackelt Sarah 8. Mra. house 14 Upton 
| Brackett Sidney L. 19 Winter, house at Newton 
1) Brackett Thomas, laborer, house rear 17 Moon 

Brackett Walter F. draughtaman, 17 Pemberton eq. 
house at Winchester 

Brackett Walter M. artlet, 41 Tremont 

Bracken. William, carpenter, boards 12 E. Dedham 

Brackett William C, machinist, b. 176 Northampton 

Brackett William D. jr. (Mann Gf Brackett), 9 
Elm, houee at Stoneham 

Brackett W. G. (Lilly, Young, Pratt, if Brackett j, 
(1 Hanover, house at Newton 

Bracken W. Henry, cashicr, Washington Nationa 
Bank, 47 State. house 2 Danforth place 

Brackett W. Ruseell, clerk, 9 Chatham row, house 
at Newton 

Brackin James W. cabinet maker. h. 8 Piedmont 

Brackin Johu A. upholsterer, 180 Tremont, house 
at Wollaston 

Brackley Enoch A. carpenter, h. 131 W. Seventh 

Bradbrook A. & Co, perfumery, &e. 15° Marshall, 
house at Cambridge 

Rradburn George, Custom House, hb. at Melrose 

Bradbury Caleb E. puying teller, National Bank 
of Redemption, 41 Devonshire, house at North 
Cambridge [ Friend, house 514 Tremont 

Bradbury Charles (Otho Anmilton f Ca.), 25 and 27 

Bradbury Charles W. 34 Summer, boards 27 Priuce- 

ton, He i. | Charléstown 

Bradbury Edward, printer, 73 Hanover, h. at 

Bradbary Edward W. house 26 0 | 

Bradbury Edwin P. dentiat, Hotel Boylston. house 

4 Boyleton pl. | it Charlestown 

Mradbury Frank D. bookkeeper, 69 Brattice, boards 

Bradbury. Frederick T. aseiet. coll. clerk, Nutional 
Bank of Redemption, 41 Devonshire, boards ut 
Enet Cambridge 177 Bhawmut ave. 

| Bradbury Frederick W. clerk, 28 Chapman, bda. 

Bradbory George F, masou, house 45 Springfield 
Bradbury Horace D. (Roach, Bridhury, ¢ Co.), 
127 Fulton, house at East Cambridge . 
Bradbory Joho P. apothecary, 23 Chapman, house 

177 Shawmut avenue 
Eradbory Samuel A. 287 Waah, b. Derby House 
Grodbory William, public warechousemuan, and flour, 
de Central whurt, house at Newton Centre 
Bradbury William M. a2 Central wharf, boards at 
Newton Centre | 
Braddley Jennie Miss, house 153 Dorchester 
Hradcen Ada A. primary teacher, Mather building, 
howrida 12 Ghotes 
Bradcen Elisha A. teamster, house § Riverside 
Bradéeen John G, Mra. dressmaker, h. 63 E. Fourth 
trlen Edward T. painter, boarda 1] Hall place 
Braden Henry &. ( Littlefekt ¢ raden), 38 North 
Market, louse at Wollaston Heights 
Gradtvld Michuel, teamster, house Paris, n. Marion 
Bradford Alden, machinist, house 407 Athens 
Bradford Almira P. Mra. house 35 Blossom 

| Bradford Amy E. asst. teacher, Haucock School, bh. 

nt Charlestown 
Bradford A. W. 12 Canal, house ot Cambridge 
Bradford Charles C. cooper, house 43 Chelsea, E.B, 
Bradford Charles Frederick, formerly in &. America 
and Chink, house 102) Shawinut avenue 
Bradford Charles H. machinist, house 57 Telegraph 
Bradford Daniel L. house 529 Kust Broadway | 
Bradford Edmund, proof-reader, 122 Washington, h. 
at Charlestown » 
Bradford Edmund C. bookkeeper, 115 Washington, 
house at Malden | [town 
Bradford Edward D. 38 Ayon, boards at Charles- 
Bradford Edward EF, teacher, 323 Washington, bds. 
15 Princeton, E.B. at Chelees 
Bradford Erastus F. machinist, 69 Hanover, house 

Brackett Jostah N. (/. Arackett ff Son), 45 Elm, | Bradford Frederick 8. machinist, house 407 Athens 

Sun), 45 eR | 

Bradford George F. bricklayer, boards 70 Eeecx 
Bradford George H. scap maker, house 3 Reed 

TH Autumn of '73, while our 

BRADFORD & AETHONY.: PISHING TACKLE, fui datuinnette trinsic 


114 Boston [fj] DIRECTORY. 

Bradford George P. teacher, bds. 1259 Washington | Bradlee Josiah, house 14 Marlboro’ 
Bradford George 8. brass finisher, house 32 Poplar | Bradlee Josiah & Son (G. W. Bradlee), general 
Bradford G. A. & Co. machinists’ supplies, 99 Sud- merchandise, 135 Friend, house 3 Davia 

bury, house at Chelsea Bradlee J. Potoum, woollen manuf, 03 Chauncy, h. 
Bradford Henry, calker, house 19 White 17 Ashburton place 
Bradford James Mrs. house 245 ‘Trenton Bradlee M. Adeline, widow, house 6 Melrose 

Bradford John, porter, 27 Central, h. 21 Columbia Bradlee Nathaniel J. architect, 4 Pemberton 4q. 
Bradford Joho A. clerk, 880 Harrison ave. bds. 216 honse 65 Highland 
Shawmul avenue Bradlee Samucl Mrs. house 662 Tremont 
Bradford Joho EK. Mrs. boarding house, 32 Poplar Bradlec Samuel J. notary public and constable, 250 
Bradford John R. engraver, 29 Boylston, room 6, bh. Dudley, house do. 
7 Tremont [at South Braintree | Bradlee Warren, clerk, boards 3 Davia 
Bradford Joseph D. bookkeeper, 44 Hanover, bds.| Bradley Anthony F. clerk, i Blackstone, h, at Cam- 
Bradford J. Kuesell, notary public, and ( Aradford bridge [Chelsea 
) Folger), 58 State, house 151 Walnut avenne Bradley A. E. bookkeeper, 35 Portland, boards at 
Bradford Lemucl EB, ¢lerk, 180 State, h. Walnut, n.| Bradley Barnard, coachman, lh. 2 Reyere-st, place 
Water, ward 16 Bradley Benjamin Mre. widow, bh. 149 W. Concord 
Bradford Lewis, bda. Blne-hill ave. opp. Edgewood | Bradley Benjumin & Co. (C. &. Churchill), clocks, 
Bradford Lodowick H. engraver and photw-lithog-| 152 Hanover, house 49 Chester square 
rapher, 30 State, room 14, house 4 Warrenton Bradley Bernard, 66 Commercial, h. 48 E. Fourth 
Bradford Martin L. (#redford ¢ Anthony), 18| Bradley Bernard Mrs, grocer, 5 E. Fourth, h. do. 
Govletou, house Sumner, n. Stoughton, ward 16 | Bradley Catharine, millinery, 31 Winter, h. 47 Enst 
Bradford Mary Mrs. house 181 Walnut avenue Sprnenele [ods. 4 Blossom court 
Bradiord Morton, ship carpenter, h. 15 Princeton Bradley Charles A. porter, Shawmut ave. cor. Dover, 
Bradford Oliver RK. boards 66 Leverett Bradley Charlotte, dressmaker, house 12 Fayette 
Bradford Orlando E. photographer, Washington,| Bradley Danicl, lnborer, house bet. Ashmont and 
cor. Dorchester avenue, boards nt Milton’ Pierce avenue, ward 16 | 
Bradford Oscar H. clerk, 43 Central, bds. at Charlea-| Bradley Daniel, painter, 148 Bolton 
town [Chelsea | Bradley Danicl, glasa packer, 27 John, house at FE. 
Bradford Otis F. clerk, 378 Washington, bowurds at Cumbridge [Malden 
Bradford P. Cotharine, assistant, Franklin School, | Bradley Danicl H. salesman, 22 Sudbury, house at 
boards 11 Weet Dedbam Gradiey Daniel 8. bookbinder, house 119 Myrtle 
Bradford Kichard, teamster, house 55 Appleton Bradley Darius F. turnkey at Charles-street jail 
Bradford Kobert, porter, 54 Commercial, house at| Bradley David, laborer, bouse 169 London, E.B. 
East Cambridge Bradley Edward, cativasser, boards 24 Lawrence 
Bradford Kufue GB. liqnors and wines, 63 Elm {up| Bradley Edward, laborer, bousee rear 124 Havre 
atnire), house 22 Greenwich park | Bradley Funny H. C. teacher, Mt. Plonsant primary, 
Gradiford 8. 5. apothecary, City Hospital, bds, do. bourds 140 West Canton hag Canton 
Bradford Thomas, collector, house 4 Dwight Bradley Wrederick, clerk, 15 Deyonshire, house 149 
Brudiord Thomas H. clerk, 130 North, hotwe at) Bradley Frederic, boords 2 Bowdoin [Chelsea 
somerville Bradley Fred, photographer, 14 Hanover, bds. at 
Bradford William, tailor, 241 Washington, house at| Bradley George, laborer, house rear 06 Marginal 
Fomerville [town | Bradley George A, painter, house River, cor. Cedar, 
Bradford Wm. bookkeeper, 91 State, h. at Charles- ward 16 
Bradford William, teameter, house 197 W. ighth Bradley Geo. E. clerk. boards 25 Lawrence 
Bradford Wm. H. watch maker, bh. Hudson, ward 16| Bradley George I. agent. 6 Sudbury 
Bradford William H. (./. MW. Cushing f Co.), 241) Bradley Ira & Co. bookbinders and publishers, 20 

Washingtin, house at Quincy , omerville| Washington, house at Malden 
Bradford William J. cutter, 241 Washington, h. at| Bradley Ira A.20 Washington bds, at Malden 
Bradford William [t. 86 Wendell, house 4 Dover Kradle, James, currier, house 117 Krerett 
Bradford Zadock, clerk, 24 Derne, bd. 54 Myrtle Bradley James. laborer, house 18 Tufts 
Bradiord Zephanuiah, cooper, house 310 Meridian Bradley James, currier, hoose 76 Cross 
Bradford - , clerk, hovse YA Leverett bradley James, laborer. honse 44 Commercial 

Bradford & Anthony (.Waertin L. Aredrord and) Bradley John Mrs, house Ud Harrison avenue 
Nathan Anthoay), hardware and cutlery, 14) Bradley John, laborer, house I-d Everett, ELE. 
Boylston | , Bradley Jolin, laborer, house 7 Greenough lane 

Bradford & Folger (J. Jivesell Bradford awl Geo. Bradley John, mat maker, h.6 Tremont pl. ward 15 
#H. Folger), notarice, average adjusters, and, Bradley Jolin, ‘aborer, house 42 Third 

insurance brokers, 56 State Bradley Jolin, laborer, house 2 Jenkine place 
Bradier William H. foreman, printer, 21 Cornbill,) Bradley Jolin, laborer, house Shelton, ward 16 

house at Charlestown | . | | Bradley John, laborer, house 15 Stillman | 
Brading Alfred, blackamith, house 421 Enet Eighth | Bradley John T. clerk at P.O. house 257 Meridian 
Bradish John J. 18 Chauncey, house at Chelsen Bradley Joeeph, brick layer, bourds 44 Kneeland 

Brodish Levi J. 18 and 20 Milk, bh. 601 Shawinut ave. | Bradley Joseph, laborer, house 37 Rochester 
Bradish Nathaniel J. salesman, 109 Chuuney, bds.| Bradley Joseph H, boards 4 Blossom court 

HO] Shawmut avenue | Bradley Joseph A. jiquors, house 116 Marginal 
Bradlee Caleb D. Rev, house 17 Chester park Bradley Jos: ph AH. counseller, 19 Court, bourda 3 
Hridlee Charles A. boards 5 Davis , Hotel Hamilton 
Bradlee Charles E. hospital nurse, Deer Island Bradie«y J, Payson, agent, 108 Water, boards 405 E. 
Bradlee Charles Tl. (Snow of Bradlee), 89 Court, Browdwny | | , ; 

howee at Watertown . Bradley J, Wesley (Hoyt, Wheeler, f Bradley), 22 
Bradlee Charles L,. clerk, boards 257 Meridian | Lincoln. howse Commercial), neur Mill,ward 16 
Bradlee Edmund F, house 17 Ashburton place Bradley Leonard W. bookkeeper, 50 Sudbury, house 
Bradlee Edward B, clerk, boards 25 Central equare | iis Myrtle 
Gradlee Frederick H. 2 Central whurf, house 13' Bradley L. H. Mrs. house 19 Hayward place 

Commonwealth avenue Brudley Mary, widow, hoose 11 Albany 
Bradlee Frederick W. (J. P. Howes f Co.),2 Cen-| Bradley Mary, widow, hotse 6 Oliver court 

tral wharf, hoase 107 Beacon: Kiadley Mary J, Mrs. house 140 West Canton 
Bradlee George W. (./. Bradlee ft Son), 188 Friend, | Bradley Michael, mariner, house Ts Prince 

boards 3 Duvis | [house at Medford | Kradley Michacl, laborer, house 1 Stillman 
Bradlee Harry, clerk, 5 Pemberton square, room 20,| biadley M.A. 1 Avon, house 47 E. Springteld 
Brudlue Henry E, house 472 Eust Fourth Bradley Patrick, nat maker. bh. i Tremont pl. wd.l5 
Bradlee amex A. fireman, bouse 114 Chelsea, E.6. | Bradley Patrick laborer, house 2 Jenkins place 
Bradlee James G. Mrs. house 44 Beacon |~Bradley Patrick, bar tender, 262 Causeway, boards 
Bradlee John D. & J. W. trees, 25 Bouth and S87 ? Greenougli lane } 

Washington, house at Milton Bradiey Peter, house 1280 Tremont 

Bradlee John E, elerk, 77 Clinton, h. at Watertown | Bradley Peter B. house 25 Chester park 
Bradlee John TT. collector, Post Office, house 257) Bradley Peter T°. conductor, M. RK. KR. bds.12 Stafford 

Meridian | Bradley Samuel Mrs. house 27 St. James avenue 
Bradlee Joho T. merchant, 104 State, h. 113 Beacon | bradley Samuel, laborer, house 63 Warwick 
Bradlee Joseph H, house Hotel Hamilton Bradley Sarah J. Mrs. house 25 Lawrence 

BURDITT & WILLIAMS, }"*™" “** ™*parisenisast® #%> 99 Poem 

Boston [ B] 

Bradley Shepard If. printer, 14 Hanover, house 2 
Worcester place [ward 16 

radiey Sopliia Mrs. widow, house Com’, n. Purk, 

Bradley Tivmus, ro taba ker, howe 325 Benningtow 

Bradley Thomas, laborer, boards 42 Weat Third 

Bradley Thomas, reporter. '* Boston Herald,” 103 
Washington, house 2: Irving 

soars Thowas D, salesman, 24 Washington, h. 
47 East springfield : (1474 Tremont 

Bradley Thomas W., fireman, Steamer No. 12, bowrda 

Bradley Warren, 27 Wititer, luiee 4 Davis 

Bradley William, salesman, 50 Uuion, boards at 
Newton — 

Bradley William C. ( Knowles of Leland), 40 Harr, 
avente, bouwrdsa City Hotel . 

Bradley William U1. supt. of sewers, City Hall, h. 
54 Chester park 

Bradley Wim, H, police station 0. h, 33 Winslow 

Bradley Wo, H. truss maker, bourds 110 Marginal 

Bradley William H. teaister. jiousce 6 Wall 

Bradley William L. fertilizers, “4 broad, house 24 
Chester park [ee Chelsea 

Bradley William L. photographer, 14 Hanuver, hi, 

Bradley, eee Praddley and Bradlee 

Bradman Neliie Mrs, louse 01! Washington 

Eradman Wi. A. attendant Idiutic Setiol, 7ua 
East Kighth, boards do. 

Bradshaw Aaron ( Brelshew if Potvh), 7 Central 
wWhart, house at Combridgeport du. ward 16 

Bradshaw Aaron, confectioncr, Wash. o. Centre, hi, 

Bradshaw Albert, confectioner, 12 Hawley and 1617 
Wash. boards Wash. cor. Centre, ward 16 

iradetaw Aifred A. 242 Wualingion, louse at 

Bradehuw Chirlea A. S* North, house at Somerville 

Hradshaw Ealwin 1. 175 Washi. house at Somerville 

Bradshaw hibridge, clerk, Vublie Library, house 
Unlon avenue, ward 16 

Bradshaw Eliza M., Wash. 0, Centre, h. du, wd. 16 

rddshaw Jounna, widow, house 7 srillman 

Bradshaw John & Co. ( #. &. Hittwrd J, slit man- 
ufacturers, 231 Wash. house at Cambridge 

Bradshaw Joseph, laborer, boards Hudson, ward 16 

Bradshaw Rodper, machinist, iwuse 41 Haynes 

Lradshaw William Gr. coufectioner, 7 Willlains ct. 
apd 1017 Washingtou, louse Bowdoin sq. o. 
Geneva, ward 16 

Bradsiiaw & Futeh fderon Bradshorw and C. £. 
Patch). oil and candles, 7 Cetitral wharf 

Bradzon William, city laborer, liouse 87 W. Canton 

Bradstreet Augustias 1B. house Biue-liiil ave, near 
Colombia, ward 16 

Bradstreet Clhorlea W. (TF. PP. Sargent f& Co.), 155 

—  'Premont, howe 17 therwick purk 

Bradstreet George W. liguee 41 Vyler 

Hradatreet J. Edwin, 70 siate, boards at Melrose 

Bradstreet J. M. & son, Im,roved imnercantile 
agency, O. PF. Clark, Supt. 67 Devonshire 

Bradatrect J. Rea, rubber mouldings, i State, hb. ot 


Bradstreet Samuel, jr. ( frodstreel if Pinton), al 
Devonshire, bourds Ulue-ill iveuue, tear Col- 
umbia, ward 1 | yumery 

Bradatrect Sarah A, Miss, milliner, iouse Su Munt- 

Bradstrect & Vinton (Samuel Bretetreet, je ana 
Aletander Vinton), sivck brokers, 31 Devon- 

shire [Chundler | 
Bradt Benjamin N, boota & shoes, 86 Court, bh. 112° 

Bradt Herman D. f Dresser, Brett, jf Goodwin), | 

Lf Harrison avenue, luce 74 Forest l 
Brady Agdrew Mrs. louse 82 Circuit | 

Brady Bridget, widow, house 007 Last Second 

Brady Cuarles, Custom House, aud Bostou wharf, 
house at East are . 

Brady Charles, machinist, boards 11 Gouch 

rudy Churles ©, Rev, house 16 Blossom court, 

Brady Charles O.jr. machinist, i, 10 Blossom eourt 

Brady Christopher, driver, buard- +2 Circuit 

Brady Daniel, fwborer, house 42 Ward. ward 15 _ 

Brady Edward, porter, ¥ Dock «q. boards sl No, 
Margin [38 Berlin 

Brady kdward J.machinist, i. & I". Kk. house 

Brady G. M. Mrs. house 10) sliwmut avenue | 

Grady Heury, marble worker, liou-e 66 Nashna 

irady James, carpeuter, lieuse rear 42 Simons 

Brady James, laborer, hquee 17 W. silver 

Brady James, tewmster, house ¥ Norwich 

Brady James, carpenter, house 141 Maverick 

Brady James, laborer, bounds 77 Cove 

lirady James, laborer, howse kll-worth, ward 16 

Brady James, carpenter, liouse 50 Chapman 


Brady James, plasterer, house 91 Gold [Fifth 

Beady James, fireman I. & A. KO. bourds §4 W. 

Brady James, liborer, boards #1 East Dedham 

Brady dinmes C. & Co (P. 4. Smith), liquors, 3 
Nislina, house 1 Grove . 

Brady James P. engineer, § Pitts, li. 27 Crescent pl. 

Lrady James 5. machinist, house i: West Third 

Brady Jolin, lhover. house 14 Rssex place 

Brady Jolin, blucksinith, house 84 Norn Marglo 

Brady Jobn, rope muker, louse Vancouver, o. Ward 

brady Jolin, machinist, house 24 Creseent place 

Brady Jobn, waiter, house 70 Owk 

Brady John, laborer, boards 28 Cooper 

Brady John, laborer, boards 77 Cove 

Brady Jolin. plasterer, houwee 915 D 

Brady Joseph. laborer, housed’ Hanover 

Heady Luke, laborer, house rear 140 A 

Brady Mary Mrs. boards 10 Lucian 

Bridy Mary Eo Miss. house 24 Woreester square 

Hrady Matthias, stonecutter. house 43 Stillman 

Brady Matthias, howe 127 Weer Fitih 

Brady Michie!, inborer, house 1 Unity 

Brady Micwael, laborer, house 444 Commercial 

| Drady Michael, laborer, house Coffee er, ward 16 

Brady Michacl, laborer. house 442 West Third 
Dirady Nicholas, laborer, house i Stanhope place 
brady Owen, plasterer, house fl West Fitth 
Grady Patrick, luborer, liowse 24 New, EB. 
Brady l'atrick, laborer. house 174 D 
Brady Patrick, laborer, house Kagle Mill pl. wd. 16 
Brady Patrick, fresco painter, hovse 7t Nw» Margin 
Brady Patrick, laborer, honse 60 Liverpool 
Brody Patrick, tailor, 100 Hanover 
Brady Vatrick, laborer, house Marsh, ward 16 
Brady (atrick tt. taborer, boards <2 Wircuit 
Brady Puilip, saloon, 85 Northimpton, house do, 
Brady Philip, glass stainer, house I hestaut place 
Brady Piilip, innson. house 24 Dilerien 
Brady Philip, carriage washer, house 165. Margio 
Brady Philip. laborer, louse i) Shawmut avenue 
Brady Philip H. clerk, howse 3 Daytow avenwe 
Brady Rebecen Mrs. louse 12 Wios4om coart 
Brady Robert J. laborer, house 20 Tolty 
Brady Robert W. Rev. howse 100 Salem 
Braily Kose, widow. house 221 E 
Bridy stephen, laborer, house 54 Lowell 
Brady Susao Mra. widow, house 38 Piillips 
Brady Thomas, conchman, bourds Dickeas, wd, 16 
Brady Thomas. laborer, house 027 Enet Second 
Brady Thomas F. liquora, 302 Dover, and forniture, 
40) Harrison ave. corner Dover, h. #9 Fifth 
Brady Thomas F. plumber, §5 Joy, tds. 79 Esaex 
Brady William, curpenter, boards 1 Wilber ct, 
Brady Wm. taborer, bds. Savin-hill ave ward 16 
Kraay Wm, F. clurk, 22 Congress, hous 12 Unity 
Lrady Wm, J. clerk, house 218 D 
Bragan James, tii.or, howae 16 Billerica 
Braga Thomas Lb". tailor, house 14 Northfield 
ragdon Byron F, police atation 8, .145 Lexington 
Brawidor Charles A. elerk, P.O. bourse at Newton 
lighlands [Tremont 
Bragdon Charles E. clerk, 78 Chauney. boards 629 
Brugdon Kdwin A, 86 North, howse at Melrowe 
Bragdon George A. physician, office Dor, ave. cor. 
Washington, bas. Thayer's Hotel, wil. 16 
Bragdon George W. ¢ Ifitliam Hregion F Son), 44 
fanover ind 243 Broad, hiards at Newton 
Bragdon trranville L. 31 Washington, reom 32, bh, 
163 Brooka, Fu, 
Bragdon James, police station 4, h. 137 Dorchester 
ragdon John W. jr. (Otle f Bragdan), 67 Hano- 
wer, house at Stoneham — h. HS. Russell 
Brogden Joseph DD painter, 126 Harrison avenue, 
Bragdon Jduseph H. (Bragdon, Turener, & Co.), 
points. &e. 8 India, hoose at Brookiloe 
ragdon Josepli H. jr. bookkeeper, § India, boards 
at Brooklive 
Bragdou Maria C. Miss, anleawomon, 5063 Washin 
ton, bourds 35 Sharon (F 
Bragdon Mary W. teacher, Lawrence school, h. 2 
Bragdon Oru M. salesman, 65 Commercial, boards 
116 Myrtle 

Rragdon Uren, foreman. house 82 F 

Bragdon Sumner, carpenter, house 456 E. Eighth 
Bragdon @umner, mason, boards 380 Sumner 
Bravdon, Tavener, & Co. (J. A. Sregion and Wim. 

Tarener), paints, ofl, and glass, 8 [ndia 

Bragdon Wm. & Son (Geo. W. Bragdin). leather 

menssurers, 44 Hanover and 23) road, house 
at Newton. | | 
Bragdon Wm, G. 35 Washington sq. h. 42 Rockland 

BRAD WORE Siok Beas” FISHING TACKLE, fase detainee eae us tee 


Bragg Alonzo W. clerk, 71 Portland, h. 66 Rutland 


Brander James, ship carpenter, h. 2 Marion pl 

Beagy Carlton 8. lumber, 180 Border, boards Mav-| Brander Robert, cablnet maker, 601 Washington, 

erick House | 
Bragg Charles C, 27 Bromfield, house 71 Madison 
Bragy C 8 jr. house 2 White, E.8, 

rage : 
Bragg Harry H, looking-glasses, faney boxes, &e, 

Portland, house 37 Clifford 

Brags flerman, lawyer, 13 Pemberton square, areas V. & Co. 

uee al Medford 
Bragg John N. ameter, house 1013 Harrison ave. 
Bragg Josepliine N. house 2 Grove square 
Bragg Levion Mra, house 2 Grove square 
Bragy Samuel A. B. supt. Mt. Hope cemetery, h, 
nck, wardl6 . : 
Broge William M. clerk, B.& A. R.R. freight, b. 
174 Harrison avenue 
Bragg Wiliiam W. carpenter, house 107 F [ave, 
Hrige ——, telegraph operator, bda. 174 Harrison 
Bragwiott! Francols & Co. merchants, 4 Central 
wharf, house 208 Beaton 
Braham Frank, laborer, house 11 Ward, ward 15 
Hraham John J. murician, boards 40 Tennyson 
Hraham Mary Mra. house 1166 Washington 
Brahm Margaret, widow, house 11 Ward, ward 15 
Brahoe Joseph, ay eee f boards 28 Hanson 
Brainard A, W.& Co. (£. J. Foirbtrother), furni- 
ture, 10 Charlestown, bouse at Charlestown 
Braln ard Charler, baker, house 5 Renfrew place 
Brainard Charles, weigher 
house at Medford 


hoards 0 Bradford | 
Matthias P. F. clerk, 4 Canal, boards 
Milldam, near Parker : ! 
Brandly Herman F, ( ¥, Brandly & Co.) 119 Wash- 
ington. house T7 Bower 
(rederict Hlocklinger and 
Herman F. Hrandly). hair and jJowelry, 313 
‘Washington, bouse 12 Keed's court 
Brandon Mrs. widow, honse 67 Albany 
Brandon Scale Co. 53 Sudbury — 
Branigau Mary, widow, house 73 Lowell 
Branigan Thomas A. (Hranigan f Cuddy), 19 
Harvard pl, house 749 E, Broadway . 
Branigan, Cuddy, & Co, (7. A. Aranigan, John 
Cuidy and M. C. Aferry), @inaa cutters and 
engravers, 10 and Zl Darvard place : 
Branigan & Cuddy (T. 4. Brenigan and John 
Cuddy), ulase ware dvealera, 10 and 2] Harvard 

Beare Catharine, widow, house 205 Cabot 

Hrann Charles, telegrapher, bousee 776 Parker 
Hrann Frederick, of] mill, house W Saratoga 

Hrann Joseph L. carpenter, bide. 1240 Washington 
Hruntad Catherine, widow, h. 1 Mareton’s block 
Brannan Dongloes, carpenter, boards 114 Hudson 
Brannan John H. piano maker, house 7b Northfeld 

and gaveer, 13 Doane, | Drannan Lawrence, laborer, house Dorchester ave. 
(Capen, ward 16. 

near Creek, ward 16 

Brainard Charlies F. carpenter, house Norfolk, near “Brannan Michacl, tailor, 08 Endicott, honvee do, 

Brainard Danie), grocer, 02 E. Elghth, h. 202 

Brainard, Davy, & Co. (7. £. Erawnard and M. C. 

vas fy shirts and paper collars, 22 Chauncy 

Brainerd Edward H. carrinve maker, 4s Dorches- 
ter avenue, house 37) W. Fourth 

Brainard John, lnborer, house J47 Esavx 

Brainard John, tinsmith, 21 Bedford, boarda 20 
Haw kine . 

Brainard dosaph E. (Brainard, Davy, ¢ Co.) 2 
Chauncy, bh, 371 W. Fourth Somerville 

Erannan Patrick, cooper, house 13 Glendon 
Brannan Patrick, bourds Dorchester avenue, opp. 
Creek, ward 16 
Brannan Patrick J.Jiquora, 65 Friend, house £3 do, 
Brannan ‘Thomas F. clerk, 135 Tyler, b. 188 Hudson 
Branock Patrick, laborer, boards 121 Dove 
Brannon Daniel, grocer, 134 Tyler, b, 10 Hudson 
Brannon Frank, laborer, bourda 1d) W. Fourth 
Brannou Hubert, saloon, Pynehon, cor, Centre, by 
Amory, cor, Centre 

Brainard J, L. furniture, 56 Charlestown, house at Brannon Joho, laborer, house 1% Hampden 
Brainerd Alpheus T. britannia worker, h, Green, Brannon Michael, laborer, house § Gerard 

near Bowdoln, ward 16 

Braman Albert RE. machinist, bis. 0) Kendall 

Braman Chacles A. (Braman +f King), 10 ‘Wash- 

ingion, house 4M. H. Osborn pl. 
Braman Charles E. clerk, 27 Sudbury, 
Braman, Dow, & Co.fV. M. Dow and ©). 8. Bar- 
reff), steam and gua pipe, 1,5. and 4 Haymar- 
= keteq. and ie Neds xt ie ene 
raman, (reorge II, dry ; a com. aundey, h. 
Braman Grenville T. Ww. 41 Tremont, room 6, tle 
® Brimmer [hoowe if Rutland 
Braman H. Of framan, Shaw, § Co.) 27 Sudbury, 
Braman, James OC, 40 Btate, room 35, house at 
 Auborudale (Charles 
Braman darvia D. 41 Tremont, room 5, honse 38 
Braman Jarvis G. 183 Hanover, bds. 3s Charles 
Braman, Slaw, & Co. (ff. #. Braman, Dow, W 
shew, on’ Sumner Applin), furniture, 27 
Braman & Ring (C. 4. Braman ond Hurvey King, 
or. perfumery, 129 Washington 
Braman, eee Brayman 
Hramberger Lucas, atonecotter, house 15 Sawyer 
Bramhall Albert N. 38 India wharf, h. ot Lyon 
Bramhall Martlott M. house 88 Zeigler 

| Rutland 

hone 3S Ashland 
Brambatl Charles E. boards 4 Temple place 
Bramba!) Ota, fron fence manuf, 176 Broad, boards 
Fourth, oor, F. S | 
Dramtinl) ifs, 24, blackamith, 495 Federal, house 
7 Baldwin place 
Bramhall Thomas M, Mra. house 14 Beacon 
Bramhell Wiihur F. clerk, 145 Friend, bda. at Lynn 
Bromhell Wiiiiam Mrs, house 144 Beucon 
Bramhall Wii, Unamith, 40 Wash, h, a Lindon 
Bramhall Willlam T. 24 Central, house 14 Boaoon 
Branch Sybil A. Mrs. house 10 Winthrop 
Brand Amer. pattern maker, bids. 6 Texan avenue 
Hrand George. musician, house 15 Siinwmut avo, 
‘rand Joho, stevedore, 64 Central wharf, house 
Hudaon : 
Brand Werner, musician, house 145 Shawmut ave, 
Brandenburg Henry, 40 Court 
Hrandenburg Joseph, bootmaker, 100 MModson, 
bouwee rear 19 Lincoln = [hdls. at Jamalea Plain 
Brander Charles H. salesman, 29 Washington, 


buards 65) I 

AV S ee Joiners’ Tools, 
My in great 

[biock, W. Bisth Branecomb A. H. printer, 19 Spring jane, house 
Brajnerd Lorenzo F. agent, boards Jones’ brick , 

at Chelsea 
Branscomb William, printer, bda, 145 Washingt 
Branefield Bridget A. widow, h. 233 W. Becon 
iraneon Ware, sail maker, honee rear 1 Tileston 
irant James, watchman, house 4 Hremen place 
Brant J. Melvin ( Leavitt ¢ Lrané), 50 Bromfield, 
house at E. Weymouth {at Boylston 
[rantican Hugo, pocket-book maker, 66 Wash. h, 
liraaby Alfred, house 5 Eesox place 
Brasee Watson G. clerk, 11 Narrieon avenue 
Drasher George T. wire worker, 67 Blackstone, bda, 
8 Crescent place 
Brislind Murgarct Misa, h. 206 Harrlieon avenue 
Brielin Willhun, packer, louse 2) Routh . 
Brastow George L,, Custom House, hb. ab Bomervillo 
Hraude i. trader, house 26 Eulaw 
Brager Frederick, saloon, & Ulewsant, house dé 
Brounedorf J. E.& Co. mutulh, of «Minn Bowlog ma- 
chines, 4 Temple place 
Brawl Charles, house 114 Longwood avenue 
Brawley Charles F. 03 Wash. house r. 12 Tremont 
Brawley Henry, carponter, howe rear 1242 Tremont 
Mrawley John P. rt rraay hou pour I Tremont 
—_ 146 ynehan 

lirawley Saresy wilow, 
| diraxten Martha D. widow, honee IN Dhiesom court 
Brambal) Charles E, action maker, 23 Cambridge, r 

Diraxton Thomas, laborer, house 2 Smith oourt 

Bray Aaron W. ( Parsons of Co.), 4 and 4 Com. 
mercial wharf, house ot Gloucester 

Hray Albert N. printer, 15 State, boards 49 Enat 
frookline . <*& [ 

Bray Albion M. truckman, 38 Central wharf, house 

Iiray Bridget Miss, house rear 61 Prince 

ray Charles F, (fray G Moyes), loporter, 145 
Milk, howee 50 Thorton 122 Eliot 

ray Edward L. curtain fixtures ( fray’a Patent), 

tray H.C. mason, hoarda 156 Harrleot avenue 

ray H. 2. (roy, Robinson, ff Co,J, 188 State, bh. 
at Providence, K.0. | | 

liray leajah, sea captain, boards 633 Rhawmut ave, 

Bray James, mazon, house 01 Merrimac 

Bruny J. E. & ©. H. masone, 17 Court | 

Hray Mellen & Co. (Front Kodmeonds), metal 
stumping, 55 Haverhils house at Nowton Centre 

ray Phillp, foreman, 35 Haverhill, h. at Charles- 

bray, Robinson, & Co. (Af. J". Dray, J. P. Robinson, 
and A. A. Goodirin,, four, 158 State 

ty, 20 Dock Sq. 

Bray Thomas C. com. mer. 21 Central wharf, and | 

- Whegar manuf, 42 Albany, h. 42 Clarenda 
Kray William, $2 Liireotn, ae tS at Jamajien Piain 
Bray William F. engineer, house 354 Samner 
Bray William M. curtain fixtures, 122 Eliot, boards 
. Wi Page place 
Bray Willis, driver, hoards 20 Shawmut avenne 
Kray & Hayes (OC. . Arey and J. A. Hayes }, im- 
porters, 145 Milk . ee 
Brayden William, gardener, h. 1150 Marrison avenne 
Braydon Willlam, rubber worker, honse 3 Church 
place, ward 1d 
Brayman John i. printer, house 4 Phillips [Everett 
Braynard Wiliam P. atereotyper, 6 Wash. louse ait 
Brayton Charles F. clork, 97 Court, bas, 28 Somerset 
Payton Chon, H. prop, Brayton's Keady Motor, 1 
» Pemberton equare, house 25 Staniford 
Brayton Herbert, clerk, boards 1614 Washington 
Brayton Herbert 1. clerk, 108 Wash. bde, 1 Stevens 
Brazel) Joseph Mere. 08 Howor 
Brazer Jota OH. packer, 20 fowker 
Brazer Lather ft. griluer, 40 Wagh. h. 12 Norfolk 
Brazer William &. freaey paiuter, 46 Temple place, 
house at Newton 
Brazlar Madam, Freaoh teacher, h. Hotel [oyston 
Brazier Anna VM. Mra, widow, house 2 Kenilworth 
Brazier Anna M. Mrs. widow, house 74 Kast Canton 
Brazier William H. printer, 21 Cornhill, hotee at 
Brazil Jolin, baker, house 220 F 
Brazil J. P. anleaman, boards 1087 Washington 
Braz!) Patrick, clerk, 4 Winter, boards 1027 Wash. 
rearton Eilward, laborer, ouse 101) Morrison ove, 
Breaton Geo, E. at Norway Tron Works, howse 246 
Dorchester : [ket, boards ot Brighton 
Breck Charles HW. f.7, Breck Sons), 8) North Mar- 

Breck Charles 91. It. (Joseph Mreck of Sona), aced | 

store, il North Market, house nt Hrichton 
Breck ©. 6, ©. ( Whitman ¢ Hreck), 80 Wash, room 
15, house of Milton 
Breck Joseph & Bone (CC. A. and COB. Breck ), 

agricultural warvhowes, 61 and 52 N, Market, | 

howe at Keighton \Comrt square 
Hreck's Express, Hath, Gantiner, & Hallowell, 4 
Breckenridge gay hookkeeper, Tl Devonshire, bh. 
116 ‘Trenton, hf. HM. 
Breckin William 1, Payenien, house 47 Wee Cedar 
ae hat F. clerk, 1b, & M.R. ER. Causeway, bde. 
a. arene L. teacher, Dearborn school, bile, 
Bredecn Frederic, clerk at P.O. h. al Charlestown 

Brediger Nicholas, billiardtalle maker, 1049 Wash. | 

house dis, 

Breed Albert.7, coachman, house 104 Woreveter 

Fihyeg: Geonge F, show tant. goods, 183 Hanover 

Breed Goo. W. B. olork, boards 68 Palmer 

Breed Granvillo @. clerk, Baltimore Steamship Com- 
pany, OF Centtal wharf, hose 871 Warren 

Breed fHerbert W. cracker-peddler, boards North 
Avenue, ward 14 

Nie pt Woaet Moilfiorel 

Breed Hubbard, howkkeeper, 26 Kilbv, beurds at 

Breed John, farniture polisher, house 23 Lyman 

Breed Maria M. wilow, at te ] Worcester Dace 

Breed T. Harlan, tonkkveper, Second National 

Thank, Hears bulldlng, hone mf Lynn 

Breed Wim. H. salesman, 5 Washington, boards at | 

Wet Medford 
Breed & (o,'« Lynn Express, 3 Court square — 
Breeden tien, bookkeoper, Warcham, cor. Malden, 
shone at Cam hridgeport 
Breen Daniel, house 358 Charles 
Breen Dayld, laborer, house 2 Bolton 
Breen Dennis, porter, boards 1aT W. silver 
Breen Frivels, walter, hones 2 Liviligeton 
Brein Gregory, hlackemith, lionse 14 Seneca 
Breen Hh, aborer, house 1292 Tremont 
Breet) James, lhorer, howe 4 Stillman 
Breen James, cooper, howee 1 Paris court, EB, 
Breen James, Squantum House, 11 Portland 
Breen Jerciolah, laborer, howse 4 Warrenton 
Breen Jeremiah, laborer, house 24 Molton 
Breet Joann, widow, hones 4 Warrenton 
Breen John, laberer, house 190 W. Fifth 
Lireen John, pediller, house 2 Morn court 
Breen Michel, laborer, house 22 W. Fitth 
Breen Michacl, palnter, house 3 Uties place 
Hreen Michael, carpenter, house 57 | 
Hireen Michacl, laborer, house TH Federal 


| Rronnoan Ex 

[Relea | 

| Brennan Mw 
| Brennan Michael, carpenter, house §1 Cheleea 

Brennan Michael, carpenter, house 17] West Pith 
| Breunan Michael, cuorricr, bhonse 47 Haynes, E.B. 


Breen Patrick, teamsier, h. Dorchester ave. wi, 14 
fireen Patrick, blackamith, house 7 Kochoster 
Hreen Peter, secondman, hose 114 Prince 

Hreen Nobert, laborer, boner 14 Holton 

Lreen Thomas, tailor, house 33 Cooper 

lireen Thomas, action maker, house 60 Eniieott 
freon William, cutter, house 112 Leverett 

Kroen William, laborer, boards 40 South Ma 

| Kreen Willlam F. inarble cutter, bowser 63 Keedai 

reerton Edward, lalorer, house 46 W. Silver - 

| rocee Win. obina decorator, house 175 A 
|Bregnoll Jieeph, laborer, lh. 2 Baker's 
| Brelior Francois, sail maker, house 118 Camden 

alley, ward 2 

Brehm (harlos, hatter, howe Th Lenox 

Hrelding Charles, opholstorér, howe 4 Adama 

Kreiding Heory, hairdresser, hiniee 5M EB, Hrowd way 

Hrolvogel Dan ad, baker, Wwe Solum, house ili, 

Brelvogell Jotn, baker, 26 Sumner, howeo Ba ilo, 

Hromer Joha L. f G@. frewer & Co), dr goods, pat 
oy lation 

Milk, hotee at New York [ 1: 
Bromer William M.¢G. Arewrer of Co. ), 22 Milk, h, 
Bremmom Frederick, mariver, liao 156 Marvival 

Brenenstuh) Wiliimn F. Devonshire, twar Milk, h, at 
Jurmmelew Pian | 

rene Wiliam T. 3 Summer, bis. of Hopkinton 

Hirennan Ann Mrs. house 1 Stetson place 

Brontian Catharine, widow, howe r. 110 Dover [de 

Hrennan Catharine Mies, dresemakvr, 61 Albany, bh. 

Broonan Catharine, widow, bower 41 Portland | 

Hrentnan Daniel, bourds rear 75 Charter 

Krennan Dennis, laborer, house 25 Lincoln blook 

Hrennan Denia, tearmeter, howee 1 Thecher court 

Drennan Dennis F. provieion dealer, 200 W. Broad: 
wy, house 247 1) 

Brennan Kdinund, laborer, house 19 Froie 

Brennan Edmond J. plumber, boarda 13 Fruit 

Brennan Edward, laborer, house 42 f 

| Etronnan Edward, clerk, 10 Cimbridyge, boards 7 

Basmati ry place 

Edward, horseshocr, hone 6 Fabin 
Brennan Edward, varnieh maker, bourds 14 Reed 
ftronmman Edward H. clerk, boards 12) Hirdeon 
Brennan Edward R. wheelwright, house 142 Roggles 
Htrennan Eliza Mre. dressmaker, liner 12] Keser 

Drennan Eliza, widow, house 61 Alban 

lirennan Fanny, widew, louse 12y Hodewn 

Brennan Forgus, marble polleher, house 40 Danlow 

Hrennan (icorge A. carpenter, honee 114 Lenox 

Brennan George A, carpenter, house 174 W. Seventh 

ae James, machine shop, house & W.-Blxth-at. 
Tht ie 

Breemnas James, clerk, house 272 I 

Brennan James, machiniat, booms 27 Athens 

Brennan James, laborer, house 18 Oneida 

Brennan Janes, lnharer, house 1 W inelow 

Brennan James Mrs. widow, house § Thacher et. 

Bronnan James, press-feeder, “* Evening Traveller," 
house 121 heeex 

Brennan James, bricklayer, house 7) Bedford 

aks eye saloon, 107 Water, house Gi Proce. 
ton, EB. 

Brennan Jane, widow, honee 124 Albany 
240 D 

Brennan Jeremiah, carpenter, boards 

Krennan John Mrs, house 131 Zeigler 

Prennan John, laborer, boards 14 Reed 

Brennan John, laborer, house 445 Emerald, room 3 

~6Brennan Joho, shoemaker, honse  Naehow 

rennan John, laborer, house Fenton, ward 14 
Brennan Jolin, millinery, 24 Hanover, bouse 272 D 
Brennan John, porter, se G0 (a liart 

Brennan John, plumber, boards 15 South Margin 

Brennan lulls, widow, h. Eagh:-mill place, ward 16 
Tirennan J. BR. honwe 43 Howard 

Brennan, J. builder, boards 203 Weet Broadway 
Drennan Lawrence, laborer, house $2 Salutation 
ironman Lawrence, cabinet maker, h. 145 W. Sixth 

Grenhan, Leonard, & Co. ( Wiliom WH. drennan and 

NV. Leonenrd ), liquors, 4174 Hanever 

Brenuay Luke, carpenter, house 262 Fourth 

Brenna Maury Mise, 
house do, 

Hronnan Mary, house 146 Tremont 

Hrennaw Mary, widow, house rear 80 Albany 

| ¥, Widow, hoose 47 Wanl, wand 15 

dresamaker, 27 Shawmut ave. 

Hrennan Michael, laborer, house rear 40 Hanover 

| Brennan Michael, house 247 D 

Brennan Michael, laborer, bouee 6] Eastern avenue 

| Brennan Michoel, laborer, house 6 Comamerctal court 


| i] ne of S| “al 
Pia areas Set 

118 BosToN [}] Directory, 

Brennan Neal, laborer, honee rear 67 Charter Brett Geo. boots, &e. 48 Hanover, h. at N. Easton 
Brennan Nicholas, sailmaker, h. 220 Bremen, E.Br | Brett George W., Otis, near Summer, house Pond, at 
Brennan Nicholas, trader, houee 27 Athens Jamaica Plain 
Brennan Owen, tailor, honse rear 400 Commeroial Brett Henry, 14 Devonshire, room 19, b. at Brookline 
Brennan Patrick, moulder, house 157 Endicott | Brett Honora Mrs, widow, h, 15 Way 
Brennan Patrick, laborer, house 455 Commercial Brett H. W. (Mewkins, Cloy, § Brett), 70 Portland, 
Brennan Patrick, bricklnyer, bh. Pleasant, n. Croek, house Mleasant, ward 16 

ward 16 [ward 16) Brett Joel Mrs, house 63 Essex 

Brennan Patrick, gardener, h. Franklin, n. Cottage, | Brett John, grocer, 520 Harrison avenue, house do. 
Brennan Patrick, shoemaker, honae 6 Highland pl. | Brett Michael, lnuborer, house 1 Meander 
Breneun Patrick, carpenter, boards 14 Garland Brett Michacl, laborer, house 20 Webber 
Brennan Patrick, lnborer, house 4 Artisan’s blook,| Brett Michacl, }aborer, howec 221 Bollon 
Union-park stroct tT Brett Patrick, laborer, boards rear 78 Prince 
Brennan Patrick J. restaurant, §5 Friend, house do. | Brett Samnel G. agent, Metallic Roofing Co. 2 
Brenoan Peter, clork, 187 Dorchester ave. .b, 7 Swan Bchool, house 70a Eust Broadway ea. 
Breonan Peter, gardener, h. Eagle-mill place, wd, 16| Brett Theodore W. clerk, 244 Tremont, b.. 33 Essex 
Brennan Philip, laborer, house 206 Dorchester ave. | Brett William, glass painter, house 106 Athena 
Brennan Philip, laborer, bouse 264 Dorchester ave. | Brett William F. 7 Lincoln, hb. at No. Bridgewater 
Brennan Philip, jr. machinist, b, 204 Dorchester ave. | Drett William H. & Co. (4. EE. Pike), engravers and 

Brennan Stephen, blacksmith, 875 Harrison avenue, stationers, 313 Wush. bds. Commonwealth Hotel 
house 20 Division Brett 4. F. 315 Washington, houee ut Brookline 

Brenoan Stephen, coal and wood, 4 Gouch, h. 66 do.) Bretton Richard, laborer, house 22 Weat Third 
Brennan Thomus, trader, house 48 Nashua Brew William, spinner, bourds 8 Sudbury place 
Brennan Thomas, carpenter, house Alger Brewer Caroline A. Miss, house 24 Bencon 
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house 34 Clark Brewer Catharine TD). Miss, hb. 70 Commonwealth ave. 
Brennan Thomas, grocer, boards 138 Hudson Brewer Charles, blacksmith, boards 8 Trumbull 
Brennan Thomas, musician, house $24 North | Brewer Charles & Co. (Charles H. Cunt, Edward 
Brennan Thomas, blacksmith, bds, 9 Ward, ward 15 M. and Joseph Brewer), merchants, 209 Btate, 
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house 14 lieved house at Janiaien Plain 
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house 1446 Tremont Brewer Charles H. nest. sec. U. M. L. Ins. Co. 153 
Brennan Thomas, laborer, house 47 Ward, ward 15 Tremont, honge 158 W. Chester park [Brighton 
Brennan Timothy, carpenter, house 3 Nawn Brewer Charles 0. clerk, #8 F. HH. market, boards at 
Brennan Timothy, porter, 47 Court, b. 4 Seabury pl. | Brewer Oharles P. painter, boards 261 D 
Brenpan Walter, conchman, 6 Arlington Brewer Clark & Bons ( Edward and W.D. Brewer), 
Brennan William, brass moulder, boards 27 Athena | tobucconista, 14 Sonth Market 
Brennan William, liborer, house 6 North Hudson | Brewer Cyrus, ins. agent, 4 Old State House, house 
Brennan Wm, E. varnish maker, house 874 Albany 8 Bulfinch pl. lkot, house at Charlestown 
Brennan William H. gilder, h. Rockingham place, n. | Brewer Edward fC. Brewer (i Sons), 14 South Mar- 
Washington (Hanover, h. r. 75 Charter | Brewer Edward M. (Charles Brewer G+ Co.j, 209 
Brennan Win. H. (Brennan, Leonard, g Co.), 415 State, and consul Hawation Island, boards ut 
Brennan Mrs. widow, house foot Rockingham place Jamaica Plain [Brighton 
Brennell John, cook, house 107 Balem -| Brewer Elisha, ealesman, 52 North Market, house at 
Brennen James, lwborer, house 134 Maverick Brewer Evane J. waiter, boards rear 25 Phillips 
Brenner John, portur, house 147 Essex ‘Brewer E. H, Miss, house 3 Tyler 
Brennick C. G. embroidery, &c. 33 Winter, r. 19, h. do. | Brower Francia W. (Gardner Brewer & Co), 22 
Brennick Horatio, carriage maker, boards 235 Weat Milk, house 72 Commonwealth avente | 
Braasiway Brewer Frederick QO, clerk, ® Bowdoin square, bde. 
Brennick James, ship carpenter, boards 43 Border 1 Hancock ten 
Brennick Thomas B. Mre. house 84 Gold Brewer Gardner, teamater, 60) Union, h. at Charles- 
Brenton George, barber, 39 Manson, house 67 Barton | Brewer Gardner & Co, (./. L. Bremer, J. &. Noyes, 
Breslin Cornelins, carpenter, house 14 Belmont ALON. Gridley, WW Bremer, Wm. Amory, ir. 
Bresleau Charles, pea a house 21 Leverett and i. W. Hrewer), com. dry goods, 22 Milk, 
Breslein John, peddier, house 7 Centre place, W.YV. house 29 Beacon fhonse Albion, ward 16 
Breslin Duniel, house 22 North Anderson Brewer George A. clerk, nsséssors’ office, City Hall, 
Breslin Daniel, bookbinder, boards 64 Chapman Brewer George H. 60 Hanover, h. at E, Somerville 
Breslin James, laborer, house Franklin court, wd. 16) Brewer Isanc C. house 22 Fayette | 
Breslin John, teameter, house 123 Norfolk avenue Brewer James FP. stock broker, room A, Traveller 
Breslin Jobn, clerk, B. & A, KR. KR. freight house, b. | building, boarda Commonwealth Hotel 
1 Granite = | Brewer John RK, 41 State, room §, house 72 Com- 
Breslin Mary, widow, honse 22 Norwich eaorbiaalth iveie 
Breslin Timothy, tailor, house 27 Kast Brewer John M, painter, boards 261 D 
Breslin William, porter, 50 Washington, h.23 South | Brewer Joseph ( Charles Lrewer it Co.), 200 Btate, 
Breslow William, painter, bds. Church place, wd. 16) boards at Jamnica Plain [ward 16 
Bresnahan Cornelius, laborer, house 4444 Federal Brewer Justus R. tailor, h. Bird, cor. Bird-st. place, 
Bresnahan Cornelins, hackman, bde. 111 Warrenton | Brewer Nahum, clerk, 18 F. H. market, boards 3 
Bresnahan Cornelius, laborer, bds. 111 Warrenton Poplar place [oo Chester park 
Bresnahan Daniel, junk, house 107 Warrenton Brewer Nathaniel, room A, Traveller building, h. 
Bresnahan Daniel, boards 43 Melrose Brewer Nathanivl, jr. & Co. (Jones W. Fenno), 
Bresnahan Ellen, widow, house 111 Warrenton real estate broker, 42 Devonshire, h, 44 Chester 
Bresnahan Jeremiah, teamater, house 15 Oncida par (Winter, h. ut Jamaien Plain 
Bresnahan Jotn, laborer, house 208 Harrison avenue! Brewer Otis, proprietor, "Boston Cultivator,” 18 
Bresnahan John, engineer, house 27 Bolton Brewer Pagu, cuptain, house § Cazenove place 
Bresnahan Jou, blacksmith, house 181 W. Ninth | Brewer Samuel ir. (J, Swan Bilia if Co), 8 Tre. 
Bresnahan Margeret Mrs. house r, 613 Harrison ave. mont row, boards 72 Tremont 
Bresnahan Maurice, grocer, 160 Eliot, house 162 do. | Brewer's Churlestown express, § Court square 
Bresnahon Michael, laborer, house 101 Warrenton | Hrewer Thomas M. ( Arewer i} Tileston), 14 Wash- 
Bresnaban Michael, helper, h. r. 513 Harrison ave. | ington, house 133 Boylston 
Bresnahan Patrick, backman, house 103 Warrenton | Brewer Walter 8. clerk, 39 Avon, h. al Charlestown 
Brestishan Peter, laborer, house 16 Oneida Brewer William D, ((C, Arewer & Sona), 14 South 
Breanaban Thomas, upholsterer, 6 Fayette Mirket, house at Charlestown 
Bresnahan Thomas, laborer, house 184 Eliot Brewer William G, tailor, louse 15 Fayette 
Bresnahan Thomas, laborer, hb. 483 Harrison avenue | Brewer Willlam H. (Brewer §- Wheeler), sail maker, 
Bresnahan Timothy, laborcr, house 27 Enst 200 Broad, house at Winchester Plain 
Lreenahan Timothy, lnborer, house 1250 Tremont Rtrewer Wn. BP. cha clerk, Wh State, hda, at Jamaica 
Bresnahan Timothy, shoemaker, 223 Federal, house | Brewer & Tileston (7. M, Brewer, Wim. Ware, ane 
144 Koeeland [Chapman Af. DB. Siaith ), edticational publishers, 114 Waeb. 
Breenihan Thomas, bookbinder, 7 Sudbury, b. 64| Brewer & Wheeler f fim. A. drewer andl James M. 
Erett Belle Mra. house 135 Eliot Wheeler j, auil makers, 209 Broad 
Brett Charles, 57 Hanover, boards 124 Court Brewers’ Fire Ins. Co. of America, Milwaukle, Wis. 
Brett Charlea Mra. house 37 ve de ae [Stoughton 66 Btate « 


BURDITT & WILLIAMS, (**"-P™e.ksza'nce, set ySiest Benth 


Brewater Augustue O. lawyer, 13 Court equare, 
house 237 Columbus avenue Tnve. 

Brewster Benjamin, broker, 15 Kilby, li. 80 wane 

Brewerter Charlea G.& Co. (4..f. Cofllern), natural 
history store, 486 Washington, h. 14 Moreland 

Breweter Charles M. epriog maker, 29 Bowker, bds. 

41 Fouth Russell 
Brewster Daniel Mrs, nurec, h, 154 Saratoga, E.1. 
Brewetor Edwin, clerk, 27 Bowker, h. 8 Grenville pi. 
Brewster Frank, eboe furricr, 27 Bowker, bde. 37 
Somereet, at Chelsen 
Brewster Boptne H. gas meter inspector, 20 West, h. 
Browater Geo, L. bar tender, 104 Court, boards 118 
Chindler : 
Brewster Henry M, 21 Chauney, bds. 32 Haneeck 
Breweter James, hack driver, boards 1549 Wash. 
Breweter James 1. millman, house 108 London 
Brewster Johu sf Srewater, Siveet, G Co), 40 State, 
room 4, house at Cambridge 
Brewster Joshua, clerk, boards 33 Howard 
Brewster Mary A. Mra. house 1 Grover place 
Brewster Oamyn (Crocker if “giaecedah buoksel. 
ler, 51 Washington, house 32 Wuneock 
Brewater, Sweet, & Co. f/ohn Bremreter, C. A. 
Sioeet, an! George IW. 7. Riley), bunkers, 4 
Siate, room 4+ | 
Breweter Wilbor F. liquors, 00 Kuecland, h. 4 do. 
Brewster William A. pictures and frames, WA Lev- 
erett, house do. | 
Brewster William H. ( Worthington, Flanders, & 
Co.), 41 Btate, hiuse at Newburyport 
Brewster William H. jr. f Hremeter i. (rrares), in- 
eurance, 2 Congress, bourds 25 Pemberton #q. 
Brewster William M. clerk, 22 Devooshire, boards 
237 Columbus avenue 
Brewster & Graves ( 1F. HW. Brewster, ir. and (Fil- 

iam Graves, jr.), insurance brokers, 2 Con- | 


Briant, see Bryant | 

Brilbney George, shipwright, house 348 Hanover 

Brice James, house 34 Thacher 

Brice Thomas, clerk, 65 Court, house 16 Lawrence 

Bricher Henry f fricher f Conant), engraver on 
wood, 112 Washington, house a Newhoryport 

Bricher Wm, Mrs. costumer, 504 Washington, h. do. 

Bricher & Conant (Henry #richer antl James 8. 
Comwrnt), engravers on wood, 112 Washington 

Brick James, conchman, bh. Adams, o. Park, wd. 16 

Brick John, laborer, house 11 Fruit 

Brick Paul, cook, boards 13 Harrison avenue 

Brick William, Jaborer, honse 27 Parkman 

Brickett E. 5., E. RR. house 33 Lexiigtan 

Brickett Frederick P. 46 Union, house at Medford 

Brickett Geo. F. clerk, 3 Bedford, boarde ot Quincy 

Brickett George 8. teameter, boards 2 Lathruy pl. 

Brickett John, clerk, boards 152 Hrowd 

Brickett John 8. & Co. (2. EF. Lory), provisions, 19) 

Guild row, house 66 Dudley [fjuincy 
Brickett Nathan A. foremii, 24 Woe. hinise wl 
Brickett Nathanicl, back driver, hotise 1e7 ‘Tremont 
Erickett Sarah O, head sast. owdoin school, bes, 

25 Cambridve 
Brickett Solon H. photographer, 49 Court, howse at 

Newton Centre _ | 
Brickett Thomas, heya house § Vine-street plice 
Brickett Thomas B. f Haley, Rear, if Cn. ), 14 Milk, 

boards 558 ‘Tremont ) 

Brickett Wim. H. clocks, 2 Bromfield, honee de. 
Brickett W. H. 19 Hanover, boords 22 Bowdoin 
Brickill Hannah Mias, house 1) Eustis 

Brickley David, stair builder, bh. 415 Harrison ve. 
Brickley Edward, stonecutter, h, 4 Mt. Vernon ave. 
Brickley Ellie, laborer, house 25 Cove place 
Brickley Ellis, laborer, h. 380 West Second 
Brickley James, laborer, house 1946 Albany 
Brickley James, caterer, house 10 Wenehooan 
Brickley James, is teameter, bowie 1645 Albany 
Brickley James 

Nace, ward 15 
Brickley John, laborer, house 05 Enst Second 
Brickley Jolin, laborer, house 24 Federal 
Brickley Joho, shoemaker, house 4 Athens 

Brickley John A. clerk, 26 N. PF, . market [do. 

Brickley John J, liquore, &c, 621 East Broadway, bh, 

Brickley Patrick, painter, honse 21 Bawyer | 
Brickley Patrick’ A. 200 Fremont, house 19 Cove pl. 
Brickley Thomas, laborer, house 19 Cove place 
Brickley Timothy, laborer, boards 117 Beach 
Brickley Timothy, Inborer, house G Luther place 
Brickley Timothy, house rear 247 Federal 

Brickley William, laborer, honse 10 Henchman 



. &xpressmian, house & Tremont 


Hridden Benj. F, telegraph repairer, 35 Sudbury, 
howee at Cambridgeport Bower 

Bride Kezinh Mre. house Walnut avenue, corner 

liride Patrick, latlor, holive 71 axter 

ride Richard, laborer, house rear 40 Northampton 

Bride Win. J. fA. Chadiick ff Co.), 24 Oliver, 
house Walnut avenue, corner of Bower 

Bridge Caroline A. Mre. widow, house & Van Rene- 
2tlier Honac 

Bridge Charles H. boards 1 Hill's court 

Grider C. L. FL bookkeeper, 174 Tremont, WW. at 
Winchester [ville 

Dridee C. 8. clork, 78 Blackstone, honse at Somer- 

ridge Edmund ( Scott q& Brivge), 122 8. Market, 
hile. at Medford 

Bridge Ei\lw. teameter, boards 242 Silver 

Bridge Flien, widow, hoee 242 Silver 

Bridge Goorge, machinist, house 214 West Fifth 

Hridye James P. house 2711 Weet Newton 

Bridge Joba WH. howe 0 Salem [town 

Hridve Josiah G. clork, 63 Haverhill, bde, at Charles- 

Dridgu J, H. hats, caps, nnd trunks, 7) and 111% 
Washington, house 12 Madison block 

Bridge, Lord, & Co. (.N. W. fridge, T. A Lord, 
oat. A. Miertt), ship trokers, 173 State, corner 

Bridge Noney C. Mire, hoards #2 West Epringteld 

Bridge Nathan W. f fridge, Lord, yf Ce.), 173 
Biste. louvre at Weeat Medford : 

Bridge Kebeeen, widow of William, house 42 South 

ridge Win., Costom Hones, hovee at Weat Medford 

Bridge Wm, G. (Corey, Brooks, if Co.J, 1 Cornhill, 
hoards al Somerville 

Bridge Wm. H. machinist, house 212 Saratoga 

| Bridges Amos, express driver, 41 Devonshire, louse 

at Somerville [3 Elm wood 
Bridges Appleton &, clerk, 1937 Washington, boards 
Bridges (larles A. horseshoer, 10 Dover, h. 100 ( 
Bridges U'narles H. house Wash. cor. School, wd. 16 
Bridges Froineis FE. clerk, 102 Blackstone, boards 13 

Cortes at Newton 
Bridges (reorge E. railroad supplice, 114 Wiater,: bh. 
Bridges George W. machinist, bh. 144 Lexington, E.B, 
Bridges Greorglana A. music teachér, b, 5 Elmwood 
Bridges Harlin N. Boston Bag Co., 4 John, bowrds 

24 ‘Temple 
Bridges Henry EF. driver, house 3 Worcester place 
Bridges Isaac, teomeator, hotise 6 South * 
Bridges Rachel Mre. bouse 14 Cortes 
Bridges Ribert 5. houee 3 Elmwood [Cedar, wi, 16 

| Bridgett Samuel, cabinet maker, bh. Sanford, newr 

Bridgert William, superintendent Seamin’s Mission, 
Biit-court étreet, honee at Charlestown 
Bridgewater [row Manufacturing Co. 134 Milk 
Bridgham Brothers (Joniel HM. and Leland F. ), 
gents’ furnishiig goods, 141 Washington [16 
Eridgham Charles, bde. Homplhrevs, n. Cottage, wil. 
Gridghom Daniel AH. (frifghaom Arothers), 141 
Washington, house 15 Chambers 
Rridgham Frank, clerk, boards 122 London 
Bridghaum Fri. C. 101 Tremont, bie. at Newtonville 
Berldghum George, clork, Washington, n. Howdoiln, 
house Washington, corner Harvard, ward 16 
Bridgham, Jones, & Co. (PF. C. Aridgham and G, 
IW. Jones), woollena and tailors’ trimmings, 1a 
‘Tremont : Washi, 
Bridghbam Leland F. (fridgham FArothers), 1041 
Bridgham Perey A. law student, 32 Pemberton sq. 
house 133 Princeton, E.B. 

Bridgham Presenti C. (Bridgham, Jones, qf Co.) 
woollens, &c. 101 Tremont, b. at Newtonville 
Bridgham Robert (. 101 Tremont, boards 6) Mont- 

eonery  [Upham’s court, ward 16 
Bridgham Sanford H. driver, =: E. No.2), house 

Bridghum Valentine R. foreman, house 7 Miekum's 

block, Ferdinand [Faneuil Hall »q. h. at Newton 
Bridgman Erastus 8. (ftrifgman if Peabo), 6 
Bridgman J. V. aalesman, 30) Bowker, house at 
Romerville — - = 
Bridgman & Peahody (KE. 8. Mridgman and I. N. 
Peabody), wooden ware, 8 Fagenil Hall equare 
Bricm Fidel, laborer, house rear 44 Smith 
Brivo Timothy, hinetler, houge 19 Plympton place 
Etriere Peter, carver, house Dorchester avenue, c. 
Greenwich place, ward 16 [sq. h. at Springfield 
riggs Albert D., BR. Rh. commissioner, 7 Pemberton 
Brigge Albert H. stair builder, bda. 3 Mensant-st, pl. 
Brigge Albert W. engraver, 215 Washington, house 
at Melrose 

Briges Andrew G. (Briggs ¢ Shattuck), grocer, 

165 Milk, h. 24 Cheater square 

‘@ Washington St THI Autumn of 
SA rebailkiing. are ot 16 Boylston Street. 

120 poston [B] 

Briggs Andrew H. lawyer, 42 Court, house at 

Briggs Andrew J. atairbuilder, h. % Gray , 
rp Annie M. Mra, ma ron, Home for Aged Fe- | 
males, Copeland, near Warren 
Briggs Arixene 5S. Mrs. h. 154 Shawmut ave, 
Briggs A. H. clerk. 117 Court, house 141 K ! 
Briggs Rodwell S. 24 Merchants row, boards’ at 
Winchester | 8 Stoncham 
Briggs G, F. lawyer, 20 Old State 
Briggs Charles Rev. house 20 Cedar 
Briggs Charlea C. plano maker, 61 Washington, 
house at Newtonville 

| Briggs William C. 28 Tndl 

ougse, house | 


will in, bde. 41 Kneeland 
Briggs William C. clerk, bda. 29 Sterling 

Briggs Wom. H. piano-key maker, bd, Athens 
Briggs Wm. R. mariner, tiouse 7 Chessman pl. 

| Briggs —, machinist, house 5 Green 

Brigg* & Pettengill (£.C. Briggaand C.F. Petten- 
gull), watchmakers, 40 Mayerick #q. EB. 
Briggs & Co. (A. I. Arigga), publishers, 17 Bnt- 
tery march [eoffer and splets, 4 Blackstone 
Briggs & Parker (7. 7° riggs and G, L. Parker), 
Briggs & Kobinson (John riggs, FE. Fo and C. &, 
fobingon,), oil and paints, Siand & phe 
marel [wholesale grocers. 165 Mik 

Briggs Charles BK. stnirbuilder, bds, 47 Winchester Briggs & Shattuck (4. G. Hriggaond &, Shattuck), 

Htriggs Daniel &. 114 Blackstone, bda, 3 Wesley pl. | Bri 

Briggs Edward T. curtain-fixturea, h.1 Lawrence 
Brigge kdwin, shipbullder, h, 4 W. Chester pk. 
Brigg® Elbridge (3, plano-key maker, house J08 
x iheus [Koecland 
Brigge Eldridge (+. wheelwright. 19 Cove, house 41 
Briggs Elizabeth, widow. house &5 Poplar 
Briggs Elizabeth Mra. house $25 Tremont [hf 
Kriggs Elron W.8 Hamilton pl. h, at Providence, 
Begg? Francis C. 157 Wash, bids, 108 W. Brookline 
Briggs Francis H, lieutenant police station ¥. house 
2c Dudley house 1] Gay 
Briggs Fred M. ( Cutler, McLean, if Co.), 107 State, 
Briggs Freeman G, plano maker, 531 Wash, bouse 
at Cambridge 
Briggs George, candy maker, bds, 70 Merrimac 
Briggs George, laborer, house 7 Dover 
Briggs George C. ( Chelsea Soll Co.),8 Commercial, 
ouse Wash. near Sacford,ward 16 _ 
Brige* Gieorge W. clerk, boards Elmwood court 
Eriggs Geo, W. clerk, Columbus ave. opp, Gren- 
ville place, house Elmwuod pl. 
Briggs G. Nixon, cigars and periodleals, 1773 Wash. 
Briggs Hacrict, widow, house 740 Washington 
Briggs Harrison (). & Co. bunkers and brokers, 00 
sta'e, h. 124 Marlborough 
Priges Neury. painter, bourds 7] Pleasant 
iiclgee Heory M. reataurant, 24 Weet Broadway, 
bowrds 106 de, hes 
Briggs Henry P. 105 Milk, house at Brookline 
Briggs Henry 5.. U.S. appraiser, 177 Stace 
Briggs Howard L. 42 Court. house at Wyoming 
Brigg’ Jemes A. WH State, bde, 65 Chambers 
Briggs James G. machinist, houee 51] Northfield 
Briggs James W. ing. agent, 55 State, boards 3 
Tiemont place [vet Harrison ave, 
Briges Jerome K, sulesman, §Commercial, boards 
Briggs Jobn ( Prigga if Robinson), 31 and 1 Bat- 
terymarch, house Bellevue, cor, Francia 
Briggs Jonn, machinist, boards #6 Dover 
Briggs John C. Mre. boards 29 Sterlin 
Briggs Joho C, machinist, boards 6¢ Maverick 
Briggs Joho R. carpenter, house 6 Cazenove pl. | 
riggs Jolin W, veterinary surgeon, house 77 
shawmut ave. [erick sq. bh. 00 Lexington, EK Bh, 
Briggs Leonard C. ( Mriggs ff Petlengill), W Mav- 
riggs Lewis, engineer steamer 15, house Dowdoin 
avenue. ward iG | 
riggs Lewis L. Kev. house 75 W. Brookline 
Briggs Lloyd, notary public, 00 State, house at 
Briggs Buea HI. poses 1 § Co 7 anh 
Briggs Luther (iL. Prigg: _J. 41 Washington, | 
on a, ty. 15 Walout. ward jf . 
Briggs Loman ©. (Lak Bros. Rehrens, ona 
rigge), “and vb Fulton, h. Linwood sq. B.H. 
Briggs Lyman I’. clerk, 0) Winter, bds. at Charles- 
row th 
Briggs L. & Co. ( Luther Briggs and S. PD. Kelley ), | 
archilects. eng!weera, and surveyors, 8] Wash- 
ington, room <5 | 
Briggs Mary H. widow, house 30 Rockland 
Briggs iver LL. billlard tables, 720 Wa-hington, 
bds, Creighton House jat Loogwoad | 
Briggs Kichard, erockory, 157 Wash. cor, Seliool, h. | 
Brigve Richard F. ( driggs f Co.), 17 Bovterymurel, | 
ands. 47 Columbue ave. 
Briggs Seneca F. carriagemaker, h. 25 Vinton 
Brigge Seth. cablovtmaker. h. r. 8 W. Brookline 
Briggs &. P.M, Summer, b. 10 W. Chester pk. 
rigge Theophilus I". carpenter, house ¢ River 
Briggs Thomas, machinist. h. 244 Everett, £0, 
Belyge Thomas H, paister, house 71 Pleasant 
Hrieg? Thomas L, seaman, 40 Bennington, En. 
Briggs T. Tolmen f Briggs ¥ Porter), coffec, &c., 
6+ Blackstone, house at Reading 
Briggs Wim. ale vaults, 204 Howard, howse do. 


wa, Rules, Lewela, Squares, anid nil kinds 

ai Allert, bookkerper.47 Chatham _ 
Brigham Albert (Lord & Brigham), 40 West Cedar, 
boarda 35 do. 
Brigham Albert 8. clerk, Post-office, h. 8 Leverett 
Brigham Cephas, lawyer, 20 Court, room 14, h. 
at Auburndale | 
Brigham Charlee (J, 4, Sturgia ond C. Brigham), 
urchitect, 7 Pemberton sg. h. nt Watertown 
Brigham Charles, clerk at Poast-office, house 10 
ontgomery | 
Brighom (lias. porter, © Blackstone, b. Billings ot. 
F Co.), Fulton, 

Brigham Charles E. (Gay, Manson, 
cor, Cross. bd. 1142 Washington | 
Brigham Charles H. 34 ]odia. bds, hd Webster 
Brigham Charles P, real estute, 19 Doane. house at 
Chestouwt Hil) 
Brigham Charles W. laborer, h. r, 180 North 

“Brigham Cyras(4. 2. Atherton  Co.), 17 Har- 

vard, house 40 Warren ave. 
Brigham David H. clerk, @ Chambers, h. 135 do, 
Brigham Daniel 5. piano-fortes, 18 Eljot 
Brigham Daniel T. (frigham  Hollacé), 28 Win- 
ter, bda. 15 Saratoga 

| Brigham Dexter, saleeman, 1354 Tremont, bds. 682 

Brigham Tora Mre. house 41! Shawmut ave. 
frigham Edgar M. engineer. B.& A, BR. BR. boarda 
i Tadinna place | , . 
Brigham Edmund M, baker, house 2 Arnold 
Brighum Edmund &, clerk, 102 Chauncey. bourda 48 
7 everett | [*ter, BB. 
Krighnin Kdward, supt, E. B. ferry, house lM Web- 
Brigham Edward, clerk, Wash. bear School. house 
do, Ward 16 “yu | 
Brigham Edward A. commission merchant, and 
colton machinery, 15 Devonshire, house 36 St. 
Brigham Edward F. pilot, E. B. ferry, house 9 
iT a 7 War I. lot, aa a Fry, louse | 
AVinthrop. EB. r 3 
Brigham Edwin H. clerk, attending surgeon's of- 
fice, 2 Kulfinch, boards at Watertown 
Rrighaes Klijah W. (firigham Mawus, Co, ), 86 5ud- 
ry. house at Nort hboro’ 
Brigham Eugene W. house 617 Shawmut ave, 
Brigham Fidelia, widow, house 165 0 
Drigham Fraocis H. boards | pxesb) Bi . 
Brigham Frank E.( F. F. Rice ( Co.J, 78 Broad, 
wouse Dellevuc, cor. Glendale, ward 16 

| Brigham Franklin, house 135 Saratoga 

Brigham Frederic A. 187 Blackstone, boards at 
Cambridgeport | 
hip Geores: a, aoe ietobe ; - 
rigiam George H. (Gile righam), opp. 4 
ons whart howee 1096 Dorchester " 
Brigham George T. expresa driver, bids. 30 Lynde 
Erigham Geo. W. ealeon. 12 Chardon | 
Brigham Ilunnah, widow, house ts W. Cedar 
Brigham Hurrison G. house 2 Buckingham place 
Brigham Honry, conductor, h. Freeman, ward 10, 
Brigham Beary . manuf. tobacco, 14 Central whf, 
home at Wesetbora’ , 
Grigham tlenry R. ( Prector, Warren. and Brig- 
ham ), lawyer, 3 Pemberton «q. rooms 10 and 
11, Ode, PU) Pembroke ) 
Brigham Hubbard, proviaions,10 Roylaton market, 
— house (id Weert Brookline | 
Brigham Janes H. publisher“ Amer, Miscellany," 
Re 14 Devonshire, bds. 620 Tremont 
Brizghom James M. # Bromfield, house Clareoce 
place, Ward 16 
Crizgham Jolin A. baker, 64 Shawmut avenne, h, 
a) Aroold 
Brigham John L. nset. daseasor, City Hall, hotse 
139 Worcester | , 
Brigham John W. & Co.f FE. 8. Rowen), boots and 
shoe. 4] Hanover, hoase 197 Keacon 
Brigham John W. jr. 4] Hanover, h, 107 Beacon 

of Tools, “a0 Dock Sq, Loston. 

Boston []}] DIREcToRY. 

Brigham Joseph fT, & Co. (G. A. Smith), commis 
sion merchants, #8 Central, house 143 West 
Brighatn Joseph L:( Tho 
Foam Joseph L.f Thayer. Brigham, ff Co.) com, 
a a et ta 
i} J tial onl Dep ; cu Het Su Tila urt, 
house at Salem me eee 
Brigham Lizzie M. artist, 2830 Wash. house at 
Charlestown | 
Brigham Maual Co, window beiavoes BS Sudb 
righam Manuf Co, window balane Sud 
Brigham. Martin Fo bh 1 Presb egies | 
Brigham Mvses 1. insur. aoe, 1 Wish house at 
ust Somerville — [851 Shawmul wvenie 
Brigham Natium.wood and coal, 370 Federal, house 

ham Porry ( Hrigham of Piper), 290 Federal, bh, 

«8 Edinboro’ 

Brigham Verry. 2d, clerk, 89 Hanover, boards 

 —Harrison avenue 

Brigham Meter. house 24 Bulfinch 

Brigham Rhoda F. Mra house 6 Norfolk place 
Brigham [tobert 0, restaurant, 470 Wash houee do, 
Brigham Silas, milkman, house 49 Warren avenue 
Lrigham Silas HW, 24 South Market, boards 28 Mont. 

or ham ler, 242 Wash boards 1M Webster 
1) Worcester 

Brigham William C. f fricham @& Pope), 18 Brat- 
tle eq. ard 75 Siare. h. 68 pring (pl wed. 18 

Brigham William D. olerk Suffolk pl. b. Clarenoe 

Brigham William T. lawyer, & Court, house 30 
St. James avenue 

Brigham & lirown's Medway Express, 5 broad 

Brigham & Holluce ( Doniel 7. Brigham awl N 

| Aidger Afollaces, dentiets, 28 Winter 
Brigham & Piper(?. Brigham and J, FE. Piper), 
coal and wood, 200 Fedoral 

Brigham & Pope (ITC. Hrighamand F.G, Pope), , 

stencil cutters, 18 Itrat*le sq. and 75 State 
Brigham, sce Kridghom 
Bright Albert W. clerk, house 1495 Shawmut ave, 
Bright Alice, widow, hb, Hampshire ct. | 
Bright Charles 1. house 9 Shawmut (ward 14 


Hrintiall Norman mer 4 Central wharf, h. 
at | harlestown 

Printnall Wm. P.f FP. Stinner fF Co. ). 91 Stato 

liriody Margaret. widow, house 07 Cabot 

Iiriody T'atrick, clerk, 45 road, house at Saugus 

Briscoe Daniel (Coyne of Briscoe), Righth, corner 
O. and E Seventh, bet M. and \, house East 
Sixth, near () 

liriacoe bo Mra, h. 70 Essex 

Hiriscoo Harry, restaurant, 44 Hanreman, hb, do, 

[trising Frederick, grocer, bh, 10 Pnilli 

Hrieon Daniel painter, hone 1h Trenton 

risen Willem? Panchird if Prison J,113 Merrimac, 

iis 15 Trenton | 

[ristol Albert, enloon. 204 North, house do, 

liriato) Edgar 8. (7. Fo diderman f Ca, 4 

Cone ess, house at Leon 

Mritney Ternard, mochinist,h Jeffers no. Maverick, 

fritney John. wborer, house 77 Charter 

ftritt Pred, laborer, h. 17 Salutation 

Mrtt Jeremieh. torner. boards 4 Leverett 

Hritt Jolin, laborr house 198 Crom [way 

Nritt Loule, prs 1M Washington ) 783 E. Drond- 

irit'an S. A. broker, 3] Devonshire, room 14, 
hous R27 Wanen 

“Dritten Charles C. salesman, boards 43 Melrose 
Pilllam A. 18 Railroad kxchange. house - T. clerk. 108 Union 91 
| ‘ourth | 
Brigham William A. general agent. Eieet’ ol Ww. 

Britten Jose T. clerk.105 Union boards § Rennet 
crite Slide hardware, 105 Union, howe 1? War- 

_“Piritten Joseph, clerk, Post-office, b. at Cambridge 

Britton Lawson V. flagman, ) & A. K.K., house 
4: Albany | 

lirittion Thomas, preeamen, boords & Oak 

Dirirton Thomas, mariner h 610 &. Ninth 

Britton T. 8. KR packs r, 1) Charlestown, bouse at 
Charlestown | : 

Britton William, 61 Essex, bounds 106 Tyler [16 

Broad Alphouze A. ca: penter, bde. Bakers ct, wd. 

round Benjamin, bds, 112 Chandier 

Hroad Jolin, machinist, h. 28 Hampehire 

road Jolin baker, howe 1S.‘ edaret pl, 

“Trowd Mary... widow. bds, 192 Harrivon ove 

road Salisbury, mason. hoo-e 31 W. Sixth 
road Wililam F. jr. car driver, house Rowdoin, ni, 
Geneva, ward 18 

Bright Edwin, carpenter, h. Wash. n Richmond, | iroadheut Milzwbeth. wid. w house 17 awe a pl. 

Bright Edwin Ht bds 23) shawmut ave. 
Brigit Henry, provisions, Lowell, cor. Minot, house 
Al Shawmutave. — ~< 
Bright Henry. jr. & Co. ( Geo, EF. Hyde), ladies’ and 
childrens’ unler garments, 254 Tash. house 671 

EK. Broadway | 
Bright H. (). ice. 00 State, honse at Cambridgeport 
Bright Joseph P, cerpenter, house 20 Orenge 
Bright J. J. 90 Stute. house at poets tale 
Bright Luther. 12 Canal, house at Cambridge 
Bright N, ¥. bookkeeper, 183 Washington, \.ouse at 

Cambridge 3 [at Waltham 
Bright Wiliam K, 14 Devonshire, room 13 house 
Briglit Winslow, machinist, boards 22 Warren 
Brighton Francis, house 8 Philips 
Brimbecom Nathaniel (/himbecom & Co.) 

New F. H. market, h. 172 West Chester Park 
Brimbecom & Co, (NV. Brimhecpom ).  powttry anid 
game 16 New Faneuil Hall mar 
Brimbiecom John KB. provisions, 6 Boylston, h. at 

Swampscott . ) {~ 
Erimigan alien U, attendant Lunatic Hospital, E. 
First, 0. . 
Brimmer Daniel, machinist. hoose 1259 Tremont 
Brimmer Murtin, house 47 Beacon 
Brimner be Mrs, variety store, 44 Rorder, h. do, 
Brims Dawie) W. 187 Hanover, b. at Jomacia Plain 
Brinck William, cabinetinaker, h. 26] E. kighth 
Brine Georgy KR. & Co. (2 ert rine ol! Wm, ©, 
Pray is tailors, 201 Wash. h. at E. Cambridge 
brine Robe 
ton, owe at Kost Cambridge 


Brine William H. ¢v. Harrington & Co.) 17 Tre- 

mont row, house at Somerville 
Bringain Horatio, carriagemoaker, b, 201 W. Broad- 

Brinkman Theodore, capmaker, 104 Dorcester ave. 
hr roy alts nO atene t,t 8 Eaton 
inley Walter (. student, howse? & ) | 
ibrhaley William |". aleectrician. 19 bromifield, house 

Krintnall Kenjamin ¢ Lockwood, Lumb, § Co), 10, 

Frovinee, hove at Charlestown 
Brintoa!| Eliza, teacher, Uharter-st. 
howe at Charlestown 



| itirock 

rfttien. A. fringe & Co.), 201 Washing- 

| Broadbent Ellen, widow house 12 Tremon 
Broadbent William, woodturner, h. 1220 Tremont 

Rroader F. W. clerk et F O. h. at Charlestown 

Kroadharst John, carpenter, house 42 Elmwood 

Broadhurt John T. architect, 18 Pemberton 
bds. 15 Montgomery pl . 

roadway National bunk, 4 Washington 

Kroek Albert F. clerk, @ F. H. markot, boards at 
Arighton | 

frock Ann Mrs, honse 10 Glenwood 

[trock Churles N. ( frock of Crone), AYoms, nour 
Dorchester avenue, house Adams, ward 16 

Brock Kphraim, visitor aa poor, Office at Uharity 
building, Chardon, h. 35 Central aquare, h 0 

rook i. Mra. li, 358 Meridian | 140 do, 

rock Honest. wines and liquors. 105 Court, house 

liroos Woward BH. clerk, 29 Wash, 

iW. A. 40 Cort 

lirock Joho A. house 282 Bowen avenne 

rook Joho N. clerk. 14 Hroad, boards 00 Harrison 

Brock J.C agent, 220 Tremont. h. al New Redford 

rock Manor UW). cleck, 83 Colon, housé at Chelsea 

Hrock Mary Mrs. boards 107 

Brook Matthias, jr., machinist, boards Gore ave, 

rock Ffourl) 5, 492 Wash bde at Charlestown 

Brock William, blacksmith, 2157 Washington, bh. 
1Potnam place 

Brock William jr. 603 Wash. b 1 Totnatm pl, 

rock -expressman, boards 87 Tyler 

| Brock & Crane (Charlies N. Rrock and Edward EB, 

Crone), livery stable and Toston and Milton 
express, Adams, near Diorcester avenue, Ward 
li, and &) south Market | : 
rockneler Christina Mrs, house 4 Olive place 
Brockway Charles G, storage and com, merchant, 
173 State, house & Stafford . 
Brockway Jolin L. grocer, 14, 16, and 15 Suffolk 
market. house al Charlestown 
Broder Iatrick, laborer, house r, 05 Genesco 
Hroderic John, moulder, boards 235 W, Nroadway 
Aroderick John, laborer, hoase 7 Sowth-stroot ct. 
Hroderiog John, painter, howse 2 Downer 
Broderick Jobo. machini«1. house 1% Minot 

| Kroderick John W. student, 40 Slate. fr © 

Broderick Michael, grocer, 116 Ruggles, hous do, 

makSWkue, {BRADE ORD & ANTHONY, $232 Washington St. Tut one eee 


Brodorick Michael, Jaborer, house Rockingham pl. 
Broderick Patrick, baker, bds. 11 Mussell pl. wd, 15 
Broderick Richard, laborer, house 48 Gol 
Broderick Thomae A. carperter, lh. 24 Newman 
Broderick Williain. laborer, house Parker 
Broderick Willinin, cooper. howse Morni court 
Broderick William 0. thiamith, house r. 195 London 
Brodiieal Daniel D. broker, 7 Donne, house at 
Brookline 7 
Brodhead J. A. Col, house $+ Montgomery 
Brodkorh Benjamin, carver, boards 8! Village 
Brodkorb Oscar, locksmith, boards ® Village 
Brodrick Ansel W. carpenter. boards 107 Zeiyvler 
Brodrick Ellen A. F. 77 Waltham 
Brodrick John, carpenter, house \07 Zeigler 
Brodrick Thomas, laborer, house rear 16 Colvert 
Brody John, laborer, house 10M Turrivon avenue 
Brovan Bernard, laborer. house 47 Lowell 
Ttrogun Cornelius, stonecutter, hoards 47 Lowell 
Hrogéo James, laborer. house 1 Stillman 
Brogan Jolin, tailor, house 12 Stillman , 
Brogan Michael, tailor, 140 Hanover, h. 145 Havre 
Brogin William, fronworker, liowse 114 Gold 
Brogan William. laborer. house Oi North Margin 
Brogen bernard 7. hairdresser, bourda 24 Lowell 
Brogger George, surgical-in<trument maker, 1 
familton p 
Broglan Patrick, horseshoer, house 3 Chadwick 
Broz! Bartholomew, wireworker, 116 Union, hiotise 
4) Burton | | 
Brolin Thomas, laborer, house 148 D [at Milton 
Brokenshire Charles K. printer, 102 Wash. boards 
HKrom Joseph, house Ganiner avenue, ward 15 
Bromberg Levi, cigars and tobacco, 1235 Tremont, 
hanee do. [helen 
Bromfield H. W. salesman, 42 Union, boards at 
Bromfiell Mathiaa, laborer, house § [natitute ave, 
Hromwich Charles M. stoves and ranges, also 
 _ plumber, 614 E. Broadway, h. 658 E. Seventh 
Brondrick G. frelghtman, boards 112 Brighton 
Rrondaon Frederic H. machinist. bh. Plain, ward 16 
Bronkhorst Levi, tailor, house 174 Dorchester ave, 
Bronner J George, jr. hairdresser, 1110 fremont, 
house ilo, , 
Broneidon Enos F. real estate, linuse 714 Cubot 
Bronedonw Joseph W. tailor, boards Norfolk, near 
Washiugton, ward 16 

Kroody James, painter, bouse 4452 Hanover ) 

Brooke Thomas F. clerk, 153 Washington, boards 
“NW. Brondway 

Brooker Ell. wheelwright, house 14% Ward 

Brooker George W. house 7 Church place, ward 14 

Brooklonse Joho H, clerk, 6 Central. house it 

Hrookloge Barden S, clerk, 27 Winter. bds. | Minot 

Brooklyn Life Ina. Co. of N.Y, & Pemberton aq. 

Hrooks Abby Mies, attendant Lunatic Hospital, &. 
Firat, near M [Harrison ave, 

Brooks Albert H, clerk, 4 La Croange, boards 0 

Brooks Alfred G. machinist, (00 Wishington, bds, 
i Lowell | 

Brooks Alfred H. printer, 22 Court, h. at Hyde pk. 

Brooks Alphonso, pliyslclan, hotiee 102 Revere 

Brooke Benjamin, laborer, house 5 Stanhope piace 

Brooks Benjamin F. (Brooks of Ball), lawyer, 

40 State, room 0. boards 11 Bencon 

Brooks Benjamin Wf. architect, 1b Pemberton aq. 
house 17 Aubarn, ward 14 

Brooks (enjamin 8 ¢F. A. Brooks § Co.), 126) 

Wael. house 2) Tha | | 

Brooks Catharine, widow, house 122 Roggles | 

Biook# Chutes, driver liose 6, Chelsea, near Ben 
Hington, house do. BE. Bh. 

Rrooksa Charles, laborer, houee 11 Hanover ave. 

HKrooks Churles Mra. iouwee 39 Worcester 

Hrooks Charles A. laborer, house 71 Joy 

Trooke Charles If. clerk, Porker House, boards do. 

ro ka Charles D, plekles, &e. 37 Broad, and fA, 
Fred if Co.), 2) Charlestown, h. G24 Tremont 

Brooks Uhiurles G. phyetcian, house 4 Survtoga 

Brooks Charles H.& Commerola), boards 1 Wor- 
ecater [Chelseq, wear Bennington 

Brooks Charles 1, brakeman Tf, & A. R. KR, bowrds 

Brooke Charles J. lawyer, 20 Court, reur 16, house 
Of Munroe . | 

Brooks Charles 0. (Wm. F. Brooks & Co.), 10 N, 
Market. boards 15% Princeton, bi, B. 

Brooks (, A. salesman, &! Canal — , | 

Hrooks ©. H.516 Washington, boards Studio build, 

Brooks Daniel, hoetlor, house 6 Tralper court 

Lrooks David P. teamseter, house 7% Elmwood 


| Brooks Edwin S. clerk, 116 Washington, boards at 
Brooks Ellis L. instrument maker, 6! sudbary, li. 

ace. house gat Chelsea 


Brooks Joho, mnehlilet, house 


Brooks Douglas A. clerk, 75 Washington, house at 
South Braintree | 

Brooks Edward, lawyer, 46 Temple place, house 

_ i? Deacon po 

Brooks Eiward, ©} Summer, boards at Cambridge 

Brooks Edward, shoemaker, 10 Howard, house 51 
W. Cedar 

Brooks Edward C., assistant cashier, Second Na- 
tional Bauk, Sears building. h, 30 Worcester 

Brooms Kdwurd LD. clerk, 44 Sudbury, house at Ar- 
Lag Cant 

| Brooke Ediward H. f Wiedtsworth & Brooks), 155 

Harrison avenue, boards 15 Oxfo 

| Brooks Edward K. 26 High, house at Chelsea 
| Brooks Edward L. clerk, boards 1 Davis court 

Brooks Kiwin A. clerk, $1 North Market, house 706 
Shawinut, ave, [Jnimaica Plata 

3) Myrtle | . | 

Brooks Kugene D. ( Moble Brooks), 106 Fulton, 
board« at Cambridgeport : 

Brooks i, curpenter, boards rear 110 Merrimac 

Brouks EH. at surwoyor's office, City Hall, boards 
at Cumbridge 

Brooks Frances, widow, house 1144 Washington, 

Bruovks Froauces N. (teacher Winthrop street 2 ee 
rv ach vol, D wards 17 Auborno Neg 

Brooks Francis, jawyor, 4) Temple place, house t7 

Hrooks Fruncis A. lawyer, 16 Water house Li 
Boylston [nt Charlestown 

Brooks Frank, bell hanger, 25 Devonshire, lious¢ 

Brooks Frederick, 7 Court square, room &, bourdas 
IND Taviston 

Brooks Frederick C. engineer. house, 166 W. Finth 

Brooks George (Hrooks ¢ Young), leather wid 
fiidings, 6 Lidin, house at Brookline 

Brooks Georg’, bowrdsa 7 Bultinch 

Brooks George B. carpenter, house 200 Saratoga 

Brooks George F. musle tencher, 464 Washiugton, 
howe at Cambridge port 

Brooks George K. clerk, % India, bds. at Brookline 

Brooks George M, lawyer, 5 Tremont, hows ut 

Krook: George PF. apothecary, Dorchester ave, teat 
the bridge, house Wash, no. Kichmouwd, waril 14 

Brooks George W. clerk, Suffolk place, house at 

Egleston square | 

Brooks George W. planomaker, house 42 Adame 

Brooks Gorham, Mrs, licuse 01 Beacon 7 

Brooks Henry, shipwright, house 46 Marion EK, B, 

Brooks Henry, machinist, house 11 Cabot 

Brooks Heury (Curey, Brooks, f Co.), 1 Cornhill, 
house at Newtonville 

Brooks Henry E. watches, clocks, &c. 115 Cam- 
bolder, house South Haswell 

Brooke Henry C. & Co,, Australia packets, 67 Com- 
mercial wharf, boards Tremont House 

Brooks Henry T, fancy guods, 18 West, house at 
All=ton American Howse 

Brooks Herbert F. salesman, 0 Commercial. Dale, 

Brooks Hiram W. commission merchant, 44 Sud- 
bury, house at Cambridge [hots do, 

Brooks Howard W. Mrs, janitrese, Studio building, 

Brooke Hf. N. clerk, 234 Wash. house 74 Harvard 

Brooks Isune H. bourds 201 Dudle’ 

Brooks Juiiiea, frufft. liotee 49 Wall 

Brooks Janes. clerk, wuse 2 Garden street court 

Brooks James BK. axle grease mannfacturer, 4 

Fulton, bowse du, Peal 

Brooks James [. eiock brokers, 44 Seara build, h. 
ft Welllogtan 

Brook» James N. cotton broker, 4 Liberty square, 

—— bomede 41 Dwight 

Brooks James W. trustee McKay Hosting Asaoclae 
tion, 10 Devon=hire, house at Cambridge 

Brooss James W. machliist, hoose 0) Leuox 

Brooks Jub Mra. widow, boards 40 W. Newton 

Brooks John, treasnrer Copper mining companies, 

WW Devonstiire, house we Cumbridge 
Brooke John, opholeterer, 1800 Wash, bi, 41 Regent 
Krouke John, laborer, hogse 3 Creseent court 
Brooks Jolin, trankmaker, honse 27 Prescott place 
Krooks John ¢ Brooke sf dain 00 Utlea, h. dae, 

| 1 Brighton | 

Brooks John, travelllng agent, 4) Washington, ba, 

45 ‘Temple 

Brookes John. tailor, house 227 Federal — 

Krooks John C. «aleaman, 16 North Market. house 
1) Hrooke. EE 

Brookes John C. grocer. 6 Lowell, house do. 

Lead, Zine, Butta, Locks, &c., 20 Dock 



Rrooka John D. F. bookbinder, 20 Washington, h. | Brooks William T. 191 Broad, boarde 2] Tod! 

at Newtonville | 

Brooks Joho F104 State, house at Salom = [Milton 

Brooke Jobn Henry, clerk, 49 Sears building, h. at 

Brooke John H. sallmaker, 50 Commercial, hoarde 

6 Charter 

Brooke John J, plaateror, honse 1188 ‘Tremont 

Brooks John L. pianomaker, 44 Washington 

Brooks John M (Ceshman & Brooks), © Temple 

_ placer, honoree East, corner Highland, ward 16 

Brooks John M. (Campbell dq Brooks), 114 [onler, 
house 4 White, E.R, 

Erooks John W. 50 Beare building, house at Milton 

Brooks Jonathan. farmer, house Adama, tear Ach- 
mont, ward 16 

Brooke Jo¢iah Mason, clerk, 07 State, house at Cam- 
brid per [Staniford 

Brooks J. Milla ( froaka of Falt), 20 Elm, howee 44 

Brooks Kingston Ex, 34 Court equsre (oincy 

Trooke Leonard W. lioskkeeper, 4 Commerce, by. at 

Brooka Levi §. grocer, ©) Meridian. boose 4 ilo. 

Brooke Lloyd H house 1k Charlies 

Brooks Luke. commiasion merchant, 37 Frond 

roots Luther Fo & Co. f Alfred A. Aieir), manuf. 
jewellers, 221 Wash, room 18. house at Med ford 

Brooks Luther 8. clerk, 207 Wash, bonrda 268 Marr. 
ave room 

Trookea Lyman B, hookkeeper, 27 Tlaverhill, house 

at Newton Centre 
Brooks Mark P. ealeéman, 9% North. hi. at Malden 

Brooke Marion W. teacher, Eewrett echool, boards 

Adame, near Richmond, ward 16 
Brooks Martin, laborer, houre 32 Mindoro’ 
Brooks Martin W. bouwee 22 I'hiilips . 
Hrooke Myron D. & Co. shoe-lactug atuda, 88 Han- 
over, houge 196 Weel Canton [Fyleston #q, 
Brooke Nelson T. & Co. dry goods, 18 Ianover, h, 
Brooke Oliver H. house h7 Myrtle 

Brooke Willlame B. treasorer, Dorchester Guallght 
Oo. h. Adame. n. Richmood. ward 14 ~ 
| Brooks Willinmes H. jr. clerk. af gue works, bonride 
Adame. near Tichmond, ward 10 
Brooke Wileon OG. howse 10 Auburn eourt 

| Brooks Wyman, sashmaker, house 5 Chadwick pl. 

Brooke W. Alden, clerk, and kid-glove dyer, 140 
Waehingten, house at Chelara 
Brooke & fall ( flenj. F. frocks aw? J. D. Ball), 
Lowers, 40 State, room 
| Brooks & Cuorreor’S. G. Brooks and C. AH. Cur- 
| rier) jewellera, 108 Dodley 
Brooks & Darling ( Wm. 7. Brooke, George AL P. 
Darling, and WW A. Afartian), hardware, 6 
Dock aquure At, uare 
Ttrooke & Davis, New Tpeplch Repreesa, : Court 
Drooke & Fall (J. A. Arooks ond WW Fall), ree- 
tanrant, 2) Elm 
Drooks & Fowler (Join Arooks and Charles A. Fowe- 
| ler). pattern and model makers, (© then 
Brooks & Leddy (Pafricl Nrooka and Timothy 
| Leddy), tailors, 2 Market 
Brooke & Young (Gro, Rrooks and J. D, Young, 
Jr-J, leather and finditgs, 35 Tridlte 
Brophy Michael, ilnckemith, h. Slulten, ward 16 
Hrophy Potriek, latierer, house 74d Molten 
Brophy Thomas, liquors, wines, Ke,, SU nnd 826 
North), howe 4 Garden-court atroet 
Brophy Willinn, bowrde Shelion, ward 14 
Broehnahas Deotel, ahorer, house Io 
| Broenahan Joho, laborer, house 1 Nowen 
Brosnan John, eallmaker, house 84 Porter 
| Brosnan Samuel, ehipwrieht, howe 9 New, E.B. 
Brostrom Andrew, shoe maker, bla | N. Bennet pl. 
Brostrom Gostive W, farrier, houee 22 La Grange 
Broaze|!] William, tailor, honee M, 11, 105 Pleasant 
| Krotchic Andrew K. clerk, 34. W, Droqadwar. h. do. 


Brooks Orrin J. attendant Lunatic Hoeplwl. East Brotehlo Ann Mra widow. house 34 W. Broadway 

Firet, near M howe 2] Adama 
Brooks latrick ( Hrooks of Leddy), tailor. 2 Market, 
Brookes I'strick, laborer, howee 2 Fellows 
Brooks Peter C. 44 Temple pl h. 89 Mount Vernon 
Brooks Peter C. jr. 7 Court square. room 15, house 

7 opt ieee ley, cor, Newbury 
Brooks Phillips Rey, bda, Hotel Renpton, Derke- 

Brooke Robert, baker, howee 0 Northflold 
Trooke Robert W. boards 2 Beare place 
Brooke Roswell, house 11 mle Sep : 
Brooka KR. A. widow. hose 7 M HL. 14 Indiana 
Brooks Bamuel, 2 Alden, house at Brighton 
Hrooks Shepherd, 7 Coort equare. house WZ Hracon 
Brooks Sidney, deputy U.S. ebipping commissioner, 
130 Commercial, boards Maverick House 
Brooks Sidoey G hat manaf. 47 Hanover, howe at 
_ Natick | [house &1 Qhulney 
Brooks Square G. (frooke @ Currier j, 109 Dudley, 
Brooks Btephen P. plano manufacturer, 65 Budbary, 
house at Somerville h 
Brooke Sylvester M. 15 Congress. hh at Portemouth, 
Brooks Thomas, porter, boards 72 Waltham 
Brooks Thomas, arecieg ta h: 14 Sudbury place 
Brooks Thomas, laborer, hotee Th East Canton 
Brovks Thomas, laborer, honse Pf, cor. E. Second 
Brooks Thomas J. clerk, 89 Broad, bd« 322 Hnegles 
Brooks Walter C. clerk, 6 North boards at Chelsea 
Brooks Walter D. (Noyes, Holmes, yf Co.), 219 
Wueh honae at Milton fat Cambriderport 
Brooks William, Supt. Foreign Dept. P.O, houee 
Brooke William. ahoo maker, 1829 Washington, hi. 
at Jamaica Plain [Joanialen Miain 
Brooks William, saleaman, 24 Cornhill, hoose at 
Brooks William, clerk, house § Emmet place 
Brook= William, machiniat, house 69 Lenox 
Brooks William, hostler, house 89 Enilicott 
Brooks William A. watchmaker, 118 Cambridge, hi 
4 Auburn court vere 
Brooks William A.saloaman, & State. boarle 12 Re- 
Brooke William F. clerk, 150 ‘Tremont, boards 14 
Mount Vernon | | 
Brooks William F. & Co (Chorles 0. Brooks), 
produce, 14 NN. Market bh. 133 Princeton, ET. 
Bronke William G. ( Rrooks f& Darling ).6 Dock aq. 
honee 7? Hancock 
Brooks William G jr cashler Nat. Eagle Bank, 16 
Kilby. honee 52 West Cedar [bridgeprort 
Rrooks William H tonehor, 47 Winter, h. at Cam- 
Brooks Wiihim Mo howse 201 Dudley 
Brook» Wilitum b. Bo & Co. (Leet aud? FP. G, Pal- 
bridge), furniture. 11 and 203 Hanower, 114 
Biackstone and 0 Marshall, house at Cheleea 



ra ete ny.{ BUADFORD & ANTHONY, am 

Brothers Falrhank ¢@. £. and A, 7.4, merchant 
— tallors. 62 School ; 
ftrothera John F, cook, house 40 Spring 
Brothers Joshua, saloon, 192 W. Fourth, houee do. 
~Broneh Janes 3. laborer, house Si Commercial | 
Brongham Michael, glazier, 7 aid § Charlestown, h. 
48 Senecn = 
roucham Wim. T. 41 Washington, bda, at Qoincy 
Broughton Nicholeon, jr. agt, Continental Life Ine. 
Co, 42 Devonshire. house af Jamalea Plain 
Browe Stephen, clerk, 2W Broadway, bis, 24 Dover 
| Brower Heary, cutter. St Bchoo!), b. at Charlestown 
‘Brown Addieon B. clerk. & Bromfield, boards 71 
| Howard [Appleton 
| Brown Adoniram, salesman. 155 Tremont, howe 35 
Brown Albert, real catate, 20 Green. bh. 42 Newbury 
Brown Albert C. bookkeeper, i Commerce, house 
Brown Albert E. ( Woodward, Drawn, & Co.) 27 
South Market, house 17 Darimouth 
Brown Albert G. clerk, 82 State, hb. at Agborndale 
Brown Albert L. (Jirewa, Riley, & Co, ), 2 Con- 
grea. huueo at Chelsea fat Jamaica Plain 
Brown Albert W.( Arown Brothers), 4 School, h. 
Brown Albino, clerk. boards 34 Grenville place 
Hrown Alezander, carpenter, house 14 Paul 
Ltrown Alexander Bi. clerk, 4 Coolidge building, bh, 
60 Myrtle . yet 8 Wellington 
Brown Alexander M. provisions, 2) Wash. market, 
brown Alfred, gasfitter, boards 0 Dover 
Brown Altred, driver, nouse 74 Leverett 
Brown Alfred, house 335 Charch 
Brown Alfred, machinist, house 4 Sumner place 
Brown Alfred A. carpenter, house 49 Leno 
Brown Alfred §.f4.4&..6 J Brown & Co.), 110 
State, house of Jamaica Plain 
Hrown Alico J, Mrs. boards 4 Waltham | 
Brown Allen A. (/. &. and NM. Brown), 174 Federal 
house 117 Borkeley | 
Brown Almira F. bookkeeper, bds.1 Garden-at ct. 
Brown Alone B. 2) Boylston, bide 22 Adame 
Brown Alplieus Kh. (frown if diper) lawyer, 13 
Court equarc, house at Somerville 
Brown Alva WD. S. Brown df Son), 33 Broad, 
Brown Alvan, elork, Hartford n. High, h. $1 Tyler 
Krown Ambrose A. bds. 1 Ashland place 
Brown Awlrew, printer, beds. 17% Bowen 
Brown Andrew J. porter, 342 Waah. h, 22 Adame 
Brown Andrew J. real-estate broker, h. Dainhbridgr, 
| nm. Walnul ave 4 [Charlestown 
| Brown Andrewe A. clerk, 156 Endicott, boamle al 

1T8 Washington Sircet. 
culation ar 74 Ph 1) ‘Boylston st. 


Hrown Ann, widow, h. 43 Stiliman 

Brown Ann, widow, house 20 Cove place 

Brown Annes G. widow, h. 9 Winchester, room 5 
Brown Annie T. Mrs. bh. 15 Sterling 

Erown Anton, carpenter, house 42 W. Fifth 
Brown Antonio, clothing, 400 Hanover, house do. 
Brown Antonio, lahorer, bh. 205 Salem 

Brown Antonio, augar-house, h. 5 Webster ct, 
Brown Arwl, salesman, house 12 Dartniouth- 

sh ork hibald, bookkeeper, SM Border, bds. 9 
Brown re os K.& Co. stationers, 7 Court, bh. 55 
St. Jamca 

Brown Arthur W. (ff. Arown f Sona), 66 Btate, 
bdas, ait W. Roxbury 

Brown Asa, machinist, house 209 W. Broadway 

Brown Ashbel §. engince r bde, 101 Saratou 

Brown Atherton T. (/. J. Qrown if Sone), druggist, 
26 Essex, h. 67 Winthrop, warl 14 

Brown Augusta M. C. widow, h. 8) Revere 

Brown Augustus, ladies' bootmaker, b. 201 Harri- 
son ave, [Salem 

Brown Auguetus, clerk, State Auditor's office, h. at 

Brown Augustus L. 110 Chauncy, h. Howurd, cor. 
Myrtle, ward 16 

Brown A.J. printer, 118 Wash. bids. 178 Bowen 

Brown A. M. laborer, bie. 10 Ashland place 

‘Brown A. 0. conductor, O. C. RT h. at Duxbury 

Brown A. 5.kJ.%& Co. (4. S. and Jacol Brown, 

and IF. O. Henshaw), fruit and produce, 110 

Brown Bartlett Mrs, widow, h. $44 Broadway 
brown Bedford, cook, li. ld Kneeland 
Brown Ben 

brokers, if State, h. at W. Roxbury 
Brown Benj 

Brown Charles D. elothin 
Brown Charles BD. clerk, 
Brown Charlies E. ent 

Brown € sharlen H. 

. & Sons (4. WF. Brown), stock and ex-| Brown Charles K. php 
amin, bootmaker, h, 122 Princeton E.R. | 

Boston [}}] DirecTory. 

| rear Charles A. at Directory office 300 Wash. bia, 

Garden «t. ct. 

| Brown Charles A. colker, house Jeffrice, n. Everett 
Brown pnaei ee A. 

bds. at 


clerk, 47 No. Mark 
Woatertow {= 

Brown Charles A. hairdresser, 7 Croaa, 
Brown Charice A. clerk, 22 Broad, bids. 10 

| Brown Charles D. /./. Pp 
mont, bhowse 56 Pinckn 

REARS S Co), 1 Tre. 


74 W. Sprin eet 

i Hanover, on 63 Prin 

inter, h. T2 Lexi 

Brown Charles E. 40 Hanover, h. ot Mall en 

Brown Charles F. granite cutter, h, 2. 5. Rossel 

Brown Churles Huzen, cotton broker, 23 India, 
house at Somerville 

| Brown Charles Heury, shoemaker, 9 Beach, 

(12) Water, b. City Howl 

Brown Charles H. bookkeeper and notary public, 

Hrown Charlies H. wactor house 60 Sherman 

Brown Charles 1. Mra. house 44 Edinboro’ 

Brown Charice H. machinist, hoards 47 Cotts 
Brown Charlies H. clerk, & Commercial, Eourde at 

clerk, 180 State, h. at Sapa rac ae 
Brown Charles H. ¢ fPilliam Tidd Co.) 14 
howee at Stowehan 
Brown Charles H. teameter, bda. 655 East Seventh 
Brown Charles H. 89 Causeway bia, at Cambridge 
Brown Charles H. ©. bookkeeper, Tremont, cor, 
Court, b. at Cambridgeport 
Brown Charlies L tele on orients, ae. 1 Hancock 
Brown Charles J. 73 | estoy. hi. at ate A 
Weat, h. at Malden 
‘Brown Charlus M. teacher danelng, Chauncey, cor. 
Essex, tiouae 0 Melrose 

Brown Benjarnin f Heury V. Pinkham & Co.), 23T Brown Charles P. clork, 37 Brattle, bds. 64 Leverett 

Washington, h. at Keverl 
Rrown Benjamin, carpenter, 
Brown Benjwnin, cle 
Brown Benjamin Mra. house 11 Layman 
Brown Ben). A. morocenlresaer, bh, 018 Albany 
Brown H. jr. helper, h. 76 Baxter 

rouse 2 Arnold 

Brown Benjamin B. & Co ( Edwin Hale und Wm. T. | Claren don 
-| Brown Churies T. clty surveyor's office, ward 16, h 
Brown Benj. &. manof. Worcestershire sauce, 4 F.|) Brown Charles W. porter 

Aroen), hardware, 1a) Dorchester avenue 

Il. aq. hovee at Winchester 

Brown Be: jumin B. police station 1, h. 42 Webster | 

ee — C. porter, 35 Hanover, bds, Engine 
use No 
Brown Reahumin F. (7. £. Brown if Co.), 167 Milk, 

Brown Benjamin F. carrlage-maker, Bowdoin, See 

Geneva, h. Cottage ave. n. Bowdoin, wil. 

Brown Benjamin F. (Murr, Brown, | Co. . 85 | 
Devonshire, h. 14 Charles 

Brown Benjamin F. ¢ frown Froa.), ROESRAAS 19 
Tremont row, house at Waltham 

Brown Benjamin G. watchman, h, 65 Border 

brown Benjamin F. glazier, house 6 Unity Court 

Brown Boston, waiter, h. 3 Seare place 

Brown Brothers (Nathon S&S. and Frank Bd la 
sions, 262 Harr. ave. and grocories, 194 Tyle 

Brown Brothera fA. 
real estate agent, 10 Tremont row 

Brown Brothers ( Faiein WF. and Albert WF. Brown), 
evlicitors of patents, 46 School, room 8 

Brown Brothers & Co. bankers, 66 State 

irown Hnunkminater, 7 

Brown Byron A. cabinetm 

LM Fulton, office 154 Commercial, bouse at New. | 
ton Cenlre 

Brown Culeb 8. messanger, 
Kank, 30 State, houae at Charlostown 

Grown (Carlin A. on penter, bh. 60 Lenox 

rown Catharine, witow, house rear 28 Phillipa 

oe mth et “oy tow, h of aay 37 Tholton ) 

rown tb Chy Missionary, 1° Congrogution 

House, bourde 14 Mull - 

Hrown Charles, claarmakur, house 4 Sprin 

Hrown Charles, baker, house 2) Glenwy 

rown Charles, laborer, house 40 North 

row Charles, aallmaker, house 2 Everett court 

Brown Charlos, carpenter, bi. Eagle i. Motiamn 

Brown Chariea, tls. New England Wonsy 

Brown Charles, porter, house 475 (ommercal 

rown Charles, janitor, house 3 Phillipa 

Brown Cliarles, boards 42 Leverott 

sight ne age porter, 44 Merchaita row, bda. at. 

Rrown Charles enginerr, Broad, h. at Somerville 


at P.O. at East Somérville 

[house 41 W. Cedar 

| Brown Cyrus W. B. musician, bh. 

Ff Brown), auctioneera and | Brown ©. 8. 

Brown Charly * it. (ironen ff Hayes), and ff. 
son's Son 3 he Jj, 125 Broad, h. at Auburndale 
Brown Churles hyeician, Moss, Homeo, span ee 
tal, 14 Bussong 6 place bust 
Brown Charles I. clerk, S76 Alhany, bda 77 Tre. 
bean’ | pnp 8. (Claré ¢ Brown ), 22 Charles, bie. 

172 Btate 
Brown Charles W. asst. teller, ota Exchange Bank, 
23 State, bde, Cambridg 
dn Charlotte, widow, h. 7 P ase avenue 
Hrown, Chick, & Co. (.fasiah IF. Brown, H. Chick, 
George A. White, and J. WW. Grout), wuckmen, 
26 Chauney 
Brown Christian, shoemaker, 1537 Wash. h. 36 Clif 
Brown Christopher, laborer, house $0 Anderson 
Brown Crawford F. engraver, 173 Washington, h. 
at Somerville Shownmut ave, 
Brown Cortia, merchant tailor, 18 Bohogts h. 
Brown Cyrus Ih. mason, h. 59 Chapm 
6 I Brig ton 

Brown ©, : Mra. willow, dressmaker, Ai We b- 
Brown U. E p» pborogranherss 103 Wiel. hh. at Chelews 
Brown C. F. co pirin th, 65 Plots, h. at Chelees 
rs. dressmaker and agent sewing 
machines, house 26 Meridian 
Brown C, Warren, real-estate agent, 4 School, 
room 6, hoviee ot Balem 
Brown Danforth H. machinist, bde. 34 Orchard 

hysiclan, i Bowdoin, h. do, | Brown Danilol, clerk, bis. 10 Chambers 
aker, bde, 44 Chambers. Brown Danie), laborer, h. 39 Bradford [n. Tremont 
Brown BK. F. & Co. bhiokings and leather dreeeing, | 

Brown Daniel Avetio, clerk, bh. Parker hill avenue 
xed ig C, maser Bowdoin 8 School, boards 25 

Webster National | Brown Danie ae. clerk, house 75 Newland 

Brown Daniel G. saleaman, 306 Hanover, bds. 10 
Char bers 

Brown Daniel HW. watchman, bh, 134 Trenton 

Brown Daniel J. hb. Purker-hill ave. near Tremont 

Brown Dan. M. com. mer. 47 No. Market, house at 
Water wr 

Rrown Daulel M. tinemith, bouse r. 3) Hanover 

Brown Daniel 5. & Son (4. WF. Arown), leaf tobao- 
conlete, 43 Broad 

Lrown David,  sligemsker, bh. 88 Second 

| Brown David, machinist, 15 Albany 
Brown David, harrel-dealer, house 51 Hampden 
Hrown David, mouriner, house 207 Lomdon 
Itrowt David, house 70 Warrenton 
Hrown David, laborer, h. § Southac place 
Brown David B. physlolan, 103 Hudson, house do, 

| Brown magn bookkeeper, 42 Wash. «q. house 256 

Manufacturers, Jobbers and Retailers of 
Hardware, 20 Dock Sq. 

BOSTON [}}] DimEcToRy, 

Brown David F. (Cutler, McLean, ¢ Co.), 107 Btute, 
h. at Fall River 

Brown David H. f Thompson, Brown, & Co.) 25 and 
29 Cornhill, house at W. Medfurd 

Brown David J. carpenter, bds. 65 Indiana place 

Tirown David 8. clerk, 125 Broad, h. at Auburndale 

Lrown David W. H. teamsater, bh. (46 Harrison ave, 

Browi Dennis, laborer, houee 6 Fruit-etreet place 

Brown Dennis, grocer, 102 Warrenton, house 02 do. 

Krown Dora, teacher, Rice ecliool, h. at Stoughton 

Brown, Dorrell, & Co. (7. a4. Brown, Oliver H, Dur- 
rel, and 7. &. Fitz), millinery and small wares, 
105 Chauncey 

Grown LD. Austin, 30 Broad, bids, Parker-bill ave, 

Brown D. Webster, clerk, 6 So, Market, house wt 
Wakefield [near Warren 

Brown Ebon F. carpenter, 001 Albany, li. Tayward, 

Brown Edward, laborer, house 2 Porcelain place 

brown Edward, fish, 25 Long wharf, house Pros- 
pect avenue, wari Tt 

Hrown Edward, lather, boards 621 Harrison ave. 

Hrown Edward, trader, house 125 Warrenton 

rown Edward, agent, boards 6 Indiana place 

Hrown Edward, laborer, house 35 Union court 

Lirown Edward, jr. clerk, 36 Long wharf, bds. Pros- 
pect avenue, ward 16 

Brown Edward A. painter, boards 40 Hradford 

Hrown Edward A. clerk, boards 156 Suroner } 

Lrown Edward A. etonecutter, bls. 2 Su. Rueeell 

Brown Edward 8. clerk, hh. 148 Mt. Pleasant ave. 

Hrown Edward ©. 30 Wash. eq. bourds wt Newton 

Brown Edward F. (Mill ¢ Srown,, 44 Hanover, bh. 
al Salem 

Brown Edward H, clerk, boards 15 Fayotte 

Brown Edward J. f Bemis of Brown), 169 Milk, 
house 60 M{t. Vernon 

Brown Edward J. fancy dry goods, Leverett, cor. 
Green, houee at East Cambridge 

Brown Edward FP. (firown ( Southard) lawyer, 
7 Court sq. h. 2 Wellington 

Brown Edward P. 2 Wash. market, boards 45 
Chester park 

Brown Edward K. architect, city engineer's office, 
City Hall, house Union terrace, Forest [ills 

Trown Edwin, plaapmakes fl4 Washington, bouse 
al Forest Hills 

Browu Edwin, teumeter, house 476 Albany 

Brown Edwin A. fireman, FE. ht. Kh. bh. 154 Bremen 

Brown Edwin G. epring.bed maker, 12 Charlee. 

town, boards at Chelsea [Madison place 

Brown Edwin KR. cabinetmaker, louse & M. H., 

Brown Edwin W. (frown Hrothers), 46 School, 

at Jamaica plain | [18 White, E.8. 

Brown Edwin Y. weigher, 604 Commercial, hotsee 

Brown Elbridge, 38 Portland, bh, at Marblehead 

Brown Elbridge G, business agent “* Journal of Com- 
merece,” 12 School, bds. 404 Wanover 

Brown Eleazer G. orgaumaker, house 4) MeLeoan 

Brown Eleazer G, jr. clerk, boards 355 MeLeonn 

Brown Eli, tailor, 11] Wash. howee 1) E. Canton 

Brown Eliza, widow, house 69 W.. Third 

Brown Eliza, teacher, Dudley Beli, h. 37] Warren 

‘Brown Eliza M. dressmaker, bh. 47 Warren avenue 

Brown Elizabeth, widow, house 477 Dlarrison ave. 

Brown Elizabeth, Mre. boards 37 lrelile 

Brown Elizabeth J. assistunt, Franklin School, bh. 
4 Chandler 

Brown Ellery ©. bookkeeper, 61 Chatham, boarde | 

159 Boylston Lh. 44 Parmenter 
Brown Emilius 8. bookkeeper, 15 BASE ABIES, 
Brown Ephraim, receiver, Howard Fire Ine. Co, 

16 Devonelire, house at Lowell 
Brown Eugene J. salesman, 24 No. Market, boards 

Qainey House Vic 
Brown Eugene LD. moulder, house 183 Chelsea 
Brown Eugene 8. machinist, boards #5 Border 
Brown Exckicl M. carpenter, house ¥ Condor 
Brown E. H. cabinetmaker, 42 Vornhill, house at 

Hyde Pork [inion aves wd. 16 
Brown E. Louise, teacher Gibson School, boards 
Krown Fanny, widow, house 18 Phillips —_ 

Grown Fanny A. dresamaker, house Stk W ohster 

Brown Frances E, Mise, dressmaker, 13 Phillips, 
boards do, ; 

Brown Francis, § Court, bouse $4 Waltham — | 

Brown Francis, baker, 62 W, Canton, lh. 4 Newland 

Brown Francis, laborer, house 2! Davenport 

Lrown Francis Mre. house rear 265 Centre 

Brown Francis B. draghteman, by. 60 ‘Telegraph 

Brown Francis H. Mrs. bds. Union ave. near Bow- 
doin, ward 16 

Focket-lHooks, Bags Do 
Sareca & Authony, 178 

——— — - — —— 

Dressing-( ns 
ments, ules. 


Brown Francis H. phyelclan, house 97 Waltham 

Brown Fraticia.J. cooper, Bb. & A. 1.1. h. LW. Fifth 

Brown Frank, conductor, M. R. I. bds. 6 Lanelng 

Brown Frank, carpenter, house 26 South 

Brown Frank, carpenter, hoards 245 Shawmut ave. 

Brown Frank, boards U7 Somerset 

Brown Fra nk,teamater, boards 62 Hudson 

Brown Frank, clork, boards 07 'T'yler 

Brown Frank, thavhinist, bourde 44 Hudson 

Grown Frank A. (.Wedrihur o Brown), 129 Port- 
land, house at Cheleew | 

Brown Frank Bridve, rea) catate and mer, broker, 
102 Wah. liouse ai Lawn [h. 250 do, 

Brown Frank fi. frown (roa), 252 Morrison ave, 

Brown Frank Fi. elerk, boards 40) Meridian 

Brown Frank Ti. wlerk, 53 Tremont 

Brown Frank C. barber, 4 Northampton, hi. do 

Brown Frank LD. clork, 115 Blackstone, bouse at 
Cum bridge 

Brown Frank E. boards 80 Leverett 

Brown Frank If. carriage manuf. Bowdoin, near 
Geneva, bile. do, wil, 16 

Brown Frank 2. eluctrotyper, boards 2 Wharf 

Brown Frank K. 1] Central whf. hb. ut Lowell 

Brown Frank M. machinist, house 00 Avigler 

Krown Frank N. clerk, 156 Vommercdal, boards at 
Newton Centre 

Brown Frankiln, with (Hoss, Pearce, G Co,) 20 
Avon, bds. 4 Ashburton place | 

Brown Frauklin P. 89 Chauicy, boards 12 Gates 

Brown Fred, boarde 01 Waltham 

Krown Frederic, paiiter, house 28 Burton 

Brown Frederick, house rear 42 Heath 

Brown Frederic 14.8 Co. fi. FL Srown), oila, 167 
Milk, hotjee al Chorlestuwu 

Drown Frederick, driver, liouse 74 Leverett 

Brown Frederick, bookkoeper, 29 Wareham, boarde 
49 Hradford 

Rrown Frederick Mre. 01 Waltham 

Brown Frederick A, 15 Wiuter, house at Newton 

Centre hy 
Brown Frederick D. copperamith, BR. & A. R, Kt. bh. 
25 Curve 

Brown Frederick F. clerk, house 11 Ottawa 

Hrown Frederick G. (J. 4. Erown f Son, 10 Cen- 
tral square, boards 401 Meridian 

Brown Frederick H. clerk, de. 1 Garden-street ct. 

Brown Frederick O, 13 So, Merkot, h. at Lexington 

Brown Frederick Ki. drivor broad wagon, bds. 1554 


Brown Froderick T. jewellor, bda, Jefferson Honse 

Hrown Frederick W. Mosernger, National Bank of 
Republic, 4 Merchants row, bde. ot